Le diable dans elle lèvres

Story by Tachyon on SoFurry

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I wrote this a few months ago, prompted to by a friend. I figured there's no harm in uploading it here. I rarely write anything like this (in fact, I haven't written anything like this before or since - I prefer to draw), so hopefully it's okay enough. :-)

Le diable dans elle lèvres

As our locked lips part I open my eyes to the adorable white lapine form before me. She smiles, a naughty bucktoothed grin as her hazel eyes glimmer with what could only have been quite a mischievous thought.

Eva shoves me backwards, off balance I careen bum-first into the sofa behind me. Splayed over cushions, regaining my bearing, I'm paused by the alluring feminine figure standing above me. Wearing tight white panties and one of my black dress shirts, and nothing more, she poses legs apart, slowly lifting her golden hair from behind her head with raised arms. Her arms out-stretched above her head, chest straining the limits of my shirt, she gradually lets her hair slip through her fingers, gravity reclaiming each strand in frolicking swirls.

She lowers her arms, passing in front of her face, and with elbows at her sides, lightly places her hands on her chest. She looks at me once more, with that mischievous glint. She moves her hands to the shirt's collar. Slowly, deliberately, she undoes the first, topmost button.

She moves lower, and undoes the second.

Then the third button, the crevice of her bust gradually revealing itself as the fabric gives away.

She continues further, undoing the fourth button. The black fabric defiantly maintains Eva's modesty, despite its compromised integrity.

...Then the fifth. The wedge of Eva's soft white belly fur, dividing the shirt down its centre, starkly contrasts the black cotton on either side.

As the last button's hold is relinquished, in one smooth, slow motion Eva pulls at the shirt's front corners, drawing them out, around, then behind her. Her stomach, chest, and breasts freed from their fabric enclosure, as the shirt slips off her shoulders and falls to the floor.

She cups her breasts with each hand. Our eyes meet once more as she looks up, and her thumbs flick once over her nipples. Eva turns around, her hands descending to her sides as she does. Facing away, legs together, she firmly places her thumbs between the straps of her panties and her smooth white fur. She begins sliding her panties down, slowly, shimmying inch by inch. Her cute bunny tail flies like a triumphant flag atop the wonderful curves of her behind as they are gradually uncovered. Her deliberate exposition continues without pause, revealing the sensual pleasure-centre of her crotch as she bends pushing her panties down her legs.

Her labia precariously exposed to the air, panties at her ankles, and tail-flag at full mast. She steps out of the meagre cloth one leg at a time. She removes her right foot, with a step to the right, then her left foot, with a step to the left. Sensually she caresses the insides of her legs with her hands, sweeping a path up from her feet, past her calves, along her thighs and over her crotch as she reclaims a standing pose facing away.

She turns around on the ball of one foot to face me, that mischievous glint not duller. She slowly, deliberately takes two steps forward, places one arm each side of my head, leans over, and kisses me.

Her tongue playfully laps at my own when our lips part again. She kisses my chin as she lowers in my field of vision, heading southward. She softly bunts my neck with her nose, and laps at my chest as she continues further down my body. She blows a gust of air at my belly button along the way, for good measure.

Now kneeling on the floor at the foot of the sofa, Eva slides her chin past the top of my jeans, stopping just atop the virulent bulge in the denim. She places her lips firmly on the peak of the rise, conspicuously kissing the material surface, and then, with both hands, grasps the top-front of my jeans. She undoes the single copper button, and with delicate precision, slowly drags the zipper's slider, carefully over the bulge, all the way down.

Cued by Eva lightly tugging at my jeans, I take my bodyweight onto my feet and shoulders and lift my hips off the sofa. In a single savage motion Eva yanks the denim down, along with my underpants, down my legs all the way to my feet. The trapped bulge suddenly freed, my engorged cock slaps against my abdomen.

"Ooh!" exclaims Eva looking up, that mischievous glow increasingly potent with my prominent erection reflecting in her eyes.

She licks the underside of my cock, running her wet tongue from base to tip. A wave of pleasurable sensation washes over my loins. She kisses the tip of my erection, and suckles at it, drawing in the taste of my pre-cum. She sucks, and draws back, her soft wet lips sliding off the tip of my cock as it again slaps against my abdomen.

Open mouthed Eva moves forward, this time taking in the whole head of my cock. Suckling more, she slowly draws back, her lips tickling my corona's very sensitive nerves. Again my cock slips out of her lips' embrace and slaps hard against my fur.

She places her left hand on my waist, and grasps the base of my hard-on with her right, before engulfing the length of my cock in her warm, wet mouth. The base of her tongue plays at the tip of my cock. Suckling the length of the shaft, Eva begins to slide up and down. The sensation of her mouth stroking those sensitive nerves fires sparks of pleasure through my body. A flush of pink subtly washes over Eva's cheeks as she begins breathing heavier. With each stroke I feel her warm breath on my fur.

I breath heavier, too, that amazing feeling of moist tongue and firm, pursed lips gliding up and down, back and forth, continuously suckling at my cock. I can't help letting out a low, quiet growl - almost a purr. With a knowing look in her eye, Eva's pace quickens, sucking up and down, her hand tugging at the base of my shaft.

