Locker Room Vigor

Story by poweron on SoFurry

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Adam, a young stallion, is having some trouble getting himself and his team going these days. He isn't sure whats keeping him back until a teammate makes an unexpected offer.

This world is a bit different from the one you and I know, furs are a bit looser with their needs and bodies than we are for instance ;) This is one of my first furry-specific stories so let me know what you think!

Adam massaged his thick sheath, fingers kneading its dark folds, revealing the flat head of the monstrous cock inside. His equine lips pulling back over his teeth as he nickered lustily. He needed this. He needed the release. Practice was a mess today, his team was all over the field. His hips shifting so that his heavy dark-skinned balls rolled off the edge of the slatted wooden locker room seat, his jewels dangling precariously above the tile.

"Jeez man... do you have to take that thing out every time?" Jessie snorted with more than a little derision as he turned towards the horse, dragged a hole-filled white t-shirt over his antlers onto his chiseled torso. Tufts of his fur spilled out of the jagged tears across his chest, sides and back. The whole team rolled their eyes and chuckled every time he insisted on putting it on, refusing to use button downs like most horned species had used since time immemorial. Despite its raggedness the shirt was still surprisingly tight-fitting on the deer, framing his abs and pecs like it was painted on. The shirt's hem stopping well above the deer's naked lower torso, if anything framing the region between his legs all the more starkly.

"Heh. Aren't you one to talk, I saw you in here with Angie last week" the horse retorted, a innocent smile on his long muzzle as he turned to face the deer. His thick fingers' delving into his sheath without missing a beat.

"He's right you know" Brad chimed in, his gray-white leopard tail swishing behind him as he hopped on one paw trying to get his running shorts over his free leg. "Coach said we are missing...urghh... pizza Fridays for three weeks because of that little incident." the cat growled as he hitched the shorts wriggled over his lithe feline hips. "And I really liked pizza Fridays" he stated matter-of-factly as his paws delved into his pants to adjust his small tight package before pulling his long tail through the designated hole in the back of the shorts. He let out a soft grunting mewl as he made the final adjustments to the garment before dragging it up over his compact rounded butt cheeks.

"Yeah well!...It wasn't that bad" Jessie retorted, deflating. His bravado rapidly fading as he grimaced. He did his best to shrug off his team's collective and ongoing derision. He didn't care about what they thought he told himself as he did his best to speed up his dressing process. Turning back to his locker he angrily rusted through his things as he looked for his keys.

"Let the captain have his fun, it's not like he's got Angie in here getting milk everywhere..." Nathan growled silently to himself, blushing a bit himself as his meaty red cock began to peek out of his exposed heavy sheath. He was across the room but his rounded ears could hear the conversation just fine above the din of his teammates talking and dressing. Teammates that had made fun of Nathan more than he would like to admit. They said it was all in good fun but it still hurt sometimes. Despite his size and species he was the most self-conscious and soft-spoken member on the team. His body stood higher than everybody except the equines and Roger, their obligatory team rhino. Nathans eyes darted guiltily downward towards the throbbing tip of his malehood poking out from between his legs, he quickly cupped it with a wide paw trying to hide it. He always got like this when he thought about the captain.

Adam was content to let the drama unfold around him as his cock snaked out of his equine sheath. Its girth throbbed as inch upon inch poured out of him, his soft equine fleshing flopped towards the floor.

"Aw screw it" Jessie huffed as he threw his pants over his shoulder. He didn't need this. With little more on than his shirt and jacket he stormed out of the dressing area, his sheath jiggling as his orange-sized cervine balls slapped his legs. They all watched him leave, collectively chuckled and returned to what they were doing, the temporary silence broken. They all knew and Adam had made it perfectly clear that even though he was a bit of a jerk he was their jerk. Nobody was too worked up about losing pizza night except for Brad anyway. They could do without the carbs and Angelos was getting old. Not a one was going to tell Jessie that though.

"Ok cya next week guys!" Chuck, the black-furred stallion chimed in as he slapped Adam's broad bare shoulder. He was about to depart himself, but more fully dressed than Jessie had been by far. "Wish I could stay around to help you with that, I know how it is." the horse commiserated as he squeezed one of his own pendulous obsidian balls through his jeans letting out a low lusty whinny as he directing a none too subtle wink at the captain. "Got a date I can't be late for and knowing you... I would be very late" the horse smiled.

