PMD: Chapter 1

Story by zirilon on SoFurry

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#1 of PMD

The first chapter of my PMD story I've been working on here and there for a while now.

  • Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon - Chapter 1 A Shadows Beginning

The young zorua sat beside the tribe shaman, half listening to what the old fox was saying. He had learned long ago that the punishment for failing to pay attention was much worse than having to sit through the shamans lessons. He has learned to look past the shaman, keeping his gaze unfocused so that it would seem he was paying full attention while allowing him to watch the tribes daily activity behind the shaman's small hut.

Today was field training day, when all the young zorua were instructed by the tribes warriors in combat. For this young zorua, participation was not allowed. He was born with blue markings instead of the usual crimson fur that the rest of the tribe bore. The elders saw his markings as a sign that he would take the shamans place when he came of age.

His tasks became learning the tribes history and what herbs and berries could be used for healing and recovery. He has spend every day of his life being lectured by shaman on skills of the mind, how to watch and learn, to absorb all the information his surroundings have to offer so that he could offer guidance and support to the tribe members.

An angry cough brings his full attention to Shaman. The zorua looked at his mentor seeing irritation in the old zoroark's eyes. Shaman narrowed his gaze and spoke in his usual quite controlled voice, "You're focus is wavering today young fox, you have not heard anything that I have told you. Why do you insist on testing my patience?"

The zorua looked over his mentor and down at the tribe once more before speaking, "You are wearing different feathers today. Normally you wear the medium green feathers with the round ends, but today you are wearing darker ones with flat ends. You only wear different ones when there is something special happening. Kain and Melos are down by the river teaching the others to use dark type moves. They are wearing different bands today as well, blue with white trim instead of the tribes usual red with yellow. Trina has been going between the storage cave and the common hut carrying things all morning. You were speaking to me about paying attention to details and figuring out what the small differences mean. The same lesson we worked on day before yesterday." The zorua returned his gaze to Shamans eyes. He saw the small twitch in his left eye and the slight upturn of the corner of his mouth. He knew that was a sign that he had pushed too far this morning.

Shaman's eyes continued to pierce as he spoke, "Well then, if you have been observing as your supposed to be, you can tell me what is these differences mean then?" the zorua lowered his eyes and shook his head slowly, "No? But a cleaver young fox such as yourself should have been able to figure out what is happening?" Shaman's voice had taken a mocking tone, the zorua knew he had missed something important and pushed Shaman's patience too far, again.

"What is my name little one?" Shaman reached over and picked up a switch from the side of his hut.

"Your name is Shaman." the zorua looked at the switch knowing what was coming, he tried his best to get back on Shaman's good side, "That means you have completed your training and are recognized as a guide to the village. Eyes and ears for all the see and hear by. Recognized by the tribe as a voice of knowledge and reason." he couldn't help but swallow hard as Shaman held out the paw not holding the switch, with one finger pointed down he moved it in a slow circle signaling zorua to turn around.

The zorua saw the full irritation on Shaman's face and knew better than to resist the elder fox now or the punishment would be much more sever. Slowly he turned to face away from the angry fox. He lowered his front to the ground and raised his tail, closing his eyes tight and clenching his jaw he waited for the pain.

This was Shamans best punishment, sometimes he struck right away, others he waited for a few minutes before rendering his punishment. Once he was forced to sit like this with all the other zoruas watching for over an hour before Shaman struck. He remembered listening to the giggles and remarks his fellow zorua shared at his expense. Shamans punishments were always both mental and physical.

Today was clearly a more physical day, zorua barley managed to suppress a yelp of pain as Shaman's first blow landed. Each strike landed across smartly across his rump adding to the stinging in his rear. The zorua whined pitifully causing a pause in the strikes.

"Oh? Is this too much for you little one?" Shaman taunted him.

Zorua knew from experience that there was no correct answer he could give Shaman that wouldn't end in more punishment. "Your strikes are swift and to the point as always Sha," His final word was cut off by an involuntary yelp as Shaman resumed his strikes faster and harder than before.

The zorua clenched his eyes shut, seeing bright stars dance across his vision, gaining in intensity until all he could see was a bright light.


The zorua woke from his dream and shielded his eyes against the light invading his cave home. Looking out across the valley that he has been calling home for the last three years he looked at the sun setting across the distant mountains.

"Hrm, sunset already." He said out load, "Guess it's time to go find something to eat." He picked himself up and began walking out of his cave into the valley below. He walked quietly making almost no noise. He payed no attention to where he was heading, relying on instinct to guide him as he though about the dream he just woke from. It has been quite some time since he had even though about his old home yet alone had a dream about it.

The life he was forced to live had not been the one he wanted. He remembered the lecture he had received from his father the night after he had endured his punishment. He remembered coming to the realization that as long as he stayed in the tribe he would never be able to live his own life the way that he wanted.

He had left that night, slipping away with no word to his parents. He had thought that he had managed his escape unnoticed but just as he reached the edge of the forest that marked the end of the tribes territory he saw Shaman, leaning against a tree the old fox said nothing. Shaman just watched as he walked by with his head low and his tail tucked tightly between his legs.

While he did not want to spend his life as the village shaman he held no resentment for the tribe itself. He knew he was abandoning them, leaving them all to suffer the cost of his betrayal. He walked low, in shame across the field, leaving the forest behind him, pausing to look back only when he reached the start of the foothills on the other side.

No matter how long he lives, he knows he will never forget the hurt look on Shamans eyes. He had seen many expressions on the old foxes face, Shaman showed his emotions fully, never trying to hide from the tribe what he felt. He realized looking across the field at the fox that he had spent all his life being taught by, just how much he cared about the tribe. But he couldn't go back, so he ran with tears in his eyes. He ran until he couldn't run anymore, then he cried.

He abandoned his tribe. He left behind him everything he had ever known and started his life anew. And with it a new name, Gauner, a word Shaman had used in many stories. A word used for a rogue or trickster, a fitting name for the betrayal he had committed.

Gauner stopped as he passed the small stream below his cave to drink. Pulling his head up from the water he paused to look at his reflection, or his illusions reflection. Since he left the village he has kept the same illusion up, the illusion that he is a regular zorua. He looked into the water, looked at the crimson tipped tuft of fur that topped his head. His reflection rippled and he looked upon his real image. Gauner looked at the blue fur that has replaced the crimson and frowned.

Striking the water he erased his reflection as the sun dipped below the mountains erasing the daylight and bringing on twilight. Gauner set out again. Tonight he needed to find something to eat. He regretted again the lack of survival training he had received growing up.

