How i went from straight A student to Strait A slut. CH:2" How i ended up having sex with my brother"

Story by Deathsia on SoFurry

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#2 of How i went from straight A student to Strait A slut...


Ericka got home from school and went to her room without a word to anyone,took out her diary, and began to write into it.

Dear Diary,

Well I lost my virginity like I told you I would, but then I found out Jacob was cheating on me the entire time! I can't believe I fell in love with such an asshole. I don't know what to do anymore diary. It's like my heart has been shredded to pieces with only fragments left! Oh speaking of which, I tore into that cheating asshole in a blind fury. I didn't mean to mind you, but I just snapped! Well one good thing did come out of today,well I guess you could call it a good thing. I had just got pumped full of cum by Jacob and the asshole knotted me without thinking twice! Well Alice saved me from getting busted by yanking his knot out of me and taking me to the female's restroom and well...things got a bit out there.

The moist towelettes ran out and Alice offered to lick the cum out of my pussy with her tongue. I of course said no at first...but after having to deal with taking pieces of toilet paper out of my pussy every five seconds I told her to go for it. Well from the first lick I felt I was totally loving the feeling but I didn't say a word at first. Then she finally cleans all the cum out knowing she got me half-way to climax and even to my shock I ask her to take me the rest of the way. Ya I know what your thinking, "she's gone lesbian!" but to be honest no It wasn't that at all I just wanted to get off. But then she takes it a step farther and takes her clothes off and demands I lick her pussy while she does mine in a sixty-nine! I'm like"what? You can't be serious?!" I don't know what the hell possessed me to do it, maybe it was bi curiosity but I started to lick her, not putting much effort into it mind you but then she guilt trips me and put a little more effort into it and before I know it I'm tongue deep in her cunt licking her like a starved feline who just got handed a bowl of milk, and enjoying the taste no less! I won't go into anymore but needless to say I think she turned me bi. Not that I mind much, I mean it was fun as hell to do that with her and I would love to do it again with her for that matter. Me and her have always been the closest of friends so taking our friendship to an intimate level ain't to big a jump right?

Well, that's all for today diary. I'm gonna go and try to find something to do to take my mind off of being heartbroken.

Ericka wrote and closed her diary,stood up, changed clothes, and went down stairs to hear the chatting of males."Hey, who invited the twerp squad?" Ericka asked in an annoyed tone aloud.

"Mom did! And they are staying the night for a sleep over!" Josh replied from a crossed the front room.

"What? MOM!!!" Ericka shouted as she went to the kitchen to see her mother writing on a piece of paper.

"Ah,Ericka perfect timing! Your father called and said he wanted me to come meet him at his office in Oklahoma. So I need you to babysit your younger brother for a few days." Ericka's mom said as she stood up and handed her a piece of paper."That's all the emergency contact numbers you'll need." She said at which Ericka gave a sour look.

"There's no way I'm watching him for that long without some kind of payment." Ericka retorted with sheer annoyance in her voice.

"I expected that kind of reply which is why I am giving you this." Ericka's mom replied and handed her a wad of bills." That's a grand total of two hundred dollars, your free to to spend how you like. However, I know how much you hate cooking so I'd expect you to order pizza quite often." Ericka's mom said with a smirk.

Ericka groaned and knew she was right. She hated cooking with a passion."I knew there was a catch." Ericka said in a sour tone to which her mother gave a soft giggle.

"Now, the boys your brother has invited over are allowed to be here for the night but they are to be gone from this house by ten o'clock sharp tomorrow morning. Understand?" Ericka's mom said with a stern glance at which Ericka nodded.

"One male is bad enough, but five of them?" Ericka replied at which time both females shared a laugh.

"Well,I'm off now. Behave yourself and try not to torture your little brother while I'm gone okay?" Ericka's mother said as she picked up her bags next to her chair and stood up.

"Oh don't worry, I won't hang him from the ceiling by him foot-paws too often..." Ericka remarked with a grin at which her mother gave her a "Typical" look and sighed.

Ericka's mother walked to the door and gave one final wave before closing it,walking to the car and drove away.

"Okay twerps, listen up! I'm In charge here. So don't do anything to tick me off." Ericka said looking at all the boys with a stern glance at which all the boys gave a short"sure" reply and continued to talk and play video games.

Around eight o'clock that night Ericka ordered pizza for everyone which totaled up to fifty bucks which she didn't like too much at all, but she ordered a meat lovers for herself and knew she had to make sure her brother didn't see it."Okay, twerps. Pizza is on the way. So you can stuff yourselves and then it'll be time for bed." She said at which point all the boys groaned and protested in including Josh.

"Oh, I got an idea! Once the pizza arrives we can play a game of truth or dare! And anything goes!" Josh suggested at which all the boys gave him an odd glance at first."Did I mention Ericka has to play too or I'll tell mom and dad about those panties she was wearing!" He finished at which point that grabbed the boys attention and they all agreed, Ericka however did not like the idea at all.

"So this is what you want me to do? Fine then." Ericka said with a confident look.

"Ya, but you MUST do every single dare any of us ask if you want to do a dare instead of telling the truth and I know you when you lie sis so you won't be able to fool me." Josh said at which point Ericka became nervous for she knew he could read her like a book.

Thirty minuets later the pizza arrived the the game of truth or dare had begun.

"Okay, me first! Truth or dare Chris." Josh said pointing at the young lion cub.

"Truth." Chris replied.

"Have you ever had a crush on a one of your teachers?" Josh asked with a smirk.

"Ya...our English teacher Ms. Swanson..." Chris replied with a deep blush at which all the boys laughed and taunted him with the whole "Ms. Swanson and Chris sitting in a tree" song."My turn, Ericka. Truth or dare?" Chris asked the Raccoon female.

"Truth." Ericka replied.

"Have you ever done anything naughty with another boy?" Chris asked at which point Ericka blushed.

"I am not answering that!" Ericka exclaimed with a deep blush.

"You have to or I'll tell mom and dad!" Josh chimed in and Ericka groaned and sighed.

