Of Blindness And Lettuce.

Story by Winnie_the_puppy on SoFurry

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At first, I did wonder what he saw in me as a friend. As well as why he came to my aid the day I was out in the cold. I may be blind, but I can be smart as a tac when I want to.

I just now realised he was staring at me, that green, fuzzy wolf sitting across the table from me. A pair of blue eyes leering at me like I had done something, I could not see, but I could sense that he was staring at me. "What is it salad?" I said in a sarcastic tone. Hearing him growl he replied with "nothing, just wondering about why you are blind" as he was eating what seemed like a salad, (hence his own name.) Consisting of carrots, lettuce, chopped up broccoli and mashed potatoes according to the scent. I went silent for a moment. But soon answered him. "I was... Clawed in the eyes by a dog when I was little. It hurt too.. She had very pointy claws." Salad flattened his ears at my slightly vicarious tone. I knew they hit his head when I heard a soft ruffle sound. I apologised and then walked up to my room, bumping myself along the walls and corners on the way up. I hiss under my breath in irritation as I finally reach my room and slam the door shut, flopping down on my bed as I were tired. "Man... Can I not go ONE day without being bothered by that fuzzy green leaf?! Apparently not!!" I suddenly heard salad storm out after growling loudly, I just shrugged and soon after I yawned, I began to fall asleep.

<perspective switch to salad>

As I ran outside, I soon stopped when I came upon a tree that I always used to sit under with synder, thinking of him I sit down and gaze into the sky, And I ponder to myself. thinking "did I upset him? Was what I asked too harsh?.... I hope I did not offend him..." I sigh as I sit back. Gazing at the sunset over the horizon. After it gets dark, I go back inside to see if he has calmed down. Not seeing him in the den, I walk upstairs to synder's room. After, I put my ear to the door to hear a bit of snoring. He must have gone to sleep when I went outside... I groaned in a tone of discontent as I lean against the wall beside the door and slide down until I was sitting. "Man.. I need to apologise when he wakes up, I hope he is not angry.. I always knew synder had a bad temper, but I suppose I shouldn't have said anything." Then, I hear the door knob twist, I flatten my ears again when I get up and turn to walk away, only to have my tail grabbed. He said to me "what in the name of the god of thunder are you doing outside of my room door?" I turned around to face him, despite that he could not see my head hung down a bit of a sad manor. "I-I was just.... Wondering if you were awake.." He replied with "well I am now, thanks to you're chattering. What was it about 'hoping that you did not offend me'? I stood there silent... I wasn't able to find any words to say to him. What should I do? I was about to say something when I was pulled up close by the shorter male. " if you are sorry, then tell me. Why exactly did you take me in on that cold day so many months ago? You could have just left me out there you know..." I was shocked. Synder never was this blunt with me before... Hearing this only made me hang my head down more. "I.... I couldn't just leave you out there like that.. It was too cold for a cat like you." I said as he snapped back at me. "Fair enough, I am not a 'cat'. I am a panther, but you win this round you green piece of broccoli." I stood silent again, not able to even say anything but whimper a bit.

<perspective switch back to synder>

As salad stood still, I could sense that he wasn't exactly in high spirits. I placed my right paw to his cheek when his head suddenly directed towards me by the feel of movement. "Hey now... You may annoy me sometimes but that does not mean I dislike you. Frankly, I am happy you took me in. Even in spite that I'm as blind as a darn bat." Salad soon spoke again, in response he said "it doesn't matter if you can't see..." In response, I felt my thoughts soon turn to a more deeper region. I then lean in and touch my nose to his. I whispered "salad...." He seemed to fidget a bit, but he stuttered with his reply of "y-yes synder...?" I couldn't take the suspense. The very canine I had in my arms suddenly embraced me with a hug. "Do you.... Love me? It has been bothering me for awhile and I should be treating you better instead of yelling at you.. Ever since that day I've felt something from you. A warm, fuzzy feeling that made my heart flutter... Even when I think of you I grow weak at the knees." Suddenly, I felt his muzzle rest on my shoulder. He blurted out "yes... I admit it, I do love you.. You bring a smile to my face no matter how harsh you're attitude may be sometimes. You give me plenty of reasons to be happy, to want to wake up each morning. I love you and I'm not afraid to say it..." Now I was the silent one. I could not see, but I could tell my own face was as red as a beet! I pulled his head up from my shoulder, and I brought his nose to mine, I pressed my lips to his to bring him close for a kiss. As time ticked by the seconds, my heart melted from his embrace as we soon pulled away. Him gazing into my eyes even though I could not do the same. It was a happy ending for the both of us, we both came to conclusion and now from here on, I belong to salad, the green fuzzy colored wolf. Just as he belongs to me. A black, charcoal colored panther.

The end-

Story based on me and my lover, neither of us are blind, but my sona synder is. Hope you all enjoyed my first story and if you did then it makes me happy that I did good writing my first. See ya next time everyone!!