Survival was the job of the warriors, not the shaman. Bring him berries and herbs and he could make many potions and remedies, but left on his own he was lost. Always the things he had needed had been brought to him. After all the Shaman had the tribe to rely on, why should he have to risk himself gathering materials.

He had done his best to hunt and forage on his own but his ineptitude has lead to him having to resort to behaviors that leave a bad taste in his mouth. Stealing his meals from others or worse yet bulling or some of the weaker valley inhabitants into getting food for him.

A sharp long howl from behind him caused him to freeze. Looking behind he sees the houndoom, standing on a rock behind him. In terror he watches as the dog leaps from his perch and gives chase. Gauner relaxes realizing the dog is running a different direction. He watches as more houndooms and a couple houndour appear from around the rocky perch and add to the chase.

He heard the terrified cries of the poor creature they were chasing, under his breath he wishes it luck and changes his direction. If the pack is out hunting then he should be able to raid their larders again.

He returned to the mountains and ascended quickly to the ridge, changing his illusion as he climbed to look like one of the runty houndours excluded from the hunts. He doesn't have far to go. His own home isn't far from the houndoom pack's cave. He walked cautiously, approaching the mouth of the cave. He had raided these caves many times. Taking from the houndoom's store of berries.

He wrinkles his nose as he enters. No matter how many times he had entered, the smell of rotting meat always gets to him. He walked past the carcass giving off the smell, he wont steal their meat. This pack is as apt to prey on pokèmon as they are animals. He wont take that chance, he isn't a cannibal.

He met no resistance as he entered the cave. None of the pack that stayed behind will come near this part of the cave, that leaves him only one hurdle to overcome, Krieg. The pack leader, a monster of a dog is laying on the floor. Behind him is the entrance to the larder. Gauner looks at the beast sleeping on the floor. Covered with scars, Krieg is by far the largest of the pack and holds his place as alpha through equal parts cruelty and brutality. Gauner has been face to face with this behemoth of a houndoom far to many times.

He looked to the dogs face to be sure he was truly asleep. From where he is looking he can only see the dogs left side, no good. Krieg lost his left eye and broke his left horn in one of the many fights he had been in. Cautiously Gauner walked behind the presumably sleeping dog. He silently slips behind Krieg until he can see the dogs right side. Still no good. The tattered old hat that Krieg wears is sitting beside his head blocking Gauners view of the dog's face.

"Damn," Gauner thinks to himself, "What to do now?" His inner monologue is cut off as a houndoom comes into the cave. Gauner quickly hides behind a small rock in the side of the packs lair as the new dog cautiously approaches Krieg.

"Krieg... er.. sir." The new dog speaks nervously shifting his paws as Krieg raises from his slumber.

"This better be good mutt, I was having a nice dream." Krieg's scarred face curves into a cruel sneer. Gauner can only imagine what type of a dream this beast would consider "nice." Krieg walks slowly to the new dog, starring him down. The dog drops his eyes to the floor in the presence of his alpha.

"The hunt pack has returned. They have brought back a good haul." The new dog tries to keep his eyes downcast but keeps glancing up nervously.

"Good, I was starting to get hungry." Krieg began to walk out of the cave, the new dog quickly getting out of his way. Krieg allows nobody to walk behind him. Gauner watched as both dogs disappeared around the corner to the main part of the cave where the sounds of the returning pack could be heard.

"Well, looks like I'm taking the back way out today." Gauner started to walk into the larder when he noticed something odd. Krieg had left without his hat. Walking up to the garment Gauner picked it up. He would be able to carry a lot more berries tonight.

Carrying Kriegs hat he walked into the larder. Looking around the larder Gauner was shocked to see it almost empty. He knew it was getting harder to find any food in the valley but didn't realize that even the houndoom pack was suffering, that didn't bode well for the rest of the valley's enhabitants. He quickly filled the hat with berries and proceeded to the back of the larder.

Jumping up on a large rock in the rear of the larder he squeezed himself through a crack in the wall and found himself standing on a small ledge outside of the houndoom cave. Looking back at the small gap in the mountain wall he though about the lack of food he just saw. It was time to leave, not just the cave he just invaded but the entire valley. Things were already tough and just going to get worse. This valley has served him well for the last three years but he had no real attachment to it.

Gauner dropped the houndour illusion, adopting his normal zorua form. Picking a wrinkled oran berry from his stolen hat he ate it quickly before picking the hat back up and bounding from the cave. "North." he though to himself.

He's been living well enough off the mountains and the valley but it was time to move on and he knew there was a lush forest several days travel to the north. Not one to delay once he's made a decision he changed his course heading north over the mountains instead of returning to his cave.

Gauner walked for five days, eating the berries he took from the houndoom pack. He followed the river north traveling by the cover of night and sleeping where he could find shelter in the day. He had been told that the forest he was seeking was only four days travel north, it wasn't until he ran out of berries that he realized the pidgeotto that had told him of the forest could travel a lot faster than he could. He looked into the now empty hat wishing he knew better how to find food for himself.

He was about to leave the hat behind and continue on his way when a though hit him. The hat was Krieg's, it was proof that he was in the monsters lair, that he could overcome dangers and make it on his own. Picking the hat up in his mouth he flipped it onto his head. The old soft leather hat sat snugly on his head. His ears passing through the holes Krieg had made for his horns. Stepping up to the waters edge he gazed at his reflection again and smiled. He liked the hat, it's dark green blue leather complemented his dark grey fur well.

Feeling happier than he knew he should he continued traveling up the river. He kept his eyes out for something to eat as he traveled but to no avail. Every bush and tree he passed was bare. There was no fruit, no berries, nothing for a hungry pokèmon to eat.

A fish jumped in the river beside him causing him to chuckle to himself, "Yeah, as if that's going to happen." He tried his luck at fishing when he first ran away and was nearly drowned for his trouble. He was slightly better at hunting but that wasn't saying much. Besides he hadn't seen any suitable prey since starting on his journey north.

Gauner continued along the river the rest of the night. The moonlight revealed the path along the river perfectly for his night adjusted eyes. He stayed alert as he moved up the side of the path sticking close the tall grass at the edge of the path. He didn't like staying so close to the open where he could be easily ambushed and the width of the path made him nervous.

Small trails were common all throughout the forests, fields and mountains he was accustomed too but this was much much wider and was completely bare of any undergrowth. He had no idea what type of creature could leave a trail this large but he certainly didn't want to run into it along the way.

His stomach growled loudly causing him to pause and listen, to make sure nothing nearby heard him. Reassured that he has gone unnoticed by any other night time creatures. He resumed his quick trot up the path thinking to himself. He needed something to eat.

