Strange feelings

Story by Greyscale Lightning on SoFurry

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This is my first story, so I don't know how good it'll turn out. Please give feedback on improvements.

"Come on let me play, " Sarah whined while trying to pull the controller away from her brother.

"No! Now, stop pulling on it. This is my last life," Derek said pulling the controller back.

The eleven year old panther crossed her arms and pouted, "Fine," she said and stuck out her feline tongue at her two year older brother, who looked at her then tossed the controller away when GAME OVER flashed onto the screen in bold, red letters. She looked down at the controller, then got up and started walking to her room.

"Hey, I thought you were going to play?" Derek said after her.

She glanced back at him, "No, I just wanted to annoy you," she told him, going into her room.

He frowned and turned off the console and TV before going into his own room. He closed the door behind him and sat on the bed. He took off his shirt and pants, then went out to grab a towel and go into the bathroom. He took off his boxers, started the water, and stepped into the shower. He sighed happily as the warm water ran down his fur. He loved being in the shower, it was so warm and it felt good. He washed his fur then slid a paw down and began to stroke his sheath. This was another reason he loved taking showers. The tip of his cock started to poke out of his sheath and he ran a finger over it, increasing the pace of his growing. It didn't take long before all six inches were out and he was sroking slowly along his length.

Sarah ran out of her room and into her parents bedroom. "Mom, can I use your bathroom?" she asked while hopping from foot to foot.

"You're father's using it, what's wrong with your?"

"Derek's in the shower," she replied.

"I'm sure he'll have the shower curtain closed. Just be quick and don't flush," her mom told her.

Sarah rushed back to the hallway and went inside their bathroom and heard her brother moaning, so she took a peek behind the curtain and blushed bright red under her fur. She watched as he masturbated and she felt warm and a little wet between her legs. She looked down and and lifted her skirt and saw a wet spot on the crotch of her panties. Thinking she wet herself she reached into her panties and felt herself, then smelled her fingers. It didn't smell like pee. She wondered what it was, but pushed that aside and continued watching her brother. She didn't realize her hand had started rubbing her crotch until she reached her climax. Nothing had ever felt this good to her. Waves of pleasure washed over her and she saw her brother was squirting something from his penis. Her climax slowed and she quickly left the bathroom.

He hadn't heard her come in, he was indulged in his pleasure. When he finished he cleaned himself off and got out. He noticed a strange scent in the air that wasn't his, but didn't think any more of it. He dried and put a towel around him, then went into his room and got dressed.


Sarah moaned loudly as her climax ended. She panted heavily as the image of her brother playing with himself faded from her mind. She got out of bed and walked through the darkness into her brothers room where he lay asleep. She walked up to the bed and looked at him. He had kicked off the sheets and was only in a pair of boxers. She checked to make sure he was sleeping, and then pulled his boxers down. He was fully erect and she reached out and wrapped a paw around it. Her panties began getting wet again. She moved her hand slowly up then down his shaft, causing a small moan from her sleeping brother. She sped up a little and his moan got louder. A small bead of pre was on the tip and she curiously sniffed then licked it off. It tasted salty and good. She kept licking the tip while stroking his shaft. Soon he woke up from the pleasure and sat up. She gasped, "I-i'm s-sorry. I don't know what I w-was thinking," she stammered and started to get up to leave. He grabbed her arm. "Please don't stop," he said softly and smiled at her. She nodded shyly and went back over to him. She knelt down and started stroking his length again. He moaned softly and lied back. She moved her hand faster and started licking again. Her panties got wetter and Derek recognized her scent, but didn't say anything. She stopped and looked up at him. "Brother...I want you," she said.

He looked into her eyes and nodded, "I want you too," he replied and patted the bed. She climbed onto it and lied down. He pulled her panties down slowly and she blushed. He bent down and licked her folds. She let out a soft moan. He spread her lips and licked her clit. She squeaked then moaned. "T-that feels really good."

He smiled and took his boxers all the way off and got on top of her. "Are you ready, Sarah?" he asked her, and she nodded. He positioned himself and then pushed inside her warm, wet slit. He moaned as he slid inside her. He pushed past her hymen and she gasped and her eyes teared up. He stroked her face and pushed deeper into her tightness, and her pain was replaced by pleasure. They both moaned and he started thrusting slowly into and out of her. She closed her eyes and moaned louder. He leaned down and kissed her passionately. She stroked his cheek and kissed him back as she was nearing her climax. He wasn't far behind, he pushed deeper into her and could feel her walls getting wetter and tighter. "I'm close," he said to her.

She moaned, "So am I," she replied.

He pushed as deep as he could and came inside her, coating her wet walls with his sticky seed. She cried out as she reached her peak. He pulled out of her and lied next to her, cuddling. "I love you, brother."

"I love you too, Sarah," he said as they both fell asleep.