
Story by Torrent on SoFurry

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Somebody has really got to help me with titles.... ANYWAYS, I've got a cold and needed something to do so I figured what the hell, I'll try writing a story in my cold medicine induced haze. Also, I notice most people have these disclaimers, so why not me? If you don't like the idea of gay relations, are in place or of an age or in a time period where reading an erotic story is illegal, or would rather play a video game or something, don't read this.

Now without further ado...

While alive with activity in the later morning and afternoon, late into the evening the gym can become a very quiet place. The squeaks of tennis shoes in the racquet ball courts and the chorus of clanging weights are replaced with the hum of vacuum cleaners, and the occasional lonely percussion of feet on one of the treadmills. On Friday nights in particular the silence is magnified, with most gym patrons opting to celebrate the start of the weekend in the clubs and bars downtown; it is during these lulls in activity when Cray began his workouts. The auburn wolf walked across the gym parking lot, a bag slung over his shoulders and a smirk on his face as he looked at the almost completely empty rows: he had the whole place to himself. He walked through the doors and greeted the otter behind the counter with a nod.

"Another Friday night on the gym floor instead of the dance floor?" teased the otter.

"At least I can pick the music." Cray countered with a smile as he tapped the ear buds hanging in his shirt, "Got a locker for me tonight, Spence?"

"Well, I can't make any promises on a busy night like tonight, but I might be able to find one on the bottom if you're willing to settle." Spencer chided as he tossed a small key towards Cray who snatched it out of the air.

"Actually, I prefer to be on top..." the wolf grinned as he grabbed a small towel and walked towards the locker rooms, letting the otter make of the double entendre what he would.

Cray looked at the tag on the key and chuckled. Lucky number 13, perfect for a Friday..., he thought to himself as he walked across the tiled surface to the lockers. He always liked the look of the locker room, and not just for the occasional eye candy it afforded: the lockers were made of a nice oak instead of the painted steel found at other places, and they created a warm atmosphere. The lockers were arranged with the full length variety staggered by towers of three smaller ones in between. The wolf found his, full length of course, and began undressing. Unbuttoning his shirt and pulling off his dress slacks, he took a moment to admire himself in one the wall mirrors.

Cray made it a habit to work out six times a week and it showed. He was not a giant body builder, but instead he had the cut look of a model. His abdominal muscles were well-defined and created smooth ridges down his cream colored mid section. Cray had a broad chest and powerful shoulders, and even through his fur the striation in his biceps was visible. The wolf winked at himself in the mirror, then began to get into his workout attire. His outfit consisted of a tight fitting black tee and a matching pair of looser gym shorts; it was the clothing in which he felt the most natural. Stretching a pair of black fingerless gloves across his paws and sliding his mp3 player into his pocket, he padded out into the weight area.

Cray was by no means an antisocial person, but having the gym to himself was one of his greatest pleasures. There was no wait for a bench or free weights, and he could efficiently move between sets without any delay. After completing an abdominal workout to warm up, Cray moved on to the main theme of the evening: his biceps, triceps, and shoulders. He loved to watch his movements in the mirrors, to see his muscles contract and relax as he performed pull-ups, curls, and hand stand presses. Listening to his music, he moved rhythmically and efficiently between exercises. After finishing in the weight area, Cray moved into the cardio section and finished his workout with a five kilometer run on one of the treadmills. In all, he had spent just short of two hours exercising.

After exchanging his towel for a larger one at the front desk, Cray made his way to the shower area past the lockers. Before disrobing, he took a moment to peek into the pool area and found just what he expected. Besides himself and Spencer, there was one other person to be found in the gym. A black feline was doing laps, and must have been doing them well before the wolf arrived at the gym. Cray stepped out onto the wet concrete and whistled out a call as the cat was finishing a lap towards his side of the pool. The cat came to a sudden stop, and grinned as he saw who had called him. Pulling himself out of the water, he began walking towards the wolf.

Cray had a sly look on his face, and he made no point of hiding it as he looked the cat over. Although not as large as the wolf, the cat had a beautifully toned body. His chest flowed down in a V-shape into a slender waist, and his legs had wonderful definition, an obvious product of a rigorous swimming routine. Furthermore, the square cut swimsuit the cat wore left nothing to the imagination, and outlined a package that did not look to be affected by the cool pool water. Cray had to keep from licking his lips as the cat walked seductively towards him. Suddenly the cat stopped in his tracks and wrinkled his nose.

