Good to be Queen

Story by Waspz on SoFurry

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#7 of Assorted shorties

Had a Dream about this and decided to give it a quick story.

Could easily be a part 2 or even a 3 to this if there's enough interest.

"Nidoqueen, use Earth power!" Greg shouted, his Pokemon letting out a roar and slamming the ground as a surge of dust and seismic energy struck the opponents Onix. The large Stone serpent let out a cry of pain and fell with a earth-shaking slam, unconscious and bested by the Poison/Ground Reptile as she stood victorious letting out an excited cry.

Both Trainers approached, the Hiker calling back his felled Pokemon and chuckling as the victors approached Trainer with Pokemon happily following close behind. "Pretty rare to have a Nidoqueen with a special move, never saw that commin!" the Bearded Gentleman laughed and patted Gregs Shoulder. The 20-year-old smiling and letting out a gasp as the Hiker handed him his winnings. "Y-yeah~" Greg stammered, "I keep it on hand for a decent STAB move that can skirt physical defense" looking more uncomfortable by the minute as the Hiker bid him farewell.

It wasn't the Hikers touch that had the Blonde 5ft 8in Human male flustered, but the strong firm hand of his Nidoqueen massaging his Ass just outside the sight of his opponent. Her fat slick Cock beginning to slide from its Genital slit coated in musky pre and dick sweat to tease his senses as he panted and shuddered desperately trying to ensure the Hiker was out of view before he was pulled behind a Tree and pressed against that pulsing drooling 18-inches of thick breeder meat.

Greg let out a moan, shuddering and licking along the length of her salty Member, savouring the taste and erotic dizzying smell pouring off her impressive maleness. His body was on fire with need and mixed pleasure, his heart pounding in his chest as he suckled the fat head of her drooling cock and looked into her approving eyes. She let out a purr and grabbed the back of his Head, forcing him down hard as he choked and grunted, swallowing her length in his bulging throat, tasting every inch as it robbed him of breath and forced spurts of pre and cum from his own subby dick into his shorts.

Slurping him off suddenly she chuckled, watching him take a long breath and quiver with a blush, her Pre staining his Lips as she licked her own knowing the Slut liked a little abuse and forced him down once again pumping her arousal into his belly to feed him the only thing he was permitted to eat and drink, her virile spooge.

*2 weeks earlier*

Greg sighed in relief, relaxing on the edge of the River as he casually watched his Pokemon playing in the shallow waters. Her Claws scooping in and occasionally catching Fish which she tossed ashore into a waiting Basket. She let out a few happy cries, as if humming to herself, she had only evolved recently when Greg happened upon a rare Moonstone and she was still growing accustomed to her new form. Unusually his Pokemon was FAR larger than the norm, Instead of the 4ft her species normally reached, his Nidoqueen had hit a solid 7.

No one really knew the reason, but the added size granted her additional strength so he never complained about the underused species. Greg pondered about his unique Pokemon, she had always been overly protective. He had tried to keep other mon around but she wouldn't have it, always throwing a fit or refusing to obey in battles if he didn't comply. She did make up for it though, trying harder to excel and make him proud alongside being powerful enough to carry them halfway through the league.

A fish hit Greg in the Face, making him sputter as he heard Nidoqueen giggle and rob him of his thoughts. "Grace!" Greg shouted as she stuck her tongue out at him trying to entice him into the Water. He took the Bait with a smirk, "Oho, think you're the master now, huh?" he chuckled and tossed off his Shirt and Pants before stepping into the River. "Don't forget you're in Water! I have the advantage~" he laughed and dove at her. They had always play-wrestled when she was smaller, rolling a bit, a few playful nibbles and thankfully he'd only been mildly poisoned a few times.

Now however she gave him a "Bring it" look, gesturing him forward cockily before he dove into her Arms, pushing them both off-balance with a splash. They laughed and rolled in the cool Waters, trying to pin one-another though now it was clear Grace was having no trouble keeping control. The more they struggled playfully the more she growled, began to nip and grab as Greg gasped and grunted. They weren't overly painful, to him they were merely signs of play even as she began to pin him more and more, huffing and growling as she shivered and murred letting out odd hisses and chirps.

