The Experimental Phase

Story by Gareth Gryphonclaw on SoFurry

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#1 of Friendly Romping

In an attempted erotic deluge with as many kinks crammed in as possible, a Rabbit nearly gets drugged by a Horse in a futuristic bar.

One, this story is not intended for anyone looking for a thought-provoking story full of plot development, as this was written in a different direction from the norm; two, Gemini Albon is guest-starred with permission from his player. I thank him;

three, a character was injured before this story takes place, as a result of a freak blackout while he was in a car, or hovering platform, or something. Because, y'know, in the future, everything hovers.


The dark brown Lapine dropped her duffel bag to the floor, and looked around the club: despite her regular attendance, it always seemed to differ from her previous visit. This time, there was a big stage at one end and a bar off to one side, complete with stools. She pulled her heavy duffel bag over to one of the stools, ignoring the muffled sounds it made as she dragged it over the floor, and sat down to buy a drink, watch the show, and sate her instinctively brought-on lust.

The walls were adorned with paintings and pictures, each illustrating a different licentious act; the ceiling had filtered skylights, which allowed only a modicum of light to pass; and on the stage, a blindfolded white male Vulpine, (either imported from someplace that wouldn't miss him, or a hopeful explorer who'd stumbled upon more than he'd bargained for) was stuck in a pillory, being force-fed Equine and Leoine semen, one orgasm after another. The spectacle on the stage caught Leyha's attention instantly, making her heat all the harder to bear.

After reaching around the underside of her stool, she managed to find the button and dial she was looking for. The dildo housed within the stool was sprayed with a sanitizing lubricant, and slid up through her crotch-less fishnets, where it was welcomed lustfully. By turning the dial up, the hydraulics kicked into action, expanding the buzzing toy as far as it could. She tried to squeeze the vibrating toy to make it feel bigger and better, but with little success. As the toy was designed mainly to tease patrons into obvious arousal, she just sipped her drink and watched the Vulpine squirm: a big thick Leoine prick was ejaculating into his mouth, a similarly-endowed Equine doing likewise into his firm, supple rear, and an elegant faux-leather-and-metal cage kept his own Foxhood from erupting into orgasm.

Entranced at the Fox's brutal treatment, and attempting to hump the oscillating toy on the stool, she almost failed to notice a light-coloured Equine take a seat behind her; thanks to the clatter of his shod hooves behind her, she looked back to catch a quick glimpse at him before turning back to watch the floor show. The naked Equine on stage, with a satisfied grunt and a push on the Fox's semen-filled belly, pulled every last soppy inch from the distended slave's throat; he gave a gurgled gasp of thankfulness, only to have a fresh cock stuffed back into his esophagus, the owner of which seemed even more eager than the last to spill his seed into the Fox's welcome maw. Leyha kept her eyes on the hedonistic display and her ears on the mysterious Horse behind her: the clink of glass and the clatter of plastic inside the many pockets of his pants were enough to give a warning of when he moved. Despite the increasingly good vibrations, (so to speak,) she could smell the nervousness on him.

Leyha thought, for a time, that the Horse just wanted to strike up a conversation, but was too shy, or thought she was too busy: she was quickly proven wrong about the conversation part. After several loads of male cream poured down either end, the white Fox was looking rather bloated; he had to be let out of the pillory, but didn't look like he could move much, aside from crawling around the stage. The Rabbit looked on hungrily as another set of meaty penises were pushed down his unresisting throat and anus: the Lion and Rhinoceros they belonged to shared a warm, loving embrace, with little regard to the state of the poor slave and his caged cock, straining to cum. By the time his aggressors had begun to twitch and moan, filling the yiffslut's body even further, the dildo had done its work: Leyha could only roll her head around and shudder as the vibrating phallus started to still and retract, no matter how hard her vaginal muscles squeezed against it. It had nearly caused one climax, but couldn't do anything to help sate her heat.

With the machine-made near-orgasm still fresh in her loins, she rolled her head around one last time, and caught a glimpse of the Horse's arm, quickly retracting, holding one of his bottles; she picked up her drink and looked closely at it. It didn't look or smell any different, but that did nothing to end her suspicion.

