Tauren's Tale Reincarnation - Ch. 1: The Hermit

Story by erykart on SoFurry

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#1 of Taurens Tale Reincarnation

This is a re-write of an older piece. Some scenes are different, some have been removed, and some are completely new. I hope that no matter what, whether you are a new reader or revisiting a improved (hopefully) favourite, that you enjoy it. Fun fact: The entire story is now over double its original lenght! What fun. :3

If you would like to see the original, just follow this link: http://sofurry.com/page/14889/

Obligatory Warning: This work of fiction contains scenes of sex between to tauren males, and should not be read by anyone under 18, or someone who is easily offended by such things. All reference to the World of Warcraft, including people, and places are copyright by Blizzard Entertainment.

A gentle breeze blew across the plains of Mulgore that created soft music as it caressed the tall grass and the leaves in the trees. Small waves crested on the sandy shore of Stonebull Lake, near a young Tauren who sat in quiet contemplation. The quiet sounds of nature were the perfect backdrop for the shaman as he meditated on the task before him.

"I only ask, Earthmother, that you grant me your strength and your protection as I go forth to do the tribe's bidding," Ryldar prayed. As he finished, Ryldar stood and hoisted his equipment back onto his shoulders, catching a brief glimpse of his reflection in the shimmering water before him. The white fur that could be seen on his chest beneath his leather tunic contrasted sharply with the black fur that covered most of his body, save for his underside. Two neatly woven braids hung down from his shoulders, adorned with the feathers of a plainstrider. He clasped a leather belt to secure his axe and shield in place before he turned away from the water and began walking towards the eastern mountain range.

Though Mulgore was for the most part a peaceful land teaming with life, it was not without its threats. The gnolls and centaur that had inhabited the land prior to the Tauren settling down continued to harass the various tribes. Outsiders had begun to encroach on the land, such as the dwarves of Ironforge seeking to make a profit off the rich mineral deposits in the surrounding mountains.

"-but there is a threat looming to the east, that if not taken care of immediately it could spell disaster for the outlying tribes," Morin Cloudstalker had said back in Bloodhoof Village. "A small mining operation has begun in the mountains near the Barrens by the so-called Venture Company. They've done everything they can think of to drive us off our land so they can have free reign. They must be dealt with."

"And I'm guessing that's where I come in, right?" Ryldar had asked.

"Yes and no. I want their leader killed, but I'd rather entrust such a task to someone more...experienced. Someone I know who can get the job done." Morin ignored the glare Ryldar had cast his way. "I do need you to send them a warning and to disrupt their mining operations. Head out to the mine in the east and eliminate as many of their miners as you can. If it gets too dangerous, run away. Understood?"

"Hmph." Ryldar was certain he could handle the task himself. He'd prove old Cloudstalker wrong. "Yes, sir!"

The exchange had occurred only a day ago, and time had done little to diminish Ryldar's anger. His hooves crunched louder than normal against the gravel pathway, and he stared at his destination with a great deal of focus and determination. He'd kill the Venture Co. leader without a problem and return a hero. Then Cloudstalker would be forced to apologize, in front of everyone.

Ryldar slammed a fist into his open palm and grinned, "Yeah, it'll be great!"

As the young shaman continued his trek to the mining operation, he had begun to pass by several scattered encampments of Venture Co. workers. The Goblins barked orders to the Ogres they had in their service, the hulking humanoids carrying supplies and doing other menial tasks. Ryldar snuck past the camps and began to ascend the foothills into the mountains proper, where the mine's entrance reportedly lay.

Sure enough, it was there. Only a pair of Ogres stood guard. Ryldar cracked his knuckles, then with a movement of his hands, channeled a lightning bolt in the air before him. The magical energies danced and crackled before he flung it at the nearest Ogre with a wave of his hand. The lightning struck its target, sending a jolt of electricity through the ogre's body. The scent of burnt flesh filled Ryldar's nostrils as he reached over his shoulder to retrieve his axe. The second ogre, like most of his ilk, was none to bright, and instead of raising the alarm, he began looking around frantically for Ryldar. He didn't even notice the spinning axe until after it had become embedded in his skull.