Being the only two horses on the team predisposed him and Adam to having fun off the field occasionally. It was an unwritten rule that horses stuck together on their campus. Occasionally, when they were both especially horny they put on a show for their other teammates. The two started out pretty tame, the normal stuff... using their erect cocks like swords to battle until Adam inevitably won the day and bred him, seeing who could last the longest without nutting and so on. Brad suggested they use some toys to liven things up. And they sure did. Soon after the toys introduction their sessions grew infectious. The whole team missed their call to the field because the changing room had become a giant orgy of clacking hooves, grasping claws, clenching balls, lustful roaring and an unimaginable amount of cum. There weren't any toys allowed after that.

Riley, their team's fox player, to this day could be given an almost immediate and powerful boner when anybody brought up "tennis balls", a favorite stimulation aid among the larger species. Riley's reaction was near pavlovian. Chuck had once made the slender fox cum uncontrollably by whispering it into his triangular ears before they skirmished. It wasn't immediate but soon Chuck couldn't stop laughing as the fox's paws struggled to hold the ball, his cock dangling out of the top of his shorts while he came, doing his best to sprint across the field. It didn't matter that it had caused them to forfeit three points on a foul, it was worth it to see the fox's throbbing tapered dick bobbing wildly, and comically, between his thighs. Eventually Riley staggered and crumpled into the grass, a gasping shuddering orgasmic mess of fur and moaning. The whole team gathered around him, marveling at what an impressive job Riley did coating his sharp muzzle and their ball in slick yellowish fox seed. They had to get the equipment guys to get them another ball, although some on the team thought it would be funny to keep playing with the jizz one, the refs disagreed.

Coach surprisingly didn't seem to mind that much, ahead in points as they were that game, as long as they didn't do anything to jeopardize the playoffs. He said it helped to build team cohesiveness when he caught teammates joined at the hip. It didn't hurt that Chuck liked getting skewered by the larger horses' massive tool in front of his whole team either.

"Heh, don't worry about it, have a *nnhhhnnhh* good weekend Chuck" Adam smiled back at Chuck between increasingly heavy breaths, waving him off with one partially pre-cum covered hand before returning it and his attention to his tool.

One by one his teammates left, some in various states of undress as Adam slowly massaged and stroked his shaft. The university had a fairly liberal clothing policy but it did frown on too much public masturbation or intercourse. Adam had already been given a few warnings by campus security that he was disrupting classes with his post-practice stress relief sessions. He preferred to do it in the locker room these days, it wasn't worth the hassle.

Adam huffed, he was having a hard time getting himself hard despite his hands best efforts. The pressures of leading the team was wearing on him despite his efforts to hide it. He felt like he had lost something, but he couldn't say what. "Aww...come on" he moaned as he hefted his still frustratingly flaccid tool in his hands. His wide urethra could barely even manage a few drops of pre, its copious flow staunched by stress.

Adam didn't notice the large brown bear hesitantly standing in front of him until his shadow cast itself over the Adam's dangling cock.

" you... I was wondering...If need some help?" Nathan said with a stuttering shyness. His voice cracking despite its rumbling depth. He had never been so bold as to offer this kind of assistance to the captain. Other teammates did it with such ease and Adam obliged them all, most had worn themselves out before Adam had even gotten close though. He wasn't sure why he had gathered enough courage to ask Adam to join in today. He wasn't sure he could do any better. He couldn't explain it to himself, maybe it was the throbbing in his loins or how Jessie had talked to Adam earlier, but today of all days Nathan felt like he needed to go for it.

Whenever the team played with each other after practice Nathan was always the most embarrassed, the most hesitant, to join in. His teammates libidos and casual intimacy with each other intimidated him. If he couldn't manage to sneak out he would find a corner near the showers and stroke himself off while the others had the fun.