Rather than turn around and kick the quiet Horse out of his chair, she decided to play along. Leyha held the glass to her tightly closed lips, then tilted her head back, as if she had taken a huge gulp. A couple seconds later, she turned to the Equine with what she hoped was a drug-addled look and slurred, "Wooh, whadda they put in these here?"

She blinked slowly, letting both ears droop down. Faking a near-collapse allowed her to show off her black fishnets, her ear piercing, and the loose shirt which nevertheless clung to her short and shapely body. After looking her up and down the Horse asked, "Can I do anything to help you?"

Both her ears flopped over her face, displaying the usual Lapine sign of weariness or confusion. She gave the Horse her best dizzy, hopeful smile, and said, "Hmm, I need a soft bed and a warm hug. Ooh, just after this is over!"

As intoxicated as she was pretending to be, Leyha still didn't want to miss the end of the show: the brownish-yellow Leoine host clad in tight, faux-leather straps poked at the whining, squishy Fox and asked the audience, "Well now, it looks like this poor Foxie's had as much as he can take. What say you: shall we show him some mercy?"

A chorus of suggestions and jeers rose up from the crowd, all while the pitiful Fox tried to crawl up and kiss the Lion's feet. To continue her act, the Bunny hopped up on the stool, giving the Horse a good look at her fluffy tail and round rump, and shouted "Take it off! Wooh!" After a quick fantasy about how she would surprise her new catch and tie him down instead, she let herself flop back down into her Horse's arms. While looking him over, he wasn't overly muscular or otherwise beefy, but the brush of his short, slightly coarse fur felt good against her well-groomed pelt.

His hands moved over her body, but she let him fondle as much as he dared; mainly due to the fact that Leyha could feel his Equine package start to stiffen beneath her. She adjusted her position just to rub her hips against her hardening prize, and happily watched the end of the show.

"Let's give this yiffslut a big round of applause!" roared the Leoine, as he pulled off the cage confining the Fox boy's bulging cock. It erupted in a shower of semen as soon as it was off, and continued to cum in big gushes. The helpless, yowling Fox just lay on the floor as his body was trying to as his body tried to expel all that extra cum. His swollen balls and paunch made a gurgling noise which even the two by the bar could hear, and the splattering gushes of spooge eventually turned into a large, constant trickle. The ejaculatory mix had covered his whole body in a big, sticky, off-white mess, not to mention most of the stage. As the Leoine dragged the exhausted Arctic Fox off the stage, cum still dripping from his twitching cock, Leyha closed her eyes most of the way and collapsed convincingly into the Horse's arms, making sure one paw closed around her large bag. The Horse noticed this, grabbed the bag over his shoulder, and started to carry his treacherous Lapine off in his arms. Nobody who saw them looked inclined to take any action, either because a few patrons had been known to ask the club's porters specifically to be carried out asleep, or because of the commonly held belief that anyone inattentive enough to get drugged would learn better if they had to go through all the consequences.

As they made their way through the club, the Equine started slowing down, to catch glimpses of the rest of the club, and what it had to offer. Leyha watched as well, through half-closed eyes, the devices designed to fulfill anyone's experimental urges, and those that were indulging in them: a large, shining statue of a winged Reptillian female, up on all fours, with a happy Ferret wriggling her way into the mouth; an Otter putting a coin into a slot in the wall, to have writhing mechanical tentacles slither around her legs and up her skirt; a short, stocky Goat trying out the Growth emulator, and coming out of his temp-enhanced hormonal swoon looking extraordinarily muscle-bound, sporting a penis he had to hold with one hand, so as not to trip over it; or a large glass bowl, in which two Ceteans were treading water and humping furiously, mainly with the Leopard who was vainly trying to hold on to the side.

Leyha soon found herself jostled out of her unrealistic (without the aid of specifically designed confusing technology) fantasies by the Equine's attempt to turn a doorknob while holding her, and while dragging her big, heavy bag in his other hand. After walking into the room, he dropped the bag to the ground, didn't hear the muffled grunt that came from it, and slipped the Lapine on to the bed. He took the female by the arm, but only to check her pulse. When he found how quickly it was going, the Equine gave a gulp and sat down on the other side of the bed, watching her nervously.