Ryldar strode over and retrieved his weapon. Taking a quick glance around to ensure no one had seen him yet, he ducked into the mine. The smell of dust, the sound of dozens of pick-axes striking rock over and over again, and the dimlight from the lanterns hanging on the walls engulfed him. As Ryldar's eyes came into focus, he spotted a number of shapes, all working on the same wall with their backs turned to the entrance.

Ryldar let out a snort, "This will be easier than stealing from a calf!" He conjured up a small wooden totem that planted itself firmly in the ground. A light orange flickering on the tips of the totem ignited as it spat a fireball in the direction of the miners. At the same time, Ryldar was beginning to cast a spell of his own, launching a lightning bolt of his own. The spells took out two workers, but before Ryldar could begin casting his second one the remaining workers shouted for help.

Damn it.

An armored goblin rounded the corner, clutching a two-handed sword. The guard broke into a ran and charged at Ryldar, shouting, "Don't mess with the Venture Co, cow! Kill him!"

As more guards rounded the corner, Ryldar began fighting against the first one. He easily blocked the sword with his shield, and with a shove he managed to deflect the attack and throw the goblin off balance. The maneuver left the goblin's mid-section open, and Ryldar didn't squander his opportunity. A quick slice across the chest was all it took to down his attacker. Two more guards advanced on Ryldar, stepping past his totem. He grinned, and with a wave of his hands he summoned a circle of flame that emanated out from the totem, incinerating the pair before they could even get within striking distance.

"This is too easy!" Ryldar struck a miner who had decided to turn his pick against the Tauren with a blast of frost, and let out a hearty laugh. "Is this the best you've got-"

Out of the corner of his eyes, Ryldar caught some movement in the shadows. He turned to face his new attacker and just managed to raise his shield as a gnoll lunged at him, baring a pair of daggers. The force from the tackle knocked Ryldar off his hooves and his weapon out of his hand. The gnoll snarled, bringing his daggers around for a second strike.

The twang of a bow strike resounded through the mine as an arrow punctured the gnoll's skull and remained there as he fell over dead with the same snarl on his face. Several more arrows flew overhead and found their homes in the bodies of more Venture Co. workers.

"Fall back. Fall back! We need reinforcements!" a goblin taskmaster shouted over the screams of the dying.

"Get up kid, let's leave before they come back."

Ryldar turned and looked up at his savior. A Tauren clothed in leather armor that looked to be many years his elder stood before him. He was covered in black fur that was darker than a starless sky, with patches of grey here and there. A braid hung from his chin that swayed as he moved his head. A pair of swords were strapped to his belt and a quiver over his shoulder.

"O-ok..." Ryldar rushed to retrieve his axe before he left the mine with the older Tauren. As they left the mine, the Tauren let out a shrill whistle. After a few seconds, a kodo sauntered over to the pair. The Tauren climbed on first, then offered a hand to Ryldar to help him onto the back of the mount.

"Hold on," the Tauren warned. "HYAH!" He snapped the reins and give a light kick to the kodo's sides, setting the beast in motion.

"Whoa!" Ryldar nearly fell backwards from the sudden acceleration, but managed to grab hold of the Tauren in front of him and hold on as they sped off. As he held on with his arms wrapped around the older Tauren, Ryldar could feel his face getting warmer and his pulse quickening...

* * * * *

Ryldar and the older Tauren had been riding in silence for some time, past the Venture Co encampments and along Stonebull Lake before they stopped to rest for the night. The sun had begun to set and the pair had mutually agreed to set up camp for the night along the lake's shore. They dismounted from the kodo, and with a light smack on the rump from the Tauren, the beast wandered off to find a meal.

"Thanks for saving me earlier...I guess I was being a bit too cocky," Ryldar said. His paw idly scratched the back of his neck and he dug into the ground with the tip of his hoof.

"Yes, you were. You're lucky I saw you heading towards the mine, otherwise you wouldn't have survived," the Tauren said. When Ryldar lowered his head, he added, "But I suppose I was like that when I was your age, so just think of it as a learning experience. But don't do it again!"

