Tension and Relief

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Young Cheetah, Abigail Dixon, gets a crash course in sexuality when her mother stumbles upon a secret in her room.

This is probably the first story I've ever written that contains incest.

WARNING!!! WARNING!!! This story contains Cub, Half-Nudity, Nudity, Incest. If you do not like to read about these topics then DO NOT READ THIS STORY!

The Dixon family is copyrighted to SPARTASTICUS.

Dear Diary:

I honestly don't know what to do right now. I've been getting that funny feeling that Mom told me I'd start to feel at this age; But I only seem to feel it when I'm around other girls; particularly when I see them in their bathing suits and stuff like that. It's almost become an ordeal to hang out with Katie and Jessie right now because I'm afraid that I'll freeze or say something incredibly stupid that might make them not want to be friends with me anymore. Could it really be that I'm attracted to other girls instead of boys? If I am, I am going to have a LOT of explaining to do to Mom and Dad. How are they going to feel about this? At least I can express my feelings to you; you don't care about what gender I feel attracted to or anything like that. Well... until next time, stay cool.

Sincerely: Abby Dixon.


Abby Dixon, a young eleven-year-old cheetah, sighed and shut her diary. It was difficult enough that she got a strange feeling between her legs under certain circumstances, but around girls...? Was that even possible? Was that... right? She wasn't sure, and she sure wasn't going to ask her parents about it. After all, it wasn't good behavior to talk about private body parts.

"Maybe I could do some research on it at the public library..." Abby thought to herself. She walked back over to her bed and reached under the mattress, clearly looking for something. She soon found a magazine and pulled it out. Bikini Babes, the title proudly announced. Abby smiled and lay down on her bed to peruse the magazine; ogling at the various pictures of frogs, otters, and chameleons posing in various pieces of skimpy swimwear. By the time she reached the pages with the G-strings, she started to feel a tickle between her legs. Abby looked up, just to confirm that her door was closed. When she knew for sure that it was, she reached down to the spot between her legs, and started gently rubbing it. "Oh yeah..." she thought to herself as the tickle faded and turned into a pleasant sensation. "That feels so damn good..." Abby only rubbed herself for three minutes before finally stopping and placing her magazine on her bedside table. "I'll just have to keep on keeping it a secret;" she said to herself, "There's no way Mom and Dad would understand; Mom especially. Yeah... It's okay as long as it keeps on being a secret." Just as Abby lay back on the bed to try and think about it, a voice called,

"Abby!" It was her mother, Marion Dixon.

"Yeah, Mom?" Abby called back.

"Could you help your father in the kitchen for a moment, please?" Marion asked.

"Sure, Mom!" said Abby, "I just need one moment!" Abby jumped off her bed and ran down the hall to the bathroom where she quickly washed her hands. After that, she came downstairs to find her father, Chuck, standing by the refrigerator.

"Thanks for helping me with this, Abby;" he said, "If you can hold the bag open, I'll put everything in."

"Sure thing, Dad." said Abby. As she held the bag open for her father, she couldn't help but think that she had forgotten something, but decided not to dwell on it.

"So..." said Chuck, "Have anything special planned for today?"

"Not really;" said Abby as she tied up the full bag, "Katie's got ballet today and Jessie's practicing at the skate park, so I guess I'm on my own today. No big deal though." Abby took the garbage bag out to the trash heap and headed back upstairs. But when she turned the corner into her room...

"Mom!" she blurted out. Sure enough, Marion was there... reading Abby's swimsuit magazine! She turned her head and noticed her daughter standing in the doorway.

"Abby..." she said in a surprised tone. She paused a moment before saying, "Quite an interesting choice of literature you have here. I never would have guessed." Abby stood rooted to the spot with fear. Neither she nor her mother moved an inch. After a tense moment, Abby finally spoke.

"What... are you... going to do...?" she asked, fearfully. Marion put the magazine down on the bed, walked over to Abby, and said,

"What any self-respecting mother would do." before walking right past her. Abby gently shut the door behind her, her mind gripped with the possibilities of what her mother was going to do to her.

"Oh Gods..." she thought, "I am so going to get it now..." She started pacing back and forth, playing all kinds of horrible scenarios in her mind about what might happen. "She'll probably tell Dad and then they'll both yell at me..." was her first thought, "Or... what if she decides to spank me...?" Abby's parents had never resorted to physical contact when it came to punishment of her or her brother, but this could be the one exception that they made. After tense five or six minutes, there was a knock on the door.

