Meet Me in the Cornfield (Patreon Extreme)

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To the credit of the year, the crops had come in very well. Adequate weather through the summer culminated in a cornfield that had stocks seven feet high as fall began to set in. With the school year having started not too long ago and the days beginning to get noticeably shorter, there came a blossoming of new experiences. One experience in particular was causing quite a bit of havoc for a girl of the family that owned one of the county's largest cornfields.

Set out on the farm far removed from the nearest city, things had been quiet for most of the day. Outside there was the constant buzz of insects that filled the yard and the birds that feasted on them. The backdoor of the house swung open to reveal a t-shirt and shorts clad boy. He was young, perhaps fourteen years of age and he certainly looked it. He was average for the most part, his body being healthy and he wasn't too tall or short. In a way it was strange, as most families were known to put children to work in a farm setting, though this one being as large as it was required more professional paws.

As such, the children weren't all too muscular or well rounded with farm equipment like those of neighboring crops and pens. In all, an easier life was something that he and his sister took for granted, but that didn't mean they were without their concerns.

He came closer to the field that was just a few yards away from the backyard, a massive wall of stalks bared his way in. He came up to within a couple feet of the corn and gave a light sigh, his yellow eyes glances from side to side as he looked for an entrance within. He had distinctly canine features, more specifically those of an akita. He was purebred, like most of his family, and actually carried strong, handsome features with a strong jaw line and determined eyes.

Chester was his name, and through the day he had grown progressively more annoyed with his sister and her cryptic messages. She had stayed home from school, and right when he got off the bus there was the bizarre note taped to the front door. He followed the instructions that got him right there.

After feebly searching for any one good way to enter into the cornfield, he shrugged his shoulders and began to force his way in. Luckily the stalks were spaced far enough apart that he didn't have to go about breaking any of them down to venture further into the maze of green. He held his paws in front of his face, pushing past the long, squiggly leaves that hung down like vines. He had no way of telling where he was going or where he was in the slightest, so after a couple minutes of blindly going forward, he stopped and shouted.

"Jessie!" he roared with both paws cupped around the sides of his mouth to amplify his voice. He paused for a moment and waited, his ears up and alert. He didn't hear a call back, instead there came a rustling of cornstalks as someone came rushing towards him. He turned and peered at the shivering stalks just as the body of his sister appeared from behind them.

"Shut up, Chester!" she hissed and stopped a couple feet away. In contrast to her brother, Jessie was a very noticeable individual. Though she was two years younger than him, she was about the same height and build, though she was strikingly cute. She had a long flow of blond hair that cascaded over her shoulder, as apposed to the short cut that he wore. Normally she would have had it in a ponytail but there was something off about her nature.

She stared at him with hard eyes that were slightly narrowed. A dark blush had formed across the bridge of her muzzle and her nearly flat chest was heaving with each breath. She wasn't out of shape by any mean, so it was very confusion to see her on the verge of panting.

"Why are we out here, Jessie?" the boy said and crossed his arms over his chest. "And shouldn't you be inside if you're sick? It's just gunna get worse!" he accused. She shushed him again and stuck a finger against her lips.

When he had stopped and let a silence take over, she spoke. "Come on. Follow me," she demanded and turned to walk back towards the way she had come. He wanted to protest more but he ended up rolling his eyes and starting after her. He made sure to keep up well enough so that he didn't lose her, but then again they didn't have to go very far. Before Chester realized it, he had stepped out into a small clearing.

He glanced around for a brief moment, realizing that a patch of cornstalks had been pulled out of the ground and tossed to the side to leave a flat area of upturned soil. A large blanket was placed at its center, and standing on that blanket was a half naked Jessie. Chester had to blink his eyes and shake his head to fully realize what he was seeing, but it was indeed true. In the time between her getting into the clearing and him, she had stripped away the short shorts she had been wearing along with her panties, leaving her in only a shirt that came to her waist.

"Jessie! What the hell are you doing?" He shouted again and held the sides of his head in panic. He heard his sister growl and reel around, her paw launching to clasp hard over his mouth.

"Jesus Christ, Chester!" She whispered between clenched teeth. "Do you have to yell everything? Stay quiet!" she ordered and gave his head a shove before she went back to undressing. Her brother was stunned into silence, not sure if he should look away or not, but he did eventually avert his eyes when her shirt came off. He was staring off into the omnipresent cornstalks when he heard her voice again.