Krysten's Corruption Chapter 9

Story by Mistress Adrianna on SoFurry

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#9 of Krysten's Corruption

Krysten goes on her first real date with Rusty. Then, the real question on whether she's pregnant or not is answered.

Warning, the sex in this story is predominantly M/M. If this is not your thing, please only read the first half. Or just skip this chapter altogether.

Krysten's Corruption Chapter 9 Copyright of The Lady Adrianna 2017

Krysten sat nervously in the passenger seat of the car. Fiddling with the hem of her skirt, she looked out the window at the streetlights going by. It was the night of her first date with Rusty since he had come to ask for the right to date her. And despite him being over almost every day to see her, she felt so very nervous. Maybe it was the fact that her father had taken her and gotten her a pretty new sky blue dress and then taken her to get her hair cut in an actual salon. He had given her the night off of her tasks, telling her to enjoy herself and be a teenager. The reaction Rusty had been unable, and maybe unwilling to hide when he had seen her had definitely made her feel excited. He had been unable to take his eyes off her when she came down from her room. The dress was so perfect, everything she had dreamed of before the change in her life. Thin straps, low neckline, and a flared, short skirt that showed off a lot of her leg. It had definitely caused both Dante and Rusty to give her the look that told her they wanted nothing more to keep her home and enjoy more of what they had been the last few weeks. But, Rusty had instead taken her hand and led her from the house and into the unknown world of dating.

Rusty looked over at her, watching her as she fidgeted in her seat. "Relax Kryssie. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, and your father and I talked about the best place to take you." He reached for her hand and gently untangled it from her skirt. Lacing their fingers together, he smiled warmly at her. "I want this to be a real thing for us. Not just sex." He had said it before, but he said it again. "I meant it when I told you I wanted to be a part of your life." He tugged her hand closer, resting it on the center console and smiled at her. She gave him a shy smile and nodded.

"I know. It's not you Rusty. It's...all of this." She waved her free hand at the crowds of people in the street they drove though and her ears laid flat. "I've never really been into the city before. And never really been around a lot of people before. What if I mess up? What if I do something stupid. Or say something wrong?" She gave him a desperate look and he pulled the car over out of traffic.

"You won't mess up beautiful. And even if you do, the chances of you seeing anyone again are slim. Minuscule really. Also, I promise I won't let anything happen that you don't like. If you're not happy in a place, then we'll leave. If you aren't having fun, then we'll leave." He leaned over, his hand sliding up to cup her cheek. Pulling her into a gentle kiss, he tried to reassure her that way. It worked too, at least for the moment, as she melted into him in that way that only she did. She freed her hand, sliding both of her arms around his neck and trying to almost climb into his lap. He didn't let her, instead pulling away and smiling. "It'll just be like we're at home, relaxing. Having dinner, playing a game, just talking." He brushed her newly styled hair back and caressed the base of her ear lightly. "We've been dating for two weeks now Kryssie. This is just our first date outside." He sat back, watching as she smiled sweetly, nodding. Only then did he let the strand of hair he was toying with drop and move to pull the car back into traffic.

"Do you like it?" she asked, one hand moving up to her now shoulder length hair. The stylist had been in awe of her hair, and had delighted in having free reign over it. She had cut it to curl just around Krysten's shoulders, then added streaks of gray to it. She had wanted to add color, but Krysten had been adamant. Silvery gray. Like her daddy's eyes. It had made the stylist gush a bit over their bond. But now, now Krysten wasn't so sure.

"It's beautiful. I like the silver. It brings out the color of your hair more." He turned down one last street, then came to a stop outside of a large, ornate building. "And that dress is distracting. I'll be the envy of every man we meet," he assured, before stepping out of the car and hurrying around to her side. He opened her door and helped her out, watching as she took in the building curiously. The building itself was a work of art, with roman inspired pillars and carvings all along the facade.

"Where are we?" she asked, sliding her arm into his and following him up to the building. Her answer came when they stepped inside and a sign welcomed them to the art museum. "Oh...oh, Rusty," she breathed, her nerves fading some. "I wanted to come here. For so long!"

"I know Kryssie. We both did." He paid for their entry, then guided her towards the special exhibit section. "We especially knew you'd want to come for this particular exhibit," he added, leading her into the room that was filled with replicas, and some originals, of Van Gogh's works. The slightly shaky gasp and a quick glance at her face told her that they had been right.

Krysten was in heaven. She had always loved Van Gogh. A print of them had hung in her room when she was small, a gift from her mother before she had died. She had cherished that picture, and had studied his other works whenever her father had given her assignments on anything art related. So, she was able to go to quite a few of the paintings in the room and tell Rusty about them, without ever reading the information placard or pamphlets on them. She brought them alive for him, making the visit enjoyable for him as well. Which was somewhat of a pleasant surprise, as he had never really been an art guy.

He finally pulled her away two hours later when they were dangerously close to being late for their dinner reservations. He laughed with delight at how she pouted at him, trying to convince him to look at one more painting. She was so alive when she stopped worrying. So carefree. And yet, as soon as she gave in and followed him, she acted with such grace and decorum. A contradiction of woman and child. She made him feel alive and everything was new.

They walked to the restaurant nearby, enjoying the beautiful spring evening and he loved the looks they got. She was beautiful, with him, and completely oblivious to the desire of other men. He wasn't. He saw those lingering looks, the envy of his peers, the way they watched her move. He saw the looks after them, the slower paces as they drew near, the desire in the others eyes. It was part of the reason why Dante had kept her home, kept her sheltered. She was gorgeous and men would want her. And all she wanted was him. And Dante of course. But, that didn't keep him from wanting to show her off and let others see her. And get her used to being seen. So, when they arrived at the restaurant, he asked for a table outside on the patio. There, they ate a beautiful meal and he let her lead the conversation. Though, he gently steered it away from their more carnal interests and towards her other ones. "I want to get to know more about you Kryssie. Tell me about what you love, like, think," he said when she looked confused as he once more rebuffed her attempt to talk about sex.

That had made her blush, and she reached for her drink to sip at it, taking a moment to let that sink in. For despite all their home 'dates' they had all had one thing in common. Sex. Usually with her father involved. Though, there had been a few times where it had just been her and Rusty. She wasn't sure what to talk about other than that. It took up such a large part of her life anymore. So she went silent for a moment until he gently asked about her latest paper. She brightened at that and happily told him about her research on genetic mutations and hybrids. It went over his head a bit, but clearly she understood it. And after a moment, it made sense why she did as she was one herself. She was trying to figure out why she had the features she did. Why all cabbits did really. And if she had a child, what it would look like.

Which of course had him thinking of her pregnant. Of her large and rounded with a child, of nursing that same child, her body becoming full and womanly. He took a deep breath to clear his mind before he let his libido take over and tilted his head. "Why the sudden interest in that Kryssie?" He leaned forward a little and his brow furrowed. "Are you? I know that there is a risk, but are you?" That had been the question that had been heavy on his mind since that day in her kitchen. She had been in heat, and there had been no protection. Was she pregnant.

She paused at that question, her fork of pasta halfway to her mouth. She lowered it a moment later, then looked up at him and he saw the worry in her own eyes. "I don't know. I feel different. Odd. It's been so weird, my body, since know. But, I'm afraid to have Daddy get a test." Her head ducked down and she chewed her lip a little, taking a breath. "I might be. It's been awhile since my heat, but I'm scared to test." She squirmed in her seat, then glanced up at him. Afraid that the growing affection she saw whenever she looked at him would be gone. Instead, she saw heat in his gaze, his smile growing.

