Morning After

Story by ColtonBunny on SoFurry

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A croc wakes up with a full belly and a bunny in his bed, then remembers how it happened. Contains M/M sex, friendship, and consensual permanent soft vore.

Jared the alligator woke up and started groaning. He had a splitting headache and his mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. He cautiously opened his eyes to his own dim bedroom, and as he settled slowly into wakefulness he began to notice a few things. First, there was quite conveniently a large jug of water on his nightstand. The gator reached over and greedily gulped at it, spilling a bit onto his chest and bed. The water tasted off somehow, but Jared didn't care. As he sat up, he noticed that his gut was heavy and bulging quite pleasantly. He didn't remember enough about last night to know who was in there, but he smiled as faint recollections of succulent taste and fervent sex washed over him. His headache had quickly reduced from sharp pain to a dull, manageable throb, and as the gator rubbed his eyes and slightly shook his head he noticed the third thing. He wasn't alone.

The figure was curled under the gray sheets of his bed, and was quite clearly a rabbit. Cream fur and a brown spot on his ear seemed familiar, but the gator couldn't quite place it. His cock twitched reflexively as he looked over his sleeping bed-mate, and the gator was tempted to wake him up and pound this bunny into the mattress once again. Instead, he quietly slipped out of bed and walked out of his bedroom, rubbing his own gut happily. He was well and truly stuffed, probably wouldn't eat for a week based on how he was feeling, but his guest might appreciate a nice meal. Really, it was the least the gator could do seeing as the poor rabbit's boyfriend was most likely churning away in the gators gut now. Jared burped slightly at that thought, tasting his meal again. Definitely another rabbit.

He thought about what to make for a moment before deciding that everyone likes pancakes, and carefully navigated around his kitchen, trying to avoid bumping into anything with his swollen gut. The occupant seemed to still have some squirming left, apparently having woken up with the jostling of the alligator's motion, and it seemed rude to bang him into the counter while he was digesting. As he began cooking, Jared tried to remember what happened the night before.

The first thought on his mind was what club did he go to. The hangover and full belly seemed to imply that it was a place worth returning to. He tried to remember the name, was it Devra's? Hunting Grounds? Carne? They all sounded familiar, but none stood out. Jared was pretty sure it hadn't been his usual spot, The Pond, but other than that he couldn't say. He'd have to ask his guest- the one still in his bed that is. Although the one in his belly seemed fairly talkative given the noises his stomach was making. His eyes wandered as he stirred the batter, his light smile of afterglow fading as he noticed a picture hanging on the wall. It showed the gator, happily holding up a large sea bass he had caught. Next to him stood two of his best friends, Sal and Sol, the rabbits. And the events of last night seemed to come back as a flood.

He'd known the pair for years, but Jared still had trouble telling the two rabbits apart. Many people assumed they were twin brothers, but in truth the bunnies hadn't even met until high school. They shared most of the same advanced classes, and what began as a friendly rivalry between the 'clones' had quickly become a deep friendship as they realized how much they had in common. Beyond the physical similarities, and the name similarities, both were smart, both loved the same music and food, and they shared a weird love of Shakespeare. And, as they found out in their junior year, both were gay and had a huge crush on each other. They co-founded their school's LGBT club, and roomed together through college before finding work at the same design studio. They both struck up a friendship with the big alligator intern, who thought for a few months that they were the same slightly forgetful person until one invited him over for a party at their place. A party where they introduced him to a truly delicious mouse that nearly jumped down the gators throat in the bathroom before the little morsel had remembered his hosts wanted to watch. Since then the couple had been friends with benefits to the hungry gator, often joining him when he went 'hunting' at the clubs and coming home with him to enjoy the spoils.

Last night was different though. It started off normally, Sol (or was it Sal?) had pulled him aside at lunch and told him to skip lunch if he wanted to go hunting that evening. Apparently, Sal (or Sol?) had been craving some gator dick lately and didn't they have just the perfect fuckbuddy for that? So when work was done for the day, Jared had hopped in their car and gone home with them for a quick shower, where Sal(?) had desperately sucked off the gator while his husbandwas pounding his furry ass. Jared remembered the exuberance the rabbit had shown as the gator came down his throat, and his disappointment once he had milked every last drop of seed from Jared's dick. They were considering a round two when Jared's stomach started grumbling.

