Those Damn Blue eyes

Story by TwistedTales on SoFurry

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This is a commission for a client who wishes to remain anonymous at this time, well with that said all I really have to say is that its done in a film noir style. Involves an incredibly sexy Bull named who will be hereby named Vitelli and my Tigerian Spectre in some rather...nasty and vile escapades in a 1920's speakeasy. This...was BY FAR my favorite story to write. Though I warn you all, this story gets absolutely rancid, filthy, disgusting, vile, horrid and plain sexy as fuck! I will say this again.

SCAT VOMIT PISS! and tons of nasty raunchy gay sex including the aforementioned kinks. So...without any more delay. Lean back get your favorite toy, and get ready to crank one out ;3

Those damn blue eyes

The flame dances in my fingers like a burlesque dancer as I lifted it up to my lips to light my cigarette. "I've got to quit these damn things" I mutter to myself, though the ring of the bell snaps me back to reality. Vitelli peeks out the door...there's a moment of tension so thick it could stop a bullet. The large bull cracks a smile and throws the door open, I can hear him welcome in whoever was outside. Vitelli was about as cliché as a donut lovin cop. He was a bull, 7'3 of it, with a body carved right out of marble, like one of those famous statues. I take another drag from my cigarette, gritting my teeth as the harsh smoke fills my lungs, but god damn I can't breathe without it. I reach out for my glass of whisky, raising up the proverbial finger to the reaper. I'll die when I am good and ready. A sudden coughing fit from the harsh whisky mixed with the smoke reminds me who really is in charge. "Yea...fuck you to" I mutter under my breath. I turn back just in time to see them, the most piercing pair of blue eyes I have ever seen. His eyes were like blue flames piercing a thick foggy night. The guy's name was Dane, one of the bootleggers that provided the booze for the speakeasy the boys and I ran. Dane was a least-weasel, long, lean and gorgeous. It was a dangerous thing to admit that kind of thing, so I had to always play it cool whenever he showed up. He gave everyone a friendly wave as he brought in the first few crates of booze. I distract myself with another drink...bad idea. I turn around just as he looks at me... 'damn those blue eyes of his!' I curse out in my head as I spit my drink up. Vitelli looks at me...he knows, he's always known. He laughs at me to stop drinking the cheap shit now that Dane's here. I tell him to fuck off as I flick my cigarette haphazardly into the ash-tray. "Hey Dane, same delivery as last week?" I ask, trying to keep my mind off him. I can still feel his stare locking me down like a cold pair of shackles after a night of binge drinking.

"Same as always Spec..." he said with a smirk, god damn those blue eyes of his. There are times I swear he is messing with me, that smirk, the way he walks, those eyes. I reach out to take the clip-board off the top of the crates. Most of the bootleggers that come through here reek of it, but not Dane. I don't know if he just washes up good, or if it's the stuff he uses, but the weasel always smelled sweet. I give him the okay to start bringing in the rest of the stuff, as he walks out Vitelli flashes me a smirk. 'God damnit Vitelli now n...' I can't even finish my thought before I see that toned backside of his stroll out the door. I know that's what Vitelli wanted, Vitelli ALWAYS gets what he wants. My gaze shifted up to the bull, who still had that smug, shit-eating smirk on his face, same as it was the first time I saw it.


I glanced down at the bull hungrily sucking my cock down into his gullet, my paws tightly wrapped around his horns. The damn Adonis of bovine had a knack for sucking cock unlike any dame I had ever been with. His hazel eyes looked up to me in delight as he attempted to try and suck my balls through my cock, was damn close to it. A big guy like Vitelli could snap me in half if he wanted...yet here I was grabbing the bull by the horns stuffing my cock down his throat. I paused to catch my breath, and to see if I could hear anything outside of the store-room. Vitelli pressed that powerful bovine tongue along the underside of my shaft, drawing me into his muzzle whether I wanted to or not. I had to reach up and cover my mouth to roar out into it. I could hear the wet pop of the bull pulling off my tool, followed by the cool air rushing over it. I glanced down after pulling my paw away to see the bull pull the most shit-eating smug look I had ever seen.

"Careful big guy" he whispered, "who's gonna believe I was suckin your dick in here..." Vitelli said with a wink before going towards my cock again. I let out a low growl like a predator stalking his prey as I grabbed his horns.