"Let me get the check beautiful," he said hurriedly. "And then we'll stop on the way home and get a test." He took care of the check and getting their food boxed up and she was taken aback by how eager he was to find out. A part of her sure he wanted to know before he invested to much, but his excitement told her otherwise. He wanted to know. He was excited at the idea of her being pregnant. Though, she had didn't ask why until they were in the car. Once she did, he laughed and tugged her in close. "Because you'll be a fantastic mother. And I can't wait to be a part of that."

"But, but, Rusty, it might not be yours!" She said it quietly, admitting that he had been a ruse to cover up her and Dante's mistake. "It might be daddy's."

"I know Kryssie. He told me. Besides, I figured that part out when I found out about you two." He brushed her hair back, then kissed her forehead as he tucked on one of her gray streaks. "But, I don't care. To the world, I'll be the father. That's what I was brought in for. I'll play my role happily as long as I get you with it." He tilted her chin up and kissed her deeply. "I love you Krysten. I have for...ages. Before that day in the kitchen." He pulled back and smiled. "And, I care about your father. I love what you two share. I love watching you two together. I am honored to be a part of it." He kissed her forehead, then let her back to her seat.

Driving quickly, he headed to a drug store to get a test, then turned the car back to her home. They were hours earlier than he had originally told Dante they'd be back, so when they came inside, the black tom jumped up in concern.

"Is everything okay? Did it go alright? Did something happen?" he asked, moving to Krysten's side to look her over. He pulled her in close, inspecting her for any injuries, then looking into her confused green eyes. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"Nothing Daddy. But Rusty wanted to come home so um...I could um..." She trailed off, unable to say it and gave Rusty a pleading look. Dante turned his attention to the younger male as well.

"Because she needed to take this, and I didn't want to wait," Rusty said, handing the pregnancy test to his friend. He hugged Krysten from behind, wrapping her up in his arms and letting her lean against him as they both watched Dante read the box, then realize what it meant. When he finally looked at them, his eyebrow merely lifted and he handed the test back to them.

"I see. Well, I agree. No need to wait. Go on sweetheart. We'll wait." He then turned and headed into the living room, back to his book and beckoned Rusty to follow. They heard Krysten go to the bathroom to take the test, and as they waited, he looked at Rusty carefully, his book still unopened in his lap. "You're sure about this? You know that..."

"I know it could be yours. Like I told your daughter, I don't care. I'll claim it as mine, as you intended. I meant it when I said I was interested in being with her, no matter what." He felt his cheeks pinking as he said that and looked away a little, ears splaying submissively. "I...I'm surprised you haven't tested that really. Especially after that first time with you both." In fact, nothing after that erotic double blow job had happened between him and Dante. Or at least nothing that couldn't have been explained away as accidental in the heat of passion.

"Did you want me to," Dante asked, amusement rising inside him. He sure as hell had wanted to explore the younger male. To see if he could make him beg and writhe like they made his daughter. "I hadn't because I didn't want it to happen because of Krysten. I wanted it to happen because you wanted it too," he added, setting his book aside. His question went unanswered though due to the return of Krysten with the test in hand.

"It's done Daddy." Her hand shook slightly as she handed the test to him. Instantly, Rusty was on his feet and moving once more to envelop her in his arms. Giving her strength even as he burned to know what it said. Both of them watched Dante's face. One to see his reaction, the other to try and figure out the answer. Dante read the test, checking the box he still had to confirm, then set it aside.

"Well, it looks like we'll have to add on an addition in a few months," he finally said, standing to hug his daughter. "Congratulations Krysten. You're going to be a mother." Rusty stared in surprise, then let out a whoop that had Krysten jumping, laugh crying as she hugged her father. "And, as Rusty has assured me, he's going to be a father."

It was after the initial excitement had died down and Dante was able to extract himself that he let his real worry show. His daughter needed support and love right now and he was going to give that to her. Stepping into his office, he locked it and let his eyes close. A shaky hand slid over his face and he cursed softly. "Oh, Aurora, what have I done?" he asked, tilting his head up to stare at the ceiling. More than ever, he wished his wife was there. He needed her guidance and counsel and felt lost. He had hoped that the shots would have prevented this. And when her next heat came, he would have left her and Rusty alone to let things happen as they may. Now, now he was filled with doubt and fears. What would happen if the baby was his. What would people say. Do? Would Krysten hate him. Would the baby when it grew up?

