
Story by Eisfuchs on SoFurry

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#1 of Just Good Friends


a furry erotic story (C)Oct 28, 2001 by Eisfuchs ([email protected])

(vixen, raccoon, bondage)

Author's note:

This story is a work of fiction. All characters are (C) by Eisfuchs. This text

is for mature readers only, so if you are not of legal age in your country,

please stop reading. I give the permission to repost or upload this story

freely as long as the text and this copyright message are left untouched.

If you are an artists and would like to do a drawing of the scene, feel free to

do so, as long as you reference this story in your artwork or the description.

If you have comments or requests for other stories just drop me a note. I can't

promise that I actually find the time to write it down but, you never know,

right? Now, enjoy the story and tell me what you think.

Part I: The Victim

Rey hacked the last three lines of code into the simulator, saved her project

and hit the "Compile" button. She sat back in her chair and folded the arms

before her chest while she watched the compiler putting her program together.

This project was in finishing state now and she made good progress. When the

simulator was through it started her program. Rey looked at the screen for a

moment and decided to get a cup of coffee while she was waiting for the

algorithm to complete. She had always been called the "tech head" amongst her

friends, but this was what she was doing best. She wasn't a typical computer

geek, though. She enjoyed going out with her friends at night and she wasn't

limited to one topic when it came to discussions. Now she was twenty-four years

old and quite happy with the life she was living.

With the cup full of hot, steaming liquid in her paw the vixen returned to her

desk and looked at the result her code had produced. Perfect!

"Yes!" she exclaimed and sat into her chair, packaging the new binary and

sending it out to the testing people. She looked at the clock and smiled. 6:15

PM, just in time. She quit her simulator, shut down the system and got ready

for closing time.

The evening traffic wasn't too bad so she only needed about fifteen minutes to

reach the squash center in the middle of her district. Donya's car was already

standing there and she hurried to the trunk, got out her gear and went inside

to get dressed for the match. In the locker room she put on her blue tank top,

matching shorts and white tennis shoes. Then she tied her voluptuous mane

behind her head to a tidy braid and grabbed her racket. When she reached their

court Donya was already warming up, beating the ball repeatedly against the

opposite wall. The raccoon was two years younger than her, a little heavier

built but without looking plump.

When the ball slipped past Donya's racket Rey scratched at the glass door of

the court with her claws and the raccoon turned towards her. With a smile she

scooped up the ball from the floor and caught it in her paw before she went out

to her vixen friend. "Hi Rey! You finally made it?"

"Yes, work was tough today. The damn thing just would not compute the correct

numbers. But I got it sorted out eventually. So, shall we start?"

Donya tossed her the ball. "Sure. Just do a warm up, I'll have a sip first."

Rey smiled and caught the warm ball in her paw before she entered the court

herself. Some minutes later the two girls were chasing each other through the

small room, shouting loudly and enjoying the great work-out.

After some great matches and two short breaks they decided to call it an

evening and went to the showers. The hot water caressed their heated bodies and

both of them let out loud moans of relief. They cleaned their fur, relaxed

their worn out muscles and toweled themselves down.

"Donya, I'd like to ask you a - rather unusual question," Rey started when they

were back in the locker room and packing their stuff together.

"Fire away," Donya said in a muffled voice, struggling with the laces of her

shoes while she held her money bag in her teeth. It was a typical behavior for

her, always a little unorganized and trying to do all things at once.

Rey thought about it for a moment before she started to speak again. "I plan to

do something - special tonight and I want to play it safe. So I'd like to give

you the spare key to my apartment, in case I wouldn't be - umm - able to leave

bed tomorrow morning."

Donya stopped in what she was doing, balancing on one leg and looking at her

friend in amusement. She put her shoe down and took the bag out of her mouth.

"Oh, I see," she smiled. "You're going to get a little tied up in your

fantasies tonight?" Donya giggled.

"Uh - yeah, you could say that." Rey could feel her ears turning red under her

fur and she avoided the looks of the raccoon. "So are you okay with it? I mean,

I planned it all out and there shouldn't be anything going wrong."

Donya bent over and busily tied her shoelaces. "You know I'll help you wherever

I can."

"Thank you. I'll call you tomorrow morning at seven and tell you that

everything is all right. If I don't you call me and make sure that I just

forgot to tell you, okay?"

"Okay. I'm curious about what you've planned for yourself, though." The raccoon

grinned and took the key Rey was offering her.

"Maybe I'll show it to you some day," the vixen said, a little embarrassed but

glad that her friend had agreed to assist her. "If something goes wrong and you

can't reach me, please come over to my flat and - help me out."

"Sure thing," Donya said and put the key in her money bag.

They got the rest of their things out of the lockers and went to the parking

lot. Donya wished her friend a good and playful night and got into her car,

leaving the vixen behind. Rey was still a little nervous that she had told her

friend about her fantasies but she didn't want to face the consequences in case

something went wrong.