"Well, aren't you going to rape me yet?" Leyha sat up and asked, startling the Horse to no end.

"Oh, you're okay? How did it feel? Did you enjoy it?"

"Well actually, I didn't enjoy being given drugs unannounced, especially when you're not willing to follow through on it! You drug me, I get knocked out, you have your way with me, I demand heavy compensation, a great time was had by all. Was it your first time or something?"

"Actually," the Equine sarcastically explained, "I do R&D work at the chemical plant, and found this compound which could sedate and stimulate at the same time. I figured something that caused wet dreams with no harmful side effects would help anyone who can't sleep, or doesn't enjoy sex enough: I figured I'd just give a sample to a random candidate, watch them throughout the whole time, and help out if anything went wrong. I'm Gemini, by the way, and did you really drink it at all?"

"Nope!" she shook her head and started across the bed towards him on all fours. "If a cute Stallion wanted to take me to bed with him, all he'd have to do was ask. Besides, don't you know it's rude to drug someone you haven't even been introduced to yet?" She took his forepaw in hers, ran her tongue slowly along it, and looked seductively into his eyes. The fact that he wasn't returning the eye contact only gave her more encouragement. "I'm Leyha, by the way, and were you really going to leave me alone the whole time? That would be such a shame."

He thought for a moment, came to a decision, then pulled her close to give her a long, deep kiss. Leyha's paw immediately slid down Gemini's pants, then took the moment of surprise to press her tongue as far into his mouth as she could. She instinctively humped forward when she caught a glimpse of his hands heading for her exposed pussy and tail, but he merely removed what little clothing she had on. After breaking off the kiss so she could slide out of her shirt, she sprawled out on the bed to entice the Equine further.

As usual, it worked. As he unceremoniously threw off his clothes, he asked if she intentionally tried to bite his tongue off.

"What can I say? I'm a bad kisser," the downy brown Lapine explained. "If you're going to stick something down my mouth, I'd rather have it more substantial than your tongue. Ooh, speaking of substantial - aw, why couldn't you have been one of those Horses on stage?" Her expectant grin became a critical look: though she didn't have a ruler handy, the dark, Equine cock displayed before her just barely lived up to her heat-ravaged fantasies.

Instead of the huge, muscular Stallion she'd envisioned, Gemini was rather more of a stocky stature; as handsome as Leyha would admit he was, his penis would stretch her tightly, instead of plowing as deep and heavily as her fetishes demanded. Catching the disappointed look on her face, Gemini shot her a frown. "Believe me, I know what goes into those speed-growth hormone enhancers those pornstars use all the time, and let me tell you, twenty-four hours of an unrealistic physique can really take it out of you and your body. That's why you never see the same guy performing up there two days in a row."

Leyha turned around, gave her Horse a full view of her round rump and soft tail, and reached over with one hindpaw to slide it under and around his erection. "Even still," she smirked, "you probably know by now how badly I need a good, hard, nonstop yiffing night. I'll take whatever I can, as big as I can get it. If you look inside my bag, I'm sure we could find something to liven things up."

Gemini the Horse gave his seductive Rabbit another reproachful look, then turned around to reach for her bag. Leyha turned her head around, partially to stare at the Stallion's buttocks, and partially to catch the look on his face when a big Ursine male stretched out of the bag's main compartment.

"Ooh, couldn't you have let me out earlier?" The overly fuzzy Ursine grumbled. "Oh, you've found an Equine this time? Pleased to meet you, call me Staniel."

Gemini stared at the fuzzy Ursine who just unfolded from a duffel bag he was carried in all night, and asked Leyha what the Kuh-Wrap was going on.

The two others in the room chuckled. "Hugglefuzz, wasn't that the catch phrase of the Dog who pioneered the process they used on you?"

"Oh yeah, didn't he try it out on himself before the bugs were worked out? Poor guy, I wonder where he is now. Anyway, I'm Leyha's mate. During that blackout in that freak storm a few years back, I had a two-storey fall and nearly died. Leyha spent the big bucks to get me Transferred, but she wanted me to be plush. I can't eat much now, and can't feel stuff like pain or get ticklish, but now we can do things we couldn't dream of!"

