Fatherly Care

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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I decided to try my hand at incest once again and this time around it's between a father and his thirteen year old Daughter. There's also sex between two consenting single parents. If you're under the age of 18 or 21 than you're kindly asked to venture elsewhere. You Have Been Warned and to all others, Enjoy!

Ever have one of those days where it's one strange event right after another. That making one bad decision would cause me to start living for myself again. My story begins twelve and a half years ago, I just learned my wife was pregnant. Of course I was excited than again what man isn't when he's about to be a dad. Well I'll be honest I couldn't sleep for a couple nights after receiving the great news.

Chelsea my wife of ten years gave birth to an eight pound beautiful baby girl. Jessica had her mother's stripes, my eyes, and nose but, had her grandpa's appetite. The first six months were rough for us first time parents but, we did alright. Until one evening I came home and found Chelsea out cold on the kitchen floor. Instantly placing two fingers against the side of her neck trying to look for a pulse.

Sadly I couldn't fine one I grabbed the phone, called 911 then rushed upstairs. My next instinct was to check on our child while talking with the EMT dispatcher. They arrived a few minutes later and didn't waste time trying to revive my wife. After an hour of CPR and the defibrillators they had to pronounce Chelsea dead. In that same moment my heart sank then broke when it hit the bottom of my soul.

Two weeks later I got the autopsy report in the mail and learned cause of death. Chelsea died due to a small ruptured blood vessel that began leaking into her body. To make matters worse this leak was so small not even my wife or the doctor's noticed. Therefore it continued unhindered until the fateful day she fell down and passed on. The examiner went on to say in his report that her death was probably painless.

Of course reading it didn't make me feel any better as I place the report on the table. Seeing as I've still had a Wake and Funeral to plan before going to pickup Jessie. Even though my sister didn't mind watching her but, she's got enough to deal with. Considering she's got three children of her own and a husband still serving overseas. While on route to her home I called the nearest funeral home and made the arrangements.

We negotiated for a bit then finally agreed on price as I arrived at Rachel's. Her eldest daughter Morgan was on her phone while sitting on the porch swing. She waved hello as I opened the front and headed inside to tell everyone the news. During all of this my mind was swimming before Chelsea was even laid to rest. It was far worse for me when she was buried but, it was only the beginning for me.

There was still one person that needed me to be there and that was Jessica. Over the next thirteen years I was a devoted and loving father but, I never remarried. Not sure why for some reason I couldn't bare to lose another so I remained single. Despite my family and mother in-law being a rather persistent group of lionesses. They did everything to get me back into the dating scene to find happiness again.

What ended up happening is that I moved away so I could have room to breathe. Jessica and I moved to a nice town up in the mountains near a great fishing spot. It wasn't hard to find work or a nice school for Jessie to attend while I'm working. The hours are nice and permit me to drop her off and pick her up from school. My boss found it strange I haven't shown any interest in any of my single coworkers.

My response to the vixen was it's not advisable to date my fellow employees. Besides I have other priorities that require my attention than finding a girlfriend. She tried to push the issue then showed her my wedding ring I've yet to take off. Explaining to my boss there's a chapter in my life that hasn't been put to rest yet. Tracey was more than understanding having been recently divorced by her husband.

While I muttled through my morning at work when my cell phone vibrated. Finding it rather strange that someone would be texting me while I'm still at work. Unholstering it from my belt, swiped my thumb across the screen to read the text. It was from Jessie's school telling me that Jessie's temperature was rather high. Calling the principal and told her that I'd be there soon to take her to see her doctor.

Getting up from my seat, headed to Tracey's office then told her that I had to go. The vixen ordered me to get my cute ass to the school and take her to the doctor. Rushing towards the break room where I clocked out, grabbed my stuff and left. Walked out to my truck, started the engine and drove towards the charter school. Once there I found a place to park then quickly made my way inside the building.

Next I headed towards the principal's office where I dismissed my daughter. From there I went to the infirmary where Jessica was waiting patiently for me. Kneeling down as I went to place my hand against her forehead I felt the heat. Using the phone in the infirmary I called Dr. Alexis and told her Jessica was coming. The receptionist replied saying they'd have a room ready for us when we got there.

About fifteen minutes later we pulled into the parking lot and walked inside. Where one of the nurses escorted me and Jessie into the exam room they reserved. The young female palomino horse checked her vitals before fetching the doctor. Five minutes later a knock came to door then strolled in a gorgeous African Leopard. She was head taller than me and had a body you'd want pressed against you.