He had eaten the last berry the previous morning and has had nothing since. The sky is starting to lighten. He needs food and a place to sleep through the day. He noticed a wider area of the path ahead and in it was a something he had never seen before.

Sleeping next to the remains of a fire was a pokèmon, out in the open with no cover, nothing to protect it. Gauner approached cautiously. Beside the pokèmon was a small bag from which he could see several dried berries. "Perfect." He thought to himself, "Just need to figure out what I'm dealing with and get that bag."

He diverted his attention back to the pokèmon sleeping near the bag. It was small, not too much different in size that himself but looked bipedal. In his experience bipedal pokèmon tended to be quicker at dodging but slower at running any distance, he should be able to grab the bag and get out and if spotted run from it. He stated to move in when Shaman's words rang in his ears, stupid, he needs more information first.

Looking at the pokèmon again he studied it. It was covered in blue fur with large ears that drooped. Fairly canine like in appearance it was thin but looked well muscled. Stealthily he moved around to look from a different angle. He looked at its, no, her arms and noticed that each arm had a hard bonelike protrusion. Not a spike, blunt, still dangerous. He still wasn't sure what he was actually dealing with but he was confident he could handle it.

Slowly he approached the pokèmon. Taking her sent as he walked past. He picked up the scents of many different pokèmon on her, her own scent was clean and kind of sweet, like... sunshine? He shook his head to clear himself. No good getting distracted by a new scent when he had work to do.

Stepping past her he bend down and grasped the bag in his mouth. As he started to pick up the bag he heard the strange pokèmon begin to stir. "Crap, time to run." He thought. He lifted his head about half way before a flash of light blinded his vision and pain erupted from his rear end stopping any attempt at fleeing.


Gypsy rolled quickly to her feet and looked at the thief. He was a small dark colored fox with red markings on his feet and was wearing a leather hat. He was curled into a ball rubbing between his hind legs. Oops, she had struck out without looking and had apparently hit him between his legs.

Oh well, no since worrying about a bandit thief. As she watched he began to gather his wits and stand up, looking over his shoulder at her with a look of pure death. No time to think she continued her assault, she focused her aura and centered it on her legs for a burst of speed striking out rapidly punching and kicking as quickly as she could only to have the strange fox dodge all of her attacks.

Standing just out of her range he continued to stare her down while still rubbing himself with one paw. Gypsy watched as his eyes glanced quickly around, always returning to her gaze. He was looking for a way to run, she knew from experience that this foe was significantly stronger than her. She should let him run but if she did he would continue his thieving, and just a couple days from her home town. She had to stop him, but how.

He put his paw down and hunkered down, his eyes glowing slightly. "Damn he's making his move." He began moving to the right, she readied to stop his flight when the world around her swirled, suddenly there was nothing there. She was standing on a flat rocky expanse, nothing as far as she could see.

Fighting down the urge to panic she kept her calm she closed her eyes and used her aura vision to see what was happening. As she though, it was an illusion. The fox was walking away slowly, he wasn't paying attention to her, obviously trusting his illusion to keep her distracted. Once more she gathered her aura for a burst of speed, she pushed everything she had into her right palm. Her palm glowed with a flash of bright light.

Gauner chuckled as he slipped away, his illusions were always much stronger than even the zoroark from his tribe. Despite the start this was an easy enough steal, his opponent had been trained better than him but lacked his real world experience. He turned to look back to have one last glimpse at the strange pokèmon and saw flash of light right in his face. His momentary shock was cut off as the attack collided with his head sending him into unconsciousness.

Gypsy looked down at the fox, he seemed much smaller now that she was standing over him. "Hrm, it's almost like he's..." She quickly bent down and ran her hands along his sides, "Ah, that's what I though." He was thin, not naturally thin, starving. She could clearly feel his ribs standing out. Hell now that she was looking she could see them too.

She picked up her bag from the foxes open mouth, looking for the first time what he had been trying to steal. She had expected to find her coin purse but instead was looking at her travel snacks, "Poor thing, must be real hungry, but that's no excuse to steal!"

Walking back to her camp site she took a length of rope from her bag. "He's wearing a hat so he can't be a wild, guess that means I gotta bring him in." She groaned inwardly at the thought. She was a little over half way to town, another three days of travel at least. Now she was going to be slowed down dragging a prisoner through the forest ahead. "Damn, not much I can do." Grabbing the fox by the ankles she began to wind the rope into a set of restrains as she was taught. Tight bindings on all four legs with just enough line between to act as hobbles. Allowing the quadruped enough movement to walk but not enough to run.

Done with her work she started to stand when she noticed his feet. "Blue? I know they were red when I first saw him." Sitting down to ponder the color change she looked over the fox again. Small and thin, his fur was tidy but lacked the shine and look that most pokèmon she encountered had. All signs of a wild but not quite right, besides he had a hat.

She picked the garment in question up off his head seeing his head fur for the first time, grey tipped with blue. "Hrm, more blue." She looked at the hat in her hands and froze. It was a wide brimmed leather hat in dark green with a hint of blue to it. A common bit of attire for a rescuer from her home. Out of place for a highway thief, but that's not what caused her to take notice. Inside the hat every rescuer had a small symbol drawn on the tag to identify it as theirs. She looked at the green mark on the tag, a simple circle pierced by a pair of spikes. Her father's mark.


Gauner awoke to a splitting head ache. He kept his eyes closed and didn't move. Carful not to twitch his ears as instinct demanded as he listened to his surroundings, trying to find sign of anyone around. The events of the fight ran through his head, what went wrong? He had the strange pokèmon caught in the illusion, he had seen the glassed over look in her eyes.

How had she struck him, it had been to precise to have been an accident. Clearly she had seen through his trick but how. Hearing nothing he slowly opened one eye just a slit, there sitting right in front of him was the strange pokèmon, wearing on her face a look of death that would have done Shaman proud.

"I know your awake get up!" Her angry voice cut into his skull making his already pounding head throb.

Gauner weighed his options, he should be faster, if he could stay out of her reach he should be able to get away. Not one to second guess himself he attempted to bolt. He was on all fours kicking off with all the might his hindquarters could muster but to his surprise half way through his first stride his forelegs were yanked backwards causing him to land flat on his face.

Rolling quickly back to a standing position he finally noticed the strange vines binding his legs preventing him from running. He noticed another strange vine around his neck and followed it to where it was wrapped around a stick driven into the ground beside the blue pokèmon.

