Good to be Queen: Training day

Story by Waspz on SoFurry

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#8 of Assorted shorties

Part two in the continuing adventure of Greg and Grace.

Greg groaned, his eyes shut tight as he let out a pant and shifted in his sleepy daze. He was confused, unsure how he was feeling as pleasure and discomfort washed over him. His Head pounded, he could barely think through what felt like a world-class hangover. Yet, his Body felt amazing, warm and limber, relaxed yet oddly...sticky? A deep breath made him gag and cough, his Hands feeling thick powerful Arms holding him tight as memories came flooding back to him. His eyes shot open, Grace had raped him. His precious Nidoqueen partner turned out to be a very big "He" and forced Greg to choke on that massive sweaty fuckrod.

Greg coughed and struggled, the thick dizzying stink of pungent Nidocum still in his senses, coating his lungs as they burned making him groan and blush while he wriggled from her grasp waking her in the process. Everything but that rough dizzying fucking from yesterday was a blurr. He rolled back, wobbling as he stood up unsteadily and groaned, he was drenched in drying sticky cum, feeling so hot as he tried to desperately wipe it off. Grace watching him from the ruins of the Tent on her side as he groaned and gasped. His body tingled wherever he tried to scrape off her thick spunk, but not pleasantly, in fact it was almost too sensitive, feeling every light gust of cool wind like an ice attack making him flinch. It was as if the Cum was meant to stay on, to cake on its own and fall off from its thickness carrying filth away with it but leaving the intense musk of Graces potent male sex clinging to his body.

Greg would have none of it, quaking as he tried to wipe it off, flinching and gasping as he heard the giggle of his Pokemon. Anger flared in the naked Male, turning around to shout at her as she grinned and watched him struggle. "You RAPED me!" Greg shouted, intense confused feelings of betrayal, fear and hidden embarassment and pleasure as he stared daggers at the lounging Herm. She playfully pointed at herself, giving him a pout coyly asking, "who, me~?" as it only made him more angry and confused. Greg could barely think, so much information flooding his head, trying to process last nights events as he dug his fingers into his cummy hair with a squish. Tear were welling in his eyes before a pair of large comforting Arms grabbed his Waist.

Greg felt it again, anger at her touching him, about to shout again before her thick slimey Tongue slid along his Neck. Greg tensed and squealed, not in pain, shock or fear but intense pleasure. Wherever that thick muscle slid along his sensitive bare flesh, collecting cum and leaving a thin trail of drool it practically exploded with pleasure, setting off every nerve as he screamed and gasped unable to concentrate while she gently bathed him. Grace purred deeply in his ear, making him shudder as he weakly pressed his Hands to her Snout, whimpering in a vain effort to push her away. She simply grinned, pulling him up slightly and pressing her Snout against his belly before licking again, a long gentle drag from his Belly to neck to end his resistance while she guided his Arms to her Shoulders.

Greg groaned and gasped, exposing his Neck as his eyes were wide, he felt like he was experiencing a full-body orgasm whenever she kissed or licked, the Human putty in her hands as she giggled to herself watching him quake, savouring his moans and the spurts of his cum against her belly as he weakly came under her minstrations. Being a poison-type had advantages. The heavy cocktail of chemicals in her fluids mixing in unique ways for different purpose. A 2-part compound mixing something in her cum and saliva to attack the nerves of her lucky mates for example and leave them writhing messes of pleasure~

Greg could barely think, holding on for dear life to the large Pokemon holding his waist and supporting his Back in her Arms as she gave him a thorough tongue bath of intense mind-numbing bliss. He felt everything, every gentle lick, every caress of her breath setting him off again as he could only pant and sweat gently squeezing as a mess of emotions. Grace slowly licked upward again, collecting a thick mouthfull of cum before meeting his Lips with her own. Her thick slimey tongue slithering past his lips and forcing his mouth open with her large muscle to force-feed him her mixed salty jizz and drool slathering his mouth in her lusts. Greg grunted and gagged at first, almost retaking his mind from the massive dominating herms potent control as he swallowed her cum and rolled his eyes upward cumming again, his Tongue beginning to wildly tingle and writhe against her own as she forced more and more of hers into his mouth and slowly down his Throat forcing him to weakly swallow her potent druggy fluids as she Tounge-fucked his vulnerable mouth and wrestled playfully with his inferior tiny muscle.

