A small chunk of Sunny Side Up

Story by James Gale on SoFurry

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#1 of Sunny Side Up

This is a very small piece of a novella (hopefully) that I am working on!

The Sangria was bitter sweet and I was licking my muzzle more than usual. Part of the problem was it came from a bar in the airport but I needed something to relax my thoughts and set me in a more open mood. I wasn't planning on a messing around with anyone especially while traveling but having the cute otters mouth rapped around me in the bathroom had been a nice relief. I didn't catch his name and he didn't really have a chance to strike up a conversation in his position on the cool tile floor. After he was finished a wiped a paw across his muzzle I gave him a quick wink and a friendly goodbye. I didn't catch his name but he really didn't seem the type to ask or hope for another connection down the road. He was a just that a quick blow job from a cute face more than willing to help a guy in need. Now don't get me wrong its not how I usually operate but with this past week I just needed someone to act like they care a bit, even if it wansn't the best of locations.

So now muzzle deep in an empty glass I sat there trying to collect myself and figure out what to do. I pulled out my phone and traced around my contacts until I found William's number. We hadn't talked in a few years and the last thing he needed was me desperately calling him from an airport after a sloppy release fishing for answers he probably wasn't willing to give. Part of me felt guilty anyway and I wasn't about to open that door.

I bought another drink, this time asking for something stronger and ended up with a whiskey and cola. It was bitter and burned going down but in two gulps it was gone and I sat there waiting for it to hit me. A few stools down from me I heard a familiar chuckle and saw a cute otter wink at me. "Shit" I thought to myself, he smiled and before grinning again he was sitting next to me tail pressing against mine. Now actually getting to see him at eye level I noticed hoe blue his eyes actually were, not just a quick glance. They had a softness to them that made me feel like I could tell him every little thing happening in my life and he'd care and want to hear more. He must have been uncomfortable with the extended eye contact because he coughed and gave another cute chuckle. "Um, see something you like? I mean you seemed pretty content fifteen minutes ago." he paused before adding, "If you want to go again at least buy me a drink first." A warm paw found itself on my thigh and gave a light squeeze. It felt like he was talking louder than he had to but the alcohol probably was playing into that. He stared waiting for a reply. I swallowed and shifted in my seat trying to adjust from the ideas of another trip to the restroom. "That's definitely an offer, but once was plenty and I don't really see myself doing that again." I tried to sound as polite as I could. I really appreciated what the guy did for me but that was a habit I didn't feel like getting rapped into. He gave me a sharp eye before shrugging, grabbing his drink and leaving. I had half a mind to follow him but it was the last thing I needed, I was back in Vintal after four years and I was itching to get home.