"What? I didn't know they'd finished it!?" Gemini exclaimed. "Transferring someone from one living body into another is hard enough; how can they put someone's personality and memory into fluff or glue or whatever?"

"They told me it wasn't so much a set of complicated instructions as it was some kind of rhythmic energy wavelength. It dissipates on the body's death, or something like that. All they had to do was set up something that could support a working mind, and well, there he is.

"But forget all that," she continued, flicking a switch on the wall, "I've got a Horsie and a Plushie with me, and I wanna have some fun."

When she hit the wall switch marked "Exhibitionist," the walls of their room turned transparent. Anyone could see in or out. Passersby from the hallway turned to look, and in another room, a Bat Mistress paused while torturing her Reptillian pet to sneak a peek at the three in the next room.

Staniel reached into the bag and brought out several containers of PlushieCum, and walked over to the sink to mix them with enough water to get a warm, sticky liquid, then drink the resulting mix. "How many do you want tonight?"

"All of them!" Leyha shouted back.

"Are you sure? I shouldn't go over the recommended dosage all at once; I don't want to get soaked from inside or anything!"

Leyha nodded again and motioned for Gemini, who was inadvertently poking one of Staniel's squishy buttocks. "Still checking?" Staniel asked, "Don't worry yourself. She says I'm cuddly and sexy, and I don't mind getting lugged around in a cramped bag if it meant catching the look on your face!" He turned on the sink as Gemini sat down on the bed, only to be pounced on by a dominant Rabbit holding the biggest paw-held pump he had seen in his life.

He started to say something, but Leyha tried to kiss him again, grabbing his cock by the base and stroking it to its full size again. "Yes, I know what I'm doing," she told him, "and if you just sit there and go back and forth when I tell you, you'll enjoy yourself too."

"I was going to ask if I could do it," the Horse smirked, "but you've gotten better at kissing since we first met. I've never had sex with someone who had a mate before. Is there anything I should know?"

"Sure," replied Leyha, sliding the pump over Gemini Albon's penis, "don't stop yiffing until I tell you to."

The pump was nearly as long as Leyha's forearm, and slightly wider than her fist. Gemini smiled at first, but started to wince as the suction caused his cock to swell and expand well past its normal dimensions. Leyha continued to pump until her hand got sore, and it became hard to squeeze it any more. By the time her Plushie had mixed the fake semen, imbibed the whole bowl full of it, and waddled back to the bed, Leyha had pulled the pump off of the Equine's newly enhanced length. Leyha put a paw around it, Gemini let out an impressed whinny, and Staniel smirked at the sight of Gemini's sixteen-inch shlong: the way his mate's tastes ran, she was sure to be sated tonight.

The Bear reached down to grab a bottle of lubricant, hopped up on the bed, and tossed it to the now-sex-crazed Leyha, who immediately started pouring a generous helping on Gemini's quivering spire, then began masturbating with the rest of what was on her paws.

Staniel reached over for it, then stopped. He began to say, "Uh-oh," when a gurgling noise caught everyone's attention. Gemini's cock was pressing against her hips when he saw the worried Bear's cock begin to swell and throb.

"Too much!" the Bear gulped. "I didn't think the reaction would be so big this time!" Leyha was so startled at the chemical reactions inside her mate that she leaped backwards, landing in Gemini's arms and sending half of his cock into her rump. Gemini held her tightly and watched as Staniel's genitals started to expand, in the manner of someone pouring baking soda into a water balloon full of vinegar. He lost his balance and fell on the bed, his synthetic testicles reaching a size that rivaled that of tennis balls, then baseballs. By the time they reached the same size as Leyha's breasts, the gurgling noise stopped; even still, his movements were accompanied by a faint sloshing sound, of the synthetic semen roiling within them. He let out a sigh of relief and heaved himself into position on the bed. Leyha gasped, squeezed her hips around the Equine shaft, and reached for her mate's abnormally swollen cock. Gemini was starting to pour more lubricant on it when the door opened, and a male short Goat stomped into the room.

