Perfect Fantasy

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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A young man finally gets as close to his fantasy of being a pony as he can get... but it is not all he has bargained for, certainly not even close.

The first time that Jackson saw a horse was when he was twelve years old and he had spent a summer at a camp that offered riding lessons along with lessons on boating and crafts. He didn't know if he'd been born with his fetish or if it were acquired, but he knew the moment he had realized his attraction. He'd been saddling up one of the horses and the feel of the leather under his fingers had been oddly erotic. The way that it had felt along his fingertips, the creak of it stretching as he had fastened the buckle and the warm scent of horse had all gone from being a chore to strangely arousing. It had confused and frightened him, that strong reaction, strong enough that he had tried to ignore it and dismiss the brief sensation, but it hadn't gone away.

He had spent the summer in a mixture of confusion and arousal with the horses and the tack they wore. He became fascinated with it and not simply with saddles and bridles, he had begun to push for lessons about the harnesses and more exotic gear stored in the tack shed. It had helped that the instructor had been quite happy to seduce him in his spare time, the pair of them holding a rather heated affair that had solidified his interest in all things equine. Perhaps if he had never been able to indulge in such activities his passing interest would have been dismissed, but it hadn't been and time only made it grow stronger and gave him access to new outlets.

By the age of nineteen he had broken into the BDSM scene and begun to indulge in pony play, finding gear that was designed to be sexual in nature and 'riders' who would treat him quite like a horse. It was intoxicating and for the longest time it was enough. He found pleasure in it, though he never quite gave up his interest in real horses, he could use his stable to enact scenes where he was little more than a dumb animal. He enjoyed the attention, and he might have been content with just that if it weren't for the fact he lacked a real rider. Most of the men he dated were passable at best, they wanted to do a bit of play and that was that, a few intense moments of pleasure in the stable and then their interest waned.

He had begun to look for something that would be more realistic and that had led him directly towards the virtual world. He was done playing with men who wanted to change his passion into something more mundane. He had begun to explore things that were impossible in the real world, a realm where he could cater to those that wanted to explore their sexuality freely and without consequence. It was an intoxicating realm, though finding like interests had proven hard, there were less restrictions. In that world he didn't have to wear hoof gloves and boots that pinched him, he could have is own set. He had a real tail and ears, he could have attributes of being a real equine, something that his former lovers would have shrank away from immediately.

_I don't know why they agree to going out with me knowing what I want and then try to change it. _He thought and gave his head a shake as he shifted his consciousness into the virtual world.

Jackson shivered a little in anticipation at the feel of the world adjusting around him. Even here where things were considered taboo and people could do what they liked without limit, there was still an air of control. He had found many people professing interest in horses and what they wanted was a horse boy, someone that was mostly human with only a few minor attributes. It was very like those annoying cat girls that ran around the larger cities here. He wasn't here for that, he wanted reality, he dreamed of a powerful body and a rider who was worthy of him. He wanted more than to be simply a ghost of what they claimed to want, he wanted to explore his interests fully and without shame. He was going to be given that chance, finally, thanks to a keen understanding of just how the game worked and where to look for people of like minds he had been able to locate a man that ran a sub-game in the outskirts of the VR world that would cater to what he wanted.

Stupid stupid, I know better than this.. He thought as he felt the familiar shiver as the game reset itself to his destination, flashing warnings through his mind's eye about what he was getting himself into.

The outskirts of the VR world were a bit more dangerous than the safer pay to play games because they were entirely coded by individuals without user agreements protecting the players. There were certain sub codes he had built into himself that allowed for some protection, but he knew the be cautious. Perhaps if he hadn't been so entranced with his own fantasies he wouldn't have allowed himself to be lured into a position that made him vulnerable, but the man had made the offer seem so desirable. He would be treated as a horse, a real horse, his body changed into a true equine instead of a loose dream of one. Benjamin Smith, a last name that screamed fake, had seemed to have a good grasp on just what he wanted and it was a siren's song that Jackson couldn't resist. He didn't even try, not even with some small part of his mind telling him in no uncertain terms that he was being an idiot.

His eyes slid towards the formed landscape and his reservations were stilled by the elegant barn and buildings that came into view. It was no rough looking homestead cobbled together by some loose daydream of early pioneer life or an english countryside, both of which held little interest to him. The buildings were polished and well built with an elegance that bespoke wealth had been poured into the design of something so simple of the tack shed, to say nothing for the main stable and riding rings. The white fences were freshly painted and glowed against the rich green grass and sand rings that were laid out in front of the terracotta stable. The red shingled roof was offset by the pale tan of the stone walls, the door was wide enough to admit a full team of horses and a carriage with ease and the walkways were paved rather than being simple packed dirt.

The scent of horses reached his nose as he stepped onto the road and glanced around nervously, trying to find some hint that the game was badly programmed. There were no hints of fuzziness or glitches, no repeating patterns, it was all perfectly and lovingly designed right down to the thick lush grasses and the horses that were grazing far in the distance. It looked like a wealthy riding stable, not one for hobby or play, but somewhere champion lines were born and bred, trained to the pinnacle of perfection before being released in the world. His own stable, by comparison, was little more than a rough shed with a pasture attached. He let out a breath and felt the tightness in his chest release and the anticipation began to rise. Benjamin hadn't been joking about the care he had taken to create his world, which only led him to believe that he hadn't been joking about the rest either.

The young man barely made his way past the first round ring before someone had spotted him. The program was cobbled together with enough care he couldn't figure out if they were NPCs or fellow players who spotted him, but the moment they had their attention on him the program subtly shifted. It was a flicker and caress that ran over his body as his clothing was removed from the game with little fanfare, making him feel the tickle of cold air rushing against the line of his chest and lower body. He froze in place, taken aback by the sudden removal as an older man with a clean looking plaid cap on his head approached him, brows pulled together in a frown as the clean cut groom invaded his space with a casual step forward to catch him just beneath the chin with a firm pair of fingers.

He knew he wasn't a bad looking person, but he had always considered himself far too thin and tall, like a colt who had never grown into a proper size. Having someone crowding him when the program had stripped him of his clothing put him a little on edge. He covered himself with his hands, hiding the fact he was hanging free and rather embarrassingly showing the first edge of arousal as he drew in the horse scents on the air. A twinge of his early upbringing made him feel ashamed that he was being affected in that way, but he pushed it to the background of his thoughts.

"You'd think they'd have the decency to bring the new ones to the barn first." He murmured in a soft voice, the fingers cupping just beneath his chin. "Aren't you an interesting fellow, hardly the sort we normally get here."

"I.. Benjamin told me to come here." Jackson's answer was automatic as he felt the touch curling along his cheeks.

The man didn't respond with anymore more than a slight frown on the weathered features and a hand that reached down to his side. Jackson fidgeted a little, his hands remaining covering himself as best he could before soft rope was pulled up and over his head, wrapping along his neck. It was a smooth movement that curled the line of the rope just under his chin and drew it taut, pulling his head forward as the other hand caressed up along his neck, running down towards the edge of his shoulder with a delicate brush of fingers that made him shiver. The heat ran up to his cheeks, embarrassed and not entirely sure this was what was supposed to happen, but the man didn't seem to be shocked that he had appeared, nor that he was entirely naked.

The lead went tight, pulling him forward with a confident tug that had him stumbling slightly, his nostrils flaring a little bit as the scent of horse became stronger as he was led towards the barn. None of the rest of the workers seemed to be phased that he was being led towards the stable at all, as if a naked man walking in their midst was nothing more than another day for them. Perhaps it was. Benjamin had mentioned that he had been running this particular simulation for quite a few years and there had to be others with similar tastes craving a real change in their lives. It wouldn't just be him. That's why the man wasn't phased by him, he must be an NPC and he had triggered the program, that was all.

He was led into the stable, his eyes roving over the wide elegant stalls with their polished black bars and brick walls, a few equines peered at him with interest as his bare feet touched the cold ground towards a small narrow open shower stall. He didn't balk, instead, he relaxed into the sensation of being led and handled, the role of a horse was to obey and that meant listening to the groom that pulled him into the narrow stall. The scent of equine was intoxicatingly mixed with leather, wafting from an open door that was revealed to be a tack room. It was far more elaborate than anything he had seen in real life or here, the rows of saddles, harnesses and gear ranged from nearly every discipline he had ever encountered. His arousal stirred as he shifted, playfully pulling at the lead in his role of a horse, it was a role he was quite intimate with.

"Ahh he arrived.." A rich purring voice made him stiffen a little, the sound making his cheeks flush as the man he had met earlier in the week stepped out of the tack room, his eyes lighting up brightly. "I've been expecting this one, though he is a bit later than I had assumed."

"I had to think about it.." Jackson confessed softly as the groom tied off the lead onto a heavy metal ring. "It was.. An appealing offer."

The man was as handsome as he had been in the bar, his dark black hair pulled back into a loose ponytail at the nape of his neck, the curve of his cheek bones sensuous looking with full soft lips. The loose white blouse was wrapped in a bright red riding coat complete with tails that hung down over a pair of tight riding pants that hugged the muscular legs and outlined the curve of his ass. It was designed to make him look good, though here, anyone could appear the way they wanted, it didn't stop the twinge of desire that he felt as the hands reached out to brush down the line of his naked back. The warm brown eyes lingered over his body intimately, the touch slipping up towards the curve of his shoulders and traced the nape of his neck just beneath the rope.