"Fine, Yes I have." Ericka replied in a sour tone."Now it's my turn. Truth or dare Josh." Ericka said with a sinister look on her face.

"Truth." Josh replied.

"Do you paw off about females at school or home?" Ericka asked with the same sinister grin knowing she had just made Josh squirm.

"Umm...well...just yes." Josh replied with a blush." Truth or dare Justin." Josh said after a few moments pointing at the young male fox.

"Dare." Justin replied.

"Okay, I dare you to kiss Daren!" Josh said with a evil grin pointing to the young wolf.

"That's taking it too far!" Ericka pipped up much to the young cubs relief however Josh protested right back saying"I said anything goes and if you try and stop any dares i'll tell mom and dad!" Josh retorted. At which point Ericka looked at both males and sighed."Sorry guys, he's got my paws tied with this one." She said at which point both boys gulped.

What happened next was a shocker for everyone in the room as both male cubs started to kiss timidly but ended up making out after which they both looked at everyone and went beat red.

"What the fuck you two?! You guys put more effort into that than a simple dare!" Josh said standing up looking shocked.

"Umm......" Justin trailed off at which point Daren spoke."We've have been dating for three weeks..." At which point Justin went wide eyed and said"You swore you wouldn't tell anyone!"

"Calm down you two. Good grief,so what if you two are gay." Ericka said as if the whole thing did not phase her.

"Yeah, that's fine with me...." Josh said in a not so confident tone and sat back down.

"Maybe we should call it quits guys." Ericka suggested but Justin protested.

"No, I want to go now. Truth or dare Josh!" Justin said with a look of "I'm gonna get you back!" on his face.

"Geez, why is everyone targeting me? Fine, truth." Josh replied with a groan.

"Who was the female you were pawing off to and where?" Justin asked at which point Josh went pale.

"Answer the question Josh..." Ericka said with a smirk enjoying the pale look on his face.

" her closet while she was she-pawing herself..." Josh said in an defeated and winy tone at which point all the boys gasped including Ericka for she did not expect that answer.

"I was the first female and the only one he's pawed off to? And come to think of it these males are far more knowing of sex than they let on." Ericka thought to herself looking at all the males reactions to what Josh said.

"Okay, it's my turn. Truth or dare Joseph?" He asked pointing at the young male tiger.

"Truth..." Joseph replied in a timid tone.

"Are you gay?" Josh asked simply.

"N-no! I like females a lot." The young tiger stuttered and then looked at Ericka." Truth or dare, Ericka." He said in the same timid tone.

Not wanting anymore of her personal information revealed she replied"Dare." in a cocky tone."I mean what's the worse they could tell me to do right?" she thought.

"O-Okay I dare you to strip into nothing but your fur! That proves I'm not gay!" The tiger said at which point both siblings stood up and protested.

"No way in hell am I striping down to my fur, you little pervert!" Ericka replied in an pissed tone and a look to match it. Followed closely by Josh saying" Yeah, no way in hell that's my sister dude!" in a tone to match Ericka's.

"But if you don't I'll tell your mom when she gets back what both of you did. And we aren't stopping this game until we are ready to drop!" Chris pipped up at which point both siblings went pale. They had them.

"Okay, fine. But if you start wanking off to me I'll chuck you out by your tails!" Ericka said in a pissed off tone and began to take her shirt off then her pants and followed up with her bra and panties and sat back down."There? Satisfied?" Ericka said with a blush on her face. "Now it's my turn! Truth or dare Chris." Ericka said trying her best to cover her exposed breasts and vagina.

"Truth." Chris said in a confident tone.

"Have you ever pawed off at home while in the same room as your family?" Ericka asked hoping to get some blackmail material.

"Nope! And You can ask Josh! He knows if I'm lying!" The young lion cub said with a cocky grin.

"Dammit" Ericka thought to herself having found no leverage.

"My turn! Truth or dare Josh!" Chris asked in the same cocky tone.

"Truth." Josh replied trying his best not to stare at his sister even though he secretly wanted to.

"If you could, would you have sex with Ericka right now in this room?" The lion cub asked with a evil grin.

Josh looked to Ericka and back to Chris then back to Ericka once more and gulped.

"Oh, my god....he would!" Ericka thought to herself knowing how her brother acted when he was hiding something. Ericka felt the pit of her stomach turn at the very image of them doing this.

"Umm......" Josh said trailing off.

"I think that answered my question." Chris said and gave a wink to Joseph at which point Ericka gave a suspicious glance.

"What are those two plotting?" She thought to herself.

"Okay, my turn." Josh said with a beat red face still."Truth or dare, Daren." Josh asked looking at the young wolf.

"Truth." Daren replied.

"Have you and Justin had sex yet?" Josh asked in hopes of embarrassing the two gay cubs.

"Twice......" Daren replied and buried in face in his paws blushing beat red.

Ericka know knew this game of truth or dare had taken a very sexual twist and chances are SOMETHING sex oriented was going to happen in the next hour or so, but the quest was what? Ericka could only hope that the males who had blackmailed them would call it quits before something DID happen.

Daren then looked at Josh with a look of vengeance for his and his mates embarrassment on his face."Truth or dare,Josh." He asked.

"Dare." Josh said preying that he would not dare him to do anything big. He would have chosen truth but he was scared that he might make Ericka avoid him for the rest of his life if he revealed anything else about his personal feelings for his sister.

"Fine, I dare you to strip into nothing but your fur! Maybe now you'll think before embarrassing me and Justin" Daren said at which point Josh stood up and blushing the entire time and took his clothes off.

Ericka instantly looked away when he pulled down his boxers revealing a boner and groaned."Can we end this game now?" Ericka asked in hopes the boys would agree.

"Nope! It's Josh's turn now." Chris said with a huge grin now up at which point both siblings groaned.

"Fine...truth or dare Chris." Josh asked in an annoyed tone.

"Dare." Chris replied in the same cocky tone.

This was his chance....his chance to make Chris call it quits and had an idea on how to do it too!"Fine! I dare you to give Joseph a Blow-job! Or you can call the game quits!" Josh said with a confident smile.