"Well, shit." Gauner said out loud getting a smirk from his captor. Dropping his hindquarters to the ground with a sigh he looked again to the pokèmon that had bound him, defeated he spoke to her, "So? You going to kill me already or what?"

All the anger drained from her face, replaced by a look of complete surprise, "What! Why the hell would I kill you for stealing a bit of food? I'm a rescuer not a damn bandit!"

Gauner looked at her stunned face and could only hope he didn't look as equally confused. She wasn't going to kill him? What was her game what did she want from him? Well only one way to find out, "Then why am I bound? Whenever you catch a thief you either chase them off or kill them, that's how it works. What do you have to gain from this? What do you want?"

His confusion only increased as he watched her jaw drop in utter disbelief. "What kind of barbaric logic is that! Your tied up so I can take you to the guild for punishment. Nobody kills someone just for stealing that's absurd. Even bandits aren't usually that bad. I... wait, you are a wild."

Gauner tilted his head in confusion, "What are you talking about? What is a 'guild' or a 'wild'." This was making no sense, maybe she was mad? He had met a mad pokèmon once, strange bidoof that rambled on about a giant purple acorn that controlled your mind if you didn't walk backwards.

He watched her carefully, she was looking down at his hat turning it over in her hands, her eyes snapped back up to his as she started talking, "I'm going to ask you some questions, and your going to answer them truthfully" he nodded his head in agreement, the look on her eyes said enough to know he didn't have much choice. "What happens after that will depend on your answers." A test then, he would have to do as she said and hope that he didn't fail.

"First question, why were you trying to steal from me? Can't you find your own?" He looked at her and whined, pathetically, "What's the matter skitty got your tongue?"

Gauner though hard despite his headache but couldn't come up with a good escuse. He figured he might as well be honest, admitting a weakness to her wouldn't really make his situation any worse, "I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday morning, I couldn't find anything around here and I never learned to hunt. I needed the berries and figured you would know where to get more for yourself if I took them anyways."

She stared at him for a second then looked down at the bag he had tried to take. Bending down she opened it revealing her store of travel snacks, dried berries and nuts. "You're not much of a wild if you can't even find your own food now are you?"

"I'm not much of a what? I have no idea what your saying. What's a 'wild'." He wished she wouldn't use strange words it was making it hard for him to think.

"That's precisely what makes you one, a wild is a pokèmon that lives on their own away from a guild town." He tried not allow himself to get more irritated at yet another new word.

"I don't know what a guild is, stop trying to confuse me with words I don't know. I used to live in a tribe with others of my kind. They wanted me to take a role that I didn't want so I left a few years ago. Now I live on my own. I don't care what a 'wild' or a 'guild' are."

She quietly looked him over, making him squirm under her gaze. This pokèmon was young but was no fool, he was sure of that. "Since your from a tribe but don't know what a guild is I would have to guess your from across the river to the southwest. A guild is kinda like a tribe only a lot bigger, more pokèmon living in the same area. We all work together to grow food and keep everyone safe." Gauner found himself listening closely to her explanation. "We help each other and all follow a set of rules to keep everyone safe and happy."

Gauner perked up finally understanding a little of what was going on. "That's why you tied me up and said your taking me to the guild, I broke a rule by stealing from you?"

"Exactly, although being that your a wild you don't really fall completely under the guild law, that complicated things a bit." Great, that's what he needed more complications.

"Don't look so down, that actually makes it better for you, well depending on how you answer the second question, where did you get this?" She was holding his hat up while staring intently at him. "Remember, only the truth."

As if she could get only the truth by simply demanding it, but he couldn't think of any reason to lie. Better just play along and see where this goes, no reason to start a fight while still ensnared, "I stole it from a houndoom named Krieg."

Her eyes widened at the name, "How do you know Krieg?" She nearly shouted the question to him.

"He leads a pack near the cave I used to live in."

The strange pokèmon looked back to the hat, Gauner saw how tightly she was gripping it and wondered to himself what this all was about. His thoughts were interrupted when she spoke again, "So, your no friend of his?"

"Friend? Of that monster? Krieg has no friends, only a pack of dogs too terrified to do anything but follow his orders." He did his best to maintain an air of calm dignity but couldn't lie to himself, he was scared out of his fur. This person had beat him in a fight bound him and spoke of things he didn't understand. He honestly feared she was going to kill him when this question game ended.

"Tell you what," He nodded his head, "Since you are a wild, obviously hungry and didn't actually manage steal anything I will let you go," Gauner perked up again, "IF you promise me not to steal anything on guild lands and you answer one more question for me. Fair enough?"

That was a deal he could easily make, "Fair enough, I don't know where your guild territories are, tell me and promise I will leave them and will not steal anything in them. What is your question?"

"Oh! You don't have to leave the guild lands. All are welcome here, even wilds, so long as they don't cause any problems. As long as you don't go around thieving your can stay."

"I don't just 'go around thieving' I don't like to steal at all, I only do it when I have no other options. I was raised better, I don't like to steal." The thought of his upbringing reminded him to painfully of his past, what he had run from.

"There is always another option, to be honest if you had just asked I would have shared my food with you. I have plenty." She might as well have slapped him. Just ask, that was it. He could have avoided all this by just asking, "Hee hee, seems like that's a new concept for you. Really, guild pokèmon are good pokèmon, er... not to say you wilds aren't. We just work together more. You don't seem like a bad pokèmon, if you don't like to steal than work for it, that's what I do."

"It's not a new concept, it's just one I haven't had the option of using since I left home. You still haven't asked you're question, what is it?"

"Ah! I almost forgot. It's really not important I'm just curious. When I first saw you your feet were red. Then After I knocked you out they turned blue. There still blue, why did they change."

Gauner yelped involuntarily and quickly regained his illusion changing his fur to red. "I can't believe I let that slip so easy, please don't tell anyone." He cursed himself for his error, know one outside the village had seen his real fur before.

"Hrm? I don't see how the color of your fur matters but I won't tell, I was just curious how it changed. But since it just changed red again I would have to guess it's part of your illusion thing you do, like the empty rock thing you made me see."

"Yes, that's right." might as well tell her, not any point hiding anything now, "All my kind can make illusions. I've had a lot of training and can make very strong ones. Er... if you don't mind me asking, how did you see through it." Now that he had been reminded of it he couldn't help but wonder what had given it away.

"Oh that was easy, I can see auras. Your illusions don't change those. Now since you've behaved your self and done as asked," She quickly stood up and walked over to him. Despite the friendly conversation that had just started he was still bound and effectively her prisoner, he wasn't entirely sure he could trust her not to simply kill him anyways.