He poured himself a drink from his hidden stash, drinking it down quickly. Then, he poured another and sipped at it as he let the reality of things sink in. He ignored the sound of his daughter at the door, calling his name. He ignored Rusty when he joined in. He was on his third drink when the door behind him opened.

"Daddy? Daddy, why are you locked in here in the dark? Daddy, don't shut me out," Krysten said, her tone pleading, scared. She moved up behind her father, hand gently touching his back and he turned towards her. He smelled like whiskey and she blinked in shock. He never drank. At least not more than a glass of wine with dinner. "Daddy, did I do something wrong? You said you were happy," she whimpered, stepping back away from him and into Rusty's arms once more. "I...I'm sorry Daddy...Father." She looked down, her hands dropping to fold together in front of her, her posture stiffening into that firm, aloof straight backed position he had liked her in so much for so long. Feeling some of that old coldness surrounding him and how he just stared at her, without responding.

"Dammit Dante," Rusty growled, moving to step between the father and daughter and hiding Krysten's face in his chest. "Snap out of it. She's terrified this is going to change you. That you don't want this. She knows the things wrong with this. She's just as scared as you. More so. You're her world." The anger in the younger man's voice along with Krysten's withdrawal sunk in through Dante's worry and haze. He blinked in surprise, as if he hadn't seen them standing there. "Don't do this Dante. Don't shut her out. Don't shut us out." Rusty was pleading with him, and he saw the way Krysten shook with her need to keep it together.

He set his drink aside then and stepped towards them. He wrapped his arm around the small cabbit cowering against her boyfriend and he nodded. "I'm sorry. I...I just worried. I worried that someone would find out. That they'd blame you. Or you'd hate me one day. I still worry. But I promise baby, I promise I won't be upset." He lifted his daughter's chin, forcing her to look at him. Letting her see that he was there, with her. "We'll get through this. And when the baby comes, we'll be a family. All four of us." He kissed her then, reassuring her the best way he knew how anymore. Rusty shifted, allowing him more room and he stepped closer. Though, when his head lifted from hers, he was surprised again. This time by Rusty moving in and kissing him now. A passionate kiss that had him taken aback and shock.

Krysten relaxed as her father seemed to come back to himself. And as he hugged her, reassured her, promised her they'd be a family, she felt her own fear fading. The kiss definitely helped, and she was smiling a little when he ended it. Though, that smile turned into a breathless little giggle as she watched Rusty kiss her father, surprising him. He had talked with her a little when they had been alone after sex one night about him and her father. What her feelings were on it. And she had encouraged it. She wanted them happy together, not just with her. And in a way, this helped distract her. She needed distracting. "Kiss him back Daddy," she encouraged, stepping back slightly so that the two males could step into each other. Dante's arms came up and wrapped around Rusty and he took control of the kiss.

One of Dante's hands moved up, sliding through Rusty's slightly long red hair and bent the younger man's head a bit more. His tongue swept into Rusty's, tasting him as he used his other hand to pull lean hips against him, feeling the growing ridge of Rusty's arousal against his own. He heard Krysten moan softly at the sight of them, heard Rusty's breathing quicken and he pulled away from the kiss to look down at the other tom. "I guess my earlier question is answered. Right now though?" He glanced at Krysten and she nodded encouragement and he glanced back at Rusty.

"Yes, right now. Though, maybe upstairs. I think Kryssie wants to watch, and well, I think you could use the distraction." Rusty grinned, not minding the fact that he was still held in place, still being made to grind against his friend's erection. Dante chuckled, then reached for his drink and drained it. He poured another, handing it to Rusty, before reaching for a second glass and pouring a small amount for Krysten. "The baby?" Rusty asked as he drank his own.

