Corrupted: Renamon

Story by BadRoy on SoFurry

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#19 of Transformation

Average joe, Joe, comes into possession of a strange pair of purple sleeves. After donning them he learns that they don't come off until the wearer is reshaped into the proper form.


How original, a Renamon TF. It was fun though. I could potentially continue it if enough people really dig the set up here.

"Truly that was a next-level sandwich. Damn!" Joe Campos says in admiration of his own culinary achievements. Perhaps a grilled vegetable sandwich isn't a lofty bar to reach, but hell it's Friday and Joe is feeling a soldier for surviving the work-day to say nothing of the week as a whole. Today had been one of those nightmare Fridays that manages to drag down an already miserable week. Joe had spent his day putting out his coworkers fires and accidentaly creating new 'fires' himself. It was a mess, but it is also over for the next forty-eight hours and Joe is determined to enjoy them as thoroughly as possible.

Joe cleans the mess of crumbs his sandwhich had left behind as he plans his weekend. His friends are meeting up at the bar tonight. This would make for an excellent night, but Joe can tell from the ache in his legs that it is not in the cards. Even after coffee he can barely muster the energy to cram his dirty dishes into the sink. Besides he has a birthday party to go to tomorrow that will surely tax his alcohol tolerance to its limits. No this would not be a night for hitting the town. Joe stretches and feels a familiar tingle. A crooked smile creeps onto Joe's face, "Mhmm, there's an idea."

Grabbing the used kitchen towel from its hook Joe slinks into his room then shuts and locks the door. Joe lives alone in this modest apartment, but one can never be too careful. Joe carefully places the towel beneath his desk, fetches his lotion, and has a seat. As if guided by instinct he navigates from YouToob to PornToob.

"Dude perfect? Haha, more like umm Nude Perfect." He mumbles as the screen presents him with every sort of pornography he could ever possibly want. Selecting a thumbnail with the choicest female he begins to pull his shorts down.

Suddenly Joe's screen goes blank accompanied by the stillness that always makes itself apparent when multiple electronics cease their function.

"Awwww what?!" Joe moans, yanking up his shorts. "Right now?"A power outage on a perfectly nice summer afternoon? Unlikely, yet all of his electronics are suddenly on the fritz. Before Joe can investigate his computer for a hint of the problem the screen begins to flash rapidly and errratically. All of the clocks and alarms in his apartment are beeping. "What the hell is going on?!" Joe rises and flings open the door to his kitchen. Sure enough the place is in chaos as all of the digital appliances switch on and off at random. There is a strange ether in the air that causes the hair of Joe's neck to stand on end. It's a strange, paranoia-inducing feeling and he senses it coming from outside his window. This is also where the light thrumming sound is loudest.

Joe cautiously approaches his window and pulls back the shade. His neighbors across the street seem to be experiencing the same electronic insanity as himself, but they don't notice the anomaly that Joe has discovered. Joe scranes his neck outside his window to get a better look at a shimmering, crackling orb suspended in the air.

"Wh-what is this?" Joe says, transfixed by the simmering lightshow. As the orb crackles it begins to reform. It shapes itself into two bits of what seem to be cloth given how they dance in the whirl. Soon the crackling stops and the two items are solidified. All at once the light and sound cease. The electronics return to normal. Joe is so startled that he almost fails to catch the itmes as they fall. They could be dangerous or God-knows-what, but he instinctually thought he ought to hold on to them. Reeling from the chaos of whatever it was that just transpired Joe investigates the otherwordly things. He holds up two purple sleeves made of what seems to be leather though the material is uncanny in its flawlessness. The sleeves show no indication of tailoring or wear. The hand end is adorned with a yin-yang symbol and the arm ends of the sleeves flare wide.

"Phewww," Joe sighs, collapsing into his kitchen chair. "What the hell?" He turns the sleeves over and over in utter confusion. The more he turns them over and puzzles over their sudden appearance the more paranoid he feels. He half expects men in black to burst into his apartment and apprehend him. "But these things have a yin-yang right? So they can't be from ... another planet." The weight of this experience sinks in. "Right?"

At this juncture Joe could explore a number of difficult theories in an effort to explain away the impossibility of what he just witnessed. It is not an easy thing to confront the possability that something completely beyond one's understanding has occurred. Joe has had a long day. He's not up to it. When the governemtn fails to show up after fifteen minutes Joe suddenly begins to laugh. Harsh reality can wait. Joe relishes the absurd.

"What the faaaack?! What are these?" He grins and returns to his room with the sleeves in hand. "Sleeves? Just sleeves. Sure. Why not."

In his manic mood Joe decides that he has to try the things on. He stands in front of his mirror and places one of them against his arm. The shape is strange. The hand portion is too roomy, then they taper tightly at the elbow. Joe shrugs. "Why not?"