He expected the man to say something, anything, introducing him to the game perhaps or explaining how things worked here, but Ben said nothing. The fingers ran against him and suddenly touched the line of his chin before one of the finger tips brushed his lips and gave a firm tug backwards. He didn't know what was happening, he didn't have time to formulate a response before his lips were pried open and suddenly he had the man peering into his mouth and at his teeth. He let out a noise, his ears going red as the rider took time to peer into his maw as if he were a horse in truth. It was something that no one had ever done to him in his previous games and the touch made him shiver, feeling his cock hardening behind his hands in response.

"Not bad, quite young still, young enough to learn. Adam, go and grab a proper harness for him." He said in a distracted tone before releasing Jackson's mouth, but the the hands didn't leave him.

The fingers stroked over him with a delicate stroke, dancing downwards along the edges of his chest and smoothed towards the sweep of his hips. The light tickle teased their way down further along his chest, the spread digits caressing him with a light draw that ran all the way down towards the curve of his hip. He wanted to say something, but he didn't open his mouth, he couldn't, he was trapped in a mixture of embarrassment and arousal as he was examined as if he were a horse in truth. He could feel himself hardening, he wanted this, he wanted to be treated this way so badly, it was nearly painfully pleasurable as he felt the fingers sliding down the line of his calf, curling around it. He tipped forward a little bit and felt the finger tips gripping the line of his ankle before giving a pull upwards that nearly made Jackson stumble.

His leg was lifted up and curled upwards so the underside of his foot could be looked at and examined. He was breathing a little faster, keenly aware of the fact that he was enjoying this too much, but he didn't care. This was the sort of handling he lusted after and craved. He arched himself in place and leaned forward, reaching out to brace himself against the line of the wall as the hand cupped under his foot for a brief moment before dropping it back down to the ground. The other hand trailed against the other leg, trailing upwards a little until the touch cupped against his rump before giving a light swat. It was enjoyable, but it was normal, at least so far. He shifted a little bit and tried to ignore the fact that his cock was curved up against his stomach, stiff and hard with arousal.

"Let's get you processed." The groom said as he returned, the older man reaching out to catch the line of his chin to lift it up. "Well mannered for a stallion."

"He's just adjusting, nicely proportioned, but he'll need some work." Ben's commentary made him grow a bit flustered, shifting his weight with a twitch of his hips, shaking a little bit. "Then again, I'd hardly be challenged by something perfect."

Jackson was almost ready to say something when the touch of sleek buttery soft leather ran along his cheeks and a halter was pulled up along his head. The tug slipped upwards along the bridge of his nose with shortened straps that were able to work with his flat human face. It was familiar, he had his own halter and bridle at home meant for a human, so the thrill was restrained as it was carefully strapped into place and the line of the buckles kissed against the line of his cheeks. His nostrils flared open wide as the leather that clutched down was warm along the line of his back and neck. The rope was loosened from around his neck, slipping free so it could be used as a lead instead as hands caressed his naked body. The little slips and caresses of the fingers moved open, feeling along his sides as the halter's warmth tightened against the underside of his chin and the touch of the fingers created a sudden spark.

It was electricity striking him, making him jerk backwards with a stiffening twitch of one leg as Benjamin's hands moved up towards the line of the shoulders. He gave a flex and squeeze to cause him to jump in place as his skin began to twitch and quiver with strange leaps and jumps. His eyes flashed wildly, jerking looking to one side and then the other as the tremors ran down the line of his back, his skin tightening with a flush of heat that made his cheeks grow a deeper red. The man's hands slid up towards his arms, catching them and drawing them outwards as the touch of the finger tips trailed and left behind muscles that were twitching and twinging strangely. The program was rewriting over him, the coding replacing itself rapidly as his fingers suddenly twitched as his nails began to grow thicker and heavier, his knuckles growing stiff and painful feeling.

His back was being stretched as the halter's ingrained coding erased over his own protections, the layers that were meant to keep him safe in the VR world were wiped away as his body elongated and his bones began to thicken. It was a shock of sensation as his skin heated up and his nails grew stiffer by the moment. They were growing together, pulling closer as his joints grew larger and his middle finger increased in size rapidly. His smaller fingers were drawing backwards as the rounding hoof tip began to grow wider and the weight increased. His hands were being dropped forward with a slow straining change that had nothing to do with his own control. Normally when he changed it was all at once, like his clothes disappearing and it was over, but not now.

He felt his skin stretching and his back was growing longer as he cried out, his weight swinging back and forth while his legs began to grow heavier and his weight was thrown onto his tips. Jackson tried to brace his changing hands on the wall, the scrape of the forming hooves loud as steel grey hairs began to grow along the line of his arms, the bones adjusting themselves as he watched muscles rippling in places that had never been present before. His lower arms began to thicken, the elbow was moving upwards as knees began to form and grew heavier while he let out a ragged shocked cry. The hand on his back trailed downwards, running towards the sweep of an ass that was growing larger by the moment as he started to fill out and closed his eyes. The throbbing heat was arousing, not simply for the feeling of his body being changed. It was what that change was.

He gave into it, his arousal throbbing beneath him and he felt the moment that it began to grow longer and heavier. His legs were more powerful, lengthening in ways that he had never experienced with his other play. His toes were lost in the hard stiff edge of his hooves, the scrape of them loudly running against the ground as he folded his ears down tight to his head. He squealed softly and threw his haltered his head up in the air while his hind legs splayed slightly with a rear, feeling the muscles along his side bunching up as he swung his head about. The swinging dark length was filled out and heavy, the tip flattening down as his entire body was shaking as the scent of horses grew sweeter in his nose, delighting him, making him wrinkle his nose back slightly to savor it. He knew that scent, it had always made him feel a surge of warmth and arousal.

The hand traced his back as he became more solid, his legs lengthened until his back was at a level, the pressure spiking as pressure spiked along the base of his spine, pushing out the length of a tail. The long hairs spilled downwards, dark black to offset the deep grey coloration of his coat. Longer hair began to run down the length of his neck, a neck that was growing and extending out with a slide that lifted his head higher in the air, putting pressure on the lead. He yanked against the line of the lead, pulling at it while he tried to rear backwards again, throwing his head back and forth. He wanted to move, he wanted to feel his legs beneath him, the urge made his skin shiver in place as he let out a roughened breath. There was no hiding his arousal now, it was painfully obvious while the weight of the inky black equine length bobbed up and down under his barrel.

"Easy, easy.... Have some manners, now." Benjamin laughed as he caught the bridle and gave it a slight tug, pulling his head down with a twist of his long neck. "That's a boy, just relax..."

"AHEEEHEEHEEHEEE!" Jackson opened his mouth to say something, but the eruption of equine sound that burst free was nothing like human words. His mouth refused to make them, a mouth that was by all means still human.

The lead was allowed more slack, giving him room to move back and forth, feeling four solid hooves balancing him perfectly on an equine body that felt just as perfect as he knew it would. His surge of pleasure grew as he tipped his head forward and flicked his ears up, trying to peer back down along his changed body. The deep grey colors were offset with white streaked dapples that formed a near starburst pattern against his glossy coat. His coat was perfect, not a hint of a blemish or imperfection, while the length of his tail was flicking wildly behind him. It was lean and muscular, not at all the heavy weight of a draft horse, but more akin to a sleek thoroughbred with long lines and a elegantly long neck. It was exactly what Benjamin had offered him when they'd talked, entirely perfect, far beyond the tame expectations of the rest of the virtual world.

He swung his head back towards Benjamin and arched his neck, his ears up with eagerness as he let out a rumbling noise. The flat human face was a concern, but he didn't care, the rest of him was exactly the way he had envisioned himself and that meant he could finally enjoy the sorts of games he had dreamed about. Jackson felt a flash of shame at just how often he had read stories of men with horses, but those were just stories, this was the reality. He knew that if others knew about his penchant for such stories they would have been disgusted, but likely they would have thought he wanted to take the part of the man with the equine. He'd never wanted to be the man, he'd always wanted to be the horse and already he was toying with how good it would feel to have those hands wrapped around his overly large shaft and so much more. He shivered his haunches and tried to step forward, crowding towards Ben as the man's lips quirked up slightly.

He felt his cock slapping up again, he deliberately surged that pleasure through him as the tip hit against his chest with a wet smear of precum that coated against him. He was almost painfully hard, so much larger than he had before. It was a ridiculous dream to think that he'd be stuffing the man who'd changed him, but that was the beauty of the virtual world. Those limitations just didn't exist here, they could do what they wanted without worry that the smaller human would be hurt. He let out a low rumble, flaring his nostrils wide and crested his neck all the way down towards his chest as the swinging shaft bounced again and he tried to swing his haunches towards the man. A man that didn't seem to be paying attention to his obvious arousal, instead, the hand reached out to slap against the dappled swell of his haunches.

"I've cleared a stall near the back, go and see him put away with a good amount of grain to settle him." Ben reached out and rubbed just under his chin, those elegant fingers curving a little bit. "We'll begin training tomorrow. With his legs he'll make a lovely hunter."

Wait.. what... The former man blinked in confusion, swinging his head backwards the NPC groom that came for his lead.

"Yes, sir." The man caught his lead and unhooked it from the ring. "Come on, old fellow, no mares around here for you."

"He's probably just trying to impress, after all, he's bottom of the herd as the new stallion. Perhaps we can pair him up with Argo, he's good at bringing them to heel." Benjamin said thoughtfully stepping back with a flick fingers. "Still, he's got promise. It's been a long time since we've had a new one. We'll think of a name for him once we have a feel for him."

