Star Leos

Story by LeonDelRed on SoFurry

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#4 of The Gemini Leos

Note to all Readers: There are some paragraphical errors that need to be looked over afterwards and there may be a chapter missing and may result in a sudden inconsistency in the story flow. This will be worked out later.

"No, Alby. Not while I'm working on something as important as this..." said Sammy as she squirmed in Alby's arms.

She's bent over a table in her laboratory, her skirt pulled back over her apple-bottom & her panties pulled to her ankles as Alby had the head of his spiny cock in her lovepocket, preparing to ream her, until Ophelia politely yanks the sky blue lion by his tail,

"I hope you're not already getting into your little...'break time', but all the preparation for the project is complete..."

Sammy looks back at Alby, sticking her tongue at him she says, "Sorry, babe. Out of time..."

Alby pulls the head of his cock out of her pussy, slightly disappointed. Then, with a sly smirk, he kneels down, grabs a fistful of rump, & delivers a long, savory lick across her heated slit, making her shudder & cream herself. He stands up and tells her,

"That is one of new techniques I've perfected. From this moment on, until I've bred you, you'll remember it & I'm all you'll be thinking about..."

With a wink, he follows Ophelia to the site of the experiment, his bouncing pride & all, as he leaves Sammy to fix her clothes, although she notices her lovepocket is still oozing her honey ever since his special lick, she continues to fix her skirt, but there was no need for the panties since they'll most definitely be soaked within minutes. After adjusting herself, she soon follows behind.

In Sammy's lab, much hasn't changed since all the rewiring that had to be done after a Raichu's thunderous orgasm. Nothin except for Sammy's latest project that she collaborated with her colleague, the fennec female Ophelia. Among those who wanted to see it, Leon, Annie, Macy, & of course Minni, who is Sammy's assistant after all. Despite the occasion, the only one's wearing clothes, or at least a lab coat in Minni's case, was Sammy, and Ophelia, as they all huddle around their latest invention, 2 titanium rods, separated at least 5 feet apart & 8 feet tall, stood on a platform, which was connected to a really odd-looking generator. After much nosing around by the 2 male lions, who were playfully flirting with the fennec, offering her a first-hand experience as a pup, Ophelia sternly resists their blatant offer for sex and introduces the project,

"Now that we have all of our participants, Sammy & I would like to present to you a potential breakthrough in space exploration..."

Annie raises a paw, bouncing with excitement like a little schoolgirl who knew the math problem on the board, but before she had a chance to speak, Ophelia already answers her question,

"No, Miss Annie, it is NOT a new sex toy."

Annie stops hopping & puts her paw down, slightly disappointed.

"This is an artificial sub-space wormhole generator."

It grows awkwardly silent for a moment, no one had absolutely any idea what she was talking about, until Sammy says,

"Sort of like a window that allows us to view alternate universes on 'channels', since theoretically, every universe exists in its own plane..."

Annie raises her paw to ask another question, Sammy responds, "If it's about sex, Annie, I'm not gonna answer it."

"Not at all, I just wanted to ask so it's basically a TV set?"

Sammy thinks about the question, then answers, "In a way, yes..." Annie then raises her paw for one more question, but Sammy already knew what was coming,

"No, Annie. There is NOT a yiffy porn universe to look at, at least not one that we've discovered."

Annie puts her paw down again, even more disappointed now that the new device is not for her enjoyment...

The group watches in awe as they witness the wonders of a galaxy beyond their own. Shooting stars stream through the darkness, asteroids float idly, & planets glow in the distance with celestial radiance. Everyone, the exception of Annie, is impressed, who found nothing to her liking. Annie walks over to the screen & points at the black hole,

"That looks like an upskirt shot of me after Leon stretches me out real good!" Everyone breaks out in laughter, all except Sammy & Ophelia. Sammy didn't appreciate Annie's lack of interest & Ophelia simply isn't the yiff-centric type to say the least. Ophelia quickly moves the view screen off the black hole & focus on a small cluster of glittering stars. Sammy notices something strange about the stars,

"They aren't glowing...their exploding! Quick! Zoom in!"

Ophelia focuses the view ten-fold at the stars, & is quickly caught off-guard by something whizzing past the view screen! Ophelia tries to track it, only to find it streaming toward the exploding stars. She zooms in at full power. Everyone gasps at shock: a full-scale starship is ensuing!

"Oh my God! Star Wars is real!", squeals Minni.

Alby calms her down, "It's not Star Wars, Minni, but something big IS going down!"

Another object zooms past the screen, but Ophelia catches it: a slim star-fighter with blue wings races into the battlefield!

"I-it can't be! This has got to be some cross-talk between TV signals!" exclaims Zorra in disbelief, gasping at the sight of the familiar insignia on the starfighter: an emblem of canid with wings. Sammy grins in excitement, "That is one AWESOME spaceship! It's nothing like our traditional aircrafts here on Earth! It's..."

" ARWING?!", says Leon & Albaz in bewilderment, just as surprised as Zorra.

"Sammy said 'awesome'..." Annie giggled.

Sammy interrogates Leon & Albaz, "You've seen this ship before!?"

Zorra says, "That ship only exists in a video game!"

Sammy eyes Zorra, "Preposterous!"

Alby & Leon suddenly flinch, holding their heads as if getting a mild headache as a voice clouds their minds,

"", says the female voice.

"That voice...I know that voice! But I don't believe it!", says Albaz.

"I definitely can! Because I heard that voice, too!", says Leon.

A bright flash of the screen blinds everyone, as the starship they watched takes fire, bursting in flames.

The voice begins to emerge with more clarity,

"Noooo! I'm hit! Fox! Help me!"

"She's in trouble!", yells Albaz.

"Who's in trouble?" ask Minni.

Suddenly, the space-time window's control panel beeps loudly. The GUI interface blares, "WARNING! UNKNOWN ENERGY SOURCE IN RANGE! GENERATOR AT CRITICAL CAPACITY! ABORT IN PROGRESS!"

The burning starfighter on-screen begins to glow eerily as the voice sounds more desperate,

"The G-Diffuser system is having some kind strange glow! It's not responding!"

The generator begins to overheat rapidly. Alby quickly grabs Sammy & Ophelia, slinging them over his shoulders!

"No! Wait! I need to get tape footage first!" cries Ophelia, fearing all of the time she put into project was going to go up in flames.

"Sorry, Ophelia, but my pups come first! We need to leave...NOW!"

Leon grabs Annie into his arms & leads everyone out of the basement. All of the pups rush to the front door...when a loud explosion rocks the foundation of their home. They all freeze in their tracks. Strangely the house & everyone in it is intact.

"Did it blow up?" Minni asks.

"More than likely..." says Zorra.

"Then...I guess Albaz & I will have to check out the damages" says Leon.

Alby sets the two foxes on the floor, relieved the worst has passed. Sammy licks his knows affectionately, "Thank you, my king..."

"No need to thank me, Sammy. You all mean everything to me..." says Alby, rubbing her rump.

Ophelia coyly walks up to Alby, terribly disappointed of the results & shakes his paw, "Th-thank you..." she says quietly.

Alby pats her on the head & follows Leon back to the lab in the basement. A black smoke bellows from the basement door...

Albaz grabs a fire extinguisher from the nearby closet, while Leon slowly opens the door. The sounds of glass breaking, the whining of bending metal,...and eerie moaning can be heard through the smoke leading downstairs.

"Something is down there...", whispered Leon to Albaz.

"It could be some interdimensional monster that Sammy brought here!", squealed Annie.

"Already blaming me?!", says Sammy, becoming defensive.

Albaz shushes the pups as he stands by the door with Leon, listening to the sounds from downstairs. The pups hide in the next room, not wanting to see what could possibly be emerging from the lab. The sounds grow louder, almost as if whatever is down in the lab is headed upstairs. Albaz begins considering that he may end up using the extinguisher as a melee weapon.

Suddenly, the door swings open, almost rattling off the hinges as the monster stumbles from the smoke-filled basement below. It's body is still shrouded with smoke as it staggers about the hallway, raggedly wheezing for breath!

"I can't see what is, but it's heading toward the living room where the pups are!" yells at Albaz as he tries to fan the smoke to see.

Albaz readies the extinguisher & chases after the smoke-shrouded figure. It scuffles to the living, obviously injured as the pups scream in terror. Macy & Minni prepare to do battle with the monster, regardless of whether they can see what their fighting! Annie notices the monster limping right under the ceiling fan & quickly flips the wall switch nearby.

"This might prove helpful! It'll help you see what that thing is!" yells Annie to the Moomba guardians.

Albaz rounds the corner just in time to hose down the monster with a blast of CO2 from the extinguisher. The two guardians follow up with a head strong charge into the fray! As the fan dissipates the smoke, a silhouette of something frail begins to emerge in the smoke...something female.

"Wait! Stop! It's not a monster!" warns Ophelia.

Minni & Macy stop their charge, theirs eyes widening as they come to realize what has emerged. Albaz lifts the extinguisher over his head to finish off the creature, when Minni jumps in front of him, holding off his attack.

"Alby, no! Look at it!", says Minni.

The curtain of smoke is lifted, revealing the frail, broken body of a deep blue, furred female. Patches of her fur are missing, possibly from the fire, all the way down to her bushy tail, which was notably adorned with 2 simple ties. The frost of the CO2 makes her shiver, but she momentarily flinches as a crackle of electricity pulse through her; she may have been exposed to intense electric energy. Her cold blue eyes screamed silently for help as she slowly scans the room, watching pups as they too were just as in shock. Her large ears folded back to her head, & her muzzle smeared with blood from a possible nosebleed. This was a badly injured vixen.

Leon joins the group, a his old spear in hand when he is thrown back at the sight. The vixen turns around, freezing up at the sight of the two lion males. She slowly shuffles toward them like the undead, holding her ribs in pain with one paw, & reaching out to them with the other.

