Smoke and Mirrors

Story by IsaacDrake on SoFurry

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A young mage gets more then she bargained for when a spell goes wrong. How can you fight something you cant see or touch?

"Arktos Shariferos?" Valerie said hesitantly as she motioned her hand in a way she assumed one who was trying to cast a spell should. A loud pop sounded before the air started a crackling hiss. Stagnant magical energy in air was quickly being infused with energy before circling around the room at blinding speeds. The pale skinned human watched the makeshift rune she had scribbled on the floor in chalk quickly begin to light up, the glowing rays of magic traveling quickly around as rubes of pure light energy began to slowly rise and float in the air around her. Suddenly there was a loud explosion and a flash of light, the force of which throwing the surprised mage several feet backwards and onto the ground. She heard a nearby generator blowing and electricity to her entire building quickly stopped.

"Oh, nnnnngh, Sour biscuits!" Valerie yelled out in frustration as she wiped strands of her brown hair out of her eyes. Not again! What had she done wrong this time?! Almost as if on queue she heard a vibration of her phone in her pocket. With a groan, she fished out the buzzing device and check who was calling. 'Grandma' was lit up with a picture of Valerie and her grandmother. Valerie sighed deeply before forcing a smile on her face and answering the phone.

"Oh, Hey granny!" Valerie said cheerily as she stood up and looked around at the mess she'd made.

"Don't 'oh, hey!' Me young lady." Her grandmother chided in a stern voice that made Valerie cringe. "What on earth did you do this time honey? I told you not to practice unless I'm there to supervise."

"I know, but it was just a simple spell." Valerie countered sheepishly. It wasn't a simple spell. It was an extremely complex spell she thought she was ready to handle.

"A simple spell cut off power to half the city?" Her grandmother replied skeptically. "What was the spell, no lying."

Valerie sighed again. She was caught.

"Well..." she started slowly. "It was that one in the back of the book. The one that deals with ... shadows."

"The shadow step spell? I don't see how th..." Valerie's grandmother started.

"No no, *sigh* the one at the back of the, the other book." Valerie replied sheepishly.

"Valerie. Annabel. Montoya!" her grandmother yelled out angrily. "I need you to come down here this instant. I told you not to..." just then Valerie's phone beeped and, upon looking, she saw she had another call incoming. From her land lord.

"Oh! Oh no. Ok grandma I'm sorry Iwontdoitagain iloveyougoodbye" She quickly slurred as she pulled the phone from her ear.

"No, you don't understand, that spell is goi... *click*"

"Oh hello Mr. Morales! How are you tonight?"

Valerie grumbled to herself as she hung up with her landlord and shuffled angrily over to her bedroom. He'd said he had no proof that she caused the explosion but was putting her under probation. That meant she would have to be extra careful with even the simplest of spells form now on. Taking out the power was one thing, but letting an average person know that magic was real? That would be a disaster.

With a sigh, she walked to her bed and flopped on onto it. A quick glance at her clock told her it was half past 12. She needed to wake up in less than 6 hours for class. With a groan, she slammed her head back against her soft pillow as if the backwards head but would alleviate some of her frustration. She felt a wave of drowsiness overtake her as she shifted on the bed to get comfortable.

"The spell must have taken more out of me the I thought" she said softly as she laid there and pondered as to why the spell had failed. It was supposed to be a spell that pulled the shadows into a familiar, a creature who would offer her more power in return for a small portion of energy.

She had just wanted to show her family that she was ready for more complicated magic! She wanted to show that she could control the familiar and have it assist her. She had read over the spell countless times! She knew to be cautious, the book detailing that the shade would try and bond with her mind. She had been preparing for days. She had done everything correctly! She knew she had. And now her grandmother was yelling at her like she was about to end the world.

"Everything will be fine!" She said with a yawn as she closed her eyes and snuggled into her pillow.

"Yessssssss, finnnnneee." Came a whisper so soft it was lost to the tired girl.

The shrill sound of an alarm jolted Valerie awake the next morning, her green eyes shooting open as she quickly scrambled to turn the offending noise off. After a bit of fumbling and a loud click, she rested her head back on the pillow. She moaned as she tried to find the strength to raise off her pillow and start the day. As she was thinking of what she needed to accomplish for the day, she began to feel an odd pressure on her stomach. Slowly the pressure grew as another formed in her shoulder before she felt a hot puff of air along her neck and something warm broad and wet scrape across her cheek.

Valerie's eyes shot open once again and she bolted upright in her bed, her arms flailing in horror as she scanned around the room. It was... empty. She brought a hand up and wiped at the spot on her face to find nothing amiss. She quickly put a hand on her chest and took big breaths as she tried to calm her pounding heart.