"Ooh! Come... join in!" Leyha groaned, partially from all the arousal, and because she was trying to fit her mate's engorged Plushie penis into her dripping Bunny cunt. The Goat looked at the scene distrustfully, but it still caused his artificially enhanced member to stiffen: it was so big, it wouldn't even fit in his sheath while flaccid. Since he was under five feet, his new muscles rippled and bulged with every motion, making his thick fur bristle out in every direction.

"Ah," he nodded, "I figured Leyha wouldn't get drugged by someone who wasn't her mate by mistake." He nodded at Gemini, gave Staniel a pat on the back, then leaned forward to straddle Leyha's mouth. He held his cock up to her muzzle and said gruffly, "You want this, Bunny slut?"

With a happy groan, Leyha's mate got his cock past Leyha's lower lips: she gave out a yelp as the spasm of delicious pain coursed through her, then gagged as the Goat pushed the end of his (comparatively) gargantuan cock into her mouth. She instantly began sucking on it, wiggling her tail around Gemini's length, and started pushing down on the one in her pussy with a fervor. Once she got past the pain of being stretched so brutally every which-way, she could feel the incredible pleasure mounting fast. The Bear started to moan, thrusting in and out, his cock pressing in as far as he could push it, while her new Equine gave out whinnies of delight as he took to yiffing at a harder pace. Being able to feel the press of the cock in her pussy only turned him on even more, and he even imagined that he could feel the one down her throat, the way the Goat was holding on to her neck.

(In the next room, the Bat Mistress grabbed the Reptile's tail, and a squirt of lubricant later, started to stuff it in the puckered hole at its base. Her pet gave a roar, silent through the transparent wall, and looked down at his Mistress, who was furiously yiffing herself with two dildoes at once. After feebly trying to shake his way out of his handcuffs, and nudging his uncaring Mistress, his gaze went back and forth between the carnal display across from him, and his own pulsing erection. After coming to a decision, he leaned his long neck forward, and started to suck on his own cock. His eyes turned back to the helpless Bunny getting ploughed with three huge penises while he continued to self-yiff with mouth and tail)

Soon, Leyha started to shudder and twitch, as her first real climax washed over her. She squeezed down on every inch of male flesh that she could stuff in her orfices, but she still lusted for more. She had just managed to take the Goat's entire length into her esophagus, and was playing with his balls, when Staniel gave a louder groan and stopped humping his mate. The others could see her lower regions shake, and soon, white globs of PlushieCum started to drip down out from the tight seal of her cunt around the monster within her.

Leyha gave a disappointed sound from her position around the Goathood she was sucking on, and its owner asked, "Is that it?"

Staniel responded by patting his enormous sac and saying, "Are you kidding? With all this stuff, that was just pre!"

Meanwhile, pre started to leak from the other two males, and their yiffing tempo increased as well. Leyha tried to shout "More! More!" but with the Goat's sizable cock repeatedly violating her throat, it ended up as a moan that vibrated through her entire body, and the thrusting poles of the males around her. A second climax hit, followed closely by a third: her heat was still flaring within her, and those males were yiffing to their limits: she still wanted more, and they were going to give it to her.

"Mmm... Okay, Leyha, I'm gonna try something now," her mate growled, thrusting harder still. He poured more lube over the rest of his cock, what he couldn't fit into her. His cock pressed more firmly against her cervix, making her shudder in anticipation, but also in fear. He gripped her legs firmly, and with a mighty roar and a mighty thrust, pressed his cock down past her cervix, and right into her womb!

(The voyeuristic Reptile found himself immediately cumming into his mouth, while his Bat Mistress gave a screech that made the ears of everyone in the club ring)

Leyha started to scream, even despite the Goat's penis down her throat. The pain of being penetrated so deep overwhelmed even the pleasure she was feeling. Her three holes were stretched so wide, she couldn't bite down or squeeze up; Staniel gulped and started to pull out, but Leyha wrapped her legs around him when he was halfway out.

"Is she okay?" asked Gemini.

The Bunny's mate gave a grin and pushed himself back in. "Well, she always wanted something like this, so let's give it to her!" He pushed his penis so far into her that he could see the bulge where its tip pressed against her womb: he started to rub it with one paw, while Gemini fondled her breasts and licked her neck. The Goat took hold of her head so he could control how far down he went.