Grace felt her Genital slit throbbing, swelling as slimey pre and musky cock lube oozed down her crotch, enjoying toying with her Bitch a little too much as she felt his Throat bugle with every inch of Tongue she forced him to swallow before slurping it back and gently toying with his. She felt him quake, barely able to think in her grip as he grunted and whined in bliss. But she knew he had much to learn, she was the Master now and this was only a taste.

Slurping a foot of thick muscle from his throat she sighed, licking her lips as he took a deep breath and gasped in his high, "G-grace?" he muttered confused as she lowered her Hand, groping his Ass squishing with a coating of cum and grinned. Casually spinning the Slut around and planting his top half on the soft Grass and Dirt, Grace licked at her former Masters Thighs and cock, giving the average dick a kiss and suck to make Greg scream and grunt cumming on her tongue before she slurped back licking her lips. The slut was too blitzed out right now to resist or struggle as she gathered the cum on his lower Half, scooping up handfulls and drizzling them over his Crack while she parted it to glaze at his tight virgin pucker. Her fat dick throbbed in its pouch, eager to claim him fully, but she was on a mission. She wanted to train the whore, not break him. Afterall, she still cared deeply for him, he simply needed to learn his place. Carefully lubing her finger with cum Greg wriggled and gasped, his skin tingling unpleasantly from the absence of her cum or drool. Grace lined up, shoving her thick middle digit into his tight virgin pucker with a lewd squelch.

The vulnerable male screamed, his eyes going wide as he shouted in his haze from the pain of her thick 4-inch digit, he whined while she gently stirred the first 2 inches letting the slut quake and adjust through whimpers. Pulling back she collected more spunk and rammed it in again to another squeal, forcing globs of her thick jellied druggy Seed into his quivering Asshole as it winked and stretched around her digit through squelches and slurps. She savoured every whine and wriggle, the Bitch so helpless under her as she violated his innocent pucker with her cum-drenched fingers shoving cum into untouched innards and stirring the Jizz to soak his walls until she was satisfied.

Finally tugging her digits from his quivering Anus she let him flop onto the Grass with a grunt, panting and shuddering in a haze of pleasure he groaned and gently rubbed his sore asshole until he was strong enough to stand after 20 minutes. Greg was filled with conflicting emotions as he slowly regained his mind, he wasn't even entirely sure what happened, but his hangover was gone and he felt amazing. Huffing and rubbing his tingling bare skin he turned around, embarassed and getting cold as he looked to his belongings in the tattered remains of the Tent and paused glowing with a blush. Grace smirked, standing by the Tent wearing the Belt with his pokeballs and Tools. She was too large for the Belt to fit around her, so she slipped the buckles on each side over spines on her Back instead.

"G-grace!" Greg shouted embarrassed, "T-take that off!" as his pokemon gestured in response with a "come and take it" look only helping to cement her control over him. He had no chance to take that back unless she allowed it, all his Trainer tools and more importantly her Pokeball all in her possession and she knew it. Her Claw danced over her pokeball as she watched him relent and take his clothing, timidly dressing while she watched and leered ensuring he knew she was eyeing him up with purrs and catcalls of her name.

Greg sighed, folding his Arms once he was done while Grace giggled and sauntered up, giving her boytoy a hug as the Human reluctantly returned the embrace. He wanted to be mad at her for all of this, but the hug only reminded him "This is still Grace" as he looked up at her and gently rested his forehead against her chest not sure what to do. He still loved his Pokemon, she had been with him for years, their trust was infallable..or so he thought. This was all too new to him, her massive slimey prick and dominance. What if she was sick or something? Not a single Pokecenter or professor he spoke to found anything weird with her...bits.

He took a few moments to calm down, breathing a sigh still laced with her thick pheromone-laden musky scent to make him cough lightly and shiver. The smell wasn't as smothering or unpleasant as had almost become pleasant and oddly sweet. Looking up to his large Pokemon he made a reach for his Belt if playfully, Grace slapping his Hands away and tsk-ing him as he chuckled and calmed down. "Let's..go see the Professor" Greg sighed not looking her in the eyes, it made him feel weird "Maybe he can tell us more about your new..assets" blushing even harder as he heard her giggle.

It was only about a weeks travel back to the City he once called home, so many Badges in and he'd have to turn it back around or worry about Grace raping him again. Without a word his Pokemon began walking without his direction, heading with a sashay towards the Road and back to his Home Town as Greg meeped and spun on his heel to catch up to her. "H-hey, wait up!" he shouted, dashing up to her and frowning a bit as she smirked and ruffled his still slightly sticky Hair. Feeling the squish he groaned, feeling her touch as he sighed, "Grace wait, let me at least wash up or something first.." still stinking of her thick potent cum as he dreaded what others would think.