Wait.. damn it. No. What about... Jackson felt blindsided as the lead was given a pull, he was supposed to be enacting a fantasy between a horse and rider, why was he being taken to a stall. Where was the fun in that? He jerked and reared a little as the small groom hauled him forward with a hand gripping just under his halter, refusing to let it free as he was forced from the room.

Jackson stepped back, trying to shake away the hold of the VR session with annoyance, his anger flaring hot as he stepped back and partially reared up to try and shake the lead free. He knew the code that would withdraw him from the game, it was just a flick of his attention, but when he started to reach for it, the halter ran hot around his head. He let out a ragged noise, jerking his head up high in the air as it clamped down and the lead was given another rough pull forward. The jerk yanked him forward, the steps making him struggle to break free as he pranced in place. His tail swept over the edges, running back and forth as he gave a short jerk upwards, partially rearing in place before dropping back down again. His legs splayed wide, but the code refused to release him, it was as if his mind wouldn't reach that far for the switch.

The former man let out an angry equine noise, the squeal bursting free past his throat before he was given another firm tug, his human head dropped down lower as he was led along the ranks of the stalls. It wasn't simply horses that were watching him from over the line of thier stall doors, at least, not entirely horses. Some had the traditional long muzzles and deep brown eyes, but there were just as many flat human faces that peered at him. Some with intelligence, but a disturbing amount had flat eyes, lacking even a basic human intelligence as they regarded him. It was a trap, it'd all been trap, the offer to give him exactly what he wanted, but not exactly. Not even close. He couldn't get out of the session, he was trapped as he was led to one of the empty stalls and he didn't know what tomorrow would bring.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Jackson was torn between extreme arousal and outraged frustration as the next day in the VR session bled over and he was left sitting in the middle of a stall. He was everything that he had dreamed of being, proudly equine from ears to tail, though the flat face was certainly not what he expected to be forced to endure. He had assumed that Ben would want to do something more than this, that the young man would be heatedly having sex in one way or another, or at the very least doing something more sexual than standing in a stall. The presence of the other human faced horses were certainly an indication that he was not unique in this stable. That was what was truly worrying, that Benjamin had done this before, though they might be illusions meant to unsettle him. He didn't know, this was going outside of the realms of his original fantasy.

The dawn of the game could have taken an hour or a day, there was no real way of gauging when his internal clock was shut down as securely as his ability to break free of the programs hold. He only knew that it was nearly dawn when the stable came alive with the sounds of workers and the backdrop noises that were a constant in places like this. Jackson shifted and stomped his hooves angrily prance stepping while he watched NPCs work the farm around him. At least, he assumed they were NPCs. No one paid much attention to him save to throw some hay into his stall for him to eat. It gave him all too much time to consider just what sort of position he had been put into.

It was both exactly what he wanted and at the same breath, too real. It wasn't that he objected to being an equine or treated one, but he wasn't being given attention and there was no real sexual behavior going on. It was boring and frustrating with the worrying addition of being unable to break the hold of the game. He didn't know what Benjamin was trying to do with this virtual scape, but it lacked the spark that he had been looking for. It wasn't until nearly late afternoon that anything of any happened, well past the point where he had begun pacing to try and cure his boredom.

"Still energetic, hmm?" Benjamin murmured as the rider stepped into the stable, his eyes bright and interested as they roved over Jackson with interest. "I thought you'd be settled by now."

Jackson stopped his pacing and set his ears back in annoyance, giving the man an aloof look as he came to the opening of the door and quirked up his lips with a sly smile. He was still just as handsome as always, the sensuous lips expressive as he swung the stall door open and stepped inside with a rope loosely tossed over the line of his shoulder. He was dressed in the same was as before, elegant looking pants and red coat, all set off with polished black knee high boots. He didn't pause to make small talk, though there was nothing he could really say in response to the man. He high stepped back and flipped his tail back and forth, snorting a little bit as one hand reached out to catch his halter, snagging it to pull his head forward so the lead could be clipped on.

The former man relaxed a little bit, trying to push away the unease he felt hands sliding up along the sweep of his broad neck. The gentle caress danced over the edges, trailing towards his shoulder as he puffed out a breath and gave his head a slight toss as the man pulled at the lead to coax him forward. He let his nervousness flow away as he was handled the way he wanted to be, just like an equine that was given a firm tug and pulled from the stall. His hooves hit the ground with a hollow clattering noise, realistic and loud sounding as his tail swished rapidly back and forth behind his haunches. His nostrils flared and he drew in a breath, letting it out again in a rush while he gave a partial rear upwards and dropped back down to the ground again, testing the hold.

Ben's laughter filled his ears and the lead was given a yank, pulling his head back down again before he was brought to heel. He flicked his ears back and forward again as the fingers hooked under his halter and gave a pull, coaxing him into stepping forward with his tail bouncing behind him. A few of the human faced equines peered at him, their expressions strangely blank as he was walked past them. His eyes flicked nervously back and forth, weighing what it meant, but as the man's hand slid along the line of his dappled neck he shivered in delight. The fingers twined along the line of his mane, distracting him as he was led out of the stable and gave his head a little toss up and down, pulling against the lead.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Benjamin twitched his lips up in amusement at the way the stallion was acting, the nervous fidgeting that made him twitch his lips up in a slow smile. Normally when he went looking for new toys he had to truly work for them, seduce them, introduce them slowly into his play. It had once held an appeal that came with outsmarting another human being, but it had become almost automatic. He enjoyed his little patch of the virtual world, a stable that catered to some of the darker fantasies that people possessed and he was always trying to find new mounts for those that came to rent those he offered. He had lucked out with Jackson, the boy had all but fallen into his hands.

He had carefully left the youthful innocent looking face free of any trace of equine change save for the ears. There were those he transformed all the way as a matter of course, but some he preferred to show off their humanity for his clients. They ranged from simple face horses to those that just had horse asses, to mixtures that were mostly human looking except for certain aspects that were used for pleasure. Jackson had wanted the whole package, he had practically begged for it, and so Ben had willingly given it to him. Strange, that this one wanted to be treated as a horse, an extreme of pony play that he still didn't seem to understand.

"Easy, easy, son, let's get you saddled up, get some of that energy spent." He murmured when the former young man gave a toss of his head and high stepped to try and surge forward.

The bold markings made him stand out as the man led the newest equine out to the side of the barn and tied off the lead easily enough. He had wanted to make the boy something lovely and exotic. Given his natural arousal at just being handled, it would be easy to train him into both a working mount and a pleasure mount. There were no end of men who came here wanting to be fucked by a horse or fuck one, and this one would be equally adept at answering both callings with ease. Eventually he'd figure out he wouldn't be able to get out of the game on his own, but it might take him more time than it had taken the others to figure it all out.

Oh they were all allowed to log out eventually, he couldn't kidnap them and leave their bodies lying around, but with careful conditioning he made sure they would return. The oldest of his prizes had been working for nearly a year in the real world and he still returned, conditioned to log on regularly as the humanity that was left in his mind was carefully masked over the horse beneath. The subtly ability to work their minds was something that he prided himself on, though it did have its risks attached. There was always the chance one of them would be able to think for themselves, but what then? No law had been broken, they hadn't been hurt physically, they hadn't had anything really done to them in the real world.

That was the kicker. The world of virtual reality wasn't subject to the laws of any one state or country. They hadn't been raped in person, they hadn't been trapped, really, only their characters had been. And most of them would have been far too ashamed to drag such a thing into court. All he had to do was carefully make sure that by the time they woke up in the real world their minds were his. It was frighteningly easy with them, especially when the way the sessions were built allowed for a certain amount of access to their thought processes. It was a wonder he was the only one he knew of that was taking advantage of those holes.

The laws haven't caught up with me yet. _ He thought with a laugh and slapped the ample equine haunches. _This one might be able to return to the real world within a week as eager as he is.

_ _

The young stallion was already dropping from the dark black sheath under him, the human eyes watching him expectantly. He had said he wanted a rider, someone to treat him like a horse. Ben knew that came with heavy sexual overtones and he had every intention of giving the lad what he wanted, but for now... He had to begin the process of breaking through the higher thought processes. As long as they were in place, it would be harder to condition him into returning. And that was the most important part of the game.

"Aren't you a fine looking fellow?" He crooned and ran a hand down the broad back. "Legs like that would be wasted in a stall. Let's see what they can do."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Jackson snorted and side stepped, shivering in absolute pleasure at the feel of the soft saddle pad on his back and the leather wrapping around his barrel. He forgot his misgivings and instead let himself fall into the pure pleasure of simply feeling the hard edge of leather biting down into his skin and squeezing. It wasn't like the flimsy harnesses he had built in the past, they always felt wrong and certainly hadn't settled in the right places for him to be comfortable. This saddle was perfect and easily settled on his back without feeling like he was ridiculous with an oversized saddle on a human back. Though, that gear had been arousing it had never fit right.

The man who tacked him up had a deft hand that was proving that he knew how to handle a horse without any real problem. The light strokes and caresses were working together so that he was dropping heavily from his sheath shamelessly. He was so aroused that his skin was running hot and cold in turns, it was painfully perfect. Every dream he had had of being a horse was like this, the reality of it had him snorting and swinging his head to look back at his body proudly. Not even the crupper that was pulled up and over his tail kept him from shifting eagerly, pulling at the lead as the man laughed good naturedly and reached out to pluck up a glossy looking bridle.

The slap of his cock against his chest was loud sounding and his embarrassment was barely felt as the man reached up to undo the halter. The feel of that shaft was powerful and heavy, swinging back and forth under him with the swell of the base extending out wide. He rumbled and lipped a little bit , acting the horse as he shoved against the man a few times and high stepped about and flipped his tail back and forth. His rumbling sounds whickering free lightly when the man reached out to catch him just along the edge of the chin. He wanted to surge forward, to wrap his forelegs around the slender man, to do more than just the light play, but he held himself back.

_I'm not in control of myself. _ He thought ruefully, but didn't care as the bridle was pulled on over his head, tugging upwards with the modified short straps more like the bridle he had purchased for himself in the real world.

The bridle was a bit of a shock to him, the taste of it strange and the gap in his teeth disturbing as it fell into place, but he shifted it under his tongue and tried to settle it. There were more important things for him to concentrate on instead of the slight discomforts. The creak of leather, the sensuous caress of it along his cheeks and neck were intoxicating as Ben reached up and drew the reins along the line of his thick broad neck. He crested it, reveling in the way it created a dramatic affect it made as his haunches tensed again and he heard his cock slapping up again. The blunt tip left a wet trail right along his chest as he swung his head about, trying to watch his new master eagerly.

Tacked up, this would be the time things would move towards the sexual play, at least, it always had with his other games. Perhaps he would be touched with hands and mouth, or maybe he would be expected to play the breeding stud. Or there would be a tube like the artificial ones they used on highly prized stallions. That made a shiver trail down the line of his back while contemplating the sensation of humping into something so perfectly designed for him. The reins pulling along his neck were only a bit of a distraction until they tugged up and suddenly his jaws were given a tug as the reins were placed right along the sweep of the saddle and Ben stepped forward.

Jackson wasn't sure why he was shocked at the sudden motion, perhaps it was because his mind was locked on the idea of the more sexual aspects of the play, but he startled to one side when a booted foot was set in the stirrup. The weight of the saddle moved to one side as the man swung upwards in one graceful move, well-practiced as the weight dropped onto his back and he gave a short head toss and snorted. He pranced backwards, high stepping with a flash of his tail and swung around as the bit was shifted in his maw. It was unlike any game he had played in the past, confusing and making him feel off balance as he gave an automatic little buck beneath his rider.

"Whoa.. whoa... That's a good lad, that's right, not so strange, is it?" Ben murmured and a warm hand slid along his neck, caressing him with a stroke. "Just relax, there's a fine fellow, nothing to worry about..."

It was a sweet little voice, the croon one gave an animal that soothed him and made him snort a little bit. His heavy dark cock drooped down, softening a little bit as he side stepped and gave a yank against the reins that were lightly gripped. The legs wrapped around his broad chest, they didn't hang down uselessly to the sides. It was laughable to think of the other little games he'd played in the past with his prior partners. When they'd been on his back he'd felt aroused, but somewhat embarrassed because it hadn't felt right, but this... this was different. The heels touched his sides gently as he circled and stepped away from the fence, throwing his head high in the air.

Ben barely weighed anything, he was easily jostled along his back as he whickered and gave his head a few wild tosses in the air. He rolled the bit on his tongue and let himself move in a circle, his ears flipping backwards at the meaningless words the man was giving him. It wasn't exactly what he'd been expecting, after all, the hard work in the pony play had been done, but perhaps the man wanted to go further? He lifted his head and took a few high steps forward, his muscular legs rippling beneath him easily, flashing his glossy polished hooves as he bounced his rider. The laughter was like music to his ears as the hands gripped the reins and the weight re-balanced itself.

"Come on, Dobbin, let's give those legs of yours a real try." Ben said, the name lightly given, but Jackson wasn't paying attention to the name. The heels touched down and the reins loosened... And the former man let loose like an arrow from a bow, erupting into flowing graceful movement.

His arousal withdrew as he gave a few flings of his legs, stretching them out wide beneath him as he surged forward with a series of wild lunges that stretched his legs open wide. His ears flicked backwards as the light press of the reins pulled against him, putting pressure on the bit so that he was easily turned and led down a path. His cock withdrew further up into his sheath, pulling the aroused flesh out of view to protect it from the bouncing movements of his body. His ears flicked back against his head, twitching towards Benjamin while he threw his head up at the feel of his legs being stretched open wide beneath him, being flung out under him and launching him forward.

His confusion at the way he was being handled and how events were being unfurled were diminished by the sensation of his powerful body being propelled by powerful long legs. The virtual world was meant to be all inclusive, to consume the senses and now he was able to feel muscles that were bunching up and relaxing beneath him. His haunches working as he was propelled forward, his tail twitching wildly behind him as the reins pulled his head backwards, lifting it up higher as he felt the ground change into soft grass under his hooves. The impact of it different and more giving as his rider's legs flexed against his sides, gripping down tightly to move in time with his pace.

He had often played this part in his mind, he had more than a few sessions in the past where he'd played the horse, but that hadn't been as detailed as this sensation. He could feel his great heart beating in his chest, the thud and pressure of his hooves and the creak of leather. It was sensual and arousing, but he kept it in check in favor of the path that was being taken down along the uneven ground of the bridle path. It was strangely natural feeling, thrilling, making him forget his disconcerted anger at the strange situation. He gave himself into the feel of his body, the powerful eruption of speed that sent him tearing down along the path. He released some part of his humanity behind him, left on the path as his rider let out a loud encouraging call.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Jackson shifted on his hooves and glared a little as Benjamin came into the stable for the third day in the row, at least, he assumed it was the third day in a row that he'd been here. The way that the VR world worked, meant that time was a fluid thing that could be changed at the whims of the owner. He snorted and shifted, his body side stepping to one side and then the other nervously while he watched the way the man began to give commands to the NPCs that were in charge of the stable concerning the return of one of his mounts that was waiting in the paddock to be saddled up for a rider.

"I want to make sure that he is given the best treatment. He's a new investor and I want him impressed so pair him up with Jet, he's nearly all horse. It'll give him a good baseline." Ben said as he walked through the stable with an easy gait. "I'm going to take out Dobbins again, he's still not showing properly."

He had a slightly better understanding of how this place worked, though it still baffled him that it was allowed to run unencumbered in the virtual world. The horses here were nearly all human, or at least, they had started out that way. They had been stripped of their humanity, by some vital spark that made them human had been removed entirely through careful training. There were some that were a bit more human than others, but all of them seemed to be obedient to the grooms and rarely fought. It would have been disturbing, but understandable, if this was a standard bit of game play it would have been acceptable and he just would have been a bit weirded out about the amount of people who enjoyed it, but it wasn't just for a single game play. They were trained to return, they didn't volunteer to return.

He had watched them leave through a back path every now and then, being turned loose with an admonition and a date and then they returned. He didn't understand it. This place wasn't the sort of game play that anyone would choose for sexual pleasures. They didn't do kink, it was a simple stable simulation that was partnered up with strange people that occasionally appeared to take the horses out on rides. He didn't understand it, but he did understand that some sort of hypnotism was being used here, they were doing something to alter a person's mind even beyond the realm of the game. And that shouldn't have been possible, it was a key safety barrier of the VR world.

"Well now, you're looking sour today, my boy. Bad grain?" Ben greeted him cheerfully and swung over the closed door and into the stall, that gave Jackson a bit of pleasure to see that he had learned better than to open the door before he was on a lead. "I think we've been going about this all wrong, normally it's easier, but you are a clever lad."

Jackson stomped a fore hoof against the ground with a loud noise, shifting backwards as the man moved to grab his halter firmly in one hand. The grip was firm and carefully out of range of his teeth, another lesson he'd taught his captor. He snorted and shifted, throwing his head up to try and dislodge the grip before the lead clipped itself right beneath his halter. The feel of it sliding into place was no longer pleasurable, the treatment of a horse was still arousing, but he kept it in check with effort when he came up against the constant indignities of his new life. He knew today would follow a pattern, of leather on his back and a rider urging him on.

He was being forced to go on hunt paths, leaping and jumping, surging into the air and taking sharp turns. It was designed to test him he knew that, but it didn't make it any easier to handle, because some part of him loved it. He loved the way his new body responded to him, the sheer strength and the feel of a body moving against his own as if they were one person. It was seductive in so many ways that he was constantly struggling to keep himself contained from it. He'd do it again today, taking solace in his human memories and refusing to become another horse in his stable. He was confident he could outthink Benjamin, the man had become too used to weak minded people, Jackson wasn't not weak.

He arched his neck with pride as he was walked out of the stable, expecting to be taken to the tack room where he was normally led, but this time he was taken from the building completely. He blew out a breath, puffing out a hot eruption of noise as he snorted and thre his head up higher, tossing and pulling against the lead as he passed along the outdoor paddock with the horses that were normally there. They were all NPCS, none of the human-changed horses were allowed in the paddock that he saw. He assumed it was because they were controlled through a series of hypnotic like suggestions, things that were supposed to hold them in control. He was prepared for anything that might come, quite happy to prove that he wasn't going to be so easily beaten.

