First Lesson In Magic

Story by Nathaniel King on SoFurry

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#2 of Jonathan Hatter

Second chapter to the story! I'm a little surprised by myself how the two of them came together, if I may say so~

Jonathan had passed out, exhausted and overwhelmed. When he came to again, he was feeling comfortable. His body, magically separated into independent pieces, had been put into boxes. Wanting to scratch his neck was futile, for trying his hands and his feet revealed they were in a different container than his head. Despite the closed lid of his box he could make out the wooden walls, so darkness wasn't a problem either. All in all, he found his situation less dire than by all rights he should.

One possible reason might be the lingering tingle in his body. A sensation most concentrated in his nether regions. For a long time he tried to think about his 'lesson', but eventually serious arousal knocked at his consciousness with renewed vigor. Finding himself way too eager to just relax into that wondrous feeling his body was infused with, he eventually surrendered to the sexy thoughts which intruded his imagination. The husky closed his eyes, humming. His mind played with the different sensations, and the vibrant memory of what happened but hours ago. The way the sparks had fired his body, settled in his prostate and genitals. They were still there. He poked them with his thoughts, which made them tingle. He sighed, half asleep in his pleasant day dream. The tingling spread from his prostate into his shaft and from his shaft into his prostate and from there deep into his balls. Jonathan was panting with heat and allowed his mind to drift further and further into the imagination. He even smelled his arousal, a salty musk in the air. It grew stronger, as sparks came from his balls, rolling up through his prostate all the way towards his tip, where they dripped on the wooden floor. The dream embraced him. The smell and imagination made him long so much to taste his own flesh. So much he longed for it that in fact he could taste his pre-cum on his tongue. Lazily his tongue lapped out, swallowing the musky taste. Another lap made him moan as he could feel it on his tip. The dream accelerated. His lips caught the tip, just as he did the night before, and sucked it in. He felt himself pull out and push back into his warm maw. More pre-cum rewarded him. He heard his tail smack some wooden wall far away, wagging in excitement. Harder and harder he thrust into his maw, gasping and moaning, eager for more of his electrically loaded seed.

He heard Robert giggle. Slowly his eyes opened. He hadn't even noticed when Robert had opened the lid. Now the rabbit was grinning down at him. Jonathan smiled unintentionally, not willing to stop his thrusts. Now he looked down and saw his pinkish red knot bouncing against his nose. Then, in the light from outside the box, he took the chance to look around. The container was small, his head was alone with his member.

His dizzy mind cleared reluctantly at the same time as his balls were getting ready to fire his load. Desire battled rational thought, and things got chaotic. Just before his climax his attention was fully stolen by the realization he was moving his head and his member at his own free will. He tried to speak, but his flesh gagged him. He forced himself free, trying to say "What did you do!?", but his words were a meshed gibberish of shouted moans. All of him but his thoughts were still focused on his impending climax. In a flare of extreme need to cum, spiced with frustration from the incapability to articulate, he snatched his shaft between his jaws. He squeezed his length with growled excitement, while the sparks came rushing up together with his seeds. His big knot was throbbing to the left side of his vision, while to the right he shot jet after jet of thick cream against the wall and over the floor of the chest.

Robert just stood there and watched, while Jonathan panted exhaustedly. His length rolled out of his mouth and his head dropped to the side, like it would on a pillow in a cushioned bed. His eyes darted up into Roberts before he spoke slowly. "What did you do to me?" Robert perked his ears and cocked his head. "Do to you?" he mimed to ponder for a second, then snapped his fingers. "Ooh! You must have realized how you moved your pieces by yourself?" Jonathan nodded, then growled a little. Somehow he felt played with, made to move himself like this. Robert snickered and grinned innocently. "Yes, you see... when we played squirt-the-doggies-rod last night it appears my magic somehow found a liking in you." Robert glanced down to a box out of Jonathans vision, at which the later felt his prostate tingle. Robert continued. "I have an inkling where it did so." Someone groped Jonathans butt-cheek so unexpectedly he failed to suppress his moan. Roberts arm moved. "Now, do you understand what that means?" Jonathan focused on the white rabbits face, stunned and not just a little dizzy from cuming a few moments ago. Never mind the renewed rubbing of his backside. Eventually he nodded. And suddenly his eyes grew wide with realization. "You mean I can~?"