" me..." she wheezes as her knees buckle & she falls before the two lions' feetpaws, the last of her strength leaves her. She falls face first, losing consciousness, goes limp; her head whips into the carpeted floor with a concussion-inducing thud as she lays lifeless.

"It's...she's Krystal!" says Albaz in shock.

Sammy rushes over to the vixen & turns her on her back, checking her pulse.

"...she's going into shock! Ophelia, I need the first aid kit in the kitchen! HURRY!" yells Sammy. Leon grabs Albaz' attention, "We still gotta take care of that fire in the basement. We'll sort this out later!" says Leon. Albaz nods as the two rushes back to the lab to extinguish the fire, leaving Sammy to care for the vixen. So much so little time...

"If you need anything, Krystal, I'll be in the office, OK?", says Sammy.

"Thank you, Ms. Averly.", says Krystal, the blue fox snuggling under the covers on the plush floor. Sammy leaves her to rest, heading to the office down the hall. Krystal stares at the ceiling for a bit as she tries to make sense of all that she's been through; the Lylat System, this nudist colony, & the two lions with the equine-like genitalia. She pushes it all to the back of her mind, closing her eyes as she tries to sleep. Minutes pass by like hours, until she suddenly hears a beastly roar from upstairs. She jumps up, now completely awake to her surroundings. Banging could be heard upstairs, mixed with the yelps of a female. Krystal wanted to assume it was harmless horseplay, but it didn't mean she wouldn't entertain the thought of abuse. She slips out of her room, sneaking past the office & up the stairs. The banging grows louder as she closes in. She could see light coming from the ajar doors of the lions' bedrooms, dimly lighting the hallway. She peeks inside & spies quietly into the room.

She could see Albaz lying in bed, while Minni rides him in the reverse cowgirl, facing the door. She also had a perfect view of their union as Minni bounced on his cock. The passion on her face was exquisite. Xelda & Sasha eagerly await her turn on the corner of the bed, sipping tea prepared by the bedside. The tea bag had a name Krystal never heard of...Tigress Fury. There was no way the noise came from this room, too passionate. She moves on to the next room, peering inside ever so carefully. Annie was on the bed, laying on her stomach, while Leon reamed her from behind. With every rough thrust, she barked & yipped like a bitch in heat, his groin slapping against her rump with such force as to rock the bed's frame. Macy can be seen feeding him a peculiar fruit while he pounded her, even though it looks as though he's already cumming, he continues to pound her. Krystal eyes widened as she watches on, in mere seconds, Leon had filled her pussy completely, as his thrusting now cause his cum to squish & squirt inside of the wolf's womb, his seed backsplashing against his balls and groin & down his & Annie's inner thighs, pooling at their feetpaws.

Krystal thought to herself, "They ARE the Gemini Leos..."

Suddenly, she sees Macy walking toward the door with slices of the strange fruit. Krystal quickly hugs the wall to conceal herself as Macy walks past her into Albaz' room. She quietly follows her to the door, curious as to what Macy was doing. She peers in, just in time to see Macy feed Albaz the fruit as she said, "This is fresh from the orchard, guaranteed to make your balls explode from the inside out, Elder Albaz...metaphorically speaking..."

From the looks of it, he had already came inside Minni, his spiny shaft glazed in lion cum, but within seconds of eating the fruit, his balls grow noticeably firmer, tight & full with even more seed. Albaz lets out a feral roar as he thrusts his pelvis sharply, hilting his 18 inches inside Minni & making her squeal.

Krystal gasps in shock as she could hear his seed gurgling inside Minni as his balls throbbed, rapidly inflating her belly and in no time, his cum overflows from her insides & gushes onto the bed. As strange as all this was, Krystal was slightly aroused by the hyperphallic display...until she noticed Minni peering at her silently, not bringing attention to herself as she stared at Krystal while Albaz drained his nuts into her. Krystal holds her breath, hoping she didn't see her, but when Minni motions toward her with a 'come hither' finger, almost inviting her to join with her seductive amber eyes, Krystal bolts downstairs!

Krystal curses herself as she hurriedly pads down the stairs. Seeing that everything was fine should've been enough, why the hell did she stand there watching them breed like that!? She reaches the foot of the stairs, when she bumps into Sammy, knocking her coffee out of her paw.

"My, Krystal! What's wrong, dear? You're lost?", asks Sammy.

"Y-yes, Ms. Averly. I just came bathroom & wanted some water.", Krystal said nervously, lying to cover up her eavesdropping. Sammy kindly leads her to the kitchen, where Krystal sat at the table with a bottle of spring water.

"You can find your way back to bed, right?", asks Sammy. Krystal nods, & Sammy quickly heads back to work. Krystal looks down at the bottled water: the liquid is slightly shaking, most likely because of the raunchy sex upstairs. This house was very strange to her, but being kept awake by the late night mating is better than by the sound of garage work on the Great Fox . She lifts the bottle to take another sip when...

"Did you like what you saw, Krystal?", asks a mysterious voice. Krystal snaps her head at the sound to find Minni walking in on her, her body glistening with sweat, as she walks to the fridge & grabs one of Albaz' milk bottles.

"F-forgive me! I didn't mean to-", says Krystal in a panic.

"You were only curious, Krystal. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I wanted you to join us...", giggled Minni.

Another voice enters the room, "She doesn't look the type to want to jump in on our fun..."

The spotted wolf, Annie, walks bowleggedly to the fridge, grabbing a bottled water & hastily consumes it. Krystal noticed that there are flecks of white cream on Minni & Annie's fur, most notably on their inner thighs & on Annie's muzzle.

"Ms. Annie, you have something on your muzzle.", says Krystal, bringing the stain to Annie's attention. Annie wipes her muzzle with her paw.

"Dang. Leon tends to shoot that stuff everywhere.", says Annie, as she licked his seed clean from her paw.

Krystal flinches with a disgusted look. She can't help but ask a handful of questions just looking at them...

"Those two lions...they can shoot a lot of goo, can they?" asks Krystal, trying to break the ice with the oversexed Annie & Minni.

"Hell yeah, they can, with or without the aphrodisiacs even! They NEVER run dry!", says Annie rubbing her stomach as if full,

"And my Leon taste SOOOOO good going down, too!" Annie murrs. Krystal cringes at the thought of semen oozing down her throat, let alone the taste on her tongue.

"What about birth control?! As virile as they are, I'm surprised none of you are KNEE-DEEP in cubs!", Krystal says with deep concern. She then asks, "Why don't you have them use condoms!?"

Minni retorts, "If by condoms, you mean sandwich baggies, rubber gloves, trash bags, & every other thing that could possibly be used as a contraceptive AND fit over their massive boners? We've tried & tried again. Those two can turn a box of condoms into water balloons..."

Annie adds, "Which I use to throw at Zorra when she's doing her reading. She still can't get most of the pages from her paperbacks to unstick!"

As much as their slutty behavior mildly disgust her, Krystal couldn't help but giggle at Annie.

She asks them," Why are you all called 'pups'? Is it a title you earned?"

Annie & Minni grinned impishly at each other, & Krystal could sense they were up to something.

Annie asks her, "Say you're a psychic, right? Can you tell what I'm thinking?"

Krystal frowns, "The thoughts in your mind are so nasty, I can't say out loud! But all I can say is that I hope it tastes THAT good that you risk indigestion like that!"

Minni grabs Krystal by her tail, pulling her close as she asks her, "You wanna join our tribe of pups? Elder Alby has taken quite a liking to you. That's why I 'invited' you to our orgy."

Krystal could definitely smell Annie & Minni's heat, mixed with the smell of raw semen & sweat, the scent was overwhelming. Macy suddenly walks in with an empty tray she used to serve the fruit slices as she tells Minni, "Stop spooking our guest, Minni. Besides, she clearly lacks what it takes to join our tribe."

Krystal takes offense, "That very judgmental of you! I can prove my worth just like the rest of you!"

Macy teases, "Not as long as your inhibitions hold you back. You must be at one with your sexually. Only then, can you take the 'S3' pup initiation ritual."

Krystal grows curious,"...'S3'?"

Macy explains," 'S3 stands for the trials of the pup initiation: Sacrament, Submission, & Servitude. In the first trial, Sacrament, the Gemini Leos will both engage in the most erotic of their foreplay techniques. They lick, & suck you on places that'll make you wail in ecstasy. The act itself is reminiscent of two feral lions devouring a fresh kill, but the Gemini Leos have the ability to absorb or devour your sexual inhibitions, leaving nothing but the nakedness of your true sexual potential, hence that is why the first trial is Sacrament. Your innocence will be thrown to the lions to whet their intense sexual appetite. The second trial is Submission: They will mount you as if you're a lioness in heat...& you must endure their sexual power until they are satisfied with your flesh. The final trial is Servitude: You must perform for them & give the final appeal. Once the trial is over, they will decide on whether you will be worthy of becoming a pup."

The idea of giving her body to these to two lion studs made Krystal quiver, she had no idea of what they were capable of, but seeing how Annie & Minni fare with their breeding, & the intensity of their heat, she grew more & more curious...but she declines, "I'd rather not join, thank you. It seems...messy." Annie & Minni look disappointed, but Macy smirks, grabbing another creamberry out of the fridge & cutting it into even slices, handing Krystal a slice.