Rey started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot towards her domicile.

The streets were much less occupied now that it was past ten o'clock and she

was home quickly. She entered her flat and unpacked her things. She

deliberately took her time, trying to delay her little game as much as

possible. After an extensive evening meal she threw her sports dress into the

laundry and selected a nice looking garment for the next day. All this took

quite some time but by midnight she couldn't delay it any longer. She /had/ to

try out her new invention and now she didn't want to wait one more minute.

A few moments later she walked into her bedroom. Since she only had two rooms

in her flat this also served as her home office and working place. She went

over to her desk and turned on her PC. After a short time the machine was up

and running and she started a play list of calm mp3 files that easily lasted

for more than ten hours. Then she switched off the display and picked up a

small, fancy looking circuit board from the desk. It was heavily decorated with

wires and had many small lights and buttons on it. All in all it looked like

some prototype hardware for testing purposes.

Rey took it to her bedside table and plugged in the power supply. When she

switched the device on some of the small LEDs started flashing in a chaotic

pattern and finally stopped, only one of them still blinking once in a second.

The vixen was contented with that and smiled to herself. After switching on the

small lamp on the table she turned around to her full length mirror and started

to take off her clothes, one piece at a time. At the thought of her new little

game she was going to play she got more and more excited and deliberately

slowed down her motions to keep herself from ripping the fabric off of her

body. When she was naked she went back to the bedside table again and put on

some of her most favorite perfume.

Kneeling in front of the small cabinet she opened a door and took out a bag

full of various toys she was using, when she played at night. Sitting down on

the bed she started sorting out the things she would need this time. She

selected three padlocks, two bigger ones that could be opened with the same key

and another relatively small brass lock with a tiny key to it, and snapped them

open. With a grin she sorted out the keys and put them onto the bedside table.

Two padded leather restraints were next from the bag. They had been custom made

for her wrists by one of her friends. She had told him that she needed them for

training at home; she wasn't very open about her hobbies at that time. The same

friend also made her two steel clamps that fit to the bars of her bed and had

D-rings on them, so she could fasten the wrist cuffs there. When she bought

herself a bed she had chosen this type because it had many steel bars at both

ends that made it easy to attach any kind of restraining devices to it. It

looked like it was cut out from jail bars and certainly this added to the

effect she wanted to produce.

She rummaged through her toys and finally found three neoprene padded velcro

cuffs, a set of strange looking leather straps and a vibrator, that she had

modified herself. She had drilled a hole into the bottom of the plug and

mounted a jack with a locking mechanism into it. This was to replace the

batteries with an external power source and the wire was secured against being

pulled out by accident.

Rey stroked her paw over the assortment of toys and felt the anticipation

rushing through her. She picked up the leather cuffs, slipped one of them over

her left wrist and locked it there with one of the bigger padlocks. Of course

this didn't affect her movements at all, but it felt nice and snug around her

wrist and gave her a taste of what was about to come. She did the same with the

second cuff, enjoying the slight pressure it was producing.

After she had stuffed the rest of her toys back into the bedside table she

returned to her bed, took one of the steel clamps in each paw and lay herself

spread-eagled in the middle of the big mattress. She lay the clamps down where

her paws had been and started to mount them at the appropriate bars of her bed.

Another small device from her table was next in line, a small electromagnet

that she mounted to the upper bars of the bed, about two feet above the left

clamp. The connecting wire of the magnet was plugged to the circuit board.

Another two long wires were lying on the table. Rey took one of them, that had

a big button soldered at one end, and ran it to the right clamp, where she

mounted the button next to it to the bars. The last wire had a small electronic

plug at the end. She ran it from the circuit board around her bed and through

the bars at the footboard until it lay openly in the middle of the mattress.

Seeing all her equipment finally set up made her think about her game again and

she shuddered a little in anticipation. She could feel herself getting a bit

wet already and quickly dragged her paw away from where it was stroking her,

she hadn't even noticed that she was touching herself until now. To distract

herself from those thoughts she continued the preparations; of course this only

served to make her even more excited but she had to get ready quickly or she

would lose it completely and just sate herself right now.

With shivering paws she fetched a piece of strong thread from her table and

tied it to the electromagnet's chassis. She measured the length down to the

mattress and cut it off there a little shorter. Impatiently she took one of the

keys for her wrist locks and tied it to the free end of the string. While she

held the key to the bottom of the magnet she pushed one of the small buttons on

the circuit board. The key got attracted to the magnet with a soft metallic

/click/ and stayed in place. Rey swallowed hard and started to breathe more


Next she took the three velcro restraints and tied them to the foot of her bed.

Two of them went to the place where her ankles had been when she had measured

the places for the metal clamps, and the third was in the middle of them,

perpendicular to the footboard. Finally, about one hour after she had started,

her preparations were through. But before she wanted to go any further she

decided to visit the bathroom. The vixen didn't want to take any risk with

that. After all it was meant to be pleasure, and she surely was heavily into

bondage but not torture.

