Thorough Testing

Story by The Brain of Lazarus on SoFurry

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Ahh friends, it's been a bit too long. And I return with wolfs, butts, military wolf butts, and deserts. And one really grumpy fox.

Granted this piece feels a bit rusty and a touch rushed in places, but nice to get back in the groove.

This piece takes place after "Field Test," so if you don't know what the hell is going on, that's a good start!

Thorough Testing

By The Brain of Lazarus

The review room was a place of static dread. Pale light washed over a colorless floor amidst a sharp, cold air. The seats were uncomfortable and hard. There were no windows, only four walls with only a single distinct green door to apply "character" to the otherwise lifeless cube.

Lanzfelt every inch of him clench. His breath was short, his heartbeat wild, and the compliance collar felt mercilessly tighter than usual.

He was seated, and in front of him, a figure pooled over a thin stack of papers. His long ears sagged with age but his eyes were wide, bulbous, and a sickened pink. A thin, fear inducing smile stretched his features.

"Your attendance has been nothing but exemplary, Anda."

There was no need to prescribe lofty terms like "doctor" or "engineer" despite one's expertise. Lanz was nothing to but another tool to Facility Nineteen.

Lanz twitched a nod. "Thank you."

He studied his counterpart, "Head of Resources and Census Esther Morris," a dreadful rabbit of dreary complexion and thin physique, with nervous concern. No creature was more frightening among the geneticists, engineers, and soldiers at the Facility.

Page flip. Bulbous eyes scanned the top of the next document. "Oh, but it's not surprising. One of our brightest attentive and alert? Goes without saying."

The rabbit's finger slowly lingered on every line and snippet of data present on the sheets. Each river of text was read and contemplated in that wicked mind, seeking error, looking for "oddities," anything that might dare break line from Facility Nineteen's behavioral conditioning.

"Ah, but, we noticed some unusual patterns over the past week or so."

Esther's gaze rose, his body leaning forward.

Lanz froze. His tail, typically a flickering metronome, went rigid.

"Oddly, around seven PM, for the past weeks, your vitals were showing a rapid increase in heart rate, typically beyond the recommended level, an hour before curfew."

Esther tapped his chin. "In fact, these BPM levels were well beyond anything reasonable, and they only occurred for a few seconds. But it's so strange to see that level of consistency, night in-and-out. You haven't been experiencing problems, have you dear Anda?"

The rabbit offered a smile, but it looked twisted and malformed. Lanz shook his head.

"No, no, none. I can't think of why it's happening." The fox's fingers curled on the edge of his seat, his tongue going dry.

Esther gave an exaggerated shrug. "Ahh, technology. Troublesome, isn't it?" A cold chuckle.

"It is."

"Because of course, we've seen patterns like those before."

"But they only occur when individuals are - oh what was it - ah, tampering with their compliance collar."

Lanzfelt his heart race, and he cursed himself silently. Everything he did was a danger to himself, even the way he breathed. If they picked up on it. . .

Esther laughed. "I know, utterly ridiculous isn't it? My office sees it when compliance training isn't in affect yet or, well, traitorous individuals are attempting some form of escape."

The rabbit's smile vanished. He stared at Lanz for a long while. "You're a smart man, Anda. I know this must be so insulting, to even suggest you would try to leave our dignified home."

Lanz tried to think of something, anything to say. Did he know? What was he getting at? What did he want?

"And of course, you of all us know how severethe penalties are for attempts of sabotage, escape, and betrayal. But yet, even with all that, there are still those who attempt to flee!"

Esther slapped the table. "Can you believe it? It's quite insane really."

"It is," replied Lanz quickly. "I'll double check and get the engineers to a do a full reset. Diagnostics too just to be sure."

The fox swore internally. All that work, all the care, gone.

Esther beamed. There was no image more hideous than his delighted face.

"Oh, could you? Because I am so eager to put these rumors back at Census to rest. I won't stand for foul accusations, that 'Lanz Anda has been attempting modifications of his compliance collar'."

"They are indeed ridiculous, sir."

The rabbit returned to his place on the document. "Besides that," he continued without looking up, "I'm quite proud of your monthly results, Anda."

"Truly beautiful work with your latest K-4 model. The tragic failings of K-1 were excellent learning experiences, were they not?"

Lanz bristled. His teeth clenched. "Yes."

"Indeed! Failure is a beautiful thing. We learn so much from it. And it didn't take long for her performance to improve, this K-4. Her average three-hundred kilo participation lift increased by almost fifty units this week. She seems inspired."

Lanz waited. His stomach churned at the idea of Esther scouring through KAREN's physical records and attributes.

"Likely because of that barbaric 'commune' ritual you Caretakers have to participate in."

Lanz blinked. "What?"

The rabbit waved his hand in continuous theatric fashion. "Oh it's so primal. It perplexes me. I was watching you very closely the night of the Biologic Division's successful trial."

Esther began to laugh once more, while Lanz could only listen with a mix of dread and shame.

"I'll never understand it. It's like laying with an animal, yes? Ah, but whatever increases performance. The greater good of Facility Nineteen demands extreme measures, I suppose."

Lanz'shands clenched ever harder, to the point he could almost draw blood. The concept of those diseased, reddened eyes watching with intent as he and KAREN. . .