The captain was always the most intimidating to him, by far. It was from no fault of the captain though, Adam had always been especially kind to him despite his uncommonly meek disposition. The horse always had such ease and grace with social situations that Nathan could never hope to achieve. Not to mention his wide popularity among his fellow players and the university as a whole, nothing could touch the horse's stature. It didn't hurt that Adam's chiseled equine body and un-ignorable package were a good bit larger than all but the largest species on campus. Even Chuck, for all his gifts couldn't hold a candle to what their captain had been endowed with. Adam was on a golden pedestal to Nathan. He never felt quite worthy of even being around him, let alone on the same team. The horses un-tarnishable confidence made the bear weak in the knees but also inflamed something deep inside. Despite all this he stood in front of the sitting horse, his...his idol, baring himself whole, his own dick throbbing from anxiety as it hung out of its furry sheath.

"Hey!" Adam whinnied in surprise, his body involuntarily jerking backwards as realized he wasn't alone, his long face tilting upward to look at bear with his piercing blue-green eyes. "You scared me Nate! I thought you had left with the other guys." He said as he regained his composure, his body resettling on the bench.

"Honestly, I am surprised..." The horses eyebrow rose inquisitively as he sized up the bear's entire body. He shook his head and smiled "We never have done it have we Nate?". Nathan could feel the horse's deliriously brilliant eyes piercing through him as the Adam looked him over, lingering especially long on his growing anxiety boner.

"NO!" Nathan interrupted with an unintentionally loud shout. "No I mean, we haven' least I don't think we have..I would remember, not to say I would forget and....." The bear rambled nervously. His anxiety boner was getting worse as a couple more inches throbbed out of his sheath.

Adam wordlessly reached out and placed one thick nailed finger on the dangling domed tip of the bears cock. Nathan immediately stopped talking as his whole body shuddered from the touch. "aaahhhhhh!!!" Nathan moaned uncontrollably, electricity arcing down the length of his manhood down into his heavy balls.

The horse spread his thighs, giving Nathan an even better view of his dangling package. "Honestly I am surprised Nate. Surprised it's taken you this long" Adam smiled. Nathan felt like a thousand pounds of nerves lifted off of him at those words. "You have your work cut out for you, get to it" the horse beckoned, gesturing towards the meat between his legs.

Nathan wasted no time and sunk to his hands and knees. He found himself shaking in a mixture of anticipation and fear. He wasn't sure he could do this now that he was facing the task in front of him. He shook his head to try to clear his thoughts. He was shy but not inexperienced. In his hometown he had taken and been taken by many of the smaller species that inhabited it. His family were the only bears for a hundred miles so he had to make due with his share of foxes, rabbits and even groundhogs. They had endurance he would give them that, but their size was never enough for him. He was always afraid he was going to break one of them in half with his member. Only after being exposed to all the species in the university did he get some perspective on how diversely hung the world was, and starting to understand what he was missing out on all this time.

Nathan's broad muzzle kissed the top of the stallion's cock as his nerves began to calm, his paws attempting to roll the horse's massive dangling balls in his palm. He could do this he told himself. He let out a low moan as he marvelled at the orbs, they were too large for even his large ursine paws to fully grasp. Their weight felt immense, he wasn't sure how the captain could walk with these things, let alone play as well as he did. Despite their relative proportionality to his body these balls were something special. And now...and now Adam was offering them to him. He couldn't help another low growl escape his throat as he massaged the massive nuts, alternating between the pair, letting the rough contours of his paw pads caress their sheer hard skin. Nathan wasn't sure the horses scrotum could hold one more cubic centimeter without bursting, the skin was so tightly wrapped around the melon-sized testes. Nathan ran his fingers between them, delving into their deep cleft, feeling their immense heat on his skin. The bear was having a hard time concentrating, the musk and sheer eroticism of Adam's cock and balls was overwhelming, both demanding his attention. His large ursine body did its best to service the horse above him as his heart raced in his ears.

Adam couldn't help but nicker lustily as pleasurable electricity arced through his sensitive orbs. His flaccid cock began to come alive as inches of additional length spilled out of his sheath. His penis beginning to harden as it engorged with new hot pulses of blood. It had been weeks since he had felt this way, shivers of pleasure pulsed through his growing member. There was something undoubtedly hot about having a teammate he had never coupled with go down on him. Adam never forced anybody on their team to do anything they didn't want to do, at least off the field that is. And it was paying dividends now as the rough tongue of the bear dragged along his length.