"I said I would let you go if you promised to behave and answer my question. Since you did both." She let her actions finish her sentence. She quickly untied his legs and neck, removing the bindings she stepped back. "There, free to go." She gave him a friendly smile. "Just remember, this is your one free 'do over' any more trouble and you won't get off so lucky next time."

His instincts told him to run away while he had the chance but he ignored them. She was no different that the pokèmon from his tribe, he wasn't sure why but he knew he could trust her besides, she still had his hat. Thinking of ways to get it back he remembered what she had said about the berries, "Um, can I have my hat back now?"

She looked from him to the hat and back, "Hrm," She gave him and odd, uncomfortable look, "This is a rescuer's travel hat. Not an item you should be walking around with. After all you having this is what made me think you were a bandit in the first place." She spoke quickly while clutching the hat tightly, "I don't think I should let you have it back. For your own safety."

Gauner looked her over carefully, he didn't think he could take it back by force in his current state. He wanted his hat back but not enough to take a chance in an open fight. He could wait and steal it back, but he had just promised her he wouldn't steal in guild lands again. Not one to go back on his word he hung his head in defeat.

"Awww, don't act like that. Here," He looked back up to see the sack of berries hanging in front of his face, "I can't give you the hat back but since you were so nice about answering my questions you can have this just to show that no harms done, all just a misunderstanding. Okay?"

Better than leaving empty handed. He took the sack in his mouth, the scent of the berries reminding him just how hungry he was. Diving his muzzle into the sack he began eating rapidly.

"Teehee, Guess you really were hungry huh?" He paid her little mind, food first, "Well you woke me a little early but suns coming up now anyways so I'm off. Remember your promise and stay out of trouble." He paused long enough to watch her put her hat into a large bag that she then hung on her shoulders with straps.

The strange pokèmon walked off down the trail and out of sight leaving Gauner alone with his food. He stood and though about what had just happened. He had learned a lot, gained a meal and lost his hat. He was rather sore about the last part but all and all it was a fair trade.

He finished the rest of the bag off and sat down. An interesting experience this was. He looked to the rising sun, time for sleep. He needed to find a safe place he though to himself as he started to walk off. Pausing again he looked back to the small clearing, she had slept here so maybe this would be okay.

Noticing a large hollowed log at the edge of the clearing he walked over. This would work fine for him. Crawling into the log he curled up and swiftly fell asleep.


Gypsy adjusted her backpack as she continued walking down the road. Krieg, she thought she had heard the last of that dog. It had been several years now since her parents rescue team had come up against Krieg with catastrophic results.

She still remembered sitting alone waiting for her parents team to return from what should have been a simple rescue mission. To find a small group of travelers that had been reported missing. The local roads were winding and pokèmon often found them selves lost trying to save time taking a short cut.

For three full days she had waited, dreading the worst. No matter how the towns pokèmon and her friends tried to comfort her she knew something was very wrong. Her parents were a senior rescue team, well known and respected, even by other guilds, they should not be taking this long. Then on the morning of the fourth day two of her friends had erupted into her parents house to tell her that her mother just been found, collapsed just outside of town.

She had practically flown to the first aid ward., but she was not prepared for what she would see. Her mother's injuries were very severe. Her fur had been tore out in clumps and all across her body were large cuts and bites. Her right eye was completely missing, crossed out by a large gash that ran from the top of her head to the tip of her nose.

She had watched over her mother, not leaving her bedside until she awoke. She then listened, along with the town's leader as her mother told them all what had happened. The trail led them deep into the forest where they were ambushed by a pack of houndoom. She sat with tears in her eyes as her mother told them how they had fought to get through to complete their mission, to save the missing pokèmon.

They had made it through to the pack's den, only to find the missing pokèmon already dead, eaten by the pack. They had run as fast and hard as they could to get help to take out this new threat, only to be caught again by the houndoom. Her mother's words came in gasping sobs, her heart torn by what she had to tell them. Her mother had escaped and managed to return to the town, but her father along with the rest of her team, had died to give her the chance to run.

Nobody knew anything about the pack, where they had come from or why they were starting to cause trouble. The guild attacked the pack with the intention of bringing them in for justice. They managed to locate the pack, but were unable to take any of them prisoner. The only thing they got from the encounter was several dead rescuers and a name, Krieg.

The pack had moved after that. Nobody knew where they had gone but the attacks on civilized pokèmon had stopped. The guild couldn't afford to spend any more resources trying to locating the pack and called off the search. The rescuers had all assumed the pack had split after the guild attack but it looks like they are is still in operation somewhere.

That fox, he had known where Krieg was and she didn't even think to ask him. The rules for dealing with wilds were very clear, prevent them from causing trouble for civilized pokèmon but do not chase them away from civilized life. She had been so sure he was a bandit, especially after finder her fathers hat that she had over reacted.

She should have learned more about him before binding him as she had. Never make a wild feel trapped, it just makes them run away first chance they get. She had made a major mistake for dealing with an outsider and was too focused on correcting it to even think of finding out what he could have know, hell she didn't even get his name.

She was completly lost in thought walking down the road. She didn't notice the group of pokèmon approaching the other way until she was right on them. There were three of them walking directly towards her. Side by side was a scruffy dirty looking Raticate and a gangly Mr. Mime wearing a ragged blue scarf and a massive grin. Leading those two was an exceptionally tall, sinister looking Zangoose.

This group was trouble no doubt. She began moving farther to the right of the road to let them pass by, her heart skipped a beat when they adjusted to intercept her path. She took up a defensive stance and looked around to make sure there was no others hiding nearby.

"Ah, sorry for the scare there love." The Zangoose spoke with a light, almost charming voice that in no way matched the face it belonged to. "Hear a tune for a bit of coin?" He pulled a small wooden flute from behind his back and brought it to his mouth.

She looked to the other two an noticed that they also carried instruments. The Raticate had a small flat drum strapped to her side and the Mr. Mime carried some sort of odd, stringed instrument slung across his back. Traveling bands of musicians were hardly uncommon, she felt foolish for her initial scare.

"Oh, well I don't have any coin to spare. You see I'm moving towns and didn't want to carry too much with me. Thank you for the offer though." She put on her best friendly smile, not wanting to seem rude.

She started walking past the Mr. Mime when she felt a prick on her left thigh. Looking down her eyes bulged seeing a small dart with red fletching sticking out of her leg. She tried to take another step away and her legs gave out, falling to the ground just outside of the outstretched arms of the Mr. Mime.

Laying on the cool dirt she tried to move but found her body would not respond. A tingling numb feeling was spreading from the dart and she was finding it hard to focus her eyes. The world spun and blurred as she struggled to stay conscious.