No. No dammit, no. He wouldn't let this get to him.

Esther clicked his tongue, flipping over the documents once more. "Well, enough of all that. I'm quite satisfied. I believe you have engagements elsewhere, Anda, so I'll let you get to them. Just see to that collar - we don't want to take any extreme measures for a technical error, right?"

The fox's gaze was downcast, tongue dry, soaking in anger. "Yes."

"Good man," said Esther, in a tone which was like congratulating a pet. The thin rabbit stood briskly, closing the folder and going to door.

He took his time, not saying a word. Then.

"You know, one day perhaps I'll have to see why every Caretaker is so eager to 'commune' with their beasts. You wouldn't mind loaning K-4 to help me with my hypothetical research, would you Anda?"

Lanz'shead shot up, staring at the rabbit. Though the creature that called itself Esther Morris was not looking at the fox, no doubt there was a wicked smile twisting his visage.

"Ah, but of course, if we can't get that collar situation settled I might have to surrogate such a position until an apt replacement is found. A complicated situation, needless use of resources for something so small, yes Anda?"

The rabbit went to the pale green door, which eventually slid open. Without turning, he continued.

"Remember Anda: freedom is chaos. Look at the world and look and what freedom did for it."

Without a farewell, the thin Census head vanished, door shutting like an impromptu prison.


They were only seconds. Microcosms of moments briefly introduced into an inaccessibly complex security system, probing for any weakness. Like chiseling at a mountain with a knife.

He had been so cautious, discrete. Why now, dammit?

Lanzwas adrift with frustrated thoughts, cursing himself, suffering humiliation of taunts and threats, under Esther. The damned rabbit. No. He was a demon wearing the skin of someone else. There was no other way to think of him.

The fox had done everything he could to make sure his attempted breaks into the compliance collar were quick, and for a while, they went unnoticed. But yet now, of all times, the Census took notice of his actions.

Perhaps it was his recent success with KAREN's optimal performance during the field test which shoved him in the spotlight. What else could it be? Unless Esther knew all this time,] and was simply amused at Lanz's attempts to break through the collar's security.

The walk to the briefing hangar felt especially long now. Every step down the cold halls of Facility Nineteen was just reminders of Lanz's casual imprisonment.

He did his best to shake it off. There were obligations ahead.

The briefing hangar was an unusual specimen in the ergonomics at Facility Nineteen, as it was designed purely for what the name suggested. There were several security barriers and guards to check through before getting to it, all entering in a large room with multiple exit points to the person's actual destination.

The Facility was quite paranoid about where its members went, as each exit lead to an especially dangerous part of the site. Armory, soldier deployment, drones, and transportation were in separate hangers of their own, but administrators would be damned if unauthorized personnel got there by "mistake." Thus, every path was micromanaged to the brim with security and precautions.

However, the fox got through the checkpoints without trouble, though each was still especially intrusive.

Eventually, he reached the central hub to the briefing hangar, a nexus where other facility staff received final approval before moving into their appropriate channels.

It was a strangely busy area, in contrast to the Bio-Divison'squiet halls, where a mass of laborers, soldiers, and autonomous military machines bustled through checkpoints. This was the throat before the mouth, the closest one might get to the real "outside" at Facility Nineteen.

He was uncomfortable enough from the review, so Lanzdidn't linger. At the central hub, a hive of screens showing distribution routes constantly scrolling by, he found his own name and noted the set path.

Under massive lettering entitled "CURRENT DEPLOYMENT," his name appeared, "active" flashing in green. Under that was another destination: "EXTERNAL OPERATIONS."

He blinked. Did he misread?

Ignoring the hustle of nearby personnel, he stepped closer, staring at the screen to the point his eyes began to strain.

No, he wasn't hallucinating. External Operations was indeed next to his name.

For a moment, he forgot about his previous review. His heart skipped a beat and he almost smiled. External deployment was a complex way of saying "missions outside the Facility." No, they were not known to glamorous or comfortable. And of course, to stifle even the concept of freedom, those on operations were heavily monitored during their leave.

But it was still out there. It was not this place. It was not the incessant drone of procedures, statistics, and plans. The world - for all its emptiness - was its own.

Lanzlooked about, as if this were some kind of mistake and as if someone might tell him to return to quarters. But no such thing happened. Loud machines rolled by and orders were indicated through PA, but nothing else.

So he went.

With renewed spring in his step, Lanzmade it past "corridor sixteen" which eventually lead him to the deployment hangar, though first he needed his orders. It hadn't even dawned on him what this was about.

The sounds of the hub died away and soon he was going through another hallway. Eventually, he came to a large blast door, monitored by autonomous guards and one staff.

A small, young mouse with big eyes and bigger glasses glanced as he approached, a face lit with blue behind kiosk.

"Lanz Anda of Bio-Division 3E, Project Specialist 'Kilamanjaro' and one of the lead genetic engineers," announced the mouse.

"Erm," started Lanz. "Yes?"

The mouse began typing furiously at his system.

"Yes. You're late. Deployment is at 1400. Please meet with Commander Vess past these doors and you'll get your briefing."

Without another word the doors groaned and slowly opened, as Lanz went through with little clarity.