"Don't...don't...ughhhh...stop" Adam moaned as his hands gripped the bears soft head fur, strong arms pulled Nathan's muzzle against his crotch. "Urghhhh...uhnnnnn" Adam groaned lustily, foam starting to form at the edges of his mouth as his medial ring pulsed. His massive length bobbing between his legs at the bear's needful licking.

"Nnth..ntho need to tell me...hrmmm..twice" the bear gasped, coming up for air halfway through his sentence before sinking his muzzle deeper between Adam's legs. Nathan's large wet nose breathing in the horse's musky equine scent as he worshipped the horse cock.

Nathan slurped at the massive rod with his wide tongue, leaving a treasure trail of his saliva along its length . He could tell Adam was excited as his near flaccid cock was now standing at full attention and leaking small beads of yellowish clear precum. It throbbed needfully in front of him. Nathan seen many cocks over his live but had never been so close to something so erotic, so powerful. Seeing it from a distance was nothing like seeing it up close. He could feel the rampant heat coming off of it on his face. It was beyond glorious.

The bear couldn't stop himself even if he had wanted to as his muzzle began to open to take Adam's length into himself. Thick strands of saliva dragged between his large ursine teeth as he opened his maw. The bear proceeded to attempt to choke down the impossibly huge column of horse cock. He had never given head to a horse before, he felt like his jaw may dislocate as he pressed inch after inch into his mouth. He wanted this so badly. His own bear cock leaked like a faucet between his legs.

Adam was enjoying the thorough cleaning downstairs so much he was in a bit of shock when he noticed the bear trying to deep throat his tool. "That...ahhhhnnn...may be a little advanced...for you" he managed to moan between orgasmic surges of pleasure as the bears muzzle wrapped around his cock's sensitive flat head.

"Dnth wrrry...I goth...uhnnn.. thith" the bear managed to gurgle out in muffled response as at least six inches of horse cock pushed into his muzzle. He wasn't even close to getting the medial ring in but still the bear persisted. He backed out and tried again, saliva and pre spilling from the sides of his mouth, his black nose flaring as it took up the task of breathing.

"Oh god give...good head" Adam huffed, his body shaking in increasing ecstasy. "Ohhhhhhhnnnghhh" the horse neighed deeply as his cock's medial ring finally disappeared into the bears maw. He was impressively halfway there and showed no signs of choking. The flared tip of his tool had made it past the back of the bears throat now and was inching down his esophagus. Adams cock surged as it splattered and lubricating the length of the bears throat with his scalding hot equine precum. Adam couldn't help it has his hips began to thrust and gyrate pulling and pushing his cock in and out of Nathan's gaping mouth.

"UHHHH..UHhhhhhhhnghhhhh" Nathan moaned. The equine precum sliding down his throat was pushing him over the edge, it tasted like intoxicatingly sweet molasses. It filled his senses, his eyes rolled backwards in his head as Adam's cock pressed in and out of him. This was as much of Adam as he could take in his mouth, just barely past half way but it was enough.

Nathan was paying so much attention to Adam's pleasure that he hadn't realized how close he was. His own bear cock was painfully erect as it slapped the locker room floor. His eyes went wide as he realized what was going to happen too late. "IMTH CUMMINTH....UUHHHHHH!!!!" He screamed through the horse cock stuffed into his throat. The surprise orgasm hit him like a tsunami as he began to shudder uncontrollably, his rock-hard cock cumming between his legs.

The bear's own set of impressively large balls churned and hitched as his thick cock swelled, pushing its domed head into the floor before letting out rope after rope of his ursine seed across the tile. His swollen taint bulged with his prostate, sending shudders of pleasure up his long spine. His stubby tail flicked back and forth manically. Powerful arcs of semen splattered wetly between his front paws, joining the drool and pre that has escaped his muzzle. It took all his willpower to not bite down on Adam's tool as his massive body spasmed. The broad muscles in his back tensed as his furry thighs shook. He wasn't sure how he was able to keep himself from collapsing onto the floor.

"Ahhhh....ahhhh!!! Hrrhhnnnhnnhhhh..." Adam groaned, he felt so close, his own balls were tensing in their sac as they dropped lower. The hard packed flesh of his cock tensed as his urethra bulged. He was almost ready to explode. Suddenly a light nip of ursine teeth on his cock brought him back from the brink. He realized that the large bear deep throating his member was cumming himself.