"Won't hurt it. Not enough, and it's early. Though, not something I want repeated young lady," Dante assured, then hid the whiskey away. "But, I think we could all use it, and then, upstairs. Only, I don't want my darling Krysten left out if we do this." She gave him a grin then that was very much her mother. One that promised she wouldn't be unless he tied her up and forced her to be. She sipped at her small amount, no more than a swallow really, and when it was finished, she turned and promptly walked out of the room.

The warmth running down her throat and into her stomach helped chase away her anxiety. Just what her father had likely intended and she took that warmth as a sign to let her body do her thinking for her. She heard them following and she hurried up. Heading up to her father's bedroom, she tugged her pretty new dress over her head. Her tiny panties were quick to follow and then she set up the things she thought they'd need. Lube of course. She didn't know what they were going to do, but she knew that it was always good to keep on hand. A few of the toys, like her favorite plug and dildo, a paddle and her clamps, and even a few silk scarves. Just in case. When the men joined her, she was laying out the last of the things and then turning to them with a seductive smile. "Come distract me Daddy, Rusty. Let me see you two together. Please." She didn't say anything else, just sitting down in a chair next to the bed.

The two men stared at her, nude, eager, ready. And asking them not to fuck her. But to explore each other. It took them both a moment to let that sink in, before Rusty turned to his friend, mentor, and soon to be lover, and unbuttoned Dante's shirt for him. "I never like to leave a lady wanting," he said playfully, pulling a smirk from the darker cat. Dante's hands moved to return the favor, helping Rusty with his clothes. "She has asked, and we shall deliver, shall we not?" Rusty added, shrugging his shirt off and then moving to undo Dante's pants. He knelt down then, tugging them down his legs and taking a moment to breath in the musky scent of a male tom. He had gotten used to Dante's scent. He smelled it often enough on Krysten. He knew what the other man tasted like too, since he quite enjoyed cleaning the cabbit after sex. But, this time, there was no Krysten to distract him. Just the very male, muscular body he was undressing in front of him.

Dante watched as Rusty paused, looking at the thick bulge in his underwear. He took over the undressing then and his thumbs hooked in the band of his underwear. Slowly, he lowered it and let that thick erection free. It gently bobbed, brushing against Rusty's cheek as he knelt there. He waited, his tail helping to remove the last of his clothing. Focused on Rusty's reaction, on what he'd do next. There was a fifty fifty chance that Rusty would either say he couldn't do it, or he'd take advantage of the position and obvious presentation. And there it was. A gentle press of the younger man's lips to the underside of his cock. Dante moaned softly and he rubbed at the base of Rusty's ear and waited. A brief flick of the tongue on the underside and another kiss. Rusty was feeling himself out.

Dante expected that to take longer. To just be enjoying the teasing little kisses and flicks. But, Rusty surprised him. Ten seconds later in fact, Rusty was moving, taking the head of that cock into his mouth and sliding forward slowly. His cheeks were bright, his tail fluffed and twitching as he pushed himself to step outside his comfort zone. But the look in Rusty's eyes was one of growing need and desire. He suckled at Dante's length, feeling his jaw aching as it stretched open over the cock for the first time. He pushed himself to take more until he felt the tip pressing against his throat and he gagged slightly. Pulling back, he took a shaky breath through his nose, then dipped down again. He was doing it, he was sucking his first cock. Slowly, tentatively, but he was doing it. And it tasted good. Better than he had expected for sure. Especially as he tasted the little hints of salty pre that he was coaxing from the older man. He suckled harder, moving faster, his hands moving to cup Dante's hips. And when Dante's hands slid into his hair, he shuddered and felt his own pre soaking his underwear.