The actual hangar was impressive in its scope, to say the least. It was hard to believe Facility Nineteen was so expansive, and indeed, the home of several transportation craft and other weapons rested at the "external operations" finger of the whole hand.

The young genetic engineer could not have felt more out of place. This was an area of hard metal and killing machines, not soft-furred scientists. But, there was nothing else Lanz could do, so he sought out for the commander. It did not take long to see her.

She was immediately recognizable. A silver fox twenty years Lanz'ssenior stood near an air carrier, sable gray fur coupled with dark military uniform. One side of her muzzle was a sinew of scars winding up to her ear, though her complexion was still that of a dignified combatant.

So overcome with details and supposed lateness, Lanz hurried over, though he had expected something a bit more formal.

"Dr. Anda," the vulpine called as he approached.

He quickened his pace and nodded apologetically. "Ah yes, yes, sorry, I didn't realize I was on the clock."

The vixen immediately lashed him with her gaze. "I'd have you skinned for tardiness if you were one of mine, doctor. But, my superiors were sucking your metaphorical dick over the bio's latest weapons, so I'll let it slide."

He could not tell if it was sarcasm, but then again, Lanz never could figure things around here.

"I don't follow. Ah. I wast just in review and-"

She raised a hand. "Don't care how long our beloved lord Morris was up your ass. No excuses. Only warning. You can kiss my cunt later, but from now on, I head this rodeo. I'm your god - commander Vess - until this ops is done."

Lanz felt himself droop, nodding. He didn't know what that implied, but didn't dare speak up in protest.

She banged on the carrier behind her, signaling it to open.

"We're on deployment for Kazistaal. This is an operation of corporate sabotage paid for in part by the big dicks at Solomon and Harris. You're on board because the heads at SEC demanded the illustrious K4 project and everything you cocked around be part of this mission. I'm here because I get to play babysitter. Fun."

The information blindsided Lanz, as was routine for everything in the damn Facility. K4? They had gotten KAREN? Without him knowing?

"What do you mean K4?" he bristled, finding some renewed vigor. "I wasn't informed about anything like that."

The door for the carrier hissed and started to shift.

She shrugged. "Well tough tits. The order came in this morning. Two units from 'project Kilamanjaro,' K4 and K5, combined with a small arms team of Bio-goons. Wolf Sisters? Whatever. I didn't make the call. God knows I didn't want it. But here we are."

Lanz was dizzy. "Wh- what?"

K5 was an entirely separate project. Built from the same templates as her predecessor but not tested and not overseen by any of Lanz's expertise.

Unimpressed, the commanding officer turned. She was not interested - nor likely even aware - of the various Bio-Division politics involved.

"We'll suit you up in here," Vess said with a gesture to the carrier.

Lanz had a hundred questions going through his mind, but knew answers wouldn't come.


A strange concoction of tiredness, confusion, and excitement settled over Lanzfor most of the trip. He couldn't even fathom the distances traveled in the hull of the aircraft transport, but felt thrilled how every second put him farther away from Facility Nineteen.

Then again, he was still reeling from his review with Esther Morris, and, a little anxious that KAREN was in some place he didn't know about. On top of that, this K5 debacle put him on edge. Last time the fox checked, K5 production was still in tissue-integrity stages.

Along the way, Igris got him up to speed on all the other details, much to her chagrin. The operation was small, split between Lanz, herself, an entourage of Wolf Sisters, and the K Units. Igris was there to oversee success of the sortie, and Lanz was here to ensure orders were followed by the projects Kilimanjaro.

Lanz remembered asking a few questions, like how long the mission might take or where the K-Units were. Short answers to each. Less than 72 hours. On another shuttle. Stop asking.

What felt like a fever dream of time and anxiety came to an abrupt halt as the carrier lurched and groaned. Quite abruptly, it began to make for a landing, in a place Lanz did not know.

It did not take long for the craft to find its mark. When it did, landing doors hissed opened and hot air rushed over Lanz, exacerbated by his standard military grade fatigues and Kevlar.

Blinding light ushered through the craft. Wordlessly, Igris unfastened herself. Lanz followed suit, though in clumsier fashion.

Kazistaalwas a place as alien as the name. One scorching plate of jagged red rocks and dives of hard desert. What it was before, who lived here, all that was gone to memory.

Lanz, however, was thrilled to see it. Stepping out in the free, open air, he met the cloudless sky and scornful sun with a sense of great joy. He breathed deep. His fox senses picked up he rusty smell of ancient earth. A light, whispering wind rolled over motionless rocks. A sea of burning colors stretched out before him, punctuated only by what was a small assortment of strange shapes far in the distance.

For the briefest of seconds, Lanz forgot about his compliance collar, Facility Nineteen, the sortie, everything.

"Quit cocking around, doc, we need to go."

Igris' harsh voice broke him out of trance. Soon, he was following the vixen as they marched.

"Where are the others?" Lanz asked, struggling to keep up.

"Your beasts are at camp, up ahead."

There was noted agitation in her tone, so Lanz said nothing else.

"Up ahead," however, was a strangely loose definition. The camp was not visible until at least half an hour later, tucked away behind several massive, jagged rocks, with a few tents and various supplies surrounding it.