"Unless one of you wants to volunteer, we should probably go find some food." The gator had joked. So they dried off and Sol drove them to some new club downtown, the door was painted with a very happy looking tiger with a bulging, uneven stomach. Everyone knew what going home with a big guy meant in that bar. The rabbits had bought him drink after drink as Jared struck out again and again, first some massive orca had simply grabbed an otter Jared had been talking to and dragged the squealing, laughing mustelid out the door. Security hassled the orca, but let him go when the otter told them it was ok. Then a slim but muscly fox apologized for giving him the wrong idea, he was there to find some food of his own and was just enjoying talking to a fellow predator. Then a scared little gecko flinched away when Jared touched his arm and ran off. The gator briefly considered giving chase, some guys want to be caught after all, but decided against it. The gecko hadn't given any signs of wanting that, and Jared had never eaten anyone who didn't want it.

And the night went on like that, Sol and Sal buying the gator a drink every time a meal left. With no food in his belly, it didn't take too long for the reptile to start feeling it's effects. No prey wants to go home with the drunk guy and have the chance that their once in a lifetime experience will be ruined by whiskey dick or worse, vomiting. So around 1, the remaining patrons of the bar began to shuffle out, unsuccessful predators heading to a late-night restaurant to at least quell the hunger pangs and remaining prey heading home to dream about finding their perfect predator. Sol and Sal got Jared into the back of their car and started driving. It wasn't often that Jared had an unsuccessful hunt, but it happened enough that he was expecting the regular pancake joint and a round of 'tomorrows' and 'they don't know what they're missing' before they take him home for a night of not-quite-pity sex. So the gator was surprised when he stepped out of the car and realized they were at his home. Sol, or maybe Sal, looked surprised too. That's usually where they went when Jared was toying with some squealing prey-thing in the backseat.

"Well, thanks for the ride," Jared said, trying not to show his disappointment. If Sal(?) wanted to just drop him off, he knew he shouldn't complain. After all it was late, and maybe Jared had said something to upset his rabbit friend. He tried to think of what, but he was still drunk and he figured he could apologize tomorrow.

"Do we not get to come in then?" Sal(?) asked, taking the keys out of the ignition. "I mean, the night's still young."

"I, of course! You're always welcome, you know that" Jared said, fumbling with his keys. He went to go open the door while Sal and Sol whispered to each other in the car. By the time the gator had managed to open the door the rabbits were right behind him, one of them grabbing his waist and twirling around to kiss him as they went inside. Jared accepted the rabbits embrace and protruding tongue for a moment, then pulled back. "Really should eat something before that. Don't wanna do something stupid."

"Oh, we can be a little stupid," said the rabbit in his arms. Sneaking in close for another deep kiss he ground his hips up to brush against the emerging budge within the gator's pants.

The other rabbit closed the door behind them, crossed his arms and leaned on one hip, feigning annoyance. "Get a room you too."

"Thought we were," said the rabbit in the gators arms. Leaning towards his partner who rolled his eyes and gave him a kiss.

Jared used this opportunity to back away, trying to ignore his growling, demanding stomach. "If you're that horny feel free to start without me. I'll come join you after I grab a snack."

"Oh, but I don't want your stomach filled with chewed up food when I curl up inside it," one of the pair said. The other came up to Jared and gently led him by his arm into the bedroom. "We've been watching you eat for a long time now Jared, and I for one am done watching. I want you to take me, to claim me and make me yours. You're the second sexiest man I've ever met, and I want to be a part of you now." The rabbit started stripping, carefully taking out his golden earring and removing his wedding ring. He gave it to his partner, who put it on his own finger, up against his own. The gator lay down and tried to protest, but his grumbling stomach interrupted him and before it could stop, the still clothed rabbit had pulled down the gators fly and reached in to grab his rock hard member. "I've seen you staring at me and drooling, I know you want this almost as badly as me" the naked rabbit crawled onto his lap, trying to avoid squishing his partners gently stroking hand. Jared hadn't seen the bottle, but the clothed rabbit was now lubing him up, the rabbits own little bunny cock bouncing hard and pink out of his fly. "So tonight I'm your meal Jared. Treat me like it."

Jared's mind was a fog of booze and sex and hunger and need. He took the naked rabbit in a deep kiss, hips bucking into him, desperate for a warm tight hole to fill. The other rabbit tugged the gator's pants down, and as soon as they were off his feet Jared rolled on the bed, pinning the nude rabbit beneath him. He aligned himself and after a few misses felt a hand on his cock again. The not very clothed anymore rabbit was behind him, guiding the gators cock into his partner. Jared let him, allowing the first thrust to be slow and steady but unending as his eight inches of thick meat slid into his prey. Licking at his meal's face, the gator felt himself sink in to the balls, and held there for a moment. Then without warning he pulled back and thrust back in, hard. The rabbit beneath him gasped and grunted as he thrust all the way in, but the gator didn't stop. He couldn't even remember that the thing beneath him was his friend anymore, giving himself completely to his most primal needs. He didn't treat the rabbit like a person, he treated him like a thing, an edible fuck toy that only existed to satisfy his needs. Somewhere in the back of his mind he registered that the nice pulsing feeling around his cock probably meant his prey was cumming, but consciously there was nothing. He kept pounding into his meal, tenderizing it and preparing to give it a nice cream filling. It started pulsing again, and he felt something spurting onto his belly, but he didn't stop. He wasn't moaning or sighing, he was roaring and any sounds his meal made were drowned out by it.