He slowly noticed this was different from before, she was pinning him constantly, making him beg to be let up and relishing her obvious superiority over him as something seemed to click and she clearly loved it. The affectionate pokemon pinned him once more, this time just at shore with his legs in the water. Her Nose grazed across his neck, making him gasp and shiver with a blush as she sniffed and licked along his bare skin elicting a embarassing moan. "G-grace! S-stop, let me up. Please??" Greg begged as she simply murred in his Ear, pulling back but keeping him pinned as she eyed him like a piece of meat. That was when he felt it, something warm and sticky, a heavy musky smell of potent male sex making him cough and blink before looking down.

She was getting hard, Grace, his Pokemon he'd raised since she was an Egg...was now slowly sporting a huge slick drooling cock sticky with musky juices sliding from her Genital slit. "G-grace..?" Greg gulped, unsure how to take this development, he knew she was unusual...but a Dick? And it was huge, easily a foot of pokecock and growing drooling over his Belly and soon his Chest stinking of intense contained male arousal. "G-grace, STOP!" Greg shouted, struggling a bit as she murred, but seemed to regain her composure with a confused expression. Pulling her hand back as Greg scrambled away blushing hard, leaving the well-hung Herm Pokemon in the Water alone as he grabbed his clothing and quickly covered up.

"I-I'll um..I'll meet you at Camp.." Greg stuttered, not looking her in the eye as she simply called her name once to him before he left her rock hard in the River. "Grace is male? Or female-ish?" Greg thought to himself, having trouble processing this, she was obviously attracted to him gauging by the size of that mushroomed dick. "I-It even looked kinda Human.." Greg shuddered, reaching Camp and setting down the Fish while thinking of her maleness and doing his best to cook with her sex still clinging to his shirt and wafting that Pheromone-laden scent.

She soon followed after him, looking a bit embarassed and confused though her Maleness had returned to her slit. Her Crotch was still soaked in arousal and juices as Greg gave it a glance and blushed focusing on gutting and cooking the Fish. There was silence between them, only the crackling fire as Greg finally sighed, "So you're um..male?" to his pokemon who shook her Head negatively in response. "Okay..Herm?" he asked as she shrugged and smirked rubbing her Crotch and making him blush looking away from her clear tease. Even with this revelation, she was still Grace, his playful Queen.

The day went by uneventfully, Wood was gathered and food was cooked but thoughts continued racing through Gregs mind, "Is this why she had always been possessive? Was she in love with me?" he thought as they ate, Grace happily eating twice what her Human Master could stomach. "Was the wrestling Dominance? Did she expect me to submit and...a-accept it?" he thought giving her crotch a glance when she was occupied, dried cum and cock fluid on her scales looking so smooth and solid. "How could she even pack something like that? Did she have that before evolving?" he thought still staring as she seemed to take notice, smirking at his fixation and casually rubbing her crotch until the Lips of her sex began to swell and thick musky fluid began to ooze out snapping him back before her Cock could emerge.

"I'm um...going to bed.." Greg gulped with a blush, Grace following him with her eyes as he slipped into his Tent to strip this time instead of his usual habit of stripping before. She finished her Fish, listening to him shuffle and hummed a light eager purr. Whether he wanted to admit it or not he was at least curious, and she was wanted him. Usually she would cuddle up in Bed with him,at least before she became too large for the Tent. But that would change~

Standing up and licking her Lips, she used her Tail to casually smother and extinguish the Campfire still crackling, seeing the silhouette of her "former" Master readying for Bed as she approached. She was clearly the dominant Partner now, the superior Male and she'd take what she was owed~ She Waited, sniffed the air smelling the small Humans scent on the air, it made her hard, her Cock-slit swelling again, drooling lust as she fingered her Lips coaxing out her thick slimey Length. She groped her maleness, slathering her hand in that collected concentrated sex laced with intense pheromones and a hint of addicting Toxin from her poison nature. she playfully slipped her pulsing dick between the Tent flaps, Greg's attention elsewhere before she pulled them Back.

"Grace! What the he-!" Greg shouted before she grabbed him, pressing her drenched hand to his Face, feeling him writhe and gag smothered in that heavy Cock-sweat and cum until his eyes watered and he tasted her maleness. The Slut wasn't hard at first, but she would fix that. Pulling him forward and releasing his Face as she hugged him to her smooth Chest. "S-stop! Grac-" Greg tried to shout, tried to beg, but she was only collecting more sex from her eager virgin Cock to smother him again, forcing him to swallow her salty dominating maleness as his eyes watered. She loved it, watching him helplessly struggle and whine, licking at her arousal and feeling that massive Member throb between his Legs.

