Black and White and Red All Over

Story by Tony Greyfox on SoFurry

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Quick but a fun little piece. Prompt and title by @soluslesna on Twitter - thanks!

"Wait. Why the fuck do you have rope in your desk?"

"Hey, you never know. What if someone comes in the front door with a gun looking for me? I might have to go out a window."

Noah looked around the empty office, then back to the slim zebra standing before him. "You're on the ground floor, Carter. This building doesn't even have a second floor."

"You're a perceptive kitty, aren't you?" The striped equine smirked and pulled the rope out of the desk that bore a nameplate reading Carter Douglas - News Editor. "Would you believe it's for lassoing rampaging elk?"

Noah crossed his burly arms and shook his head. "No, not really."'

"Okay, well, how about I keep rope handy just in case I get the opportunity to come by at midnight and tie someone to the bank for some late-night amusement?"

"Now that," the tiger purred softly, "I can believe. You little pervert."

Carter held a hoof to his chest and put on an affronted look. "Me, perverted? Hey, I'm a well-known professional in this community."

"And that would get you all kinds of gossip if anyone ever caught you doing something like this." Noah looked over the heaps of paper, coffee cups and scattered post-it notes covering the zebra's desk. "I hope this isn't the bank, because if it is we're gonna need a flamethrower and small equipment to make it work."

"Nah, the bank is what they used to use for layout back in the dark ages. We use it for hanging proofs now." Carter grabbed the tiger's paw and tugged. "Come on, back here."

The two wormed their way into a storage closet off the newsroom of the small-town daily. Noah coughed as dust rose from the stacks of papers filling shelves around the outside of the room. "Jesus, this isn't a fire hazard at all, Carter... You ever want to change jobs, it'll take one match, you know?"

"Nah, this room's sprinklered, just in case." The zebra pulled Noah around a corner and waved. "Voila."

Noah looked over the elderly wooden structure before him. It was nearly taller than him, at six feet, and at least ten feet long. Steeply sloped, it was empty and bore what looked like decades of ink stains and wax along its length. He eyed it warily. "So... what do you propose here?"

"I propose," Carter said, sidling up against the larger tiger's side, "to string this rope around this thing, around your hands and feet, spread-eagle you against it, then give you a good, hard spanking."

"It's definitely bigger than your bed. I probably won't break it..."

"I hope not, the neighbours were really worried about the noise when that happened." The zebra leaned up and licked Noah's cheek playfully. "So?"

The tiger smirked, swishing his tail back and forth. "You sure nobody's coming in here tonight?"

"Absolutely. Nobody's as crazy as I am in this office."

"Dude, you are a journalist. You're all batshit looney."

Carter smacked the end of the rope against the bank with a sharp rap and giggled. "You're not wrong. Come on, kitty. Get naked for me."

Noah grunted, and tugged his T-shirt up. Carter stood back and watched with a grin as the white tiger's well-sculpted upper body came into view. He ran a hoof over the muscular back, riffling through the thick fur. "No missed gym days for you lately, huh?"

"You know me," the tiger rumbled, reaching for the button of his jeans. "Gym in the morning, sex in the evenings, boring car repairs in between."

"Don't let me stop your routine, big guy."

The feline's jeans and boxers draped across a stack of boxes and he stood naked before his striped friend. Despite the cool air from the building's air conditioning, he felt a little warm - and the tip of his penis was peeking from his thick sheath in anticipation of what was to come. Carter grinned widely and knelt to snake the rope around Noah's feet, expertly wrapping the ankles.

Noah watched his friend take the other ends of the rope behind the bank and drape them over the top. "This gonna work?" he asked, curious, watching the zebra work.

"Oh sure, I've got them strung around some supports at the back. Now, spread eagle against this thing, huh?"

"I'm not gonna get ink stains from this, am I?" the tiger grumbled, leaning against the cool wood of the bank.

Carter tugged one end of the rope and tied it to Noah's left wrist, then stepped behind and pulled the bond taut. "Ink? I hope not, this thing hasn't been used for anything but printouts for at least fifteen years." He repeated the process on the tiger's other arm, and Noah found himself spread out against the wood.

He tugged at the bonds on his arms. They barely moved. Carter always did know his stuff, he mused.

"Feel okay?" The zebra was rummaging on a nearby shelf as he inquired. "Nothing too tight?"

"Nope, feels just fine." He twitched his tail. "Forgot something, though."

"Oh!" The zebra caught one of the trailing ends of rope from the wrist bonds and tied it to the tiger's tail, tugging that appendage up and out of the way. "There we go. Now."

Noah tried to look over his shoulder. "So, you got paddles and shit hiding in here too, or is it hands-only tonight?"

"Oh, you'll love this, kitty."


The zebra stepped up next to Noah and held up one hoof. In it was a newspaper.

Noah frowned. "You're gonna give me paper cuts?"

"Nope." Carter took the paper and rolled it up tightly. "Tuesday edition. Not too thin but also small enough to roll up."

"Do I look like a dog to you?" Noah asked with a grin.

"Only when I bend you over." The zebra disappeared out of Noah's field of vision. "The usual safeword, right?"

"Dude, if you make me shout 'xylophone' with a newspaper, I'm quitting BDSM entirely."

Carter chuckled. "I dunno, there's a reason they call it hard news..."

The newspaper thwapped against Noah's rump firmly. The tiger winced and wriggled at that first impact. "Eh, that wasn't much of anything, stripey..."

"Hey, sometimes you need to ease people into a story. Soften them up first" - the paper slapped against Noah's backside again, this time against the other cheek - "and pique their interest."