Sadly the feline liked women more but, said she wouldn't mind my company. Now I'm not bad looking for a single parent that still hits the gym pretty regularly. In doing so I receive a lot of attention from the female and a few male patrons. Meanwhile Valeria Alexis was in the process of giving my little girl a physical. Hoping to figure out what suddenly caused Jessie's body temper to become so high.

"Hmm, strange I've never seen a young girl's first heat caused these symptoms. Though it's nothing to worry about every woman develops in their own unique way. I'm going to write you a list of items she'll need while her heat runs its course. Now Mr. Farelle do not allow her to attend school until she attends Sex Ed class." Valerie said. Nodding alright as she gave me the list and I thanked her for solving this mystery.

After we left the doctor's office I asked Jessie if she wanted anything for lunch. Shaking her head telling me that her stomach felt tight telling me it was cramps. The only thing I knew that helped my ex-wife with her heat was a heating blanket. Deciding to grab lunch anyway in case Jessie ends up changing her mind later. Besides my stomach had been growling the closer we got to our cozy little home.

Making a brief stop at a burger joint before resuming our journey to the cottage. Once my truck came to a stop I carried Jessie to her room and grabbed the blanket. Setting the device on low heat than wrapped it loosely around her mid section. I told her to yell if she needed me for anything then closed the door behind me. From there I walked downstairs to the parlor to eat lunch and gave Tracey a call.

Informing her that my daughter has begun going into heat sooner than expected. She repeated the same thing the doctor did, every young girl grows at her own pace. Tracey had a few suggestions that the good doctor didn't write down on the list. This would prevent any fertile male, myself included from trying to breed Jessie. Of course she warned me to limit our contact since I haven't gotten laid in years

Naturally she followed up by saying that I wasn't the type that would try anything. According to Tracey my daughter's heat should only last about ten to fifteen days. Things should fall into a steady pattern which should be easier on poor Jessica. Next I asked my boss if she could come by and watch her while I pick up everything. "Sure, just give me an hour to finish up here and I'll swing by alright." She replied.

After I ate my semi-warm meal then took some time to clean up the place. This way Tracey wouldn't get the wrong impression or think we lived like slobs. Luckily the house wasn't all that dirty inside or out except for a few dirty dishes. Not long after washing and drying them I heard the doorbell then went to answer it. Upon opening it posing for her amusement was my boss wearing a sexy outfit.

Moving aside and allowing the Red Fox to venture into my cozy little home. I let her know that Jessie is upstairs in her bedroom and I'll be gone for an hour. If anything happens to call my phone but, I'd let her know if I take longer than that. She told me not to worry as I fetched my truck keys then drove to the supermarket. Where I spent the next forty five minutes grabbing all the items that were on my list.

During my shopping I found myself actually thinking about claiming Jessie. Quickly scolding myself for even having such a train of thought about my daughter. With that I purchased everything, loaded it into my truck and headed back home. Where Tracey helped me bring it inside then told me she gave Jessie the Big Talk. Figuring it might be a little awkward to have such a conversation with her father.

To be honest I was glad that she handled that seeing I didn't know what to say. Thanking her with a hug for taking care of that huge parental matter for me. "You're welcome hun this single parent has had plenty of practice with my kids. If you'd like I could give you a little added education on the subject." She stated. Knowing that the vixen was trying to help I figured that it couldn't hurt any.

Like a student I jotted down notes on the off chance I'll need them in the future. With my education on female development over I asked Tracey if Jessie had eaten. She didn't want what I bought but, she did have a small bowl of chicken soup. Sadly Tracey had to pick up her kids from school so I walked her out to her vehicle. Where she started the engine then backed up and drove down the gravel driveway.

From there I went back inside and up the staircase to install the scent barriers. Jessie was sleeping soundly so I worked as quietly as I could then left her room. Unbeknownst to me the scent of her heat entered my nose and began to effect me. Doing the only smart thing I made a beeline right into the bathroom for a cold shower. Thus preventing me from doing something I probably end up going to jail for.

After my instincts were cooled off I entered my office and turned on my computer. I checked my E-mail some was from the family while the rest of it was junk mail. The family merely wanted to touch base and to know if me or Jessie needed anything. Giving them an update on what's been going on with us then I got a new E-mail. It was from my job, telling me that for the time being I'd be working from home.