When she came back, holding a small towel in her paw, she stopped at the

cabinet and unlocked her wrist cuffs, leaving the padlocks dangling from the

leather restraints. She made sure that all the keys were lying on the cabinet,

next to her circuit board, and picked up the rest of her toys. With the flick

of her paw she switched off the light. Rey spread the towel in the middle of

the bed, sat down on it, and put the items next to her. If there was something

like the /right time/, now it had come.

Rey spread her legs in the same manner as before and reached forward to wrap

the soft neoprene cuffs around her ankles. The velcro straps went over the

outside of the restraints, and she shut them tightly. She loved these wicked

little things. They were sufficiently secure to prevent you from breaking free

but yet soft enough to leave the fur and skin unharmed. And when you couldn't

reach them with your paws, you would never be able to rip the straps open. The

third cuff went to the tip of her voluptuous tail, keeping it strapped down.

Experimentally she slid a little backwards to test the limits of her

restraints. After little minor corrections she was satisfied and giggled to

herself. She felt already so turned on that she almost couldn't stand the

thought of what was going to happen.

The vixen picked up the vibrator and pushed it slowly against her slick vagina,

moaning deeply when the plug was sliding into her. Panting heavily she took the

leather straps and wrapped two ends of them from the back around her hips. She

left them there and closed the straps around her tail base. The third end went

through the crack of her cheeks, covering her private area and the vibrator,

and ending where the other two ends met on her belly. Finally she took the

small brass padlock, made sure that the key was lying on her table and threaded

the lock through the holes in the straps, exhaling to make the belt fit. It

shut with a soft click. Rey writhed a little in anticipation, feeling the

vibrator stuck deeply in her. Whatever she would do the toy couldn't slip out

of her now, even if she wanted it to. There was only one small hole in the

straps and it was exactly over the place where she had added the jack to the

vibrator. She picked up the connector at the end of the wire and plugged it in.

The cable snapped in audibly.

With shaking paws she lay back and stretched her arms out to the steel clamps.

She knew that she would never be able to reach the keys on the table, if she

locked her cuffs to the D-rings now. Of course, this was exactly what she

wanted to achieve and she fought the urge to rip off her restraints and touch

herself. If she wasn't getting this over with quickly she would end up

masturbating a few minutes from now. All this reminded her of the pressure in

her vagina and she tried to force her thoughts away from the intruder sitting

there. 'It's now or never, girl,' she thought and moved her left paw to the

clamp with the button. She slipped the padlock through the ring with her free

paw and clicked the lock shut.

Now she was already stuck, unable to free herself, but she wanted to be held

more securely. She moved her right wrist to the other clamp and fiddled around

a bit with the lock. Finally the clip hooked over the D-ring and she grabbed

the lock in her paw, holding it at an awkward angle. Straining her paw she

pushed the lock against the steel bar and suddenly it clicked shut. Her heart

started to beat stronger. She was trapped.

With her mind starting to drift away she lifted her left paw and pushed the

button. Instantly some more lights on the circuit board started to flicker but

nothing else happened. Rey grinned to herself and started to feel the first

effect of the cruel design of her program: uncertainty. The microcontroller was

going to switch the vibrator on at random intervals for random durations of

time. There was no telling when it would start and when it would stop. Another

part applied to the magnet. It would hold the key for again a random time

before the controller would interrupt its power supply. The key would fall down

for the length of the thread and then keep dangling just in reach of her right

paw. The vixen did only know that the time was within the range from thirty

minutes to six hours or more. She struggled a little to make herself aware

again of how trapped she was and silently hoped for a quick release. Although

she had invented the program and counted on her reaction she never would have

thought how strong the feelings would become. When she had played before she

always had a way out of her bondage, but this time she was completely at the

mercy of her little electronic device, with no way to free herself. And even no

pleading, threatening or swearing would lead her to freedom again. The only

person who could help her out before the time was up was Donya, and she

wouldn't be here before morning.

Rey tugged at her bonds playfully, enjoying the feeling of utter helplessness

and bathing in the rising arousal that was heating her up. With her arms, legs

and tail spread out so completely, she had almost no slack to move around.

There was nothing for her to do but wait for the vibrator to kick in and to

feel trapped.

Never would she have thought how cruel her program really was. The vixen

squirmed and struggled against her restraints for quite a time but the

controller did nothing. She was lying there for about twenty minutes, already

getting exhausted from her fight, but still without any sign from her device.

Rey turned her head to the right and watched the lights on the board flicker.

It was obviously still working. But of course she didn't have built in any way

to find out how long it would be until something was going to happen. She

started to growl a bit and let herself fall back in her bonds. Frustration took

over and she cursed herself for her own inventions. Of course she had to go not

only for the random key drop time, but for the vibrator, too! Now there she

was, lying helplessly in self-imposed bondage, unable to break free or give

herself sexual release.