By this time, Lanz was panting furiously, though his ears perked and eyes widened to seek out the K-Units supposedly there.

At first all he saw were the various green tents positioned across the hot earth. Here and there, large Wolf Sisters stood guard or minded specific asks. Some were armed, but considering their stature and genetically enhanced strengths, it seemed superfluous.

When the two reached the camp, they were greeted by one of the guards and ushered ahead.

Igris directed Lanzto the largest tent, centerpiece to the rest. "We've had your beasts on standby here. Couldn't get this damn ops going until you showed up, so let's not waste time."

Pulled along by things out of his control, Lanz helplessly tagged along into the tent, where he was met with slightly cooler air and a familiar figure.

The tent was particularly tall to accommodate the staggering size of KAREN, as Sisters were more prone to stand than sit. For a moment, Lanzforgot this, heart skipping a beat as eyes adjusted to the dimmer tent light, a figure of pitch black fur and long hair greeting his eyes.

Despite what she was designed for, K4 beamed like a puppy seeing a long lost friend.


Lanzcouldn't hold back an exclamation, features brightening, notable relief in his tone. He went to her, quite briskly, and wrapped his arms around waist, cheek nestling in abdomen. Interestingly enough, the large wolfess was in a form-hugging suit, a protective mesh Lanz didn't recognize.

"Caretaker! It is you!"

Training kept KAREN still, but she still looked down with a playful grin.

Lanzreturned a genuine smile. "It's me. I'm sorry I couldn't find you! I didn't know where. . . when did you get here? Are you all right?"

KAREN tilted her head, confused by the concept of 'harm.' "I am fine."

"I have been with new Sister. We were waiting, told you would come soon. For fighting somewhere else?"

Lanz nodded, though he wasn't entirely sure himself. "You were with your Sisters this whole time?"

KAREN let her tail wiggle a little. "Yes."

Another pang of relief washed over Lanz. The Wolf Sisters were bonded closely, or so he could tell, and like a pack they maintained strength in numbers.

And then the hanging detail hit him. "New Sister."

Without even realizing, to his right was the mysterious K5 Lanz was only aware of moments ago. It was a strange, illuminating moment once he saw her.

She was complete, formed and shapely, just as KAREN. A built wolfesswith delicate indications of muscle coupled with generous proportions. Wide of hips, fat bottomed, big breasted, yet designed with a killing intent.

Like KAREN, she was in a sort of mesh body-suit. Her fur, what little Lanzcould see, was a sandy-beige. Long, brown hair tossed over her shoulders and piercing green eyes accompanied her wolfish features. She was nearly a dead-ringer for K4.

A quick salute. "Sir! Unit K5 of Project Kilimanjaro reporting! It's a pleasure to meet you, sir!"

Lanz rubbed his head. The fox wasn't expecting this level of formality, ears raising.

"Ah, yes," he replied, looking her over. "It's good to meet you, ahm. What was your designation?"

Still saluting, she blinked. "K5, sir!"

Perplexing, Lanz thought. She didn't even have a designation yet.

"She is good Sister," KAREN added. "Strong like us!"

Lanz was glad that they were getting along, at least.

"Well. . . I hope to learn all about you, K5. Um, at ease?"

Immediately, the sandy-hued wolfess dropped her hand.

"Is that all?" Igris said. "This operation is taking place tonight. We have strict deadlines, and I don't aim to get flogged because you lot don't have the experience for this."

Lanzdidn't respond immediately. He felt warm. He glanced from K-4 to K-5. He studied them, eyes roaming over their shapely, but muscular features. Busts bigger than his head accompanied by plump hips wide as the day, all combined into a curvaceous - but deadly - figure. They might have been killing machines, but they were still very wolfess women.

What was it Lanz suddenly felt? Was it the free, clean air of Kazistaal? The confining nature of his Kevlar and uniform? The hot, relentless sun?

How long had it been since the Field Test? Over three weeks, his mind answered. Three weeks of watching, guiding, observing, but never a private moment with KAREN.

Even the concept of being watched by Esther faded. He could hardly feel the compliance collar.

He faced Igris, vigor in his tone. "I need to conduct some preparation tests before the operation. They're mandatory."

Igris scowled. "What? Doc, I don't have ti-"

"They're mandatory," Lanzrelented. "The faster I get through them the faster I can approve these two for field duty. It's what I'm here for, right? And I don't want to file a report that my progress was impeded on the K-Units first active mission."

Hands to hips, Igris peered at the trio. Would that the senior vixen was not bathing in aggravation, she might have respected Lanz's clever threat.

"Thirty minutes."

The fox felt his mind race. Yes, thirty minutes. That would do nicely.

"It's done," he submitted.

The vixen studied him, glancing at the others with a hint of annoyance. Then, wordlessly, she vacated the tent, and Lanz allowed himself a small smile.

"Inspection?" K5 spoke up. "Sir! I believe I am operating at full capacity!"

KAREN too looked a touch perplexed. "We need tests?"

Making sure Igris was indeed gone, Lanz glanced between them. "Oh, we do."

Within himself, he felt a rising hunger. An animalistic want surging through his blood, a liquid fire igniting his flesh and mind. He felt, for once, at power here. No one watching, no procedures to follow. Just him and his wolves.