"Ohh..I think the evidence will speak for itself with that pretty face of yours covered in my cum" I grinned at him...he gets the message. I feel my dick slide back into that warm muzzle of his again, it's hard not to moan out, hard not to chuff. I want to growl for him, I want to let him know he's doing a good job. My tail curls in on itself like a fucking bed-spring...he knows. It's been so long since I've had a good fuck I get impatient... I push him onto his back. His cheeks turn a dark red as he looks up at me confused. With a lick of one of my sabreteeth I finish dropping my pants...his eyes widen with anticipation, he knows what's coming next. I hear some voices from upstairs.

"You two need some help down there?" they ask. I chuckle as the bull finally pulls his pants off. My eyes fixate on that glistening pole of bovine meat standing straight up, begging to be ridden.

"No...nothing I can't handle" I shout back up the stairs. I look to the top of the stairs at the chair wedged under the knob, a little security and privacy. The scent of his malehood demands my attention back to him. I straddle his lap, and meet his gaze with my icy blue stare. He smells incredible...that kind of thick heavy scent you can lose yourself in. I need it, it's been too long and I'm too damn impatient. I reach behind me to grab his throbbing tool, Vitelli tosses his head back biting his lip so hard he bleeds. With a quick glance to his balls I notice why. Damn things were swollen to the size of grape fruits. My toes curled inside my shoes as I teased him against my pucker. He did everything he could to not scream out, to not get caught. I swore he was cumming already with how much pre he was pumping against my pucker, ' need for lube' I thought. My eyes met back with his, I give him a nod, he knows... I bit down on my lip and begin to ride him. It hurts like a sonovabitch, but goddamn I need this. I could feel his cock splitting me in two, but I don't care, I need this. Like a fucking mouse-trap his hands snap on my waist, I let him, I need this. We disguise our heated moans into whatever grunting sounds we can muster. Vitelli thrust up into me so hard I swore I was gonna bounce off him. Those large meaty balls slapped up against my ass with each heavy thrust. My 'instincts' start taking over, and I start riding him like the bull he was. I can feel my eyes drink in his every detail, he's perfect. I grip a claw on his shoulder and toss another into the air, he squints at me angrily. My teeth grit in a mix of pain and pleasure I cannot begin to describe as I begin to bounce on his dick. After just the first few bounces I can feel his fingers digging into my hips as he holds me firmly against his crotch, I smirk the devils smile... 'now he wants me'. It happened about how it does at a rodeo. There was a moment of silence before the two-ton animal below me exploded into action. My teeth were grinding together like gears at a fucking quarry...but it felt so good. His cock is deeper in me then any guy's ever been, I can feel him bottoming out in the pit of my stomach. I start to roll my hips against him, my eyes staring him down like we were about to have an old west showdown. His cock pulses heavily inside of me, god damn it feels good. There go those hands again, gripping into my sides like a vice, except this time they ain't letting go. His hips start jackhammering into me as hard as they could, his cock pounding into my tail-pipe. The bull wasn't making this easy, but I wasn't ready to throw in the towel. I could hear him moan out. ' Shh...quiet you big gorgeous hunk!' I shoot him daggers with my eyes.

"C'mon S-spec..we can t-take those g-guys!" he mutters in between his moans. For a second, I believe him. My brain creates a scene where we can get away, and where everything's ok. He moans my out my name, I hear movement upstairs...probably nothing. He's a sweet guy, caught in the moment, He'd never go for a bum like me. He starts getting louder, it's not his I shut him up. I grab him by the horns again, and stuff my cock into his mouth. His eyes clench shut as he starts to suck, still moaning around my cock. ' God damn he's good...fuck I want to roar out...fuck he's good...' I keep repeating in my head. His movements are one of those new mechanical bulls down by the pier. I can tell he is getting close. My breathing gets shallow as I feel a roar coming on. I take a deep breath and before I know it, I find his arm stuffed in my mouth. My eyes meet with his as the world goes quiet. Each with a free paw we gently caress each-others face. He gives me one last thrust damn near bucking me off him, it's enough to push me off the edge...He hits me in all the right spots. My cock spasms and erupts in his muzzle. I roar out against his arm, biting down hard, my body going through spasms from the ordeal...then I feel him tense up, I'm not prepared. I hold on tightly, and then he cums, and boy does he cum. I feel as though someone just opened a firehouse up my tail-pipe. It was a violent thick torrent of boiling seed that filled every inch of me, and I loved it...I needed it. He just kept cumming, jet after jet pumping into me like I was his own personal condom, it felt dirty, but I loved it. Once I was sure he was done I slowly pulled off him, clenching my ass as tightly as I could, I knew the game. He swallowed it all down...he knew how to play. Within seconds we were changed into new clothes, our sex drenched suits in our cases. As we walked up the stairs he glanced back to me with that same shit-eating grin again.