His queen however was in no mood to simply capitulate, continuing to walk with or without her learning Bitch as Greg complained but walked at her pace. An awkward silence once again between them before he asked, "So...why..." to the casually walking Herm perking her Ear. "Why'd you...y'know.." he asked looking up for answers. There was too much going on, he was still struggling to process all of this as he finished, "Rape me..?". All Grace did was smile, rubbing his Shoulder and leaning down as he flinched only to feel a kiss on his Neck and shiver with a blush while they continued walking. It didn't answer his question, if anything it only made him blush and feel even more confused from her tender response.

She had raped him sure, but...this morning she was tender and careful. Did she..he thought before looking up to her, " love me. don't you?" as she smiled and nodded in confirmation. Greg had read about pokemon mating, how they chose a mate and now how she had clearly chosen him. Gregs eyes widened and he covered his Face to hide his blush, the revelation almost too much to bear as things came together. No wonder she was always so possessive and playful! No wonder she forced herself on him after who knows how many hundred attempts went over his Head. She was in love with him, she had chosen him as her mate long before he was even faintly aware of it.

"Grace.." Greg sighed as they reached the Road, oddly barren though it was early morning. "We can't do this.." he stated looking to her as she gave him a ponderous look feeling she had already settled the matter. "Mates..I mean. I love you as a friend but we're Human and Pokemon. We can't..." he stammered before she casually shut him up with her Palm on his mouth. That wasn't his decision anymore. Slowly letting him speak again he continued, "I'm sorry, Grace. I think I get it now.." making her Ear perk curiously. "Oh did he~?" she thought to herself with a humored smirk. "You wanted this for a while...and I was too dense to get it. to say no before then, but Grace we ca-*mph*" silenced again. Grace sighed, he was beginning to understand, but he was still only a cute Human and things had evolved far past that point. but she had every intention of helping him learn.

A ring suddenly drew their attention away from the conversation, Grace looking down at Greg before he gasped hearing the tone of his Pokedex. Someone was calling, Greg tried to grab the phone but was denied by the Belts new owner. "Grace! I need my Phone!" Greg shouted frustrated, his large Nidoqueen responding by gently gliding her Claw along her Pokeball again telling him he was no longer in control. Biting his tongue Greg sighed, slumping his Shoulders in defeat, "Please? Grace?" asking poilitely as she raised an Ear to him, tapping the container containing his Badges. "Grace?" Greg asked again unsure what she was telling him at first as he was rejected again with the Dex continuing to chime. Still seeing her Pet in the dark, Grace slipped her Claw into the Pouch, pulling out the tip of a soft silken Cloth he used to wrap his precious case as it clicked.

Memories flashed to Greg of when he first received that from his Mother for his Journey. A token and promise he'd one day become a Pokemon Master. A promise he made not only to his Mother, but to his cheerful Nidoran as she barked a happy cry to him in response. "Master?" Greg asked as Grace grinned only confirming his suspicion. "You want me to call YOU Master??" he asked indignantly as she nodded and licked her lips with an obvious twinge of lust making Greg shudder. Hearing him say that, hearing him acknowledge her made he fat cock throb. Language barrier be damned her pet was learning~

"Grace, you can't be serious!" Greg huffed even more embarassed, their relationship had taken a complete 180 in a day. Grace huffing and turning her attention back to the Road, ignoring her Pets whines and requests as he tried to keep up. The Calls were becoming more frantic, it had stopped once and started again, it had to be urgent! With a groan Greg sighed, looking up and heaving his Shoulders before swallowing his pride. "Please..." he sighed as Grace slowed slightly, "P-please could I...have my pokedex, Master..?" Greg muttered with the last word barely above a whisper. Grace simply giggled raising her right ear as if teasing, "I can't hear youu~" making the former Trainer wince.

"Please, Master...Could I have my Pokedex!" Greg finally shouted and looked away, hiding his Face until he felt the tap of Plastic against his Cheek. Looking to Grace offering him the thrumming device as he took it without a word and a continual blush from her endless teasing. "Could we stop for a minute?" he asked knowing she had no intent to simply slow down for him, watching her continue until he rolled his eyes. "Could we stop for a minute, Master?" he sighed as she stopped and smiled, giving him a gentle nod and walking with him to the edge of the Brush.