"I haven't communed with her, KAREN," he said to the darker wolfess quite bluntly. "And as far as I know, you two haven't even worked together. How can I send you on the field like that?"

K4's eyes widened briefly, and she flushed beneath deep black fur. She glanced to the "new Sister" uncertainly, nibbling her muzzle lip.

"Rrgg, here? Now?"

It was less to question Lanz, and more to confirm it.

"Sir!" K5 piped up again. "I am prepared! My obligation is to you!"

Lanz watched the other carefully. The slightest movement caused her frothy breasts to wobble beneath the form-hugging suit.

"Do you know what communing is?" he asked. KAREN rumbled with a growling chuckle.

K5 looked puzzled. "No sir."

The fox rubbed his chin. "But you'll follow my orders, specifically?"

She nodded. "Of course! We are genetically predisposed to obey you, are we not sir?"

Lanzshuddered. Amidst the confines of Facility Nineteen, he was used to acting as the plaything for forces outside his understanding. Beaten with schedules, procedures, and monitoring. But out here, yes, he tasted freedom. And he knew what he wanted.

Hearing that K5, a wolfess he had not met, far larger than he, designed for killing, was at his beck and call was. . . exhilerating.

He was, after all, still an animal.

Possessively, he let his hands wrap around KAREN's waist - or struggle to - and firmly squeeze the excessive, ample rump hidden beneath military body-suit.

"KAREN. . . I need to commune with her. And I want you to help. Like with LIN, remember?"

The wolfessrumbled with an approving growl. Her tail wagged as she felt the fox nuzzle her tummy, and her hips slightly swayed under grip of his greedy hands.

Lanz's military uniform was starting to feel more uncomfortable by the second. But whether or not he truly needed to commune was not the issue.

K5 watched, somewhat shocked, watching Lanz's advancing palms. "I. . . sir?"

"I don't know what you're wearing," Lanz said to KAREN, "But get it off! I need to see you again. All of you!"

It was likely quite impractical to remove a suit built for combat, but Lanz didn't care. He didn't care that any Wolf Sister or even Igris might waltz right back in the tent. All that mattered was this.

K5 gasped. "Suit removal? But sir, she would be. . ."

KAREN gaven an approving smirk. "It is uncomfortable."

Twisting a small dial which was positioned at the neck of the suit, like a collar, the material hissed and sagged. Suddenly, the entire thing went limp, sliding off of the black wolfess' form, as she pulled it away.

Immediately, her fat tits bounced and wobbled free, sloshing and clapping together as her delightful dark nips swung into view. The "fabric" fell to the ground, passed her generous hips, heavy thighs, and buxom bottom, a body of both muscle and womanly shape exposed to the Kazistaal air.

"Oh. . . she's. . ." K5 watched, own green eyes scanning over her Wolf Sister with part shock, and part intrigue.

The black furred wolfess stretched, her breasts jostling together as she did.

Lanz took eyefuls of the supple tits, reaching to gently grip one and cup its tremendous size.

"I think this is how you should be," he muttered. "All the time. Just you, strutting around in my quarters."

It was part truth and part lust. He found himself imagining a whole sordid mass of things now.

"I would like," said K4. "With Caretaker all the time."

"Is this. . . part of the test, sir?" K5 interjected, tone crumbling. "I did not realize, um."

"Almost," Lanz said hoarsely, eyes still on KAREN. "But I'm not sure what you can do. You need to be out of that uniform, though. Now."

K5 flushed, easily visible through her beige cheeks. But it was not from embarassment.

It was certainly amusing, upon their first meeting, that Lanz had things go this way. But ever since he first buried himself in KAREN's folds, there was no ending this primal fever.

And so, K5 wordlessly mimicked her Sister, the suit hissing loose and falling to the ground unceremoniously.

She was quite interesting without tethers. Delectable, rust-brown nips dotted her heavy tits and the slightest hint of pubic fur formed a welcoming muff below. Unlike KAREN, she lacked battle scarring, a clean slate of a wolfess.

Lanz smiled. "Beautiful."

KAREN growled with approval.

"I am. . . to your liking, sir?" Said K4, still blushing.


Desires flew wild with Lanz. His cock felt hungry, and his thoughts flashed with driving himself balls deep in both their soft cunts. But, he was a creative man, or at least he hoped to be, so he needed more.

"You still need a demonstration," Lanzwent on. Looking up to KAREN, he unfastened the confining buckles to his fatigues, something he was never comfortable with. Then, the briefs under it it, releasing his vulpine cock to the hot, free air, the flesh springing out with fresh enthuse.

K4 flushed and gave a small, excited yip. K5 on the other hand was speechless, though stared.

"Nng, KAREN, I've been aching for you. I need this. I need you to suck me again. I need you to worship every inch of me. Gods, I even took enhancements to make me bigger. Every night, every night I've missed it!"

Rushing, Lanz undid the kevlar and uniform as well. Didn't matter if he only had thirty minutes, this was happening.

The words rattled over the large wolfess, her ears perking with each. Her tail waggled with excitement, and K5 continued to turn a rosy red.

Looking down at the male, K4 growled with delight. "Caretaker IS bigger!"

