
Story by Fami Aoi on SoFurry

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#1 of LilacOpiumEleven

Not everything is as it seems when a brown bear connects with a young skunk girl. He met her in an online video game. After that game, everything changes. Through a few minutes of chatting, so much happens that will only be the beginning of the rest of their lives.


The following is a spontaneous story from my perverted brain. The characters depicted are over 18. Trust me, read on before you get weirded out. Not all is as it seems in this story. There is... much more going on than you know. It may take several entries before you get the full story.


  1. Kade / Grizzly Bear (Ursus Arctos Horribilis)

  2. Daisy / North American Skunk (Mephitis Mephitis)

Any characters/names do not resemble nor were inspired by any person, fictitious or real, living or dead. Merely a coincidence. All of the events in this story are made the fuck up and do not relate to anything in my life nor the life of anyone that I know. This story is for entertainment purposes and potential fap-material only. Please leave a comment below and let me know if I shall continue.

"Left! Left!" Kade shouts.

"I got him! HA! Blown that one up!" Daisy cheers.

"Nice shot, kid!" Kade turns the tank to the right. He drives it over the next hill. The rock and trees to his left will provide cover from the road. He runs the tracks to turn the tank, angling he and his gunner in a ditch. No one will see them as they come down the road. Not until he and his new gunner blast their target's vehicle exhaust open. One after the next, this spot serves them well.

The score flashes across his screen. The primary cannon tears through one enemy player's tank after the next. The enemy players come sparse enough that the next one is around the bend. Blind to the fate of the next on in the armor column. No one sees how the tank in front of them was destroyed. This is what happens when you farm a zerg that has no leader. Tanks are pulled and no one tells them where to go. Kade tells Daisy over the mic, precisely when he wants her to shoot.

"Affirmative!" Daisy says. Her voice so soft. So innocent. "HA! Murdered another fucking noob ass bitch!"

Kade cannot stop himself from snorting. To hear this girl scream like that after ruining someone's day. And his Kill to Death score has never been better. This girl can shoot that secondary cannon like she was born with it. And her rank is now Nine. A much higher number than when she climbed into his tank. Kade could see her stats the second she hopped into his tank. She was a Rank One. A brand new player.

That is how he met Daisy. He stares fondly at her character name when it lights up and her voice fills his headphones. It was all random, as is meeting any other player. He pulled a tank from the tank spawn at the last base and called in proximity chat for whoever to come gun for him. None of his buddies were online. No one in his outfit. He wondered where everyone was. He called out quite a few times for someone to come get in the second gunner seat.

Then he heard her voice. The voice of a young angel. He could only imagine she must be beyond adorable out of this game. Out of some thirty players, he could see the icon over her character's head. She is playing a male character. Generic and new, untouched. Lacking collectible armor pieces and camouflage. Her gun, brand new without a single attachment. A total, brand new player. She likely only did the tutorial and then jumped into the first fight the game automatically spawned her in, but that fight was long over. Then some random jackass got into Kade's tank. He watched via his third-person camera to see the girl trying to get into the tank, but someone already got in. He hit the menu and kicked that no-voice loser right the fuck out of his tank. Daisy got in. "Oh, I thought the button wasn't working." She did not see Kade kicked some random out. A player who is now pointlessly shooting at the side of the tank as Kade drives away with the grin of a devil on his face.

Heeeeee. I have a GIRL in my tank!

Now, between bases and with that same tank for an hour, they farm the shit out of the other teams. Kade keeps he and his gunner on the outskirts of the main three-faction fight. He is in heaven. He will play this game to starvation if he can only keep hearing her voice.

"Mm, Mom said I'm playing too many games." Daisy says.

Kade gulps. He does not want to lose her. He already has her in his friends in-game, but if she can only play so often, it may be days or weeks if he ever gets to hear her voice again.

"Do you have any kind of chat programs?" Kade asks.

"Mhm!" Daisy happily replies.

