Welcome Home

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#36 of One Shots

First piece in a while, hope you enjoy it. Soldier comes home from deployment to a loving husband.

Sex and love with the obligatory murr.

Let me know what you think? <3

The house was nearly perfect. It didn't get that way on its own though, Trey had spent the better part of the weekend tidying up. He wanted his mate's return to be special even if that meant just cleaning up. Some furs would expect a welcome home party, maybe some type of BBQ or other celebration but not Trey's mate. Peace and quiet, a warm meal and night in bed were all Dillon cared about.

It was almost time to leave now and Trey washed his paws after taking out the last of the trash from his cleaning. He shook them in the sink and brushed back some stray hairs that were sticking up on his head. They folded down for the moment and the brown wolf looked in the full size mirror by the front door to make sure he looked acceptable. He sighed as he imagined the day Dillon left over a year ago when they posed in front of the same mirror. He turned to grab a button up shirt and vest he had set out on a high chair earlier. He buttoned his shirt slowly, making sure not to skip a hole like some nervous teenager getting ready for prom. The vest came next, it was light blue to contrast with his brown fur and he hoped it would make him stand out amidst the rest of the families picking up their loved ones. Plus it was one of his favorites.

A song started blaring from his phone, it was his alarm to get going. Trey grabbed his keys and opened the front door. His brown tail brushed back and forth behind him as he walked down the driveway. In front of him at the end of his walk was Dillon's other baby, a lifted, blacked out truck. It beeped and Trey pulled the heavy door open. He wasn't short but he still needed to use the running boards and held onto the steering wheel to pull himself in. With the door closed the wolf got himself comfortable and the started the engine. It was quiet just sitting there but the slightest tap of gas made it rumble. He checked around a few times before driving away, the last thing he wanted was to hit something on the last day he'd be driving it.

The drive was pleasant and Trey had a subtle smile on his muzzle the whole way. He was happy about a number of things, one of which was not having to drive this behemoth around anymore. He followed the signs as he got closer to the military base, sticking behind the line of cars that were headed the same place he was. They were having the return ceremony in front of the base reception building so there was plenty of parking. It was a weekend too thank goodness so traffic was limited to those there for a reason. Trey parked in an emptier isle in the lot and hopped out, his foot landing well over the white line he had tried his best to park inside of.

He made his way towards the gathering of furs and mingled with some of the others he had met at unit gatherings. A lot of the families leaned on each other for support while their spouses were away. Trey was no different, it was lonely at home and he didn't have children like some of the other spouses to keep him busy. He passed the last year by looking forward to bowling events, book club meetings and attending support groups. There was drama too to keep entertained, he knew of at least three other spouses that had been around to put it nicely. They were all eventually corralled onto the sidewalk though as some buses became visible in the distance.

Trey was struggling to keep off his toes as the buses went by, there were only two and he was trying to match the shadowy figures in the windows to the one he knew. The buses passed by and stopped at the edge of the parking lot to unload painfully slow. Each fur stepped off the bus with heavy feet and all of their gear strapped to their front and back. The families watched, Trey held his paws together in front of him in anticipation. He wasn't bothered by the bushy raccoon tail that kept brushing against him or the crying pups and kittens nearby. The Soldiers were eventually all off the bus and gathered into lines in a military fashion to be addressed one last time. As he stood up on his tip toes Trey got a better look and his heart skipped when he saw his champion at the back. Dillon looked exhausted, but the husky's demeanor was still tight and disciplined as he waited to be released, his black tail motionless behind him.

Some of the others though could barely keep their military bearing, those in the front had a clear view of their families and had most likely tuned out the speech being given. The occasional tail flick, lick of the lips or paw twitch ate away at their best efforts to remain still. This part seemed the longest, a year away felt like nothing when this close to home and held back until finally a voice yelled. The lines broke on both sides as families rushed forward to reunite. Trey didn't stand a chance at pushing through them all but he knew his mate was waiting for him. He jogged around the large group that had collected and found Dillon right where he had been during the speech, he hadn't moved an inch. His shoulders were slumped as the husky was finally able to relax for the first time in months. Trey held his tongue as he approached, his jog turning to a brisk walk as he tried to hide just how excited he was. Dillon dropped the bag he had carried against his chest and opened his arms for the most anticipated hug of the year.