"Hnnhh..I...thought you could hold out longer Nate...Don't worry we can still have some more fun" the horse gasped through heavy breaths. He felt the sticky webbing of Nate's load on the area above his hooves. Looking down past his groin he saw that a good part of the floor was covered in a fan of bear cum. "Pretty pent up?" he smiled a bit at the bear's impressive display.

Adam knew Nathan had more to give despite the volume of his ejaculation. Adam had casually observed that Nate had the third or fourth largest balls on the team. If a jerk of a deer like Jessie could cause a mess like he had with jewels half the size between his legs Adam was sure that Nate had a fair bit more in him before he was done.

Nathan reluctantly pulled his head back, releasing Adam's cock from his stretched esophagus. He was having a hard time keeping the in and out rhythm of his muzzle on Adam's meat while the aftershocks of his orgasm cascaded through his body. The bear's dark lips smacked wetly with leftover strands of sticky pre and saliva as wriggled his jaw try to realign his bones with a series of pops.

"Hahh....hahh...hhaahh" the bear gasped as he reared backwards on his haunches, his cock still visibly throbbing as a small trickle of cum leaked out of his slit. "S...sorry...I didn't mean ...I didn't mean to stop" the bear stammered embarrassedly, disappointed he was unable to get Adam to release.

"Haha don't worry about it Nate" the horse laughed. Despite his demeanor his cock still raged between his legs as its length pulsed with his massive heart beat. "You think you can keep going? I think ..hhnnnh.. if I drive for a little while I can get us both there" the horse gasped as he wrangled with the base of his member with his hands. Despite their size they weren't able to fully get around his own circumference.

Adam was used to having to finish himself off. Most species around campus had eyes bigger than their appetite for horses. Nathan had been trying so hard. Adam wondered if this was the first time he had been with a horse. If so it was doubly impressive that he was able to take so much and last so long. There weren't many partners that could take him let alone hold it together long enough to get him off. Nate didn't really succeed on either count but it was a valiant effort. Adam wanted to try his other hole though. Maybe, just maybe he could go all the way.

Nathan answered his question with a silent but determined nod, his face was hot and flush under his fur. His breathing ragged but calming. He didn't know if he could take Adam but he was willing to try. The horse stood, his cock slapping his abs as he did so making him whinny. "Get up Nate and spread" he instructed. Nathan huffed as he stood, his body felt heavy as he got to his feet. The large bear turned around, presenting his rear end to Adam, foot paws sliding sideways on his own cum as he did.

"You have an impressive set back here" Adam complemented Nathan as he reached a hand between the bear's legs and squeezed his heavy grapefruit-sized balls. His horse cock sliding up the bear's broad back leaving a trail of saliva and pre in his fur. "I don't think I have ever had a chance to tell you" he almost whispered as his large head settled next to Nathan's, resting on his broad shoulder. Despite their species difference Adam was taller than Nathan. It was an odd sensation for the bear to have another person larger than him so intimate.

"Ahhh!!!" Nathan moaned in pleasurable shock, he hadn't expected Adam to pay attention to his nuts. His body shook in a mix of barely contained pleasure and surprise. "Th...they aren't as nice...nice as yours" the bear moaned, his softening cock beginning to harden again as he felt the horses thick wrist between his thighs, fingers caressing the cleft between his jiggling orbs. That sensation along with the feeling of the horse cock pressing against the small of his back almost made him cum again. As far as he was concerned his body was Adams, to do with as he pleased.

The flow from Adam's cock was truly incredible now as it spurted pre like a leaking faucet. Denied its release it was on a hair-trigger. Adam couldn't know if he was going to blow all over the bear's back or inside him. He would much prefer inside him. Adam backed away to give himself some maneuvering room, forcing him to release the bears balls. The hefty ursine orbs sank lower between the bears legs than when he had started playing with them.

Adam always liked teasing his quarry before really seriously playing with them but he wasn't sure how much he was going to be able to do without cumming. Luckily he was well practiced at controlling himself, unlike his bear compatriot. He could hold it together until he wanted to with most species around campus. It came from practice, lots and lots...and lots of practice. Even so he didn't want to chance it. Without wasting another breath Adam began to prod and poke the bear's behind with his flared tool, jamming it into his rounded ass cheeks.