"If you believe you are ready to take the path to puphood, you must eat this fruit & then head back to the Lion's Den. There, you must take hold of the lion warriors' prides, only then you be able to free yourself of your inhibitions." Krystal stares at the fruit, it's bright pink juices enticing merely by sight. She has no intention of eating it, but it would be rude to turn down their hospitality. She decides to take the fruit slice with her under the guise as a bedtime snack....but like the story of Adam & Eve, she too may be fated to dine on forbidden fruit. Back in the Lions' Den, Krystal is kept awake by more snarling upstairs above her. It seems as though when one pup is finished, the next picks up, leaving the two lion males no respite between them. Krystal stares at the fruit in the bowl beside her, its juices & natural preserves keeping it from losing its tempting, flavorful look. She begins pondering,"...Ms. Minni & the others seem so happy with this lifestyle...a much better life to lead than mercenary work, friends back at the Lylat System...they're probably worried about me..." She then thinks of Fox McCloud & his less than assertive affections for her..& also reflecting on her brief employment with Star Wolf as well,"'s not like Fox openly admits his love for me, but those lions...I can sense how bad they want me...and they went so far out of their own way in their traditions to make me comfortable. Wolf O'Donnell's no better either, with his perverse thoughts for Fox...the relationship between those two is awkward..." She jumps up to the sound of one of the lionesses, either Azzy or Fifi, growling & roaring as they orgasm for the seventh time. Krystal had been listening silently to the sex upstairs for a while, but that one particular orgasm seem to have convinced her to give this lifestyle a chance. She swipes the fruit from the bowl & sniffs it; the smell as sweet & pungent. Not knowing what the fruit is truly capable of, she takes a big bite.

...a whole new side of Krystal would soon emerge...

Krystal's heart beats loudly within her chest, more & more her mind flooded with flashing images of lust as she stared in awe at the two glass phalluses. "How undeniably vain. Keeping glass replicas of their penises as sex toys. They can't be that good." But regardless of what she said, felt more tempted to grab the two dildos...and she succumbed. Snatching the two glass cocks from their rack, she inspects them closely; from what she remembered seeing before the lions clothed themselves they were works of art. The racks suddenly move out of place, unlocking something large. A hidden wall on the far end of the room slowly revolves revealing what seems to an even large, stuffed statue of a lion sitting on a throne in the nude, it's gray fur contrasted by a silvery-white mane. Krystal carefully investigates the stuffed statue: it's synthetic fur was a tawny color, typical of real lions, but the mane upon closer inspection is made of fine fiber optic wires for some reason. The statues eyes had an intense glare to them, his mouth gaping open, revealing his gleaming teeth. His body was well-defined for a stuffed lion down to every muscle. It was technically anatomically correct: it had a nice set of balls, but it seemed to be missing a phallus from his sheath. It doesn't seem to be broken off, it seems like the missing phallus should be screwed into the sheath. Suddenly, the lion's eyes glow pure white light, as he growls, "Offer onto me the phallus of the Elders...and I shall grant you a taste of their power..." Krystal trembles nervously at the statue's voice, but it didn't rattle her hold on his words: The phallus of the Elders? Could he mean...?

Krystal held the two glass phalluses in her arms. Inspecting the base of the dongs, they seemed to be threaded so as to screw into something. That could mean only one thing...

She chooses the red dong screwing it securely into the sheath of the statue. He Then emits a sensual purr, & his fiber optic mane glows a bright red. He then beckons her, "Take thou place onto thy rod & test thou endurance..." Krystal's eyes widened as the statue's demands sunk in: sit on THAT oversized thing?!

The statue continues, "Fear not, little blue one. Thy possess not a body of fur, flesh, & bone, thy art programmed with the gentle touch of the Lion Elders, which shall assist thou training..."

Krystal ears perk, "My training?"

The statue explains, "Thou have already taken the first step to puphood by seeking me. To be short & to the point, I am to train all pup acolytes by strengthening their vaginal walls through rigorous sessions as well as to assist in destroying the shackles that bound them...."

Krystal, "Shackles?"

The statue, "...thou become a pup, the Lion Elders must liberate thou sexual inhibitions by destroying all of thou insecurities...if thou wishes for freedom...then take thou place onto thy phallus..."

Krystal looks at the statue's expecting glare, then looks at the glowing red phallus. She musters her courage, gulps...& climbs into the statue's lap..

She stands on the statue's thighs, not knowing how to approach a cock of this size. The statue's voice beckons, "Shall thy walk thou through thou training?" Krystal's breathing trembles as she nervously nods. "Very well", says the statue with a purr in his voice.

"Place thou paws on thy shoulders for the purpose of balance...", says the statue. Krystal does as she's told, taking a firm hold on his broad, furry shoulders.

"Good. Now, part thou legs & squat until thy phallus head makes contact with thou lips..." Krystal squats, until she felt the cold touch of the glass lion dong. The statue suddenly lifts his arms, grabbing Krystal by her thighs as he says, "Do not panic, little one. I will guide you onto thy shaft..."

Without a moment of preparation, the statue steadily eases her down the cock. She jumps as the head of the glass cock parts her pussy lips. Her body shivers as the dong eases inside of her inch by inch. She yelps at the sudden feeling of something inside her breaking, followed by a stinging pain. She looks down at their union noticing a mix of her own juices & trace amounts of blood. 10 inches down the shaft, she could feel the dong prodding at her deepest of insides as the statue says, "The cervix has been reached. Thy shall give you 1 minute of rest time so that thou vaginal walls adapt to penetration." Krystal is relieved, knowing the statue didn't force her to take all 16 inches of the dong. The stinging pain within her soon dulled away, but the rigid glass cock within was still a bit uncomfortable.

"Would thou like assistance in relaxation?"

Krystal nodded sheepishly. The statue's eyes flashed for a moment, & all of a sudden, the glass dong within her began to vibrate intensely. "OH! Oh!...Ooooooooooooh...mmmmmmmmmm", said Krystal as she melted in the lion statue's grip, the vibrating rattling all of her nervousness.

Krystal lays her head on the statue's chest, cooing at the complete mercy of the vibrating dong. "Mmmmmm. Y,know? This isn't so bad...I always dreamed that Fox would be the one to take my virginity first, but I never would've expected that I get my cherry popped by a robot...", says Krystal, talking all too comfortably with the statue. "Technically, sexual intercourse with a robot such as I is merely the equivalent of a sex toy. Thy duty is to prepare you for the inevitable day when my two lion masters are to breed you as per their initiation ritual.", say the statue with his emotionless face. Krystal asks, "Say, I know that these two glass dongs have a slight difference in size, but other than that, what's the point of having two of these?" The statue replies, "As you may have already guessed, the phallus are indeed replicas of my lion masters, but they also are equipped with program data that allows me to emulate their most common style of breeding: one is slow & steady, the other is fast furious." Krystal ears perk, "Oh? Well which one did I pick?"

The statue answers her," & furious...the style of the Red Mane...", Krystal yelps in shock, trying to hop off of the dong, but the statue's paws suddenly hold her thighs firmly as he announces, "Your one minute is up, little one. There is no turning back now. Training mode = begin..."

The statue wastes no time, lifting the blue fox up until the head of the glass cock almost popped out of her, & then abruptly lowering her, making her keenly aware of every one of the nubby lion spines that scrubbed her pussy! She yelps at the first stroke, but bites her lip after almost forgetting about the group directly upstairs: it would be embarrassing for the two lion elders to see her being turned out like this, but if she the machine is programmed to ravage her recently de-flowered pussy as if she was a pro. She was going to have to endure it until the machine finished his mission unless she wanted to scream for help & be humiliated by the other pups! She digs her claws into the statue's synthetic fur, hanging on for dear life as the machina begins working a rhythm, his tempo steadily increasing in intervals of 5 seconds. He was pounding her at 50 thrusts per minute at rising! Despite, her predicament, the whole experience seemed to make Krystal more & more horny, as quickly became easier to see her flushed face in contrast to her blue fur. She tries to fight the urge to wail in pleasure, grunting amidst his thrusting as if he was whipping her across her back as punishment. He was now at 60 thrusts per minute, & Krystal was holding her own like a real trooper, until she felt her orgasm approaching. She begins panting like a bitch in heat, the lust & extreme pleasure making her look brain dead in the face as her tongue hung from her open, drooling maw, her eyes crossing & rolling into the back of her head while her orgasm rolled over her body like the cold sea. Her body convulsed, jerking at the mercy of the robot as she squirmed within his grasps. She managed to avoid screaming, but she lets out a low, prolonged moan as she throws her head upwards, arching her back sharply. It was the 1st of her many orgasms that would soon follow.

15 minutes later, the machine finally winds down, his task complete as he releases Krystal.

"Training complete. Thy evaluation is as follows: Thou possess awesome potential as a pup. Though completely inexperienced, thou art easily open for tutorial from the other pups. They will guide you on your way!", says the statue as Krystal climbs down from his lap, her legs are rubber, her vaginal walls still tingling, her drenched in sweat & saliva, & her crotch matted with her own pussy juices. She takes a minute or so to recuperate, her body trembling from the after glow. She takes in all of the excitement she just experienced...& comes to a conclusion. She grabs the sky blue dong, then manages to stand on her feetpaws. She raggedly drags herself over to the statue & removes the red dong, the statue's mane returns to a neutral silver. She then attaches the sky blue dong, the statue's mane turns sky blue in response as he asks, "Does thou desire to train once more?" She looks at the statue, a hint of slutty lust in her eyes as she says in strange post-yiff clarity, "I desire a taste of the sky blue mane's power...I want experience both of them in one night...I...I'm craving it!"

The slut within her started to gain strength...

"Damn it, buddy. I don't think my cock can take much more this...", says Leon, sitting on the couch in the living room with his pups, staring at his cramped lion wood as his the shorts he wore bent it uncomfortably. "I know, buddy, but you know shocked she looked when she saw our "tribal warrior spears" the first time. We have to be respectful to our guest. Y'know? For someone who's always perceived as a sex symbol, Krystal is a bit shy...", Albaz responds, his cock is just as cramped in his shorts as well. The two lion elders allow their guardians to massage their bent meat through their shorts, trying to soothe their discomfort, when they hear a familiar voice, "then why wear the shorts when you can't fit them?" The elders & their guardians look to find Krystal standing in the doorway with newfound confidence, her paws on her hips, & completely naked! The lion elders are completely shocked, "Well, seems you're no longer ashamed of your body...not that you should've been, but...", Leon says, trying to put words together in the awesome presence of the naked vixen, but she cuts him off, "I simply needed time to adapt to your colony's lifestyle, & I must feels...liberating." The elders didn't know whether to laugh in celebration of her newfound liberty...or groan in pain since their cramped cocks were beginning to throb in the presence of the blue fox. Krystal sees their discomfort, walks toward the elders, & casually places her paws on each of their massive bulges as she says, "Elders, I apologize for making you endure my squeamish behavior. I must show my gratitude to you somehow. So please...allow me..." She grabs the waistband of their shorts & abruptly pulls them down, their massive lion cocks springing forth like two spiny jack-in-the-boxes. The elders eyes gape wide open in awe, unbelieving of what they think Krystal may be doing next!