He slipped into the Bushes by the edge of the Road, "his" Pokemon following as the Road was well and clearly in sight with the first few bikers and Cars passing by. Flipping his Pokedex open Greg looked to his records, 2 missed calls from Professor Tree-Pun. A light curse under his breath, Greg liked the guy, but had always thought he was a bit of a loon with his inability to tell Gender. Well...until now as he learned something VERY new about his own Pokemon!

Grace licked her Lips, looking over her distracted Pet as she watched him Dial, sucking on her thick middle Finger in preparation. "Hello? OH! Hello, Gregory!" the Professor chimed on the small vid screen. "Hey professor I-Nmph!?~" Greg grunted, tensing wide-eyed as he felt Grace grab his Ass, forcing his Pants down to his Knees as she parted his Cheeks with her outward digits and teased his sore cummy Anus with her middle Claw. The Human was in shock, almost glowing again as the Professor responded, "could you repeat that?" obliviously. Greg looked to his new Master for mercy and saw none, only a lusty dominating grin as she shoved her slimey digit into his Asshole stretching him out as he gasped and screamed. Her powerful Hand lifting him up slightly giving her full control and stopping the slut from toppling as he tried to regain his senses.

Graces finger was invading his most intimate regions, making the helpless male quake and blush as she stirred the thick digit to make him squeal and gasp. "Why! Why is this happening??" he could barely think to himself as it tingled and almost burned, able to feel every slight graze and inch of her teasing his insides while her saliva and Cum mixed and assaulted his innocent unprotected Rump. "G-grace it hurts!" Greg half-fibbed as she worked herself deeper, while it stung a little it was hardly registering over the orgasmic bolts tingling up his spine. "is everything alright??" the Professor gasped as the light slurp of Graces Finger leaving his Ass tickled his Ear. "Ha-aahnm~ Y-yeah I *hnng* HaaAaahh~!" Greg shouted as he tried and miserably failed to keep his composure feeling the squelch of her digit ramming itself even further, his wriggles and struggles only helping her work it deeper into him as he quaked and whined.

"G-GRACE Nk ah!" Greg whimpered, "I-Is hah~ H-helping remove a t-thorn! A BIG T-thorrrrn!" He replied as the professor looked clearly concerned, "Well, do you have what you need to return Home? I have interesting news!" he smiled. "M-me too OH GOD IT'S DEEP!" Greg tensed in reply, almost falling back as Grace found his vulnerable swollen prostate and gave it a flick, forcing 4 inches of thick slimey finger into his stretched quivering Anus. The horny Herm murring as she worked a rhythm into her precious Toy, the wet slurps and squishes of cum and saliva from her thick digit working itself in and out of him as he whined and gasped until his toes curled trying to maintain any semblance of dignity.

Every second her Slut quivered and quaked on her finger only made her hornier, feeling her Lips swelling and parting as the fat head of her slimey dick began to slide out, watching him quake and pant from her complete control over his body while the Professor watched on oblivious. "Oh? A new Pokemon perhaps?" the Prof asked innocently while Greg whined, "K-kiiInda~" through a squeal and groan. Again he found himself asking, "Why?? Arceus why does this...feel so goOod~?!" in helpless thought as he was bounced in Graces Paw, wanting to hate it, wanting to whimper and make it stop even as he clenched and milked at her invading digit. He felt his Cock drooling constantly, rock hard and soaking his shorts as she bounced him in her powerful Palm forcing him to ride that wriggling Claw stirring his insides in front of the Professor.

He could barely take the shame yet something about that only made it harder to resist as he gritted his Teeth. "Ss-sorry, Professor...C-can this Call Wait?? I'I-M a Llittle aah~! D-dishtracteed!" Greg moaned. The Prof nodded on the screen, "Indeed! Well, Congratulations on you-" he began before finding himself cut off, "G-GRACE Please! G-get it *moan* OUT GET IT OUT!" on the verge of cumming, not wanting to blow his wad in front of him as she rammed herself to the Knuckle making Greg scream in bliss. All he could do was groan, closing the Dex as he grunted and gasped, falling back into her Arms as he watched his cock spasm in his shorts, the dark stain of fresh cum coating his Crotch while he blushed and tensed with each throb, whimpering as his Eyes began to tear up feeling his Ass flex and milk at her finger, feeling it stir his insides while he groaned and held her arm for support emptying his nuts until it drizzled down his Leg.