Trey met the husky's open arms and let himself melt for just a moment. "I can't believe you didn't charge into the crowd looking for me", Trey teased. He felt some pecks on the side of his cheek followed by strong arms wrapping around his lower back.

"I figured you would find me quicker if I stayed put, your dad was a bloodhound after all." Dillon smiled and nipped at his mate's muzzle, moving around and not giving him a chance to lock lips. Trey got tired of that quickly and had to bring his paws up to hold the husky still.

"Would you quit squirming?" Trey half-barked before he pressed his lips into the husky's black muzzle. Dillon smiled through their kiss and savored the first of many he expected to get.

"What was it you said when I left? If it's not hard it's not worth fighting for?" the husky said between playful love nips.

"Remember the last time you tried to use my own words against me?" Trey smiled mischievously and ended his hug, pulling away and turning around. He held Dillon's paw and turned his head to look back as he started leading him away. The husky almost forgot to grab the bag he set down as his heart raced over some of their previous exploits.

Some of the families were mingling and catching up but Trey knew Dillon wasn't interested in that. The wolf guided his husky back to the truck with his brown and black tail swaying happily the whole way for Dillon to see.

"Ah jeez, I thought I taught you how to park!" Dillon threw his head back at the sight of his prized possession haphazardly parked across lines.

"I didn't hit anything at least." Trey shrugged and pulled out the keys to hand them over. The camouflage bags carried by Dillon were tossed in to the bed without much care and he waved his paw as Trey waited for him.

"Can't drive, we've got a cooling off period." he said sternly, his desire to drive stifled by orders.

"Since when do you follow all the rules?" Trey closed his paw around the keys and tossed them to Dillon who was still at the back of the truck. The husky caught them and swung his arm back, returning them to Trey like it was some short game of hot potato.

"Since I got these stripes, I have to be an example now." Dillon patted his chest, Trey noticed there was one more stripe than before. He remembered Dillon telling him he got promoted but they couldn't really celebrate together. Trey nodded and craned his head towards the truck to signal Dillon in. The husky climbed in first and with a finesse that Trey would never master.


"What?" Trey responded as he pulled himself in and shut the door.

"Didn't I tell you not to use the steering wheel to pull yourself up? Use the handles or the door." the husky fiddled with the handle above his head by the door. Trey shrugged while giving a cheesy smile, knowing he wouldn't get in trouble. The truck started and they headed off in silence; Trey wasn't sure how to break it. He was getting a strange feeling now that Dillon was back, all the conversations he imagined having didn't seem to fit. Should he just carry on talking like Dillon hadn't been gone for a year? The husky sat quietly, his cap ended up on the dash and he just seemed to melt into the foreign comfort of the leather seat. Trey looked over and noticed the dog's ears perking whenever his foot paw stayed on the gas too long.

"Sounds good." Dillon spoke, it was the only thing he could think to say.

"Did you get to drive anything over there?" Trey asked, trying to avoid returning to silence.

"I moved trucks around but I don't get to drive as much anymore." Dillon's paw tapped softly on the doors armrest.

"Ah, well other than not driving how was it?" the wolf had no idea what deployment was like, they had emailed and chatted when they could but Dillon didn't share much aside from small talk. The husky took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, his big chest puffing out and deflating.

"It could have been worse."

"That bad huh?"

"Well I'm alive, we lost one guy... so overall it wasn't that bad."

"Smith right? I felt so bad for Sharon. Some of the other spouses in the book club have been doing so much for her."

"And how'd you take it?" Dillon asked, his head turned to the driver and placed his left paw on the wolf's leg, both of Dillon's sharp white ears were pointed at the driver.