Robert nodded. "Yup."

"And I will~?"

"Oh yes."

Jonathan stared, his eyes sparkling, his lips quivering with excitement. Somewhere in a box his tail roughly whacked at wooden boards in crazy wagging. "I am a magician!"


Jonathan paused, then frowned. "But you just said~"

"Look." Robert smiled. He took his hand away from Jonathans butt-cheek and put his elbows on the edge of the box, resting his head in his palms while looking down on the husky. "You can use magic now and you will become a magician. Obviously by that last statement you are not a magician as of yet." He lectured him like a teacher, but his tone still suggestive playfulness and a wild streak to his intentions. "You will accompany me and I will teach you the details over time. Are we clear?"

Jonathan pondered that prospect. It was exactly what he always wanted, but at the same time he felt pushed around. And quite literally captured. "What if I don't want to come with you?"

Robert rolled his eyes, reached into the box and took the still hard canine length. Casually he licked it. His fingers playing over the knot, squeezing it here and there, sucking a few drips of melted cum for the tip. Jonathan moaned, confused and horny. Then he felt the sharpest sting for the blink of an eye and yelped. The rabbit grinned with a demonic smile, his front teeth slightly sunk into the soft skin of the canines tip. Jonathans breath quickened, whining with a mixture of pleading howls and lusty moans he had not known were in him. Robert released his throbbing captive, and with tilted ears Jonathan watched his length disappear from sight. "Allow me to clarify our relationship, doggy." He still grinned, eyes narrowed into a seductive glare. "You do as I say and come with me on a trip. Fathom this as your apprenticeship and our last night your application to said apprenticeship. I don't care how exactly you're going to make your arrangements with your family and whatever profession you have, but I'll keep your little puppy-maker as reinsurance." Jonathan yelped. "What?!" Robert giggled and licked his lips, obviously enjoying his power over the bond husky. "Yes, you heard me right. I'll be good to it, promise. I might even give it back to you now and then, for fun. But actually, I suppose we could agree this to be your first test. Reclaim your pecker, and you're one step closer to becoming a magician."

Jonathan bristled in a confusion of emotions. He reached into himself to think, and Robert actually waited patiently, allowing the husky all the time he needed. But the first thought Jonathan came up with was: "What was there to think about?" His family might be hard to convince. His profession? He was a freelancer, technically out of work at any time. He was known to the village and there might be talk about him going off with a stranger, but so what? He always wanted to use magic, and now he got his dream lain out in front of himself. All he had to do was pull himself together and do it. He grinned, looking into Roberts eyes. "I'm in."

Robert grinned in return, face to face with the husky. "I can tell." He said, and with a glance hinted him to look down. Jonathan did. Below him was the empty chest he had been in, still sticky with cum which filled the air with his musk. Gaping he understood his head was floating in the air. On his own accord he changed his position just so much he could take a good look at the boxes he assumed were holding his body parts. One directly below the top most chest had a front lid, through which his buttocks showed. Robert followed his gaze, gave a little laugh and clapped one of Jonathans cheeks, who moaned. "Ok." Jonathan said then, his voice quivering with excitement but his words were straight. "Put me back together. I have to talk with my parents."

"As you command, li'l doggy." Robert grinned. By a clap of his hands, the boxes opened, and within seconds Jonathan was in one piece again - minus his member which Robert refused to return. "Where is it?" Jonathan asked sheepishly. Robert smiled. "You've seen me making things appear and disappear before, havn'tcha? You're valued accessory is where I make things disappear to, and in best condition." Jonathan didn't entirely like that but accepted it as it was. Only a few more words were spoken while he got dressed and on his way home.