"Abby..." came Marion's voice, "Please meet me in my room in five minutes; but please get dressed first." Abby conceded and took off her pajamas before getting dressed. Her outfit consisted of a white t-shirt, black shorts, and a black pair of panties.

"Maybe it won't be so bad..." Abby thought to herself, "She might just give me a lengthy lecture if I'm lucky; telling me why liking other girls is wrong and I need to like boys or I'll get shunned by society or in serious trouble with someone." With this in mind, she exited her room and walked down the hall to her parents' bedroom. When she knocked, she heard Marion say,

"You may come in." Abby gulped and opened the door. When she looked in, she saw her mother sitting on the bed with a rather stern look on her face. Like Abby, Marion was a cheetah with a shapely chest, flowing black hair, and finely formed arms and legs. Abby closed the door behind her and just stood there, looking ashamed and frightened. Marion got up off of the bed and walked over to her daughter. "So..." she said, "Is this what I think it is?"

"Yes, Mom..." said Abby, her voice trembling, "I... think I'm attracted to... other girls."

"I see;" said Marion, "Now..." her expression changed immediately to one of comfort, "Give mama a big hug." Abby was surprised as her mother wrapped her arms around her and pulled her close. Unable to think of anyway else to react, she simply did the same and hugged her mother in return.

"Mom..." she started, "I... I'm sorry... I didn't want to disappoint you."

"Oh no, Baby..." said Marion, "There's absolutely nothing to be sorry about."

"Huh..." asked Abby, "I don't understand. I thought you were mad at me."

"Abigail Selena Dixon..." said Marion, "Why would I be mad at my own daughter just because she finds other girls attractive?"

"Because it's not the norm?" Abby guessed.

"Being attracted to someone of the same sex is more normal than you think;" said Marion, "It doesn't have anything to do with your brain or even your... private parts. It's just something that happens to some people."

"Really?" asked Abby.

"Really, really." said Marion, "I'll tell you what, if you're up for it, why don't I help you relieve some of that tension that's been building up in your mind?"

"How?" asked Abby.

"With a special activity..." said Marion, "But I need to make one thing perfectly clear if you say yes; what we're going to do has to remain an absolute secret. You cannot tell anyone about it. Not your father, not Donnie, not ever your best friends. Is that clear?"

"Crystal." said Abby, "I guess I'd like to give it a go."

"Splendid;" said Marion, and without warning, she pulled her shirt up and over her head, revealing her white lace bra. Abby was shocked at her mother's behavior; and even more so when Marion said, "Why don't you undo this for me?" and turned around.

"What in the name of Johnny Huynh is going on here?" Abby asked herself, "I better go along with this." She undid the clip holding her mother's bra in place and it fell off of her body.

"Thank you, Sweetie;" said Marion. She then pulled her pants down to the floor and stepped out of them. When she turned around to face her daughter, she was wearing only a pair of pink hi-cut panties and a gentle smile. Her breasts were completely exposed; nipples and all. "Gosh..." she said, "It sure feels good to be out of those things."

"I... guess it does..." said Abby, she had seen herself naked plenty of times before, and she had even gotten half-naked with her friends from time to time, but never had she seen a fully grown woman's chest completely exposed not even in her swimsuit magazines. She was also starting to get that tingling sensation again.

"Now;" said Marion, "Let's get you out of those constraining clothes, shall we?"

"What if Dad and Donnie hear us?" asked Abby.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that;" said Marion, "I have a feeling they're going to be gone for a few hours."

"Okay..." said Abby, "If it isn't too much to ask, do you think you could please help me get undressed?"

"I'd be delighted to." said Marion. She took Abby's t-shirt and lifted it off of her. Then she came around behind her and gently slid her shorts down her legs, revealing her black panties.

"Okay..." said Abby, "Now what do we do?"

"Just follow on." said Marion. She climbed into the bed and sat atop the covers with her back to the headboard. "Come and sit in my lap;" she said, "And I'll show you something wonderful." Abby's curiosity was now at a peak, so she took her place on her mother's lap. "Just remember..." said Marion, "If you feel uncomfortable, just let me know and I'll stop." With that, she reached down and touched Abby right in the crotch of her panties. She then started gently rubbing it just like Abby had done to herself not so long ago. Abby gasped... the tingling had gone and was replaced by a wonderful sensation concentrated on her most sensitive and private body part. She couldn't even find words to describe how good she felt.