Finally he came, thick cock pounding wildly into the bunny as it spurted and writhed in pleasure, giving his meal the final seasoning it needed for his sex crazed mind to let him finally tend to his other pressing need. The food tried to say something, but before it could get the words out its head was inside the gators maw, then throat as he started desperately gulping at his meal. Lifting his meal up, Jared tried not to moan around his food as the rabbit came off his cock with a loud _ pop _and the gator stood up. His tongue was slurping around his meals chest, teasing the food as Jared gulped around it. He was pushing his food down, needing to be filled, needing to eat this delicious wonderful fucktoy. He tasted the rabbits cum and lathered the area, his food grew hard and he was tempted to get him off again but the gator couldn't wait any more. His powerful tongue wrapped around the rabbit's groin and pulled him in. Gravity, gulping, and the foods desperate attempts to crawl deeper into him finally won out as the rabbit quickly slid into his stomach.

Jared looked down, rubbing his belly, and finally noticed the wet slurping around his own cock. The remaining rabbit was blowing him, though Jared had trouble seeing over his bulging, writhing stomach. His meal started to settle, and Jared sat back on the bed, reaching down to scratch his friend's ears as the rabbits tongue cleaned his cock. The ministrations stopped, and the bunny came up and began caressing his lover through the gator's stomach. He kissed the belly and whispered to it, Jared didn't even try to tell what he said, but he could feel his stomach wriggling in response and knew his meal could hear it. Jared hiked himself back on the bed to lie down and let his friend get comfortable, but the rabbit just smiled at him and slid down onto the gator's dick. He slipped onto it like a glove and started riding the gator, holding onto his stomach and still whispering into it. The rabbits cock was rubbing up against the writhing belly, and his gaze kept switching between the gator's eyes and stomach. Jared smiled and leaned back, putting his arms behind his head and letting the rabbit control the pace. They came together, and Jared fell asleep with the rabbit still rubbing and hugging his belly.

"Ooh, pancakes! Thanks Jared" the rabbit said as he came out of the bedroom, nude. The table was set for one, and Jared was pouring himself a glass of water. "And how's Sol doing?"

"Still squirming a bit. Sal, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean"

"Ha.I knew you still couldn't tell us apart." The rabbit sat down and pulled up to his breakfast. "To be fair, I always figured I'd jump down your throat first. Sal was usually the responsible one, figured I'd break first." He poured syrup over his pancakes and took a bite. "And what are you sorry for?"

"I... I ate Sal. I never ate a friend before."

"Oh please, Sal wanted it. And I'm glad he's still squirming, hopefully he'll still be around for round 3 when I'm done with breakfast. You usually take about a week after a meal like that, right?"

"Umm, yeah. Why?"

"So I've got a week before I can join my husband then. Ah well, I'll manage. I figure lots of sex with my gator friend will help pass the time, right?"

"Join him?"

"Of course!" The rabbit spoke through a mouthful of food. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't want to lose two friends that fast!"

"But we weren't two friends. You can't even tell us apart, no one can. You ate half a friend last night, and you'll get the other half as soon as you can fit it in. That's all. And don't you dare think you can keep me away from my other half, gator boy. It's not like we haven't talked about this."

"We've never"

"Not you and me. Me and Sal!" Sol looked at the gator like he was an idiot. He had mastered that look over the years. "We always wanted to end up in the same guy in the end, we just needed to find the right one. You're a good guy, you're great in bed, and you're hot as fuck. The perfect predator to make us truly one in the end, wouldn't you say? Once we decided that it was just a matter of getting it all started." The rabbit pushed away his plate. "Mind if I finish that later? Talking about this is making me kind of thirsty." The rabbit slid under the table and lifted up Jared's apron, latching onto the gator's soft cock.

"It's gonna be a fun week isn't it?" Jared asked, rubbing the rabbits head as he hardened.

Sol didn't respond, though Sal seemed to wriggle in agreement.