He eases in the first arm. At the hand portion a bit of material fits between his ring and middle fingers. He pulls the sleeve up until it is snug. The sleeves are unnaturally long, the flared portion is nearly at his head, He slips on the other one and stands before his mirror feeling completely foolish. The things are a strange fit, as though they weren't meant to fit a person. As joe wears them he begins to ge the distinct impression that he isn't meant to be wearing them. It's as though he were wearing something tailor made for another. It feels uncomfortable. Joe moves to doff the leftt sleeve. When he tugs on it the sleeve hold firm to his skin as if by vacuum.

"Hn? What the heck?" Joe tugs at the one sleeve and then the other. The things cling to him tightly no matter how strongly he pulls. Then to make matters worse a tingling sensation begins to emanate from within the sleeves. It seems to suffuse his skin and travel throughout his body. "H-hey, shit! Won't come-unf, off." The tingling is stronger now and it spreads in a wave emanating from the sleeves. Joe looks down and is shocked to find a rash of vibrant yellow peaking out of the sleeves. Upon closer examination he finds that it is fur, soft and downy. "Ah. Ahh!" Joe shouts. The fur spreads steadily up his arms and as it spreads it transforms his arms internally as well. There is dull crunching and cracking as bone is rearranged here and strengthened there. This continues within the sleeves as well. Joe looks aghast as his arms lengthen to fit the bizarre proportions of the sleeves. Then his hands which now seem distant grow and morph as well. His ring and pinky, and index and middle fingers merge before his eyes and swell along with his thumb leaving him with three-fingered, paw-like hands. His nails vanish and are soon replaced by shiny and sharp black claws on each finger.

"No no no! My hands." Joe says, tugging awkwardly at the sleeves with his new extremities.

The changes mercifully linger at his neck and instead spread down his body. The transformation has thus far been painless with Joe's discomfort coming mainly from seeing his body twisted into a new, totally unwelcome shape. Joe's arms had become svelte which made him nervous and his suspicions are further confimed when his torso takes on decidedly feminine proportions. The front of his chest is covered in pristine white fur instead of yellow and at his neck the fur grows outward alarmingly to form a fluffy mane which then hangs down to his ribcage. He arches his back as his waist pinches inward. He squeals in spite of himself then when his butt and thighs expand cartoonishly giving him exaggerated, womanly hips. He yanks down his shorts carefully with his new, clawed hands just in time to see the moment he feared. His erection (lingering still from when he was preparing to masturbate) shrinks. His testicles recede as well until the package becomes a formless mass. It merges with his crotch and is then covered by the creamy fur. Blank and featureless.

"Ahhhh! Noo!" He shouts, clawing desperately at the empty patch of fur where his endowments had been. Meanwhile his rump swells incessantly as Joe feels his organs shifting uncomfortably. He gags. "Gurck-hack. N-not my, huh!?" After a coughing fit Joe found herself speaking in a female voice, low and sultry. "Oh no, this can't be happening." Joe says, turning to the mirror in horror. Resting a new hand on the wall Joe watches as her face transforms. Her jaw crackles and rearranges as her nose extends. In a disorienting change Joe's right eye wanders to its new place and changes before the other.. For an awful minute Joe's face is half human and half... creature. The new eye has black sclera with an icy blue iris. It's quite shocking. Joe massages her face and feels bone shift and fur sprout beneath her fingers. Joe's face is soon completely changed. Her new face consists of a long, triangular muzzle. Her mouth is relatively dainty and filled with sharp teeth. Her new blue eyes have a piercing quality. The final touch of changes on her head are two long, conical ears jutting out the back of her skull. The profile is familiar now.

"Hunh-hunh. A... fox?" She says, grimacing at her new voice. "Gyaah!" She moans as a tail suddenly floofs into being behind her. It is long and thick with fur as befitting of a fox. Joe finds herself rubbing her thick and throbbing thighs as her legs are rearranged. This part is decidedly uncomfortable as it causes Joe to grow half a foot taller. Her legs rearrange into a digitigrade configuration with her feet extending and terminating in big, sturdy paws. Her toes morph and consolidate into three, and as with her hands they grow spotless black claws. Joe nearly falls over at this point because of the shift in stance. She stabilizes herself on the wall, nearly breaking her claws through it. She pants and glares at her new curvaceous self.

Whatever agent had mercifully dulled the pain of the transformation was beginning to fade leaving Joe with the full brunt of sensations this body can take in. The presence and 'real'ness of the transformation takes over causing Joe to panic. She gropes herself all over in disbelief.