Lanz was breathing faster, rubbing his mast, feeling it pulse to life with hungry blood. "It is. For you. Just for you. You deserve it."

He tapped the ground with foot. "Go, all fours. I need to see you on all fours."

Lanz looked to K5. "This is important, pay attention! Close attention!"

The massive dark-furred wolfesswas more than happy to oblige, her muscular-yet-supple frame shifting to the ground, as she went to all fours as a beast, akin to her genetic nature, hips waggling in submission.

It was quite a site for Lanzto see a powerful creature like KAREN look up to him with pure, complete obedience. More so to see that muzzle - perfect for rending prey - purse lips and press onto the tip of his cock with a warm kiss.

She did not use her hands, only wrapped soft maw around the first inch, eyes looking up, seeking approval, growling with enthuse as she lightly bucked her form forward and back. Her heavy bosoms jostled slightly with each motion, a coaxing reminder of how generous her womanly bits really were.

Lanz groaned, hissing through teeth. "That's good, gods, that's good."

K5 was beside herself, but as instructed, watched intently as her pack sister serviced the first inch of Lanz's enhanced cock.

The fox took his hand and ran it through KAREN's silky black hair, taking his shaft free of her oral grip. Excitedly he pressed the tip of his flank into her cheek, outright shoving it into the soft fur, smacking his flesh against her like a battering ram. K4 was taken a little off guard, but growled with approval, enjoying the sudden 'thuds' of malehood against face.

Lanz surprised even himself, leading the wolfess' nose with his tip, driven by lewd desires and crass wants. He'd shove his crown against her muzzle lips, but nothing else, letting the bellend glide over her sticky maw as lips dragged along it.

"Rrrr, Caretaker likes?"

He nodded. "It's everything I want."

KAREN nuzzled the tip, then glanced over to the still staring, still blushing K5, in a possessive manner.

"This is what I need from you, K5," Lanz said, looking to the other as KAREN once again suckled at the vulpine's cock-tip.

The sandy-hued wolfess blinked uncertainly, but her genetic code instinctively wired her to follow orders.

"You want me to. . . do what she is doing, sir?"

Lanz nodded. "On all fours, just like her."

Perhaps K5 had expected her first commands from a Caretaker to be along the lines of combat. Never did she expect to use her mouth for servicing hismalehood.

But she did not hesitate, finally moving, the busty wolfesssauntered over in disciplined fashion, her trained strut causing wobbly wolf tits to jostle gently, until she mimicked her Sister's posture.

For a moment, Lanzdrank in the site. The two massive creatures were side by side, fighting for space, their fat full rumps wobbling together, bumping hips. KAREN flushed, casting her fellow pack-mate an intrigued look, while K5 had locked onto Lanz's erect flank. It twitched hungrily between the pair, their soft, awaiting lips but an inch from his lustful flesh.

He pet them both, if not possessively. How could he not? Even K5, a project he had no oversight over was built from his original genetic templates, and was willing to follow his order. That was enough.

"Is this communing, sir?" K5 said, looking up with submissive eyes.

"Not quite," Lanz responded. "Just follow KAREN's lead."

KAREN's ears flicked. She understood.

At once, the dark furred wolfess ran her tongue across the side of Lanz's aching length. Her long, doggish rug lapped gingerly against the searing flesh, made hotter by the Kazistaalair. She did so without hands, bucking herself against the thick mast, whimpering with delight each time her muzzle pressed against Lanz's foxhood.

The fox allowed himself a soft breath, watching as the enormous wolfess paid him service. She slurpledloudly across his mast, pushing the flesh into her maw, gulping the enhanced cock until it buried itself into her throat, wiggling hips as she did.

K5 was extremely attentive, face flushing all the same. But she learned, absorbing every motion, lick, and kiss with observant enthuse.

Lanz pet through her brown hair. "You'll do what she does, right?"

Looking up again, amidst KAREN's loud, sloppy suckles, she nodded. "Yes sir, I will."

"Show me," he continued. "K4, let her have a go."

Grumbling, the dark-furred wolfessreleased the shaft with a loud, smacking 'pop,' saliva trailing from lips to tip. She flashed her sister a competitive glance, curious to see just how skilled K5 was.

At first, K5 did not move, as if struggling to decide how to best replicate the lewd acts of her fellow pack mate. But, with sudden vigor, muzzle leapt forwards, longingly suckling the first inch of Lanz'sflank. She mumbled, excited at the strange flavor of male fox, while a hand came to massage his testes. She didn't know why, precisely, but some base instinct told her his stones were just as important.

Lanzgasped all the same, as K5 went to quick work enveloping his girth with her warm, soft lips. She bucked on his inches, much like KAREN, gulping down his length into the confines of her throat, hips swaying as she did. K4, in the meanwhile, rumbled with envy, watching her new Sister feast on Lanz's length.

"That's, nff, impressive," admitted Lanz, much to K4's shock.

Not to be outdone, KAREN proceed to lick where K5's muzzle was not. Her own tongue greedily licked and lapped at the sides of Lanz's flesh, the male responding with pleased groans.

Suddenly, they changed. K5 released Lanz from her suckling grip and she stared at her Sister.

"I do not need help!"

KAREN responded with a low growl. "I am better."

For a moment, Lanz felt a pang of fear, for, he was between too creatures capable of rending metal like butter.