Jonathan noticed the sun was up a good way already, meaning it was past morning when he got going. It surprised him. He hadn't expected to have slept that long. Upon reaching his families house, he realized how hungry he was. But all thoughts of a late breakfast and idle chatter with his parents were pushed aside by the intentions of his coming home. Standing in front of the house, he felt a lump forming in his throat. How was he supposed to tell them? Could he just say "Hey folks! I use magic now and will go on a journey with this total stranger to learn using it."? That could never work out.

While he stood there pondering, the door opened. Cathy his mother was about two heads shorter than him, standing a proud three foot and 7 inches. "Hey Johny." she welcomed him with a warm smile. "Glad you're here. Wanna come in and eat with us?" Jonathan stood gaping for a second, then he nodded. "Sure, Mum." He embraced her and came inside. "How did you know I was coming?"

"Well", she began, closing the door and following him into the kitchen, "your father and I have something to discuss with you. Things will certainly sort themselves out then." All that seemed quite odd to Jonathan, but he was allowed little time to ponder the situation. His father, about a head taller than him, greeted him with a clap on the shoulder. "Hey there, son." His name was Tom, and Toms smile seemed disturbingly pleased. "Sit down, have a pancake." With that Tom sat down and served himself a plate full. Cathy had caught up and was already sitting by the table when Jonathan sat down. He was used to her quickness. For a while all ate together quietly. It was peaceful, though if it wasn't for Jonathans plenty appetite after last nights efforts, he'd probably be having trouble to get anything down his throat. He noticed Tom and Cathy exchanging a single glance. Then his mother cleared her throat. "We've noticed you followed and spent the night with that traveling entertainer."


"Hush." her voice was calm but resolute. "You're a man grown, you do your own decisions." She folded her hands, fingers intertwining, and placed them on the table. Jonathan felt his ears redden but kept them perked, determined to not show any sign of embarrassment. "You haven't found a job in years, Johny." That turn in topic threw him off even further, but he didn't show. Or so he hoped. "So your father and I agreed it might be about time you go out into the world and find your place." Cathy looked him directly into the eyes. She smiled the way only a mother could, encouraging her son to become independent. But she was also a sly old vixen, and hidden between all the love and warmth, her eyes also told him "I know exactly what you did last night, that you enjoyed it and that you want more. Go get it." He was so very taken by surprise he didn't even hear his fathers short monologue about approving with his mother and recommending him to grow some muscle and find a decent profession and all that. How his mother came to know all that eluded him, and he certainly didn't want to know.

"Juh-Yes." Jonathan managed to say eventually. "I will... do as you say." His mother smiled and his father nodded. Cathy spoke up again: "Very well then. I shall get you some clothes and things for the journey. Just don't forget to write us." With that she promptly stood up, collected the dishes and went about some chores it seemed. Tom just looked at his son for a while, obviously lost in his own thoughts. Then he got up too, padded him on the shoulder again and said, "You're a man grown, son. Fetch yourself a nice piece of the world out there, will ya?" Tom grinned, feeling smart for the dog-go-fetch-stuff pun he made. Jonathan just glared up at his father, not realizing how much that rewarded the donkey who went off laughing. Eventually Jonathan himself got up to prepare for his leave. Despite the casualness his parents had confronted him with, they could not hide the heavy feeling of this situation and the lingering sadness everybody felt about the parting.

It didn't take him long to pack his things. Some clothes, writing material and the few things he held dearest. While his mind began to wrap around the situation and put himself within it, he began to wonder about more mundane things. When was Robert about to leave, for instance? Would he stay close to the village for another while, so Jonathan would still be around? Then again the market had been but yesterday, and it entertainers used to leave quickly usually. Jonathan was still surprised his mother had urged him on like this. That his father was on her side on the matter wasn't a surprise - the old donkey was always on her side. And now he, the village husky, was here in his room, looking down at a bag and a big suitcase, time pressing his fists into his sides, time wrapping them around his chest and putting his head in one of his palms. "Guess there is no time to begin doubting now.", he contemplated. "Might just as well get a move on."