"Whew! You smell like a wet dog!" the cat laughed as he waved away the air in front of his face.

"Ha! And look at you, I thought cats were supposed to hate water?" Cray retorted as he pulled the cat into an embrace.

"That quip just gets better each time you tell it..." the cat said as he nuzzled his head against the wolf's chest.

"You're one to talk..." the wolf finished as he kissed the cat on the top of the nose. "I'm just going to shower up and head home. Still got a few more laps in you, Edward?"

"Yep, you know me. Plus, I've got to get this wolf sweat off of me somehow." Edward grimaced as he made a theatrical show of flicking off the wolf's scent, before diving back into the pool.

He must've been a boat in a past life. Cray thought as he smiled softly and watched the cat resume his routine with renewed vigor. After pausing to watch the cat finish a lap, he headed into the showers to wash off.

A pleasant aroma filled the house as the wolf moved nimbly through the kitchen. As a small pot of water came to a boil, he tossed in a cup of wild rice with a blend of garlic and onion powders, reducing the heat and mixing it with one paw as he opened the oven door with another. Spinning around the oven door to another section of counter, Cray grabbed a metal pan with two chicken breasts centered on it, and slide it onto the middle rack next to two potatoes wrapped in tin foil. _ About 20 minutes should do it..._, Cray set the oven's timer as he heard a knock at the door. Assessing his dinner's progress with a quick glance, Cray gave a satisfactory nod and dashed out of the kitchen towards the front door.

Standing on the front step in a loose tank top and a pair of cargos was Edward who rolled onto his toes to give Cray a kiss.

"Hey babe, smells great in here." the cat greeted Cray. He then gave the wolf an obnoxious sniff, "And you're not so bad yourself."

"Har har, come on in kitty, dinner won't be long. I'll grab you something to drink." Cray said as he gave the feline a playful swat on the butt and strutted into the kitchen.

Edward sighed contentedly and walked into the living room, throwing himself onto the couch; the wolf always put him in a fantastic mood. He looked down at the coffee table and next to a couple of multivitamin bottles he spotted what he was looking for, a small black gaming hand-held.

"Mind if I play your DS?" the cat called towards the kitchen.

"You know I don't!" came the reply, muffled by the whir of a blender.

The cat turned on the device and was met with the image of a train running across a hilly country side, accompanied with a theme composed with violin and accordion accompaniments; he recognized the theme from a popular series of puzzle games. Tapping the screen to move to the continue menu, the cat giggled at what he saw: Cray's file had 18 hours of game play, and every single puzzle was solved. The wolf's obsession with riddles was not one that many knew about, but it had to be the stuff of legends. Edward clicked on his file; it only had a couple of hours of game play, and he was only at the beginning of the storyline. He had a lot of catching up to do.

As he was struggling with one of the puzzles Cray walked in with a couple of glasses. Edward tried another solution and groaned as the titular character got an uncertain look on his face and tipped his hat in shame. The cat took a glass from the wolf who leaned over to glance at the game screen. Edward took a sip; it tasted like a chocolate whey protein blend.

"Ahh, the shoe thief puzzle, that one-" the wolf began, but he was immediately cut off with a paw in front of his lips.

"DON'T, Say a word. *I* will figure this one," the feline explained with a grin on his face. Cray laughed and made a zipping up motion across his muzzle and sat down next to the cat.

"Hmm... If he gave the thief the 30 dollar pair of shoes and 20 dollars in change, and 50 dollars to the other merchant, why didn't he lose 100 dollars...? Am I not supposed to count the shoes...?" Edward thought out loud. He might not have been able to seen the giant smile on the wolf's face as he looked at the screen, but he certainly felt it as the wolf's tail brushed against him multiple times as it wagged excitedly.

"You know, you're enjoying this way too much you- OH!" the cat exclaimed midway in his sentence as he realized what he was doing wrong. It was remarkably impeccable timing because right as he wrote in the answer, the oven timer began to beep.

"Nice job, hun." Cray said as he gave Edward a congratulatory rub on the shoulders and a kiss on the cheek, then hopped over the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"Damn straight."