However, his fears were quickly put to rest, as their competitive nature evolved into a fight for cock. Each began suckling gingerly, attempting to take the full size of Lanzinto their maw and apply a vigorous round of head bobs, only to have the other shove and do the same. Between the two kissing, mouthing, and growling, Lanz's flesh was bouncing between them like a perverted tennis match.

"Girls," he started, growing more lustful by the second. "There are. . . better ways to see how you work together."

The tent, fortunately, was supplied with a few basics for planning. Granted, it was likely never considered whether or not the present table would be used for two massive wolfesses.

Realizing that time was valuable and he was erupting with desire, he pointed to it. "There."

Both looked up at him, interrupted.

"The table. Bend over the table and we'll see what you can do."

There was a pause. But, KAREN, wanting to show herself the dominant wolf, leapt up, cracking the earth as she did. Looking over, she understood what Lanz had meant. With a grin and amused growl, the black wolfessturned and waltzed to the table, fat buttocks jiggling with each step. Then, she pushed out rump, letting the fox get an eyeful of her delightful backside.

K5 refused to be outdone, at least not with her first meeting. She wasn't quite sure what levels of performance were being tested, but she planned to exceed expectations. Following KAREN's lead, she took place next to the black-furred wolfess, rump also postioned like K4.

It did not, however, take long for the duo's competitive spirit take over.

Leaning over table, their massive mounds flattened against board, the wolves began smacking their hips. Loud, striking motions, coupled with aggressive sways, thick powerful thighs slamming into its opposition.

Each hit caused an excessive wobbleof their full, plump backsides. Immense, fat asses buckled and bobbled from the motions, shaking the table as the massive-military wolves competed for domination.

They shoved, they pushed, they slammed their sizable haunches, pushing hips one way only to have the other react with equal force. But every clap and collision enticed Lanz with a shrill 'clap,' as between shakes and jostles their puffy, sumptuous cunts were visible.

"You seem too weak for Caretaker!" challenged KAREN.

K5 growled. "I am a proud combatant! Grr! I'm as strong as you!"

Lanz enjoyed their competition, as one might. Perhaps, even, this would help them perform in combat? Not as though he was thinking of fighting.

But he dared to take it a step further. As they continued to smash and throw their wide, thick hips together, the fox stepped forward, having done away with his fatigues for the time.

To her delight, KAREN saw the fox rally behind her, as both wolfess' ceased their rampart smacking of hips and ass. Lanz let his hands glide over the generous dark-furred posterior, tossing the sizable flesh in his hands, before spreading cheeks.

Lanzdid forget just how big these wolves could be, massive things of muscle and wide, plump bottoms. Indeed, from cheek to cheek KAREN might have been his whole height, and here he could appreciate the detail all the more.

"Rrr! Caretaker prefers me!"

Indeed, the pitch black puss was enticing as Lanzspread the creature wide. Much to K5's shame, he leaned and kissed at those supple, sodden lips, mouthing at it whilst K4 shot her sister a victorious glance.

"S-sir!" K5 yelped in protest.

Lanz shrugged. Desires getting the better of him, he let the tip of his flank rub against KAREN's juicy nethers, snatch suckling against hot bellend. He chuckled.

"Sorry, you're going to have to watch."

In truth, Lanz had no intent to truly deny K5, but it was certainly empowering to see her blush and observe with lustful, envious eyes while her pack sister claimed prize.

KAREN in the meantime shuddered with excitement as she felt her beloved fox's nose nuzzle against puss, tongue lapping at seething cunt. She bounced her hips in excited fashion, welcoming the attention. She grinned, turning head to see the Caretaker taste wolfish flavor, while amused at K5's wanting whimpers.

Perhaps if time allowed, Lanz might've taken his time and toyed with generous rump more. Oh he had a thousand ideas to apply to the wolfess, but for now, there were cunts to claim.

Climbing atop her, the fox lifted himself so that rested over the wolf's back. It was challenging, as he shifted, but doable. The only other option was to have the wolf mount him, and he wasn't so sure he wanted that powerful body pulverizing him against the hard desert ground.

KAREN flashed K5 another victorious grin, though quickly gasped as she felt his prodding, enhanced cock nuzzle against her cleft.

"Nmmmf, it's been too long," Lanz grunted, his voice a concoction of primal want and lust.

Three weeks of confinement and study exploded through him. KAREN yelped in shock as the fox began to abruptly hammer into her soft, awaiting puss, his larger-than-normal cock invading every inch of her tightened walls. Despite his position and despite their easily visible size difference, he was able to buck himself mad into her awaiting cleft.

K5 lurched, arching her neck and yowling with pleasure, uncaring if the couple could be heard outside the tent. Which, at this point, was quite likely.

His piping hot pike drove into her with relentless, hammering strikes, each thrust bringing him balls deep into the welcoming embrace of her sopping cleft. He gasped and sputtered with heavy, heady moans, clenched tight to her generous form, their smashing of loins creating a dribbling pool of juices around them.

But three weeks was a long time of build up, and despite how much Lanz wanted to endlessly pump himself into his fighting, obedient wolfess, he was still just an animal fucking a mate. His testes churned, his body ached, and sooner than he realized, he was at release, bursting with hot white issue, filling KAREN full of himself.

