Dessert or Appetizer?

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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The building is art. The food is art. The wait staff is art. All should be enjoyed.

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People argue constantly about whether or not servers should be tipped. Some argue that having to do a good job, and go above and beyond, makes someone do a better job. Others argue that not having to worry about your wage being dependent upon your smile lets you relax and do a better job. From the consumer side, of course, people argue that restaurants are in the wrong for shoving the responsibility of paying their wait staff onto the customer.

Cole didn't have to worry about that at Cocoa though; clientele did not tip the wait staff at all. The fancy restaurant paid their servers handsomely for their work and were quite picky about every aspect of who worked for them. On top of all the professional qualities of your typical servers, the ones at Cocoa were required to stay in peak physical condition as well.

Every waiter and waitress was on the shorter end of the spectrum. No one was below five foot, and no one was over five-three. Each of them maintained a healthy lifestyle just to remain lithe and well-groomed. To top it off, every single one of them had dark, black fur and purple eyes. They were contacts, of course, and as it was technically part of the uniform the company had to pay for it all, but at times Cole found it ridiculous the things he had to do for this job.

The owner exerted an excruciating amount of control over every detail, and spared no expense in any area. No piercings, no tattoos, no dyed fur (except black), and no accessories. Their outfits were immaculate and a beautiful contrast to their black fur, something Cole that had drawn his attention when first looking at it as a possible job.

Both the men and women wore a red jockstrap with the company's logo across the front and a small vest of the same color. The vest was to be kept closed with only one button at all times, and some women had been denied a job simply for not being able to adequately contain themselves within the meager clothing. Cole had heard even rumors of a bat who had been denied a job for not being able to fit in his jockstrap, and Cole had sorely wished that he could have met said bat.

In their matching outfits, they looked like pieces of a matched set, though, and that was exactly what the owner wanted. If the pay hadn't been so high, the fox wouldn't have considered it, but for what he was given, he found no problems with dying his fur every month, wearing the contacts, and walking around the restaurant all but completely exposed to hundreds of strangers a day.

The way Cocoa served and presented food was more common of an art gallery than it was a restaurant. There were no menus, no ordering of food or drinks; only servers bringing out various courses of some of the finest dishes money could buy. The final course was always the same, though. One bowl of the world's most expensive, Swiss chocolate. Bits of 24 karat gold flakes swirled around inside the dark, brown chocolate and it was served with no utensils, meant to be eaten with fingers and shared among a couple.

Cole had always been curious of the taste, but the dish was one of the priciest bits of the meal, aside from the fine wine. He enjoyed watching the clientele dip their fingers into the liquid chocolate and feed it to one another, though. It was such a sensual display of affection and lust and he fantasized about his own boyfriend spending egregious amounts of money to bring him to this place as a treat.

If he had one.

The black-furred fox carried a white plate in front of him towards the table he was serving. No multiple tables at once in a place like this; the wolf and lioness at this table were his, and would be his last table of the night. This was their last course before the golden chocolate, and it was parfait of exotic fruits and frozen crystalline sculptures of icy-fruit slurry. It had just the right amount of sweetness to be the best palate cleanser before the finale.

The lioness at the table paid Cole no attention as the plate was placed before the couple, but the wolf's gaze flicked to the small, petite vulpine, nostrils flaring with lust as Cole leaned over to grab their wine glasses. The fox noticed, but kept his gaze down at his job and walked off to get more wine, tail held just a bit higher than normal.

It wasn't uncommon for either the men or women to glance covertly, or even overtly at him. A few had even been very open about inviting him to join them after dinner for more activities, but he'd turned them all down, naturally. He had a job to do, and if he wanted to keep doing it, having sex with clientele wasn't a good way to ensure that.

Not that Cocoa didn't do its best to sexualize the servers in their revealing clothing. One of the more popular servers, a bunny by the name of Alice, had even had fingers tease under her small tail by both men and women dining in the establishment. She was beyond professional and would always politely chide them, giving them playful grins while remaining firm on her stance.

Cole didn't mind the attention; it always made him feel sexy to have eyes on him. There was something about the grey wolf at the table, Travis, Cole thought his name was. He looked to be in his late thirties, but held himself with such poise that the hunger that radiated from his smoldering look made Cole wonder at just how much of an animal the man could become.

All night long this wolf had been checking him out and Cole was surprised his clothes hadn't burst into flames from the intensity of his look. By contrast the lioness hadn't looked up at him once, which suited Cole just fine. He didn't want to get caught in the middle of some couple's argument.

The black fox spent the next fifteen minutes checking on his table, making sure that their wine glasses never stayed empty for more than a minute, and when the last of the fruit parfait was eaten he swooped in and removed the empty plate immediately. "One more course," Cole thought as he quickly took the plate to the kitchen and fetched a small, ornate bowl filled with chocolate.

The bowls were large enough that he needed both paws to carry it, and the heating element in the bottom was almost too hot to carry for long. The insides swirled lazily, flecks of gold shimmering in the dim light of the restaurant. Cole wordlessly sat the bowl down on the table, bowing his head at the couple. "It has been my pleasure to serve you this evening. Cocoa welcomes your patronage," he recited.

Travis' eyes locked with the fox's purple pair, his pupils dilated. The wolf's muzzle parted ever so slightly and he nodded in response, tongue tracing over a few of his teeth. The lioness, for her part, just gave a curt nod, eyes only for the wolf at her side and not for the lowly wait staff.

Cole turned about, walking off towards the locker room with his tail hiked high enough to give the wolf a brief flash of his rear in that showy jockstrap. Just because he wasn't supposed to do anything with clientele didn't mean he couldn't flirt.

The locker room at Cocoa was the only place in the whole building that had any sort of decent lighting. The men's side was much smaller than the women's, and Cole was the last gone for the night, so he had the entire room to himself. His fingers twirled the dial of his lock, going through the familiar motions on autopilot.

The door to the room opened silently, well-oiled and heavy, and the only sign that it had just opened was the slight change in pressure in the room. Cole's ears twitched, barely noticing, but his head turned towards the door and his fingers froze, eyes going wide.

Travis, the wolf he'd been serving all night, was standing in the doorway, holding the bowl of chocolate in one paw. He was taller than Cole had realized and dressed in a simple suit and tie, though the latter had already been undone with his free paw.

Cole swallowed and turned to face the man, a little taken aback. "Um, you're not supposed to be back here," he said. "Was something wrong? Did you need me to get anything for you?" he asked, trying not to ramble as the wolf took a few steps towards him.

"You know," the wolf began, dropping the tie on the floor. "Been serving us for nearly two hours and I was actually just curious about your name," he said, starting on the buttons of his shirt.

The servers never mentioned their name while working; it was an unimportant fact, and they were just part of the art of the decor. "It's, uh, Cole, sir," the fox said, ears swiveling backwards. He'd been propositioned by some of the patrons before, but this was the first time one had been quite this forward. "I-I don't think this is appropriate, sir. What about the woman you were with?" he asked, trying to stand firm.

"She doesn't like chocolate," he said, looking down at the bowl he was carrying and then flashing a grin at the fox.

"No, I meant-"

"I know what you meant," Travis said firmly. "But just like good food is enhanced with a delectable appetizer..." he let the sentence trail off, the words dawning on the smaller fox. "No one understands this like she does."

Travis just shrugged out of his suit jacket and shirt, switching the bowl to his other paw to drop the clothes to the ground. He had a broad, muscular chest with soft, grey fur and more confidence than anyone the fox had been around. There was no doubt on the wolf's face that he wasn't going to get exactly what he wanted. He stepped right up to the fox, gazing down at the diminutive fox with a low rumble in his chest. "Finish undressing me, Cole."

Cole's body tingled when the man said his name, towering almost an entire foot above him. His eyes fell away from the man's face and down his body at the tailored pants left on the strong frame. The fox was surprised at how steady his own paws were as he brought them up to unbutton and unzip the front of them. His mouth opened to protest, to say something like "I don't want to do this," or "This could get me fired," but the first was a lie, and the second unimportant at the moment.

The wolf's pants fell to the floor where he kicked them aside and Cole could smell the gentle musk beneath the black briefs the wolf wore. His huge sheath was outlined clearly in the cotton fabric and it made his own body tingle with excitement as his fingers hooked on the edge of that waistband, drawing it down.

Travis just watched wordlessly, his chest rumbling with approval as Cole obeyed him. There was no need to keep encouraging him. The single command was all that was needed, all that should be needed for someone of his stature.

Cole pulled the briefs down, heart racing as the thick, grey sheath came into view in front of his exposed stomach. His own had swollen noticeably in his jockstrap and he felt more on display than the naked wolf before him.

As the wolf kicked his briefs to the side he put a free paw on the back of Cole's head, a gentle pressure telling the fox to sink down to his knees. Cole acquiesced and found himself nose-to-sheath with the older wolf. His scent was intoxicating in a way that Cole was only able to describe as "expensive", and Cole could see the tip of the wolf's pink shaft poking from the entrance of his sheath.

Cole gripped the furry holder in one paw and dragged the taut flesh down, exposing inch after inch of the wolf's member. It pulsed in front of his face, blood pumping into it, lengthening and expanding with every heartbeat. Travis growled appreciatively and let out a soft hiss of pleasure as the fox's fingers dragged that furry pouch back up, pinching the end closed between his fingers.

The length inside throbbed needily and Cole leaned in to place a soft kiss to the tip of the wolf's sheath before he pulled down again, letting the cock inside surge free and press at his lips. His own had slipped free of his sheath and tented the front of his jockstrap, begging for release.

Travis let the fox tease and play with his shaft for a minute longer as he grew to full size, small droplets of pre speckling the fox's muzzle and face. With one paw he gently eased the fox's muzzle away from himself and the other brought the bowl of liquid chocolate down in front of Cole's face.

The fox had nearly forgotten it was there, and his eyes went wide as the man tilted it to one side, the golden chocolate pouring over the lip and down across his huge cock, coating the whole thing liberally. Travis let out a soft groan of pleasure as the warm chocolate enveloped his length and he put the bowl aside on the bench. "Clean it off, Cole," he husked out.

Cole wasn't sure what made his mouth water more, the thickest cock he'd ever gotten a chance at mouthing over, the way the man talked to him, or the gold-flecked chocolate that he'd wanted to sample for the past year. One of his black paws moved up and gripped the wolf's cock at the base, more of the warm liquid running over his fur. It was going to be a mess to clean up, but nothing could have been more worth it at this moment.

He angled the wolf's shaft down to point at his muzzle and his tongue dragged up the underside of the chocolate-covered length as more of it continued to drip messily to the floor. Nothing in his life had ever tasted as good as that first lick. So many subtle flavors accentuating the bold taste of the decadent cocoa, and the texture was like the finest of silks. It overpowered his senses and drew a very real, very desperate moan from Cole's lips.

Never again would anything ever taste as good as this did, and his tongue eagerly dove out to scoop more of the malleable gold into his maw. It was like a powerful drug and Cole's lips and tongue explored every inch of the wolf's length, hungry for more and more of the lavish dessert. He whimpered pitifully and teased his tongue everywhere until the only chocolate left was on his paw, and a mess over the floor.

Travis' eyes shut as he enjoyed the hungry attention of the fox kneeling before him. His shaft pulsed and shot small beads of pre out against the black fur, but the fox was only concerned with lapping every last drop of the chocolate from him. "Mmm, good boy, Cole," the man whispered, eyes parting and lips turning up in a grin.

Cole's body was on fire at this point. His lips parted and dove down over the wolf's cock, tongue tracing the veins and teasing the dripping tip. There was no chocolate left, but he could imagine it as he sucked hard along the length, feeling the pitter-patter of pre against his tongue.

The wolf reluctantly pulled his cock free and ran his paw over Cole's ears, scritching gently. "Get up against the lockers, Cole," he growled, lust choking the words.

The fox climbed to his feet, drunk on the taste of chocolate and wolf. There was a big, wet patch on the front of his jockstrap and it was jutting out from his body wantonly. He turned against the lockers, paws sliding up the cool metal to grip the top as he pushed his rear out, tail hiked high. The wolf was huge, and there was hardly any lube, but this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

Travis grabbed the bowl of chocolate and stepped up behind Cole, lifting the black tail out of the way. The tip of his dripping cock pressed at the fox's entrance, small streams of pre running down the pink flesh and sable fur. The bowl was tipped over and warm chocolate poured down between the fox's cheeks, over his exposed flesh and the wolf's cock as Travis began pushing forward.

Cole's eyes went wide and his muzzle split in a small cry of surprise. The heat from the chocolate almost burned, but it distracted him from the sudden intrusion of the wolf's thick girth. His insides ached as the hot, syrupy chocolate lubed the wolf's way, sliding in deep and filling him with golden fire. His muzzle watered at the thought of tasting that chocolate again, but he could do little but whine helplessly as he gripped the lockers.

Travis' cool mask of little interest broke as he let the bowl fall noisily to the ground, more chocolate splattering the tiles. He gave a firm thrust forward, lubed only by the Swiss gold. It wasn't the smoothest entry, but certainly one that neither would ever forget.

Cole's eyes streamed tears as he was spread wide and his claws dug at the paint on the top of the lockers. His erection never waned, but stood resolute between his legs, drooling pre into his work jockstrap. The wolf was going to ruin him as no experience would ever be as impressive and arousing as this night had been.

Travis' paws slid up the fox's back, under his small, red vest and then clawed down until he was gripping Cole's hips. Appetizers weren't meant to last forever, though, and he pushed in until the swell of his growing knot kissed the fox's passage. Travis pulled out until only the tip remained inside, but thrust back in in a quick, powerful stroke.

The wolf's thrusts rocked the fox's body back and forth until Cole was pressed firmly against the metal lockers. The doors rattled as Travis picked up speed, thrusting into the small body and spreading him wider than he'd ever been.

The pain was just as exquisite as every other aspect had been thus far. Cole's body was pinned to the cool metal lockers and his cock ached in his damp jockstrap. His arousal was of little concern to the dominant wolf behind him, though, and that only made Cole's arousal stronger. Being used and treated like the submissive server he was used to being, in the clothes that kept him in that serving mindset.

Travis' muzzle was pressed into Cole's head, hot breath washing out over those pointed, black ears. His knot had swollen thick and battered against the tight hole, seeking the entrance that would push them both over the edge. With proper lube, and more time, it would have been easier, but the wolf had the main course waiting for him, and only chocolate and pre to ease the way.

He pounded harder, slamming the entire weight of his body into the fox, lifting him off of his feet with the power of his thrusts. He could feel his heavy balls drawing close and he had to tie the fox quickly. One more rough thrust pushed the fox's body up against the lockers, feet leaving the floor as the bare weight of Cole's body rested atop his thick knot.

Cole cried out at the rough treatment, sweat running from his forehead as he tried to control his volume and relax his muscles. The knot was painfully thick and his toes curled in the air, just off the ground as gravity began to do its work. The muscles in his arms burned as he tried to pull himself up on the edge of the locker, away from that thick bulb, but he was too weak at this point.

Travis gave a few hard, shallow thrusts up into Cole's body, not letting him sink back to the floor. He could feel the tight hole giving way and then, all at once, Cole's body parted as he sunk down onto the engorged knot. Travis slammed a paw into the lockers and snarled into Cole's ears as he came, cum pumping deep into the warm tunnel. His hips twitched and jerked back and forth as the thick bulb kept them locked together.

Cole thought the chocolate had been hot when it sank into him, but his senses went black for a few seconds as the wolf's seed poured into him like lava. He was dimly aware of his own orgasm wracking his body and cum fired out through his jockstrap, leaving sticky streaks of seed against the lockers and making a mess of his belly, crotch, and thighs. The muscles in his legs and arms gave out and Cole slumped against the lockers, held up by the wolf pinning him and the turgid length up under his tail.

Travis held himself still for a few minutes while his cock emptied inside the fox. Both of his grey paws moved to Cole's shoulders, holding him in place and keeping him from falling. Pulling free was easier than pushing in, and his swollen knot popped free with a slop of pearly, white cum.

Cole yelped and shook as he was stretched wide again, and then his body sagged and collapsed to the floor, cum running from under his tail to join the mess that the chocolate had made. His senses were still overloaded, and he jerked and twitched on the floor, eyes closing from exhaustion.

"Thanks for the appetizer," Travis said coolly, his impassive mask returning as he began fetching and donning his discarded clothes. He fished out his wallet and produced a business card, tossing it down at Cole. "If you ever look for a new job, call me," he said.

Cole's eyes cracked open and saw the small rectangle in front of his face, face down. He wanted to move a paw towards it, pick it up to find out more of the wolf, but his body was too tired.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let himself enjoy the afterglow of the best night he'd had in quite some time. The mess would take a while to clean up, but it could wait. He wasn't even entirely certain he could have stood up if he wanted to. Cole closed his eyes, sighed happily, and took a few moments to rest, lips curling into a lazy smile.

Cole wasn't sure what he'd miss more; the wild ride the wolf had given him, or that liquid, gold chocolate dessert.