Greg groaned, trying desperately to claw or squeeze her Arms, the thick Sapphire Scales unyielding as he whimpered and inhaled more of her dizzying musky fluid until he felt his length begin to throb. The feel of that immense Length between his legs as he whined and shook his Head knowing just what she was aiming for before it slipped between his cheeks hotdogging and slathering them in more of her drooling arousal. He tried desperately to beg, looking up to her for mercy only to see intense lust and a glimmer of her power over him. weakly he kicked at her member only exciting her more as she growled and pressed against him, trying to force him wide for her tip as he screamed into her slimey Hand.

Before his body yielded she grinned, freeing his Mouth as he sputtered and begged, "P-please, Grace! Not there, I-I'll do anything, just STOP!" before she turned an ear to him, getting harder hearing him beg as he blushed and felt her shove again. He yelped and gasped, feeling that fat head squish wetly against his Anus. "P-please, Grace. R-remember who you are, w-who I am. We-re Partners.." Greg whimpered as she huffed, licking her Lips and pressing a Claw to his. She loved it, every weak pathetic whimper and pleading whine only make her dick throb. She forced her Claw into his mouth, made his suckle and gag pleading for mercy as she shuddered in lust. Bouncing him on her cock she slid forward, fucking between his thighs to slather them in her arousal and slide her finger out with a purr in his. "Y-you want me to.." he asked as she nodded, "A-and you won't...?" again she nodded as he bit his Lip, there was a quiet understanding between them. The "merciful" Queen offering to spare his virgin Rump if he sucked her off instead. "Maybe...maybe I could find a solution to this with a professor tomorrow or something.." Greg gulped in thought.

"..Okay..." Greg whimpered just above a whisper. Graces Arms loosening thier grip as he grunted and fell, with a kinky wet slurp. Sliding along her cock he was soon sitting on her base, hugging that turgid throbbing mass of breeder Flesh before he gasped and slipped off. He fell to the dirt, heart pounding while he looked up to his heavily aroused Pokemon in the dim moonlight. He looks for an exit but it was hopeless, there was no way he could run, and if he tried she'd probably opt to take his virginity. Instead, her patience thin, Clawed Hands grabbed his Head, pulling him forward to mash his Lips and nose against her slick drooling Dick. Greg gagged and tried to steady himself, forced to lick and swallow her chokingly thick and salty arousal as her dizzying musk burned his senses making him quake and sputter while she used him for a dick rag helpless against the powerful Herm.

Grace craned her head and moaned, feeling the slut lick along her needy Cock, lapping up her collected potent arousal and feeling him struggle to swallow through gags and groans. This is what she had needed for so long, she had wanted his touch, all the times he bested her as a Nidorina and he never claimed her vulnerable Body, never touched her most intimate parts and learned of her nature. It was too late now, the scale had shifted, now she was the Master and he the helpless Pet slowly being smothered in her pungent pre and cock fluids.

Greg squeezed at her Thighs, struggling for fresh air and failing miserably, the more he inhaled her thick scent and musk, the more he tasted her potent dick flesh and lust the more his body warmed and tingled, the more his own member began to respond and throb against his wishes. He whimpered a moan, feeling her only grow more aroused, feeling the hot splatter on more musky arousal as something else slipped out, her Cock swelling further and further until it reached its true monstrous length of 18 inches. But that was not all, Greg felt them, reaching down hesitantly, both to try to pleasure her and end this embarassment and to sate his own curiosity. Two fat pulsing nuts in a hot slimey sack slathered in dick juices, each 6-inches, easily the size of a grapefruit and churning with Cum.

Even through the wet slurps of his tongue and lips forced to glance and clean her massive Prick his body ran cold, through that strange erotic warmth her fluids were having over him he dreaded what those monsters could produce. Grace squealed and churred, feeling her full maleness slurp from her swollen Genital slip, quaking in relief as if a spring had been loosened. It felt good, not only to have a slut quivering and whining so sexily under her, but to finally feel her full maleness exposed for the first time to the fresh air. She needed more, a Tongue bath wasn' enough, she needed to feed this whore, show him how far under her she was until he gargled her potent jizz.

With a growl she looked down, Gregs face pressed against her slick sweaty dick smothered in her maleness before she pulled him back, letting him gasp and blush as she grinned spotting his throbbing cock. The Slut was learning, but there was still so much to do~ Pulling him to his Knees she murred, lining Gregs lips up with her throbbing fat cock head drooling a constant flow of hot steamy Pre only to see the Lesser Male scrunch his expression and try to look away. That would not do. Grace growled, pressing Gregs face into her fat Head with a cummy squish, making the male sputter and whine until he apologized for the insult.

