Orphy Chapter 1

Story by Nefrette on SoFurry

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#2 of Trades

Comment below if you want a possible chapter 2.

I honestly have nothing to describe this. Just enjoy.

The day started rather normally for Orphy as she woke up, stretching and yawning as it was another day to her. She was a teacher at the local high school not that far away from where she lived. She went to turn the shower on and cleaned her body as she could not go to work dirty. Orphy did not waste any time getting out of the shower as she dried her grayish red fur off. She went into the mirror to do her purple hair as she had a bed head from waking up. She had to pick an outfit to wear today. Normally she would were something conservative as she had to be professional after all, but today she decided to go a bit more casual and classy since it was Friday. She slide on some thigh high stockings, compiling with a skirt that was not too short, but short enough to be barely at her knees. She wore a black bra along with a black top to hide her purple nipples in case of any mishaps. When she was finished getting dressed, she went to her car and went to the school.

At the school, she was greeted by the usual people, the guards, the other teachers, and some students as she went right to her classroom to start for the day. Unlike most days, her first class was her only class of the day due to testing. She was happy that today was going to be a rather slow day. She looked around and saw most of her students there, except a few, but that was due to testing. She began to teach what she taught best, English. As she was teaching, she noticed someone, a male Typhlosion with his headphones in, clearly not caring for the lesson. He was one of the school's jocks as he was on the school's football team. He was doing well in other subjects, but was failing English. He was rocking out to a rather intense song as he was drumming on the desk, disrupting the class significantly. Orphy had stopped the class and went over to him.

"Mr. Leone." She called to him as she tried to get his attention. She was unsuccessful at first until she slammed her book down, startling him. "Mr. Leone! " She called his name as she was slightly pissed that he was being disruptive. He nearly fell off his chair, as the other students laughed at his reaction.

"Yes teach?" He said trying to play it off like nothing happened, He knew all eyes were on him.

"Care to join the rest of the class?" She said as she picked up her book. "Now then Jackson, read pages 44-50." Orphy said calming down and turning to the pages she just said in her own book. Jackson groaned. He hated English. He already knew how to read and write, why would he need this?

"Fine." He said before muttering "fucking slut." No one else could hear what he said clearly but the teacher. She was angry, but had another time to chew him out for that. She did not show how angry she was but she almost had to step outside the classroom. When lunch time came around, she had made him stay so that she could chew him out.

"So Jackson, do you know why I pulled you aside?" Orphy said as she was pissed.

"No, why?" He said crossing his arms. Tensions were rising between the both of them.

"Because you called me a Slut! Where do you go off calling people that?" She said getting worked up.

"I mean look at what you wear on a daily basis, why else would I call you that? He said as he was rather right.

This set Orphy off. "Go eat lunch, you're staying after class for detention." She said as she opened the door for him to leave. She was too pissed to eat. For the rest of the school day, she put on a movie and eat in the background. When the bell rang, all the students, except for Jackson left.

"Oh come on teach. It's a Friday." He said sitting in his chair.

"No. This is what you get for calling me a slut." She said putting her feet on the desk he was sitting on. The tension boiled over as He got up. "Screw this shit, I'm going home." He said getting up.

"Oh no you're not." She said saying, but he stood up. He licked his lips as he had a better idea.

"Damn right, I got a better idea." He said knowing he was much stronger than his teacher. He pushed her on her back. He looked around on her desk for the keys before finding them and locking the door. He turned around to see Orphy standing up. "You're getting on my nerves." He said as he took off his top.

Orphy was caught off guard as she did not know what she could do. She has never ran into this situation before. Jackson did not give her much time to think as he pinned her against a table, her ass was against his crotch as he held her down with one of his hands. He used the other hand to undo his pants to let his cock be free.

"Now then, let's see what you got underneath." He said as he lifted up her skirt, seeing her ass exposed, showing off her panties. "Woo. Teach got some frilly panties." He said as she was too embarrassed to move. She could not speak as she was in a state of embarrassment and fear. She could not shake him off either. He smacked her ass rather harshly as he grinded on her ass, cooing slightly. "Dam teach, you should let me fuck you more often."

"Let me go!" Orphy wailed as she was pinned down By the Typhlosion. She could tell what his intent was rather quickly. She struggled against him as best she could but it was no use as he slid her panties down. She expected him to just get on and over with it, but instead he did something rather different. She could hear his phone going off as he picked it up and answered it. He was talking to his girlfriend on the phone. She could not do anything but lay there as he talked. He was getting angry with her before he hanged up the phone.

"Sorry for the holdup Teach, my girlfriend was being a bitch. Anyway, you could tell couldn't you? All females could, the smell I'm giving off." He said walking around the desk before putting his cock in her face.

Orphy went wide eyed as she realized the scent. He wanted to breed. This explained why all the females sat as far possible away from him this week. She had no choice but breathe in his scent. She began to squirm as he began to have an effect on her as her mind begun to get somewhat cloudy. He laughed a bit as he rubbed his cock all her face.

"Teach, you've gone silent, you know what I want don't you. Now open up." Jackson said as he pressed his cock against her lips. Orphy could only open her mouth as he began to fuck her face, cooing as she was putting little to no resistance. "There we go, Never knew you know how to suck cock teach." He said laughing a bit as he continued. Orphy could not hide it as his intentions and his smell had made her horny. Her pussy was getting wetter and wetter as he fucked her face. Every thrust hit the back of her throat. He did this for a while until he pulled his cock from her mouth. "There nice and lubed up." He said before circling the desk to be behind Orphy.

"W-Wait. You don't have to do this!" She mustered out as she knew what he wanted to do. Her body was lying however when Jackson brushed against her folds with the tip of his cock. Her efforts (if any) was in vain as he pressed inside of her wet pussy. Jackson cooed as he loved how she felt. He reached for his phone that he had put on another desk earlier and got it. He began to fuck Orphy, making sure to go as far as he could. The desk shook with every thrust Jackson did.

"Fucking hell teach, you feel so good!" He moaned as he got a cocky idea. He went through his phone and found the camera app. He switched it to video and began to record. He was getting pretty close as he did not have a lot of stamina to last. He began to thicken and bulge inside of her.

"Pull out! Don't cum inside!" Orphy moaned to him but he paid her no mind.

"Why would I want to do that? You've been wanting this for weeks." He said as he thrust as hard as he could one last time, making sure not to drop the phone as his quills flared up as he came inside her, making sure to not let her see the phone, but making sure not to drop it. He stayed inside her a bit before pulling out, hiding the phone and going under her to lick her pussy a bit, cleaning off excess cum. "Was that so bad?" He said as he got dressed.

"N-no..." She said as she was weak in the knees. Orphy was unaware the phone as she had went to fix her clothing.

"See you Monday teach." He said as he unlocked the door, placing the keys on the nearest desk and leaving. Soon after the fire alarm tripped and startled anyone left in the building. It was soon found that it was an accident because it was triggered by his flames, but he was let go with a slap on the wrist. No one knew what happened between him and Orphy in the classroom, she had hoped that no one would find out what happened...