They walked behind the barn and to the wide enclosed ring that was housed in one of the largest buildings. It was fancifully covered in curving designs and elegant little sweeps that were supposed to make it look richly appointed. He knew that they sometimes worked out in the ring, perhaps they'd set up the jumps and he'd be made to do repetitive behavior in a more controlled fashion. He could handle that. It might be thrilling for him to jump, but he'd simply grab onto his anger and memories of his humanity, It would do what he was told and smugly remain himself, just to spite Ben until the man let him go and then he'd see......who was smelling so sweetly on the air.

His thought stuttered and fell away, turning into something else he caught the scent of something sweet on the air that had his head jerking up higher. His ears twitched up high as he blew out a breath and high stepped, surging forward automatically towards the fence. His tail whipped back and forth, sweeping playfully along the line of his haunches as he gave a series of prances. The scent was entirely unique, not food, not a familiar person, it was light on the air so he had to twitch his lip backwards to try and gulp down a breath. He tipped his head backwards all the way, lifting up higher as he let out a puffing breath. His chest swelled and thinned down again, gulping down the air to get a clearer taste of it.

"Easy, easy, just take your time.." Ben murmured, smoothing a hand along the sweep of his neck delicately.

Jackson let out an annoyed sound and shivered his skin from the touch, but it was brief, that scent was calling him on. He pulled at the lead as his body ran hot in turns, the warmth flourishing over him as he felt the butter soft leather of his halter rubbing against his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. The light touches teasing him, rubbing sensuously as he felt his sheath starting ot engorge heavily beneath his belly. The leathery pouch was drooping down lower, filling out as the bulbous tip began to push its way outwards. He couldn't do anything to stop or hide it, and he was growing distant enough it was hard to care as he kept pulling at his lead, nearly dragging the man behind him as he advanced on the indoor ring and the promising door.

His cock bounced around beneath him, soft and flopping, bobbing back and forth before he gave another throw upwards into the air. He tried to break the hold of the lead on him, side stepping and giving a wild little buck of his head before he jumped forward again. The scent was growing stronger with each and every step forward, though he didn't know where it was coming from. There were a few NPCs in the barn, a couple of men that he was sure were the clients that came to rent out the horses. He put his ears back down against his head as he tossed his head up again, but he allowed himself to be hauled forward step by step, breathing coming out in short pants as he drank down the taste of the increasingly stronger scent and his cock was fully drooped down beneath his belly.

He nearly barreled into the opening of the door, shoving against Ben as he got the first strong flush of the scent. It was raw and primal, awakening parts of himself that had everything to do with lust and nothing to do with humanity. He lunged forward and swung his haunches out into the ring with a whicker that vibrated his throat. It was a ragged sound, not meant to come from a human mouth, but it did and he reared upwards in the air. He gave a head toss, throwing his head higher up and then dropped back down again before he felt a splash of something like cold water hitting him as he found himself facing the source of the arousing scent. He froze, his legs locked in place as ha panted raggedly, the scent still there as the mare standing in the ring barely twitched her ears back at him as she was distracted by a groom.

It was one of the NPC horses, standing there with her tail quirked to one side and bound up in braids to show the winking mound of her sex exposed to him so that he was gaping at her. The scent was so thick in the air that he found himself struggling to breathe. He felt lost, his eyes unfocused as his body was throbbing with raw desire that he had never experienced when faced with a female human, let alone a mare. He was swallowing roughly and he jerked backwards several steps, his legs feeling stiff and his body twitching in protest as he left the mare exposed in front of him. The little bay mare shifted a little bit, her bound tail twitching, but she was still left exposed so that the scent remained rich and sweet.

Jackson's mind felt slow, it was too hard to put words together, too hard to think. He had always preferred men, even as a child he had preferred them, he couldn't even perform with a woman like some gay men. They just didn't move him, no matter how he thought about men when he tried, he hadn't managed it. In some cases it would have made his life easier if he could have, certainly he had missed out on some partners that could have fulfilled his fantasies with if he had been even remotely able to be aroused, but it hadn't happened. Except now, he didn't seem to be in control of his own over active body. He was shivering in place, his sides shaking a little bit as he took a step back again, throwing his head up high in the air with a short squeal.

"Unusual, hmm?" Ben said, his voice rich with laughter, the hand sliding down along his side with an intimate stroke that made his tail snap back and forth behind him.

His cock flexed up against his stomach, the movement swift and immediately, hitting against his chest before drooping back down again. The near painful feel of arousal was building by the moment as he curled his upper lip back again to sample the scents. He knew he wanted the mare, his body was throbbing and nearly screaming with the desire to surge forward and cover her. The thoughts weren't his own, they were bubbling up from deep in his subconscious and demanded that he answer them. His ears dropped back to his head and he took a step backwards again, shifting and dancing as the lewd sound of his cock hitting his stomach rang in the air again. The wet dribbles fell down to the ground messily, splattering over the edges while he whickered out and drew in a breath, lifting his lip backwards as far as it would go before stepping forward.

He wanted her, Jackson was almost terrified about how deeply he wanted her, and there were people watching. He felt their eyes on him as the lead was dropped entirely. It hit the ground and he could have bolted, easily surging away from the female and even out of the game. He didn't move, he was panting in his own way, lips opening and shutting as he took a step forward and the mare's ears pinned down against her head as he advanced closer to her. Her nostrils flared open wide, tasting the edges of her need as he took another step forward. His sides began to grow slick with a sheen of sweat as every moment of arousal he had felt while here, every instance he had been hard and note satisfied worked against him. God, he just wanted relief, that was all, and they were presenting it to him in a package that should have been as interesting to him as a haybale.

Another step. He couldn't stop it. Why was he doing this? He shouldn't do this. It was wrong. He was shaking in place and extending his neck so that he could snuffle towards the line of the tail. His cock almost immediately responded to her and his mind felt slightly soft, no longer quite able to keep track of what he was thinking, he was only thinking about what he wanted and that was her. He took another step, and another, edging close enough that he forgot about the people watching him and peeled his upper lip backwards almost all the way. He wanted her, he wanted her as badly as he had ever wanted another man. It was a bone deep need that overrode his smug sense of self and caused him to lurch forward

He bumped her haunches, her warm smooth hide stroked along the line of his chin as he was hovering just above her hiked tail. She stomped and pulled at her own lead, but didn't object, and why should she? She was his. The human part of his flinched away from that thought, he didn't want anything to do with her, but that didn't matter when she twitched her tail up higher and his chest pushed against her. His cock tip bounced up higher, stiffening along the base as he surged upwards immediately into a position that he was not even remotely comfortable with nor prepared to take. His forelegs caught her hips as he pushed down over her, keeping her pinned in place before he prance stepped in place, flipping his tail back and forth behind his heavy haunches.

_ _

No, damnit, I don't want to do this.. _ He thought wildly, but those thoughts didn't matter or stop what was happening. Part of him wanted this and that was the part in control of his body. That was the part of him that reached out to catch the back of the little mare's neck with his blunt human teeth. _What game is he playing?!

_ _

"Very good, lad, maybe this is what you've needed all along, hmm?" He heard Ben offer, and the words slurred strangely around the edges as he concentrated on what his body wanted.

He struggled to remember what it was that he wanted, the urge to find the opening rising, pushing this way and that. The bobbing jerks upwards began to bounce right against the line of the inside thigh, smoothly stroking forward before he withdrew backwards again. There was no plan in place in mind, not truly, just the throbbing desire that scorched his thoughts. He jerked forward again, having to walk on his hind legs as he shifted his grip on the mare's neck and dropped his haunches. The glide of his tip grazed downwards and kissed against something enticingly hot and slick feeling. That's all the former man needed.

He abandoned whatever pretexts he had on being gay in favor of surging forward, opening up her walls with a shudder of pleasure as he felt them clutching around him. The contractions stroked down his length, drawing him in deeper as his tail jerked up high behind him with a series of short twitches. The blunt tip of his glans pushed through her, stimulating and caressing so that he muffled a groaning sound of pleasure. The heat and slickness closed around him again, feeling so realistic that the small rational part of his mind wondered if Ben had actually researched what a mare felt like in the real world. The thought didn't deter the stallion when he gave another plunge forward and walked on his hind legs, spreading her wider until his medial ring popped inwards with a lewd wet noise.

His breath came out shallowly, the scent of the mare filling his senses as he drew backwards and felt how she gripped him. He had to use force, pulling his way only a few inches before the next thrust forward sank him all the way to the base. The swell of his body gaping her open wide as he gave a series of jerky thrusts through her, feeling her weight rocking beneath him as she squared off her muscular legs. He tried not to think about what he was doing, but the less he tried to think about it, the easier it became to simply enjoy the act. The beating of his heart sped up, surging through his chest while he pushed his weight into the act, feeding his tip in deep as the wetness ran down along the line of his sheath, working itself against the rolls of loose flesh. Even that was a sort of obscene delight as he set his forelegs in tighter around her body and used the hold to drive him forward.

It wasn't simply moving his hips as he would have as a man, he was too large and the position too awkward, he had to use teeth and legs as he prance stepped. He worked himself through her, the shying away from his shame only made it easier to savor the triumph. The little tension in her haunches as she braced herself for each thrust was a triumph, the scent of mare flushed through his nostrils in an exotic backdrop to the act. The wetness clung to his tip, messily smearing deeper inside of her, forcing its way as far as it could go at the apex of each thrust. His hips hit her head, lewd impacts, sounds that filled his ears as voices could be heard. They were distant, unimportant in that moment, the stallion didn't care what they were doing so long as they didn't stop him and he grunted roughly and shifted his hold higher on the mare's neck.