Over the next few days nothing out of the ordinary until one rainy Sunday. When I awoke suddenly, climbed slowly out of bed and walked into the hallway. The only thing on my mind at the time was to use the bathroom and take a shower. After relieving myself I stepped into the shower stall then turned the faucet on. Where I took my time washing my fur and hair before shutting off the shower head.

Snatching the towel off the rack across from the stall and wrapped it around me. Though as I walked by Jessie's room suddenly without warning my cock grew. In that same instant thirteen years of locked up sexual tension decided to take over. My hand reached for the knob of her bedroom door, turned it slowly to the right. The latch retracted and the door slid inward granting me access into the room.

Sleeping soundly on the mattress underneath a thin sheet was my sweet daughter. Closing the door gingerly behind me then I walked quietly towards Jessie's bedside. Where I removed my towel from my body revealing my aching ten inch cock. Next I carefully peeled off the bed sheets followed by the still working heating blanket. All that was left was the tank top and panties she put on before going to sleep.

Jessie didn't stir as her top came off but, as her panties came off she woke up. As she went to ask me what I was doing until she caught sight of my big erect length. Her eyes grew wide at the sight before her and sure enough her body reacted. Being unable to look away from my cock I brought it closer to her mouth. Of course she didn't know what to do but, her instincts finally kicked into guide her.

Sure enough I soon felt her slightly rough tongue begin to lick the tip of my shaft. Gently placing my right hand on the back of her head and added a little pressure. Thus making her take my girth into her mouth until Jessie accidently choked on it. Backing off and allowing my child to suck me off at her own pace which felt great. Being pent up it didn't take long for the urge to blow my load in her mouth to grow.

Having her back off for the time being so I could crawl down between her thighs. Next I dragged my skilled tongue along her labia making Jessie moan out loud. Taking my time licking every inch of her sex driving my little girl crazy with pleasure. She was squirming around yowling and begging me not to stop what I was doing. So I slipped my tongue into her folds until it flicked across Jessie's intact hymen.

Pulling away slowly but, not before suckling briskly on her clit making her squeal. My daughter proved to be a squirmier though I didn't concern myself with it. As I lined up the tip of my aching cock with her virgin slit and began to enter her. Jessie writhed in pleasure until my shaft tore through her hymen then she winced. The pain subsided as I continued to thrust in and out of Jessie's blissfully tight depths.

Like a majority of lion anthros the barbs on their cocks are dull and don't hurt. In my case mine is human in shape but, my barbs are just like my feral ancestors. So with every back stroke they'd drag along Jessie's inner walls driving her mad. Her pussy grew tighter, hotter and wetter the longer I breed my juvenile daughter. The only thing on my mind was pumping every drop of my fertile seed into her.

As the pace of my thrusts increased the twin sized bed began rocking heavily. So much that the head board was bumping almost rhythmically against the wall. Though Jessie's moans of delight grew louder telling me that she was getting close. It was a good thing we lived far outside of town no one to hear what we're doing. Pulling myself free of her hot treasure then rolled Jessie onto her hands and knees.

Next I slipped an arm under arm pit and held her tight as I drilled her pussy. The urge to cum inside her was so powerful I nearly lost myself until she screamed. Instantly I backed off then looked at my crotch it was soaked with her juices. Panting heavily from orgasming though I was far from done mounting my daughter. Starting off slow I slid my aching cock back into her depths until I hit her cervix.

Jessie gasped pleasurably then really began moaning as my thrusts got faster. While still being fueled by the need to flood that fertile womb of hers with cum. Sure enough that soon became a reality as the pace of my thrusts got fast and shallow. Even my breathing was a telltale sign that I was about to fill Jessie's hot pussy. With a mighty roar my shaft exploded heavily inside my daughter filling every inch.

Clutching onto the headboard as my balls continued to drain into Jessie. Now in some cases it doesn't take much to impregnate a female but, she's young. The odds of her conceiving are slim but, her heat wasn't going away until that happens. Being the first male to claim Jessie, she'll come to me to quell the fire in her lions. For now her heat was slaked as I heard Jessie sleeping soundly underneath me.

Not really wanting to pull myself free then rolled us onto our sides gently. I ended up doing so if only to make sure that Jessie snatch wasn't to badly bruised. Well after fetching a clean damp wash cloth from the bathroom and cleaned her up. Next I examined her pussy and it looked no worse for wear to my great relief. Pulling Jessie into my arms hold her close to my heart as I watched over my daughter.