She tried to shift her body to make the vibrator at least move around a bit

inside of her. But again, her own inventions turned against her. The straps

were deliberately designed to be a perfect fit to her body and they pushed the

plug into her with a constant pressure, regardless of how she squirmed or

struggled. "You dirty witch!" she cursed herself. Her fantasies never included

physical torture, but this kind of denial she was exposed to at the moment was

worse than any punishment she could imagine.

What if her program just failed? An undiscovered bug, coming to haunt her at

the least suitable moment? She would be forced to lie here, tied spread-eagled

to her own bed, until her friend finally would come to free her. At this

thought and the inevitable humiliation she would face, she moaned in a mixture

of despair and lust. With newfound energy she tugged fiercely at her bonds, but

she still was chained down securely. Not even her tail was moving very much.

Suddenly, the vibrator kicked into full gear. Rey jumped in surprise, yelping

loud as the stimulation began to rush through her. Only her restraints kept her

from doubling over and pulling her legs together. The locks at her cuffs

clanked against the steel rings that held her immobile and she sucked in her

breath greedily. The surprise and the increased sensitivity of her private

parts - from lying there so long without being able to touch herself - caused

her mind to blur and she lost track of her thoughts for a few moments.

When the first shock had left she moaned deeply while the vibrator was buzzing

away in her vagina. The vixen started to move her hips as good as possible to

intensify the feelings she was experiencing. The straps around her lower body

did a good job and she lost herself in her emotions, panting heavily and

groaning with the newfound pleasure.

But then the vibrator stopped dead again, much too early for her taste. She

cried out in frustration and tried to beat her paws on the mattress. Oh, how

badly she wished for that key to fall down into her paw now. Rey licked her

lips and tried to regain her breath when the vibrator started to buzz again.

"Yaaigh!" she exclaimed and started again to writhe in her restraints. If she

would not find release this time she was going crazy for sure!

Of course she was being let down again. This went on for a long time,

alternating high peaks of lust and sensation mixed with the uncertain waits

when nothing was happening. And it was never enough to give her what she was

longing for. More than once she was so close, only a few moments more and ...

again the vibrator fell silent. Tears of frustration and lust stained the fur

on her face when she was rocked by another wave of vibration again.

Time was indifferent for her now, and she didn't know how long she was lying

there when she felt something moving on the bed next to her. She snapped out of

her trance. The room was still quite dark and the small lights of the

controller didn't provide too much light. Who could be in here with her?

Instantly she thought of her friend, but it wasn't morning, yet. "Who's there?"

she asked in a rough voice. Her previous moans and screams had taken toll of

her. "Donya? Is that you?" She was glad that the vibrator had chosen to stay

calm at the moment.

Suddenly she felt a paw wrapping around her muzzle, effectively shutting her

up. She tried to scream in protest and struggled wildly but her bonds wouldn't

let her go. She was trapped and helplessly exposed to whoever the stranger was.

Her fear rose when she felt a rope that was being tied around her muzzle. Rey

cursed herself for being so foolish to make herself vulnerable to whatever

creep might choose her flat for their next raid. When her uninvited visitor

tied a piece of cloth over her eyes she merely sagged back in desperation.

Inside she braced herself for the worst.

The stranger left her alone for the moment and she could hear that he or she

was rummaging around in her possessions. She hoped that this person would just

take whatever appealed and leave without hurting her. Rey tried to keep as

still as possible but at this moment the controller switched the vibrator on

again. Despite herself the vixen bucked and whimpered against the unwanted

sensations that spread through her. With a groan she tried to resist the urge

to struggle and fight but couldn't help it. Her paws clenched uncontrollably

and the locks at her cuffs made clanking noises against the rings.

The stranger seemed to get attracted by the noise and again she sensed a motion

on her bed. When she felt padded paws roaming freely over her body, stroking

her arms and belly, she instinctively tried to cower and protect herself. Of

course this only led to herself straining against the bonds that were holding

her in her trap.

Suddenly she felt a wet tongue lapping over the side of her muzzle and the tip

of her nose. Even through the fear she felt her arousal rise again. Why did she

feel turned on by this? Was she, really? As the paws started to caress her

breasts and her body was responding to the touch she thought she /was/ turned

on, without a doubt. The paws roamed further and the tongue paid close

attention to her breasts.

Suddenly she felt the lock at the straps around her hips snap open; and when

she became aware of the vibrator slowly being pulled out of her she tried to

scream and struggled wildly, unable to break the hold of her restraints. 'No!

Don't do this, please!' she thought and whimpered through her tied muzzle. The

vixen tried to protect her suddenly vulnerable private parts with her tail but

it was strapped securely to the footboard. Oh yes, if she did something, she

always did it with perfection. Even if that meant to do something foolish.