"Ohhh..." she breathed, "That... feels... great...!" Marion smiled and continued to rub and finger her daughter's pussy; the thin layer of fabric of Abby's panties provided a soft surface, but still let her feel the form of skin underneath. Abby let her tongue loll out of her mouth as she panted with delight. Her nether region felt wonderful, being caressed by her mother's gentle fingers. After a few minutes, Abby began to feel some sort of pressure building up inside her vagina. "Mommy...!" she gasped, "I feel... something in me...!"

"Do you want me to stop, Sweetie?" asked Marion.

"No!" said Abby, "Please keep going!"

"Okay." said Marion. True to her word, she began to rub her pussy with a bit more vigor than before. Abby couldn't help moaning with sheer delight; she could feel some pressure building up in her lower story, and getting stronger with each passing second. It felt as though she had a full bladder, but without the slight pain that usually came with that. For a moment, she considered asking her mother to stop for fear that she might pee all over the bed; but in the end, her curiosity got the better of her; she wanted to know just how good this could feel.

"Ahhh...!" she gasped, "Oh...! Oh...!" Marion took that as her que; she put all her fingers together and rubbed Abby's panties with her tips, and that sealed the deal. "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Abby yelled as the pressure reached its climax. She just gave in and let her body go with it, squirting some kind of fluid into her panties. When the spasming subsided, she settled down, panting heavily. "Oh... Mommy..." she gasped.

"Did that feel good?" Marion asked her daughter.

"Hell yeah..." Abby breathed, "I haven't felt anything remotely like that since the last time I had an accident in my pants."

"And as I recall," said Marion, "That was when you were six."

"Yeah..." said Abby, "But this... this is on a whole new level." She then felt a cool damp and sticky substance in her panties, and it felt kinda good on her vulva. "So... what did I just squirt?" she asked, "It sure doesn't feel like pee."

"That's because it's something a little different;" said Marion, "It's comprised of a bit of pee, but it's mostly sexual fluids; secreted to make the inside of your vagina more slippery. What just happened was, you had your first orgasm."

"What's an orgasm?" asked Abby.

"It's when you stimulate your private parts until they squirt out a special substance;" said Marion, "Like I said, the substance created when we touch and rub our private parts is to make the inside of our vagina slippery."

"What about boys?" asked Abby, "Does this happen when they touch their private parts too?" Marion paused for a moment, then said,

"Well... yes, but their substance is kinda different. Can you keep a secret?"

"If I couldn't keep a secret," said Abby, "I would have said no to this."

"Good point;" said Marion, "Boys have orgasms just like we girls do, but the substance they create has a different purpose. Our fluid makes the inside of our vaginas all slippery so boys can insert their private parts, called their penises, inside our vaginas."

"EW!" cried Abby, "Why would anyone want to let a boy stick his private part inside of them?"

"Because..." said Marion, "That's how babies are created. The boy puts his penis into the girl's vagina and squirts his fluid, called semen, inside her. The semen contains tiny cells comprised of the boy's DNA; and the cells swim up tubes inside our bodies until they find a cell made with our DNA. Then the two cells join together and grow into a baby. The baby is formed inside the mother's womb, and when he or she is developed enough, the mother pushes him or her out of her vagina and he or she is born."

"Wow..." said Abby, completely awestruck, "So that means... Donnie and I were two cells from you and Dad, and grew inside your womb...?"

"Correct." said Marion, "That's why boys and girls have different kinds of private parts. Of course, you'll learn more about that when you get to high school level health class."

"But what about me?" asked Abby, "I'm not attracted to boys like other girls are. What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing is wrong with you at all, Sweetie;" said Marion as she nuzzled Abby and licked her on her cheek, "Different types of sexuality are hard to explain, but being attracted to someone of the same sex is called 'homosexuality'. Being attracted to someone of the opposite sex is called 'heterosexuality'. And being attracted to both sexes is called 'bisexuality'."

"Okay..." said Abby, "So I'm homosexual?"

"Well an easier term would be 'lesbian'." said Marion, "A female attracted to other females."