" really don't have to go this far to thank us...really...", Albaz says, choking on his words as Krystal now held his & Leon's cock in her paws as she sat on her knees before them. Minni & Macy chuckle at the lions' complete loss of words. They both nod to Krystal in acknowledge of worshipping their cocks. Krystal wastes no time stroking their massive lengths as they watch her with a look of helplessness. Many a night the lion elders fantasized of her, acting out every kink imaginable, but they never thought they'd see the day when the sexy would literally have them in the palm of her paws with their shorts around their ankles! Their tails swept against the couch with an excited fervor as they enjoy the show. Precum begins beading at heads of cocks, oozing down their shafts & onto Krystal's paws. The lions look down at her expectantly as she sniffed at the pre on her paws. She slowly opens her maw & dips her tongue into the pre, cautiously tasting as she says,"'s a little...salty...I never knew males have a taste to them..." She looks up at the lion elders, "You two...taste so good...",she comments, her eyes pinpointing, a sign that she was becoming mad lust for them. She returns her attention back to the two cocks, her eyes shifting between the two as if she trying to decide which one to suck first! She looks to Leon, "Please...allow me a chance to taste Elder Albaz..." she pleads. Leon is slightly disappointed but agrees to wait his turn as he nods to her. Krystal opens her maw wide, her tongue hanging between her lower canine teeth as she slowly brings her muzzle over to Albaz cock. She hasn't even wrapped her maw around his length, but his cock was so close to her mouth, he could feel the heat of her breath sweeping over his sensitive meat, & yet she has yet to touch his cock with any part of her mouth. She hesitates a bit, but slowly begins closing her maw shut. Albaz could almost feel the moist warmth of her mouth enveloping him...until Annie comes from out of no where & says, "Ooohh, look at her go! She's going for the tube steak buffet! And it looks like the chefs are gonna be extra generous with the 'gravy'!" Krystal snaps out of her trance the moment Annie shoots her mouth off. She quickly stands up & bows to the Elders,"...f-forgive me..." she pleads as she scurries off, completely embarrassed.

"DAMMIT, ANNIE!", the two lions groan, left with a sudden feeling of abandonment & a case of serious blue balls.

(Author's Note: Well....technically...Albaz already has blue balls, but Leon has a sec...ummmm...SIMPLY PUT: THEY WERE BOTH READY TO CREAM THEMSELVES! X-3)

Sammy is in the office, drafting a model for the Arwing's repairs along with Ophelia, when Krystal scurries inside. "My, my, Krystal. You look as though you've seen a ghost!", says Sammy, typing at a stenotypist speed. Krystal pleads, "Miss Sam, I need to speak to you right now!" Sammy is jolted by Krystal's urgency, but she immediately comes to her aid. "Ophelia...please leave us. A talk amongst us foxes. See?"

Ophelia walks out, thoroughly offended, "For the record, fences are foxes, too..."

As soon as the door slams shut, Sammy steps from behind desk, revealing that she was just as nude as the rest of the pups, with the exception of her lab coat & bifocals. She then sits at the edge of the desk, warmly smiling as she asks, "My dear, Krystal. What's got you all distraught?" Krystal speaks, "Well...I've been indulge myself gratefully on the lion elders' hospitality..."

"As we expect you should, Krystal. We treat all of our guests as one of our own. Albaz & Leon have taken quite a liking to you. Something not to your liking?", asks Sammy. Krystal blushes as she replies, "The things I've been taking pleasure in lately...they're full of...lust..."

Sammy chuckles at Krystal's sheepish behavior, grabbing the laptop to shoe her something, "It wouldn't happen to involve THIS, would it?" She shows Krystal the laptop and Krystal's eyes widen in shock: somehow Sammy managed to get a video of Krystal with lion statue! From the camera's perspective, it had to be from the statue's eyes! Krystal was completely stunned, watching herself get worked over by that machine, her horndog facial expressions tell the story of a hundred orgasms, but Sammy was getting aroused by the video, tweaking her hardening nipples, licking her maw as she said, "Krystal...what you're going through is quite natural as we all have been through it as well. You see, to properly worship the lion elders means embrace your nymphomania. You still have a lot to learn...speaking of which, I have another test for you that I wish to administer myself to further assist your training..." Krystal was strangely drawn in by Sammy's touching of herself as she asks,"...what kind of test?" Sammy suddenly grabs Krystal by her wrist, pulling her into an embrace. Their breast pressed into one another, their cold, wet nose in contact as she announces, "I want to test your bi-sexuality, Krystal. Seeing you at your most natural of moments has even riled me up, & I look forward to having fun with you as much as the Elders..."

"I-is this really necessary, Miss Sammy?" asks Krystal nervously.

"When you're a pup-in-training, you're either in all the way or you're out, honey." demands Sammy. She hops off of the desk, ordering her into position, "Now...lay across the desk...and put your paws behind your back." Krystal submits immediately, knowing nothing of what Sammy had in store for her. The moment she crosses her wrists behind her back, she feels shackles suddenly snapping onto her wrists. Krystal tries to lift her head up, but Sammy keeps a firm grip on the back of her head as she says, "Don't struggle, babe. All of this is for your own good..." She then attaches a leather collar around the blue fox neck, & tethers the leash around her tail tightly, keeping her tail raised high & revealing her pink snatch. Krystal begins to growl, starting to grow defensive, but Sammy leans in & gives her a friendly like on the muzzle. She then lifts her bifocals, wanting to see the blue fox squirm with her own eyes as she instructs, "All you have to do is let me know how you feel when I touch you. Understand?" Krystal silently nods, & Sammy begins her groping: starting by grabbing a pawful of one of her breasts, tweaking her erect, hardened nipple. Krystal begins to blush as she responds, "You do this with all your guests?", Sammy responds, "Only with the guests that seem to rile up Alby. Fingers or fist, Krystal?"

The blue fox is confused, distracted by Sammy gropey paw on her nipples, but gives an answer anyway, "F-fingers...?" Krystal suddenly jumps & yips, as Sammy jams a 2 fingers in Krystal's pussy & her thumb in her tailhole. Krystal face becomes more & more flushed with lust as she starts panting. Annie suddenly barges in pouting, "I was cheering Krystal on & they wanna punish me for it! Krystal worked up all that delicious kitty cum...and Fifi & Azzy end up gulping it all down! It's not fair!"

Sammy sees Annie walk in, licking her muzzle as her sexual appetite increases, "Well then, my dear Annie, how bout some fresh vulpine pussy cream? I know it's not part of your "usual" diet...", Sammy says, then she parts Krystal pussy lips, causing a glob of Krystal's love nectar to drip from her insides & splatter to the floor, quickly soaking into the carpet as Sammy continues, "..., but she's dripping wet in her own juices. Besides, I doubt Krystal would want to further rile our kings after her little 'bail-out' earlier. How bout cleaning her mess before the lions catch her scent?" Annie's mouth begins to water, "Oooooo, I haven't had a lesbian kick in ages! This is gonna be fun!"

Within seconds, Annie was already under Krystal, lapping at her dripping wet cunt. Krystal's legs grow weak, her knees knocking together as she struggles to hold herself up. A look a shameless lust upon her face as her eyes roll upwards, her tongue hanging from her drooling maw, & beautiful blue fur complimenting the light shades of pink on her heated, sweating body.

"Ohhh! Look at her! Her toes are curling!", chuckled Sammy as she continued to finger the horny, bound vixen. Krystal begins whimpering, her climax coming much faster than she could brace for it. Annie suddenly shoves her muzzle into Krystal's quivering pussy, pushing the poor fox over the edge as she let out a wail of ecstasy. Krystal's lovepocket wrapped tightly around Annie's muzzle, almost threatening to suffocate her as Annie's tongue swirled around her vaginal walls. Suddenly, Sammy & Annie flinch at a vision right before their eyes: for a moment, an image of Krystal being bred by two shadowy , leonine figures flashed before their eyes.

"Did you feel that, Sammy?!", asked Annie, her muzzle matted with Krystal's pussy juices. "Yeah. Either we both had some kind of premonition...or Krystal indirectly projected her sexual fantasy through us with her telepathy when we worked her over!", answered Sammy. Krystal's body heaved for breath, she now felt deeply embarrassed about losing control of her powers & dared not admit that it was her own doing. Too bashful to stick around yet too tired to run off, she takes her time recuperating from her orgasm, when Sammy unties her & whispers in her ear, "You're gonna be a lot of fun to play with once we clip your angel wings...If you want watch the lions at work...come join us don't even have to sex...they LOVE to perform for their guests..." Hearing those words made Krystal's sweat-matted fur rise in arousal, especially after peeking in their performance the night the before. Sammy goes back around the desk & sits down, immediately getting back to work now that her sexual appetite had been satisfied. She readjusts her bifocals as she says, "You should grab a shower as soon as you're rested, my dear Krystal. The lion elders' primal instincts may overtake their gentle demeanors if they catch the scent of that sopping wet cunt of yours. You're more the welcome to use my body spray to cover your heat..."

"My...heat?", asks Krystal, still disoriented from the sapphic session. Sammy gives her a motherly smile, "This must be your first heat as well...Then, I should be honest with you, from one fox to another, it's gonna hit you HARD! I suggest a long, cold shower every 2 hours & you should be able to suppress it until the end of your cycle..."