Her eyes widened behind her blindfold when she felt something entering her

tailhole. It took her only a second to comprehend that this must be the

vibrator and just at this moment it started to buzz again. Rey groaned and

writhed under the assault. But in a way the whole situation was so arousing.

She had tried anal stimulation before, so she knew how it would feel, but being

tied up, gagged and blindfolded, helplessly exposed to a stranger in her own

bed ... all this added an exquisite quality to the situation. She was scared

out of her mind and she loved it. She only hoped she would survive the night.

Her last thought was pushed away when she felt something entering her vagina.

Once again she fought against her bonds, struggled wildly to get away but still

she was securely restrained, her wild motions only resulted in clanking noises

and the feeling of helplessness. The stranger started to rock back and forth

inside of her, unexpected gentle and careful as if the intruder wanted to make

sure not to hurt her.

Rey sucked in deep breaths of air through her nose while she was slowly giving

in to the sensations. The restraints that held her trapped, the rope tying her

muzzle shut, the blindfold, the vibrator in her anus and the strange person

dominating her, all this drove her wild. She tried to struggle, to squirm, she

tried to cry for help and scratched with her claws against the steel bars of

her bed, but still her level of arousal rose more and more. And when the

controller once again turned on the vibrator she let out a long muffled scream

and orgasmed violently. Colorful stars and speckles shot around in her mind and

she felt her body taking control over her muscles. Again and again she felt the

delightful contractions and lost herself in them until she strained a final

time against her bonds and collapsed. A few moments later she felt the body of

the stranger falling down on her,too.

Everything became quiet again and for once, even the vibrator didn't interfere.

Rey was still breathing deeply, feeling the body of the stranger lying on top

of her. 'What now?' she thought. Just at this moment, she heard a soft click,

followed by a metallic jingling.

Part II: The Intruder

With powerful shots the raccoon drove the ball through the court. She had been

waiting for Rey for some time now and decided to start her warming up

eventually. Probably she had a busy working day and couldn't leave in time.

They had been friends for quite a while now and she knew that Rey was always

accurate in what she was doing.

When Donya missed the next shot and turned to pick up the ball she heard a soft

scratching noise from the glass door of the court. Rey was standing on the

other side, waving. The raccoon smiled and flicked the ball off the floor with

her racket and caught it in her paw. "Hi Rey! You finally made it?" she asked

cheerfully when she went through the door.

"Yes, work was tough today. The damn thing just would not compute the correct

numbers. But I got it sorted out eventually. So, shall we start?"

Donya tossed the ball to her friend and left the court to her for warming up.

She sat down on the bench for a few minutes, drank some of the water she hat

brought and finally joined the vixen in the court. They enjoyed some cheerful

matches and it was not before ten o'clock that they decided to hit the showers

and finally go home. Rey seemed a bit eager to leave early today and Donya

wondered about the reason for this.

After the shower they went into the locker room and started to pack their

things. Donya put on her shoes, stuck her money bag between her teeth to get

both paws free, and started to tie her shoelaces.

"Donya, I'd like to ask you a - rather unusual question," Rey said. A slight

uneasiness in her voice showed that she wasn't quite sure about what to say.

"Fire away," Donya replied. She was still struggling with the ties but kept

close attention to what her friend was trying to tell her.

Rey seemed to arrange the words in her mind for some time before she finally

spoke, "I plan to do something - special tonight and I want to play it safe. So

I'd like to give you the spare key to my apartment, in case I wouldn't be - umm

  • able to leave bed tomorrow morning."

Donya paused and thought about what she just heard. Balancing on one leg she

looked at her friend and smiled as good as she could when she understood what

Rey was going to do. Now she knew, why she had been so impatient in the court.

She put her foot down and took the bag out of her mouth. "Oh, I see," she said,

giggling. "You're going to get a little tied up in your fantasies tonight?"

"Uh - yeah, you could say that." Donya could tell how embarrassed Rey must feel

at this moment. She never spoke much about her private life and this idea was

quite daring even for a generally open-minded person. Her friend obviously

tried not to look into her face while she continued, "So are you okay with it?

I mean, I planned it all out and there shouldn't be anything going wrong."

Of course she had planned all out! She always did. Donya bent over to continue

with her laces. "You know I'll help you wherever I can."

"Thank you. I'll call you tomorrow morning at seven and tell you that

everything is all right. If I don't you call me and make sure that I just

forgot to tell you, okay?"

Donya wasn't into this kind of things herself but she couldn't deny that she

had thought about what it would be like to gain complete control over another

person. With a warm smile she took the key out of Rey's outstretched paw.

"Okay. I'm curious about what you've planned for yourself, though."

"Maybe I'll show it to you some day," her friend said with her voice shaking

slightly. Donya sincerely doubted that. "If something goes wrong and you can't

reach me, please come over to my flat and - help me out."

