Unbroken Bonds: Chapter 2

Story by High_Ace on SoFurry

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Second course, hope it's OK. As usual any comments are apreciated


"Get out of bed, you'll be late for your first day of school!" blared Kathryn, mother of mine. I rubbed my still bleary eyes and stretched long and hard. I was never that good at getting up, after all, who is? A second shout from mum warned me that I was running short on time. I forced myself out of bed and fumbled my way into a newly brought uniform, checking through my head to make sure I had everything: Paper, tick, Pencils, tick, Pens, tick, Bag, tick, Calculator, tick, Tie, ... shit.

I panicked briefly as I searched around the room, looking desperately for some sign of where I may have placed my tie. Finally in the corner of my eye I saw a glint of silver, my tie! I darted towards it, too conscious of the fact that my mother was probably pacing up and down the hallway, planning what to say to me once I got down. I quickly wrapped the black and silver tie around my collar, referring to the mirror to ensure I didn't make any major mistakes, my juvenile ruff, poking noticeably out, caused a slightly ruffled appearance.

I flew down to the ground floor, anticipating a response from my mother I had heard so many times that, in our house at least, it had become a cliché.

"Your breakfast is COLD!" Bang on time.


Kelly interrupted the flow of the story to request a second vesper and to criticise Urban's style of storytelling.

"We all know what you did in your house that morning. I doubt there are many twelve year olds who wouldn't get up in almost exactly the same way next thing you'll be giving us details of how you jacked off in the bathroom!" Kelly quite definitely knew how to hit a guy where it hurt, not just in a metaphorical sense either. Urban had accepted long ago that Kelly would never let him live down that little experience at their first sleepover. So with a slight blush he responded.

"If you really want me too..." giving the threat time to be registered by all parties involved, before continuing once sure he wouldn't get any talk back this time. " ... moving on quickly then. I got to school with only a mild telling-off, and was immediately shown my timetable"


"Hmm. Double history followed by sex-ed. How fun." I drily remarked before examining the rest of the set lessons for the day. Double chemistry, not too bad, I liked the teacher. Then we had lunch, something I always had time for. Finally the day finished with triple games, my least favourite subject. I liked exercise; don't get me wrong, I'm one of those people who gets a kick out of that sort of thing. It's just when it comes to team sports I tend to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, I never really feel the game, I just run around hoping no-one notices me and cheer if my side's winning. I would absent myself to the gym for that bit.

Back to reality I remembered that the third lesson on the timetable was sex-ed, who the hell thought that it was a good idea to place sex-ed on the same day? It was pure madness. If any adult thought that a horde of horny teenagers could be made to behave sensibly in a changing room after THAT sort of lesson then they were mad. It was a bit like leaving a pair of rabbits alone for a year and saying "well that was unexpected" when you find ten times as many as you started with. It just didn't make sense.

The first two periods passed fairly uneventfully, the history teacher fitting every stereotype ever conceived, a ram older than the bible and more boring too. He actually fell asleep during his own lecture. However after the bell rang I realised what was coming next: sex-ed. I knew without any doubt that these lessons served no better purpose than to entertain the more childish amongst the class. Most children old enough to be interested in the subject matter will have already researched and experimented everything that the teacher could mention and some extras on top of that. Any damage was already done.

As the class filed into the clinical white room I cast a glance around and caught some important pieces of information. Firstly a large was set up, this made it quite clear that we were about to watch a rebranded porno, probably something like: 'Sex: made clear', 'The birds and the bees havin' fun' or my personal favourite 'Things that really go 'bump' in the night.' This was surprising for the first lesson, but perhaps excusable as I joined a year late and this was in fact the second year. Secondly there were no teachers in the room; it seemed that the process had become automated so as to avoid embarrassing the staff. Finally I noticed a cute (not in that way) little otter boy looking nervous, casting glances side to side. I noticed his discomfort and tried to lighten the mood somewhat by making a cheap joke. "At least they let us keep our clothes, eh?" It didn't help.

Finally the video began to play, and let me tell you, it was pretty hardcore stuff. I wondered for a second whether we had the wrong video. However this belief was quickly dispelled when the narrator (Stephen Fry of all people) started explaining the process. I surveyed the otter boy next to me, noticing that he was rather red in the face, I glanced down towards his crotch and my suspicions were confirmed. He had an erection. This wouldn't normally have been a problem as I am perfectly comfortable with that sort of situation. Unfortunately the otter was quite well developed and the bulge showed up very well amidst the folds of his trousers, he looked like he was in great discomfort, perhaps even pain. I did what any well feeling boy would have done. It's amazing how badly wrong things can go from one unexpected turn of events. Even more surprising are the opportunities that accompany every failure and embarrassment. Had I not done what I was about to do my life may well have been very different to what it is now. I whispered in his ear. "You might want to go to the toilet to deal with that." A most innocuous statement that could only cause excitement in an individual of exceedingly nervous disposition. The otter was however clearly excited by the feeling of my breath in his ear, he started shaking like a volcano about to erupt, his eyes widening with shock. He tried to keep his mouth closed, but stood no chance against the fiendish plans of Time and Fate. And so it was that with a primeval roar the otter heaved, and succumbed to the temptation of release. He came.


"You can be so bloody dramatic at times" complained Kelly, putting to the side the remains of her fourth and final vesper "according to my inside resources he barely moved during the course of the event" Urban scowled, he disliked having his fun interfered with.

"It was enough" he responded, more than slightly put off by Kelly's claims of exaggeration. "Anyway It's your turn to tell the story next" he finished.

"Fine, fine, someone get me some of what he's having." Referring of course to Urban's champagne. "I feel we're getting rather too close to dinner" Once she had her drink ready, she began.


No offence is meant to Stephen Fry I just thought his voice would be entertaining in a porno.

(I did this in one session and am now very tired) Comments wanted!

Expect Chapter 3 by Monday.

P.S. this better count as M/solo and not M/M