Croc's Blood Part 2- Mating Season

Story by twopaperbags on SoFurry

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#2 of Croc's Blood

appologies for how long this took; distraction after distraction continued to get in my way. This is the Yiff Chapter. there may be more later. I also promise to get part 3 done in a timely manner. As usual, comments, rates and such are all apreciated, as well as things you might like to see in the future. Well, that's my speech; enjoy part two of Croc's Blood.


Crocs Blood

Part 2

The female croc hybrid landed in the clearing, where the crocs had laid dormant only a day before. In the moonlight, they had begun moving, and were in the middle of mating season. They paid little mind to the new arrival; she smelled like they did, and looked like they did, for the post part.

She waded through the murky waters, her nostrils flaring at the end of her long muzzle. She smelt something overpowering... something she wanted. Her mind was set on one objective, now. Her clawed hands moved along the bottom of the murky water, her reptilian tail swaying as she propelled herself forward, to the source of the aroma. As she neared her objective, the sounds of mating could be heard.

Past a large tree growing underwater, a male crocodile was on top of a female croc, thrusting himself into her violently. The female was making noises that sounded like moaning, but was more like a hissing. THe male was growling and being just as noisy. She watched as the male shook, then threw his maw back and gave a bellowing growl. The female under him had her mouth open, her tongue hanging out in pure ecstasy as he began thrusting into her again, ready for more.

The hybrid waded out of the waters, stepping onto the shore the two mating crocs were on. Water glistened off her dark green scales, and her tail twitched as she walked on her powerful claws, walking forward before falling onto all fours. She stopped some ways away from the mating couple, lying down on her back so her softer belly was up. The smell of sex was intoxicating her, she needed something between her lips, soon and fast... her juices were making a coating on her scaly lips, and she was in heat.

Her clawed hand moved to her lips, and she began rubbing them, feeling her swollen vent continue to expand, eager to get her claw inside of her. She threw her head back and gave a hiss, as one of her claws moved into her.

The two crocodiles that were copulating nearby looked up to see what she was doing, and the male moved off of the female. She seemed insulted, and aimed to bite his leg for leaving in the middle. The male growled at her, gnashing his teeth in her direction. She receded with a disappointed hiss, leaving into the swamps to find another partner.

The hybrid began working her slit from the inside, pushing another claw into herself with a gasp. Her breath began to get shallower as she thrust into herself, her instincts making her growl and purr... but before she got to the final stretch, a sudden weight was on her. She opened an eye and the male croc was lying on top of her, his hot breath in her face. She smiled as he poked her thigh with his long cock, slowly moving her hand out of herself. The croc wasted no time in thrusting his hard-on into her. Immediately as the scales at the base of his cock touched her lips, she felt an orgasm already coming. Her juices seeped out of her spread lips, and she spread her legs further, wanting him in deeper.

He began thrusting into her, pushing his large cock in further each time. His powerful claws held her down, clamping her arms to the soft ground below. She wasn't going anywhere anyway, in pure bliss as she pumped onto him as well. She gave a roar, and he replied with one as well.

In a moment, though, the bliss was gone, and the croc pulled his knot out before even shooting. She looked outraged, jumping up and looking around for him. He had run off into the swamps, the water rippling in his wake.

Still outraged, she snapped her jaws in his wake and hissed loudly, angered by his hit and run. She then turned around, deciding she could just fuck herself for the time being, when she saw why he had run.

A huge, dark green croc was laid out not three feet from her, eyeing her slowly. It was the alpha male, the one who she shared blood with. It was him who the mosquito had bitten, and then transferred his blood into her. Unknown to her, though, she got onto all fours and walked over, eyeing him as well. He allowed her to come closer, and she put a clawed hand on his hard back. He gave a small sigh, some dust shooting up from in front of his nostrils.

Suddenly, with her new reptilian strength, she had both hands on his side, and pushed him over onto his back. The alpha male looked surprised; this was usually the other way around. Her lips moved into a croc-like grin and climbed onto his large chest, moving so her muzzle was in above his vent. Her lengthened tongue snaked its way out of her lips, gently licking his still hidden flesh. He looked puzzled, but began getting aroused as she continued licking him. Soon, his full length of fourteen inches was out, and she gently lapped the tip of the pulsing vein. Her tail was raised above his muzzle and her smell was high in the air.

She took his shaft in her muzzle, careful not to bite it with her sharp teeth. Her tongue wrapped around it's length as she took it in her, her tail swaying and wafting her scent into his nostrils. He was become excited, and quickly, as the hybrid sucked the entire length of his shaft. He began forcing his cock deeper into her mouth before he shook, and fired his load into her with a gutteral moaning roar. She licked it up greedily, the fluids dripping out onto him. He wanted more, though... he needed it.

She pulled him out of her maw, his tongue licking up the rest of his cum before pulling away. She lay down on the soft ground; the mud cooling her scales as she pulled her legs up, and pulled her tail out of the way to present her glistening lips. He inhaled her musk again, eager to please himself. She cried out as he lunged at her, his eyes wide with lust and his cock hard with the smell of his prize.

Suddenly, she was pierced on his shaft, and her mind cleared. The weight on top of her seemed to go away, and all she could think about was how she wanted him to fuck her bad. The great beast moved deeper into her, finding a barrier in the back; her cervix. He was almost all in, but he wanted further, full gratification.

She moaned as she felt him push into her, as deep as possible, but he continued pushing into her. Luckily, her body had changed to suit these kinds of situations. Instead of her human cervix, a more flexible lining blocked her womb, and was even with her entrance, instead of curving upward. She gasped as she was filled beyond her capacity, and the croc on her back began pushing into her violently, his jaws on her neck. Her tough skin protected her from being too scraped, but some of his teeth left scratches.

As he thrust into her, his scaly cock grinding deeper into her folds, her reptilian tongue hung out of her mouth in lust, her throat making roars and groans occasinally, as she pounded against him in return, her tail waving rapidly. His claws dug into the moist ground below, holding himself to her as he pumped deeper. Her claws dug into the dirt as her body was jarred from his mad pounding, her body shaking both from his force and her arrousal.

In a single moment that seemed to last hours, the croc on her back shook, and the shaking seemed to run the length of his massive cock, before he threw his head back and gave a loud roar. His hot cream burst from him quickly, seeming to fill her up in a moment. She gasped and panted as her juices mixed with his, dribbling out of her into the mud below. She gave a roar as well, tired after that vicious round.

He pulled out of her, his weight slamming down next to the croc-girl. He had finished, and now he would rest. She collapsed next to him, and the alpha male put his tail around her, almost lovingly. She would make an excellent mother for his young, he knew... And this would be an enjoyable first mating season for her. She smiled to herself as she felt her full stomach, closed her eyes, and slept.