Noah grunted as the zebra's hoof slid between his legs and squeezed his substantial scrotum. His cock, already growing, jumped at that touch. "Sounds kind of boring to me," he muttered.

Carter's touch roamed over the tiger's firm ass, squeezing, then slipped away. "Yeah, well, that's why" - Whack! - "you just do that for a couple of" - Whack! - "paragraphs..."

"And then?"

"Then, you drop the real lead of the story and hook them hard."

Noah gave an involuntary yelp as the newspaper struck him, hard, across the width of his rump. His hips shifted, an ache spreading from that blow, radiating a pleasant warmth. "I see," he growled. "What about after that?"

"A good story," Carter murmured, "keeps providing those quick hits." He put deed to word, the paper slapping hard against the tiger's left cheek, earning another yelp from the burly feline. He stroked the rolled-up paper softly along the curve of the hip playfully, then quickly drew back and delivered another blow, a little lower, spreading the impacts out. "And it covers all the ground it can."

Noah whined at the matching blows against his right cheek, grinding and tugging against the bonds, knowing he could go nowhere unless the zebra let him, panting at the growing ache in his rear. "S...sounds like something I'd like to read."

"Oh, there's more," Carter purred, leaning against the tiger's back to nip at his shoulder. "That's feature stories. Most stories can't be that long, though."

Noah moaned, pushing back into the zebra's teeth. "O-oh...?"

"Mm-hmm. Most of the time they're short and snappy."

"Oh shi..." Noah cut off with a mrowl of pleasurable pain as the zebra drew back and slapped the paper against his ass repeatedly in a flurry of short, sharp swipes. He was surprised by the effectiveness of the tightly-rolled newsprint, and groaned, pushing his rump out to accept Carter's continuing assault.

His shaft twitched and he felt the dampness of precum dribbling along his tip as he panted, laying against the bank, gritting his teeth as the zebra expertly spanked up and down, careful to cover the entirety of the tiger's rump except the spot just at the base of his tail that he knew was just far too sensitive for impact play.

Finally, the blows stopped coming. Noah groaned, panting and sagging against the ropes. "Th...that's hard news all right..."

"Oh, there's more hard news to come," Carter purred.

Noah gasped as a finger, slick with something he assumed was lube - and where the hell did the zebra get that? - pushed against his ring. "Oh yeah," he moaned at the intrusion, wriggling. "The news always delivers, huh?"

"If I wasn't hard as a fucking rock, that joke might have made me not fuck you," Carter said, sliding his finger in and out of Noah's rump for a few moments, then adding a second slick digit. "Ready?"

"God yes."


The zebra extracted his fingers, leaving the tiger feeling empty for a moment - until the thick, blunt tip of the equine cock pushed against his ring. "Deep breath, kitty," he murmured.

Noah knew the routine by now, and relaxed. Carter gave a firm push and moaned as the bigger fur's tailhole stretched and let him in. "Ohhh fuck."

"God, did you get bigger?" the tiger growled, gripping the edges of the bank with clawed fingertips.

"You are so fucking tight," Carter said, thrusting a few more inches of his cock within the tiger's grasp, then pausing to allow Noah to relax. "Glad I have that lube in my desk."

"Why the hell do you - ah!" The question fell away, pushed aside by the long, thick shaft that embedded itself to the root in his ass. "Oh goddamn..."

The pressure of Carter's hips against his reddened ass made Noah groan in a mix of pleasure and lust. He ground back, dripping pre on the floor, but the zebra reached down and slapped his cheek firmly, earning a yelp and a clench of muscles around his cock. "I'm driving, cat," Carter murmured, kissing the side of the tiger's neck.

"Yeah... okay," Noah managed.

Carter drew back and started to thrust, slowly at first, but never quite making contact with Noah's rear as he fucked the big cat. His hooves traced over the feline's back and upward, stroking his ears, then settled on his shoulders. Noah groaned, clenching softly at each stroke of that zebra shaft, tugging at the ropes now and again, savoring the helplessness of being at Carter's mercy.

"Want it harder, kitty?" Carter murmured, slapping a firm thrust against the feline's ass. Noah gasped and nodded eagerly. "Okay..."

The zebra sped up, sinking himself harder and deeper into Noah, the slap of his hips against the muscled fur sending thrills of pain and gasps of pleasure through the feline. "Oh god yes, fuck me harder," Noah mewled, bucking back again into Carter's movements.

"Someone really wants me to fill them, huh?" the zebra said, panting as he lay against Noah's back. "Sounds like a good idea..."

He shifted his grip from the tiger's shoulders to the back of his neck, catching up the loose skin of his scruff. Noah stiffened at that touch, knowing what was to come.

Carter thrust harder, driving his entire length into the feline's tight rear with each plunge, panting as the pressure built. He felt his flare forming, and knew it was time to wrap things up.

Reaching up with his muzzle, Carter pulled the tiger's scruff up and bit down on it, hard.

Noah yowled, the sound surprisingly loud in the confines of the storage room, and came hard around Carter's shaft. The zebra felt the tiger's muscles pulse around his cock as gushes of thick cum burst out and splashed against storage boxes and the floor beneath them. He held the mating bite against Noah's wriggling, drove himself deep through that contracting passage a few more times, and erupted himself, spurting a heavy load of his own seed deep into the tiger's belly.

The two furs panted, slumped against the bank and one another, until their orgasms subsided. Carter slowly slid his softening shaft out of his friend and stroked the tiger's back. "Mmm... so, what do you think of the top stories tonight?"

Noah chuckled. "Not bad at all. Very satisfying." He shifted against the bonds. "Think I'm ready to come out of these, though."

"Oh, I dunno about that," Carter said with a smirk. "You know, newspapers often do more than one edition a day..."