"Krysten, get over here," Dante ordered, tangling his fingers in Rusty's soft hair, helping him to move with more ease. Focusing on the sight of his daughter, thighs pressed together, squirming with desire as she watched voraciously. "Help Rusty with the rest of his clothes," he added when she came over. "Go on and stroke him," he allowed once the pants and underwear were pushed down as far as they'd go. Her small hand instantly closing around her boyfriend's length and she stroked it knowingly, teasing the barbs with her thumb. Encouraging him to pull back and do the same to Dante with his tongue. The older man shuddered a little and he closed his eyes to take a moment to calm down. "T-take your other hand. Two fingers inside yourself baby. Are you wet?" He opened his eyes to see her nod emphatically.

"I'm soaked Daddy. This is amazing to watch. So very mmmm." Her lack of a descriptor had her just closing her eyes and shuddering, her fingers hungrily delving inside herself. Dante grinned as he felt Rusty's moan around him and the younger male take another inside into his mouth. So that the tip of his cock was sliding just inside his throat finally. He held him there, letting him feel the power he had over the other tom as he watched his daughter finger herself for him.

"Now, take those fingers and slide them against his tailhole. Like I do with you baby." He let Rusty go, feeling him pull back to gasp in air. His eyes returning to Rusty's brown ones and he smiled encouragement. And when Rusty pushed back down for more, he nodded his approval and watched as Rusty perked up and sucked harder. Krysten's fingers did as he told, moving to covering Rusty's star with her juices, making it nice and slick. "Slowly, push one in. Just a little. Let his hole do the work. Just rock it back and forth until it sort of sucks you in," he instructed. Feeling exactly when it happened as another moan vibrated around his cock and he felt himself on the brink. He started to pull back, his barbs stiffening. But, to his surprise, Rusty shook his head slightly and pulled him back close.

Pushing his hips back towards Krysten's fingers, Rusty encouraged that finger to go deeper as he tried to take more than just the first couple of inches of Dante's cock into his mouth. Determination and pleasure merging inside him and he relaxed enough to take both finger and cock where he wanted them. The head of Dante's cock slid into his throat entirely and he tilted his chin enough to get a better angle to breathe. Swallowing around it, he tried to do what felt good to him. And was rewarded by Dante's groan and his hands tightening in his hair. A rush of salty cream hitting his throat, the length pulsing in his mouth as he brought the older tom to climax in his mouth. Only then did he pull back to catch the last bit on his tongue. He didn't swallow it, his nose wrinkling slightly at the bitterness direct from the source. He didn't dislike it, but it was different for him even still.

Only then did he pull away and turn to his Kryssie. Her finger moved with him, staying inside him as ordered. Opening his full mouth, he showed her father the gift he was sharing with her before he kissed her and let her take some for herself. She did so hungrily, moaning into the kiss as the earlier stress and tension faded from their minds entirely and the focus became the here and now. They shared the taste back and forth as she rocked her finger inside him again and again. Slowly edging it deeper, stretching him open and he felt his own length twitching and bobbing with every thrust of her finger inside him. Finally, the kiss came to a close and he took a shaky breath. He pulled her finger from him then, then stood and shed the clothing binding his legs. Silently, he moved to the bed and waited for them both to join him.

Krysten held back at first, watching as her father stretched out on the bed beside Rusty and pulled him into another of those delicious kisses that had her tummy doing lovely flip flops. She watched as Rusty went pliant against her father, letting the dark hand slide down his orange-ish red body and down to his twitching length. Her ears perked up at the sound of Rusty's moan of pleasure as Dante's hand stroked him expertly and his hips bucked up into the hand. Though, when both men broke the kiss to look at her at the same time, she smiled and joined them. This time, she was the one that was kissed by Dante as Rusty's fingers buried inside her. Two fingers spreading her open, feeling how wet and hot she was at the show.