Five hours later I woke up to the sensations of someone rubbing up against me. Looking down only to see my little girl grinding herself against my hard shaft. Taking the hint I grabbed her by the ass and buried my cock back into her folds. Earning a happy growl from my child that turned into moans as I began thrusting. Gently at first until Jessie desired that I pick up the pace and fill her full of cum.

Being in the mood to savor our forbidden intimacy I granted Jessie's request. Sure enough she got louder the faster I thrusted until the urge to cum returned. Instead of filling her womb my instinct decided to cover my daughter with seed. Fucking her until I was just about ready to blow when I pulled out and stroked. Jessie watched with delight as I jerked off feverishly as strings of pre dripped out.

Landing randomly on Jessie's belly making her giggle until my cock erupted. Splattering heavy ropes of cum all over Jessie's stomach, chest, neck and muzzle. Naturally Jessie squealed, "Eww" as I kept cumming upon her until it finally stopped. Next I picked up my daughter then brought our naked selves into the bathroom. Where we took a nice steamy shower and from there we walked into my bedroom.

Despite the urge to fuck her again I made the call to simply go back to sleep. The follow morning I woke up early went downstairs and stood around the kitchen. Recalling everything that happened the day before contemplating our future together. What we've done is beyond immoral in the event we get caught or she divulges. In the event she does I'm going to jail and she'll wind up in the foster care system.

Placing a hand over my face as all sorts of scenarios played through my mind. Suddenly the doorbell rang making this mature lion curse aloud then I answered it. As I opened the door Tracey was on the other side, I allowed her to come inside. We sat down in the kitchen while I brewed a fresh pot of coffee and began talking. Unfortunately instead of the later happening I wound up telling her everything.

I simply couldn't bare the guilt but, it didn't prepare me for what came next. "Nathan, your daughter is in heat therefore you couldn't resist her need to be bred. Being pent up for the past thirteen years didn't help matters I'd like you to read this." Tracey said. As the vixen pulled this laminated card out from her purse and handed it to me. Taking it from her then began reading the card it turns out it's a town amendment.

According to the card it basically informed me that incest was in fact legal. Only under specific conditions the first being if the female happens to go into heat. The second is if the sex between either siblings or parent and child consent to it. Now in the event the female winds up pregnant there's a special injection that's available. It was designed to prevent the unborn child from developing any birth defects.

"Believe it or not I got pregnant when I was freshman in high school by Drake's dad. After fifteen years of marriage I caught that bastard with some random woman. I quickly filed for divorce and once everything was said and done we moved here. Not long after we got settled in my son stepped up much to my own surprise. One winter night I came home from work to find a candle lit dinner waiting for me." Tracey began.

"Drake cooked one of my favorite Alfredo dishes talk about a nice surprise. That wasn't the end of it he pulled out my chair then proceeded to hand feed me. Granted my divorce was rough and starting my business here didn't help matters. So I passed it off as him merely trying to brighten my mood and nothing more. As the days passed for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about what he did." She stated.

"Why do I get the feeling that you and Drake shared a night of intimate bliss?" I asked. The look that came to the vixen's face confirmed my hunch as she continued talking. As her story progressed I learned that the father of the twins happens to be Drake. That wasn't all she told me they indulge each other once every couple of months. "Granted the sex is great but, we're trying to find mates of our own." She pointed out.

"So you two have sex just to relieve tension my question is there any guilt?" I asked. Tracey replied telling me they did feel guilty after the first time but, it went away. Drake admitted to her the sex was amazing and that they shouldn't make it habit. That's when the pair agreed to have sex when the urge suits them or she's in heat. "To be perfectly honest with you, Nathan I've had my eyes on you." Tracey informed.

This caused me to flinch vividly where I sat as the vixen rose slowly to her feet. Next she sauntered over to the love seat then eagerly climbed onto my open lap. From there Tracey pulled her shirt up over her head then tossed it onto the floor. Exposing her lovely double D cup breasts to me and began to rub against my crotch. "I may not be in heat and if memory serves me, male lions usually build harems." She purred.

"Yes, a majority of them do though I'm not a part of that particular demographic." I replied. Placing a hand under my chin directing my gaze up to look right into her eyes. Than our lips met in a deep kiss while her hands skillfully removed my T-shirt. My hands soon found their way onto one of her lush breasts and firm ass cheek. Earning a very happy growl from the sexy vixen that was grinding against me.