That was... strange Valerie thought before swinging her legs over the side of her bed and standing up. She lifted her arms and began to stretch when she suddenly lost her balance and stumbled forward. Her eyes quickly shot behind her as she scanned the empty room once again. It had felt like something had bumped her.

"I need coffee." She said to herself before walking out of the room.

Her living room was still in shambles as Valerie made her way over to the small kitchen to start a pot of coffee. The couch had been pushed against the far wall to make room for her runes in the center of the floor. The candles, as well as any loose appliances, were strewn haphazardly around the room, product of the explosion she decided. _All things that could wait till later she_thought as she began fixing breakfast. She would barely have enough time to make food, get dressed and make it to class on time, a perfect excuse to clean this up when she got back home.

Valerie was fiddling with ingredients in the kitchen when she suddenly heard a sound in the living room. Looking up, her eyes widened as she saw as the couch slowly move across the floor. Oh god I released a ghost Valerie thought grimly to herself as she slowly approached the living room.

"Hey! Shoo! Go haunt someone else!" She yelled shakily and the couch stopped moving. She waited for a moment, her eyes scanning the room before she felt something prod at her back. Valerie spun around and what she saw made her body go cold in fear.

Standing in her kitchen was some sort of large canine creature. It was completely black with deep red eyes that glared into hers. It had two long slightly curved horns adorning its head and, what she hoped was a playful look on its face. She watched as the creature stood up onto for long powerful looking legs, the beasts standing height a near foot taller than hers. The creature seemed to be comprised of some kind of smoke as it constantly shifted, wisps of its... body slowly rising and contorting before disappearing.

Valerie quickly shuffled backwards, the back of her legs catching on the arms of the couch before she tumbled over onto the floor. She scooted back as she watched the head of the beast loom closer to the couch before it... it stepped into it. It's legs and body just seemed to phase though the couch, the material not even moving in its presence. Slowly it continued to approach until it was mere feet in front of the flabbergasted human.

"W-What are you?" Valerie asked softly, terror present in her voice.

"Areeee youuuuuu." Came a reply in her head, the voice breathy and foreign. The creature took another step closer.

"Stop! S-Stay back!" Valerie yelled as she scooted away further until her back hit the wall behind her.

"Sssssstop?" The creature whispered into her mind once again. Valerie cringed in pain as she felt the beast poke at her mind, it's breathy voice sliding through her thoughts coolly. Valerie gave her head a shake to try and clear her thoughts when she noticed that the wolf had cone even closer, its large head looming over her legs. She felt a gust of warm humid air as it huffed at her calf, its breath traveling through her pant legs and falling directly on her skin.

"NO! Stop!" Valerie cried out and kicked her foot at the creature's skull. Her foot passed through the canine as if she was kicking open space, the only real indication of her movement being the wisps of smoke her foot created as it passed. The canines head turned to the side and it gave her a curious look before staking a few more steps forward until it's was straddling her legs under its body. It slowly took another step closer.

Valerie pushed out with her hands in an effort to stop the creature. Just as with her legs, her hands passed right through the beast. The force of her push caused her body to lean forward directly into the wolfs smoky chest. The space within the creature was extremely cold, as if she was standing outside in the middle of winter. With a scream of surprise Valerie quickly sat back and stared in shock as the creature regarded her.

The beast blinked a few times before it leaned forward towards her face. Valerie put her hands up defensively, but the creature just passed through them. Valerie turned her head and closed her eyes in fear as she felt warm breath puff against her neck. And then she felt the warmth of its tongue lick across her face before pulling away. It was the same sensation from this morning.

Valerie sat there for a moment as she waited for a killing bite. Every time she wanted to open her eyes fear griped her heart and she felt them squeeze even tighter. After a moment, she felt another huffing breath, this time on her thigh. It was followed by a trailing lick that once again passed through her clothes and slid across her skin. It moved along the curve of her leg, towards her, towards her...

Valerie's eyes shot open as she saw the shadow wolfs head slowly approaching her crotch.

"Stop!" Valerie screamed in panic as she felt its warm breath puff over her vagina, clothes doing nothing to hinder the insistent canine.

"Everything willl be fiiiiiineeeee." The creature said into Valerie's mind as she felt the slow scrape of the canine's broad tongue slide wetly across her sensitive lips. The feeling sent a shiver through her body as she kicked her legs through the creature to stop its invasive behavior but to no avail.

"STOP!" She screamed as loud as she could, her eyes closing in frustration and fear. The tongue continued it path before sliding softly across her hidden clit and then vanishing. Valerie sat there for a moment before she heard a knock on her door. Slowly she cracked an eye to find the creature was gone.