"I tried to avoid her, not think about it mostly..." Trey swallowed. Dillon's paw rubbed his leg gently and squeezed him.

"I knew it would upset you, but it's just what happens. You know?"

"I never even tried to comfort her, every time I saw her I pictured you and I got nervous and went the other way.." the wolf paused to swallow the lump in his throat and he was white knuckling the steering wheel "that doesn't make me a bad person does it?" Trey kept his focus on the road, finding that easier than looking over.

"What do you think?" the husky said as he pulled his paw back and let his arm rest on the center console. He was no longer leaning over and sat upright in his seat. Trey took a deep breath and exhaled softly.



"No, it doesn't make me a bad person."

"Everyone has a different way of dealing with it." Dillon's paw came across Trey's midsection and pressed him back into his seat, forcing him to sit up straight. "In..." the husky said softly as Trey's muzzle opened and he sucked in air. "Out..." he said softer a few moments later as his paw moved upwards across the exhaling wolf. The paw patted Trey's chest before retracting, leaving him upright and level headed. Trey tilted his head left and right as his paws relaxed on the steering wheel, sliding to 9 and 3. Dillon was always Trey's rock. The rest of the ride was silent but the wolf had a smile on his lips. He got emotional sometimes but Dillon knew how to calm him and project his confidence.

The trip wasn't much longer and soon they pulled up to their home and the keys were fished from the ignition. Trey handed the keys to Dillon who stuffed them into one of the pockets on his uniform. Trey offered to grab one of the bags in the back but Dillon refused, slinging the heavy bags over his shoulder with a thud. The husky headed up the driveway towards the door with big strides, leaving Trey to jog around the truck to catch up. Dillon got to the door and paused, craning his head upwards and rolling his shoulders.

"You remember the code don't you?" Trey chuckled. Dillon waited a few more seconds before tapping the keypad on the door. A delightful chirping signaled that he had remembered.

"Like I could ever forget your birthday." Dillon pushed down on the door handle and let the heavy door slide open and the air conditioning wash over him. He stepped in and looked around before going into the living room and setting his things down. Trey followed, shutting the door and turning to see Dillon already making a mess of things. One bag had been dropped by the kitchen counter and another had fallen off by the large L shaped couch which the husky was quickly sinking into.

"Want me to get your boots?" Trey said as he padded over.

"Please do." Dillon smiled, holding his legs out in the air and whapping his bushy tail against the back of the couch. Trey carefully got on his knees and tucked his tail to the side of his legs. He held out his paw and Dillon's right boot dropped into it. The thing was disgusting, caked with dirt from a year in the desert. The laces came out unwillingly and Trey's paws were becoming dirtier than he'd like them to ever be. Dillon could tell too, he watched his love labor for him, keeping track of each time his eyebrows moved or his lips tightened. The darn thing finally came off and Trey placed it as far away as he could.

"Don't worry, I hate them too." Dillon chuckled. "I'm sick of wearing the damn things." Trey went to work on the second one, happy to help out. He nodded to Dillon's comments, well aware of his distaste for anything that made his feet bigger. The dog was clumsy enough without the bulky boots. With a happy groan the second one came off and the husky wiggled his foot paws for Trey.

"I know, I'll get them." Trey peeled the socks off and tucked the stinky rags into the boots where they would be more at home. Dillon nearly cried when his paw pads touched the soft carpet of their living room. His toes wiggled around and Trey simply smiled and leaned forward, wresting his arms and head on Dillon's knees.

"You have no idea how good this feels."

"Uh huh." Trey giggled. Dillon's ability to relish in the little things was one his cutest traits. The husky closed his eyes for another few minutes, just enjoying the soft, cool carpet.

"I think you should shower." Trey finally interrupted. Dillon looked down like he was egregiously offended. "What? You've been traveling for 18 hours right? It shows. Or rather smells." he waved his paw in front of his muzzle and giggled as the husky pushed him off to stand up.

