How I Became Property

Story by Killen on SoFurry

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This story is a fictional erotic account. It is meant for Adults

only. It may be distributed freely as long as this preface is kept

intact. The work is copyright by Shepherd.

Edited by Tanalis. Thank you!

[M/m, Submission, Rape, Cheating, Dog, Wolf, Oral](18 years or over please)

How I became property

This is a story about how I became the property of Steve, my

Master, and how my life became what it is today.

I guess I should start from the beginning. At the point this all

began my name was Joe, 38 year old German Shepherd, married to a

beautiful silky furred Shepherd wife with 2 great strapping kids

who were just finishing high school.

I had been curious about guys for the past 2 or 3 years I guess,

at first it was just the thing that most guys do, looking across

at guys in the showers, checking out how I was stacking up against

the other furries physiques showering beside me. I didn't think my

modest sheath and what was contained within was anything to be

ashamed of, I think I would even admit I was a bit bigger than

most of the guys I checked out.

After the thrill of looking at guys in the showers passed, I had

started looking around on the internet during one of the few times

I had alone to myself between work, the kids and the wife. I was

seriously considering my sexuality after my first few months of

jerking myself off to pictures of hot naked wolves and foxes

stroking their unsheathed cocks on my screen. Hell, whenever I

made love to my wife I imagined being in the scenes I'd seen

earlier, getting to be up close to one of those large masculine

animals and their tools.

It all started to go wrong for me on that fateful day: I had

started talking to people in a chat room, I guess that's where it

starts for a lot of gay guys. My wife was visiting a relative (I

cant remember which, she has so much family its hard to keep

track), the boys were both out playing baseball (although almost a

year apart they were in the same school year and were hoping to

get a scholarship). I talked to a guy on there for a couple of

hours (under the nick 'LongRanger08' of all things), told him

about my situation, how I was married but I wanted to find out if

this really was gay. Just before the kids got back we has had

formalized a meeting, watching a baseball game the coming weekend.

I had his phone number in case of emergencies, and I knew where to

meet him and what he would be wearing. I almost called him several

times each day before that Saturday, wow would my life have been

different if I had! My wife was constantly berating me for being

jumpy, im sure she wondered what the hell had got me so on edge. I

comforted her as best I could, told her it was nothing. After all,

we had been together for over 18 years (we got married just after

she found out she was pregnant, that's the way it was back then)

and I loved her very deeply. I knew this was something I needed to

find out for myself though; the charade had gone on long enough.

That day was hot, let me tell you, the assorted furries at the

ballgame where bristling with heat, the sound of panting was as

constant as that of the pawsteps along the steel stands. I stood

waiting for LongRanger08 at the spot we were supposed to meet, at

first I reasoned I was early, after 15 minutes I began to wonder

if this was the correct spot as the game had already started, 30 I

wondered if he had so me and left. He knew my age, so what if I

had a little grey fur in with the yellow and white fur down my

body, I was in good shape, bit of a gut but my wife still seemed

to think I was pretty good looking. After 45 minutes I gave it up

and started walking into the main stands to watch what was left of

the game.

As I walked passed the drop off point a door to a parked car open

and I heard a whistle from inside, "Hey, your Joe right? Get in"

the voice called, not a hint that he thought I might not do

exactly as he said. Perhaps that's why I jumped into the passenger

seat, not thinking about how dangerous this could be until the

door was closed and we had started moving.

I looked across at the shape of a very large set wolf across from

me, driving the expensive looking sedan with one strong looking

paw on the wheel, the other crossed underneath to shake my paw as

he flashed a toothy grin at me, his eyes a sparkling blue. At this

point I should probably detail my description of "large set":

although the wolf beside me was big, I had the immediate sense

that his broad chest, shoulders, large arms and hands were that of

strong musculature rather than caused from over eating and

slothfulness, he did however have a bit of a tummy which seemed to

make him even more perfect in my eyes.

I took his paw and gave him my best business shake "Joe Swanson,

Nice to meet you err.."

The wolf grasped my paw and kept a hold of it while talking to me

"You can call me Steve, at least for now anyways. We're going back

to my place." He answered the unasked question before it got

passed my lips.

"I thought we were, you know, going to watch the game?" I was

nervous, I'd never really dated before, never mind gone on a date

with another dude, I didn't know what to expect. I was shaking

slightly; I guess he could feel it through my paw as he said:

"Don't worry Joe, I know you're new to this, we're going to have a

good time is all." With that he moved my paw down to rest on his

crotch, I got the feeling of a large sheath and heat through his

jeans before pulling back as if burned, I blushed furiously wish

showed clear through my white furred cheeks.

"I told you, don't worry, just relax, you don't even have to say

anything." He again reached out his paw, as sure and powerful as

he was I let him guide my own shaking paw back to his crotch, were

I felt the outline of his sheath, it seemed like less than a

minute before he told me we had arrived and I followed him from

his car to the front of his building. We didn't say anything to

each other as we stood in the elevator. As we walked through his

door he pulled me close and kissed me.

I groaned as I felt another mans tongue in my mouth. My doggie

cock instantly stood to attention, pushing hard against the front

of my pants. I pulled away from him. "I'm sorry, I thought I

wanted this but I can't."

"Alright, I would never force someone against their will" That

smile again as he stepped back to reveal his place, "Lets just sit

and watch the ballgame on the big screen huh?"