"Great work Marv, drop the merchandise on the ground before we even get it back to camp." The Zangoose spat at the Mr. Mime who was bending over to pick Gypsy from the ground.

"Sorry 'bout that there Grimm, she fell the wrong way." Marv the Mr. Mime said in a panicked apology as he hoisted Gypsy up over one shoulder.

Grimm walked up behind Marv and looked into Gypsy's eyes. Through blurred vision she could see his predatory gaze looking through her. Her fear increased as she slipped into darkness.


Gauner woke as he usually did, just as the sun was setting. The dusk lit camp looked as it when he had curled up that morning. He had woke a few times during the day when he heard others walking past but each time they had continued along the wide trail.

His stretched feeling his muscles and joints loosen and prepare for the night. His head was still sore from the attack this morning. Moving his hind legs awkwardly he noted that his head wasn't the only sore spots the stranger had left him with. He grumbled to himself as he exited the log.

All things considered he actually felt better than he had the previous day. Having actually eaten could have that effect on a person. He stuck his muzzle into the food sack once more, knowing already that he had emptied it already but one could always hope.

Not one to delay Gauner picked up the empty bag and walked back to the river. The wide path would probably take him to the forest faster than the river would but he couldn't help but feel vulnerable walking out in the open like that.

Setting a quick pace he continued along the river keeping his eyes peeled for any easy food to fill the bag back up with. Luck was with him tonight, he managed to find a few berry bushes scattered about and collected a fair amount from each. Always carful to take no more than he could eat himself. There's no point in wasting food.

The night passed quickly as he made his way along the river and it wasn't long before he came over a rise and saw the forest off in the distance. Seeing his new home laid out before him he left the riverside and struck out across the rolling fields directly to the forest.

What good fortune, he would reach the forest with most of the night left to find a new home. He had liked the cave he had lived in before and wondered to himself what the odds of him finding something similar in the forest would be. There would surly be more pokèmon living in the forest than there were in the mountains he had left, he knew most the good homes would already be claimed.

As he walked he turned his ears from side to side, always keeping alert to his surroundings. He heard nothing as he walked, feeling confident he continued straight ahead. The wind changed slightly and he instinctively dropped to the ground, taking cover in the long grass.

He smelled pokèmon, several of them just ahead. Turning his ears again he listened hard, still not hearing anything he cautiously crawled forward up a small hill to get a better look at his surroundings. When he reached the top he found himself looking directly into a large area where the grass had been knocked flat.

Gauner saw several pokèmon sleeping spread out in the flattened area. The smelled dirty, like none of them had ever bathed, looked it too. He took note of the variety of pokèmon in the camp. Most of the species he had never seen. Looking at the camp he got the same feeling the Houndoom pack gave him. These pokèmon were trouble.

He slowly crawled around the camp to sneek past them. They all appeared to be asleep but in a group this large odds were always good that one was still awake. As he crawled he looked at the items they had in scattered piles around the camp. Many bags were piled together, as well as strange flat sided things made of what appeared to be wood.

After what seemed like an eternity he made it to the other side and began to walk away when another shift of the wind caused him to pause again. He picked up a familiar clean scent that didn't belong to this group. Turning again to the camp he saw her, the strange pokèmon from the morning.

She behind one of the piles and was bound tightly with the same vine like item she had used on him, but where she had bound him with care her own bindings where obviously too tight. She looked as though she had been roughed up as well. He lifted his muzzle into the breeze and took several long sniffs. Blood, no doubt hers.

Gauner sat still and stared at the the strange blue pokèmon. He should leave, there is no way he could take on the whole camp and they would surly be waking soon. She wasn't his problem, but she had been kind to him. She released him even after he had tried to steal from her, she even gave him the food he had been trying to take.

As he was deciding what to do the first of the pokèmon started stirring. A female Raticate in the middle of the camp, she woke with a loud yawn, showing off her deadly teeth. Before she finished her yawn a large sack struck her in the side knocking her over.

"Shut yer damn trap ya fucking rat cunt." a scarred up Primeape shouted at the now sprawled out Ratticate. "Always loud as shit waking me up. Why don't you go dig a hole a pop out little rat bastards like the rest of your kind do."

The Ratticate had by now righted herself and chose to respond to the assault with one of her own. Tackling the the angry Primeape she tore in with her teeth, blood and fur flying everwhere.

"Ha! Looks like those two are at it agian. I got 20 on Jip." a lean Linoone shouted as the remaining pokèmon roused from there sleep gathered around the fighting pair.

Gauner watched as the group encouraged the fight, shouting at the combatants and even a few times pushing them back into the fight when they had fallen aside. This was too dangerous, he had nothing against the strange blue pokèmon and didn't want to leave her in the hands of these obvious villains but there was no way he could fight off even one of these brutes let alone the whole camp.

He looked back to where she was tied up. She was just coming to, he looked to he face and froze. Her eyes were wide with fear and her whole body was trembling as she tried futilely to turn and see what was going on behind her. He couldn't leave her, not like this.

He looked back to the pokèmon in the camp, the fight was over now it seemed. The Primeape lay blood face down in the dirt, the Ratticate standing victoriously on his back. He knew what he had to do, there was one sure fire way to distract pokèmon like this.

Closing his eyes he focused his illusion ability. Gauner has found over the years that the best illusions are when he leaves them vague. Projecting an idea, or a concept and letting the opponents mind fill in the blanks. It takes less effort that broadcasting a specific image and allows for entire groups to be taken easily. The down side of this kind of illusion is that if the group communicates well they will quickly realize they are all seeing something different, he really doubted that this group communicates well.

He focuses on one specific idea, the others are insulting you. They have no respect for you, they want to fight. He expected there to be some wind up. Insults thrown, posturing something. What he got instead was a near instant brawl. The entire camp lashing out at each other, kicking biting and the occasional aura powered attack blasting through the group.

Gauner wasted no time taking advantage of the chaos, running quickly to the bound pokèmon he tore into her bindings with his fangs. The vines things were tough, but his fangs with long and sharp. He shredded them in no time freeing the captive pokèmon.

Now loose from her binding she moved stiffly. She struggled to fight to her feet. Gauner stepped in and lent a shoulder for her to lever herself up on. As soon as she was on her feet he spoke, "Quickly I doubt they stay distracted long run if you can."

"Thank you." She looked to him with tears in her eyes. The stiffness from the uncomfortable position she had been in being quickly replaced with adrenaline she did as he said and ran.