That thought brought him back to last night, and then on to what had happened today. The way he had moved his detached body parts. His head even floating through the air eventually, entirely by his own will. He had used magic somehow, hadn't he? He sensed his member which was not where it belonged right now, and the idea made him shiver. It didn't feel wrong at all, maybe that was what made it so weird. There was no sense of thread or loss coming from the detachment. Only excitement, he admitted to himself. Thoughtfully he looked at one of his hands, then on the luggage. He thought about trying to detach his arm and let it float around. Or - easier and less dangerous - levitate his luggage. He thought it, he imagined it, he willed it. But nothing happened. Whatever had allowed him to make use of magic this morning was beyond his comprehension.

With a sigh he shrugged it all off, grabbing his stuff and getting a move-on. Flying down the stairs he could hear his mother rummaging in the house and shouting commands at his way too relaxed father. He smiled to himself. The love for his parents momentarily swelled up in his chest and almost overwhelmed him, but still he moved on and the moment passed. He knew this wasn't farewell just yet. But time to arrange more details, and get Robert involved. He should be very happy with the quick outcome of all this, and thus drawing himself a gleeful prospect of the things to come, Jonathan left the house and made for the gypsy wagon of the magician.

The walk was long, thanks to his luggage, but eventually he drew closer. He was on the road that led out of the city and went further on in a north-east direction when the wagon slowly crept into sight. A moment later he heard an all too familiar voice.

"I expect at least one letter a week, but better make it two for the while until I instruct you otherwise.

Roberts voice grumbled "Yes, Ma'am.", submissively.

"Better take good care of him or I will make you regret it, Mr. White Rabbit."

Jonathans worst imaginations were coming true as he got close enough to see the scene. Cathy stood in front of Robert, one finger held high and pointing at the uncomfortable rabbit. He had no idea how she managed to pass him that quickly. At the same time Robert spotted him, and he shot the husky a glare that spelled "What the hell have you gotten me into?". Jonathan meant to lift his hands defensively, but due to carrying his luggage he accomplished but a wary smile and a shrug.

Cathy followed Roberts eyes and smiled at her son. "Ah, here you are." She hopped from a small box she apparently had stood on and tippled over to him. As it was their custom, the small vixen would grab him by the chest of his shirt to make him bent down enough for her to give him a motherly kiss on the one cheek and a pad on the other. "Be a good boy out there, you hear me? And write me back as well. I want frequent words from both of you." Her eyes told him there was no good coming from doing otherwise. He nodded helplessly but smiled. "Yes, mother. I'll do, I promise." She smiled back and patted him on the belly. "My good boy. I'm very proud of you." She looked over her shoulder to the magician, and the way he stirred implied her face was a warning and a promise. Then Cathy turned back to her son. "You will leave in the morrow. Make your preparations. I expect both of you at my table for dinner." Without waiting for an answer, she left.

Jonathan watched her go for a moment, then he heaved his luggage toward the wagon. Robbert had his arms crossed in front of his chest, giving him a stern look. One of his back feet was idly tapping the floor, which gave Jonathan a hard time not to giggle. He leaned his stuff against one of the big cart-wheels and looked at Robert apologetic. "I'm to ask if you brought your med'cin along." Jonathan gasped, momentarily staring at the rabbit. Who, in returned, waved aside. "Just kidding." He turned to his wagon and beckoned Jonathan to follow. "Should have expected you some vixen offspring. Them are pesky creatures alright!" Jonathan felt a little unsure to see Robert like this, but at the same time he felt there was no serious problem for him. Gingerly he followed the magician inside.

Driven by a sudden urge, he embrace Robert from behind and hugged him hard. Jonathan was wagging while Robert gasped. At first he shot him another glare over his shoulder, but then he eased and smiled. Phantom fingers reached over Jonathans back and neck, stroking him gently. "Glad you arranged everything so quickly." Robert said. "Guess your mother wasn't much surprised after all." Jonathan nodded. "She has her ways of knowing stuff sometimes. I'm used to it." Robert giggled and then wriggled in the embrace to turn around and put his arms around Jonathan too. They smiled and for a moment just looked into each others eyes.