He began to move in shorter strokes, just his base flashing free, pulling his way back again with a sudden jerk and twinge of his hips. She closed down around him again, clutching contractions delighted him and kept him on edge as he let out a rough noise and bore down against her. His tip stimulated and worked through her, barely slipping backwards before hilting himself again. The pressure was surging through him, the primal need to claim and have the mare, it was something that should have horrified him. The stallion didn't linger on those thoughts, instead he threw his entire weight into the movements, his tail jerked up high in the air as his balls began to churn and move. The desire was pushing over him in waves as he worked his forelegs against the mare's sides, trying to get a better hold on her. The additional traction helping him drive himself as far as he could reach into her clutching walls.

Dobbin shuddered, his entire body was tensing and relaxing, the pleasure consuming him as his cock tip flared open wide, bulging and prying the walls open as far as they could go before the first rush of seed spilled out of him. He panted against her neck, his teeth flexing down again as he swallowed and shuddered, his tail jerking up and down in short movements that came in time with his release. He could feel the wetness puddling around his tip, pushing inwards in a churning mixture of his shame. The silken grip of her body was milking him, closing down and pulling more and more into her body as he panted and trembled. His eyes sagged shut in the moment as he gave his tail a shivering twitch up and down, the small leap pushing him forward as a bit of the mixture oozed down along the base of his shaft.

A strange sound brought his ears up, some of the fog retreated from his thoughts, making it harder for him to think straight. His cock began to soften inside of the mare as she gave an irritated little side step and buck, jerking him about until he began to slide off her. The sound continued, a spattering of applause that made the former man's chest tighten painfully as his shaft messily spilled out, flopping down between his legs before he dropped to all fours. People were applauding him, strangers that had watched him clamber on the digital mare's back were treating it like a show. He swallowed and pinned his ears back tight to his head, stepping backwards as his softening cock pulled upwards, but was still hanging down far enough to swing back and forth. There was a wet splattering that hit the ground as the tip continued to drool in a damning reminder of what he'd just done.

Benjamin said something to the watchers, giving a little bow, but Jackson couldn't quite puzzle out what had been said. It was strangely twisted sounding, the words not quite in the right order to understand. He didn't know what any of it meant. He thought it must be some sort of code, something they were saying over his head to make him feel helpless or humiliated. They didn't need to give him any help with that, he felt mortified about what he'd done. He tipped both ears back tight to his head and tried to step all the way back towards the open door of the ring. He hadn't even thought about how far he'd go or escape, he just wanted away from the people watching him with amusement, and arousal.

"Ah.. ah ah ah...." Ben caught his lead before he could escape, the fingers closing down firmly and giving a little tug and yank that made his head bob up and down. He said something else afterwards, but the words were meaningless. They were jumbled up all wrong, he didn't even know what words were used, except for one. Dobbins.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Jackson couldn't understand anyone anymore. The start of what had happened after he'd bred the mare had only continued in the days afterwards. It wasn't that he was deaf, it was that the words were no longer ones that made sense. Sometimes he could almost understand them, but often it was only at times when the words were in context with something and he could guess what was being said. It wasn't the same thing as understanding clearly spoken english, and certainly it wasn't anything like being able to know what was being asked of him. Because that was one of the harsher parts of his new life, he no longer understood what was being asked of him, he had to listen and learn in the same way any dumb animal did.

The metal bit in his mouth made him worry it, working his jaws constantly as his rider adjusted the straps on his saddle to make sure they were well secured. He shifted and stomped his hooves, high stepping and swinging around nervously, unhappy at being asked to carry a rider again. He was beginning to find it harder to fight against the commands he was being given on the paths, because if he disobeyed them he frequently found himself crashing through brush or nearly running headlong into other riders. He was no longer in control of the directions he went, instead he was forced to listen to the feel of the reins and legs, the subtle adjustments of Ben's body. And today the man had been talking to people, chatting happily with a groom who had helped get the former man tacked up and ready.

He's doing it on purpose, he knows I can't understand him. He knows that I'm going to be confused. _He thought savagely and stamped a hind hoof roughly on the ground as his rider pulled the reins over his neck. _He wants me to be off my game, it's trying to make me into one of his pets.

That thought made Jackson give a buck as the man swung onto his back, angrily kicking out both hind legs to try and dislodge his rider, only to feel the legs tighten as the man took his seat. The stallion shifted and pranced, throwing his head about a few times to try and fight the bit as his reins were drawn back, but he was only forced to circle. His head turned in towards his left shoulder to distract him as he snorted and twitched his skin. At least he was still able to fight, which was more than could be said for the rest of the stable. So many other former men seemed to be blissfully happy with their new lives.

"Dobbins!" The man said something, but Jackson could pick out the name he was insisted on being called by.

He circled again, lifting his legs up higher when he became aware of the fact that today, he was not on his own. The first glimpse of a glossy black shape made him think that this was going to be another presentation to paying clients. They were going to bring out another mare and make him behave like a stallion in truth, and the thought made his stomach twist with a combination of lust and anger. They had presented him with a mare twice more after the first time, each time to new people, people that seemed to be interested in watching the perversion happening right in front of their eyes. If he had been able to choose to perform or not, he might have been able to come to grips with what was happening better. But he couldn't. And he didn't. Instead, he was controlled by his own bestial urges and left feeling more dirty after each and every time. It was wrong and he knew it, he just wanted the chance to choose for himself!

It wasn't a mare, though, instead a stallion was being ridden towards the ring, another stallion, but not one that he recognized. The deep bay coloring was nearly solid black as the other stallion lifted up his ears with interest and blew out a breath that was almost questioning. His rider was one of the ever present grooms, but one that was dressed with a bit more care and class. There was an obvious bond between them as the other equine seemed entirely content to allow his rider to reach out and catch the gate to the ring with one hand and swing it shut behind them. The sharp scent of male horse reached Jackson's nose and made him tense up, his neck curving as he struck out a fore hoof to scrape the ground roughly, a low rumble forming deep in his throat that he couldn't control.

He didn't like it. He didn't like it one bit. The visceral need to drive off the intruder was growing by the moment as he watched the stallion lift his own head, the legs rising up in a showy prance. The closer the stranger came, the more difficult it became to fight his rider, he wanted to keep an eye on the stallion. He wanted to do more than that, he wanted to charge forward to try and drive him off. His lips twitched with the urge to bite as the other rider came in within a few feet, but the reins pulled and his attention was dragged towards the ring instead of the potential rival. Rival! As if a stallion was a rival! The thought was ludicrous, at least, it should have been ludicrous. At the moment, it didn't feel foolish to want to drive away the rival, it felt like a bone deep urge that distracted him as Ben resettled on his back.

The heels touched him just as the bay stepped forward with a showy movement that nearly taunted the former man. He didn't hesitate to follow as he tried to catch up with the other equine, his ears set back as he came abreast with the other horse. He shifted his weight a little, coming in closer so he could reach out in an attempt to nip the glossy shoulder, but his rider gave his reins a sudden pull that turned him towards the center of the ring. He felt the other male closer to him, near his exposed neck, and sped up as he was allowed to make a circuit of the ring, going around the carefully set up fences and jumps that were interspaced through the area. He didn't care about the jumps, he cared about the rival stallion! He tried to swing his head around to keep an eye on him, but his rider refused to let him.

It was a game of cat and mouse, where the pair were led through their paces and never quite allowed to come near enough to engage. Dobbins wanted to, he wanted to charge down the other male and drive him out of the ring, but he was forced to be restrained by the reins and the soft soothing sounds of his rider. He didn't struggle even when he was urged into a faster pace, stretching his legs beneath him smoothly until he lost sight of the bay and was turned towards the jumps. He sped up, tipping his ears back to hear the distant sounds of the hooves before his head was turned towards the jump. He knew that the other stallion was on the other side of the ring, no immediate threat, but the distraction wasn't enough to keep him from keeping a wary ear open for a possible attack.

It wasn't even a challenging one, but he arched his neck, trying to show off as he surged ahead and lunged up into the air to the sound of his rider's encouraging voice. The light tone briefly distracting him as he dropped down and felt his rider landing with a light impact on the seat of the saddle. He wasn't allowed to turn back towards the bay, but was forced to ring around where he could see the movements out of the corner of his eyes. He tossed his head, jerking a few times on the reins, but let himself be led through the next jump with a light touch of heels on his side. The creak of the leather as his rider shifted his seat almost soothing while he saw the bay leap over a taller jump, seemingly effortlessly.

It was strangely infuriating that he wasn't allowed to close on his rival, instead the bay seemed to easily continue through his own sets without bothering with more than a few snorts and ear flicks. There was only one distraction, he threw himself into what his rider asked. Forgetting to buck him off, forgetting his unhappiness and frustrations in the face of the new distraction.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The days twisted together strangely. Jackson wasn't quite sure how many days, only that they passed and as they passed he became more entranced with the game itself. And with Major. The showy bay stallion dogged his every heels as each day he seemed to be weighed and measured against the other stallion. It became an obsession to best him, something that consumed his thoughts as every day he was forced to stop short of overtaking the larger brute. It didn't matter if it were in the ring or on the paths, he was constantly forced to hold back no matter how hard he struggled, but so was Major. They were both forced to be restrained, never giving him a chance to win, something that played over and over in his mind.