Ryldar's mood brightened a bit when he heard the Tauren's words. "Uh, ok, sure!" Ryldar held out his paw, "Um, my name is Ryldar. Thank you again for saving me."

"I'm Tainer." Tainer took Ryldar's paw in his own.

He's got a good grip, Ryldar thought.

After just over an hour the sun finally dipped below the mountains and the only thing to light their camp as a small fire Ryldar had started using his magic. Tainer shared some of his hunting experiences after a bit of coercion from Ryldar.

"I was hunting demons for some time during the war. Ever seen a felhound?" Tained asked, but Ryldar shook his head. "Nasty things, larger than a wolf and with a mean pair of tentacles coming off their shoulders. The things can drain a Tauren dry in seconds if they get a chance to latch onto you."

"Wow, and you fought those things? I don't think I could ever face something like that." Ryldar said.

"You never know until you have to face it. I didn't think so either, but I held my own and lived to tell the tale."

They continued on for a bit, until Tainer brought one of his stories to a close and said, "I think it's about time we got some sleep. I'm sure you'd like to be back in Bloodhoof sooner rather than later. But I'm not taking you right into the camp, you can walk the remainder of the way in."

"Yeah, I suppose..." Ryldar said. He looked up at Tainer and asked, "How come you live out on the plains anyways? Don't you like it now that the Tauren have settled down?"

"I do, but I don't like the settlements. Too many people, and too many ignorant children who don't know where they've come from. Present company excluded, of course." Tainer said with a slight smile.

"T-thanks..." Ryldar blushed beneath his fur. He stretched out a bit and yawned. As he turned back towards Tainer, he saw that the hunter had begun removing his tunic and leggings, leaving only a small loincloth on. Ryldar could feel his cock beginning to stir.

Tainer turned to face Ryldar after setting his clothing aside and noticed the younger Tauren had been staring at him a few seconds too long. "Is something wrong?"

Shit! Ryldar shook his head furiously and turned away, distracting himself by removing his own tunic and trying to think of something else.

"You were watching me, weren't you?" Tainer said.

"N-no! I wasn't!" Ryldar replied, shaking his head again.

"You're a terrible liar. I know what you're thinking. I could feel your pulse while we rode on my kodo. I can smell you now, too." Tainer inspected Ryldar carefully, "And I believe I can see you're pitching a tent down there." He pointed to Ryldar's crotch.

"I-I'm so s-sorry! I didn't mean to..." Ryldar said, stuttering and backing away.

Tainer stepped forward as Ryldar backed himself into a tree trunk. Kneeling down, Tainer reached out for Ryldar. The young shaman flinched away from his out-stretched hand.

"Please, d-don't..."

The hit never came. Instead, Tainer gently cupped Ryldar's cheek and turned him around to face him. The older Tauren leaned forward and pressed his lips to Ryldar's. His eyes shot open at first, but slowly Ryldar relaxed and submitted to Tainer. A paw tweaked one of Ryldar's nipples as Tainer's tongue begged for entry into his mouth. Ryldar moaned into Tainer's mouth as he let his tongue in. Ryldar could taste him now as their tongues danced together. Slight moans escape both their lips as they shared their kiss. Ryldar reached around and placed a paw on Tainer's backside, lightly pushing and urging the older bull to come closer. Tainer thrust forward, pressing their members together and forcing a groan from both of them. Ryldar clung to Tainer, wrapping both his hands around the hunter with one paw grabbing at his ass.

They lay together, kissing, thrusting, moaning, writhing, basking in the warmth and company they afforded each other. Tainer was the one to break the kiss however, and he panted with exhaustion as he sat up momentarily. Ryldar was breathless, his leggings tented painfully with a large wet spot at the tip.

"W...wow..." Ryldar managed to say between gasps for breath.

"I left Bloodhoof for other reasons, but I think you know what those are now," Tainer said. He pulled the shaman in for a second, although much more brief, kiss. He cupped Ryldar's cock with his hand, eliciting a moan from the shaman. Leaning forward a bit, Tainer uttered, "Let's get a little more comfortable..."