A touch of wild returned into the eyes of Robert, and Jonathan realized the magician had his earnest faces as a mask for situations just like the one in front of his wagon a moment ago. But inside he would always be the wild and somewhat crazy rabbit who had excited him so much yesterday. Jonathan giggled, and Robert cocked his head. "What is it, little doggy?" There was this mean nickname again. Jonathan felt his ears tilt, and he didn't dare to look into the rabbits eyes. Smiling he said in a soft voice: "I just realized how much I like you, Robert." Robert rose an eyebrow and smirked. "Oooh~." He teased him, reaching out with one hand to scratch Jonathan behind the ear. "Lil doggy fell in love with the stranger white rabbit?" Jonathan giggled, but though he was embarrassed he enjoyed it all very much. He pressed his hips against the man and felt his member twitch someplace else.

Jonathan paused. Then he looked Robert in the eyes. His embarrassment replaced with earnest. "How can I use magic?" Robert laughed shortly, but not at him. He winked at the husky, and while Jonathan heard the door behind him close and things move around, the rabbit lead him into the well cushioned back of his compartment. "What did you learn of magic so far, lil doggy?" Jonathan huffed at him, but then he pondered the question. "Well", he started while they were sitting down by the bed, "you told me it was no toy alright. But at the same time you act as if it was nothing but a game. So I'm not sure where you're heading with such remarks." Robert smiled. A hand on Jonathans belly pressed him tenderly onto the mattress, while the other began to undress him casually, with the help of more phantom fingers. Remarkably, Jonathan realized there was no sensation of pleasure infused into him yet. Robert obviously wanted him, but he was also serious with the lesson. "A game, you call it.", Robert elaborated, "A show it is, at least. But that is only what I use magic for. You're a smart one, doggy, no? There are those who use magic purely for power, others purely for entertainment, and others yet again use it for well-fare and salvation." Jonathan rolled his eyes at the lecture, playfully poking the rabbit. He was pretty much naked by now, his lean body stretched out on the cushions, while the rabbit rest on an elbow next to him, still in his linen clothes. "Yeah, it's just a tool, I got that much." Jonathan said, but to his surprise Robert only snorted. "Close, little doggy. Good, but not quite it."

Jonathan pouted, but that was quite difficult to do with Roberts hand idly stroking his chest and belly fur, and magical tendrils touching him here and there, never tickling, always pleasing. Curious as he might be, the comforting nature of this situation made him calm and relaxed. It took some time before he muttered. "I don't know. Tell me, what is magic?" Jonathans eyes had closed, and he didn't see the rabbits steady smile. Again silence fell, disturbed by a soft sigh here, a quiet moan there and the brush of fur against fur and cushions. Eventually Robert spoke. "To the spectator, it's just magic. To the user, it's part of his body and soul." Jonathan hummed, nearly lost in a dozy state of mind. Though he was fully submitted to whatever Robert did, was it stroking his thighs or playing his nipples, he reached around and put a hand on Roberts back, sometimes stroking in return, sometimes just letting it rest there. Eventually he said in a flat voice: "I don't get it." Robert nodded, having expected as much. "It means your magic is like a muscle you have never used before. You have to train it carefully. And it may still be strained from moving yourself around in the morning." Jonathan hummed in a mixture of understanding and further drifting into the softness of cushions and indulging fingers on his body. He didn't get all Robert said just yet, though he certainly felt the burning urge to understand more and get to use magic on his free will. However, his throbbing length and churning balls were far more dominating over his current interests. He had no ideas of how to proceed, so he gave in to instincts, watching himself spread his legs.