"Okay, but my turn I get to dare two people no matter what! Hows that?" Chris replied.

"You can't change the rules!" Josh retorted in an aggravated tone.

"I just did! And remember I can get you both in deep trouble if I want to and plus I'll follow through with the dare. I'm Bi anyways." he said with a smirk.

"Is everyone in this room bi or gay?" Ericka blurted out the question in pure annoyance.

Joseph however was not so keen on the idea."I'm not letting a male give me a blow-job! No way!" Joseph protested.

"Oh, lay off. It'll be worth it trust me!" Chris said and whispered something into his ear which made his smirk.

"Okay, fine I'll let him do it..." Joseph said and pulled down his pants.

Chris took the Lion cubs member into his maw and gave a few short bobs before taking his mouth off and smirked."There. You didn't say I had to take him all the way..." He said with a smirk.

Josh simply looked flabbergasted as well as Ericka at this scene. They both had no idea that Josh's friends were so out there it was not even funny.

"Now it's my turn! Chris said with a grin. And I get to dare two people. And I chose Ericka and Josh!" At which point both siblings exchanged panicked glances." Dare Ericka and Josh to have sex! And take it all the way!" Chris said crossing his arms and grinning at them both at which point both siblings stood up and protested saying nearly at the same time"HELL NO!!!"

"I guess I'll tell your mom and dad then what you both did...." Chris said in a taunting tone.

"You perverted little lion! I am not having sex with my brother! That's just wrong! I'll gladly take getting in trouble for wearing see through panties over this!" Ericka said standing up and began to walk away.

"But what about Josh? He'll get in waay bigger trouble than you for pawing off to you." Chris said with a evil grin causing her to stop and turn around.

"Fine! But we aren't going to do it in front of you! We'll go to my bedroom and do it there!" Josh said in a confident tone at which point Ericka gave a look of pure shock.

"Josh, you can't be serious!" Ericka protested however a shy wink from her brother told her he was up to something."Okay,fine...." Ericka agreed.

"Okay, I won't go but i'll send Justin up there to make sure you did. He's gay so you don't have to worry about him enjoying it." Chris said at which point Justin stood up.

"Sure why not..." He said with a smile.

This bomb-shelled Josh's plan at which point he gulped and made a "Whelp, I tried." gesture towards Ericka.

Ericka could hardly believe this,she was not only completely out of control but would either have to have sex with her brother or figure out some way to get out of this and she could think of no way to do so.

"I can't believe this..." was all Ericka could say as she followed Justin and Josh up to her brother's room.

Josh was first to entire his room which consisted of scattered video game cases on the floor, a bed which had small race car images on the sheets, A small entertainment center which sat on the farthest corner of the room with a Wii console and controllers sitting in it, and a TV sitting on the the top of it.

"Okay, I'm going to say this here and now. I don't give a flying fuck if you two have sex or not. Either way I'll say you two went at it." Justin said looking at them both.

"That's very cool of you Justin." Ericka said smiling as she extended a paw which he shook. She would have hugged him if it had not been for her having no clothes on.

"Thanks Justin, your a real friend. Unlike that blackmailing lion downstairs." Josh said with a note of sourness in his voice.

"But you two are gonna have to stay up here for at least thirty minuets or he'll know you didn't do anything. And'll need to smell like cum. Sorry, but he isn't stupid. If he doesn't smell anything he'll know you guys didn't do anything then as well. I don't know exactly how your going to do this so I'll just leave the room and stand outside." Justin said and walked out of Josh's room and closed the door behind him leaving Josh and Ericka in the room alone.

"Some game huh?" Josh said sheepishly at which point Ericka flashed him a glare.

"We wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't blackmailed me in the first place!" Ericka said in a pissed tone.

"I didn't think it would go this far!" Josh argued back lowering his ears looking as if he was on the brink of tears.

"Well it did! And now one way or another I'm gonna have to she-paw to at least pass for that perverted lion down there so you don't get in deep trouble with mom and dad!" Ericka said in the same pissed off tone.

"I'm sorry sis...i didn't mean for it to go this far." The young male raccoon said and began to cry.

Ericka's pissed off look turned to one of pure guilt. She knew he didn't mean for it to go this far and here she was biting her poor little brother's head off for something he had absolutely no control over."I'm sorry, Josh..." Ericka said trailing off and embraced him in a hug completely forgetting she was in nothing but her fur at the moment. Not that she would have cared anyways she just wanted to comfort her little brother now.

"I'm really sorry Ericka." Josh said softly as he sobbed and returned the hug.

"Shh,'s okay..." Erika said softly gently petting his head. Josh's sobs slowly went away as she rocked from side to side while she continued to pet his head.

"Umm...sis..." Josh said a few moments after he stopped crying.

"What is it bro?" Ericka asked in a soft tone.

"my muzzle is sort of...erm..." Josh said trailing off and moved his head slightly causing Ericka to realize his muzzle was right in between her breasts at which point she suddenly broke the hug with a blush.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't realize..." Ericka said covering up her breasts in embarrassment.

"It's okay sis, I didn't mind...really...i mean....well...umm..." Josh said stumbling over his words realizing he was once again revealing information he was trying to keep from her.

Ericka Face-pawed and sighed."You really would have sex with me if you could...wouldn't you?" Ericka asked placing both paws on her hips. This was something she herself wanted to know. Why she wasn't completely sure herself but it would eat at her till she knew the truth.

"Y-yes,I love you that much sis,i mean.. umm....oh crap!" Josh said and slammed both paws on his face and began to cry again.

"Why are you crying for?" Ericka asked even though her brother's response had shook her slightly.

"Be-Be-Because, I'm afraid you'll never want to talk to me again!" Josh stuttered between sobs.

"Josh, listen. Your my little bro and I love you too much to never speak to you again." Ericka said placing a paw on his head at which point he looked up at her.

"Y-Y-You mean it?" Josh said with a weak smile looking up at her.