Krystal hangs her head in guilt as the warm water in the shower runs through her hair. More and more she could feel herself becoming more like the other pups, and with the recent discovery of her bisexuality, the first thing that came to mind was the words 'slut' & 'nympho'. This journey of self-discovery was starting to make her question if becoming part of their tribe, even for just the duration of her stay here, was the best choice for her. Suddenly, a pair of large, padded paws cup her breasts from behind her. She jumps almost slipping in the tub as she snaps her head back to her assailant, only to find Fifi, the fiery-maned lioness has joined her in the shower. "You shouldn't be so jumpy, group showers are common here. I wash your wash mine." She giggled. She suddenly catches a whiff of Krystal's scent. "You better be thorough when you're washing up. A scent that strong is an open invitation to get fucked silly.", Fifi said bluntly with a fiercely wicked grin. "You'd know all about that. Would you, kitten?", said a third voice, belonging to Leon, who somehow managed to slip in unnoticed despite how occupied the shower already was!

The 3 stand in the shower in awkward silence before Leon grabs a body scrub. "Need some help, girls?" Krystal sheepishly shakes her head, but Fifi gladly accepts the assistance. She turns her back to him for his helpful paws. Meanwhile, Fifi grabs a body scrub of her own & abruptly places it on Krystal's crotch. "Come now, Krystal. You could at wash my breasts.", urges Fifi. Krystal nods & complies, grabbing some shampoo & lathering the lioness' fur. "Elder Leon...I'm sorry for leaving both of you like that. It was never my intention to seduce like that..." says Krystal apologetically. Leon squats to scrub Fifi's inner thighs, his presence almost shrouded by the steam in the shower as he says, "No need to apologize, Krystal. Y'know, you don't have to be pup to gain our acceptance. We'd treat just as good as one of our own either way..." "No no. It's not that, Elder Leon. I always wanted to...", Krystal starts, but she suddenly grows silent. Leon asks her, "You always wanted to 'what'?" Krystal says no more, her face was one of deep secrecy. Leon stands up, and for some reason, Fifi flinches & snarls, dropping her body scrub as he says, "You said that as if you've known us in the past. I have a feeling that you're hiding something. My psychic abilities aren't nearly as strong as yours...but I know about secrets..." Krystal gets nervous as Leon continues to interrogate her, but can't being curious as to Fifi's rather peculiar reaction. "Are you okay, Ms. Fifi?", asks Krystal. Fifi replies, "Elder Leon...has impaled me...when he stood up..." Krystal didn't get it at first, but when she squatted to get a better look, she found 8 inches of the red-maned lion's meat rammed in her tailhole. Fifi toes barely touched the bottom of the tub as his cock slightly hoisted her. Leon comments, "That's right, Fifi. You didn't think you could walk around while in heat & not expect me to catch on?! Your scent led me all the way here! Trying to throw me off, huh?" "NOOO! NOOOO! IT'S NOT ME, ELDER! I SWEAR!" Krystal steps back in shock. It seems Leon has already caught her scent, but mistakenly went after Fifi! Leon grabs Fifi's shoulders & shoves her further down on his cock, forcing her to take another 4 inches in her tailhole! Fifi groans as his meat throbbed within her. Leon says to Krystal, "I don't mean to disturb your shower, Krystal, but you may want to give us a bit of space...she has a habit of using her claws when I pound her tailhole, you see..." Krystal didn't have to be told twice, as she hops out of the shower & grabs a towel. The sounds of the lions roaring in ecstasy could be heard bellowing from the bathroom. What a close call...

Krystal climbs off the sex trainer statue in the Lion's Den after another training session late into the night. The sounds of raunchy sex upstairs keeps her up yet again. She quietly replaces the glass dongs, being courteous in cleaning up after herself. She then lies back on her blankets, the cool breeze of air conditioner wrapping around her sweaty body as her sex-hazed eyes roll upward in the midst of her sexual high. Strangely, she felt unfulfilled, sex with the trainer bot left her a bit disinterested. It may be a sign, but she felt compelled to take up Sam's offer. Without thinking twice, she quietly walks from her room & heads for the stairs, only to be caught off-guard by Minni's paw around her wrist. "We knew you'd come.", Minni said with a cheerful voice. "So they've asked me to 'usher' you to our little orgy!" Minni happily leads her upstairs to Alby's room: to her surprise she found both of the Elders with their pups, gathered in the room, faintly lit by moonlight as Leon was in the midst of breeding Bianca, & Albaz bred Azzy! The erotic performance had a rather mysterious air, as Leon's amber had a faint, eerie glow. Albaz' normally sky-blue eyes now glowed a faint amber color, revealing his Moomba heritage under the moonlight. Ophelia stood between the two couples, videotaping a documentary as per her deal with Sammy.

Minni leads Krystal to a seat between Fifi & Zorra, which she gladly nestles into. Unfortunately, Fifi was a bit sore, in more ways than one. "My ass feels like hellfire thanks to you, blue fox.", Fifi said with a sneer. Krystal scratches her head in embarrassment, not knowing if a formal apology would set things right. The confrontation was overshadowed by Bianca's squealing, as Leon laid on top of her thrusting his oversized meat into her tight snatch. Her orgasms brings the tiny rabbit to tears as she wrapped her legs around Leon's waist, pulling him in deeper as he pounds her roughly. Their tongues snaking around each other; their maws oozing saliva in primal passion. Azzy was on top of Elder Albaz, bouncing on his cock, as Alby wrapped her arms around her body, holding her close as she humped his cock furiously. Alby tenderly laps at her muzzle as she laps at his. Their tails intertwined; coiling around each other in deep intimacy. Ophelia somehow maintained her professional demeanor. Her being the only one wear clothing, a red skirt, white blouse, & her lab coat, made a point that she wasn't here for pleasure, but for business. Through the night-vision filter of the camera's unblinking eye, the eyes of the Elder Lions' glowed ominously. Suddenly, Sammy snaps her fingers, making the 2 lions' ears perk & in response, they finish with their respective lovers. Gently laying them aside to sleep...& then the two lions suddenly stalk Ophelia, prowling towards the camera!

"W-what are they doing, Sammy?", Ophelia asks nervously, the camera shaking in her hands as the lions crawl closer. "Their only doing what it takes to help you get top dollar for your film, my dear Ophelia...and the best path to a fat check is to become...'interactive'...with you subjects." Ophelia backs away, pinning herself within a corner of the room as the big cats continue to approach, licking their maws with lustful hunger. The rest of the pups continue the watch, Krystal especially. Ophelia trembling breath could be heard over camera's audio, as she zoomed in on the lion's & their swinging hard-ons, oozing with lion seed. Not expecting for the lions to turn on her so suddenly, she tries to escape, attempting to leap over their heads & bolt to the door, but lions' reflexes quickly snatched her out of the air & dragged her to the ground. "Remember, Ophelia, this is the only way you can ever make up for that pokémorph incident, so you better get it over with.", Sammy reminded her, but Ophelia continues to struggle as the 2 lions hold her down. Ophelia growls at them, her large ears folded to her head in hostility as the 2 lions bound her. In the midst of the scuffle, the camera was dropped, but Sammy picks it up & continues where she left off. Leon held her wrists, while Alby held her ankles, & without a moment of hesitation, Alby throws her legs over his shoulders & dives his head down under her skirt. She could filled the heat of his breath as his nose inhaled her scent. His nose nudges the crotch of her panties, making her flinch, & then she shivers when she fells his sandpapery tongue lap roughly at her pussy through the crotch of her panties. She continues to squirm while Leon held both of her wrist with one paw, & shearing away her blouse with the other. Her perky tits exposed to the cold air of the room, Leon wastes no time suckling them, making her squeal. Krystal whispers to Minni, "Are they gonna rape her?" "Of course not. They are using their powers to spur her into heat. Besides, they can usually sense if she is willing. They wouldn't be doing it if her sexual energy wasn't strong enough to meet their needs." "Sexual energy?", Krystal asked. "Everyone emits a sexual aura, which determines how receptive they are to breeding, the stronger the aura, the more open they are to sex.", explains Minni. Krystal begins to wonder...if she too is emitting an aura strong enough for the lions to pick up on...

Ophelia squirming to break free of the lions soon subsides as Alby's tongue worked her over even through the fabric of her panties. Her body quivers in restrained excitement, their hypnotic purring spurs her on, as her body temperature begins to rise. "Your aura radiates so strong for an uptight little fox like yourself..." says Leon as he nuzzles her affectionately, inhaling the scent on her fur. Months of meditation & training have finally allowed the two lion Elders to manipulate their lovers' sexual aura, strengthening, weakening, even siphon at will, as Leon absorbs Ophelia's aura & reads into her mind...or more specifically...her past. Leon could see a vision of a small fennec female with a fetish for bukkake as several zebra males drown her in a sea of equine cum. The feeling of bathing in warm, sticky seed, even devouring bucketfuls of it becomes an addiction unlike anyone could ever imagine! "So you were a cumslut in your past life? What made you stop, Ophelia?", ask Leon, lapping at her tender nipples. "I...I...couldn't get enough of it...using my past 'researches', I was use semen for EVERYTHING I needed for myself: protein seasoning...the possibilities were endless...but my sponsors found my research absurd...& revoked all of my funding...and with no money to pay all of the males participating in my 'work', I had no choice but to keep my fetish in check...but I've gone without sex...without cum...for so long...I've lost all interest in it...but strangely my current research...the pokémorphs & such...are getting the me more money than my career in genome engineering...if only...I had more unveil my masterpiece project...", Ophelia babbles on, revealing her entire past. Albaz takes a moment to admire his work; Ophelia panties were so soaked with her juices & his saliva he could through them, seeing her neatly trimmed tuft of pubic fur over her sopping wet cunt as he says, "Genome engineering, huh? We lion Elders know nothing of it...except that your work with a lot of DNA...which we might just be able to provide you with...& as much as you want...for a price...." Ophelia looks down at Alby as he licks his maw. He gives her the one & only condition, " must become that fantastic cumslut that you were once before & embrace it for life, because if you want our DNA, we're going to make you work for it...& we assure you...the work itself is just as much as enjoyable as the reward thereafter..." Ophelia's sweaty fur stands on end at the thought of reliving her glory days in genome engineering, but it was when she gave it all up that her work was actually generating decent income. To relapse back to her old ways would risk failure & a forever injured reputation, but seeing the how Sammy has been able to get in other scientists' research by using the lion massive cocks & balls as spiny bargaining chips, these two lions may be her best chance to a more ways than one. She weighs her options as the lions continue to cuddle her, then nervously demands,"...if you two are truly as good as you say you are...then...then I'll swear to suck & fuck you both without question for life!"