Robert smiled, leaning over. "Good doggy~" He cooed, undressing himself and positioning himself between the spread legs of Jonathan. The husky looked up, smiling, waiting. But more than he dared admit to himself, he looked longing. Longing for Roberts love, his exciting magic tricks on and in his body, his throbbing length, his lusty moans. "Take me" Jonathan whispered. Robert grinned and the next thing Jonathan felt was the rabbits pointy tip driving right into him. The husky moaned sweetly, throwing his head back into the cushions. He felt pleasure welling in his nether regions, and a concentrated dot of this pleasure rolled all the way up through his manhood. Unseen Jonathan dripped pre-cum. Robert did not linger, going right into rhythmic thrusts, though it was a slow pace, drawing out every single journey in and out of the man on his bed. He kept the phantom fingers stroking Jonathan a little longer, but they were soft like feathers, just a little trick to keep the husky entertained. He wanted him. No tricks, no illusions. Just his smell, his moans, his warm entrance. His legs leaning against his chest, his fur brushing his belly, his pulse beating around his member when he was lodged deep inside. Robert moaned. Fingers dug into the canines thighs. How much he wanted his length were it belonged, there, between his legs, his pre-cum smearing his belly fur and filling the air with his powerful musk.

But Robert had his own reasons to deny himself that little pleasure. He had never had an apprentice before. He had been taught himself once, but he hadn't been taught how to teach. As little as he liked it, that one-night-stand of a nosy husky really meant something to him. And he had, unwillingly, given him magic. His instincts were his only help in teaching that young man to find his way. Robert wouldn't ruin this only lead by giving in to the temptation he felt now. His thrusts came quicker, each a step toward paradise for the couple. Jonathan had his hands behind his head, squirming, moaning. He didn't even attempt to reach for his length. Robert smirked and thought "You're all mine, lil doggy. When I'm done with you, in the long run, I'll take you in every way I like."

For Jonathan the sparks were back in his system. His eyes were closed while he felt them flow and gather, near his prostate, his balls and length. Just like the night before. Like a spectator to his own pleasure he watched, amazed by the sensation. Roberts thrusts quickened, Jonathan moaned, and his hips clenched. Robert moaned, a hint of surprise in his voice. Jonathan clenched again and send his sparks flying inside his bowel, tingling his senses. And another, louder moan told him, Roberts senses were tingled as well.

Robert was momentarily overwhelmed, but understood what happened. Which was about the last thought his pleasure-ridden mind fathomed. Growling his lust and shifting himself into a proper position, he started to piston into the tight warm hole of his little doggy. Jonathan moaned weakly, shuddering with pleasure, and sparks tingling both their most sensitive parts. Unseen the throbbing canine length quivered, spitting more pre-cum. Robert watched the husky closely, while letting his urges drive him. He saw the tell-tale signs of the man breathing heavily, his belly flexing, his balls tensing toward his body. His own orgasm came rushing at him like an avalanche. Robert threw his head back, delivering his final thrusts. As Jonathan howled in climax, Robert opened his mouth to receive the thick canines load, delivered through a little magical portal in front of his face. At the same time his hardness stirred and shot jet by jet of semen into Jonathans depth. The canines taste was salty and just as heavy with musk as he had imagined it. He didn't take the length out from where it was, but enjoyed each and every drop of Jonathans lust washing down his throat.

Jonathan was lost in his all consuming climax. In his mind his body glowed with sparks. Though most focused around his prostate and balls, shooting out from a length he could see where it was supposed to be,they had washed out all through and over him. His flesh, his blood, his every thought and emotion seemed illuminated with sparks. The intensity ceased together with the shooting of his seed, but the sparks remained and settled where they were. Clear as he saw it, they all were golden. Golden before a velvet blackness in his mind.

Robert panted, watching Jonathan before him. The little canine had dozed off immediately, a silly smile covering his face, tongue lolling out one side. Just like a sleeping dog. Robert knew it wasn't just pleasure that knocked him out. Jonathan had outdone himself, literally. While he leaned against his legs, content and tired, he moaned another time. Though the electric pleasure which had suddenly seized his length dimmed away, it was yet enough to prompt a second orgasm. Slowly Robert recovered, spent and sore nonetheless. Carefully he pulled out and placed Jonathans legs on the bed. Then he lied down next to him. Robbert giggled. Sleeping dogs looked just too silly. But then he found himself kissing Jonathans cheek and stroking his head tenderly. Eventually he closed his eyes and dozed off, tightly snug against his little doggies side.