"You know, I never used to think I'd like chicken breasts," Edward said in between bites, "they always seemed so dry before."

"That's because people overcook them." Cray explained, "They're so low in fat that it's an easy mistake to make. It's a fine balance between supple and salmonella."

"Well my compliments to the chef, this is delicious," the feline complimented, before digging into a mash of rice and yams.

The two continued the rest of the dinner quickly and with little conversation; both the cat and the wolf were ravenous after their workouts earlier that evening. In about 10 minutes both plates were empty. Cray started to get up but the cat quickly got out of his seat and motioned for him to sit back down.

"Now, now babe. You took care of dinner, at least let me take care of the dishes," the cat commanded as he gathered the dishes, ceremoniously placed them into the dishwasher, and went back to the dining area. The whole act had to have taken about 30 seconds.

"You're too good to me," the wolf bantered as he got out of his seat and pulled the cat to his side. He nibbled the cat playfully at the base of his ear, and got an appreciative purr in return, and the two walked back into the living room.

Cray watched with poorly masked enjoyment as Edward tried to wrap his mind around another puzzle. The puzzle asked the player to find the error in a scene depicted on a poster. The picture showed a fox leaning from the window of a train car to caress the cheek of a rabbit in a tearful farewell, as snow softly drifted around them to the platform.

"Jeez, let's see... Those dresses look awfully anachronistic and... Would snow be falling like that with such light cloud cover? I mean, you can see the moon through it, and what's with the little guy with the weird coat? Why's that lady walking AWAY from the train, also-"

The wolf laughed out loud, and couldn't resist any longer.

"So tell me kitty, does glass normally bend like that...?"

"Bend like wha- ...Oh." The feline looked again at the picture, and noticed the window from which the fox was leaning. The glass was lifted above him in an impossible way. Edward circled the selection, and was met with the upbeat tune that accompanied a correct answer.

"Hehe, sorry kitty. You looked so lost... I just couldn't resist." Cray snickered as he struggled to keep his mouth shut and not let out a hearty laugh, but he was instantly silenced when the feline pressed his lips against his own.

"No offense babe, but I'm not going to be able to solve any puzzles with you feeding me the answers... So why don't we do something else?" the feline whispered in Cray's ear.

Only momentarily caught by surprise, the wolf immediately returned the affection. Bringing his arms around Edward and leaning down into the kiss, he gently parted his lips as he slipped his tongue into the cat's mouth. The feline placed his paws against the wolf's body, feeling the definition in his chest through his shirt, and dragging his fingers down the lines of his abdominal muscles. The two spent a timeless moment like this, exploring each other, as a heat began to build within them. Cray chose to break the kiss as he moved down along the cat's neck, applying gentle suction as he nibbled it hungrily. Edward arched backwards in response, letting his head fall to the side and giving the wolf more access as he let out a soft moan. The cat writhed in pleasure in the wolf's grip, unable to escape as Cray nipped lightly at his throat, and not really wishing to do so. Finally, placing both paws on the wolf's chest he pushed back gently, signaling that he was ready to move on. Cray looked down into the feline's amber eyes and was met with a greedy gaze.

Without a word, Edward began unbuttoning the wolf's shirt and kissing his body, brushing his tongue lightly across his chest and midsection as he worked his way downwards. The feline slid smoothly off of the couch and in between the wolf's legs, who opened them farther to allow the cat greater access. In a practiced motion, and with a bit of feline grace, Edward unfastened and unzipped the wolf's slacks. Reaching into Cray's pants he wrapped his paw around a familiar thickness. Pulling the wolf's hardened ebony cock from its confines, the cat had to take a moment to admire it. It was about as long as the feline's wrist, and so thick that he could barely wrap his paw around it. Not wasting any more time, the feline dove into Cray's crotch, suckling at the base of his shaft and dragging his tongue along the wolf's length, causing him to shiver in ecstasy.