The two lions purr in unison, giving their godly lionhoods a good stroke in a act to entice Ophelia, squeezing long, creamy ropes of their remaining load onto the floor before her. "As you can see, Ms. Ophelia...we never run dry on the stuff...all you have to do is swear your allegiance to our tribe..and you'll be a honorary pup for life...and we'll give you ALL the resources you could ever need for your research...", say Leon. Ophelia was made an offer she couldn't refuse...the cumslut within her wouldn't allow it! She quickly hops to her feet, scanning the room full of horny pups & lions waiting for her decision, and without a word, she rips her skirt off, drops her coat & shredded shirt, & finally drops her soaked panties. The pups watch in awe of her stripping, Sammy narrates on the camera, "It seems our dear Ophelia has taken up the elders' offer of citizenship. Which means our little documentary, from here on in, may get mistaken for a porno film, due to the following acts of sexual content...but I doubt that means that those watching won't learn anything, one way or another..." Albaz & Leon scan her naked body: it was well-toned, thick in all the right places. Her fur & claws were well-maintained, despite being a work-horse, she does take care of herself & it also backs up her claims of using cum for all of her practical needs...and with the radiant sheen of her fur, she may be still using it on occasion even if she hasn't indulged in her cumlust in doing so. Alby compliments her, "The sheen of your fur almost rivals that of our pups...but once you have try a sample from our ample balls, you will be impressed..." Ophelia gets straight to the point, plopping down onto the floor & laying on her back, spreading the lips of her pussy as invitation as she demands impatiently, "Enough talk already! You two are selling, I'm buying! So hurry up & fuck me so I can get a taste!" The two lions laugh at her enthusiasm, she's gone into an unbearable heat & isn't in the mood for teasing. Leon asks her, "What kind of penetration can you handle?"

Ophelia mouth is already watering in anticipation of a long-waited bukkake session. She readjusts her bifocals as she speaks, "You can take any hole you want! Ass, pussy, or mouth. I don't care! I've got enough experience in all, but I want it rough!" The longer she waited for sex, the hornier & more impatiently she grew...& the dirtier her talking was becoming. She was no longer the jittery little fennec Sammy thought she knew...she was finally uncaged. Albaz recalls the day he found Sammy in a similar situation. Ophelia quietly whispers to them, "If you're asking for my specialty, I was really into a good throat-fucking when I worked with zebras..." Leon discusses his position, "I call dibs on her muzzle then we'll switch it up, buddy." Alby responds with a smile, "Sounds like a plan to me!"

Krystal awakened to the scent of sex. A great weight was on top of her, almost constricting her movements as she squirms on the floor. She struggled to turn onto her back, only to feel her muzzle rub past something warm & slippery, oozing with a salty nectar. She opens her eyes facing down a pair of pussy lips, swollen with arousal. She scans the room, dimly lit by the early morning sun. It became clear then that she must've passed out during last night's show & somehow got buried in a pile of pups. She could also smell eggs & bacon, meaning some of the other pups are already up. She quietly squirms from under the pup on top of her, noticing how tender her own genitals felt. She must've had one hell of a time. It's an amusing sight to see a pile of naked female furries huddling together to keep warm, putting a smile on her face. She quietly tiptoed around the pile, also catching a glimpse of the Moomba sisters servicing the sleeping lion elders as they quietly performed oral sex, tending to their ample balls as well as receiving their sacred meal of seed. "Care to give it a try, Krystal?", whispered Minni, licking her maw. Krystal shakes her head nervously, "N-no thanks. I smell breakfast downstairs..." She slinks out of the bedroom, heading downstairs, when she catches a glimpse of Sammy & Ophelia in the office. Clad in open lab coats revel the beautiful nakedness underneath, they were in the midst of making out, an overwhelming scene of vulpine sapphire erotica. They finally break their kiss, drawing strands of slimy saliva as Sammy says, "Good news, dear. Your ship's repairs are complete. You're free to return home once you're ready." Ophelia grabs Krystal's jumpsuit, showing the new stitching she took her time doing. Krystal strangely was not jumping with joy. A look of inner turmoil broiled within her she thanked the two foxes reluctantly. She was beginning to feel as though she had missed out on what could've been the most she'd ever have without all the conflict in the Lylat System, & yet she still had questions that only the lion elders themselves could answer. She needed find out if she was truly destined to be a pup or a mercenary.

Everyone was strangely quiet at the table, especially Krystal. With her Arwing finally repaired, she was able to return home once the space-time monitor (now confirmed as more of a space-time teleporter) was back online. Krystal definitely lost her appetite despite the hefty meal in front of her. She barely had a chance to truly join the ranks of the pups. Annie suddenly wraps her arms around her, sobbing loudly, "Oh Please don't leave us yet, Krystal! You still haven't paid me back for eating that sweet pussy of yours!" Krystal gets a little teary-eyed at Annie's affectionate behavior, responding, "Don't cry, Annie. You can teach me the very first chance I have to visit you all...but before I go...I have questions that need to be answered by the elders." Later, Krystal meets the two lion elders meditating in the Lions' Den, accompanied by their guardians. "What's up, Krystal? Come to say your good-byes?", says Leon. "Actually, I have something to ask of you two..", Krystal said with concern. Leon & Albaz offer her a seat between them, allowing her to get comfortable before she asked the first question. "...the other pups say that among your amazing powers, you could read the sexual aura of even the deepest of repressed sexual desires...", Krystal says as she sits Indian style. The lion elders chuckle as they reply, "Oh yeah! It's pretty awesome." Krystal smiles faintly, but gives a stern look as she asks, "Well if that truly is the case, then is it possible that you knew of my 'condition' before I began my training?" The two lions open their mouths to speak, only to choke on their words once they realized she's putting all of the pieces together. She suddenly exclaims, "So you knew along?!"

The lion elders scratch their manes in embarrassment as Albaz asks, " really are unaware of how much of an effect you have on furries in this world." Krystal's ears perk, "Other people besides you know about me?" Albaz scoots closer to her, shoulder to soul to shoulder with the blue fox as he explains to her, "You're more than video game character in some popular franchise here. To be completely honest with're THE dream pussy every furry wants. Furries of Every species regardless of sexual orientation & preference knows of you merely by name. You've got one hell of a fan base in this world, but the thing is...despite how so many claimed they would approach you, you're just too much of a goddess for a formal approach..." Krystal begins to blush at the thought of being worshipped so highly here as opposed to her revering her as just another mercenary. Leon also scoots closer to her, the two leonine predators flanking her as they huddled near her. He says, "Our reaction to is normal by our standards. And to think of all the times we hypnotized our pups into impersonating you...but your reaction to US, however, was peculiar to say the least. Even though you were overwhelmed by the sight of our 'tribal spears', you took it quite well compared to others who see us...almost as if you gotten quite used to seeing cocks of this size..." Krystal sheepishly lowers her head, only for Albaz to take her by the chin, forcing her to gaze into his sky blue eyes as he inquired, " you watch porn in your spare time?" Her ears perked at the question, as she grew offended at the accusation. "N-never! I was never on the verge of becoming a deviant before I met you two!" She jumps at the feel of Leon's paws on her waist, his cold wet nose inhaling her scent at the nape of her neck. ,"For a psychic, you definitely suck at shielding your thoughts. We could smell your heat for us the moment you attempted to 'thank' us before...and grows ever so stronger even as we speak...but the time it took for you become aroused by us was almost instantaneous. You've definitely heard of us from somewhere." Albaz joins in the groping as Krystal squirms. She bites her lip, determined to keep her secret while Leon slips a paw between her thighs. She shivers at the feel of Albaz' sand-papery tongue lapped at her stiffening nipples before he took them into his maw moments afterwards. Her face blushed deeper with every second that goes by, her heat spiking amidst the lion elders' grasp. Leon prepared to split the lips of her pussy open to probe her insides with his digits when she concedes, "Okay! Okay! You're right!...It's not the first time I've seen you both before..." She was hoping the two lions would cease from groping her, but Albaz & Leon had a glimmer in their aye for a moment as they looked at each other & without saying a word, they communicated exactly what they were planning to do. Leon restrains Krystal, holding her arms back while Albaz grabbed her legs & spread them, throwing them over his shoulders as he dove his muzzle into her crotch without so much as a warning! Krystal yelps for mercy, but Leon insists, "Better start talking, Krystal...or else he's gonna lick you raw!"