They share information. Kade would have kept playing. He has no life. He would have played all night, especially after getting seventy-one kills and not a single death. That happens once a year for him. He will go over fifty kills in a session with maybe a single death. All because he put himself in a vehicle and farmed some choke-hold or spawn. But, he logs off and closes the game. He adds her name to his chat program. He waits as patiently as he can before he sees her accept the friends.

"Hi! :3" Daisy types.

Kade gulps. "Hey!" He types back. "You're really good at that game! I can't believe that was your first time!"

"Mhm! I murdered everyone!"

The white chat window turns black. A phone icon appears. A call? He accepts. Kade is expecting voice, but he receives so much more.

There she is. On cam. A skunk. A tiny skunk. Her office chair is like a mighty black throne. Besides her bright, purple eyes, the other thing Kade notices is she has on a black, leather collar.

Kade fumbles and plugs his cam in and turns it on. He had to fight with the settings as quickly as he could. He never set it up. He did not know he was getting into a video call with her.

Before he hits connect on his cam, he stares at her. Long, thick bangs. Raven-black, save for the white stripe parting her scalp. Beautiful, big amethyst eyes gaze at her screen just below the camera. She is tiny. A tiny little adorable skunk. One arm is off-screen. Kade can hear her clicking the mouse. She has on a simple t-shirt. She is so small. So very small in that big office chair. And behind her, her room. Punk band posters and a messy bed with a green sheet. A flat, heavily used pillow. Comic books. A hand-held console and a brush lay on the table beside her bed.

Kade hits his button. He watches the big white square in her purple eyes be consumed by a big black block. He turns on his light so she can see him better.

"Hey there, KadeDaBombSixtyOne." Daisy says.

"Hey there, LilacOpiumEleven." Kade says back.

They giggle. Hers, so innocent. His, so full of immoral thoughts.

She's a kid. She's a damn beautiful kid. She's a skunk but where is her tail? She must have it around her waist or down the side of the chair.

Kade's heart is pounding in his chest. "So uh, why cam?"

Daisy shrugs. "I dunno. I just hit the button in the middle."

Kade nods. Staring into the screen. Fondly. In love.

"You're a bear." Daisy states, leaning in closer to see. She squints. She picks up her glasses and puts them on.

"Grizzly bear." Kade corrects. "Ah, you may not be able to tell with the cam, but I'm a really big guy." Not in every way, though.

"Hehe, I'm just a small little skunk. All Seventy-four pounds of me."

Kade gulps, again. He modestly lies about his weight. "Ah, I'm uh, f-four hun, er, three hundred-twenty!" You start out this romance with a lie? Four-hundred eighty-eight pounds of lies.

"Wow!" Daisy says. "Do you have a big tummy?" she asks fondly.

Kade blushes and looks away. "Yeah. I don't uh, get out much."

"CUTE! Let me see your big plushy tumtum!"

Kade stares at the screen. Her eyes are so big. Her little canines, so small. He leans back and pulls his shirt up. He rubs his great big furry belly. What the fuck am I doing?

"Aww! I want to snuggle your tummy! You look so soft!" She hugs herself. Her glasses reflect her monitor before she lowers her snout to peer over the frame.

Yes, please!

"Mm! I bet you would be way more cozy to sleep on than my bed." Daisy says.

Kade laughs at this. "What about your tummy?"

Daisy smiles to the question. She clambers about to sit on her knees on the chair. She has on long jeans. Her hips are slim. Her body, slender and lithe.

Kade wonders if she has hit puberty yet.

Daisy lifts her shirt up. Up to her neck. Exposing her fur coat from waist up to her collar.

Kade about dies. She is flashing him and she does not seem aware. She is showing him her tits. Though, it is all one smooth curve of white fur with hardly a protrusion or indent save for her belly button. Her hips are wider than her waist but not by much. "Is--your door closed?"

"Mhm! I keep it locked." She lowers her shirt and sits back down. "I have a stupid younger brother that likes to barge in when I'm grooming."

"Grooming? So, skunks really do that sort of thing?"