Rusty savored how needy this was making her, even as he humped into Dante's hand stroking him. The older man was great at sharing pleasure. He had a firm, knowing grip that had him quick to that edge of bliss, but never over it. It was hard to believe that Dante wasn't a regular at this. That it had been almost two decades since his last explorations with a man. Finally, Dante stopped and he stroked up the bottom of Rusty's length to capture the dripping pre. He licked a little of it off his hand, then bent his head to kiss Rusty once more. "Do you want me to fuck you Rusty? Or do you want to just leave it where it is?" He left it entirely up to the younger man. Rusty's fingers paused at that question and he remembered how good it had felt to have Krysten's finger inside him. Odd, strange, but yet, good. And so far, Dante had proved to be a knowledgeable lover. A considerate one willing to wait and made sure his partner was pleasured. So, he only hesitated a moment before answering.

"I want to try it all. I want to be with you both," he said. "I love Krysten already, but...I want to be with you too. I don't want us to be a couple with you on the edge," he said, surprising even himself. He had just mean to say yes. Fuck me. Make me cum with your cock inside me. And instead, he was saying what he had been feeling for the past week. He wasn't just dating Krysten. He was dating them both. They were already a couple, and he was coming into it, being welcomed into it. He couldn't split them up, wouldn't do it. And he wanted to experience all sides of it with them. To be with them both as much as he could. Something to think more on later really. For now though, he wanted to taste Krysten as her father took his anal virginity. "Fuck me Dante. And Kryssie, let me taste you."

They adjusted, both father and daughter taken aback by his admission. But letting him lead the focus back to the sex. She took a place against the pillows, her legs spreading and her cheeks filling with color. Still embarrassed, but not to the point she'd ever say no to the feel of his tongue lapping at her folds. He moved to his hands and knees, nuzzling her inner thigh before dropping down to his forearms and shoulders, his hips staying high. Dante moved behind him, stroking along his back and hips soothingly. And as Rusty licked his way up to Krysten's core, Dante's reached for the lube and poured some on that slightly stretched hole. He used the same method he had for stretching his daughter. Gently working his way up to two fingers. Scissoring them, stretching them wide, working that elastic hole to spread open.

Krysten watched as her daddy worked. She remembered that first time like this all too well. The burning need of her heat, the ache in her loins, the full slick pressure. The erotic wrongness of it. The way she had seemed so full with just his fingers. And from the moans and gasps and whimpers against her sex, Rusty felt exactly the same. She pulled him up to lay on her belly some, letting him take a moment to breathe as her father reached for more lube to coat himself. "Take a few breaths Rusty. Nice and relaxed," she said, moving down to wriggle beneath him. Her father, curious to what she had planned, waited as he continued to stroke his now lube glistening cock. It took a little effort, but finally, she was where she wanted to be. Beneath Rusty, his length pressing to her entrance. "Let Daddy do it, let him push you into me as he fills you up," she said, wondering just where she had gotten that idea from. And Rusty gave her a look, wondering that himself. Even as he twitched and pulsed with need against her. But grateful to her for giving him that distraction to what he knew would likely hurt. Even if he was eager for it at this point.

When he was ready, he nodded, sliding one hand over to stroke Krysten's hair back so he could watch her face. Feeling her tiny hands moving then, holding him open for her father in a way that reminded him of that submissive feeling when they had shared him before. Again, he was being used by them both. Dante would be fucking his daughter through him. And damn, that turned him on. "I'm ready," he added verbally, just as he felt Dante move against him. He took a deep breath, then exhaled just as Dante started to push into him. Feeling the burning stretch and he cried out at the discomfort. His hips bucked away a bit, down into Krysten and his length was encased in warm, wet heat. Eyes going wide, he saw just why she had done it. Instinct had him wanting to pull back, to thrust into her. And to do so would make him take more of Dante's thickness into him. Not that Dante was willing to wait anymore as he pushed forward still. Slowly filling the younger male with every inch of thick feline cock.