"Alright...but next time I'm on top..."

*Back to the Present*

Vitelli looks at me with a smile, turns out he goes for guys like me. Its then I notice a look from the bull that I have never seen before...its hunger. Dane pushes the door open again, oblivious to the bulls' hungry stares. We've been exploring a lot since we've gotten name it we've done it. Though this was clearly something that had gotten Vitelli's attention and I couldn't exactly argue. Dane was...gorgeous. He wasn't built like Vitelli or me, the weasel was built more like a damn tomato than anything. I see Vitelli start to move around the speakeasy to the few patrons that we have, I can tell what he's up to.

"How has business been going for you guys?" Dane asked with an idle flick of his hair. I watch as he takes a full look around the room, I wait until he met me eye to eye...I stagger more then I mean to. I catch myself before I make a fool of myself, plenty of time for that later.

" could say that, I mean this is the second time this week we've seen ya." I say with the low predatory growl of a tiger playing with his prey before the pounce. I can hear Vitelli bump into a stool from across the room, he loves when I do that. My ears twitch as the lock on the door clicks into place. I let out a sigh before licking one of my sabre-teeth, I can feel my bull behind me. "Though let's be honest...that's not why you deliver on those days is it?" I grin the devil's smile as I feel Vitelli slide one of his hands down my chest towards my crotch. Dane's face turns bright red as he drops the clipboard on the floor. Without taking his eyes off us, he begins to walk backwards towards the door. Vitelli leans down to kiss my cheek before he lets me go, he whispers something as I start moving away.

"Go hunting baby..." he knows me so well, I love that big lug. Dane's back was pressed against the door, no attempt to turn around or even try the lock. Those damn blue eyes of his locked on us the entire time. I lunge towards the least-weasel and slam my fists into the wall on both sides of him, my eyes staring down at him. "You're like us...aren't you..." I snarl. Dane shakes his head at me, he has yet to move or try the door. I love being a predator and seeing prey shake like this.

"N-no! I...I don't know what you're talking about! I-I'm just a bootl..." before he has a chance to finish I roar down at him. His cheeks redden as he swallows hard. Now he sees the predicament he's in. I can see him slide a hand behind his body to try the knob, it doesn't work. I feel Vitelli's strong arms around my waist.

"I think what my boyfriend is trying to we see things Dane. You only come in when Spectre and I are in, and whether you know it or are flashin him those eyes of yours." He said in that low sexy voice of his. I'm practically putty in his arms if I wasn't trying to break the little weasel. "Come on back to the bar with us, have a few drinks and...see where it goes." Dane reaches up to fiddle with one of the locks of his hair, he's pondering if he wants to stay. "Ohh..and before you say you have another delivery, try again, we know that we are ALWAYS your last delivery." Vitelli chimes in again before the kid has a chance to answer.

"Yea, I know heh, but I think I might pass up this time gu-guys!" Dane continued to speak in that nervous tone. I lean in close to stare at him in the eyes, I wanna see him squirm just a little longer before I let him go. My eyes widen as I feel Vitelli push me into him...' you asshole'. Our lips met as my body pinned him against the wall, my ears twitch at the small moan he allows himself to make. His paws press against my chest, and I wait for him to push me off...but he doesn't. I can feel him slowly grab my shirt, his hands quivering like a dog caught out in the rain. I pull away to help him out, last thing I wanna do is scare him. I see his eyes are still clenched shut, lips pursed, hands shaking.

"You know I've stopped kissing you right?" I whisper into his ear with a chuckle. His cheeks turn a dark red as he runs a hand through his hair again.

"Y you know, I think I will stay for that drink now. I actually gave you guys a crate of new stuff I was hoping you guys would try." He placed a single paw against my chest to push me aside. I resist enough to get him to look at me again, and he does. I can't get enough of those eyes of his. I look back to Vitelli who cracks open one of the booze crates like it was made of paper 'I love that big lug' I find myself smiling. "It's something new I've been working on that I think may give you guys a bit of a leg up." He said with a teasing smirk. I glare at him as he wraps his arms around one of Vitelli's.