I can feel the swelling in my balls and the tightening of my scrotum as Eva takes me close, closer to the edge. Her lips and tongue and suckling mouth deminishing the lingering remnants of my sanity. The pressure in my loins growing higher and higher as that pleasurable agony draws near. "Oh! Ahh!"

Eva milks my cock mercilessly, refusing to give up any intensity. Suckling and stroking and kissing, I'm left helpless, drowning in her lips, struggling at the edge of bliss. Just as I feel that I can't contain the pressure any longer, Eva stops. She stops stroking, suckling, and caressing, and pulls back, mouth open. A single string of saliva motionlessly spans the debauched gap between her lips and my cock before finally breaking away.

My throbbing erection dances in desperate cries for continued stimulation, without avail. So close! The mischievous look in Eva's eyes all more appropriate as she pauses to look at me, her luscious wet mouth resting, panting with hot breath over my cock. That stunningly beautiful sight of pure, smiling, unadulterated bunny evil. Eva pulls her hand away from my shaft, and, slowly sitting back, places it between her legs. As salt in the wound, she begins to teasingly, selfishly stroke her own slick loins in front of me.

I cry of disapproval, as eloquently as I can manage. "Annghh!"

"Aww," Eva sympathises, as she continues to rub her wet slit. She softly kisses my leg, and watches my erection dance. The motion gradually subsides, but not the intense throbbing and pressure. Eva kisses my leg again. Then again, this time higher as she leans in.

Eva places her mouth at my cock, her hot panting breath deliberately placed on my head intensifing the agonising pleasure, and increasing my desperation. She blows a stream of warm air on my throbbing shaft, making it dance a few seconds more. "Hehe," giggles Eva. "It wants some attention, I think!" She turns up and looks into my eyes, "What do you think?"

"Aaah-fffff." I bite my lip but fail to prevent sounding like a complete idiot.

Eva smiles and again blows hot air on my cock - it dances on cue. Finding the situation far more amusing than I do, she giggles again, and takes one quick lap with her tongue at the underside of my cock, right where the head and shaft meet. She pulls back away, and I watch her as she gazes at me, lowering between my legs. All I can still see is her now slightly messed golden hair and her flushed ears pinned back to her head.

Her wet tongue pushes hard against my perineum and she drags it with one big lick up over my balls, along the underside of my shaft, right to the tip of the head. She pulls back to watch my cock leap and dance in a flurry of desperate delight.

Eva swaps the right hand still buried in her crotch for her left, grabbing the base of my cock with her right hand, moist with her own intoxicating juices. She breathes out hot moist air over me and engulfs the length of my strained, throbbing erection in her mouth - the warm, wet familiarity a wonderful blessing relief. Moaning with her closed mouth she strokes her wet lips up and down the length, tickling and teasing with her tongue along the way. Sucking and suckling my cock. Scratching the desperate itch. The pressure in my loins increases twice-fold as Eva's lips once more drag me towards the precipice.

I soak in the lustful vision of the sexy naked lapine forcefully milking my cock with her hand and her mouth. Her long, flushed ears bob up and down with each stroke, her bright, senusal hazel eyes looking at me through increasingly messy golden strands. Blushing cheeks shine through her fur as her soft wet lips deliver indescribable pleasure. Her heaving breasts, her soft tummy, and just barely visible, fingers lost in her lusciously wet crotch dripping hot rabbit juice on the blue carpet floor.

"Ohhhhg..." My balls contract, and the built-up pressure of sexual fluid flows to my cock. In one swift motion Eva suckles up to the tip of my cock and her lips withdraw. With her hand well lubricated by her own salival and vaginal juices, she gives no respite from her intense stimulation as she energetically strokes the length of my cock. Mouth agape she sits above my cock in eager anticipation.

I cry out in muted bursts, the heavenly electric stokes of Eva's hand ringing through my body. My muscles tense in unison as an eruption of semen billows out from the tip of my cock, the first strand of cum spraying past Eva's nose, landing on her forehead. Another burst follows. Pulse after pulse of wonderful orgasmic convulsion forces strands of hot seed through my shaft, shooting out into Eva's mouth and onto her cheeks and face in an erotic sticky mess. Delirious in a pulsating world of carnal delight, I feel only the throbbing pleasure of Eva's stroking and each ejaculation.

Eva slows her strokes, the few remaining potent spasms of my orgasm sending the last bursts of cum at a supine angle landing on Eva's breasts. I have none but the energy to pant mouth agape in blissful rapture. Eva closes her own panting mouth, now lined with my seed. She breaths heavily through her nose, her flushed face crossed with golden strands of hair and salacious strings of semen.

She releases her grip on my cock and ambles upwards over me, bracing herself with her hands either side of my head. She pauses, and still panting I gaze into her hazel eyes. And I notice the mischievous glimmer still there. Puzzling. Eva darts forward agape, kissing my unguarded maw with her own gooey, cum-filled mouth.

And then I realise, there it is! That was the mischievous thought! Not the blowjob, not the orgasm control, but the final coup-de-grâce snowball!

I place my hand behind her head, and kiss her back. I don't mind, really.

Only, knowing her, I probably should've seen it coming.