It sounded like a fantastic idea though. A nice personal shower was another one of those luxuries Dillon missed. He made his way to the shower looking around their home, everything seemed just as it had when he left. Not even a lamp was out of place. Trey followed him on his way, picking up the husky's tail and holding it as they walked. His paws combed through it and tried to make it look nice.

"You'll get to wash it don't worry." Dillon reassured his follower and grabbed his favorite towel from the cupboard in the bathroom, placing it on a rack by the shower. Trey reached his arm into the large shower and adjusted the water temperature to get it ready. He closed the glass door as the water started to splash against the bench inside and saw Dillon checking himself out in the mirror above the sink.

"Really?" Trey said as he came up behind the husky and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Hush, you get to look at me way more than I do." he smiled and turned his head, trying to catch the wolf muzzle that kept poking over his shoulder. The husky finally spun around when he had enough. Trey clung to him and the husky barked while inside the wolf's arms. Dillon could have broken free if he wanted but he let Trey push him against the granite counter behind him. Their muzzle hovered inches apart before Trey leaned in for a soft kiss, just enough to wet Dillon's lips before pulling away.

"You look good hun, you didn't have to dress up for me." Dillon said, complementing the wolf's outfit.

"I wanted to look good for you." Trey smiled, his tail hugging his leg behind him.

"You always look good" Dillon put on his cheesiest smile and Trey just started undoing his uniform top. "What's the rush?" Dillon said with a cocky grin.

"I guess I could slow down... I just figured you'd wanted to fuck me as soon as you got back." Trey's paw brushed down the husky's uniform until it cupped the bulge in his pants. He giggled, knowing his kiss had the desired effect. But Dillon leaned forward so he could tell the wolf a secret.

"I've had that since the parking lot." he whispered and leaned back against the counter.

"And you made me wait this long to take care of it?" Trey's paw undid the husky's belt and zipper, slipping inside his pants to get a better grip on the thickening dog bone.

"Couldn't have you bent over in the parking lot now could I?"

"Well..." Dillon put his paw over the wolf's muzzle to stop him from finishing. Trey only licked his paw in response, his other paw squeezing the husky's already full knot through his briefs. The dog could only growl lustfully and pull his paw away from the wolf's muzzle before it became drenched from the licking. Their eyes locked as the room slowly began to fill with steam from the unattended shower. Trey finally looked away when it got cloudy enough and turned around to turn off the shower. He shook the water from his paw and before he could even close the door he felt Dillon's paws around his waist and fumbling for his belt. Trey's paws helped and his pants quickly fell to his knees. His boxers followed and not a second after the husky was up against him, his thick shaft nestled between the wolf's soft cheeks.

Trey was taken by surprise, he expected to at least make it to the bedroom but Dillon had other plans, the cock pressing against him was wet and slick with lube. In the time it had taken him to turn off the shower the husky had grabbed the bottle by the sink. Before he knew the wolf was on his knees, his lower half on the bath rug while his upper half was pressed against the cold floor. He could feel his mate's powerful body positioning behind him, the only sound in the room coming from a drip in the shower and the husky's uniform rustling. Dillon could care less about taking it off though, his cock was free from his uniform and that's all he needed. He pressed it against his lover's hole and used his paws to hold Trey's cheeks apart. The wolf held his rear up and propped himself up on his elbows, the pants around his ankles restricting his movement. He bit his lip as he felt that hard length press into him and it was a relief when he felt Dillon slowly drill his cock forward, using his powerful hips to easily push into wolf's hole.

It had been a while but Trey had kept himself loose enough with toys, it wasn't the same but it did the job. He wasn't in pain and he didn't have to stop Dillon, the husky was free to use him. His mate's strong paw now pressed into his lower back to keep him down and balance the husky. Dillon's hips were picking up speed as he got in a steady rhythm. Trey stopped trying to hold his head off the floor and submitted to his breeding, his muzzle rested against the cool tile as his rear was warmed by the powerful thrusting. The wolf had been waiting for this ever since Dillon left, he had pawed to the memory of their last night together and now he was finally being filled again. His wolf cock was pressed firmly into the bath rug and his body rocked against it, Trey had to place his paws against the shower base to keep from being pushed forward.

Before long Dillon was panting, he was leaning over his wolf and fucking him like he had imagined doing for months in his hot, dark tent. It was better than he imagined, Trey gripped him at just the right times, tempting him to push forward and never pull out. His paw in Trey's lower back was wrinkling the wolf's vest, something he knew the wolf hated. He grinned at the thought of anyone else ruining the wolf's clothes, knowing he'd probably flip. But with him Trey didn't care. The husky had ruined countless outfits with no punishment and he dug his claws into the vest, tearing it, knowing the wolf would feel it in his backside and knowing he wouldn't protest with the husky's knot making him whole. Dillon grunted loudly as he felt his cock throb, he knew he wouldn't last on his first fuck but didn't expect it to be this fast. His other paw gripped the wolf's hip firmly and he used gravity to force his knot into his lover, eliciting a moan ripe with pleasure and pain. The husky's heavy hips forced Trey to the ground and with a final thrust Dillon entered a euphoric state, his body tensing with each pulse of cum that flooded into his sweet wolf.

Trey gasped as he was forced down while the husky dominated him. He felt the warmth he missed so much fill him and a lazy smile swept across his muzzle. He could hear Dillon panting above him, his body making small movements but there was no way Trey could move until the husky was finished. The weight shifted behind him and he felt Dillon lay atop him to nip at his neck and ear. He murred loud enough for his husky to hear and waited patiently, flexing his rear to tease the knot inside him. Dillon finally whispered into his ear when he came down from his high.

"I love you Trey." he said sincerely. Trey just sighed and rolled his eyes.

"You ruined my vest didn't you?"

"You shouldn't have worn something so cute." Trey scoffed at that and Dillon just chuckled as he carefully lifted his weight off the wolf's back, rolling to the side while pulling Trey with him. It was much easier on the wolf to be out from under the bigger dog as they waited for his knot to shrink. Dillon continued to roll though until he was on his back and the wolf was on top of him facing the ceiling. Dillon's paws rubbed the wolf's tummy gently as they rested together. His other paw went further down to grip the wolf's untouched member. Trey let out a soft sigh, the husky's shaft was pressing into him just right the way as they laid together. Dillon began suckling gently on Trey's neck, enjoying the slight whimpers he would make as he was pawed. Trey placed his paws on the husky's hips and he tried to hold on as the dog's paw formed a ring to press over his knot.

"Don't tease me.." Trey begged, his claws gently holding the husky.

"I won't hun, but I am going to make sure you ruin the front of your vest." Dillon grinned as he angled the wolf's cock upwards toward his chest. Trey whimpered, knowing that he wouldn't have much of a choice. Each time his knot slipped through the husky's paw the grip got tighter, it wasn't long before instincts were forcing his hips upward to push through. Dillon raised his hips with the wolf's keeping his cock firmly inside Trey and help him push through his tight grip. The husky's free arm wrapped around Trey's chest to keep him steady and he could feel the wolf's rapid heartbeat. Trey's head laid back and he moaned like a bitch in heat, the husky let the wolf's knot slip through his grip one last time and Trey's body shook gently. Dillon simply held his mate's knot and let nature take its course. Trey was powerless and could only ride out his orgasm as white jets shot up his chest and stomach. Dillon wished he could see it but had to settle with holding the wolf's pulsing cock. His grip eased off as the excitement died down and the dribbles of cum had covered his paw. He let Trey's member go and tilted his head to the side so he could clean his paw as the wolf slowly recovered.

With his paw clean Dillon finally began to feel his knot shrinking, he rolled to his side and carefully pulled free from Trey. The wolf rolled onto his front and groaned, feeling the wet vest pressing into him.

"Oh hush, I'll buy you a new one."

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