"God you're beautiful..." Edward breathed as he swirled his rough tongue around the tip of the wolf's cock, lapping up a bead of precum. Rising onto his knees and placing his paws on the wolf's thighs for balance, the cat took the head of Cray's penis into his mouth, forming a seal around it with his lips. Edward began to slowly bob up and down the wolf's shaft, growing increasingly aroused at the thickness in his mouth. Feeling the tightness of the feline's mouth was too much for Cray, and he began to buck, shoving the tip of his cock against the cat's throat. The cat matched the wolf's motions, drawing back as the wolf pulled back and swallowing the wolf's malehood as it was thrusted into him. Watching himself disappear into the cat's eager maw was a huge turn on, and Cray was getting close. It took a lot of self control for him to pull out of the cat's mouth, leaving only a string of precum to connect the feline's tender lips and his slick cock. Edward looked up into the wolf's eyes and shuddered with anticipation at the hunger in those brown jewels.

With an unchecked wildness, Cray lifted the feline from the floor and threw him onto the couch. In contrast to the caution and care with which the cat had undressed him, the wolf simply ripped the tank top from the cat's body, tossing the tattered remains across the room. He tore into the cat's cargo pants in the same way, and in no time at all the cat was stripped completely naked, his malehood standing fully erect. Without a moment's pause the wolf spread the feline's legs apart, plunged his nose beneath the cat's soft black orbs, and pressed his lips firmly against the base of his tail. Edward cried out in excitement as the wolf began to massage his entrance with his tongue.

Edward spread his legs farther apart for Cray, and rested a calf on the back of his neck as the wolf began to pump his tongue into him. As he ravished the cat, Cray took a deep breath through his nose, taking in the light scent of the feline. Breathing in the musk of the cat caused the wolf to completely lose it, and he thrust his tongue into the cat as far as he could. Curling and twisting his tongue inside of the cat, the wolf teased the feline's prostate in a surprising display of oral dexterity. Writhing uncontrollably, it was all the feline could do not to tear the couch to shreds as he was nearly brought to peak by the skillful performance of the wolf whose face was buried between his cheeks. As the cat's orgasm approached and his breath quickened, the wolf mercifully withdrew his tongue. Only to immediately replace it with his malehood.

Coated with Edward's saliva, Cray began to slide into the feline. Although Edward had been loosened up by the wolf's rimming, he still took in a sharp breath as the thick length began to sink into and open him. As Edward winced, Cray paused and watched the feline with concern. After a few seconds, Edward nodded his OK, and Cray continued cautiously, finally hilting himself completely within the cat. Cray stopped to savor the warmth of the feline's body, feeling complete bliss; he really could not have been happier than he felt at that instant. Looking into Edward's eyes he saw a dreamy look, and he knew he was precisely where he was meant to be. Cray leaned down into Edward's body and once more took him in a passionate kiss, as the feline wrapped his legs around him and held him tightly. Pulling back from the kiss, the wolf pushed himself onto his arms and began to thrust into the cat.

Starting out slowly, Cray and Edward found their rhythm and the wolf began to drive himself into the feline more fiercely. As each thrust of the wolf's cock split him open, Edward let out increasingly lustful moans, and Cray found himself panting heavily at the tightness of the cat beneath him. The increase in pleasure was becoming too much for the cat. As Cray's malehood rocked against his prostate, Edward dug his claws into the thick fur of the wolf pinning him down, and wrapped his legs around him even tighter. In response to Edward's moans and cries, Cray began a series of deep and rapid thrusts, and clamped onto the feline's neck in a firm bite. This was too much for the cat who let out one final cry, and was lost in a powerful orgasm. Each time his cock twitched, ropes of cum coated his chest and Cray's chin, until it settled in a gentle ebb. Cray was close to the edge, and hearing his feline peak was enough to push him over. Burying himself to the hilt in the cat, he threw his head back and let out a powerful howl as he filled the feline with his seed, before collapsing on top of him.

As the wolf lay on top of him, Edward began to purr loudly and licked the side of Cray's face where his seed had hit him, and Cray's tail wagged in appreciation. After a few minutes of enjoying the feel of the cat beneath him, Cray glanced with sleepy eyes at the other side of the room where he had earlier thrown the remains of Edward's clothes in his fervor.

"Hey kitty... Sorry about destroying your outfit..."

"Hehe no problem... Why do you think I wore such cheap rags in the first place?" Edward replied with a smile.

The wolf chuckled, "You know me far too well than can be normal... Say, you wanna go for a run tomorrow morning?"

"You mean 'Do I want to take you for a walk?'" the cat joked, "That sounds nice.... as long as you have something for me to wear."

"Nah... I think you look fine just as you are..." the wolf answered, right before the two drifted off to sleep.