"Sure thing," she replied and put the key into her money bag.

They finished packing and went out to the parking lot. The air had become a

little chilly and Donya shivered slightly under her still damp fur. She hurried

to stuff her bag into the trunk and unlocked the driver's door. "Well, see you

tomorrow, either here or ... you know where." She giggled. "Have a good and

playful night."

"I love you, too," Rey replied, a little annoyed but in good humor.

Donya laughed and got into her car. She honked briefly and drove out of the

parking lot onto the nearly deserted street. Now that her friend wasn't there

anymore she started to laugh. What an interesting night this was. On her way

home she pondered about what Rey might have thought up for herself. Surely it

had to be something that could go wrong and leave her in a desperate situation.

All the better that she decided to tell her about it.

When she got home she was still giggling from time to time. She toyed with the

idea to call Rey every once and again to see if she was still able to answer

the phone, but of course she did nothing like that. Instead she went into the

kitchen and fixed her evening meal. Laden with a plate full of hot soup, some

slices of toast and the newspaper she went back into the living room and sat

down at the table. While she ate she idly solved some squares in the crossword

puzzle. When she got bored with that she leaned back on the couch and turned on

the television. But she didn't find any interesting show to watch so she just

let her mind wander and relaxed a bit from the hard day and the work out at the

squash center.

Donya woke with a start. The television was still running and showed a bad

excuse for a soap opera. The raccoon groaned and stretched her muscles. Slowly

she rose and went over into the kitchen to get herself something to drink but

there was nothing left in the fridge. "This keeps getting better," Donya

growled and shook her head to clear the mist before her eyes. With a deep sigh

she decided to go out and buy some bottles of lemonade. She went back into the

living room and took her purse out of her sports bag. When she looked inside

something fell out and hit the floor with a soft tinkle. It was the key Rey had

given her.

Instantly a thought came up in her mind. She looked at the wall clock. Two

thirty, Rey would be in the middle of her little game by now. But wouldn't this

be a violation of her friend's privacy? Probably, yes. She put the key back

into her purse, made sure that she had enough money and got dressed. A few

minutes later she was on her way, driving to the small shop at the other end of

the district.

It didn't take her long to get a few bottles of lemonade and get back to her

car, after she had reached the shop. Still, she didn't feel like going home

again. The thought about her friend and her unknown game didn't leave her; she

just /had/ to find out at least something about that. Well, if nothing else she

could drive by Rey's home, just to see if she had already turned off the light.

After all it was just a few miles from here. A little nervous she started the

engine and was on the road again.

When she reached her destination she stopped and got out of the car. The house

was dark and silent. Donya went around the building to have a look at the

bedroom window high above her. Nothing to see, either, so she probably was

asleep already or still engaged in her little game. The raccoon turned around

and went back to her car, sat on the driver's seat and stuck the key into the

ignition lock. A second later she pulled it out again, grabbed the key out of

her purse and left the car. Damn! Rey would kill her for this, but if she

didn't try to find out what was going on in there Donya would just die a

horrible death of curiosity.

It took her only a minute to reach the third floor and the door to Rey's flat.

She stuck the key into the lock and turned it silently. Fortunately the door

didn't make a noise, but her own heartbeat and her blood pounded and rushed in

her ears. Donya sneaked into the hallway and closed the door behind her without

a sound. Soft music was filling the air, originating from the bedroom door

ahead. Cautiously she tiptoed to the door and found it ajar. She pushed it open

a little and tried to peer into the dark room behind it. All she could see were

some tiny lights flickering in one corner of the room.

She bent forward a little, until she could stick her head into the room. Now

she saw the dark figure of her friend lying on the bed. Rey was obviously

enjoying herself, moaning deeply and breathing heavily. But Donya was

wondering, why she didn't move at all.

When her eyes had adjusted a little more, she could make out her friend lying

in a spread-eagled position on her bed, her front and hind paws tied to the

frame of the bed, even her tail was restrained. Donya saw some wires

originating from the device with the lights in the corner running to the bed.

She must have used one of her tech toys, although the raccoon couldn't think

about how it could help her with this.

Donya kept watching her friend for some time. Rey writhed and strained against

her bonds and it became pretty obvious that she had chained herself up securely

enough that she could not free herself. The raccoon swallowed hard at the

thought of being helplessly trapped like this. How was she going to get free

eventually? How long was she already lying here? Of course, she had given her

the keys to her flat but she said, this was only in case of emergency. Donya

kept staring at her friend who was just starting to moan loudly, and there was

another sound in the air; somewhere the faint buzz of a vibrator was audible.

It hadn't been there moments ago. So this little device obviously controlled

her pleasures in some kind of pattern. Typically Rey's tech head again. She

always strived for the highest possible impact.