"Of course. Even if you are a little pervert." She said with a grin and ruffled up his head fur earning a laugh from the little raccoon.

"Okay, maybe I am. But that don't change that fact we need to smell like cum before we walk out. Any ideas that don't involve us pawing off?" He asked her.

"No offense little bro, but that raging boner of yours is saying otherwise." Ericka said with a giggle at which point Josh tried to cover it up.

"It's not my fault your hot." Josh teased back.

"I'm never gonna stop you from spying on me am I?" Ericka asked with a look of annoyance.

"I won't spy on you if you don't want me to. I promise." Josh said in a genuine tone.

"Oh really? Can I hold you up to that?" Ericka replied.

"Of course! But, umm...i do have a favor to ask." Josh asked in a not so confident tone.

"Which is?" Ericka asked expecting the answer.

"Can you let me paw off to you this once? I promise I won't do it anymore, I promise! But this boner is hurting!" Josh said in a pleading tone to which Ericka face-pawed.

"Just this once." Ericka said in a stern tone at which point Josh nodded with a smile.

"Umm...can you do a pose or something like you did in your bedroom with me spying?" Josh asked in the same timid tone.

"Your just full of requests today aren't you?" She said, sat on his bed, spread her legs, and pussy lips."Hows this ya little pervert?" She asked with a smirk.

"Oh wow, that's perfect! Thanks a lot for doing this sis, it means a lot to me." Josh said and began to gently stroke his member.

"Just get off already, and remember this is a one time deal." Ericka replied in an annoyed tone. She couldn't even believe her own actions. Here she was in nothing but her fur with her brother pawing off to her body and striking a porn magazine pose to boot. "Why the hell am I even doing this for? He's my brother for fucks sake! I should have gave him a porn magazine and left the room, but I didn't. What the fuck is wrong with me?!" Ericka thought to herself trying her best not to stare at Josh's cock as his strokes began to become more frequent and his grunts and moans becoming louder.

" might as well get off too. Because...uhh...we both need to smell like cum to pass for Chris." Josh said between pants.

"I'm not gonna she-paw to my little brother." Ericka said in a flat tone."You may find me hot as hell but I can't look at you without getting sick to my stomach." Ericka finished.

"You don't think I'm an attractive male?" Josh asked looking at Ericka with a pouty look.

"Well, your my brother. I can't find you attractive because....well just because!" Ericka said said frustrated at the fact she could find no logical explanation other than her moral one which didn't stand with her brother.

Josh stopped rubbing his length,walked up towards the bed and sat next to her."Look sis, if you not comfortable with this you could have said so." he said and placed a paw on her shoulder.

Ericka dropped her pose and closed her legs and looked at her brother."Look, I'm sorry bro. I just can't find you attractive." She said in a soft tone.

"Okay, but you need to get off one way or another sis." Josh said and resumed stroking his length while he sat there with a grin on his face staring at his sister's breasts close up as he pawed.

He had a point...there was no way she was walking out of this room without having had an orgasm otherwise that perverted lion downstairs would know they did nothing."Got any porn magazines?" She asked in a causal tone.

"Under the mattress, but their for males." Josh said as his stroking was becoming faster now.

"That won't be a problem...and since I need to get off you might as well watch, not like I can stop you at this point." She said earning a chuckle from her brother. She then reached under the mattress and pawed around until she found what she was looking for,pulled the magazine out which read"Lesbian coons", scooted herself back toward the head of the bed, opened the magazine, spread her legs, and began to slowly rub at her clit as she viewed the pages of the magazine.

Josh repositioned himself staring at his sister play with herself which made him began to stroke his length even faster until with a grunt blew a load of raccoon cum which sailed and landed on Ericka's inner thighs and paw unintentionally causing her to drop the magazine in shock and stare at her paw and inner thighs then look at him. "Oh crap! I'm sorry sis! I didn't mean to do that!" He said with a blush.

"Good god Josh, did you have to blow your load on me?!" Ericka replied in annoyance then sigh."Please tell me you have a washcloth or something to clean this mess off?" She said after a moment.

"Nope..." Josh replied scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile.

"Then how am I supposed to clean this mess up? I'm not flexible enough to lick my inner thighs ya know!" She retorted.

"Umm....well...i could...umm...lick it off.." He replied in a sheepish tone causing Ericka to gulp.

This is exactly how she ended up in that sixty-nine with Alice. An offer to lick cum off her. However this time she wasn't about to let it go that way."I'll just clean it off later." She said as she lifted her paw up and licked her brother's cum off her paw and gave a look of disgust. "Yuck, that was nasty!" She said in a disgusted tone.

"Does my cum taste that bad?" Josh asked with a coy grin on his face.

"Have a taste yourself, ya little pervert!" she said with a grin, dove at her brother playfully tackling him and forcing her forepaw in his muzzle so he got a taste of what was left of his cum.

"Yuck!" Was all Josh could say as he spit and sputtered while trying to get from under his sister who had pined him.

"I got ya, don't I?" Ericka said in a playful tone staring at him on top of him.

"Yeah, now can you get off of me? Your making me horny again." He replied with a grin.

"Your not getting out this that easily." Ericka replied and began to tickle him.

"Hahahaha, stop it!" Josh pleaded still squirming under her laughing nearly hysterically.

"Not until you say, Uncle!" Ericka retorted continuing her tickle torture.

"N-Never!" he choked out still squirming, laughing hysterically, and bucking beneath her all the while neither of them realizing he was fully erect again.

That is until Ericka felt something long and hard penetrate her pussy causing a sudden wave of pleasure to surge through her body which caused her to jump off him and hold her vagina looking at Josh who clearly had no clue what he had just done staring at her until it dawned on him.

"Did my, know, go into your pussy?" He asked in a timid tone at which all Ericka could do was nod in reply."Oh damn, I didn't mean to! I swear!" Josh said with a apologetic look and a tone to match it.

"I-I know..." Ericka stuttered still shocked by what had just occurred and more so at how much her body craved more.

"Are you okay sis? I didn't take your virginity did i? Oh god please tell me I didn't!" Josh said in a scared tone.