Sure enough those busy little fingers of hers found their way onto my sweat pants. Exposing my already hard ten inch cock and boy did Tracey get excited about it. Just from the way she eagerly licked her lips in anticipation of having it within her. Climbing off my lap and what happened next has to be the kinkiest thing I've seen. Tracey grabbed the crotch of her pants and with a strong tug, tore her pants right off.

Revealing to me that she either predicted this or she doesn't like underwear. Sadly I didn't concern myself when the nude vixen crawled up between my legs. Without missing a beat she began sucking and stroking my cock at the same time. My toes and fingers curled as the pleasure rocketed up my spine like lightning. Though she didn't keep it up for long then she motioned me towards the coffee table.

Once I stood up the rest of my clothes were discarded as she laid down on her back. She splayed her legs then ordered me to get started eating her wet pussy out. Like a good boy I moved between her thighs and dragged my tongue along her folds. Poor Tracey forgot or didn't know that feline of any breed have rough tongues. Seeing as the vixen howled at the top of her lungs before I could cover her mouth.

Luckily Tracey's howling didn't disturb Jessie as I continued licking her snatch. My vixen lover was doing everything she could to keep quiet but, it was difficult. Considering my rough and skilled tongue was hitting all of the vixen's hot spots. Deciding to switch things up I rolled her onto her stomach then rose to my feet. Where I lined the barbed tip of my throbbing cock with Tracey's very eager entrance.

Before burying myself to the hilt inside her I decided to find a gentle muzzle. Little did I know at the time that my boss actually enjoys bondage on rare occasions. So when I wrapped something around her mouth she squirmed and wiggled her ass. Upon seeing this I bound her arms behind her back really making the vixen happy. Grabbing her wrists then slammed my hard cock home earning a lustful groan.

Pounding her tight pussy racking Tracey's body with more and more pleasure. While not giving her an inch I still tried to avoid causing her any serious injury. Even though Tracey was egging me to thrust harder through her lust filled groans. Being two sexually experienced adults our elicit affair we could go almost all day. Seeing as Jessie was still asleep for the moment I didn't want to waste a lot of time.

Therefore I really hammered that vixen's pussy like an engine at full throttle. Making Tracey groan deeply and physically shudder as she felt her second orgasm. As a result the vixen's hot inner walls locked up tight around my still moving cock. Grunting, "Holy, Shit!" under my breath when I felt the resistance from her passage. Sure enough she was climaxing as her cum leaked out onto our joined crotches.

Next her body slumped onto the soft carpeted floor panting quite contently. I had to wait a few minutes for Tracey's tightly milking depths to release their grip. Once they did I carefully withdrew myself from her passage and slumped backwards. To be honest I couldn't recall ever having such an intense round of sex before. Of course I'd like to continue but, my lover is drooling with a smile into the rug.

Not wanting to leave Tracey like that so I got up then removed all of her bindings. The instant I stepped away from her did the vixen simply ceased the opportunity. I didn't even see it coming as she whirled around onto her feet then tackled me. "Alrighty, big boy since you've had you fun I do believe it's my turn now." She grinned. Naturally I could only imagine what this lusty fueled fox has planned for this feline.

Fortunately I didn't have to wonder long as she sank my cock back inside. Where she proceeded to ride my shaft good, hard and fast making this lion groan. As I leaned up to play with her breast I receive a not so subtle punch to the chest. Next she waved her index finger in a no, no fashion stating they're off limits. Scowling up at the vixen who merely giggled at my expense then rode me harder.

At the pace she was going even with my barbs tugging at her milking inner walls. Let's just say I was going to flood this foxy lady's womb in a matter of seconds. Until without warning she stopped riding my cock then she pressed herself against me. Kissing my lips while our tongues danced and swirled in our connected mouths. "Nathan, you're by far the best fuck I've had in a while wanna go steady." Tracey purred.

"You certainly don't hesitate do you Tracey but, what about Jessie she's in heat. I don't think she's going want to share her dad's virile seed until that fire is gone." I stated. That fact wasn't lost on her and whispered something my ear making me shudder. Now if my ears heard her correctly she revealed to me that she likes pussy also. Considering her twins are in fact female and happen to possess their dad's libido.

"Okay, I know I'll probably regret asking this but, when did you find that out?" I asked. Tracey was more than happy to share that story though after we finished our fun. Of course I was more than happy to grant that request as I changed positions. While proceeding to plow that fox's pussy until my cum was pouring out of her. As we began making up for lost time Tracey's cell phone decided to spoil all our fun.