His days were a pattern, he woke up and was fed and watered, he was groomed and taken out to the pasture to graze. An action that he found demeaning in the extreme, but something he did simply because it was expected of him. In the afternoon, that's when he became more active as Benjamin would come down and begin to tack him up for his afternoon run. He was humiliated at just how much he looked forward to those rides, but it was the only time he felt as if he were almost free. He was frightened about how much he obsessed over those times, but he couldn't stop himself. There was so little for him to anticipate with pleasure that it became easier to give into the demands of his tormenter as long as he was set loose for the day.

He, dimly, was aware of the fact that he was losing himself more into his role, it was harder to recall who and what he was at times. Even that knowledge didn't stop him from wanting to break up his days and the feel of leather on his body already worked against his natural arousal at being handled like a horse. He found it harder to think when it was on him, even harder to come to terms with just what it meant that he wanted to fixate on his rides. The virtual session seemed to have been going on for months, and he didn't even know if that was correct or if the time had been sped up through the program.

"Ready for a run, Dobbins?" Ben's cheerful question was the only real English sentence that Jackson could pick out, but it brought his ears snapping up as he blew out an eager breath.

He had been saddled up, the reins pulled upwards and over the line of his neck as Ben set his foot into the stirrup and swung his head around. Today wasn't simply himself and Major, instead, a group of people had begun to gather ranging from elegant looking gentlemen to women dressed in severe styles. The sounds of dogs and the blast of the horn were all working together to distract him as he worried on his bit and swung around in place. There were dozens of people gathered and ready, horses that were both created by the game and ones like himself. He should have been alarmed that there was an in game event, but his tail began whip back and forth behind him. His rider settled easily in the saddle, bumping lightly as the legs tightened around his chest when he tried to prance backwards.

He didn't want to remain settled. No matter how many other equines were around, he kept his eyes fixed on Major, his nostrils flaring as he could pick up the tell tale scent of the rival stallion. His ears twitched back and then up, the movements quivering as he snapped his tail back and forth and gave another swing around. His rider forced him to remain in a circle, tightening it so that he didn't have the freedom to loosen his head. He chewed at the bit roughly, rolling it under his tongue until he was heedless of the foam that gathered along his bottom lip. It trailed down towards his chin, messy spills to attest to his eagerness to be away. His interest in whatever clients had been brought here was lost when he couldn't understand what they were saying. What did it matter if he couldn't understand their speech?

He was turned about again as the dogs gave a few jumps, a pack of the tricolored creatures were running around his hooves. They didn't run under him, so he paid little attention as his rider said something before reaching down to give his neck a caress. The light touch was tickling and gentle, smoothing down his shoulder as the heels shifted against his sides. The legs clutched him, tightening down and squeezing, but the chatter was stopping. He was turned until he was nearly facing a man-faced horse, the flat expression black of all personality, before he was turned entirely towards the sprawling spill of the forest and the sloping paths. Major was moving ahead, the bay pawing the ground, challenging him.

The sound of the horn was brassy and sweet, something that made his heart soar when the heels hit down against his sides and gave him his head. His legs were flung out beneath him, surging forward in wild abandon as his hooves churned the ground, kicking up clods of dirt as he heard the sound of thunderous hooves behind him. His rider didn't try to rein him in, instead the reins were mostly loose, only guiding him as he saw the bay surging ahead. Major's long legs easily breaking him from the pack as the dogs overtook all of them. Their belling cries rang through the air as they disappeared into the forest ahead of the herd of horses. Jackson sucked down a breath, using it speed up as his legs turned into a blur, dropping down and then surging up again with his tail streaming behind him like a banner.

"HYAH!" Benjamin's voice came with the sudden crack of a riding crop against his haunches, sparking him into exerting himself further until he came abreast of his rival.

Major's ears were back, he was being partially held back as they turned on the path and Dobbins was able to gain a few more strides forward. His nostrils flared wide, drawing down a breath and releasing it again as the dogs began to cry out in louder voices. He saw them, a twisting and leaping pack, one that was greeted with a blast of the brassy horn. His rider kept the grip on the reins and guided him easily, just the barest touch of the knees and reins turned him down the path, but they didn't remain there. As the dogs broke into an open field, chasing something fleeing before them, the stallion was turned off the packed earth and onto thick soft grass. The long edges caught along his legs, brushing this way and that, distracting him only briefly as he caught sight of Major surging ahead. He wanted to show his teeth, but his energy was devoted into the run, the win, almost missing the fact that the field was bisected with a twisted looking creek.

The sight of it nearly made him lock his legs to stop, but the snap of the crop hit harder against his haunches, urging him forward with a reckless pace. Dobbins lowered his head slightly as he saw Major leaping upwards, the powerful hind quarters elevating him from the ground, while he was left to follow. His rider's shouts of encouragement were sweet in his ears, causing him to bunch up his muscles and kick off from the ground. It wasn't like leaping a log or a gate, there was little need for upward lift, instead he simply leapt across. His body impacted on the soft earth easily, his ears pricked up high on his head as he gave his head a wild toss and continued after Major, chasing the black tail.

He stopped thinking about where he was running and direction, his rider was able to guide him, always picking out the paths where he could make the best time. Dobbins twitched his ears back against his head, giving a little flex of his neck as they went down along the field, his longer stride letting him gain on Major. Step after step he surged forward,leaping upwards and dropping back down again, his breathing coming in short little bursts, each one coming slightly faster. His eyes flashed, glittering brightly as he began to pass the bay. The dogs were crying faster, he couldn't see them, but the man seemed to know where they were as the horses turned sharply and he set his sights on the distant hedge.

His rider didn't turn him, instead he felt the crop lightly strike him, coaxing him faster, each little touch making him respond with greater speed. His chest rising and falling as his breathing still flowed freely, not even winded as he stretched his neck out the full length. The hedge was a more familiar jump, something he could brace himself for before lunging upwards, flinging himself into the air and pushing away contemptuously as if he could fly. His rider leaned over him, the position perfectly balanced so there was barely an impact when his forehooves touched the earth. He didn't weight him down, the man barely weighed anything when compared to the strength of his legs.

The dogs were growing louder as they pounded up through the forest again, the trees whipping by as branches seemed to reach out towards him. They barely brushed him as the light touches kept him from hitting the worst of the thicket. He surged past Major, the bay was stretched flat out, the gleam of sweat showing right along his sides and lathering along the band of the saddle. Dobbins panted out shortly, the short bursts bursting free as they swung up and around. The sudden turn made him tuck his haunches as he twisted about as a fallen tree appeared before him. He was ahead of Major, he would not lag behind.

He felt the crop as a light brush against his haunches, a bare caress against his tender hide before he took the jump. He tucked his forelegs in tight against his chest to clear the obstacle, sweeping up and over. A few of the twigs on the log brushed against him, tickling his undercarriage before he landed, barely gathering his limbs beneath him before he heard the other stallion rushing from behind. His rider seemed to feel his eagerness to best the other male, urging him with sharp whoops and cries as the horn could be heard. It was pounding in his ears with the beating of his heart and the crash of his hooves.

The dogs grew louder, closer, every step was in the right direction as his rider leaned forward in the stirrups. He held his balance easily, seemingly anticipating every impact of his hooves against the ground, not even jostled as they went flying down into the pasture again. The dogs were running, the tails animated as they were near a thatch of thick trees. They swung around, the reins pulled tightly and made him swing about, his chin nearly pressed against his shoulder as he partially reared and there was a shout of triumph coming from his rider.

The horses erupted around him, following, trailing behind, but he only had eyes for the bay stallion, the lagging creature that had been unable to catch up to him. The dogs were around his legs, they had cornered the small red thing they were after, but he was savoring the feel of the palm slapping firmly against the broad thick neck. He snorted and pawed the ground as the other stallion bared his teeth angrily, the ears pinned down against his head while the loud voices of the men blended with the dogs. He whipped his tail back and forth, tugging at the reins as his rider praised him, caressed him, fussing on him.

He crested his neck, ears pricked forward as he found himself struggling to get past the sensations of unease. His skin twitched and quivered as Jackson gave his head a rough shake. Even knowing he should be angry and ashamed of himself, he didn't feel the emotions except for lightly. The fierce sensation of victory was still flushed over him. He wanted to savor it, he had beaten the other stallion, outrun him by at least three lengths even with jumping. He had done it!

~ ~ * ~ ~

The lead pulled Jackson along, stepping forward as Benjamin tugged him from the grooming shed, making his tail whip back and forth along his haunches, uncertain where he was going. He blew out a breath as he blinked his eyes a little bit when he realized that they weren't taking the normal path that would take him to his stall. After a run, he was always taken to his stall, he knew that, but today was different. It hadn't been another fox-hunt, but a simple pleasure ride that had taken him out with his partnered bay. The large creature had bested him today, but only because he had nearly stumbled his way over a creek jump that he should have taken with ease. It was irritating to lose, but in the last half a dozen races they had been evenly matched which meant Major had won as well as his own wins.

The stallion flicked his tail and gave a few jerks with the halter, tugging up and dropping his head against nervously as his rider led him to a pasture that was just off the main barn. He pricked his ears up curiously, twitching his skin a little bit as the hand smoothed along his neck. The fingers played against them in a way that was almost sensuous and his body reacted accordingly. There was one other reason he was being brought out to the pasture and that reason had him tipping his head back, sampling the air eagerly to try and taste the scent of mare. Even as he realized he was doing it he felt a stab of shame, his ears tipping flat back against his head as his cock began to droop down lower beneath his stomach.