Daisy gets out of her seat and disappears mostly from view. Her elegant tail furls and unfurls behind her, consuming most of the view. She returns with an open wooden box. Inside, an arsenal of grooming tools. Brushes, picks, combs, sprays, cutlery, polish. A lot of stuff that Kade knows nothing about. She plucks out a brush as starts going at her luxurious scalp. Long, straight strands are pulled through the bristles. She smiles at her new friend.

"How old are you?" Daisy asks.

Kade knows not to lie. He feels he won't scare her if he is honest. He lowers his eyes. "Thirty-four."

"WOW! You're old! Jeez! I'm going to call you Dad!"

"Mmm," Kade bites his bottom lip and chuckles. "I may enjoy that a bit too much."

"Oh? Daddy." Daisy teases.

How does this brat know how to get me instant-throbbing hard? What the actual fuck?

Daisy slows down in one of her brush strokes. "It would be awesome to have someone else do this for me."

Kade stares into Daisy's lonely eyes. The cam quality is excellent. They both must either have damn good cameras or she has damn good internet or something. He asks her where she lives. Why not, right? She's practically begging him to brush her hair.

"Wow, we're thousands of miles away." Daisy says, disappointed.

Kade is scratching his cheek. The skunk sounds more disappointed in this fact than the bear was willing to openly admit. "My name is Kade."

"Daisy!" she responds happily.

"Pleasure to meet you, Daisy!"

Daisy smiles, elevating her shoulders up.

She's so cute!

"Uh, Daisy."

"Yes, Daddy?"

Fucking HARD!

"How old are you?" Kade asks.

About the most sly grin eases across Daisy's lips. She leans her head toward her left, hiding more of her face behind her thick bangs. Then she tilts to the right, using her hand to brush her bangs away from her face. "Guess."

Kade gulps. He hates these sorts of games. He looks at her screen name and then her size. Seventy-four pounds. He considers everything. He even clicks open a search to see the age group for that weight for girls. Seven to fourteen. He gulps again. He goes by the answer provided.


Daisy stares at the screen, then her eyes dart up to her webcam. Wide, uncertain eyes.

"Uh, Daisy?"

"Not even close." Daisy quietly says.

Kade thinks that, little kids like her may thing a few months or a few years is decades. He gives a modest answer. "Th-Thirteen?"

Daisy's eyes narrow. That grin on her face stretches wider. "Keep going."

This skunk isn't some little brat?


Daisy has a feral, toothy grin on her face. She elevates a hand and points to the sky, bouncing her hand.

No way! You look like you're nine years old! You are way the fuck too small to be this old! I'm getting trolled. HARD!


Daisy is audibly laughing under her breath. "A little more."


"I'm nineteen."

Kade's jaw drops.

"I know. I'm tiny. Most skunks I know are more than twice my size. They've all got big muscles or hips or tits or butts." She unfurls her tail until it plumes over her left shoulder. "Even with all of this tail. Seventy-four pounds as of last tuesday."

Kade tries to pick his jaw up from the floor.

She's legal? Where is my head? I mean. I'm glad that she is but...

"Let's just say, I uh, didn't have the best childhood. There wasn't much to eat." Daisy says.

Kade's face turns serious.

Daisy realizes just how sad she sounded. Her forces a great big smile on her face. "Hey, you don't have to make such a scary face! It wasn't all bad! Things just, got a bit rough when Dad went away."

"I'm sorry." Kade feels terrible. Daisy so quickly called him the one thing she has not had in her life. Did her father die? Is that what she meant? I'm not about to prod. No way."I'm here for you now, if you ever need to talk about stuff.

Daisy lowers her chin and gazes down at her keyboard. She's heard that line before.

"I mean it."

She is still looking down.

"You're the best gunner I've ever had and you're the smallest grown-up I've met."

Daisy looks up. "Thank you. I guess." She gives a bubbly laugh. She knows the bear is trying. She picks up her brush and goes at her thick bangs, gently so to not frizz.