"I'm a fox? And a ... female?" Joe says, again dismaying the loss of her apparatus. She isn't truly female, really, but she is absolutely feminine. Despite her lack of attributes this rush of new sensations is extremely exciting. Her hearing is amazingly sharp. The large, conical ears twitch as she picks up the sounds of birds squabbling on the street far below, and the clear conversation of people across the street. Staring wide Joe finds that her eyesight is now beyond perfect. She had thought that she might be in need of reading glasses, but now she can read the tiny text of magazines from across the room. The female fox clenches her fists, feeling a rush of new strength. Her claws are hefty and strong. Joe is further aroused simply by exploring the new body. The thinness of her waist and the shapely grace of her form are alluring. She is the vision of someone's fetish. Joe catches herself though remembers that his is her own body now. Suddenly an idea.

"Oh!" Joe grabs her sleeves and yanks them free finally. Standing in expectation for a minute Joe is disappointed to find that the transformation does not reverse. Noticing that she is now completely nude she sheepishly picks up and dons the sleeves once more. Oddly they feel comforting now that the changes are complete. She should wear them, she decides. Joe leans her elbow against the wall and looks deeply into her icy eyes.

"This is so messed up." She says.

After catching her breath Joe stands uncertainly in front of the mirror. The new foxy body brought some instincts with it. Joe's immense shame at being a shapely female is tempered a bit by the body's inborn confidence. Of course in her conscious mind she is a mortified mess, but she takes solace in the strength of the new form. She looks herself over. Twisting on her paws Joe finds that her new legs are as strong as their great girth would suggest. She feels springy and adroit which is a far cry from her prior body.

"Huh. Pretty light on my feet now I guess. Err -paws." She says with strained sarcasm. She strides about her room quickly, her claws clacking on the wood floor. She balances easily now on paws, likely another affect of the body's inborn instinct. Joe had long suffered from back pain which came about mainly because of a biking accident when he was thirteen. This hadn't carried over to the new body though and Joe was giddy about this in spite of herself. There was no pain and in fact she felt much stronger now overall. She stands by her office chair, a heavy, leather deal. She looks down at her hands with their thick, sturdy fingers and big claws. She wraps them around the arms of the chair and lifts it with startling ease. She lifts it over her head, again with little real effort, and accidentally jabs a leg of the chair through the ceiling.

"Oh shit." She says as she gently sets the chair back down. The feelings of melancholy soon return though as Joe thinks about the permanence of the changes. The changes, Joe could sense, were not going to revert on their own. She thinks of her friends and parents. How would she live like this? Could she transform back to normal? She returns to the mirror.

"And why, God, why am I so thicc?" Joe says, finding the ability to joke. She is terrified that she 'll be unable to return to normal, but at least she can borrow the dignity of this strange new body for the time being. "This isn't so bad." She says, then runs a hand through her fluffy mane, "I just wish this body came with some... pants." She walks aimlessly into the kitchen. What could the next step be? Joe's ears twitch. Someone is approaching in the hallway. Three people. The second Joe hears them she remembers. There's a knock at the door.

"Hi Joe? Norman from Sunshine Realty here to show the apartment?"

"Shit." Joe mumbles to herself. She suddenly feels very exposed and for a split second covers her crotch before realizing the futility. The Realtor knocks again.

"Uhm yep, just a second." Joe yells in an imitation of her old voice. It sounded terrible.

"Hey Joe? Is that you? I'm coming in alright, Mike should have texted you." Norman begins fumbling with his keys and in her shock Joe's body moves on its own. She bolts with incredible speed into her room and takes her cellphone, charger, wallet, and stuffs these into a messenger bag. She returns to kitchen just as the Realtor inserts the correct key. Joe throws open the kitchen window and in one fluid movement launches through it and toward the adjacent apartment. She easily catches a fire escape and before she realizes what she is doing she is standing atop the roof. She has barely broken a sweat and is reeling mostly from the realization that she can now move this quickly.

"Huhhh, holy crap. Humh, so fast." Joe crouches in the twilight and watches as the Realtors enter and begin looking for her before shrugging off her absence. There are no windows nearby which could catch a glimpse of her so Joe stands. She is struck again with the shame of being wholly naked apart from her sleeves but manages to shake it off. "What do I do?" She whispers.

Just then, as if to answer her question, a shock runs down her spine. Something has appeared, she realizes. Looking down the nearest main street she sees an unnatural billowing of smoke or gas. Something is arriving from there.

"It's... like me." She says, marveling at the sensation. Her fur is standing on end and her icy blue eyes dilate. She makes a fist and stands strong. Whatever is within the fog is most likely something that can explain what she is now. If she's lucky it will know how to turn her back to normal. Jogging steadily toward the fog a final question simmers within. "Do I want to turn back?" She puts the question out of her mind for the time being and performs a back-flip in midair between two buildings. She lands perfectly and continues running with the slightest hint of a smile on her face.

... To Be Continued?