"Heh...little guy's opening up rather quickly!" Vitelli chucked at me with a smirk, seeing the daggers in my eyes. His eyes fell back down to one of the new bottles of hooch the kid brought with him. "So...what is this new stuff? Looks about the same as the other booze you've been making for us." He remarked while pulling the cork off to have a sniff. I stopped mid-stride as I saw the bull went cross-eyed from the whisky. "W-wheew what in the hell did you put in this?" coughed Vitelli while putting the booze down.

"Well..." he said with a soft blush to his cheeks, I could see him starting to warm up to Vitelli. What was it about the damn bull that drew em in? Dane reached over and grabbed the booze from atop the crate. "First, I filtered it a few more times, so it's going to be a lot more refined. I also changed some of the ingredients around to make it a little sweeter to offset its higher potency." He bit down on his lip before taking a giant swig from the bottle. After a few gulps, the weasel coughed and spit up. Vitelli reached down to grab ahold of him to make sure the poor weasel didn't fall over. Dane staggered a bit as he gripped tightly onto the bull's arms. I could see that hungry look in Vitelli's eyes as he held Dane against him. At first, I was filled with a bit of jealousy, I missed it when the big guy looked at me like that...though perhaps he always did and I just grew used to it. The bull grabbed the booze to take a few swigs of his own, I could tell this was going to be an interesting night. Maybe finally the big lug will tell me those little secrets. I ponder to myself as I watch my lover press his lips against the weasels. Lips curl in jealous bitterness as I can see the damn weasel drinking the whiskey from MY bull's mouth. Fuck that's hot.. I try to force myself into thinking so I don't toss the sloshed weasel out into the street. I blink once, and I find myself alongside Vitelli and Dane. I blink again, and the taste of burning honey fills my throat. My eyes open as to see Vitelli pulling away from me. My damn head is spinning like I got off a carnival ride going to fucking fast, I can't think. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dane blushing at the two of us, rubbing himself through his pants as he watched us. My vision was already blurry as hell from all the booze in my system. Vitelli leaned to whisper something in my ear, though my ears tune him out as I look back to Dane. The weasel looked about as rigid as a jello-mold.

"Y-you doin ok over there kid?" I feel my words spill out of my mouth like a knocked over drink. Dane takes a second to register before snapping his head to me to nod slowly. The weasel glanced at me with a hazy look in his eyes.

"Y-yea Spec...I I'm good" Dane whispered through a hiccup before sliding out from the crates. "T-though I think I may have had a bit too much..." he groaned softly while falling into my arms, once again our eyes meeting in a stare. He leans up to kiss me deep, his lips still stained with that sweet whisky. He was more forceful, wild and free this time. I could tell the devils drink loosened him up good. I take a chance to glide a paw down his body, it quivers at my every touch. I forgot what it was like to be with someone new, especially someone smaller then him. I could feel Dane moaning as we kissed, his tongue sliding deep into my own mouth like a snake looking for shelter. There was a gasp from his lips as I grabbed his ass, forcing him to pull from our kiss. "Y-yup, definitely had too much..." his face turned instantly sour as his cheeks bulged out like a chipmunk. Before I had a time to react, Dane started to vomit all over himself. A vile pungent bile spewed from his mouth and all over his chest. I helped him quickly turn his head so as not to get covered in it myself, and to make sure he didn't drown in it. Tears began to stream down his face as threw up once again. I could feel my own stomach turn from the rancid smell now flowing into my nose. Finally, he finished emptying his guts onto the floor, turning back to face me with bile still on his lips. "I...I'm sorry big *hic* guy..." he moaned before leaning his head to the side. As I stared at him, this young weasel covered in vomit and bile...I noticed something, I was rock hard. Why am I turned on from this? I quickly turn back to Vitelli... damnit he knows...he always knows. My eyes widen to see that damn dick of his pulsing down his leg. Is he hot from this too? I turn back to Dane, still in shock from the sudden arousal. His eyes drank me in, and just like that, I saw the Devil back in his eyes. "Se-seems t-that I get to b-be the one to tease you" he grunted through a stifled belch. Didn't really pick you out for the filth loving type, but I can't argue w-with the results." He chuckled seductively as his paw slid into my pants. I was so hard it was painful, beyond painful at this point. "Come on...don't hold back or keep lying to yourself. Seeing me like this turns you on, hell I can see it turns you both on!" Dane whimpered softly as he pressed himself to me, my dick jumping in his paw like an acrobat at the circus. Another pungent, bitter aroma filled my nose, this one I knew all too well, this one I KNEW turned me on. My throat growled for me before I could even react. Eyes glanced downward to the pool of piss pooling below Dane's feet. I couldn't believe any of this was happening. Ten minutes ago I was eye-fucking the gorgeous weasel, and now I was fighting the urge to not cum in his paw.