Grace was watching intently, stirring her digit feeling him milk at it and quiver as the smell of his arousal and cum teased her powerful Nose. Much as she wanted him to call her Master through that, even she could understand it would be slightly suspect. Instead savoring and watching the slut pant and sweat hugging her and looking up desperate to retain his lost composure as her Cock gushed thick steamy pre against the ground, her fat prick still half-flaccid but quickly swelling from the sight and submission of her Pet. He milked at her digit so desperately , it took every muscle in her body not to pin and fuck him senseless right here and now while her length oozed and dripped druggy sexual fluids into the grass.

The Clearing was beginning to stink of her thick sex once more, Greg sniffing and shuddering as he body remembered that erotic and sweet stench. He felt her sliding her finger out of him, placing his Legs on the ground and tapping his Ass forcing the Human to stand as he felt the hot squish of his cum in his Pants and shuddered. He was flustered and panting, still in the afterglow of being fingered to orgasm as he looked at his Pokemons massive throbbing cock leaving a puddle of pre and lube on the ground in front of her. He shivered and looked away, "Lucky I keep spares.." he muttered digging into his pack and pulling out fresh Clothing before feeling a tap on his Shoulder. He winced and bit his Lip, he knew what was going to happen, even without looking, all he needed to do was breathe to know what Grace wanted behind him and hugged his clean clothing in dread and faint lust.

Grace tapped him again, more forcefully this time as she dragged her Claw through his shirt until the Fabric tore. Not enough to harm her pet, but more than enough to get the point across as he looked back. His Large Herm Master pressed her Paws to her Hips, pointing at her fat throbbing Dick nearly fully erect as he saw the swell of her fat nuts struggling to escape her thick swollen lips. Greg shuddered, looking up with a whimper of, " I have to?" before Grace surprisingly lowered her Arms as if dropping the issue. She knew how to play the bashful Trainer even before she decided to make him her precious loving cumdump and cock polisher. Suddenly walking towards the Road with nearly 2 feet of slimey Pokedick hanging out as Greg gulped in embarassment. "W-wait!" he whined as she stopped and looked at him with a half-lidded glare. He felt so small at this moment, hanging his Shoulders and whimpering, "P-please..wait. Master.." as she smiled and paused. "You can't just...y'know.." he muttered mussing his folded clothing, "Strut around like that! I mean..." he sighed stumbling on his words until she again pointed at her fat dick.

"C-can't you just..y'know. Jerk it?" the Human asked in vain hope, his Pokemon gesturing to drench him in jism again before he shuddered at the offer and shook his head. Receiving a final "Oral or bust" gesture from his pet-turned-dominating rapist the Human oddly felt himself almost drool and shook it off. He couldn't just let her saunter around with a massive cock hanging out, he was pretty sure that wasn't only illegal but would get them WAY too much attention until this was fixed. Wrestling with his thoughts and not eager to lose more clothing to that hot reeking spunk even with a River nearby before he saw her begin to move again.

"Okay!" he sighed as she paused again showing obvious annoyance at his constant pause. "I'll do it...I'll y'know...suck you off" Greg whimpered stuck between a rock and a hard hot slimey place. "BUT!" he added, "You can't fuck my face again, okay?" asking what he thought was reasonable only to recieve a negative shake of the head. He really had no leverage here, it was her way or no way.

He watched her approach, tensing a bit in nervousness and fear as her Shadow dwarfed his Form, that massive steaming Pillar of male breeding flesh inches from his Chest as he began to strip listening to her purr in lusty approval. He was soon naked, shivering not in cold but nervousness and shyness in front of the horny well-hung Pokemon he once called Grace but now called "Master". Grace watched him move, timidly walking over to her cock as his Hand barely glanced along her thick Flesh, the Herm rolling her Eyes and grabbing his Hands, forcing them around that fat trunk of a base with a squish of musky juices while he yelped and shuddered. He was getting hard again, only half-flaccid but his body was learning faster than his reluctant mind.

Greg could feel the intense heat of her throbbing Member, every breath burning with her dizzying scent as he blushed and began to stroke along that turgid fuckrod, feeling the slimey slurp of her musky lube and cum slathering his fingers. He wanted to be disgusted with himself, but he could only manage the slight comfort of it. Something about her Length calming him even as he began to sweat with worry and a growing warmth of his own. He explored every inch of her fat Length with his Hands, feeling every gush of pre dance under his fingertips as she moaned lightly egging him on to milk more from her Maleness.

Should couldn't be sure if the Slut was curious with his exploration of her veiny slick Beastial Dick or just too timid to go any further. The impatient Herm letting out a huff and squeezing his Hands, beginning to force him to jerk her off as he gasped and gulped lazily working her shaft in long strokes letting slimey Nut sweat and cum ooze onto the ground while the well-hung Nido growled. The slut was learning, but he had a long way to go in pleasuring a male. Greg knew he wasn't doing his best, he barely wanted to touch that fat pulsing Tool drenched in hot sticky fluids even as his body adjusted to her heavy increasingly erotic scent.