Kade watches her groom herself. "You're . . . really beautiful."

Daisy nods. "Of course I am. I'm a skunk."

"No, I mean it. You're, really beautiful."

Daisy slowly pulls her brush down this stroke. Her eyes stare at the bear on her screen. She gulps and nervously taps the handle of her brush against her lips. "Uh, well, about that--"

"I mean it! I'm not good at talking to girls but, you're really cool. You know?"

"You don't know me." Daisy softly says.

Kade nods. "Not yet, but, I'd like to get to know you. I need you to be my gunner! I never had such a high score."

Daisy shrugs. "And to think. I was only bored and was looking for a different game to play. They said that game was underrated but still getting updates. Free-to-Play, you know?"

Kade nods. "Yeah. I play it now and then."

"I look forward to being your gunner, Kade."

"Me too, Daisy."

The two stare at one another for a moment. Daisy gets back to grooming and Kade laughs off the awkward silence.

"You think I'm beautiful huh?"

Kade nods.

"Mm, I usually hear people call me 'Cute'."

Kade lowers his eyes, understanding that. "You're more than cute. I feel that calling someone or something 'Cute' should be reserved for mice, hamsters, kittens and other small furry animals. Not us animalians. Alluring would be more appropriate."

Daisy quirks a brow as she tugs out a knot from her hair. "Ah, well, you_did_ just think I was eleven and you were still looking at me the way you were."

Kade sobers right the fuck up. "Well, Yeah. No one is perfect."

Daisy grins. "You like cubs, huh?"

"Kade is not shy to confess to a complete stranger. "I've made mistakes in the past. I've paid the consequences for them."

Daisy slowly finishes her brush stroke and then puts the brush down. She looks at her keyboard and then straight into the camera above her monitor to ask, "How young was she?"

Kade inhales deep and wonders why he is confessing shit this near to home to a total stranger. It has been years since he made his mistake. Far more than a decade ago for him. If he were one year younger or his girlfriend at the time a year old. "She was a year too young and I was a year too old of a certain parameter in my state. It wouldn't have been illegal if we were one more county over into the next state."

Daisy can hear how bitter he is. She is familiar with this area. "I was, too young a few times."

Kade stares at the screen. Daisy again, has her eyes down. "You had an older boyfriend?"

Daisy is quiet for a moment. "Girlfriend."

_Oh._Kade never even considered that this purple-eyed, beautiful lilac of an angel may be a lesbian. It never even occurs to him. He's an idiot for guessing orientation. He feels a knife hit him in his heart.

"She was nineteen. I was thirteen." Daisy says.

"Oh, wow."

"We were both in high school. She was in band. My section leader. She uh, showed me around. You know? She uh, heh. Took advantage of me." Daisy mutters her last words.

Kade is quiet.

Daisy can hear him breathing through his mic. He sounds angry about it. "Ah, don't worry. She was good to me. It may not have been consensual at first because of me, but you know, sometimes you just go with it so they don't hate you."

"That's terrible!" Kade admits. He shakes his head. "No. No one should have to do something they don't want to just so they can feel wanted."

Daisy lets a smile ease across her lips. "Well, it was a bit more complicated than that." She looks into the camera and then to her screen. She studies this bear. "Why are we telling each other all of this?"

"The new age, I guess. Anonymity and being used to hiding behind a screen name." Kade guesses. He admits, he feels safe that she only knows his first name and they are thousands of miles apart. It's not like she can just call up his employer and say the bear hid the felony charge when he was hired.

"Yeah. That sounds about right." Daisy agrees with the bear's assumption. Then again, she has not had someone to talk to in a long while. She spends her days zoning out in some game or chatting with her small group of friends. Her games are flavors of the week. She never lingers anywhere for too long on the net. She looks at this bear and can tell this giant is the same as she is. Except, the bear has yet to figure out this skunk's greatest secret.

"What other games do you play?" Kade asks. He wants the conversation to keep going.

"How's about you just ask me what kind of porn I like?" Daisy suggests.