"G-grace, S-sto-mmph *cough*" Greg sputtered, pressed again against it until he snorted her salty potent arousal and gagged through a cough as his eyes watered. "Sh-sorry *cough* Grace, please!" Greg whined, grabbing her Length in both hands, her thickness almost too much for him to wrap around as she paused and murred gently petting him with a Claw. He calmed for a moment, pulled again to that hot pulsing mushroomed Dick knowing there was no escape. Thier eyes met, Gregs with a plead for mercy and hers glimmering in lust and dominance, there would be no mercy, only satisfaction.

Pressed again against her member Greg relented, opening his mouth and trying to fit her thick Cock head, grunting and gagging slightly as salty druggy Pre flooded his mouth forcing him to swallow her slimey loads as he squeezed her dick barely able the handle the thick mixed flavour of bitter, salty and sour from her intense sex. Grace murred, watching his throat bulge with her Pre as he noisily gagged and swallowed, slowly filling his mouth before she waited until he was nearly ready once more, his cheeks filling before she suddenly thrusted forward. The loud squelch matched by Gregs grunt and struggle feeling the Cum plunged down his Throat. he tried to pull of, tasting her fat cock and cum but she wouldn't allow it, letting out a growl and gripping his Head with both Hands to begin fucking his Face like the cum-sleeve it now was to her. Her tongue began to lul out, a growling moan escaping the lusty hung Herms lips as Gregs whines and struggles were only adding to her bliss.

Inch after fat inch of Cock was shoved into Gregs Throat, struggling for breath when he could get it through the tears, slurps and gurgled gags as he felt her stretching out his throat, forcing her thick dick deeper and deeper to slather and swab his insides in her overwhelming Maleness and hot slimey arousal. Her thrusts became more and more erratic, less merciful as she rammed herself deeper and deeper, using her Human for her pleasures alone as he gagged and struggled, only weakly sobbing and slurping as he grabbed her Length, adding to her pleasure and trying to afford what breath his could as his vision became a blur of fat Pokemon cock and cum. Grace pistoned in and out of him, feeling her fat nuts sway as she forced herself uncomfortably deep, almost a foot of cock in the untrained Whore until her heavy slick Sack was drumming against his Chest while his eyes watered and reddened from lack of air. Greg felt dizzy, his senses robbed of anything but the smell and taste of his Pokemons cock, he could barely believe what was happening, barely feeling her nuts swell and churn growing close to release while he bordered on blacking out.

Finally,with a roar it happened, Grace's Eyes shooting to the sky as a roar erupted from her throat loud enough to rock the Trees around the camp. All her tension, all her need since she was hatched, all of it flooded into her Nuts. She had never felt such relief, tugging Greg back just enough for the Head of her fat Cock to bulge his cheeks as the first thick salty load of thick Pokecum blasted his throat, forcing Greg to loudly swallow as the pressure flooded his throat and gut with her pure salty Spooge. Greg could barely think, struggling to breath through the endless eruption of hot thick Seed bulging his throat, the pressure forcing it to ooze from his Nose and lips as his Pokemon held him tight,clearly content to force him to taste every last drop through the few bubbles of air that escaped his nostrils in the flowing streams of cum. Greg couldn't tell why, i it was the exhaustion or abuse, the intense musky stink or taste, but he came. The Human came under his Pokemon raping his throat, flooding his belly and senses with her thick dizzying spunk as his own nuts sprayed the ground while things began to go black.

Grace could hardly tell through the pleasure that her Bitch had passed out, only noticing he had gone limp before looking down and slurping out mid-orgasm to drench him in a hot steamy glaze of reeking Jizz marking him as hers with a belly full of cum and her sex oozing off his unconscious form. She huffed and grunted, jerking herself off over him, coating him in layer after layer of steamy spunk until she finally ran dry, her first and best orgasm. Finally her length began to recede, her fat nuts slurping in first before her cock followed, the happily Herm grabbing her snoozing cum-drenched slut breathing though audible bubbles of her potent nut-butter. Ripping the Tent apart and fashioning a Blanket for them she yawned, their first time had tuckered her out, hugging her toy to herself and licking his neck she too soon found sleep thinking of their new relationship.