Krystal flails & squirms about as the lions had their way with her. She musters evergreens ounce of her willpower to confess to them. "Ah! Okay! I have seen you two before...because you two are characters in a popular X-rated video game series in the Lylat System!" The two lions freeze, their ears perk at her words. "An X-rated video game, huh? That sounds like another venture long overdue...", said Albaz as he continues to push his muzzle into her crotch. Leon reaches around her, tweaking her sensitive nipples, driving her wild as he coax her. "This intrigues us, Krystal. Tell us more about this X-rated game starring us...", Leon whispers into her ear. With a shiver in her voice, she reveals everything, "Pussy Predators...That's the name...I was first in line to get my copy of the game. I can't get enough of it!" Albaz purrs, lapping at Krystal's snatch with an insatiable hunger, "Tell us more!" he snarls as he continued to eat her out. Krystal obliges at the mercy of the lions, "Two lion warriors must venture through the erotic jungles filled with hypersexual warriors...and ravage the pussies of every princess of the enemy tribes in a quest to become the alpha males of their pride." Leon purr with approval, "Sounds like our kind of game!" "Sure, but the only thing about is that the two warriors are pansexual oftentimes you must breed herm mages, male berserkers, & other kinds of enemies & monsters. I doubt you two for that kind of stuff...", says, Krystal. "Oh? Then you're definitely not aware of the fun we like to have. You could say that we can take as much as we like to give...& very good at it, too!" Krystal's fur stands on end upon hearing those words. Leon whispers into her ear, "How much do you like this game, Krystal?" "I play it every chance I get...and can't wait for the next game due next month..." "Does a game like that...arouse you?" "It makes so wet all over, Elder Leon. Sometimes, I can't help but squirm out of my clothes when I play it. Sometimes, I end up...touching myself?" Albaz pops his head up from her pussy, his muzzle greased with her juices as he asks her, "Do you fantasize about that game?" "The weapons that the two warriors are known for using are called the 'Spears of Virility". I love how they impale their foes & finish them off with their special attack, 'Bukkake Roar'. It looks so...delicious..." Albaz suddenly pounces her, knocking Leon over & pinning Krystal on her back. A touch of primal lust is in his eye, as his throbbing hard cock lay against her belly, the spiny barbs of his engorged lionhood lightly combing her pubic fur tuft, & desperately demanding to ream her. Albaz says, "Leon, I gotta get dibs on this one, buddy! She's the purrfect Fox, saying all the purrfect things, while in a purrfect heat! This opportunity only comes around as rare as a shooting star! She must be plowed immediately!" Leon sees Albaz' peaking excitement, comparing it with his own pulsing cock. Maxine suddenly grabs his shaft, stroking it with tender loving care as she says, "Don't worry, Elder. I'll keep you warmed up for your turn. Tonight will be the night she will serve the both of you...and there will be sloppy seconds & nasty nineteenths to go around until she completes her initiation." Leon growls as her ponders for a moment before he decides, "All right, Albaz. Ream her pussy to your desire..." He then crawls over to Krystal, caresses her face for a moment before he forces her mouth open to look at her gleaming teeth & slimy tongue as he proposes, "but that virgin mouth of hers will be filled with sticky webs of my seed!" The two lions grinned at each mischievously as they sealed the deal through telekinesis, thinking in unison, "We have come to compromise."

"B-But what about birth control, Elder Albaz? I really want this, too, but it's going to be quite a story to tell Fox & the others about how I came back with cubs on the way!", says Krystal with great concern. Albaz nuzzles her passionately as he says, "The cooks of the household, Fifi & Azzy, are quite skilled in their knowledge of herbs, & add a special root in our meals that weakens the potency of our sperm considerably...all of the messy fun without the worry of a maternity affair. We'd have to purge our balls for a full 18 hours before the root passes through our system completely & are loaded with virile seed." Albaz backs off her, hovering over her body as he catches a condom tossed to him by Leon as he continues, "But if that isn't enough assurance, then I definitely don't mind the courtesy of using a condom..." Krystal looks to the Moomba sisters, Maxine already riding her Elder's cock, grinding her hips into his lap in an erotic lap dance. Minni returns the glare back to Krystal, "Do you see how our Elders breed us? The night you on spied our orgy, did you see how they easily fill us with their seed? Their godly balls can easily yield countless generations of offspring had they not follow their diets. You have nothing to worry about...except lion cum in the eyes...that definitely stings like hell! I should know...", Minni said with giggle, making the nervous Krystal smile. Albaz whispers into Krystal's ear, "Would you like you me to help you relax?" Krystal silently nods, & without another word, he begins purring loudly, his soothing sound reverberating her chest as he begins cuddling. In no time at all, she looses herself in his affection, focusing only on the sound of his purring...then suddenly...*SHLORP!* Krystal gasps, her eyes widening in shock as she stares upwards at Albaz as he abruptly penetrates her after distracting her. "Now that wasn't so bad. Was it?" Krystal glares at him silently as if entering her while he diverted her attention was a dirty trick. She then notices a burning warmth radiating from her belly and when she looks to see how much of the sky blue lion is inside of her, she almost panics at the sight of his large cock stretching her tummy! "Relax, Krystal. He stretches us out like that all the time. If you hadn't been training beforehand, it would've been a bit less comfortable...", says Minni. As Minni said those words, a sudden realization sunk into Krystal's mind as she continued to stare at the soon-to-be legendary union that was Elder Albaz & Krystal. A realization that the glass dong was nothing compared to sky blue lion's genuine staff of flesh. The way his rubbery spines anchor into her vaginal walls as his cock throbbed with great anticipation, the heat of the flesh emanating within her, unlike the cold, rigid dildo she had been training with in past days. She didn't want to say that this could be the very birth of her cocklust, nor did she want call herself a slut, but with the way Albaz feels inside of her, it felt as though this lion, this love, this cock belonged to her, inside of her. She wraps her legs around Albaz' locking her ankles together, catching the lion off guard & with wanton lust in her voice she prays to him, "Elder Albaz! I beseech you! Fulfill my greatest fantasy! I offer my flesh, fur, & soul to the Gemini Leos in exchange in admission into their sacred pride! Please make me the pup I was meant to be!" Albaz looked into Krystal beautiful eyes: they were pinpointed, and accompanied with her toothy grin and red blushing easily contrasting on her face, it was more than apparent that she had finally succumbed to her closeted hypersexuality. She is definitely ready to become a pup! "As overly dramatic as that was Krystal, your begging will be greatly rewarded...Leon & I will promise you that!", said Albaz as he slowly pulled his cock back in preparation for the 1st of many beastly thrusts.

Albaz hilts her once more, countless feline spines rip through her insides sending a sudden jolt of sexual pleasure through her body. She yelps on impact, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Completely driven by lust, she yanks his head towards her, forcing her tongue down his throat. Albaz groans into their kissing, relishing every inch of the blue goddess' insides, enjoying the most coveted of all furry pussies. Krystal breaks her kiss, praising the sky-blue lion for every ounce of strength he was giving her, thanking him in between thrusts with winded breaths. Meanwhile, Maxine hops off of Leon's cock just in time to see him edge. His overworked cock throbbed on the edge of orgasm as he tried to suppress his excitement, allowing a bit of his cum to dribble from his cock & run down his spines. "Ugh...why didn't you finish it, Maxine? You know I can't stand getting primed like this!", said Leon as he threw his head back in frustration. Maxine reaches for his balls, lightly squeezing them, making him groan as she takes notice to how tight his testicles have become. "I'm simply preparing you for your turn with Krystal, Elder Leon. If she's going to be filled with your essence, she's going to take ALL of it." Minni crawls over to the action unfolding with Albaz & Krystal, leaning in to kiss Krystal as Albaz pounds her. Albaz' excitement is spurred on by the sudden feeling of Krystal's vaginal walls wrapping around his spines like a vice, squeezing & contracting around his 18 inches of meat, & offering more resistance to his stroking as he plowed her! Her juices thoroughly creamed his shaft, giving him some lubrication as he picks up speed. Albaz begins snarling, working harder to purge his now aching balls, bearing down even tougher on Krystal's petite yet strong frame. With one final, powerful thrust, goes balls deep, letting out a godly roar. Krystal lets out another orgasmic squeal as he began unloading inside of her, the first spurt of seed splattering her insides loudly enough to be heard by the other lovers. In Krystal's mind, that first spurt almost felt like jamming a fully primed Super Soaker & pulling the trigger. His seed warmed her body from the pit of her stomach, adding to the heavenly experience of her afterglow. Albaz rolls over onto his back, letting Krystal rest on his chest as he rested & allowed his balls to finish filling her with his legacy. Krystal & Albaz looked into each others eyes, & among the two, Albaz found the sight of Krystal in her current state possibly more arousing than any other guest he ever had the honor of breeding: the sweat on her fur, the saliva on her chin, the red blush contrasted on her blue fur. And the knowledge that among many of the faint scents of all the tails he had left on his lionhood, Krystal scent was a trophy to be proud of.

Krystal's eyes struggle to refocus as she looked into Albaz eyes & then shows her eternal affection for him, licking the sweat from his brow & forehead; completely giving herself to him in adoration. Albaz reciprocates the love, purring deeply in approval of her gesture of loyalty. "Elder feel so good...inside of me...", Krystal cooed to her sky blue lover. The blue lovers gaze deeply into each eyes for a moment Albaz broke the silence, "Does this mean you want another go at it?" The two chuckle amongst themselves; oblivious to the world around them when Krystal suddenly jolted by the tugging of her fluffy tail. She looks back to find Leon, his throbbing cock dribbling with a mix of precum & backed up lion seed as he eagerly asks Albaz, "Mind if I cut in, buddy?" Albaz grins & politely responds, "Of course, my leonine compadre!" Albaz wastes no time, grabbing Krystal's rump & lifting her off of his softening cock; his gooey legacy oozing from her used, pink slit splattering on Albaz' crotch. He hands the lightweight vixen to Leon like livestock in trade, placing her in his arms carefully. Krystal looked into her new breeder's eye briefly before turning away in embarrassment. He nuzzles her lovingly, assuring that she's in just as good paws as Albaz. Krystal quickly warms up to him quickly, running her claws through his wild red mane as he continues to cuddling her. Meanwhile, Minni crawls over to Albaz, tending to her duties faithfully to her lover & master by bathing his massive meat with her tongue. She squeezes out the last of his load from his shaft, relishing the mixed flavor of Krystal & Albaz' juices with a delighted purr. It didn't take long for Krystal's heat to flare once more as squirmed from Leon's arms & dropped onto his lap, landing his cock to the hilt! Leon lets out jolted growl as he hilts the horny vixen with a splat, a mixed of Albaz' & Krystal's juices coating his meat & running down his shaft & firm balls. With Albaz already stretching her out first, and his creamy lubricating the walls of her thoroughly beaten pussy, Leon's spines didn't anchor so easily to her insides, which he could consider an advantage with the type of rough pounding he had in store for her. "Come on, Elder Leon! Fill me up!", Krystal demanded, completely succumbing to lust as she wasted no time bouncing in Leon's lap. The wet, squishy sounds of cock stabbing a pussy already filled with the seed of multiple males soon becomes rhythm in a musical masterpiece that is hot, raunchy sex!