Kade gulps. "Eh? I uh--well."

Daisy bursts into a fit of giggles. A link appears on Kade's chat window. He clicks it to find a collection from a particular artist.

Kade blushes and sinks in his chair. "Oh. Oh my."

"You like this sort of thing. Don't you?"

Kade slowly nods.

Daisy smiles like a demon.

"You're a real bad sort of girl, aren't you?"

Daisy is now the one sinking in her chair. She averts her guilty eyes. He thinks I'm a girl. She smiles at the camera. Daisy takes the brush she was just using. She wiggles her hips to upright her posture. She looks into the camera, watching the bear's eyes dart back and forth. He has his web browser open. Her camera feed must be hidden. "Kade."

"Yeah?" Kade minimizes his window to see Daisy bobbing her head, sucking the thick handle of her brush. "Oh, fuck."

She makes extra effort to let the wet, moist sounds reach her mic.

Kade pulls his cock out of his shorts. He watches her give oral to the brush handle. He watches her spiral her small tongue around the tip. He hears himself gasp. He was not expecting this.

Daisy sucks and slurps. Her hair bobs with her. Her bangs hide half of what she is doing. Her amethyst eyes look up as she kisses the tip of her brush. "Daddy, you're so big.. You might be too big for me.."

Kade squeaks in submission. "Fuck." is the only thing he can let fall from his mouth. He grabs two tissues and folds them over. He's not going to deny this lewd invitation. He stares wide-eyed at her as she sucks that plastic girth.

Daisy reaches for her camera. There is a scuffling sound from her fingers rubbing over the microphone input. She brings that camera close to her mouth. She lets her new friend watch. She thinks, _What the fuck am I doing? What is wrong with me? I'm cat-fishing the shit out of this straight guy!_She rubs the brush across her cheek and whiskers, simulating his cock against her face. She opens her mouth and pushes the handle in, sealing her lips around it and sucking it off. She opens her mouth and lets Kade watch her teeth and tongue tease the handle. She drags her tongue across the curve of the handle. Her amethyst eye is gazing deep into the camera lens. She kisses the tip. "Mmm, Daddy, you barely fit in my mouth."

Kade gasps. He could no longer hold himself. "Holy fuck..."

Daisy looks at the camera as she watches the bear lean to the side, spasming. "D-Did you just."

Kade's hands are moving below his desk. He has a guilty smile on his face.

I just made a guy cum? Daisy thinks. Beyond excited to this fact. Crap. I'm still doing it! I'm still messing with guys! Daisy gulps. She puts her camera down on the table. She decides it is time, after only knowing this bear for a short period, to show the giant grizzly that she's packing quite a piece. She starts to unfasten her pants.

Kade's eyes grow WIDE.

She reveals the waist band of purple underwear.

There is a bang on Daisy's door. "DAISY! DINNER!"

The little skunk nearly falls out of her chair. "Holy shit! Don't bang on my fucking door like that!" She screams.

Kade's eyes are wide. "Who was that?"

"My dumb brother." Daisy says. She sighs. "I have to go."

"When will you be back?" Kade hears his own voice. He fights the urge to cringe. He is already dependent and addicted to this girl.

"Maybe not until the weekend. I'll see you around. I promise. You're really cool. And I had fun playing games with you. And teasing you." Daisy says. Why did it feel so good teasing this old guy? I mean, I feel like he gets me but, he doesn't know that I'm a boy!

Kade nods. "I look forward to it!"

They say their goodbyes. Both stare longingly into the camera. Then each of their screens goes dark as Daisy hits the button to end the video call.

And Kade strokes one more out from the fond memories. His mind races through fantasy after fantasy. "Daisy, huh? I think I'm in love with you, LilacOpiumEleven." He goes back to his web browser. He blushes. He turns on his proxy and starts browsing this artist Daisy linked and their questionable uploads. He reads the name of that artist. This is Daisy's artwork. . .

"She's worse than me." he says under his breath.