"Damn, well that puts an end to our fun and that would be my son's ring tone. Ten to one Drake is probably curious to know where his mother scampered off to. Ignore that comment get over here and pound my pussy I'll send him a text message." She replied. Doing as instructed by burying myself balls deep into that hot vixen's pussy again. Wasting little time pounding that ass for a fourth time and this time for keeps.

The constant build up then sudden stop forced my balls to build up quite a bit. So it didn't take long for me to reach my climax and with one final thrust I erupted. Flooding Tracey's very receptive passage with a hefty amount of my fertile seed. Panting happily underneath me Tracey hooked her an arm around the back of my neck. Leaned up giving my muzzle a slow affectionate lick enjoying another orgasm.

"You, Mister are an animal and there's no way in hell Jessie's having you to herself. She's simply going to have to share or quit cold turkey before her heat cycle subsides. Besides Nathan I've had my eyes on you since you started working at my company. Sadly I kept such feelings hidden after that little discussion we had a while back. I'd like to make our families whole by becoming your wife someday." She admitted.

"Personally, I don't know but, my daughter needs a mom to guide her into womanhood. As for Drake he's pretty mature already and doesn't need a male like me around. While the twins are young enough to require a father to protect and spoil them rotten. However your family is quite sexually active not sure if Jessie should be around that. Tracey I'd like to take a few days to think about us becoming a family." I countered.

Kissing me deeply on the lips then told me to take all the time I need to decide. Whatever decision I come to she'll respect it and pray that I'll find my own happiness. Next we helped each other get dressed just time as Jessie came down the stairs. "Hi, Tracey why are you here and why does this room smell funny." Jessie wondered. We looked at each other, I decided to tell my daughter the truth of what we had done.

To our collective surprise she wasn't angry actually it was quite the opposite. She was kinda of hoping that I would marry Tracey so she could have a mother. When Jessie uttered those words I felt a long closed door in my life swing open. My earlier comment returned and being a devoted father Jessie still needs a mother. Looking to my little girl and asked her if she wanted Tracey to be her step-parent.

She flew into Tracey's arms squealing with approval shocking me and the vixen. Naturally I tried to reason with her but, I should've know better than to even try. Looking to the red fox curious to know her thoughts about this strange situation. "Jessie, sweetie we never considering dating each other since we've got children. I know you like me but, I can't say the same for my son and twin girls." Tracey stated.

"Hmm, why don't we try spending Thanksgiving at great grandpa's old house. Meanwhile you and my dad can be boyfriend and girlfriend until that holiday comes." Jessie replied. We glanced at each other figuring it couldn't hurt and agreed to date one another. A decision that would proved to be one of the best things we've ever agreed to do. Granted it annoyed Drake until I took him on a guy's weekend to a shooting range.

Where we spent those two days talking things out and shooting cool firearms. Not wanting Tracey's twins, Trixie and Lexus to be left out I took them a theatre. Though I asked Drake and Tracey to spend a little time with my daughter as well. Under the promise that nobody tries having sex at all before heading out the door. This pattern worked out well for everyone until the Thanksgiving holiday arrived.

This lion had something very special planned for a very sweet Red Fox vixen. Waiting patiently to serve everybody dessert to spring my little surprise on Tracey. Upon entering the kitchen I asked Drake to help bringing dessert out to everyone. Saving his mother's piece of cake for last then put a small box onto the plate. Giving the Todd a knowing look and with a nod he went into the parlor before me.

Once I got the signal from him I entered the room and knelt before Tracey. Sure enough when she saw the small jewelry box the reaction I got was priceless. Considering I blinked once then found myself being squished while looking up. Apparently my silent marriage proposal was happily excepted by the happy fox. Even Jessie, Trixie and Lacey were squealing with delight at becoming a whole family.

In the months that followed our engagement were pretty rough but, improved. The wedding had a little tension with some older of our respected family members. Fortunately with some negotiating on both our parts they set aside all their differences. So that the marriage and the reception dinner went without any further problems. Before we left for our honeymoon Drake promised to watch over his sisters.

While also making me a man's promise that he will not try screwing any of them. With that we climbed into the limo and headed for the airport then flew to Belize. For a two week stay in a four star hotel beach resort and we enjoyed every minute. Seeing the sights, sun bathing by the beach, and of course having lots of sex. When it came time to go home to our family we left the hotel ready to take on the world.

The End.