Alligator Bred
So we have 6 gator sons, and we're a happy family.
Alligator's Tears
alligator's tears by fizer warning: story contains f/m unwilling soft vore, stripping, and force feeding.
Alligators in the sewer?
She climbed back to her feat gasping for breath and came face to face with a giant alligator with it's giant teeth bared. emma screamed again and ran.
Alligator Wrestling
It was good to see that the alligator had an appetite.
Croco-wait Alligator tears?
The bbw beauty of an alligator! tigron is getting a first hand look at her in this story croco-wait alligator tears?"
The Special Occasion (First complete draft)
One of the alligator's large claws slid down the wolf's back and into his pants, as the gator began to squeeze his ass roughly.
Something Naughty
The gator laughed and sat next to the wolf, putting his muscular arm around his furry friend. the wolf lay his head on the gator and pressed his body close. the gator had a strong musky smell.
Gentlemen's Agreement
"i'm not finished yet tiny," the gator replied.
Meant to Be, Ch 4
The alligator's maw parted a little more, and another mumble escaped it.
Research Butt Buddy
The gator whimpers in humiliation as his rectum was filled with golden water, it didn't smell much at all, in fact the alligator can barely smell the stench of the piss. the problem is his behind won't smell like alligator musk.
Age Away Day Spa
"it's time to wake up widdle gator", the bear beamed. gator raised up from his sleep, "hi dada", gurgled the dog turned pup, not noticing him yellow tinted diaper. the bear hoisted gator up and carried him to the changing table.
The Gator and the Vixen
gator." "sir gator and who is this? how did you get my number?" "this one is k-2003 one of mistress takala ling's toys." "ahh miss ling, she calling for another appointment?" inquires the gator.