"N-no I'm not a virgin anymore..." Ericka replied in the same shocked tone trying her damnedest trying to ignore her hormones which were screaming at her to shove her brother's cock in her once again while at the same time she was fighting with them mentally cursing herself every time the hormone induced thought occurred and attempted to push it out of her mind only for it to come back stronger than before each time.

"You mean you lost it? To who?" Josh asked trying to conceal his boner.

"J-Jacob..." Was all Ericka could say at this point waging a war in her mind with the hormone induced thought to have sex with her brother."Go on Ericka, he's got a cock and you know you want it! Who cares if he's your brother? Your a female in need of satisfaction!" the thought would say to her to which she would reply"NO! He's my brother and it's not right! I can't!" fiercely.

"Ericka...are you sure you're okay?" Josh asked in a genuinely concerned tone.

"No I'm not okay! Right now I'm fighting with myself not to have sex with you because your my brother!" She snapped, gasped at her own words, and put both paws on her face. "Dammit!" She shouted muffled into her paws.

Josh slowly crawled over to Ericka on his bed, and placed a paw on her breasts and began to grope it causing Ericka to gasp in surprise and jerk away."What the hell are you doing?!" Ericka asked with a blush.

"I only want to help you sis, I mean it's because of me your like this right?" Josh replied in a soft tone causing Ericka's blush to become more clear.

"Well, ya, but...." Ericka began to say only to be cut off from a paw laying on top of her female hood softly groping earning a "mmmmm!" in the sound of a moan before jerking away once again but this time she didn't put as much effort into getting away."Please Josh....Your my's not right." She said in a halfhearted tone but did not jerk this time when he began to nibble on her left nipple earning a pleasurable moan from her. That did it,there was no more fighting to be done. She was now at the mercy of her brother who began to fondle her moistening cunt by dipping a single digit of his paw in earning another moan from his sister.

"You very wet sis, what you say we skip the foreplay eh?" Josh said in a suggesting soft tone.

"Just fuck me already...." Was all Ericka could say in reply having her hormones completely taken over her mind.

The young male raccoon smiled at his older sister and kissed her cheek. "I've waited three months for you to say that sis." He said softly and gently pulled at his sister's legs until she was almost laying flat on the bed with her head on his pillow. He then positioned himself over her and slowly began to spread her pink lips with the head of his throbbing member and slowly entered until he was inside her up the hilt earning a long and pleasurable moan from both siblings.

"Oh god, it feels so good..." Ericka moaned out as her brother began to pick up a slow but steady rhythm.

"Do you like your brother's hard cock inside you?" Josh asked in a teasing tone snapping Ericka back to reality for a moment.

"Don't push you luck bro...uhh....just fuck me make the most of it because this is the one and only time you're getting my pussy." Ericka said, closed her eyes, and groped her right breast moaning loudly.

"Whatever you say sis, but after we're done I have a feeling you'll want me again." He said with his usual perverted grin he showed when he made a perverted comment about her as he continued to thrust his raccoon-hood into her trying to keep a steady thrusting but not too fast as to make him cum too quickly. he wanted to just as Ericka said,make the most of this because this could very well be a once in a lifetime chance at getting to fuck his sister whom he loved more than anyone in the world.

"God, I can't believe I'm letting my brother fuck my cunt! This is so wrong, but he's so good at this. I wonder if it's even his first time?" Ericka thought to herself and opened her eyes to look at her brother who was looking strait into her eyes as he thrust his member into her."Is this...uhh...your first time?" Ericka asked between moans.

"Uh-huh, I swore I would not make love to anyone but you sis." Josh replied and blushed even more so than he already was causing Ericka to be taken back by his statement.

"So, if you...uhh...were to never fuck me would never have sex with anyone else?" Ericka asked between moans feeling her climax grow closer with each time Josh thrust his Raccoon-hood into her.

"Yeah, no one else for the rest of my life...i love you more than anyone in the world sis." Josh replied with a slight grunt as he was nearing his own climax as well.

"He says he's making love to me? Not just fucking me for the sexual thrill of it all?" Ericka thought to herself remembering how Jacob had acted when she offered herself to him and then looked at her brother who was being compassionate and loving through out this whole forbidden act of theirs."Kiss me." Ericka said simply causing Josh to be taken back now by her sudden request."If you love me as much as you say you do then kiss me and mean it!" Ericka exclaimed nearly moments away from her climax.

Josh then without any farther hesitation locked muzzles with Ericka and kissed her in a way she had never been kissed before. Their muzzles locked then separated only to lock again a moment later repeating in the same fashion. Ericka moaned loudly into their kiss as her climax hit her ten fold causing her vaginal muscles to clamp down on Josh's cock and begin to spasm as her raccoon cunt coated Josh's groin in her love juices. Josh never once let up as he continued to kiss her through out her orgasm until his own orgasm hit him at which point he gave one final hard thrust into her to the hilt and pumped her cervix full of his seed all the way not letting up in his passionate kissing as his member shot stream after hot sticky stream of raccoon cum into her cunt until finally it gave one last feeble squirt and both siblings broke their kiss and panted loudly and heavily as they basked in their afterglow.

" Josh asked between pants.

"Boy did you ever,I've never...been that...before." Ericka replied between pants of her own as she felt Josh's limp member slowly slip out of her and begin to retract back to it's sheath allowing his seed to begin seeping out of her.

Josh slowly got off top of his sister and scooted her to the side allowing him to lay next to her as he put his arm over her as best as he could only managing to get as far as her left breast and simply rested his paw there."I love you sis...." He said in a sleepy tone.

Ericka looked at her brother then down to her pussy which still had her brother's cum seeping out of it."Just how much cum did you pump into me you little pervert?" She asked in a teasing tone however Josh did not reply as he had fell fast asleep. Having noticed this she sighed and kissed his forehead. "I love you too little bro..." she said in a soft tone and closed her eyes at which point sleep took her as well.