He didn't like women, he didn't like them! They had no attraction to him as a human, but now he was forced to confront the fact that part of him was eager for those encounters. He knew that strangers viewed the show, it was erotic for them even as it was humiliating for him, but his body had other ideas on what it wanted to do. His nostrils flared a bit wider, his eyes flashed as he gave his head a few tosses to try the lead, but Ben simply moved to the gate and unlatched it with a twist of his hand. There was no scent of mare on the air and certainly he didn't spy anyone else around. He didn't like the pattern being disrupted, he felt off center and uncomfortable as the man pulled him forward, just barely letting him walk between the fence lines.

Ben began to talk, the words meant nothing, but as the fingers stroked along the crest of his mane he found he only cared so much as he didn't understand what was going on. He no longer tried to listen to what the voice was saying, he knew his name, he knew a few words, mostly because the sounds of them meant something he was looking forward to or dreading. Today they were just pleasant noises as the man reached up to unbuckle the halter. Perhaps he was being turned out in the pasture next to Major, a new development in their competition against one another. He looked forward to it, it kept him sharp, and todays loss stung badly.

Whatever was being said, his name was frequently used in an affectionate tone of voice that caused him both pleasure and humiliation at the same time. Benjamin gave a slight smile and then reached out with the coiled lead and snapped him on the haunches once the halter slid off his head. The cool feel of air against his skin where normally a bridle or the leather halter rested was a bit shocking, but pleasurably so. The sharp snap caused him to squeal and leap forward with his ears pinning down tight to his head. His hooves hit the grass, propelling him into the wide lush green pastures and the distance fence beyond it.

He charged forward and suddenly he flailed as his ass slid off the edge of his bed and his tailbone cracked painfully on the hard floor of his bedroom. Jackson let out a yelp, the world black and dark, panicking him as he suddenly felt new air wrapping around him, cloth hugging his body where it shouldn't have been and he panicked. He squealed, the sound all wrong, twisted and strange as he shied back and tried to rear, but he only flailed as his body didn't work the way he expected it too. Instead, the VR helmet and glasses fell down and the world erupted in cold strange light from the fluorescent overhead.

There was no pasture, no lush rolling hills that smelled of comforting horse and fresh turned earth. The air smelled sharply of some sort of air freshener that was supposed to smell like some damned season or another, but was mostly compounded of acrid chemicals. He choked on it, his body flushed and shaking as he realized he'd been let out of the session. There was no one checking on him or anyone who seemed to have realized he had been trapped, he sat in the room alone. His hands were shaking as he reached out to catch the leathered seating, feeling strange just seeing a hand where part of him just knew there should have been stiff hard hooves. His arm didn't lift right, nothing moved the way it was supposed to.

_How long was I in there? _ He thought, swallowing, his tongue felt dry as he dragged himself upright.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Jackson!" The word made Jackson jerk in place, blinking his eyes owlishly as he looked up from his flickering computer screen. "God, you'd better get a move on, you're nearly a week behind the rest of us!"

"Sorry... fuck, sorry." He answered, the words feeling strange on his lips as he forced his attention on his work.

It was boring work, the sort of thing that he could have done half awake, but now he had to struggle to keep an eye on the words and patterns he was looking for. They didn't matter, not really, they were little more than flickering blips on the screen that he was forced to pay attention to. The frustration mounted as he heard his coworkers working as well, their happy chatter showing that they didn't need to concentrate the way he did. He resented them for that, but there was nothing he could do. Ever since he had come out the virtual world things hadn't been quite right for him and he didn't know how to fix it.

He had left the room and been dismayed to find out only forty eight hours had passed, whatever Benjamin had done to make sure that he felt a different time had worked all too well. He had felt strange being on two legs, he had been utterly humiliated by the urge to get on all fours, much less his irritation at his clothing. Nothing felt natural about it, it rubbed and itched strangely in places that it shouldn't have been. He hated how it bunched up on him, how it bit around his waist, how it clutched around his throat. And those were only the minor changes to the way he felt and viewed the world. He felt as if he were in a dream, something was off about this place, something had changed.

He had tried to report Benjamin, he had held the phone a dozen times ready to call the number for the helpline that would get him to the people that would help him. Each time he had set it aside, just beginning the story made him feel nothing except shame and humiliation for what he had been through. He had resolved to do his best to forget it all, there had to be a way to forget it, he wanted to forget it. It wasn't possible, not when his life was shattered and strange now. There was a lack of pattern, of predictability and understanding of what was expected of him. He felt lost, and every day at work he struggled just to get through normal tasks.

He was slow, weak feeling, he knew what it was like to nearly fly, but now he plodded along with his largest thrill being taking the bus to work each morning. He wanted to run. He wanted to run so badly that he had even taken up jogging in the morning, but it was laughable to compare his plodding run to the heart pounding races he had indulged in. It was like everything he felt, pale and grey when he had tasted something else. Just knowing that enraged him, sometimes sending him into cursing fits against Benjamin for making him feel that way.

He had felt this way before, in minor ways. Vacations that had gone on too long frequently made him come back and felt out of sorts and uncertain. He tried to remind himself that it would pass, it would take time, but it would pass soon enough. It was a reminder of what had happened to him, but it couldn't continue. He rubbed his face a few times, trying to pull his mind away from his own discomfort and lose himself in his work. He stared bleakly and then gave a few taps on his keyboard, minimizing the window to flick up his e-mail and the back log staring at him. The words blurred as he went down the list bit by bit.

He was still staring at his e-mail when his phone lit up and he sighed. It was a break, something that could at least break up the monotony of his day, unless he was about to get chewed out for his inability to concentrate. Perhaps he needed to get out with his friends, he knew the local S&M group had munches where people could get together eat and socialize. He could get back into the scene, return to his roots. Return to his harness and bridles, his lust and kinks.

"How can I help you?" He answered the phone still rolling through the idea of getting back to normal.

"Ready for a run, Dobbins?" The voice on the phone spoke in a familiar chirp, the world dropped away from him and it was hard to breathe.

"Leave me the hell-" He started to snap, but the line was dead, the words still ringing in his ears, making his breathing come out in short bursts.

If Ben had said something else, if he had laughed or mocked him, given him something to respond to he could have done it. Instead, he stood there in the silence, listening to the words rolling through his mind. Just the phrase made him almost feel the bite of leather around his chest, the taste of metal on his tongue as the surge of anticipation ran through him. It was real, tangible, making it nearly impossible to think straight as he tipped his head forward. He knew that others were watching, he didn't care, all he cared about was the memory of his hooves hitting the ground and the bay being swept behind him. The rider clinging to his back and urging him on as they flashed through the uneven ground of the pasture.

"Damn him..." He breathed out and gave himself a shake, his breathing came out in a rush, trembling slightly.

He would go home, he'd get back to his life. He'd talk to IT and see if he could block whatever number Benjamin had called from, put an end to it.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Ready to go for a run?"

The script on top of the VR helmet was elegant looking, written on a bit of well worn polished leather that smelled sweetly of equine. Jackson stared at it, horrified, and frightened as it was placed right on his bed beside the small compact VR console. His breathing came out in a bit of a burst, his lips parted open almost all the way as he took a step backwards. Someone had been in his home, they'd broken in while he was at work, they'd actually been in here. His mouth felt dry, his body felt trapped as his heart was pounding in his ears.

He could hear Ben in his ear, the words that meant nothing to him, that were too garbled to be English. The words "Ready to go for a run" were twisting and dancing, making him feel another surge of desire and need. It was all reinforced with the scent of the leather and horse. The feel of it against his finger tips as he picked it up and it felt so real. It felt more real than what he had been doing at work. It felt more real than the dulled colors of his day to day life. It was the first thing that made sense since he'd come out of the session and he wanted to fling it away. He wanted too...and he couldn't.

He swallowed, his breathing deepened as he lifted the leather up and drew in a breath. It was so real, so incredibly real. He should throw the helmet out, no, he should call the police and report a stalker. That was the sensible thing to do. He should shed Ben's influence from him entirely and find a way to prosecute him, to prove what sort of criminal he really was. He knew all of that, but those weren't the thoughts that made his eyes soften and his terror slide away. It was something deep inside of him, something nurtured by a hundred small touches and words, a dozen suggestions.

_I could try it for a little while... I could take a run. _ A treacherous voice in his head whispered seductively. run, to really run. He licked his lips and looked down at the helmet. It wasn't the real world, it was all a fantasy, nothing was real there. He shifted and dropped his hand down to touch the hard polished plastic delicately. In his mind's eye he could see Major with his neck arched and confident, the snort and pawing as they sized each other up. It was a mocking pose, taunting him. The bay stallion was always taunting him. He let out a breath, almost smelling the rank stallion on the air, the way the animal tugged at the lead, daring him to make the first move. He had won the last race, beaten Dobbins, leaving the sharp sting behind.

His fingers closed around the helmet as he lifted it up, shaking as he did so, the chirping question still rolling through his mind as the thing came to life. It was only a game. It wasn't real. He was just going to play a quick round, perhaps trap Ben somehow breaking the law. It was a game. He could quit it any time he wanted...

He kept those thoughts like whistling in the dark as he lifted the helmet up and placed it on his head and the hum of the console began to fall into the background. He could quit this, he really could. At any time. He was doing this for a reason, not because he had was to catch Ben in his own trap. That was all.

The helmet came online and his thoughts fell away as four hooves hit the ground and he heard the whistle of his rider calling him to the fence. He was ready for his run.