Between the two of them, it took only moments for Rusty to achieve his goal of being full of Dante. The two men paused when Dante's black hips nestled against Rusty's. The younger man's hole clenched and rippled, trying to squeeze out the invader, even as the pressure to his prostate had him harder than he had ever been in his life, deep inside Krysten. He adjusted slightly then, taking some of his weight onto his forearms and kissing his lovely Kryssie as the thrusting started. Dante pulled back, pulling his hips back and his cock out of the cabbit. Then, he was pushing back in, forcing Rusty back deep into Krysten. Moans muffled into the kiss, Krysten's white hands clenching on Rusty's ass as she felt the pleasure of those hard thrusts deep inside her. Each slide of that thick cock into him had Rusty's cock twitching, his hands clenching on the blankets. And Dante sped up, losing himself in the pleasure of the tight ass gripping him and the eroticism of the position.

"Faster Daddy, faster," she begged, feeling herself on the brink of an orgasm as she watched the dark face above them, felt Rusty muffle his moans into her neck. He was clinging to her, rocking back to meet each thrust, clenching around the cock inside him. She could tell he was loving it as much as she did and she loved him for that. "I want to cum Daddy. Make him make me cum, please. Please let me cum," she babbled as she nuzzled the base of his ear, her eyes on Dante's silvered ones. Her father smirked and he gripped Rusty's hips, pulling them up. Pulling the other feline out of his daughter entirely as he started to drive down hard and fast into the once virgin hole he was claiming. Krysten cried out at the loss, her hands moving to grab the sheets so she didn't try and make herself cum. Watching it, eyes not closing so she didn't miss a thing.

Rusty reached for her as he was tugged up like that, needing her to help anchor him. But, Dante caught his hands and held them behind his back with one hand. "Focus on me Rusty. Focus on my cock inside you. Do you want me to fill you up? Let her see as I pump you full of my cum?" The husky, masculine voice in his ear sent shivers down his spine and his ears were splayed submissively. He licked dry lips and nodded, seeing her writhing with her primal need to cum and knew that Dante wouldn't let her until he had cum deep inside him. And, while he wanted to say that he had agreed purely for her, he knew he hadn't. He wanted to feel it. To feel the throbbing, the twitching, the liquid heat inside him. She said it was the best feeling in the world and now he had a chance to feel it. To be used by this man and he wanted it. A part of him shocked at this. The part that had never dreamed this would happen three months ago. Sex with men had never even been a blip on his radar before Dante and Krysten. And here he was, moaning like he was a cat in heat.

"Fuck me Dante. Fill me. Need it," he heard himself panting. Feeling more than hearing Dante's moan of delight at his words before the older tom was gripping his hip and wrists and holding him in place. A hard, deep few thrusts and then he was going mostly still. Mostly because deep inside Rusty, that cock was far from still as it twitched and pulsed, the barbs massaging and rubbing erotically. And there it was, that first pulse of heat deep inside him and he felt his own release finally coming. His cock twitched, untouched and glistening from Krysten's juices, as a shot of milky seed erupted from it to hit on Krysten's breasts. And for each pulse of seed inside him, a matching one covered Krysten below him. It was when Dante finally pulled from him that he finished and dropped down to his hands and knees over Krysten, panting heavily. Feeling strangely empty, and yet full. Feeling the tickling trickle of seed leaving his stretched open hole as Dante settled back onto his heels behind him.

"Lick her clean Rusty. You made a mess, you clean it up," he heard behind him, that tone the same one used on Krysten to get her to obey. And Rusty's head bent, licking up the streaks of cum on that pristine white fur without hesitation. "Good boy. Very good," came the praise and he went even more red beneath his already red fur and licked harder. Feeling so very submissive right now, so eager to please and do as bid. Dante moved then, getting wipes to clean them both up and rubbing along Rusty's back as he watched the younger man cleaning his cum off of Krysten. Krysten who was still needy and aching to cum. Still clenching at the bedding to keep from pushing Rusty's head to where she needed it. Or, to keep her hands from going there instead. "Patience babygirl, I've not forgotten you," he assured,a slow grin curving his lips that had her tingling with anticipation..