"S-spec i-is he?" Vitelli moaned from over my shoulder, watching with intent. "Y-you didn't tell him, did you?" his cheeks turned bright red. With a roll of my eyes I kiss him on the cheek.

"Vitelli...the guy just puked on himself ya fuckin moron, even if I did tell him...I don't think he'd remember." I could feel that cock of his pressing into my back as he leaned over to watch Dane finish pissing himself. I had to admit, this was extremely sexy. It had me considering giving into something Vitelli had been begging me for. I look up to Vitelli again nervously, his eyes glued on the weasel like he's some dame on a stripper pole. By now, Dane was just in his piss soaked boxers, staring at my bull teasingly. You're not taking him that easy. I lean up and nibble on his ear to get enough of his attention to pull him back to me. "Hey...big guy..." I whisper as I lift my tail up and wrap it around his waist. "Think I might have a plumbing problem ya might need to help with" what kind of a cheap shit line was that? Vitelli glanced down at me with a raised brow.

B-babe...we have a steaming hot weasel in our bar covered in puke, who just pissed himself...I am ready to fuckin explode. I don't need any kind of encouragement to bend you over." He moaned while starting to fiddle with my belt. There's a burning blush on my cheeks, and a raging storm in my gut. I can't believe what I am about to do, but I can already feel my stomach cramping.

"W-well here is some for ya anyway handsome..." I moan out for him. His eyes widen, and for once...he doesn't know. My cheeks burn so hot you could fry up Sunday morning breakfast on em. My tail-pipe erupts with a deep thunderous fart that blasts right against Vitelli's cock. "Fuck" is all I can mutter before I hear that distinct, soft crackling sound from under my tail. Vitelli turned instantly to jello before falling to his knees behind me. My eyes locked with his as he starts nuzzling into my rear. "Y-you are really into this ar-aren't you?" His eyes answer me in volumes that no words ever could. There's a wet splutter as the first log dropped off into my boxers. "Y..yanno what Vitelli...I think I just found a new fetish." I snarled and grabbed him by the back of his head and pushed him against my ass. With another push, I could feel another slimy log begin to slide out of my tail-pipe. The feeling was unbelievable, it was a rush I hadn't felt in a long time. A few more sickening burbling sounds filled the air as my pants started to wrap around Vitelli's muzzle. The slick sludge that my shit had started to melt into began to ooze all over the place. I could feel it on my balls, down my legs, even squishing between my cheeks. Vitelli starts making noises that usually come out of me after an hour of love-making. My body braces itself against the nearby crates as the liquor hits me hard. Hold it in! I scream at myself. My stomach wretches something fierce, and the damn smell in the room isn't helping. Dane walked over to me with a concerned look in his eyes, a wolf in sheep's clothing. The weasel grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled me into a kiss. I tried to push him away from me, but something wouldn't let me. My claws sunk into the wood as my stomach did a backflip in protest. I could taste the vomit still soaked into his lips, it was horrid, but I wanted more. My tongue developed a damn mind of its own and started to slide free, wanting to taste more of this forbidden fruit. As expected, I start to gag immediately from the vile taste on his lips, though I can't bring myself to stop. Teasing licks turn to a heated make-out session with the weasel...though my stomach had something to say about it. No matter how hard I twist and try to yank away, the damn weasel won't let go. My stomach visibly slithers, I know what's coming. I try one last time to yank away from Dane, damn weasel's got a vice grip. I reach my paws up to cup his cheeks as my stomach does one final spin-cycle. I bend the damn weasel over backwards as I do it. My throat pours the hot, putrid bile right into his mouth. At first his little paws claw at the back of my head for air as he chokes on it. No no, you're mine now! My paws grip him tighter, refusing to let him move an inch. My stomach lurches again as another wave of puke floods into his mouth and down his throat. I pull away as the last wave hits me causing me to spew all over his chest. It takes a few moments for me to recover, I have no idea why I did it. Maybe it was the booze, maybe it was my own pent up desires, hell maybe it was the fact my boyfriend was nose deep in my shit filled pants. Dane groaned and looked as green as a lizard on St. Patrick's Day, but I could tell he loved it. Dane took a few moments to recover and lick himself clean, his eyes never leaving mine. He makes sure I watch him as he trails his paw down his bile colored chest. Breathing turns to panting as he tugs on the elastic of his boxers before he starts to slide them down. God damn I want him so badly now, his slim lithe form bent over those boxes is all I can think about. His cock springs free, boxers drop to the ground, and before I know it I have him pinned to the boxes with a predatory snarl. Vitelli knows what I want, and all but rips my pants down to my ankles.