"I guess so..."said Abby, "So... what do we do now?"

"Well we've still got ages before your father and Donnie get home," said Marion, "So we can do whatever you want." Abby thought for a moment, then said,

"Can I help you have an orgasm?"

"If that's what you want;" said Marion, "But you might want to try a different position to get at my crotch." Abby got up from her mother's lap and turned herself around. Marion in turn spread her legs, showing her pink underpants in all their glory. Abby was about to use her hand to touch it, when she had a thought.

"What if I tried using my face to make you have your orgasm, Mom?" she asked.

"If that's what you want to do;" said Marion, "Just please be careful." Abby got down on her hands and knees and moved her face right up to the crotch of her mother's panties. After a moment's hesitation, she pushed her face into the soft cotton of Marion's underpants and started rubbing them with her cheek. After a minute, Marion began to moan with pleasure just as she had done earlier, so Abby got a bit daring and stuck out her tongue. She licked the surface of Marion's panties right where her vulva was. "Ohhh...!" cried Marion, "Oh that feels nice!" Abby took that as a hint and began tickling her mother's vulva with the very tip of her tongue, but after a few minutes, she grew tired of the taste of cotton and went back to nuzzling her. "Baby...!" gasped Marion, "I'm gonna cum...!"

"Should I stop?" asked Abby."

"Only if you want to..." said Marion. Well, Abby knew it wasn't right to leave her mother hanging like that, so she wet her tongue again and gave a big lick on Marion's panties before pressing her lips to the cotton and working it all over with her tongue. "Ohhh...!" Marion shouted, "Argh....! RAAAAAAHHH!!!" Abby kept her mouth pressed over her mother's underpants, even as Marion orgasmed and the fluid seeped through, giving Abby a small taste of her mom. Abby released her mouth and gave the wet panties another passionate nuzzle.

"How was that, Mom?" she asked.

"Wonderful, Sweetie;" said Marion, "Just wonderful."

"Thanks;" said Abby, "But... I'm starting to feel a little yucky now."

"Oh?" asked Marion, "How so?"

"All this is making me sweat a little bit;" said Abby, "And it's starting to make my fur feel yucky."

"I think I know what we can do to fix that;" Marion said with a smile as she sat up, "A nice bath together."

"That sounds like fun!" said Abby.

"If you'll just help me throw this comforter in the laundry;" said Marion, "We can do our bath right after that."

"Okay!" said Abby. She helped her mother pull the comforter off of the bed and take it down the hall to the laundry chute. Then Marion went downstairs to throw the comforter into the wash, and Abby went into the bathroom to wait for her. Of course it didn't take long. "What kind of bath should we take, Mom?" asked Abby, "Warm or cold?"

"Why don't we mix it up?" asked Marion, "We'll take a cold bath!" She sat down at the back of the bathtub, and Abby got in near the front; both of them still wearing their soaked panties. Abby turned the temp knob as cold as it would go, and opened the valve. Water cascaded from the faucet and into the tub.

"EEP!" cried Abby as a splash of water got her, "That's so cold!" The water crept along the bottom of the tub, eventually reaching and dampening Marion's underwear. Marion winced with a smile as she realized how cold the water was. The water slowly began to fill up the tub, and Marion and Abby had to laugh with each other to take their minds off how cold it was. Then Marion looked over and saw that the bottle of bubble bath was right there on the edge.

"Gee..." she said, "That bubble bath is awfully close to the edge, don't you think?"

"Yeah..." said Abby, "It might fall in." With a mischievous grin, she opened the top of the bottle and poured a generous amount into the bathwater. The bubble bath fizzed and sparkled as it mixed with the water, and soon a thick lather formed on the surface of the water. Marion and Abby moved themselves around to stir up the water, and the lather turned into bubbles. When the water reached up to Marion's chest, Abby shut the valve and settle into a near freezing bath. "Hey..." she said, "Look at my nipples! They're sticking out!" Indeed, Abby's nipples were protruding from her chest making two firm points.

"Mine are too!" laughed Marion, "That makes them kinda sensitive." Abby moved over to her mother, and giggled as she saw her erect nipples. Then she redirected her attention at Marion's breasts.

"Hey, Mom..." she said, "How do you get your chest to be big like that?"

"All you have to do is grow up, Sweetie;" said Marion, "And out! But it's different for all kinds of women. Some have big boobs, and some don't."