Both siblings lay sleeping in each others embrace the entire night as the door softly creaked open."Way to go Josh..." The young Fox cub said with a smile before he closed the door and went down stairs.

The next morning came all too soon as Ericka stirred and tossed in the bed and opened her eyes to see the bright sun from the open window blinded her. She then looked to her side and noticed Josh was not there."Was it all a sick and twisted dream?" Ericka asked herself aloud and began to move only to feel a slight twinge of pain as her sticky cum coated inner thighs brought reality back to her ten fold. She had had sex with her brother the night before and his cum was still resting inside her as well dried onto her inner thigh fur."Nope..." Ericka answered herself aloud and put her paws on her face and ran them down her muzzle off her face."God, I can't believe I did that!" Ericka said aloud.

"Did what? Came Josh's voice as he entered the room with a small tray that had cereal, a bowl, and a small carton of milk on it and set it on her lap. "I thought I'd bring breakfast up for you as you slept in past noon. The other boys already left and me and Justin both threatened Chris that we'd beat him within an inch of his life if he ever told anyone." Josh added with a smirk.

"Did you now?" Ericka replied with a smile as she poured the cereal into the bowl,poured milk into and picked up the metal spoon."We've got silverware again?" Ericka asked curious at which point Josh nodded.

"Yeah, Justin helped me do the dishes before he left. He's the only one who knew how I really felt about you....and applauded me for getting you in bed when I woke up this morning." He said with a smile.

"Ya well, I hoped you enjoyed my pussy last night because your not getting it again." Ericka replied sticking her tongue out and winking.

"I'm fine with that. Like I said last night if I don't get to have sex with you again I'll just go without it for the rest of my life. Your the only one I'll make love to Ericka." Josh said and gave her a peck on the cheek and sat down next to her as she ate her breakfast.

"You keep saying you actually mean it?" Ericka asked curiously setting the tray next to her.

"With all my heart sis." Josh replied and this time locked his muzzle with hers in the same fashion he did the night before and even though her mind was screaming at her to stop she would not lift a paw to stop him.

After what seemed to be a blissful moment that Ericka did not want to end Josh however did."If I didn't know any better, I'd say you enjoyed that." Josh remarked with a grin.

"Oh, shut up ya little pervert." Ericka retorted in a teasing tone and begin to move giving a slight "eep!" at the twinge of pain on her cum coated inner thighs."Oh and thanks for pumping so full of cum that my legs are glued in place with your sticky crap!" Ericka said in an annoyed tone closing her eyes trying to ignore the twinges of pain as she turned herself to so her legs were off the bed and her foot paws touched the floor and was going to stand up until a sudden tongue intruding in between her legs licking at her pink lips caused her to jolt her eyes open."Josh! What the fuck are you doing?" Ericka asked in shocked tone however a wave of pleasure coursing though her body caused her attitude to shift dramatically as she as if by impulse laid back on the bed once again at the mercy of her brother who had managed to set her sex drive off again and give her the same needy feeling she had last night not even bothering to fight it this time

"Damn you...uhh..little do you know how get me fast? Ericka asked between moans. Josh however did not reply and continued his tongue-work earning more moans from his big sister.

Neither of them had bothered to notice Alice who had rang the doorbell several times,entered and was curiously walking up the stairs upon hearing Ericka's loud moans.

At the exact moment Ericka reached her climax Alice walked up to the door way and went slack-jawed at the sight that beheld her."Damn, coony if knew you needed release that badly I would have offered!" She said in a teasing tone at which moment Josh's head would have done a three-sixty if possible however he instead whirled around with his back to the side of the bed while Ericka's eyes shot wide open and all she could could was cry out as she rode her climax out soaking her brother's head fur in her juices as they flooded out of her raccoon cunt onto his head.

"A-Alice?! What are you doing here?!" Ericka asked between pants unable to move at the moment due to her powerful orgasm.

"I just figured i'd visit my best friend at her house is all. I rang the doorbell like ten times and hear you moaning so I figured you were pleasuring yourself and thought i'd lend a paw only to find out your little brother was already doing that." Alice remarked with cheesy grin and gave a mock gasp as she noticed the cum stuck to her inner thighs."And it looks like he pumped ya full not to long ago to boot!" she added with a grin.

"You don't find this disgusting as hell?" Ericka said finally able to sit up.

Josh looked paler than a ghost at this moment unsure of what to say or do which Alice noticed and gave him a soft smile."Don't worry little coon. Your secret is safe with me." Alice said as she knelt down and laid a paw on his shoulder which seemed to reassure the young male raccoon as he let out a long sigh of relief and gave a half smile at her.

Alice then switched her view up to Ericka who looked completely and utterly dumbfounded and giggled." Come on coony, you honestly think I haven't met siblings in school and did threesomes with them?" She asked with a smile as she stood up.

"To be never crossed my mind." Ericka replied finally after a few moments.

"Well, I certainly hope you two include me in the fun next time. But at the moment it looks like you need to clean yourselves up." Alice said looking at Alice's cum coated legs and pussy then to Josh's cum soaked headfur.

"yeah,we kind of made a mess of each other." Josh finally spoke up with a grin and looked up at Ericka who groaned.

"I don't know how you do it Josh. But I'll be damned if I don't say I enjoyed both last night and today." Ericka said with a smile.

"Does that mean you want to do it again?" Josh asked in a hopeful tone.

"Don't push it." Ericka replied and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Does that mean yes?" Josh retorted with a smirk at which Ericka replied by grabbing his pillow of the bed and playfully whacked him upside the head with it.

"Gawd, your such a pervert! If I say, maybe later, will you drop it?" Ericka said as she playfully whacked him upside the head a few times more until he grabbed the pillow mid-swing with his paws.

"Good enough for me!" Josh replied,stood up and made a run for the door."I'll beat ya to the shower!" He called out as he ran past Alice out of the room and to the bathroom.

"H-Hey! No fair! You booby-trapped me with your cum!" Ericka joked back just as Josh left the room.