"D-damn Speccy..." I hear Vitelli gasp out in that sweet voice he reserves for out bed room. "I hope you can forgive me for this..." He moans through clenched teeth. Before I have a chance to ask, I feel that strong bovine tongue press so far up my ass I can feel it in my damn stomach. My toes curl hard from the immense pleasure of the sudden rimming, fuck that feels good. I can't help but grind into Dane snarling like a hungry beast into his ear as my bull cleans the shit out of my ass. Once my mind clears, it hits me...I don't hear the bull gagging at all. Has he done this before?!? My cock jumps with sudden painful arousal, I need to fuck something. I reach down to yank the damn weasels tail up.

"I sincerely hope you weren't planning on walking for a while kid" I snarl in his ear. He gasps out for me, firing back a stare with those 'fuck-me' eyes. My world goes dark for a while, and all I can hear is the sound of raw, meaty slapping. Finally, my world comes back to me, and the weasel is screaming out for more. Dane was now on his back with my cock disappearing into his ass. Each thrust caused his cock to slap against his bulging stomach. There was a fresh new stench in the room that wasn't there before. I glanced down to find my cock completely covered in Dane's soft, light brown shit. With a deeply sensual snarl I hilt myself deep within his tail-pipe. "God damn kid that's hot as hell, can't believe I'm sayin that out loud. You got any more of that in there? Or did I fuck it all out of you?" I reach down and wipe some of the filth off my dick with curious thought. "Hmmm, well if it's good enough for my bull." I slip those shit covered digits into my mouth and suck them clean. It was an odd mix of bitter, rancid, and sweet all at the same time. I swirl the sludge in my mouth before swallowing it down. Compared to the vomit I licked off the weasels lips it wasn't half bad. My paws reach down to grab Dane by the hips, I was nowhere near done with him yet. As I go back to pounding that tight weasel's ass, I can feel Vitelli lean over my shoulder to watch. His breath reeks of shit, but I fucking love it now. Without warning him I lean forward to press my lips to his, sliding my tongue into his shit stained mouth...bad idea. I instantly tell the difference between the weasel's sweet/mild shit and my own rancid filth that filled my lover's maw. Why am I loving this? As I keep swirling my tongue in his muzzle, heaving every so often. Vitelli gasps and almost collapses on the floor, un-aware of my new appreciation for scat. He yanks his head away with a pained moo, tail tucked between his legs.

"H-hey babe, we can talk about how hot as shit that pun intended...that you're into that now, and trust me, we got some talking to do." He grunted as a fart ripped from his ass so loud, I swore it shook the place. Before he has a chance to speak, I gently press two fingers against his lips. His eyes flutter closed as the scent of that weasel's dung wafts into his nose.

" I even need to list off the crap we have all done?" I grinned and motioned to the puke soaked weasel on the end of my shit stained cock. "I think there might be some room left in his belly, and he is on his back sweetheart." I whisper lovingly in his ear. The bulls face turns from desperate to delighted in a matter of a second. Dane is so deep in space he has no idea what's about to happen to him. I watch as my filthy bull walks around to where Dane's head is, still soaked in his own bile. Those damn blue eyes of his glazed over in a state of sexual ecstasy. His body might be here, but his damn mind is miles away. Vitelli turns around and lifts his tail, that giant ass right above Dane's face. He grunts again and lets another horrid fart blast right over Dane's nose. Something about being on the other end of it must've brought Dane back just enough for him to realize what was happening. He let out a gasp just as Vitelli plopped down, engulfing his entire muzzle with his tailhole. Dane started to squirm, though at first, I couldn't tell why. My eyes widened with arousal as I saw the damn weasel's chest inflate. Was my bull farting right into his fucking lungs? I felt my balls tighten as the thought of it almost brought me to cum. FUCK! Not yet...not yet! I cursed out in my mind. I do anything I fucking can to hold on, I want to wait to see where this goes. After a few deep breaths, I'm able to hold back, though my nuts feel like someone's taken a damn sledge to them. Dane's squirming turns back into that needy writhing it was before. "Jesus Vitelli, what did you do to the guy?" I ask while reaching out to gently stroke his back. He looks over his shoulder with a chuckle as he wriggles that little tail-tuft of his.