Donya retreated from the door and went into the living room, partly to distract

herself from the sight in the bedroom, partly to think about, what she should

do next. Now that she knew what Rey was doing, she could as well get back into

her car and drive home. Tomorrow she would call her and find out if her little

adventure went through or if she needed help. But somehow this whole story

excited her more than she wanted to admit. Her friend was helpless, completely

at the mercy of anyone who would come to find her.

The raccoon sat down on the armrest of the couch and tried to make head or tail

of her thoughts. While she pondered she heard Rey moaning loudly from the

bedroom. Her blood rushed up and she felt the desire to join her friend nearly

overwhelming her. She looked around the room and saw a short rope lying on the

table in front of the television. As if she was in trance she stood up, went

over to the table and picked it up. It was smooth but strong, and she could see

that it had been tied to knots more than once. She experimentally wrapped it

around her wrist and tugged a few times. It felt good. 'Rey, you really should

pack away your toys after you played with them,' she thought with a wide grin.

Her decision was set.

With quick steps Donya left the living room and stood in the hallway. She took

a scarf from the coatrack and went to the bedroom door again. Rey's struggles

seemed to have stopped a little. She was just breathing heavily, moaning softly

under her breath. The sound of the vibrator was gone, too, so it really /was/

controlled automatically in some way. The raccoon felt herself getting aroused

again by the sight of her trapped friend lying before her. Silently, Donya

entered the room and crouched down, but Rey wouldn't be able to see her anyway,

even if she opened her eyes; she seemed too lost in herself. At this moment the

vibrator started to come to life again and Rey let out a long, husky moan of

pleasure. Donya suppressed her own moans of anticipation, this was just so


While she watched the vixen she tried to make out how this thing was working.

She already had found out that the little circuit board on the bedside table

was controlling the whole show. The wire between Rey's legs obviously supplied

the power for the vibrator, switching it on and off at whatever time intervals

she had chosen. Another two wires went to the headboard. One of them was

connected to a little metal thing, mounted high above the left wrist cuff. A

piece of string was tied there and - a key stuck to the underside of the

device. So this must be her release plan. The key would fall down when the

magnet was switched off. But did she know when this would happen? Donya was

pretty sure she didn't. The third wire went over to the other side of the bed

and the raccoon could not make out what it was for.

Suddenly the vibrator stopped and Rey struggled madly in her bonds. Obviously

it hadn't been enough to give her satisfaction. But at the same time she seemed

not to be able to give herself release. Donya was determined to find out how

she had set this whole thing up.

Cautiously she slipped onto the bed, keeping out of the field of vision. Rey

obviously had put on some perfume and it's fragrance heightened her own

arousal. The vixen seemed to notice that something was going on and Donya

quickly ducked.

"Who's there?" Rey asked. Her voice sounded rough, strained by constant moaning

"Donya? Is that you?"

The raccoon didn't answer. Now the time had come to live /her/ fantasy. She

reached out and wrapped her left paw around her friend's muzzle. Foxes were so

easy to shut up. Rey started to growl and scream in protest, she struggled in

her restraints but she was securely held down. Donya took the rope and wrapped

it a few times around the vixen's muzzle and tied it shut. Then she grabbed the

scarf, folded it up lengthwise once and quickly covered Rey's eyes, so she

couldn't see, who was there with her.

Rey struggled and tried to scream, all in vain. She had built the perfect trap

for herself and Donya was going to savor her domination for some time. The

raccoon left the bed and started to make loud rummaging noises, as if someone

was searching the house. Actually she was, but her search was limited to the

bedside table where she presumed she would find some more toys to play with.

Her search was rewarded. Inside she found a bag full of various sex tools and

she had to suppress a giggle. She never would have guessed!

She sorted through the stuff and found a nice looking strap-on dildo that had a

normal shaped phallus in the font and a plug of the same size on the inside of

the harness. Donya smiled and ran her paws over the smooth latex toy. Quickly

she rose and began to strip. Her own arousal had reached a level that didn't

allow rational thinking now. All she wanted was to pleasure her friend, while

she was enjoying her domination.

When she was naked she took out the bottle with lubricant and applied some of

it to the inner plug. Then she sat down on the floor, spread her legs and let

the plug slide into her, biting her lower lip to stifle her moans of pleasure.

Her paws were shaking a little, when she closed the straps around her hips and

over her tailbase. This thing felt really good. Slowly she came to her feet and

looked down for a moment at her suddenly changed body. She wrapped her paw

around the outer shaft and stroked it slowly, just like a man would do. It felt

nice, both to the touch of her paw and the motion the plug made inside her

while she moved it. She wondered, who her friend was playing with, that she had

such nice toys in her closet. Donya started to breathe more deeply and she

applied some of the lubricant to the outer shaft now, too.