Gauner took off after her pausing only to pick up what he knew was her bag and add a little push to his illusion before following her out. The pair made haste into the night trying to put distance between themselves and the bandits. They made it over several hills and were nearing the forest edge when the a cry of pain made Gauner look behind him.

A Zangoose he hadn't seen before had the strange blue pokèmon pinned to the ground. Twisting one arm behind her back to make her cry out again while his eyes looked straight into Gauners, "Come to save your little girlfriend did ya foxy." The Zangoose said in an obvious taunt. "I'm afraid of become quite attached to her, can't just let her go now can I?"

For just a moment Gauner wasn't looking at the Zangoose, he was seeing Krieg. The face of a pokèmon who caused pain and death just for personal entertainment. There was no doubt in his mind that this one would kill the girl just to spite his rescue attempt.

Dark energies real power was not in it's overall strength but in it's ability to flow quickly. It doesn't crash against an opponents defense, it tempts it's way in. Shaman had forbidden Gauner from ever learning any dark attacks, the Shaman mush be trustworthy beyond all traits and even in a group of dark types, the dark wasn't to be trusted.

Despite Shamans insistence, Gauner had managed to sneak and learn one dark aura skill. He always kept it as a last resort, something to fall back on if everything else failed. This time his aura beckoned him to use it and he didn't resist. Pulling all the power he had he opened his mouth wide and focused it. He was rewarded by a look of surprise on the Zangoose's face just before a ball of pure dark aura exploded from his maw, knocking the Zangoose clear from his victim.

The blue pokèmon sprang to her feet, whirling quickly she delivered a powerful kick to the Zangoose as he tried to regain a standing position. Gauner pulled again on his reserve of dark energy to help keep the assailant down but found them empty. No wonder his attack had had such an effect, he had used up his entire aura reseve on one attack.

The Zangoose chuckled as he stood up again, "You two really are something. Do you have any idea who I am? I'm Grimm, the Bandit King of the South Plains." The name meant nothing to Gauner but he noticed his impromptu battle companion step back when it was said. "Your both in over your head, what say you just give up? Come quietly and I'll forget this whole thing happened."

Gauner looked at the fear in the blue pokèmons eyes and knew this wasn't going to end well if he didn't do something, where was her confidence from last time? He figured he would just have to give her some of it back. Fluffing his ruff out he stared down the Zangoose know as 'Grimm'.

"I am Gauner, rouge fox, I have no idea who you are but I do know one thing, this one was kind to me, I wont let you harm her. I've stood my own against the Houndoom Krieg and walked away victorious. I'll be doing the same here." he accented his little speech with a glare that he hoped matched the confidence of his words and not his shaking legs.

Gauner hadn't really expected any respect from Grimm but couldn't help but feel insulted when the Zangoose literally rolled around laughing, "You, you stood up to Krieg? You honesty expect me to believe that?" Grimm slowly rose back to his feet wiping tears from his eyes, "Ah but if your that determined to die, don't let me hold you back."

Gauner ducked to the side as Grimm's first attack swept by his head. Wide eyed he jumped to the side and kept his eyes on his opponent. He hadn't seen him move, he was just suddenly there. Well, two can play at that game. Gauner focused his illusion and smiled when Grimms eyes became unfocused.

Moving swiftly the young fox feinted right before quickly darting in and sinking his fangs into Grimm's flank. The zangoose howled and made a quick spinning strike in the direction he had been struck from, Gauner jumping just in time to avoid. As soon as he landed he stuck again, nipping the aggravated Grimms rump.

"You little shit! Fucking coward, face me like you actually got a pair!" Grimm's shout was accented by several feral snarls.

Gauner smirked and began to feint again to the left, having learned not to rely on his illusions alone already. This time when he ducked in for a strike he was rewarded with a powerful slash to his face. Grimm lashed out repeatedly without aim his strikes hit mostly air but Gauner was pushed back none the less.

The angry zangoose continued his random whirling attack, slashing wildly in large circles. Gauner's face stung where Grimm's claws had left long scratches, he could feel blood running down his face. He narrowly dodged again as another wide attack came his way, jumping nimbly over his opponent. He landed and was swept aside by another mad swing.

"Hah! Got you now!" Grimm cried in triumph, finally breaking the illusion. He took two steps towards the downed fox, pinning his tail with a foot when Gauner attempted to flee. "No more running for you."

Gauner watched as Grimm's claws began to glow with focused aura. He spun and kicked madly in an attempt to escape. Suddenly his world erupted in pain, hot searing slashes down both flanks. Unable to fight back he could only curl into a ball of agony as Grimm landed repeated blows against him.


Gypsy stared again at the expansive wasteland of cracked grey stone. The fox was using his illusion again. She closed her eyes and sought to see the auras as she had before but got only pain. The stiffness from the bindings had worn off but the lingering effect of whatever drug she had been given was still preventing her from doing much.

Knowing she couldn't help like this she stayed still, relying on her new found ally to keep her safe. Looking around she tried to see anything that would help her, nothing but empty space to be found. A loud snarl brought her attention back to where she last saw Grimm and Gauner. She saw a flash of Grimms flank, dripping blood from a deep bite before the image fadded.

The fox must be loosing control as he fights. She continued to watch where she knew the combatants must be. She saw flashes of light, and ghostly apparitions each time Gauner's illusion shifted. She could hear them now too, both growling furiously at the other. Blood chilling feral sounds the likes of which she had never heard before.

Then as quickly as the illusion came it was gone. She was back in the pre-dawn gloom. A sickening sound to her left caused her to spin, there was Grimm, standing over a very still and very bloody Gauner. The big zangoose was dealing blow after blow, no longer using his claws but instead brutally beating with his paws.

Gypsy couldn't tell if Gauner was alive or not, either way she wouldn't let Grimm's assault to continue. Gritting against the pain she pulled on her aura, focusing it on her legs and her arm she lunged. She quickly covered the ground between her and her intended target.

Swinging with all her might she struck Grimm with the boney protrusion on her left arm. She collided hard with the side of his muzzle, sending the despicable zangoose sprawling. She watched as he tried to rise again while spitting out several broken teeth. Stepping over him she brought both paws down on the back of his head knocking him cold.

She watched Grimm for a few seconds to be sure he was truly out before returning her attention to Gauner. The poor little fox was mangled, all along both flanks and across his face were long cuts. Gypsy carefully inspected each wound, they were shallow but bleeding profusely.

She tore open her bag and grabbed her first aid kit. She coated each wound with a healing paste made from oran berries and herbs before wrapping them tightly with bandages. Even as she watched blood seeped into the bandages staining them. He wouldn't last long like this.