"I had a bit of gas, hope I didn't choke the guy." He took a second to lift one of his legs. "Ehh..he looks a'right' He said with a chuckle before sitting back down. I could hear Vitelli beating off, a very familiar sound to me. Dane began to thrash again beneath the bulls' massive ass. My jaw dropped in shock and delight as I bore witness to what was happening. I felt my cock simply erupt inside the weasel with no way to hold it back, I didn't care. My eyes were fixated on Dane's throat. It was visibly bulging with the huge lumps of shit Vitelli was forcing down it. Dane was the bulls' toilet at this point, nothing but a receptacle for the pounds of manure he was pushing out. My paw reached out to the growing weasel's belly, feeling it swell with each log Vitelli kept feeding him. His stomach was hot, and squished in at my touch...holy really was filled with my bull's scat. As soon as my paw pushed in, the weasel arched his back and began to cum rather violently. I lost track of how many times I had cum by now...two? three? This was beyond the hottest thing I had ever seen OR done. Vitelli turned to me, his turn with the Devils smile. "Get the duct tape Spec...I have a feeling this little shit eater wants to hold onto his meal, against what his body wishes." The devil slaps me so hard with that grin my head spins. Slowly I pull free from the weasel, watching as cum and liquid shit ooze out from his tail-pipe. It takes me forever to stagger to the bar where we keep the tape, and it feels like longer to get back. I hand him the tape as I fall to my knees in front of the weasel's ass. I am so drunk on whiskey and sex I can't tell what I'm doing anymore. I follow my bulls example and begin to lick that shit and cum leaking tail-pipe of his. For some damn reason it tastes like heaven, so I keep licking, no...I fucking make out with it. My tongue swirls around that fetid pucker like one of those salsa dancers down in the Latin district. I hear the *rrrrrrrrrip* of the duct tape, followed by Dane squirming above me again. world is going black again, and all I can hear is the sound of my tongue lapping and swirling around that pucker. Wet slurping smacks, lewd squelches and my own moans, and somewhere off in the distance...Vitelli is calling Dane his good little manure box.

"Hey....hey! Spectre...wake" I snap awake with Vitelli shaking me. My head feels like a damn mule kicked it. "There you are ok? You were pretty deep there for a while." He leaned in close and gave me a kiss. I groaned a bit under my breath feeling my stomach hating itself. "It's okay Speccy, it ain't been long."

"W-what the hell happened? The last thing I remember was lickin that damn weasels ass..." I said while leaning into him.

"Hehehe...well once I got off him, I duct tape his muzzle shut so to keep his meal down, good thing to. Weasel tried to throw it all up, got some of it out his nose. Looked thankful to me for the tape though...passed out soon after. Once he was out, that just left you writhing like a pussy in heat on the damn floor. Been trying for an hour to snap you out of it, I was starting to get worried. Now...we obviously got some talking to do about how fucking hot we find all of this." He said with a flirty grin. I don't try to hide it. I give him a nod, followed by a sloppy kiss.

"I...I'm done with all of this Telli...can we just run away with the weasel and get away from all this?" I ask hopefully while stroking his chest. He grins down to me as he holds up one of the gas cans from the basement. " 'n here I thought I was going to have to convince you..." I squeeze him tighter then I think I ever have. I love that big nasty bull of mine, always have, and I always will.

We live out on a farm now...the three of us. Vitelli, Dane and myself, happiest guy's you'd ever meet. None of our neighbors know about us, or our secret. We burned the bar down that night, torched it right to the ground...the whisky Dane had made it go up easy too. No one ever came looking for us, probably cause the cops said that not even bodies could survive the blaze. It's amazing what a case of whisky and a blow-job from a cute weasel will get you from a cop these days. I never would have thought that my life would have changed so dramatically, then if I hadn't seen those damn blue eyes.