I nodded. There was nothing wrong with watching a game with a

friend right? Even though this was a gay guy, a guy I had just

kissed. I sat on a chair at one side of his coffee table as he

used the remote to turn on the ball game, handed me a beer and

settled back opposite me as I drank the beer like a man dying of

thirst, my hands still shaking.

It took me a couple of moments to wonder if it was the screen or

me that was moving as I watched the game, my mind seeming fuzzy

all of a sudden. I looked over to Steve and he flashed me another

grin. I sat back in my chair uneasily as he stood up and walked

over, "This beer is stronger than I thought" I said to excuse

myself. It was strange; my words seemed as slurred as my suddenly

muddy thoughts.

"Yeah, it sure is buddy" He reached down to my pants and pulled

down the zipper, I didn't even try and stop him in my drugged

state, my cock emerged immediately from my jeans. "Hmm, you're a


He pulled unbuttoned his pants and let them drop past his muscular

legs. His cock was fantastic, a long slightly upwards curving

length of masculine wolf. The large opening of his sheath was

straining behind his already swollen knot. He grabbed my muzzle in

his strong paws and guided me unresisting until his large phallus

was inside my mouth. "Now suck puppy" he cooed to me.

My muzzle worked automatically as I suckled on his cock, the part

of my mind that was still awake raged at me, but I couldn't quite

keep focused on it enough to care. The large wolfs precum drooled

down my throat as his hips started to move, causing his head to

flare and rub against my tongue. "Moan for me boy" he grunted as

he continually pushed his length into my muzzle.

I started to moan around his length. Part of me was awake enough

to know this was wrong: I was embaressed and ashamed of what I was

doing - I just couldn't care enough to stop myself. The feeling of

this glorious cock in my muzzle was what I wanted all these years.

I could feel acutely my cock standing to attention, shooting pre

an inch or so into the air: I was on the verge of shooting my load

without touching myself. I groaned deeper as the lust further

silenced the rational part of my mind.

One of my rapists paws moved to hold the back of my muzzle as he

started to fuck my face, no longer looking at his victim as he

slammed his length, knot and all into my lustfully willing muzzle,

his deeply primal growl was my only warning as I tasted my first

load of cum. It shot all over my tongue and my throat, his cock

spasming wildly as he pulled it from my lips and held it to spray

over my face, half covering one of my eyes, my tongue moved out

without thought to lick the cream from my lips.

He looked down at me and commanded "Cum for me slave". That was

all it took for my cock to erupt, shooting wave after wave of my

own semen across my jeans and up my shirt, soaking me in my own

juices as I sagged back into unconsciousness.

I awoke in my own bed. My head hurt like hell as I blearily looked

around me, pushing the covered from me as they oppressed me. It

was morning and my wifes' side of the bed was empty. Did I dream

that? Looking at the pile of cum covered clothes by the bedside I

decided not, I walked to the kitchen to find a note from my wife.

I scanned it once sleepily and then again in amazement at what it


"I will not have you being dragged home passed out drunk Joe. You

friend Steve was apologetic for you, but you know I will NOT allow

alcohol in this house."

She always had been uptight about keeping drugs and alcohol away

from the kids - "As I'm writing this note your friend is putting

you to bed. When you wake up give me and your children a call - we

are at my mothers. I am VERY disappointed in you Joe."

I was amazed at the audacity of the wolf, he drugged me, fucked my

face and brought me back to my own home, telling my wife I was

DRUNK? I was livid with rage, I licked my lips absentmindedly as I

thought of what to do, suddenly tasting the strong salty masculine

taste Steve had left on my muzzle. I was going to the cops, he

took advantage of me and they didn't have to tell my wife right? I

loved her more than anything and I resolved to forever be a loving

faithful husband after this point. What had I been thinking? This

was the punishment I deserved for being unfaithful. That's all.

I was two steps from the door before I noticed the parcel. It said

"For Joe", written in black ink on the brown parcel paper, no

address. This had been posted personally. I picked it up and

turned it over a couple of times before ripping it open. Inside

there was a DVD and a sheet of crisply folded paper.

"You might want to look at this before you do anything silly Joe.

There's a copy waiting to be sent to your wife, your work

colleagues and your kids friends..."

I broke off reading the note and put the DVD in the player in the

living room. My eyes bulged at what I was seeing. I saw my own

canine features slowly moving along a huge fat length of wolf

cock. I had precum and saliva dripping from my chin as I placidly

took the manmeat in my mouth, I was groaning like a slut and

moaning. You could visibly see the sides of my cheeks sucking in

as I nursed on his cock. I shut it off in disgust after watching

myself shoot my load and collapse back in the chair and started

reading the letter again.

".. Don't worry; they never have to find out Joe. I just want one

more night, that's all. I just want the whole package and I want

you conscious enough to beg for it.."

He couldn't be serious! But what could I do? My heart dropped into

my stomach and I felt sick. I met him in the chat room; instead of

watching where we were driving I was feeling his cock through his

jeans in the car! I have no idea what his real name is, where he

lives. All I knew was what the outside of his apartments looked

like and what car he drove. In a city of millions they didn't have

a chance of catching him. I knew enough about computers to know he

could probably never be traced that way. I began reading the end

of the letter.

".. Meet me tomorrow, same place, same time. Don't tell your wife.

Don't tell the cops.

Master Steve

Ps. Don't wear any underwear, and do NOT jerk off before seeing me

next. You know what will happen if you do."

The letter dropped from my nerveless fingers. I stared at the

still captioned image of ecstasy on my cum covered features as I

was shooting my load for that bastard. There was nothing I could


Thanks for reading my story.

  • Shepherd