Once again, the buzzing started and Rey groaned deeply. The raccoon climbed

back onto the bed again a few moments later, enjoying the feeling of the dildo

inside of her. The vixen was obviously trying to keep still but her paws

repeatedly clenched and opened, her arms strained against her cuffs, making

clanking noises while she fought. Donya tried to imagine how she must be

feeling at the moment; she was tied up helplessly, gagged and blindfolded, and

she knew there was somebody there with her. Softly she started to stroke the

fur on Rey's arms and belly. This caused the vixen to strain against her bonds

again, still to no avail.

Donya enjoyed the sight of her helpless friend and bent over to lick her muzzle

and nose quickly. The vixen breathed heavily and obviously tried to avoid the

contact. But there was nothing she could do. Donya was in control. The raccoon

let her paws slide over Rey's breasts and she felt the hard nipples under the

fur. So she still was enjoying her entrapment. Donya grinned and bent over to

move her tongue over the same spot. At the same time her paw wandered down to

the straps that covered her private parts. A small lock prevented access so she

just stroked over the belts, plucked at them a little and teased the bottom of

the vibrator.

She looked around and saw the keys lying on the bedside table. Donya took the

smallest of them and tried to unlock the straps. It opened without a problem

and the raccoon removed the power cord and folded the belts aside. Rey started

to struggle and screamed through her closed muzzle and her tail twitched

uselessly when the raccoon started to pull the vibrator out of her vagina. When

it finally was out she grinned widely and pushed it slowly up her friend's

tailhole. Rey whimpered in protest but she could do nothing to stop it. When

the vibrator was completely inside, Donya reconnected the wire and instantly

the buzzing resumed. The vixen groaned and writhed, and now it wasn't clear if

it was with pleasure or fear.

Moaning to herself Donya kneeled between Rey's legs, to both sides of her

outstretched tail. The emotions were taking over her mind and she started to

pant a little. With quick movements she lowered her strap-on to the vixen's

vagina and slowly started to push it in. The lubricant and the slick natural

juices made her penetration easy and smooth. Rey tugged against her bonds like

mad, making clanking noises against the clamps that held her wrists; there was

no escape. Donya knew that at this time her friend must be scared out of her

mind but she also knew that she was enjoying her predicament immensely.

Slowly she started to rock back and forth. The plug in her own vagina was

moving in the same rhythm as she was moving inside of Rey. The feelings were

incredible, the mixture of dominating and pure sexual excitement made her body

heat up more and more. She soon started to moan uncontrollably, moving to and

fro against the plug inside of her, and she knew that every stroke she felt was

also given to Rey. The vixen was obviously getting excited, too. Her breathing

started to match the thrusts and her moans became deeper and less frightened.

Again and again Donya slipped into her friend's body and soon she was moving so

fast as if she was making love to one of the males she had shared her bed with


Her climax hit her nearly at the same time as Rey let out a long moan. Her arms

started to get weak from supporting her weight for so long and she let herself

fall down on her friend's body, still writhing and moaning in sexual delight,

feeling the struggles and straining of the vixen under her. She finally became

still, enjoying the sensations of Rey's hot fur under her and the weak

movements that she made. Donya just lay there motionlessly for a few minutes

when she heard a soft tinkle. The magnet had finally released the key, and it

was now dangling just above Rey's paw.

Part III: Afterglow

Rey needed a moment to realize what the noise had been. She tried to reach out

and grip the key with her right paw but the stranger was faster. She moaned in

frustration and tried to beat her paws against the mattress. Suddenly the

tongue was back at her muzzle again, softly licking her flews. Then she felt

the ropes being untied and before she could even say a single word the stranger

started to kiss her passionately. With all her emotions still in full steam she

returned the kiss. Somehow she was certain now, that this was Donya. The wicked

little girl had sneaked into her flat to take advantage of her entrapment. Oh,

how she hated her for that. And at the same time she felt a burning desire to

be humiliated again.

Finally the kiss ended and Donya removed the blindfold. Rey blinked a few times

and recognized the face of her friend looking down at her, as she started to

speak, "So, this is your special?"

"Yes," Rey answered. "Obviously it was a little special to you, too."

"Definitely." Donya stroked her face with her paw. "You know ... I could get

used to this kind of game."

"You mean, you want to do this again?"

"Yes, if you'd like to."

Rey smiled happily. "Of course I do." They kissed again for some time, their

tongues dancing about each other while they let the heat of the afterglow

slowly fade away. When they broke the kiss, Rey looked at the bedside table and

tried to decipher the LCD of her watch. "Four o'clock?" she exclaimed in horror

and started to writhe in her restraints again. She had nearly forgotten that

she was still chained securely to her bed. "I have to get up in two hours! How

should I get enough sleep now? Please, give me the key."

"No, I don't think I'm going to do that."

"Donya, you can't do this to me! Let me out!"

Donya smiled devilishly. "But I like it much more when you're all tied up and

helpless!" The raccoon looked into her eyes with a thoughtful expression. "You

know, I think you should call in sick today," she went on. "You could just tell

them, that you're not able to leave bed."

The End