Gemini kept pounding the surprisingly limber Lapine as hard as he could, reveling in the sensation of taking a female deeper than he'd ever had, and was being watched by many strangers. The presence of the onlookers, and the arousal he was causing them, hit his voyeuristic streak with a powerful erotic force. He felt this new feeling of power course through him, increasing his need to violate this (relatively) tight Bunny until he was sated. He leaned forward to whisper "Ooh, thanks for playing along back there," into her ear, then started to groan as he lapsed into a lustful, yiffing frenzy.

The Goat, however, was so entranced at what his first attempt to actually try something new here had led to, that external sensations were completely lost on him. The slight soreness that came with his chemically-granted physique didn't matter at all, compared to the incredible treatment he was being given by this adventurous regular. The pleasure just kept on building, to the point where he just couldn't stop pushing his enlarged cock down the slut-Bunny's throat. When he thought he would faint soon, he instead felt another sensation, building up slowly from inside him. He'd recognized the feeling before, and just had time to groan, "I'm gonna cum," before he started to moan incoherently.

Leyha gave a muffled whimper of understanding, and almost hit another climax in anticipation; Staniel maintained his hold on his mate, pressed his penis as far into her womb as he could, and waited until the three of them were nearing their respective orgasms.

"Okay... ready, everyone?" he whispered, tensing up. "One... Two... THREE!"

The three males started to cum simultaneously, flooding Leyha's body with three different kinds of semen at once. She couldn't taste the Goat's cum, but could feel it, warm and thick, spewing almost directly into her stomach. Gemini's unfettered cock gave him the most intense climax of the males, making his body surge with the combined carnal delight of all four of them. As he lifted off into indescribable bliss, Staniel's balls started to shake as his cock spewed his load of PlushieCum deep, deep within his lover.

Leyha felt each male climax in turn, each making her climax with greater force; but when Staniel started to cum, he just couldn't stop. His orgasm hit and subsided, but his cock still had to jettison the payload within. Leyha started to scream again, partially from the unimaginable pleasure, wiping away her heat, her sense of self, her wildest dreams; and partially from the way the bulge in her stomach area was growing, just like the Vulpine show pet on the stage. She soon went from lithe to chubby as the fake cum sloshed into her deepest recesses. Staniel looked worried and started to pull out, still ejaculating, making her growing bulge jiggle: the other males followed suit, giving the twitches and shudders of post-orgasm satisfaction. As for Leyha, the feeling of those spires of male flesh slowly sliding away, and the large volume of spooge still roiling within her, sent through her final orgasm, which hit her sore muscles with all that was left of her libido. As the final inches of cock left her orfices; as the large amount of PlushieCum started to splatter out of her open folds and onto the bed, as she lost consciousness, she left her body awash in the exhausting feeling she had only fantasized about.

Then, she blacked out.

"Ah, she's finally waking up. I told you she would, eventually."

With a long yawn, I opened my eyes and stretched out on the bed, blissfully satisfied in the exodus of my heat. The Equine and my pretty Plushie had hung around, but the Goat had not. I was vaguely aware that the guy who had spoken was a male Lapine in a white outfit, but it was all I could do to just lie there and whisper, "I had the most wonderful night of my life..."

"Well, that was a couple days ago," my bedraggled Urisne explained. "You fell unconscious there, and when we recovered, we'd thought you'd drowned, or something."

"I'm sorry about everything," Gemini added. "the Goat ran off and thought you were dead, but I brought you in here. I was afraid I'd have to pay for a Transference, or if it was too late; But still, well, thanks, I had a great time too."

I looked around to find myself in a hospital, with the Lapine looking over a business-issued pocket computer.

"You actually weren't the first I've seen come in here in such a state," he said, writing something on its touch-sensitive screen, "we had a lot of semen, both real and fake to sop up, and you had some really tricky internal damage. You're going to feel sore for a while, and I don't suggest sticking anything bigger than a pen into anywhere for at least a couple of days."

I smirked at his rebuke, hugged my Plushie tightly to my aching body, and gave the earnest Horse a kiss on the cheek. "Even still," I murmured, "it was worth it."

"Oh, and by the way, this," interjected the Lapine, pointing to a large figure at the bottom of his computer, "is your bill."