"Having sex with your brother and completely candid about it at that..." Alice said with a grin as she crossed her arms and looked at the female raccoon at which point Ericka slammed the pillow in her face and fell flat on the bed and groaned loudly so that her muffled groan could be clearly heard then through the pillow to the side.

"God, look at what I've become Alice. Ever since I lost my virginity, I have in less than twenty-four hours did a sixty-nine with you, had sex with my brother last night, and got eaten out by him no more than ten minuets after I woke up! I'm becoming a slut!" Ericka said in an exasperated tone.

"And that's a bad thing?" Alice replied still grinning before she sat down next to Ericka on the bed and placed a paw on her shoulder. "Look, there's a huge difference between you and me. I've had sex with more males and females in the last year than I can count. And personally that's not something to brag about. Even though I do love sex,it's really to me has become nothing more than what I guess you could call getting a high. Great while I got the buzz but afterwords leaves me empty inside wanting more." Alice said giving Ericka a saddened look and sigh before continuing. "I envy you Ericka....not only do you have a male who seems to truly care about you...he's your brother to boot. so you know he will always be there as he has been ever since he came into your life. But now you and him can express that love on a whole new level. That kind of sibling closeness is something I never had with my older brother....sure we'd have sex a lot when I came of age. But it was nothing more than a fetish for him. I however felt differently and was heartbroken the day he came up to me one day and said he was leaving for collage in another state with his fiancee and that we couldn't have sex anymore. I of course at that time confessed my true feelings for him but he pushed me away. I was left with nothing but heartbreak and that's when I went on a sex spree fucking every male I could find and that's around the time I met you." Alice said with a smile."Your first real and only friend I have Ericka." Alice finished and gave her a hug.

"What do you want me to do? I love Josh...but I don't know if I love him like that!" Ericka said after a few moments after they broke their hug.

"Don't let the poor cub end up like I did. Either put your heart into it or break it off today before he really does get hurt." Alice said with a smile, stood up and began to walk towards the doorway before she looked back and smiled. "I'll be there for you either way coony, either as your closest friend or's up to you to decide which. I'll see ya later." She finished with a smile, walked down the hall, down the stairs, to the front door, and out of it leaving Ericka to her own thoughts.

Josh walked into the room running a towel through his headfur and smiled at Ericka."Shower's free." He said with a smile causing Ericka to look at her younger brother and smile.

"Okay, but once I get out we need to talk." She said with a smile and purposely ran her tail under his muzzle as she walked by causing him to eye her rump with a grin and a soft murr.

Ericka then made her way to the shower trying her best to ignore the constant twinges of pain until she stepped in the restroom, walked over to the tub, filled it with hot water, and stepped in one paw at a time raising her tail in surprise at the both comforting but initial stinging hot water. After two quick dips of her rump causing her to arch back up she was finally able to sit in the hot water and gave a content sigh as the warmth of the water slowly dissolve the dried on cum on her inner thighs and gave a slight "eep!" as she felt the water fill into her slit at first but gave yet another sigh of relief as she felt the cum on her inner walls begin to dissolve as well.

Sitting in the tub of water gave her plenty of time to think as she took her sweet time cleaning the fur on her body and paying extra attention to her vagina as to make sure she cleaned it out as much as possible. "If I know Josh he'll try to pump me full again tonight..." Ericka thought to herself with a giggle and went wide eyed at her own thoughts and groaned once again."Am I actually considering having an incest relationship with my brother?" She thought to herself and remembered what Alice had told her and moments later recalled her exact words and Josh's response when she told her brother to prove he loved her that much by kissing her and meaning it. And then recalled that moment that she thought was the most blissful moment of her life when her and her brother locked muzzles as she rode her orgasm out and his shortly followed.

"And what did Alice mean by either a closest friend or a lover? Does he care about me THAT much?" Ericka continued thinking to herself as she began to clean her foot paws and ankles."I need more time to decide if I can care for Josh on the same level he cares about till then I'll ride this out until I can decide or not..." Ericka said and stood out of the tub and onto the towel on the floor. She then took a towel from the towel rack and began to dry her fur off. With their parents out of town and there new status Ericka decided to only put her pink socks on and be a royal tease to her little brother until she was ready to let him have another go at her.

Whether she was going to admit it openly or not Ericka was beginning to like the idea of being able to have sex with her brother, not only did the idea that she would have a cock ready for her anytime she wanted was in her house seven days a week and their parents would be none the wiser as long as they played it safe. But at the same time Alice's words rang through her head like a loud gong reminding her that even though she could get her brother to have sex with her anytime she wanted it, she also had to be careful of his feelings and make sure to decide quickly if this is what she wanted or not."I'll give it a week." She said aloud quietly to herself as she opened the door preparing to taunt her brother by prancing around the house in nothing but her fur.

Ericka walked out of the bathroom door and downstairs and sat down on the living room couch, sat next to her brother, and began to watch the TV acting as if she was doing nothing out of the ordinary.

Josh gave a glance at his sister and went slack-jawed."Umm...Sis. Why are you sitting next to me in nothing but your pink socks?" He asked in a slightly shocked tone.

"Oh, it's nothing you haven't seen or fucked before but keep your paws off." Ericka replied playfully whacking her brother's paw away as it edged towards her left breast.

"Oh I see how it is!" Josh retorted with a grin, striped out of his own clothes, and sat next to his sister in nothing but his fur but like her made sure to keep his own socks on which were white.

Ericka hadn't counted on this as her gaze switched back and forth from her brother's boner to the TV and back."You know we would so be dead if mom and dad walked in right now right?" Ericka said with a grin looking at her brother at which point they both began to laugh.

"Yeah, but even more dead if he saw me doing this." Josh said and began to stroke his member.

This gave Ericka a naughty idea yet a playful one."I'll make ya a deal. First one to cum makes dinner!" Ericka said with a naughty smile, spread her legs, and began to rub her clit.

"Oh your on!" Josh replied with a smirk.

Both siblings then looked at each other as their naughty little game began with neither one showing any sign of coming close to climax anytime soon after ten minuets.

