Meet Me at the Masquerade (Patreon Extreme)

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The grand mansion was a sight to be seen, as it was easily spotted from the road leading past the gated community. On this particular night there came a great bustle of activity to the house as a massive party was underway, a masquerade to be more specific. The Reipart family that owned this gigantic house was well off to say the least, but the rarity of these parties and their exclusivity was cause for jealousy among those that weren't allowed to attend.

Past the lively interior and friendly appearances the grounds were stocked full of armed guards and counter measures for anyone wanting to try and crash the party in some spectacular way. The Reiparts' had their fair share of business adversaries that would do anything to have them killed or brought down in some way. So far there was nothing to report on the side of security, and thus the guests arrived in droves, as what was known to happen on these occasions.

Expensive cars of every make and model drove around the very wide, arching driveway, stopping at the crest to an awaiting valet. While there were quite a few couples in attendance, there were few single parties that had been invited. One of which slowed his vehicle as he came to the mansion's entrance. In what was a gold colored, fully electric vehicle, the door swung up like a Lamborghini and out stepped its driver.

He was a tall and very well dressed snow leopard, his tuxedo being a jet black with a blood red tie. He was very fit with square shoulders and an aura of extreme confidence. He was very young and handsome, though few might have been able to see that as a black, plastic mask with a few stray ruby colored feathers adorned his face. He peered out through the eye holes, his irises smoldering as yellow as his car.

The big cat had barely gotten a few feet when a tiger wearing a red vest seemingly appeared out of nowhere to offer to park his ride. The leopard continued to hold his friendly facade and handed the keys, along with a hundred dollar bill, to the valet. The other feline graciously accepted both and waited patiently until the snow leopard had gotten closer to the porch before he climbed inside and drove away.

Stepping up to the entrance, the new arrival was stopped by a very burly looking German Shepard that also had a strange mask on. In his hand was a tablet with some sort of scanning tool on the top of it.

"Name and card," the guard demanded and outstretched his paw, palm up.

"Jason Astinsen," the leopard replied as he reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and withdrew his wallet. Inside was a small, golden object that resembled a credit card, though it had no lettering or features. Its surface being completely blank. The dog took up the card and gently bumped its surface against the tool. A small beep sounded out and the guard swiped through a couple different apps that were up on his screen. He paused a moment and then gave a nod.

"Thank you for coming, Mr Astinsen. Enjoy the party," the Shepard said with a suddenly pleasant voice and handed back the card. Jason replaced it within his wallet and then shoved the wallet back into his pocket. The guard stepped aside and pushed open one of the double doors that marked the front entrance.

Inside, the guests were numerous. Many different species were represented, each baring fancy dress clothes and differently styled masks over each of their visages. Jason smirked as he meandered in a bit further, the room was abuzz with conversation and gentle music playing over speakers set about the ceiling. The snow leopard had snagged a glass of champagne from the tray of a wondering server when a voice called to him from a short distance away.

"Hey, Jason!" the voice was a young but adult growl that caused the big cat to turn his head towards the source. His eyes locked to a waving skunk that was a few paces across the room. He thought to approach but he watched as the other seemed to excuse himself from the group he was with and came trotting over.

"Morris!" the big cat said, the two sharing a firm shake of the paws in greeting. Likewise, the skunk had a drink in his other paw that fizzed in an amber hue.

"So glad you were able to make it!" the skunk said and slipped his paw into the pocket of his dress pants.

"Yeah, figured I'd try for one of these famous masquerades," the feline chuckled and nudged at the adornment on his face.

"Well yeah, but there's a bigger reason I wanted you to come around," Morris explained and took a sip of his drink. "You're a gold member, aren't you?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?" the feline replied.

"May I see it?"

"Uh, sure," Jason mumbled as he went about withdrawing his wallet and opening it. He flashed the golden card briefly, and when he did a broad grin spread across the other male's face.

"Fantastic! Here, come with me," he said and immediately seized the snow leopard by the arm.

"Hey!" Jason protested but reluctantly went along with his persistent friend. Morris dropped his half finished glass on the tray of another passing waiter. The feline did the same, though he made sure to down its contents beforehand. "What's this all about?"

"Well, it's not really all that big of a secret, I'm surprised no one has told you about what goes on at these parties," the skunk replied, being a bit more gentle with his eagerness as he continued to drag the other with him. The two approached a set of doors towards the back corner of the main room and pushed past them. Now in a stairwell, the skunk continued, "Look, Jason, I know you hold me as a confidant with regard to some of your more unconventional fantasies, but I've got something lined up for you that I know you'll love."

Read the full story here: