New Memories Ch.1 Mark

Story by Vallken on SoFurry

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Ok I posted this story about three years ago, I just re-read it and fixed a bunch of random stuff and changed a few of the names. I wrote two more chapters with these characters and I'll read through those and post them in a bit. Anyways hope you guys enjoy. I've never posted the other chapters so that stuff will be all new.

New Memories

Chapter One - Mark

Mark thanked whatever deity that had left the door unlocked. The extra effort it would have taken him to find the keys somewhere on his person would've been the hair that broke the camels back.

The young folf dragged his broken and beaten body into the living room of his 'parents' house. He knew he would get an earful for it but at this point he didn't care, he let his bag and board drop into the mudroom. He could clean it up later. He began to undress right there and started walking up the creaking stairs. His fur was still damp and his hind paws left little wet spots on the paper thin carpet. Hopefully it would dry before Dangle family got home.

He stopped for a moment and leaned over the railing to take a look at the kitchen. He caught the bright red lights on the out of date microwave that were flashing 5:52. Great, church got out at six, and throwing in some chit chat time, he would have about a half an hour before the everyone piled in the door.

He continued the trek to his room which seemed like an eternal struggle against his protesting muscles. But before he knew it, he was sinking into his down comforter.

Mark's body was aching. He had just been wakeboarding for almost twelve hours. The water that day had been as smooth as glass and one call from Andy was all it took for him to ditch out on church. Next week was the Sea King Competition and he was confident that he would clean up. He took second last year and got a good slice of cash and a couple sponsors. This year he had a whole new bag of tricks, some that even the pros in the wake videos couldn't do.

His bed was the shittiest thing in his room. Both the bottom supports were broken and it made the entire bed slanted downwards drastically. He didn't care too much, in fact he grew to kind of like it. Well maybe 'liked it' wasn't the right words, he didn't mind it enough to fix it, was more appropriate.

Most of the Dangle's house reflected the state his bed was in. The stairs were getting downright deadly, there were holes warn into the carpet, one broken window, all the appliances were on their last threads, and the air conditioning died two years ago. Mark's room on the other hand, excluding his bed, was pretty sick.

Now know this, Mark was never into drugs, never got drunk with his friends, and wasn't the one to just go out and fuck some random whore... but he did have a serious problem with stealing shit. His room was a testament to that. Everything in the folf's room was the most expensive and top line stuff. He had a nice flat screen, high definition of course, mini fridge, a microwave that actually heats stuff up, stereo system that could blow out your eardrums, and the walls were covered with wakeboarding posters with a couple of snowboarding pics threw in.

He had lived in this house, with the Dangles, for eleven years now, or ever since he was six. The Dangles were good to him in a weird -I have to love you- sort of way. The weasel family he lived with was extremely religious, which was probably the reason behind his adoption.

He was their little charity to the world. They took out of the home, not because they wanted to, but because it was the right thing to do. It was weird how people in their church could turn being good people into game, who could be the most righteous! Doesn't that sound fun? But despite the motive, which in reality was mostly not about impressing the neighbors, he was grateful. They had been good to him. Though he was a little bummed about taking in their last name, if he was being complete honest.

He had a strange relationship with the Dangles, mostly the parents though. Mitch was a year younger than him, at only sixteen, and was your classic goodie two-shoes. He could have been Jesus himself in Mark's humble opinion. He wasn't adopted, and his parents really couldn't shut up about how proud they were of their perfect son.

Mark didn't really mind, he liked Mitch and the kid had always been a good friend, but just a little ignorant at times.

Mark was on his way to becoming a pro wakeboarder, but did he ever get a stitch of praise...of course not. It was quite the opposite. His parents said that he was putting the sport before God and therefore it was a sin. Everything was a sin to this family. If they only knew how he got all the stuff he had. He was ten when he got caught stealing for the first and last time ever. Mark and Alec (his best friend of the old days) stole a couple of those delicious pink cookies, you know, the ones with the frosting more addicting than crack cocaine, from a drive in movie theater. He had almost got kicked out of the family for it. That didn't stop him though, why pay for something when you could just take it? Over time his parents asked questions about the nice stuff but he always lied saying something like "oh, I got a lot of prize money from the last comp". Then his parents would respond "and of course you're planning on paying tithing on that right."

Mark rolled over and saw the clock on his night stand, 6:33. "Where is everyone?" he asked bewildered.

His stomach growled and forced him to abandon the idea of sleep, just for a little while anyways. He took a quick sniff of himself, he smelled of algae and dirty lake water. He liked that smell, even though he knew most people thought it was repulsive. It reminded him of the thing he loved most, so of course he had grown an attachment to it. His body still screamed it's disapproval at movement but he slowly walked out of his room and down to the shared bathroom. It was obvious that multiple people used this bathroom by the four toothbrushes and crowded countertop. He would shower first, then grab some grub.

He took a moment to examine his body in the water stained mirror above the sink. He was a seventeen year old half breed fox/wolf. Most likely the result of some drug ridden escapade by underage teens, but what could you do, you live with the hand your dealt.

He was five foot ten, 155 pounds with almost no body fat, he had a black and grayish white fur pattern. Black the most dominant color but he had the grayish white running from under his chin, down his chest and toned stomach to his nether regions and half way down his inner thighs, and of course the tip of his bushy tail. The grey fur under his chin traveled up the left side of his muzzle over his left eye and up the large ear above. His eyes were a light grey color that complimented his lighter fur.

Everyone that knew him knew that he had a rebellious attitude. He was a nice kid and when ever anyone asked him for a favor he was always one to lend a helping paw, but when someone told him to do something, he would tell them where they could shove it. Needless to say that attitude at school labeled him a pain in the ass to the principle and most the other staff members.

The principle, a Clydesdale named Mr. Bill Brunsworth hated him with a passion. Once Mark was messing around with some of his boarding friends in the hall of the school, he picked up a plunger from a janitor station and waved it at his friends as a joke. He set the thing down ten feet away from where he picked it up, and left. Brunsworth saw the whole thing and decided to charge Mark with theft, THEFT!!! It'd been a year since "the incident" but he could still hear that power hungry bastard's words "Anything you move without permission, that doesn't belong, to you is stealing... pup".

That wasn't even the worst of it. His brother Mitch always got picked on at school, he was a sophomore this year, and all the jocks loved to make fun of the cross he always wore around his neck, calling him "Jesus' little bitch". Long story short, Mark got in a lot of fights protecting his little brother. He had been suspended so many times that his parents had given up hope and were just waiting for him to turn 18 so they could kick him out. That pissed him off royally. Why didn't his parents take a look at why he was being suspended? He didn't care anymore, he could do fine on his own. He had a sweet job at a restaurant, a good chunk of cash saved up, and plenty of friends to crash with, plus he was going to go pro! He was sure of it.

Mark didn't bother taking his boardshorts off before he got in the shower. They needed to be washed by tomorrow and he didn't trust any of his favorite clothes to the washing machine after it ate up some of his shirts last month. He turned on the shower and stepped in, completely forgetting to test the water.

"Holy hell!!" Mark hollered!

He tripped over himself and grabbed onto the shower curtain for support but just ended up flat on the shower floor, rapped up in a curtain, laying in a freezing cold puddle of rising water. He shot out a hind paw and kicked frantically for the nozzle turning it to the right. Damn Mitch and his obsession with cold ass showers.

Within a few seconds he managed to untangle himself from the curtains and hang them back up, silently thanking god that no one was here to see or hear that. He rubbed above his tail, the spot that took the blunt hit of the floor. While in the shower he peeled off his board shorts and hand washed them with shampoo. Then hung them on the shower curtain.

Any other day he would have stayed in the shower for at least forty five minutes but today he just wanted to get clean, eat, and then sleep until school tomorrow. He quickly pushed shampoo through his short fur and then washed it out, repeating this process with the conditioner.

In ten minutes he was under the dryers. He flipped on the switch and waited thirty seconds for the thing to start up. The dryer came on with a screech and scared the crap out of him. He lifted up his arms and spread his legs so the warmish air could dry his fur. Mark loved his board shorts and didn't own any other type of shorts, he didn't see the point.

The warn out folf shut off the loud appliance once he was content on how dry his fur and. He found his way back to the stairs and down to the kitchen. He always walked around naked when no one was home, liked the thrill of it. But often times he was seen scrambling up the stairs with his tail trying to hide the goods.

He smelled a roast cooking for later but his stomach wanted something now and it was threatening to digest his insides if he didn't oblige. He found some random junk food and though usually he was kind of a health freak -but not over the top- he was just too tired and hungry to care what filled his pit.

After a bag of Doritos, cheese, an apple, and microwavable burritos he was ready to call it a day. Before heading back to his room he looked at the clock again. 7:12, 'they must have gone over to the Pays to eat' he thought, but then he remembered the roast.

Whatever, it didn't matter anyway. He let his paws carry him back to his room and on to his bed. He flipped on his stereo and turned the volume to low. He felt his mind beginning to slip into a deep slumber almost in time to miss the sound of the Dangle's van, aka 'The Death Trap' pulling into the driveway. It had been given its nick name by Alec and the reason behind it was because the wolf was convinced that one day it would be the death of Mark's family.

He was probably right.

Mark winced as he heard the front door to the house open with a shout and footsteps coming towards his humble abode. The door to his room flew open making a loud crash as the door almost fell off its hinges. A young weasel marched in with smoke pouring out his ears. "Why didn't you go to church today?!? You know it's fast Sunday!!"

Mark was a bit startled but calmed down some and let out a small laugh "and you know Sea King is next week, I had to go train"

That did nothing to quail his fury "mom and dad blew a fuse when they couldn't find you this morning, you're going to get an earful"

The folf relaxed again and rolled onto his back under the covers, and scratched his grey ear out of habit "I know, I know, but mom and dad aren't going be sighing me a hundred thousand dollar check to ride for them." And neither was anyone else, but he could dream right?

Mitch lowered his voice and a small smirk crossed his muzzle "you're still a junior, what are you going to do, drop out of high school and become a druggy wakeboarder like all of you're friends."

"Ha, you know I'm not that stupid, I tolled my sponsors that finishing high school was my highest priority and I might even graduate a year early. Plus not all my of my friends are druggies."

"Name one that isn't" he said confidently.

Mark thought for a second "Jaren"

"You're lying! I saw him and Colby smoking... marijuana... by the tennis courts!"

The folf laughed at his little brother's innocence "He may smoke weed from time to time but it's not like he's on grain ash or hitting up X-paste. And what about Alec, he doesn't do anything?"

"Alec is a jerk!!! Besides you don't even hang out with him anymore"

"I wouldn't be calling Alec a jerk; he's the only reason why people stopped picking on you" Mark sighed.

The weasel's little tail started convulsing rapidly "no, it's because whenever someone messed with me you kicked their butts!!" Mitch lunged for his adopted brother, taking him by surprise. "I'm lucky to have you as a brother" Mitch's fur was the exact shade of grayish white fur as the fur on Mark's chest and face.

Mark had recovered enough from the flying fur-ball to the chest to answer "well thanks Mitch!" he said with mock surprise "but you should really tell your parents that so they stop ridding me so hard." Mark couldn't deny it, you couldn't hate Mitch if you tried, he had a good heart.

"What do you mean my parents, they're your parents too."

"You know what, you should probably tell them that too." Mark said with a sigh. Both of their ears came to full attention as two loud sets of hind paws were pounding their way towards Mark's room. The folf let his ears fall and sighed "I guess it's time for that earful you promised me" he said looking at the weasel on top of him.

"Sorry" was Mitch's only reply. The smaller weasel crawled off Mark and his bed just as their parents made their entrance.

For the second time the door swooshed open to reveal two rage bound weasels. "Where in God's name were you this morning!!!" came the voice of Brad Dangle, his foster father.

"He was out doing...drugs with his boating friends I bet you!" came the equally disgusted voice of Tanya Dangle.

Mark never took his gaze of the ceiling even when he answered "how about another piss test then, I'm actually starting to like'em"

"Don't get smart with me pup, you're grounded, for tw... three weeks, no wakeboarding, no friends, no fun and that's the end of this discussion." Brad screamed.

Without a word Ryan padded out the room. He hated being around this kind of tension. Tanya grabbed the boys arm and shot one last comment before leaving with him "and you can just forget about Alec's party, you're not going anywhere tonight!"

They all walked out of his room leaving him alone. He didn't care that he was grounded; he would still go to Sea King even if it got him kicked out of this shit hole of a house. The winnings alone would get him a decent apartment for the rest of the school year and after he graduated early he could go on tour.

Just the thought of traveling the US, boarding all the lakes it had to offer, made the skin under his short fur tingle. He also was looking forward to heading up north to see snow for the first time. He had bought a few snowboarding vids on the internet and was exited to try it out. There weren't too many places to go snowboarding around here.

Mark had let Alec's party slip his mind all week. The folf lifted his aching body up and walked over to his dresser and pulled out a stack of photos. Most of them were of him on the lake with his stoner friends wakeboarding. He finally came to what he was searching for, a picture of him standing next to a jet black wolf. Even at the young age of twelve Alec was a good foot taller than him.

In the picture they had just finished wrestling in a mud pile after a rain storm. Mark noticed that he was much more covered in mud than the wolf, and remembering back, he knew he lost. The two had known each other for eleven years, ever since the year Mark moved in with the Dangle family.

Up until about a year and a half ago they had been each others shadows. By the time Mark realized they were growing apart it was to late to do anything about it. Alec was a born athlete like Mark but he was a pure breed wolf, and an alpha like his father. Not that that made much of a difference in today's world besides the fact that sometimes he was rank as hell. Nothing to be envious over.

When the two hit high school they both were quick to join the same sports teams. They both did well but something inside Mark made it impossible to deal with the coaches telling him what to do, and treating him like a piece of shit. He got kicked off the football team after the first month for mouthing off to the assistant coach his freshmen year.

Mark and Alec stayed friends but Alec was at football practice most of the time and he started to make other friends. Mark was always into wakeboarding and just started hitting the lake more often since he didn't have Alec to hang out with. After football season they hung out more but now all Alec's jock friends were around.

Mark didn't like them to begin with but when he was a sophomore and Ryan became freshmen the shit hit the fan. That's when Mark started getting into fights with all the jocks to protect his little brother. Eventually Alec put a stop to it but the damage had been done and Mark decided the friendship was over. Alec chose his jock friends over him, so he made new friends.

Last year they hung out a couple of times but it was always weird. Last week was Mark's seventieth birthday and he went out wakeboarding all day. When he got back apparently Alec had come over and dropped some stuff off. Mark loved to try new foods and Alec had his parents send back candy, food, and drinks from across the globe to give to Mark on his birthday. Mark didn't know why Alec kept trying to keep their friendship going but sometimes he was glad for it. He called Alec and thanked him but it was a trap. Alec made Mark promise him that he would come to his party next Sunday, which was today. Mark was a little confused why the wolf was so adamant about him coming to his party, Alec knew that half the football team wanted him dead and no doubt they would all be there.

The folf let out a long sigh before placing the photographs back in the dresser. Alec had tolled him he was going to pick him up at eight which was in twenty minutes. He would just tell Alec the truth; he was grounded and couldn't come. It was the perfect excuse. Mark found a pair of boxer briefs and some dry board shorts.

Even though it was early he didn't have anything better to do than get ready for bed. He walked back to the bathroom and to his luck it was unoccupied. He picked up a tooth brush and went to work while looking over himself in the mirror again. Wakeboarding was a hard sport, being dragged by a boat at high speeds and launching yourself though the air for hours at a time was enough to give anyone a workout. He rubbed a paw over his well defined pecks and abs. His muscles weren't bulging or anything but they were all rock hard. He winced as he started to rub his arms, they were so sore. He was proud of his body, he was slim but solid.

He had just finished his cleaning routine when his ears perked up. He could hear the rap blaring from Alec's car a block away. A few second later he heard the vehicle pull up behind 'The Death Trap' and an obnoxiously loud horn blast though the thin walls of the house. A quick glance to a clock "He's early" Mark said to himself. He looked out the window to see Alec's black, decked out escalade parked in the Dangle's driveway, music blaring so loud he could hear every word, even with all the windows rolled up. "Holy shit he is such a show off". Alec's parents were filthy rich but never around. They replaced parenting with money and bought their kid anything he could ask for. The horn rang out again and again; it was barely louder than the Music.

Mark stopped by his room to grab some random band shirt to throw on before walking downstairs. He got about half way across the living room before a still slightly fuming weasel cut him off.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Relax Brad I'm just going to tell them I can't go. I didn't even want to go in the first place, you know how many football players are going to be there."

"Be back in here in two minute or else, and tell them to turn off that devil's music while they're on my property" Brad said angrily.

Mark walked past him "you got it" he said sarcastically trying to hold back laughing in his dad's face. His father was forty five years old, but Mark already outweighed him at seventeen. Mad weasels often came across a little comedic.

The folf opened the door and walked up to Alec's car. The windows were tinted and he couldn't see inside until the driver's window rolled down. Mark folded his ears back trying to protect them from blowing out. A large black wolf staring at him with a confident smile pasted over his face.

"What's up Mark! You ready to have a hell of a time!" came the eager voice of Alec.

Before answering the black and grey folf looked at the six passengers in the car. Two tigers sat in the very back, the larger one was Eric and the smaller one, his younger brother, was Cody. In the middle there was a lion, a cheetah, and a bull. Mark had never met the cheetah but he had defiantly met the bull and lion. On the left was the lion, Kent, the football team's star quarterback. Mark had been in a couple of fights with him one more recently than the other, he lost one of them but the other one he had left the lion unconscious. The bull sitting behind the drivers seat was a different story, his name was Brian; Mark had fought him once and ended up in the hospital. The bull was one of the biggest furs in school and had used Mark's body as a punching bag. In shotgun was a cute vixen, Rachel was her name, and bluntly, she was kind of a whore. She had slept with most of the football team, and the basketball team... and the soccer team, and about every other team there was. Mark looked back at the awaiting wolf and finally told him what's up "Sorry dude, I got grounded I can't make it"

The wolf paused for a bit as if expecting Mark to say 'just kidding!' But after a little uncomfortable silence he sighed "Gimme a break Mark, it's my birthday and plus you're supposed to be my best friend"

Mark was a little taken back. He hadn't hung out with Alec in over a month and by no means were they best friends anymore. He wasn't sure if Alec was making fun of him or trying to get him to come. "Sorry man, if it was my choice I would, no question" that was a lie "but the Dangle's are ready to rip my tail off already, and plus... I'm sure I won't be missed" he said the last part looking at the three in back trying to kill them with his eyes.

The cheetah looked confused but both Kent, the two tigers, and Brian smiled. Alec grabbed Mark's shoulder almost covering the whole thing with his giant paw "come on dude, that's the past and besides this is going to be my show and I want you there, I'm turning 19!"

The bull laughed in back "ya, and what kind of party would it be if the biggest badass in school wasn't there!"

Mark growled, he was sure that last comment had been meant as an insult. And what was Alec talking about, Mark and Kent's last fight had been two weeks ago, which he won. Two weeks didn't really make it ancient history. "Look Alec, I can't, my parents are seriously about to skin me alive, I bailed on church today to go board".

Alec looked almost excited when he responded "I'll right but you're going to miss out!" he said with a cocky grin.

Mark was a little confused, his 'friend' was acting weird "Uh... ya, but I don't really have a choice so I guess I'm gunna half to sit this one out, you guys have fun though."

Mark turned and headed back for the front door, he had just gotten it open when he heard Alec's voice "Hey Mark!!"

"What?" he called back

"Come here for a second"

Mark walked back to escalade being a little cautious "...What's up?" Alec had an evil grin on his muzzle "What is it?" he said a little annoyed.

"NOW!!!" screamed Alec as he grabbed on to the folf's wrist.

In an instant the back door flew open and Brian rapped his giant arms around Mark. "Get the... what are... let me..." were all he could get out before he was thrown into the back seat. The arms of the lion and cheetah were quick to hold him down, everyone laughing maliciously!

Brian got back in and slammed the door "Hurry his old man is coming!"

When Mark finally got free the car was already out of the driveway and going fifty down the street. He looked back to see his father in the middle of the road, fists clenched. "I'm so fucked!!"

When the laughter died down Alec turned back to face Mark "you can thank me later, we knew you try to bail"

Mark thought about what just happened. It was kind of funny if he pretended not to be the one getting screwed "I'm going to get grounded for months for this" He couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

Alec brightened up "Now there's the Mark we were looking for!!"

Alec didn't need to worry about the laws of the road considering he had enough money to buy his way out of any trouble he could get in. Thus they were driving into his garage in less than fifteen minutes. Alec's garage was, by itself, bigger than the entire house of the Danlge's. His house was a mansion, fifteen bedrooms, twenty bathrooms, three floors, four kitchens, and it had more electronics than a Circuit City store. Alec lived in a pool house out back that was about the size of the garage if not bigger. One thing was for sure, Alec had it good. That is, if you factored out the family dinner time.

"My parents are in Europe for the next month so we can do anything we want!" he announced. Mark got out first, followed by Brian who accidentally bumped into the back of his shoulder. Mark let it go, he really wasn't going to start something at this party. He turned to talk to Alec but the wolf was already halfway inside the garage door. The tiger brothers were last into the house and Mark was slow to follow. He walked up the three stairs and into the mudroom that could call the Dangle's mudroom nothing more than a shoe rack.

The house was already full of teenage furs running around in their underwear. Beer cans were littered through out the house and along side them were passed out lightweights. People crowded above them and laughed as they rubbed paint into their fur. Mark looked for Alec but he had already disappeared into the flood of drunken bodies. "Why did he even want me here if he wasn't even going to talk to me?" he asked himself, annoyed. Maybe he could find a friendly face somewhere here.

He stood there looking at the mess. Furs from at least three different high schools were here. The smell of grass was overpowering all of his senses, he had to get out of there before he got contact high. He pushed his way through the room trying not to breathe in too much smoke. He made it out just in time to run into a giant furry wall. "Umph!"

Mark looked up into the eyes of the a big grizzly; He went by Travis even though everyone knew that was his middle name. His first name was Henry, kind of embarrassing. He was a senior like Alec but he went to School out in Englewood "Watch where you're going punk"

"Sorry" Mark apologized; it was his fault after all.

"Sorry isn't good enough, what are you going to do to make it up to me" the bear asked, a sly smile appearing on his face. "Go get me a new beer"

Was this guy serious? "If you want I can stick your head up your ass for you?" he replied.

The bear's smile faded and was replace by a puzzled look, was this little shit picking a fight with him. He easily had two hundred pounds on him. "You're going to regret saying that"

Travis swung his heavy paw at the defiant folf. It wasn't a serious strike, more of a humiliating slap attempt. Mark side stepped and dodged the blow with ease "You got to be faster than that... Henry"

That really pissed off the grizzly. He lunged at Mark trying to use his body mass to block any escapes. Mark scoffed inside, Travis looked like Frankenstein with his arms wide open and legs spread apart trying to trap him. The folf side stepped again and tripped up the grizzly with his paw. The bear stumbled but even with all the alcohol managed to stay off the ground.

By now they had caught the eyes of everyone near by. The drunks were laughing but the sober furs had a look of concern on their faces. Some jocks raced to Travis' side but he brushed them off. The infuriated bear gathered himself slowly, hatred dripping from his eyes. "I'm going to rip your fucking arms off fox bitch" he said through grinding teeth.

Mark didn't want to get in a fight but he wasn't the one to just bend over either. Now wasn't the best time for a brawl, his body had already taken a hell of a beating on the lake today but what could you do, this bear was asking for it. He was a bit worried, if the bear did get a hold of him in his drunk state, there is no telling when he would stop. Weather it would be after he saw blood, or after he heard a snap. They stared at each other another second and just when Henry took a step forward a voice rang out over the crowd

"NO FIGHTING IN MY HOUSE!!!!" A second later Alec pushed his way out into the circle that the spectators formed. He sized up the situation looking at the bear then at Mark. "I should have known it was you starting shit" he said to Mark annoyed. He turned to the bear "Travis lay off him; he's a friend of mine"

"That little bitch started it when he ran into me!" Henry was pointing an accusing finger in Mark's direction.

Alec grunted "Fine then you can get the hell out of my house". Travis looked like he was about to explode. His nostrils were flaring and his eyes were shooting lasers. There was a five second standoff before Travis walked off throwing furs out of his way. Alec faced Mark "and you, fifteen minutes and you already start a fight?"

Mark stood there not knowing what to say. He wanted to say 'what the fuck did you expect' but he just settled with "Fine I'll leave" He started in the same direction the bear ran off to.

Alec was fast to step in his way "chill out! I didn't say I wanted you to leave, it's just you need to calm down"

Mark glared at the larger wolf "I don't give a shit if you want me to leave or stay, I'm going home" Mark tried to push past his old friend but Alec held him in place with a strong paw.

"Just hang on a second, don't leave. Why do you want to get out of here so bad?"

"Why do you think, I don't want to hang out with a bunch of assholes, none of my friends are here, I don't feel like getting drunk, and I'm already up shit's creek with my dad"

Alec sighed; he was trying to think up something to say to convince his friend to stay. If Mark left now.... "If you leave now... what am I supposed to tell Sarah?"

Mark's ears perked up at the name. Mark was too distracted by the name to catch the way Alec's face twitched at the lie. Sarah was a cougar on the soccer team of their high school. Mark had a crush on her since the day he saw her playing a year ago. She was in amazing shape and had an awesome personality. She was outgoing and kind, she didn't drink and as far as he knew she wasn't a slut. "What does that mean?" Mark asked hesitantly.

"I invited her but at first she said no, that is until I tolled her you were coming" Alec was lying but he couldn't let Mark leave.


"Ya, I saw her a little bit ago she said she was heading to the tennis courts" Alec knew there was no way Mark could leave now. "I'll go find her if you promise not to leave ok?" Alec took off not giving Mark much of a chance to answer.

Once again Mark found himself alone, surrounded by drunken and high furs. He snickered as he saw a completely naked male raccoon passed out on the floor. Mark focused on the face of the raccoon, his tongue kept sliding out and over his nose. Mark's face twisted in shock as he saw the fully unsheathed raccoon dick waving around in the air. The raccoon was high on X-paste. Furs around him were laughing and taking pictures with their phones. God it was pathetic, but then again he couldn't judge to harshly, a lot of his friends did that all the time. Not the laying naked with a boner in front of thirty people part, but the X-paste part.

Mark walked around the aroused raccoon and sat down on a leather couch. His thoughts were centered around Sarah. A year ago he watched her in one of her soccer games and was amazed at her skill with the ball. She was definitely the star of the team. He had a few classes with her and they were friends -he guessed- but he wanted more. She seemed like an all around good person, someone he could get close to and trust, something he hadn't had since he and Alec had gone their separate ways. Mark's thoughts were broken as a fur landed on top of him. At first he was pissed but as the small fruit bat stood up he recognized him. "Hey Chase"

The bat took a second to collect himself before answering "oh, hey Mark, didn't expect to see you here."

Mark thought that was funny coming from the freshmen "Ya I kind of got dragged here, what are you doing here?"

The flying fox looked around the room quickly then answered "right now I'm looking for Luke, have you seen him?"

For a second the name didn't register but then he remembered the German Shepherd, one of Ryan's friends even though he was in Mark's grade "No sorry dude, I just got here though so..."

Chase sighed and thanked Mark anyway before venturing off into the crowd to continue his search. Mark was getting sick of waiting and decided, if Alec went out to the tennis courts to fetch Sarah, he would intercept them on their way back.

He started through the crowd towards the rear exit that would take him to the back yard passing by the kitchen that smelled of homemade hamburgers and hotdogs. Even over the alluring smell of freshly cooked meat he caught a familiar scent, Sarah. He looked around but couldn't see either of them. The scent was old and faint but it did still have a bit of a trail to follow. He still hadn't eaten yet and his stomach grumbled way badly.

He followed the scent as best he could until he came to the stairs. It led up to the bedrooms. Well this wasn't looking good. He followed down the hall at the top of the stairs already playing out what he was about to find. It was the fifth door on the right that held his prize. He took a sniff outside the door and caught the scent of Sarah, and a ferret, it was someone he knew. He cracked the door open and saw exactly what he knew he would see. Jaren and Sarah were under the sheets and low moans were filling the room.


He shouldn't be mad, they weren't going out or anything but still he was jealous. Jaren was one of his rich wakeboarding buds and fucking ferret knew that he liked Sarah. What an asshole. He started walking back downstairs and towards the front door. Maybe if he got home soon his punishment wouldn't be as bad.

He made it to the front door without stepping in any piles of vile or spilt alcohol. He saw someone familiar and grabbed out for them. He got a confused look but it soon turned to a smile. Luke spoke before Mark could. "What'ssss up Mark"

Mark smelled alcohol on him but just ignored it. "Nothing much, have you found Chase yet?" The dog wore his usual torn and faded clothes. His family was one of the worse off families in Mark's neighborhood.


"Ya, he was looking for you earlier" Mark glanced over the crowd and spotted the bat by the kitchen. "There he is". He saw Luke trying to follow his gaze but he obviously had a lot to drink and was finding it changeling. Realizing the problem Mark just tolled him to stay put and he would bring Chase over. He walked back into the house and pushed his way to the kitchen. He was almost to Chase when a large paw grabbed him from behind. He turned "Oh hey Alec"

Alec had a huge grin "Hey did Sarah find you yet?"

Mark had to hold back from growling, it wasn't Alec's fault, he didn't know "No she hasn't and I think I'm going to head home"

Mark swore he saw a spark of anger in Alec's expression, but it faded too quickly to be sure. "Why, I just saw Sarah like two seconds ago, she was looking for you"

The folf was confused, there was no way Alec saw her unless he was upstairs and there was no way she was looking for him.

Maybe... no he was lying. Mark decided to give him one more chance. "Really?" he said with mock interest "where was she?"

He smelled the nerves of the wolf as Alec tried to think up of a lie, and this time he saw his friends face twitch. "Uh... she was just in the theater but she said she was heading back to the tennis courts..." He never was any good at lying. Mark felt the anger rising in his chest, why the fuck was Alec lying to him. Two years ago they would never lie to each other and this party was just reminding of how much they weren't friends anymore. In fact why was he even here, what if Alec had planned with Kent, Brian, and Blake to beat him up or embarrass him? He didn't think Alec was capable of that but he was lying right to his face right now so who the fuck knew anymore.

Alec must have smelled the anger rising of him because he held up his paws and asked "dude, what's wron--"

Mark's fist smashed into his friends face sending specs of blood across the room and Alec back a couple of steps. The black wolf tripped over something on the floor and landed with a grunt onto his tail. Mark didn't wait for him to get up; he turned and pushed his way into the crowd looking for a way out.

Call him paranoid but he was expecting Brian to pop up any second to take him on. He took a detour through the theater; maybe he would run into Sarah...asshole. The theater had been turned into some sort of rave. There were naked furs twirling little colored flashlights and it was hard to focus on anything with all the dancing lights.

He was pushed up against the sweating bodies of furs with glow sticks in their mouths. The smell of sweet, and arousal was overpowering to Mark's sensitive nose. He was half way through the convulsing wave of party goers, he had already been felt up twice by guys or girls he didn't know or care, he just wanted to get home and go to sleep. He was almost to the other side of the sea of drunkards when he felt someone grab his ear. Who ever the drunk douche bag was, they yanked on his ear way hard like a parent scolding a child. "Fuck! Ouch!" but then the paw disappeared. He ignored it and forced his way out of the room.

Even being in that room for only a minute he had started to sweat pretty badly. He crossed a narrow hallway and stepped out into the cool night air. It was less humid outside and he found himself breathing much more easily. It smelled like it was going to rain soon. He started walking around the house.

Alec had set up his father's sound system on the second story balcony and it was playing some random dance beat. In any other circumstance he would've love to join the group of furs under the balcony and let the beat pulse though his body but now he was feeling sick and he just wanted to leave. Leave the memories of Alec behind, forget what he saw Sarah doing, and just pretend that Jaren was a better friend than that. He just wanted to sit down and watch a movie with Mitch.

The fastest route to his home was directly over the back wall and down Bakers Street. His head was starting to feel fuzzy and he had an unbelievable itch behind his right ear. He chose to go around the crowd hopping to just leave without talking to anyone else. His ear was pounding, and it was starting to tingle too, fuck it was like someone had ripped the shit off.

He was sitting down on what felt like grass and his nose hurt... what the hell just happened. He felt paws lifting him up and laughing then they were gone. The itch behind his right ear was getting irritating and he found himself trying to somehow bite down on it. That was stupid... there was no way his mouth could reach his ear... but maybe if he went quickly enough.

He tried a couple more times but realizing it was hopeless he sent his paws to work on the problem. He didn't know what happened but he was back on his tail again. He looked around but it was like his eyes were trying to catch up with the movements of his head, it was to blurry to see anything anyway. Another annoyance to his ears but this time it wasn't an itch, it was a sound, a voice. It was familiar but he couldn't place it. A shape appeared into his line of sight, if you could call it that. It stood still enough for Mark to get the rough outline of a feline... he thought. It was saying something to him and he knew the voice but his brain was refusing to put a name or a face to it.


His stomach was on fire, and his head. It was getting worse, what was happening. His watering eyes looked up and saw for a brief moment a pink main. It was lion, it registered who the voice belonged to, what was Kent doing? The pain just got worse as his body was being torn apart from the outside in. It became hard for him to breath and Mark started to cough up blood that had settled in the back of his throat. The lion was a weird tint of green now, and Mark started to panic, his mind was losing grip. But his body felt fine, it felt great.

His body was silent along with the world around him. The ground beneath him was no longer moving and his nose could catch out small hints of scents. Blood was the overpowering odor followed by freshly cut grass. He could smell the lion somewhere close, and... a smell so familiar. It was strong as it always was and little bitter but the scent of the wolf was unmistakable.

Was Alec a part of the reason why he was in pain, was he hitting him too. Everything but his nose seemed to be asleep and it was hard to tell what was going on when you couldn't see or hear anything. Mark's mind was becoming a little clearer and he knew something wasn't right. The pain was nothing more than a dull throbbing now and he tried to focus on what had just happened.

From his nose he could tell he just go the shit beat out of him but he couldn't remember any details about it. Alec was here, no he already knew that but why, he didn't know why.

Mark forgot about trying to figure out what was happening, there were just too many sensations that demanded attention from him to focus on something as silly as the whys.

His body was moving but he was trying to stay still. Everything was a blackish pink shade and there were little pin pricks at the back of his eyes. It felt like ants were trying to bite their way out but somehow it didn't hurt, it just tickled. His paws were cold, like they were in a bowl of freezing water. He kept trying to retract his claws but for some reason they refused to slid back into their homes. He couldn't feel the earth beneath him anymore but it didn't bother him in the least. He was floating on a dark cool sea; all his worries were left far behind on the distant shore. The endless landscape of water looked like home. He slowly began his descent into the depths, bending at the waist as if someone far below was pulling him into the most comforting embrace he had ever felt. The pressure around him built and a wave of complete euphoria pulsed though his body. He felt safe and loved in the ever tightening arms of the water and he let it rock him into the most peaceful sleep he could have ever imagined.

Mark tried to open his eyes but his eyelids felt numb, everything felt numb. His ears were ringing, especially his right ear, that one was actually stinging. His body was moving and he felt very uncomfortable. His five senses were absent but his sense of smell was returning gradually. He could smell his own blood immediately and he tried to put together what had happened. He most likely just got in another fight and his ass got knocked out. His nose caught the scent of Alec, then more blood but this was from... Kent?

As his mind and senses started to come back so did the pain, 'holy hell, I got the shit kicked out of me, that's for sure'. His body was still moving and it wasn't doing anything to help the pain. He tried to stop but something was on top of him, and it had fur. 'What the fuck is going on' he thought.

He tried his eyes again and succeeded in opening them but everything was dark and blurry. He became more and more awake and his body was yelling louder and louder. The numbness was fading quickly and he became alert way to fast. The first thing he noticed was a muzzle two inches from his and it was panting and snarling. Whoever it was their breath reeked of cheep alcohol and burgers. The second was a painful fullness under his tail. At first he just closed his eyes and grinded his teeth, trying not to cry out at the burning inside of him, what was happening?

As the body on top of him moved in rhythmic motions the feeling of something sliding in and out of him answered his question. He was being fucked by some guy. Mark closed his eyes hoping this was all a dream that he could wake up from. He let the feelings all register at once in his mind. Pain was everywhere, but right now the pain he was most focused on was the one hammering under his tail. He was on his back and his legs were in the air resting on the hips of his attacker which were moving ferociously up and down, burying their treasure deep inside him. It hurt so badly. He tried to move but his body was still to powerless. His hearing came back and the disgusting wet sounds filled them. He could hear the panting above him and the slapping of balls against him.

His arms were being held over his head by the wrists. He opened his eyes again but it was still to dark and his eyes were now filled with tears threatening to overflow. He tried to pulls his arms away but whatever this fuck had drugged him with, his muscles hadn't recovered from it yet. He opened his mouth to scream but his throat felt like sandpaper. The body on top of him rolled against him, sliding it's body across his. Mark's clothes were all gone. He felt something rubbing against his sheath, trying to coax a response. The large paw tickled the tip of his sheath and he felt utterly helpless as a claw forced it's way into the opening.

Mark winced and tried to scream. The larger body on top of him was relentless in it's thrusts, pushing in and pulling out. The wet sounds making the folf's want to vomit. He wished someone, anyone would stop this, help him. But he was alone.

A second later he was grateful for that, if anyone saw him like this he could never live with it. He let out a gasp as his attacker slammed into him with considerable force sending waves of pain through his small body. He sniffed at the air and came up with the same group of smells.

His blood was the most dominate; Alec was there, maybe watching from somewhere close, but the traitorous fuck was there. The rich stench of alcohol was almost painful to his nose this close. The smell directly above him, of his attacker was Kent. The room was filled with arousal; almost all of it was Alec's. Mark used to like the unique scent of his friend, it was a mix between burnt pinewood and leather. It used to mean his friend was close and it made him feel safe when he younger but now his rank balls were making him nauseous. Alec was getting off from watching someone he just called his best friend being fucking raped in front of him.

Now he couldn't stop the tears from coming, the pain under his abused tail hole and the pain of betrayal was too much for him. At least he wasn't aroused, that would have been more embarrassing than this whole situation, he wasn't going to let himself like being Kent's bitch. Kent kept up his ruthless thrusting and started to drool over Mark's neck. He kicked it into over drive, lifting Mark's lower half off the bed. Mark grunted in discomfort as his lower back was lifted up with each painful penetration. He felt the warm drool slide down his face. Kent dipped down and licked the folf's neck slowly, almost affectionaly, then pushed forward with his body, sending his dick deeper into the rounded ass.

Mark arched his back as something was struck deep inside of him. Kent must have noticed it too because the thrusts were now harder and carefully aimed. Mark tried as hard as he could to find somewhere else, somewhere happy to send his mind but it was impossible as his member began to poke out from his sheath. The paw massaging his balls quickly found the exposed tip and started rubbing it.

NO! He wouldn't let it happen. Mark turned his head to the side and sank his teeth up to the gums into his shoulder. He cried out as his own hot blood shot into his maw. Mark whipped his head around taking on the pain with joy. Kent's jaw rapped around his neck forcing his head up and ripping his teeth out of his bleeding shoulder.

The black fur around the bite mark was damp and shinning slightly in the dim red light given off by the alarm clock to the side of the bed. He didn't care anymore, as long as he wasn't enjoying this he could live though it. The growls around his neck grew to their loudest and the sound of the lion's hips slapping against his butt became painful to his ears.

The maw rapped around his delicate throat seemed longer than it should be, funny thing to notice at a time like this. He felt something pushing at his entrance to enter. What the hell was that? It felt like a knot, but it was Kent that was doing this to him. He smelled again and could scarcely even catch a trace of the feline.

Was it Alec doing this to him? The knot was forced into his tail hole and he forgot everything but the pain. For the first time he let more than a grunt escape his muzzle. He screeched as the ropes of searing hot cum burned his insides. The jaws closed dangerously tight around his throat silencing him.

Mark felt the wolf give some last pitiful thrust pulling on the worn ring of muscle at his entrance. He was rocked a few more times but they were spread out and erratic. Mark tried not to let out a yelp of pain as Alec collapsed onto his sore bleeding body. His face was rubbed into the neck of his rapist and the scent of Kent returned. Kent's blood was on Alec's neck?

What the hell was he supposed to do? He tried to think of what he could do to make this disappear, he had to erase this. He felt himself tearing up again. He let the sadness fade away and welcomed the anger. 'How could he do this' 'we were friends' 'why' 'how could he.....'

Mark let his rage fuel him. He pushed at Alec who was half asleep now. There was no way he could lift the wolf as week as he was now. Alec was lying on top of him and it was hard to breathe with all that weight directly on his chest. Mark felt the wolf release his neck leaving little cuts where the razor sharp knives had broken the skin. Mark returned the favor and lashed out at Alec but at this awkward angle just sunk his teeth right where the shoulder met the neck. He bit hard and clenched his jaw.

Alec shot up with a yelp just making the cuts worse as he tore his neck away. Mark took his chance and kicked out at the black wolf's chest sending him flying off the bed. There was a quick moment of pain and a pop as both he and Alec let out a yelp from the dislodging knot. He let the pain fall behind his fury as he stood on two unstable legs. If he could he would rip out his throat and drink his fucking blood! Alec had recovered and stood up to face Mark. He took in the site of the naked wolf in the pale light, the image made him want to vomit out his insides. Alec stood tall with his dick still throbbing out in plane view, his sheath pushed all the way behind his knot.

It looked like the wolf was struggling for words while looking down at his disheveled friend. He tried to speak but he was quick to be cut off "Mar--"

"Fuck you!" the smaller fur whispered deadly. Even hearing his voice brought bile to his mouth. He wanted to kill him, he wanted to make him suffer... He wanted to die. "...just... get the fuck away from me..." His anger was failing him.

Tears were building up and they refused to be held back. He must have looked like hell, covered in blood, sweet, and... He was quiet for a while staring at the black wolf standing naked and unashamed in front of him. Mark couldn't stand to look at the wolf, or smell him, or hear his voice. He looked at the only light source in the room, it was four thirty. He heard the clouds that had been looming over them the entire night had let lose their rain. He saw the sliding door to his left and fled for it not caring that he was naked.

He was outside the pool house and running through the falling water in less than a second. He didn't know if Alec would chase him or not but he ran as fast as he could. He couldn't control his emotions anymore and he let his sorrow out. After a minute or two of running he crouched behind some shrubbery and hugged his knees close to his chest and balled. He could barely breathe though the fits of crying. The shrub tried to shelter him from the rain, but it trickled through.

Mark couldn't think of what to think, his mind refused to form words, just the confused horrified, painful emotions racked his consciousness. Fuck everyone.

He didn't need anyone, he was strong by himself. After getting his bearings right he stood and started walking in the direction of his house. His left leg had a slight limp, he wasn't sure where he hurt it but it refused to make the proper motions. His nose was sore and he could tell by the dried blood within that at one point it was bleeding. The fur on his stomach was stained with blood, most likely from his nose. He had bruises in random places all over his body and his tail hole was giving off a dull throb. He placed a soft wandering finger under his tail and massaged the delicate ring. It hurt most when he put pressure on it, and worst of all felt lose, raped. He brought his paw to his face and sniffed. He didn't know why he did that but he immediately thrust his hand away bringing on knew pain in his right shoulder. He smelled blood on his paw but much more overpowering was the seed of Alec. He knew what he had to do and it brought more tears to his eyes. He found another shrub and walked behind it. He was trying not to think as he forced it out of his body. His mind refused to work, not having the capability to handle the situation.

Once he felt like most of it was gone, he stood back up. He was grateful for the rain, he wanted to wash all of it away.

He pushed it out of his mind and focused on the rest of his injuries. The worst of his injuries were the gashes on his right shoulder from when he bit himself, but he didn't regret it. His right ear was shredded but not that badly, it could be fixed. Tanya was a nurse at the local hospital and she could fix him up then he could just forget this ever happened. He could never talk to Alec again, kick Kent's ass, and just pretends like this night never happened. He wanted them all dead.

The walk back to the shitty neighborhoods was long but the cool rain and the soothing sound helped to ease his aching body and mind. The thought of a hot shower and sinking into a slightly slanted but amazing comfortable mattress brought up his spirits a little.

He made it to his street without seeing any cars on the road. It would be hard to think up a believable story to tell a cop for him being out this early, naked, walking in the rain, looking like he just got ran over by a train... even for him that was a little much.

He passed by the off white stick up fences of his neighbors walking slowly over the cracked concrete sidewalk. The streetlights gave off a ghostly glow in the overpowering downpour. He rounded the last fence and walked up his driveway. The black and grey folf splashed though the puddles in the poorly kept yard up to the doorstep.

He stopped.

His emotionless face froze in confusion. He didn't understand what he was looking at. New silent tears traveled their way through the matted fur on his cheeks. Before him was his most prized possession. His first wakeboard, the one he road for three years and learned a lot of what he knows on, broken.

He hadn't ridden the thing in years. He just kept it in his room with most of the other stuff that was thrown out onto the front porch. Two garbage bags full of clothes, he guessed, his stereo, T.V., DVD player, home computer, lap top, and random trifles that adorned the top of his dresser.

All the electronics were ruined; he cursed the rain that moments ago he had been thankful for. He walked forward and looked through the garbage bags, or water sacks, whatever you want to call them. Most of his clothes were there, soaked. He pushed aside the shirts until he found his DC boardshorts. He pulled them on then grabbed a black shirt not caring what brand it was. He didn't put it on but just stood up and looked at the door.

A note had been pinned up but the message written on it was washed away. It didn't take a genius to figure out what it said. "Don't come back" "you're not welcome here" or knowing Brad something long, explaining why it was all Mark's fault and that god still loved him even though he turned his back on the gospel. What ever it was it didn't matter.

Sometime, when he was searching for clothes to wear, his tears had dried up. He turned and stood looking out to the dimly lit street. The waterlogged swim shorts hung low and slanted on his hips and his paw was clenched tightly around the drenched hanging shirt. His tail remained motionless and silent as the rain came to a sudden end. Mark hardly noticed. The abandoned folf started walking down the street not knowing where he could go, just knowing he couldn't stay here.

This is the first of many chapters of New Memories. There are lots of characters that have yet to be written so if you would like the next chapter just let me know and I'll post it here. Any criticism is welcomed just no kicks to the nuts please :)

New Memories Ch.2 Chris

Ok in this chapter there is incest and cub stuff. I guess I just have to point out that cub stuff is just intense and is in this story to not only set up so you can understand future chapters, but so that you can understand more deeply...

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