A long, pleased groaned erupted from him while K4 yelped in joy, panting as she felt stick seed pour deep inside her wolfish womb.

K5 suffered deep envy, licking her chops as she watched Lanz bury his loins into her pack mate, the dark-furred female grinning proudly as she was the first to take his male essence.

"Hgghn, damn, wish I could do this longer," he muttered, shaking a bit as he carefully let himself down from KAREN's ample backside.

Indeed, Lanzwas losing track of time, and he was certain one of the Sisters outside the tent would come get them. Not that he harbored shame for his actions, but he liked his privacy with his wolves.

K5 whimpered, sniffing the scent of pumped pussy and Lanz's foxy seed. "S-sir, please. . ."

The fox glanced to the voracious sand-hued creature, and desires took over once again. He pat KAREN's fat bottom, her tail wiggling and vertical, offering a proud bounce, as he made his way behind K5.

His cock was a sticky, dripping mess of KAREN's nectar and his own issue, but that was the way pack authority went.

K4 watched with a mix of pride and amusement as Lanz positioned himself much like he did with her, only, she would taste their mateship first.

Still, the sandy-colored wolfess yipped with eagerness, turning to watch the still erect flesh position itself so close to her dribbling cunt.

"I told you we would commune, and I meant it," Lanzsaid, pressing his tip against her suckling folds. K5 shivered, the prospect of satisfaction so close, feeling the rod nuzzle against her desperate folds.

"Yes!" K5 yelped, her frame surprisinglyenthused by the concept. She had never before seen anything like these sexual acts, and yet instincts within her seemed to know precisely what she wanted.

Lanz then eagerly climbed atop K5 in fashion like before. Even bent over, the wolfesses' rumps came to his head.

But, even though he reached peak once, his enthuse was still there. His sticky, dribbling dick shoved itself deep into K5's awaiting cunt, the soft folds wrapping about it.

"Nff!" Lanz felt himself lurch, reaching under table as hands fidgeted with K5's massive breasts.

The table whined as the fox let himself go once more, smashing his hips into the soft, suckling puss. Juices burst from every stroke and every collision, sending a wild series of wobbles through the sandy-furred backside.

"AghFUCK! Didn't expect your cunt to be so good!" He groaned, losing all sense of the genetic engineer until all that was left was a humping, primal animal.

K5 did her best to push back, bounce hips, wiggle tail, but she was left to the devices of Lanz, who happily pounded and punished her seething hot pussy. Her thick full rump vibrated with every slap of hips and her body tensed, craning against the virile shoves of Lanz's loins.

She whined, yelped, and howled. Despite formality and military engineering, she was an animal at the mercy of a pounding cock. Lanz cared little if others heard at this point, so eager to fill this new wolfess with himself.

It didn't take long. Once more, Lanz's testes trembled and his foxhood burst with another round of salty seed, drowning K5's tunnels with issue. A mess of himself, KAREN, and K5 leaked out from the wolfess, Lanz content to hammer away.

Finally, motions began to settle. After a while, the fox panted himself dry, feeling the Kazistaal heat get to him. He was damp under the kevlar which he hadn't removed, so he wobbled off, nearly falling as he slunk out of K5's willing cunt.

The new wolfess shook, hips tossing as she felt the warmth of seed fill her. Face flushing, she glanced at KAREN, then back at Lanz.

The black furred wolfess gave her successor model an amused look, smacking her hips into the other.

"You belong to him now," she growled approvingly.

Lanz sucked in a few breaths, collecting himself. The lusty fox died down, and he was thinking a bit more clearly.

"Well," he started to say, "Perhaps we should-"

K5 interrupted abruptly, suddenly spinning and going back to all fours, her nose shoving into the fox's plump testes.

"N-no!" She protested. "Not yet! More! Can we do more!"

Even KAREN was taken aback from the motion, ears perked.

Lanzshuddered. He didn't know how much time had gone. And, even though he'd peaked twice, a notable sense of lust still burned within him.

"Er, I," he responded uncertainly. He shivered, the large sandy-furred wolfess draping tongue against his sticky stones.

Not to be outdone, KAREN was quick to follow. Once again, muzzles were at the sides of the fox's flank, kissing and licking.

"She is. . . good," K4 admitted with a glance at her successor. "Rrrg, do more?"


One of the pack Sisters had heard a strange sound from the camp's main tent, like a howl. She thought it odd, seeing as how only the newcomer had been in there with two specialty units.

Odder still, time was getting late, and the snarly Igriswas growing impatient. So, to relieve tensions, the solder went to check on the goings on of the tent, gently remind the trio that they needed to finish up. Something about tests? She didn't know. The damned heat was getting to her.

Trotting over to the main tent, she went through the flaps.

Immediately, she was assaultedwith the sights, sounds, and scents of six. The two specialty girls had their throats full of cock, while the new arrival was thrusting wildly into each suckling mouth.

Wordlessly, she blushed, turned around, and didn't interrupt.

She reportd to Igris.

"Well!? What the fuck is taking them so long?" Said the veteran vixen.

The wolfess soldier scratched her cheek. "Uhhh. Conducting some very thorough tests, ma'am."