"Ohhhh...gawwddd" Nathan moaned as he could feel the hard tool jam into his sensitive rear end. "Just...put it in..I can''s too much" he moaned, tears of growing pleasure began to bead in the corner of his eyes as he used his hands to spread his rear cheeks. His own cock was already at half-mast again, quickly on its way to a full-blown erection. It was the quickest follow-up erection he had ever experienced, his bodies latent libido was going into overdrive.

Adam's cock aimed true as it pressed against his throbbing hole. Just enough to wet it with slick pre. The horse had every intention of entering Nathan but when he went to push the bear's pucker simultaneously tensed causing his gigantic cock's head to slip down the bears behind on a trail of its own slick juices. Before Adam knew it his cock had slipped between the bear's legs and jammed the back of the bear's balls, his horse cock wearing the bear's testicles like a furry hat.

"Ohhhhh fuck...." Nathan moaned. It looked like he had two cocks now, his ursine one throbbing in the air and just below a pair of heavy spread balls a equine one. "You''re huge..I get...I get it" the bear teased, his thighs clamping down on the horse cock, he could feel its throbbing veins against his taint.

"Ahhh, damn it" the horse moaned, he didn't know how much longer he could hold it together. "Hey let go, I ...ahhhgnnnn... am going to nut" he whinnied as the bear reluctantly released him. "Lets..hurghh.. try again" he said with a renewed animalistic aggression, teeth grinding as he tried to hold himself together. "Get...unnfhhh... for it" Adam groaned as he withdrew his cock to finally line it up with the bear's waiting hole. He jammed it in more slowly this time, the wide flat head of his penis spreading the bear.

"Please...." Nathan cried as he pressed himself against the horse. His own need was too much to ignore as he did his best to spread himself for Adam. "I'll take it...please..."

Adam gave no response except to begin to push his aching cock into the bear's tight hole. Nathan's mouth may have been virginal but his ass had definitely taken some companions with size as the first few inches of Adam's length slipped in surprisingly easily. But then he began to hit resistance, immeasurable tightness. "NNRGHHHH" Adam moaned as he plowed forward, his body almost tipping over the bear with his powerful legs as he pushed.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Nathan growled lustily. He almost fell from the force of Adam's cock, he staggered forward, hands bracing himself against the cold metal lockers. "It's too..too much" the bear moaned plaintively "You're going to tear me apart". He could feel his insides resisting the intrusion of the log of a cock that his captain wielded between his legs.

"URGHNNNN TAKE IT" Adam neighed aggressively in response, too far gone to stop himself. His body pumping into and out of the bears curvaceous rump. Wide equine digits gripped Nathan's wide hips as handholds as he fucked the bear with everything he had. More and more of him sank into his deep dark expanse as finally his medial ring cleared the bear's entrance with a wet *pop*. And then it cleared the bears entrance again, and again. He delved deeper and deeper, spreading the bear.

Nathan could barely breathe. He felt like his insides were re-arranging around Adam's cock. Every thrust of the horse's hips caused his own cock to slap side to side, splatting the lockers with his own much less voluminous flow of pre. His balls jiggled akimbo in their sac as he got closer and closer to orgasm. His wide head slammed against the lockers for additional support as he moaned. "Huughhh...ffffuuuckk" was all he could get out of his muzzle as his eyes scrunched shut in pleasure that verged on pain. Tears streamed down his muzzle, making dark trails in his fur.

Adam thrust harder and faster. His pre lubricated the bear's opening as it gaped obscenely between powerful thrusts. The horse's full muscular body plowed the bear with everything he had, near lifting him off his rear paws as he skewered his teammate. He was so close. So close. With a powerful slam of his hips he hilted his length into the bear. Their balls slapping together from pendular momentum "URHHHHHHHH!!!" Adam roared as his churning testes sent a massive wave of pleasure through his entire body. His chiseled chest pressed up against the bear's back, their bodies sharing heat as his hands released Nathan's hips.