Easing Ryldar gently onto the grass, Tainer tugged on the leggings and removed them, leaving only a small loincloth that barely covered Ryldar's erect cock. The shaman's pulse quickened, his anticipation mounting, as Tainer removed both their loincloths, leaving them both exposed to each other. Tainers ebony cock was slightly curved upwards towards his stomach, and a pair of large orbs in a velvety sack hung below it. Ryldar's own member was leaking, the drops of pre cascading down the head. It caught the light from the fire, making Ryldar's cock glisten and giving it a welcoming aura.

Tainer came down on Ryldar and began another deep kiss, with one hand behind Ryldar's head. They thrust against each other, grinding their cocks together, eliciting a series of moans and gasps from both Tauren. Tainer stopped kissing him, and Ryldar whimpered, longing for more. The hunter slid down Ryldar's body ever so slightly, teasing Ryldar's cock with the slightest contact from his stomach as he moved. Tainer began to nibble and lick at one of Ryldar's nipples, and reached down with a hand to stroke his cock. Ryldar moaned and arched his back. He'd never felt the touch of another on his person, and it felt greater than anything the shaman could've imagined. Tainer ceased his ministrations and continued to move down until he was face to face with Ryldar's cock.

Tainer shot his tongue out, licking the underside of the member starting from the bottom and working his way to the top, gathering up every ounce of pre he could and savouring the taste of it. The hot breath from Tainer's mouth felt ice cold against Ryldar's cock and it sent shivers up his body. He swirled his tongue around the head. Ryldar's breath hitched. Tainer took the tip into his mouth and gave it a tentative suckle before pulling off.

"You taste even better than you smell." Tainer dove back onto Ryldar's cock with renewed vigor, taking it fully into his mouth while running his tongue along the underside of the head.

"Gods!" Ryldar let out a gasp, and his hands idly clutched at the ground beneath him, tearing up dirt and grass. "That feels so good!"

Tainer continued to bob his head up and down, taking the full length in every time. His nose buried itself in Ryldar's fur each time, and he kept a firm seal around the cock with his lips. As he picked up speed, Ryldar began to thrust upwards into Tainer's mouth in sync with his movements, hilting himself every time Tainer came down. Each time the hunter moved up, he would run his tongue along the tip of the cock, swirl it around slightly, then dive back down. Every motion caused Ryldar to moan and spit nonsensical words as Tainer sucked him off.

"Oh..oh gods..." Ryldar said. He panted and moaned, squirming on the ground and continued to thrust into Tainer's throat. "I'm not going...I'm not going to last long!"

Ryldar's cock was assaulted with even greater speed as Tainer sucked harder, determined to make the young shaman shoot his load and to milk him for everything he was worth. Ryldar gasped and sputtered. He tried to warn him that he was going to cum, and to tell him to stop. He wanted to enjoy this feeling, never wanted it to end. Tainer was putting his experience to use and it was giving Ryldar the time of his life, and he knew it. But the old hunter never stopped for even a second. His head bobbed faster, he sucked harder, and he began to cup Ryldar's balls with a free hand. All of it driving Ryldar closer and closer to the point of no return and beyond.

"P-please...I don't want to...I...I'm gonna cum!" Ryldar finally managed to say, thrusting erratically into Tainer's mouth. His eyes shut tight, and his exhales turned only into a single long, soulful moan. He reached over on instinct, placing a paw firmly on the back of Tainer's head and thrust upwards one final time before exploding inside his partner's mouth. Tainer was more than happy to take every drop of cum and taste it before he swallowed.

After shooting his load, Ryldar fell down to the ground, trying to catch his breath. Tainer pulled up off Ryldar's cock, the action causing him to squirm uncomfortably as Tainer touched his sensitive member. He leaned forward and kissed Ryldar, the young shaman tasting himself on Tainer's breath.

Tainer came up slightly and began to stroke his own cock. "Have you ever been mounted?" Tainer asked. He rubbed his precum along the entire length of his cock, coating it in the slick substance.

"N-no," Ryldar said.

"Then we'll take it slow..." Tainer lifted both of Ryldar's legs onto his shoulders, holding his cock in one hand and bracing himself with the other. He guided his cock into position, pressing it lightly against the shaman's tail hole.