With only three hours of sexual experience with a lion, Krystal wastes no time riding Leon. The two lovers grunting & moaning in lust as she quickly grew accustomed to Leon's furious fucking. He thrusts his pelvis upwards to meet her bouncing rump, forcing his heavy balls to smack into her blue rump. Krystal's riding becomes so rough that somewhere in the midst of it all, her tiara flies loose from her head, freeing her beautiful hair to fly about as she endures the pounding! Thirty-six orgasms later, she finally begins to show signs of fatigue, collapsing on Leon's chest as he continues to pump into her. "Please Elder Leon...please cum inside me...I'm so tired can't move...", Krystal pleads weakly, her sexual energy depleted. Leon agrees to finish up, impressed by Krystal's resilience & hilts her one final time. He groans with relief as he dumps his backed up seed directly into her womb, mixing with his leonine friend's & completes Krystal's initiation...or so she thought. Krystal lays between the two lion elders for much deserved respite as their Moomba guardian catered to them. Minni & Macy bathed their elders' cocks with tongues, inch by inch, making sure to squeeze out the last of the cum from their massive shafts. "Am I a pup now? Did I do good?", Krystal asks the Elders. Leon places a paw on her crotch, lightly rubbing the lips of her pussy as he responds, "That's right, Krystal. And you're a damn good pup at that!" She's blushes & coos at his touch, giggling with happiness now that she was part of their tribe. Albaz suddenly stands up, his 18 inches of cock swinging before he takes hold of it & begins stroking. "And as a new pup, we have to give you the badge of honor.", Albaz said with a growl, already getting into his pawing off. Krystal ears perk, "...badge?", she inquired, completed confused. Leon suddenly jumps up to join in on the masturbation, quickly catching up to Albaz as he explains, "It's a recent custom that when we breed a new pup, the Elder to whom he or she has offered pledged their devotion to must mark him/her with his scent a rite of passage into our tribe, as well as ownership. And since you've offered yourself to BOTH of us..." Krystal eyes widen in excitement, knowing exactly what they were planning to do. "YES! This exactly like my Pussy Predators video game where the two lion warriors must max out their X Drive Meters simultaneously in order to use the ultimate Team up Technique...the Bukkake Roar!", she exclaims, giddy with horny anticipation. Albaz' cock is already leaking pre with he comments, "You definitely gotta bring us a copy of the game, Krystal, but right now I think my 'X Drive Meter' is going to max out!" Meanwhile, Annie & Sammy wait in the lion elders' office rummaging through their computer files in boredom. Unknown to their lion lovers, they have been known to browse through their collections of furry porn on a weekly basis with the intent to find any particular kinks & fetishes that the lions' have shown interest in that Sammy could possibly conjure in her lab. Somewhere in the midst of their snooping, Annie stumbles upon a game that the two lions could possibly be working on. "Sammy! Check this out!", Annie said with a school girl giggle. Sammy takes a peak at the monitor just in time to see Annie start the game. From the looks of it, the game allows the use of two lion warriors, armed with individual skills as they roam the jungle, armed with a tribal, a variety of powerful magic skills, & massive spiny phalluses that seem to remain erect 24/7, complimented with a nice set of balls for each as they engaged in X-rated battles against enemies & monsters in some epic quest. Annie plays as the red-maned warrior, taking delight in how he uses his feline stealth to sneak up on roaming nude brigands & impaling them in their tailholes to pound them mercilessly into submission. Sammy becomes interested in the sky-blue warrior who has yet to be entered into the game, until Annie hands her an extra controller, understanding that the game has a co-op mode. Sammy & Annie quickly become wet as the lion warriors quickly level up enough points that allows them to use one of their basic "Phallic Arts"...the Seed Shooter, which allows the lion warriors to apply their skill as accomplished archers as they used their cocks as long range weapons. Simply pressing the Fire button on the controller sends a spurt of lion cum to temporarily stun enemies, while holding the button backs up the pressure of the lions' already massive balls & charge their power for a "cum cannon"! It wasn't until Sammy & Annie charged their characters' cumshots in an attempt to finish off the end level boss when they jumped at the sound of the two lions roaring! "Oh my! They must've really let Krystal have it this time! Whaddyu think they're doing to her?", asks Annie. Sammy is completely clueless, shrugging her shoulders. (Though she would rule out the possibly of Albaz & Leon double penetrating Krystal.) Suddenly, the door to Lions' Den could be heard opening with a creak followed by loud, squishy footsteps coming from the hallway heading toward the office. The two pups gasp in amazement to see Krystal, completely glazed in cum, stumbling down the hallway aimlessly! She fights to close her eyes tightly, trying to avoid getting any of the sticky, warm semen in her eyes as she feels around walls, leaving her sticky pawprints & feetpaws everywhere she went! The two pups quickly rush to her side to clean her face, trying return her vision. "Goodness, Krystal! What have you gotten yourself into?!", Sammy said with slight concern. Krystal said with a smile, "I did! I'm a pup just like you guys!" The three pups sudden squeal with delight as they share a messy group hug, the sticky seed in Krystal's fur squishing between them. The three quickly spread the good news around the house as the Leon as Albaz leave the Lions' Den triumphantly. All this fun going around, it's a shame Krystal had to return home now of all days.

Within hours after cleaning up, Krystal now stood before her repaired Arwing, her eyes welling with tears as she felt torn between a life in of space adventures & a life of pleasure & hedonism: she had friends on both sides who loved her & gladly welcomed her with open arms, but she could never forsake Team Star Fox, not when she's been with them from the start. Come to think of it, she could never understand how Falco could so casually up & leave the team & come back on a whim as much he did & she chuckled at the thought. The Gemini Leos & the pups join in attendance to her departure, the girls grew more and more emotional with each passing moment. "Krystal, Albaz & I wish to present you this gift. As an honorary pup & member of our tribe, you're more than welcome to come & stay as long as you like...", Leon said with smile as he handle her a special ear piercing, attached to it was a small tuft of Leon & Albaz' fur. Krystal gasps, her eyes widen with surprise as she hurriedly puts on her new ornament & she wears it well as she blushes sheepishly at the group. "Thank you all...very much! I look forward to seeing you again some day...", she says, her voice trembled with emotion. An awkward silence follows for a moment among them before Krystal hops into the Arwing ready for take off. She looks to the two lions, nodding to them with deep respect before she signaled to Sammy she was ready to go. With that said, Ophelia powered their now modified space-time Portal, the machine's power once reacting to the Arwing's G-Diffuser & engulfing in a warm glow. "I'll try & visit you guys real soon. Take care.", Krystal mumbled under her breath, her heart heavy. With a pull of the throttle, the Arwing hovers into the air, kicking up snow before shooting through the air, narrowly swiping trees as it gained altitude. The Arwing soon reaches into the clouds, the bright glow emanating from its system before Krystal suddenly warped in the air in a flash. The pups, saddened by Krystal's departure sniffle quietly before Annie broke the silence, "...I could go for some comfort food right now...who's up for a tummy full of cummy?" she asked the group. The pups' somber moment is short-lived as they rejoice for the two lions, picking them up for a hammock ride & carry them into the house...all except Sammy. "Sam, should we consider this project of ours bunked?", Ophelia asks her. Sammy looks to the stars as she says, "No, my dear Ophelia, if we can encounter special guest like her with this technology...then consider this only the beginning..." Some time later back at the colony, Kaluhua sits at his laptop, his guardian, young Juno sits at his side, laying his head on Kaluhua's shoulders. Juno slides a paw between Kaluhua's thighs, prompting for the need of attention from his Elder, and Kaluhua is ready to oblige. He turns his head to give his secret lover a kiss, when Dorian casually walks in on the two. "You know, no one cares about you being gay, Kaluhua. In fact, this entire colony has thrived because of freedom of sexual preference among other things and you're still trying to keep this on the 'down low'...", Dorian teases. Kaluhua pushes Juno away as he says, "Don't you think I know that? Besides, I'm not acting for YOU or the rest of the council. I simply want to show my big brother Jin up. All I'm doing is waiting for the right female to lay for a little publicity, & then once he sees I'm boning a one of the hottest maidens in the colony, he'll shut up, & I can dismiss her & enjoy Juno..." Dorian shrugs at Kaluhua's overly-convoluted scheme, content with letting him do as he pleases. Suddenly, a loud crash rocks the halls of the council, throwing everyone off balance for a brief moment. Upon checking Juno, Kaluhua asks, "What the hell was that?! I bet its one of the alchemists at the market place!" A Moomba guard bursts into the chamber, his fur covered dirt & debris, "Elder Kaluhua! A stranger from the heavens has just crashed into the town square!" he yells with panicked excitement. "Mobilize the guard & barricade the site before the citizens catch wind of this!", Kaluhua commands as he jumps to his feet. The guard is opens his mouth to respond his orders, but is shoved to the side by a curvaceous silhouette at the entrance. The mysterious female walks into the halls, approaching Kaluhua & Dorian. The two Elders take a defensive stance, prepared to stand there ground should she turn hostile. The feminine figures features slowly come into view, starting with her bushy tail swaying behind her, fur a deep blue, & a shining helm of bronze on her head. Approaching them with nothing but the fur on her back, the torn gloves & boots are the only suggestion that she had clothing before her arrival. The Elder drop their guard, slightly perplexed by her appearance, but Kaluhua knows all too well who she was. "!...It can't're...", Kaluhua stammers his words, but before he could gather his senses, the nude vixen interrupts him. "Greetings, my name is Krystal. I was wondering if your familiar with another colony nearby. Do you know the Gemini Leos?"