Opening her map she glanced around for landmarks to get her bearings. According to the map there should be a small village just to the north west, where the river meets the forest. Shallow Bank the map called it. If she hurried she could make it there before sunrise.

She dove back into her back, taking out her personal documents, coin purse and her father's hat she wrapped them in a small cloth handkerchief and tied them around Gauners neck. Then taking her rope she tied a makeshift harness around the small fox and hoisted him onto her back.

Gypsy took one last look at the Bandit King Grimm before running towards the river. Grimm, even in her home town the name was well known. A ruthless bandit leader known to commit every type of despicable crime. He had an awfully large bounty too. She patted Gauner's muzzle sitting on her shoulder, "Too bad I can't carry you both."


Gauner groaned as he came too, his mind lost in a fog of pain. He fought down the pain and slowly opened his eyes. His vision was a swirling blur of brown and blue. He bit back a wave of nausea, tasting bile he closed his eyes and swallowed hard.

Steeling himself he opened his eyes again. His vision focused and revealed the blue blur to be the strange pokèmon from before. He yelped and tried to flee jumping away from her. The pain he felt before seemed a sweet dream to the torrent of agony that took him as he jumped. He landed flat on his face, rolling to his back. Curling into a ball he whimpering in pain.

Gypsy walked over to the trembling ball of fox and placed a hand gently on one shoulder. "Hey it's okay, you're safe."

Gauner opened one eye and looked up at her, "Where..." he managed through the pain.

"We're in a small village inn, a safe place to rest for travelers. You were hurt pretty bad so I brought you here. Now let's get you back in bed, you need rest." She gently helped him to his feet and over to the bed, "Up you go."

Gauner managed to get his front up on the bed but couldn't get his rear end to move without seeing stars dance in front of his eyes. He was about to give up when Gypsy put a hand under each rump and lifted him gently onto the bad where he gratefully sank into the soft mattress.

Gauner looked at Gypsy, feeling rather foolish for trying to run. She obviously wasn't going to hurt him, he had already learned that. There was still one problem, he didn't know what to call her. Well, easy way to fix that, "Thank you. I appreciate you not leaving me behind. I never got your name before, I'm Guaner."

"My name is Gypsy. You don't need to thank me. I'm not sure exactly what those bandits had planned but whatever it was you rescued me from I'm sure it wasn't good." She while reaching over and gently patting his head.

Gauner looked down at his forepaws for a moment before speaking again, "I'm not going to lie, I almost didn't do it. I just, when I saw you like that," Gauner found himself uncharacteristically at a loss for words, "You hurt me when we first met but It was my fault and you were nice after that. I just couldn't leave you like that."

Gypsy just looked at him, Gauner felt as if she was staring at his very soul. Not able to take any more he turned his head away in embarrassment. Laying his head down on his front paws he took a deep breath and huffed once. "I'm fucking pathetic. I can't hunt, I can't forage, the only thing I do worth a damn is steal and I hate it."

"So stop. Your not a bad pokèmon, if you were I would still be with the bandits. Your smart, you speak way better than most wilds. Why keep living like that if you don't like it. You could come to a guild town, or even a little village like this one. Work for your living instead."

Gauner looked back at her as he finished speaking, tears running down his cheeks, "What can I do? I told you I have no skills." He huffed again "All I can do is cause trouble."

Gypsy reached into the nightstand beside the bed and picked up her father's hat. "I told you this was a rescuer's hat, but I didn't tell you what that meant did I?" He shook his head, "Rescuers are pokèmon that help others when they are in trouble. They chase off bandits, find lost pokèmon, retrieve stolen items that sort of thing."

Gauner though about the words he just heard. That could also describe the protector role he wanted to take in his tribe. "How do you become a rescuer?"

Gypsy smiled, she had hoped he would be interested, "Well you need three things. First you have to be a guild pokèmon, that's the easy part all you have to do for that is learn the rules and swear to follow them. Second is guild training, you apprentice to a guild and become a rescuer in training."

Gauner nodded, easy so far, "So I have to join with the guild, both as a person living there and as an apprentice then?" Gypsy nodded, "Okay so easy enough, what's the last thing?"

"The last part is usually the hardest, especially for a wild." Gypsy put a lot of emphasis on the word 'usually', "Rescuers don't usually work alone, trainees aren't allowed to at all. You either need a group of three trainees or one trainee and a full fledged rescuer."

"So either find two others that want to start new or one that's already started and will work with you?" He could see where this would be a problem since he didn't know any others. "Wait, you said 'usually'?"

"See, I knew you were smart." Gypsy smiled at him. "I happen to be a full rescuer, I just completed my training with two of my friends from back home. They both joined up with their older brother when we finished. I'm moving to start in a new town."

"So, you would accept me? But I've already told you I'm a thief, why?" he knew there had to be more to this than she was saying.

"You told me you were a thief, yet you clearly don't like it. You had a chance to leave me and instead risked your self to save me. I'm not going to pretend your past wont be a factor, the guild isn't going to like it and you will have to tell them. But when you get right down to it, I think your a good pokèmon. Everybody deserves a second chance." Gypsy flopped the hat onto his head, "Besides, you look good in the hat."

"What if the guild wont take me? What if I don't like it?" This sounded a lot better than living on his own in a forest, he missed living with others.

"If the guild rejects you, and that's a big if they rarely reject a wild without major reasons. Then you could still live in the guild town and work some other job. Either way it's ultimately up to you. If you change your mind you can leave. We all live together, respecting each others wishes is part of that." Gypsy put a hand on his shoulder, "Come with me. Try it, you can always leave is it doesn't work out. I promise."

Gauner looked to his forepaws again. The guild sounded exactly like what he's always wanted. Could it be real, could it be what Gypsy said it was. He looked up and met Gypsy's eyes, only one way to find out. "I'll go, I'll look at this guild thing myself and see if it's really what I want."

Gypsy's smile widened into a grin, "That's what I wanted to hear. There are a lot of little details and things to learn on the way, I'll teach you everything you need to know. We'll set off as soon as your healed enough to travel. For now, I'll leave you to get some rest, you need it."

Gauner laid down and closed his eyes as Gypsy left the room. A new start and a place to belong, that's what he's been looking for. Seems like maybe he has finally found it. Despite his injuries he found himself feeling better than he had in a long time.

Only moments after disappearing around the open door, Gypsy popped her head back around, "Oh yeah, was going to tell you. Your fur is blue again." Gauner yelped and quickly changed his color back while Gypsy giggled at him, "Looking good now, sleep well." She said in a friendly taunt.

"Just what have I gotten myself into." Gauner chuckled out loud before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.