"What are boobs for anyway?" asked Abby, "Are they just there to get boys to notice us?"

"No, Abby;" said Marion, "Our breasts contain our mammary glands; which is how we feed milk to our babies. You remember that I breastfed Donnie when he was born, don't you?"

"No..." said Abby, "I actually don't remember that." She then looked long and hard at her mother's nipples, then said, "Hey, Mom... Could I please... touch your nipple?"

"Not with your hands;" said Marion, "But you can suck on them if you want to. You probably won't get any milk, but it might be comforting."

"Okay;" said Abby. She knelt down and gently placed her mouth over her mother's firm teat. She wrapped her lips around it and gently sucked on it. She didn't taste anything, but for some reason, it was comforting. Marion moaned slightly, feeling her tender nipple being suckled by her daughter's warm lips. Abby shut her eyes, and continued to suck, imagining sweet warm milk filling her mouth. Finally, she gave the nipple a nice long lick with her tongue and shifted her position so that her neck slid in between Marion's breasts. Marion didn't protest in the slightest.

"Awww, Baby..." she cooed, "Are Mommy's boobies all nice and comfy?"

"Mmm-hmm..." Abby sounded, loving the way the soft breasts gently caressed her neck. After a long four minutes of just lying there, Abby finally said, "Mommy... If being a lesbian just the way things work out for some girls, why do people hate them so much?"

"It's difficult to explain in full detail;" said Marion, "But a big part of it has to do with the way certain people are brought up and what they are led to believe in."

"You mean the way you were brought up to believe that the Hotrod Heroes were the enemy?" asked Abby.

"Exactly;" said Marion, "But that doesn't mean that people can't change what they believe. Just look at your father and me. Once I got to know him really well, it didn't matter to me what car gang I was from, and when they wouldn't accept me being with him; that was when I left the Cruisers."

"I'm really glad you did;" said Abby, "Otherwise, Donnie and I might never have existed."

"I know;" said Marion. She fidgeted a little bit and said, "Sorry, Sweetie, but I need to take off my panties; they're starting to chafe a little bit."

"Okay, Mom;" said Abby, "Can I take mine off too?"

"Well, now our bodily fluids should be washed off of them;" said Marion, "So I don't see why not." The two of them stripped their panties off and left them sitting on the side of the bathtub. By now, the bubbles were starting to dissipate, revealing their naked bodies to each other.

"Mom..." said Abby, "I don't feel ashamed of being a lesbian anymore."

"You never had to feel ashamed to begin with;" said Marion, "Straight, Lesbian, or even Bi; your father, Donnie, and myself will always love you for who you are." By now, Abby had tears in her eyes; it seemed that she had been worrying about this for her whole life, and in one afternoon, all that worry was lifted from her.

"Mommy..." she said, "I love you..." and she kissed her mother on her lips. Marion cupped Abby's chin in her hand and returned the kiss.

"I love you too, my precious baby..." she said once the kiss had broken. They looked down to see that the bubbles had dissolved back into light foam, so Abby said,

"So what should we do now?" Marion took a moment to think, then said,

"How about a nice good old-fashioned cuddle? Mama and daughter?"

"Sure..." said Abby, "That sounds nice." She pulled the plug and the water started to drain out of the tub. The two cheetahs pulled themselves out of the tub and dried themselves off with big fluffy towels. Then they threw their panties into the laundry and headed into Abby's room. Once there, Marion got underneath Abby's covers, and let Abby snuggle in next to her before dropping them and pulling her daughter close. Abby sighed blissfully as she nestled into the warmth of her blanket and felt her mother's fur up against her own.

"This is nice, isn't it?" asked Marion.

"It sure is..." said Abby. Then she said, "Mom... I know we probably shouldn't do anything like we just did today ever again, but can we cuddle like this sometime?"

"Of course, Sweetie;" whispered Marion.

"Thanks, Mommy..." Abby whispered back. And soon; thoroughly exhausted from their heart-to-heart lesson, both mother and daughter were sound asleep.


Dear Diary:

I learned a lot today. I learned that I have no reason to hide who I am from my family. Mom certainly taught me a lot and I will do her justice by taking that lesson and letting it guide me through life. I really am lucky to have her as my mom.

Sincerely: Abby Dixon