Nathan couldn't do much more than hold on. Adam's left hand slammed against his own tensing paw, his claws clacked as they pressed against the metal locker. He felt Adam's other hand grip his firm stomach, pulling him back onto himself as he continued to thrust his hilted cock against his opening. Nathan had no idea how he had taken so much and not burst. He could swear that his abdomen was bulging as the horse thrust the column of meat into and out of his abused hole. Despite the initial pain he was starting to get used to it being in him, the more Adam thrust the better and better it felt.

Their bodies ground with animalistic fervor as Nathan began to grind his body back against the horse. His wide hips gyrating as his cock flopped between his thighs. Moaning and groaning incoherently they were beyond words now. The two became as one, horse and bear, balls and cocks throbbing, the floor under them peppered with their combined male sex juices.

Their thrusting built to crescendo as Adam's head reared backwards, Nathan's muzzle pressed hard against the lockers. "NEEEIIIIGHHHHHH!!!!" Adam roared as his cock surged in the bears rump, his cock's head flaring even larger as his urethra swelled. "URRHHHHHHH!!!!" Nathan moaned, his chest rumbling. Both of their balls hitched in their sacs, clenching hard as they came together, their orgasm so powerful that it almost brought them both to their knees.

Thick ropes of Adam's cum pressed into the bears before finding no more room and back-flowing out of the tightly packed hole. Nathan's cock sprayed the lockers and his chest with a series of long wet splats. The bear's cum painting the dark blue lockers white. Adam's cock tensed with every powerful spurt of his vast reserves of seed, causing Nathan's abused prostate to throb. Every rope of cum pressed into the bears rump forced him to cum from his spasming ursine cock. They rocked together for minutes as Adam filled Nathan over and over. Cum spilled out from between their legs, soaking their thighs in sloppy sticky liquid.

They collapsed into a pile onto the floor, both breathing hard as the orgasm continued to wrack their bodies. Adam spooned Nathan until they both passed out from exertion, his cock still buried deep in the bears ass. Their quick session having taken more out of both of them then they expected and the best sex either had had in a very long time.

The next week before practice Adam gave his team a much-needed motivational speech. He felt strangely rejuvenated after his mating session last week with Nathan. The two "ran into one another" again on Saturday, and again on Sunday...four times. The horse felt the vigor he was missing in weeks past had miraculously returned. He was amped up and he used that to inspire. By time the team left the locker room everybody was focused, determined and ready. Adam stood by the door as his team streamed out.

"Hold up Nate" he nodded towards the bear as he began to head towards the field. Nathan obliged, looking down sheepishly, unsure what Adam wanted from him. "You ok to go? I had some trouble walking after our last time" he said with genuine concern.

Nathan jumped at that, blushing deeply under his fur. "Y..yeah I'm ok..." he trailed off. Adam sensed his hesitation and decided the bear needed a bit of a kickstart. Without warning he stuck his hand down the front of the bear's uniform shorts, grabbing a handful of the oh so familiar bear sheath. He squeezed while pulling the bear closer with his other hand, licking the bears face with his long tongue. "Ahhhhh!!! Not..not here Adam..." Nathan moaned, as his sheath throbbed intensely at the touch. The horses hand sent shocks of pleasure to his well-used balls, almost making him cum himself despite his hidden cock.

Adam snorted in disappointment through wide nostrils, he was right. "Well we still have tonight" he whispered in the bear's ear, the bears blush intensifying as the horse removed his hand from his shorts. "Go show me what you got" Adam nickered as he slapped the bear's rounded ass cheek. "Ye..yeah cya!" Nathan half-moaned, half-agreed as he left before he lost control of his newly inflamed libido. He would have loved nothing more than to let Adam ravage his body again right there and then. He had become addicted to having a horse cock driven inside of him, he felt increasingly empty, incomplete without it.

Nathan was growing increasingly sure Adam felt the same way. Nathan's paws pulled at his shorts, the sheer cloth pulling tight against his swollen package as he left the locker room. He could do little to hide his thickening cock peeking out from under the waistband of the garment, his sheath throbbed like a freight train between his legs. He turned back and waved at Adam before hitching up his pants again, making his muzzle open in a lusty moan as the cloth cupped his large balls. Adam smiled at that, his own cock pushing out of his uniform as he started to count the minutes until practice was over.