He soon found a Hand on his, looking up to see Grace shake her Head and press his Face against the base of her massive Prick. The Male gagged lightly wanting to be sick from the intense musky warmth and smell as he quivered and blushed. He could barely breath without a groan, his head beginning to swim before she pulled him back with a stern glare and collected her thick Lube to slather over his Lips and shove her digit into his mouth. Greg struggled not to spit, blushing as it was clear she wanted more than a handjob and began to timidly suckle. He had no choice, letting out a sigh and closing his Eyes as she pulled her digit back letting him kiss her Length, feeling her Hand grab his Head and mash him into it with a splat and grunt. Greg tensed, he wanted to struggle, he wanted to push away even as he began to drool over her fat cock flesh and feel her grind until he opened his lips and began to lick gathering thick globs of salty bitter Pre and lube. It was hot and almost unbearably thick, but he managed, swallowing the first mouthful and keeping it down with a light gag as he quivered and looked up seeing her approval and impatience.

The taste was far too potent, far too rich as Greg began to squeeze her fat dick and lick along her package struggling not to wretch. The more he licked however the less he struggled, the mixed cum and cock lube was nasty, had a decent aftertaste~ Finding his body beginning to warm he panted over her drooling Cock, licking with less and less reluctance as her fluids soaked his tongue and throat in that pungent smothering maleness. His tongue began to tease the veins in her length, kissing along her fat flesh and receiving a fresh coating of pre. He didn't know what was coming over him, but the more he licked and sucked the better he felt, almost euphoric as he groaned unknowingly feeling the addictive chemicals in her cum taking effect.

The slut had been in withdrawl, even if he hadn't known it. The first symptoms mere dizzyness or headache that would grow progressively worse without her thick bubbling cum giving them what they need. Greg began to lose himself, not caring in his blissful state, feeling as if he were floating while he giggled and nosed her cock, licking along her fat turgid dick and finding the tip to suck out a wad of fresh spunk. Grace churred a moan, this was what she needed~ Her fat pulsing nuts beginning to slurp out drenched in yet more fluids as she found the slut licking downward to massage and lick them clean without even an order. He had it bad, she was almost sad she knew he'd begin to even out as he adjusted to her fluids daily, instead enjoying herself by massaging her fat sack and pressing the sweaty drenched fingers to his lips to suckle as he worked her package. She savored her new dick rag lost in his own personal rut and cock worship, Grace drizzling precum over his bare skin, letting it soak in and stain his sexy form with more of her potent cock stink marking him as a pokebitch.

She called out her name to him, singing it in a tone of encouragement as her drugged up slut giggled and happily obliged, dizzily kissing her fat nuts and sucking on the taut Flesh once her was done with her fingers. Pushing her further feeling them swell and churn almost ready to blow while she mashed the Sluts head between the heavy orbs, making him lick and sniff as his dick spasmed in dry orgasms and leaked a trickle of pre. Greg could barely think, that heavy smell of her musky taint and sweaty nuts, the pheromone-laced scent driving him in his dulled mind to worship and pleasure her while he quaked under the intense heat of her package and sweat from the sexual high. All he could do was groan, he knew something was wrong, but hugging her massive fuckrod and kissing along its length as cum drizzled down to reward his lips he couldn't think of what. Her purrs and moans only encouraging him, filling him with pride that she was clearly enjoying his service while his own length drooled and throbbed while he had the pleasure of worshipping her package.

No matter how much the feeling nagged at him there was always fresh pre to meet his lips, fresh scent to order him to ignore it, to instead enjoy himself under her like the bitch he was. Grace grinned hearing him moan in delight, totally lost to her Fat cock and swollen nuts while her potent mind-numbing pleasure-inducing druggy sex flooded his systems and addled his mind. She lead his Lips to her Tip, forcing him to swallow as she found little resistance, using him once again as a cock sleeve and forcing her massive prick deep into his bulging throat as he quaked receiving her Cum directly into his waiting gut. Her nuts tensed and throbbed, her orgasm drawing close as she once again roared in bliss and thrust into his sucking Lips, forcing them wide as she delivered her druggy payload of molten bubbling salty spooge into his rapidly swelling belly.

It was a slow process, but whether he liked it or not he was learning~