"Getting close yet bro?" Ericka asked biting her lower lip as another wave of pleasure surged through her earning a soft moan from the female raccoon.

"Not even half way there yet." Josh replied with a smirk and gave a soft moan of his own.

After five more minuets however, both siblings showed signs of getting close to their climaxes as Ericka's moans became more frequent and as well as Josh's.

"Okay, now I'm getting close..." Josh said with a grunt and a moan.

"M-Me too...uhh..some game huh?" Ericka said with a giggle and a loud moan.

"Y-yeah..." Josh replied with another grunt.

A mere five more minuets later Ericka was furiously working at her clit while Josh was slapping his paw against his balls with very fast strokes now.

"I'm-I'm gonna cum soon!" Ericka managed to choke out between moans at which point Josh got off the couch and stood in front of her slapping his balls with each stroke now. "I-I want to cum all over your pussy." Josh said between grunts now.

"Screw on it! Do it in it!" Ericka replied grabbed her brother by the waist and slammed his raccoon hood into up her to the hilt and began to buck against it which Josh responded by slamming his balls against her lips until he let out a loud grunt and blew his load into her and continued thrusting.

"Oh, fuck! Mmmm! don't stop cumming!" Ericka cried out as her own climax came crashing down all the while Josh did not stop slamming his cock into his sister sending stream after stream of thick raccoon seed into her cervix. However even after the last stream of cum shot into her wanting cunt he did not stop pounding her.

"Y-You want to keep going?" Ericka asked between pants as her brother continued to slam his cock into her.

"Y-Yeah, if you want to." He replied still slapping his balls against the lips of her love tunnel.

"Then pump me full of another hot load of that cum of yours Bro." Ericka replied with a grin as she lifted one leg up and rested it on the arm of the couch while the other lay on her brother's shoulder allowing him better access as he continued to thrust into her.

Ericka felt her brother's cock reach what she thought was new depths into her as his balls slapped against her cunt forcing the cum he had shot into her moments before to be squelched out with each thrust allowing it to coat her pink lips in a silky coat and the excess dribbling onto her brother's cock slowly coating it in his own seed.

"Uhh...i'm about to cum again!" Josh replied and moments later blew another hot sticky load of raccoon spunk into his sister's cunt which seemed to be milking it for all it's worth.

"That's quickly?" Ericka replied having only made it three-fourths the way to her second orgasm as her brother shot five sticky ropes of raccoon seed into her already slick cum coated cunt before collapsing on top of her panting.

Ericka gave a slight groan of annoyance as she felt her climax which had been three-fourths the way to slowly slip away. However she was not about to let it go that easily as she began to rub her clit furiously to push herself to the point of climax while her brother's cock still remained inside of her and managed to succeeded in a minuets time crying out in bliss as her raccoon cunt began to spasm and her love juices began to flood out of her onto her brother's shrinking member.

"Sorry sis....your pussy was so slick it pushed me too far too fast and before I knew it I was cumming again." Josh said breathlessly at which point she petting his head and smiled.

"No problem little bro. I'm actually shocked a cub yoru age was able to keep going after blowing once. That's impressive!" she said with a smile at which point Josh looked up at her and smiled and sighed as he laid his head on his sister's right breast.

"Hey, that's not a pillow ya know." Ericka said in a teasing tone.

"Nope, it's better. It's soft and warm and comfy." Josh replied looking up at her with a smile before he gave her nipple a quick lick."And tasty." He added with a smirk and began to suck on her right nipple earning a loud moan from his big sister.

"H-hey, ya little pervert! Your in no condition to be getting me riled up again!" she said grabbing him by the ear."Or did you forget you just exhausted yourself by blowing two loads of your hot cum into me?" Causing the young male raccoon to relinquish his grip on her nipple and look at her.

"But I love making your squirm!" he retorted and gave her nipple one more lick making her jump once more before standing up and moving out of paws length as he ran up the stairs."I got first dibs on the bathroom!" He called from up top the stairwell.

Ericka however would let him have this battle as she had to do something about the mess they had made on the couch. If their mom and dad came home to a cum stain on the couch whether it be male or female both siblings would be in big trouble.

However from the moment she stood up it became more than apparent just home much cum her brother had pumped into her as it began to dribbling down her inner thighs and legs while a thick thread dangled from the middle of her slit threatening to drip onto the floor any moment. With a sheer look of annoyance she clasped her legs shut and waddled to the laundry room where she grabbed a clean washcloth and stuffed it up her slit in hopes it would absorb most of the cum while she grabbed cleaning supplies out and carried them to the couch all the while making use of her vagina muscles to keep clamped down on the washcloth while she sprayed the spot and scrubbed at it with a brush.

Five minuets later her brother came back down stairs and looked at her and snickered." Hey sis..why did you shove a washcloth up your pussy for?" He asked with a smirk.

Ericka looked at him and gave him a mocking look." Gee, I wonder....who was the last male to pump me full with so much cum it flooded out of me no sooner I stood up?" and put both paws on her hips staring at him.

"You love it when I pump you with that much cum and you know it!" Josh replied and stuck his tongue out.

"This is only the second time I've let you fuck me do you know I like it or not?" Ericka retorted and stuck her tongue out as well.

A cubbish tongue sticking out match began between the two siblings as they made"Nahhh!" Sounds for thirty strait seconds before Ericka gave up and began to chase Josh only for the washcloth to come from inside her slit and fall to the floor allowing the flood of her brother's cum to pour down her inner thighs and legs once again.

"It's not everyday a brother gets to say he got away from his sister because he pumped her so full she has to clamp her legs together." Josh said and ran to the kitchen.

"You are so dead when I get your sticky crap out of my cunt Joshua!" Ericka called out after him and waddled comically up the stairs all the while Josh was doubling over laughing at his sister.

Ericka got to the bathroom sat in the empty tub and opened her legs allowing her brothers cum to freely dribble out of her at which point she looked and bit her lower lip at the naughty feeling."So worth it...." was all the female raccoon said aloud to herself and a few minuets later started up the water and took yet her second bath in the less than two hours after her first one....