As Ryldar felt the tip of Tainer's cock, he said, "Wait! I'm not sure if I can take someone as big as you!"

Tainer placed a finger to Ryldar's lips. "Shh, just relax. The first time always hurts, but trust me, you'll end up enjoying it."

Tainer pushed forward, and Ryldar was again reminded of the girth of the hunter's cock. He cringed and shut his eyes tight, focusing, trying anything to get himself to relax. Tainer tussled Ryldar's stomach fur, and did his best to sooth him and urge him onwards. Ryldar groaned and whined as the tip of the cock finally popped in.

Tainer moaned. "I haven't had someone this tight in years..." He continued to push forward, stopping a moment every few inches to ensure Ryldar was ok and to see if he was ready to continue.

About over halfway in, Ryldar could feel the cock brush against something. It sent a jolt through his body, and his eyes popped open. His tail thrashed on the ground and his cock jumped, coming to life again. As the cock continued to slide into him, the pleasure from that spot began to overwhelm the pain of being stretched open. Once Tainer was hilted inside Ryldar, he asked if he was ready.

"Yes...But please, go slow."

Tainer began to pull back out, leaving only his head inside before he drove his cock back in. Each time he entered Ryldar, it became easier and less painful as the younger Tauren got used to the intrusion. Tainer bent forward, still thrusting, still moaning, until he placed his lips against Ryldar's. The older bull's stomach began to rub ever so slightly against Ryldar's cock with each thrust, teasing him and making him ache for more. The hunter pulled up, placing both his paws on the ground on either side of Ryldar's head to prop himself up.

"C-come on...fuck me harder..." Ryldar begged. "Faster!"

Licking his lips, Tainer was more than happy to oblige. Lust and instinct took over, and he quickly began to speed up, slamming his cock into Ryldar with as much vigor as he could muster. Ryldar shut his eyes tight and groaned each time Tainer hilted himself. The shaman continued shouting to be fucked harder, egging Tainer on. His balls slapped against the underside of Ryldar's ass. He was relentless. Ryldar lowered his legs off of Tainer's shoulders and wrapped them around his waist, using them to pull himself closer to Tainer each time he thrusted forward. Each movement sent jolts of pleasure coursing through his body, each heavy thrust causing Ryldar to involuntarily clench down on Tainer's member.

"Keep doing that," Tainer panted, "and I won't last long...."

Ryldar pulled the older bull down and they shared a brief kiss again, before Tainer moved his head to the side and buried his nose in Ryldar's neck. He gasped and panted, his hot breath lightly tickling Ryldar's skin beneath his fur. Ryldar was in another state of being. He let out a series of short moans, knowing that he was getting close to cumming. Tainer's own breathing had become more erratic, and he stood back up, placing both paws on Ryldar's hips. Gripping hard at his waist, Tained growled and thrust as hard as he could.

"Almost..." he said. Ryldar urged him on, begging to be filled by the older bull's seed. "I-I'm almost there... Just a bit more," he assured Ryldar. His cock pulsed and throbbed inside the shaman. Slamming one paw down on the ground to hold himself up and moved his other paw to Ryldar's own member, he gripped it hard and began stroking it as fast as he could. Tainer gave no warning that he was about to cum. He let out a roar that echoed across the plains as he emptied his load into Ryldar's ass. He continued to pump the shaman's cock as he fired jets of cum into the eager hole, coating his insides. Ryldar could feel every single drop being emptied into him. He let out a moan, shooting his own cum across his chest and stomach, and even managing to shoot over his head onto the ground behind him.

Tainer collapsed on top of the cum-soaked Tauren beneath him, his cock still burried within Ryldar. His seed slowly seeped out around his member, and coated the ground beneath them. They shared a long, passionate kiss as they hugged there on the ground, next to the dying fire.

"Gods...that was amazing," Ryldar said. He gently stroked Tainer's back as they lay there in each other's warm embrace. The older Tauren rested his head on Ryldar's shoulder, and soon enough, he was snoring and fast asleep. Ryldar smiled, giving Tainer one last tight hug before he too slipped into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.