Quickly Valerie stood up and looked around her house. There was no trace that the beast had ever been in her house, no sign that she had been violated by a giant demon wolf... thing. She shuddered as she remembered the feeling and got to her feet. She swiftly walked over to the door and opened it to find her next-door neighbor staring at her with a look of concern.

"Everything, er, Alright Val?" He said as he tried to peer into her apartment.

"Y-yah I... it was just a, a bad dream." Valerie replied quickly. It took a bit of reassurance, but eventually the neighbor backed off and Valerie closed the door. She rested her back against the cool wood and sighed deeply. This was definitely a problem she thought as she tried to figure out what had just happened. She checked her watch before cursing softly to herself. She was going to be late to class if she didn't leave soon, no time for this nonsense. She adjusted her pants before grabbing her breakfast and backpack and leaving swiftly out the door, her shadow quivering slightly as it followed her out of the room.

"What is the excuse this time Ms. Montoya?" The professor questioned Valerie as she sheepishly walked in late to the class. Her neighbor had taken it upon himself to go and inform their landlord about her screaming earlier in the morning and the ensuing conversation when she had gotten downstairs had put her vastly behind schedule.

"I had to talk to my landlord, it was... important I swear." Valerie replied quickly as she glanced around at the class. Only a few of her classmates were looking at her, the majority of them were either half asleep or on their phones only present to gain the attendance grade.

"I told you last time that I would not be taking anymore tardies from you in my class." The professor said angrily. Valerie cringed as she waited for the punishment she knew was coming. She had been late numerous times to the class and her tardiness had unfortunately been noticed. The teacher had informed her that if she continued to be late he would give her a failing grade for the class and force her to take the course over again. She had barely dodged the bullet last time she was late on plea that she would never be late again, but this time she was royally screwed. "I'm going to have to, to..." the professor began before he paused briefly. "to..." he shook his head a bit and squeezed his eyes shut. He opened them slowly, the eyes looking oddly bloodshot. He regarded her but his gaze looked distant and clouded. "D-don't worry, everything is fine. Take your seat."

Valerie gasped before taking few steps back as an eerie smile grew on the professor's face. She quickly turned around and rushed to her seat as she watched the professor blink again before placing a hand on his head and looking around. Slowly he staggered to his desk before sitting down and giving Valerie a strange, confused look.

Valerie could feel her breathing start to quicken as she looked around cautiously. It was that creature again, Valerie thought nervously. It had to be. It did something to her teacher.

Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary as she watched her classmates pretend to pay attention to the lecture or write notes. Slowly she felt her breathing slow back to normal as she let herself relax. Maybe she just got lucky once again she thought as she watched her professor continue the day like he normally would. Things seemed fine, were... were fine. Were...

A warm puff of air on her knee made Valerie jolt in her seat, the action drawing the attention of a nearby classmate. She gave him a forced smile as she felt something wet slide across her leg softly. Once the classmate looked away, she stole a glance under the table to see the wolf creature casually lapping at her knee. She tried to stifle a gasp of shock as the beast materialized right in front of her, its head passing through the desk as its wispy body extended out into the room. She quickly looked around the room in panic as she realized that people would soon notice the mystical creature. A few of her class mates were giving her a confused glance before shrugging and staring back at their phones. The professor was droning on about math in the front of the class. No one seemed to notice the 6-foot demon wolf that was rubbing its cheek as it tried to wedge its head between Valerie's knees.

She let out a soft sigh of relief as realized she was the only one who could see the wolf. The relief was short lived as she felt the beast start to push its head forward, his cold wet nose slowly prying her legs apart.

"Gah, stop!" she whispered as she tried once again to push the beast away, her hand passing through it futilely. She felt her chair begin to scoot backwards with the force of the wolfs pushing, the metal causing a scraping across the ground and drawing some more attention from her class.

"Miss Montoya. Is there a problem?" The professor asked, a look of impatience present on his face.

"oh, uh... no I- I'm, everything is f-fine" she said nervously as the beast started to push harder.

"Yesssssss, everything issss fineeeee." She herds the voice of the wolf in her mind. "let me help."

"I already let your tardiness slide, against my better judgement, but I won't allow your disruptions in my class." The professor said sternly.

"Yessssss, no dissssstractionsssss." The wolf whispered harshly in her mind. She felt the wolfs muzzle push closer and closer to her crotch.

"Are we going to have trouble?" The professor asked.

"N- no." Valerie replied nervously. She glanced around and saw as more and more students were starting to look towards her. This is bad she thought as she moved her hand to wave her hand through the beast head.

"sssstop. Let me innnnn, let me hellllp" the wolf pleaded in her mind. Valerie bit her lip as she felt sweat start to accumulate on her brow. She could feel the wolfs breath puff warmly against her nether lips once again as it kept pushing. The feeling was, pleasant. More so then she wanted to let on in her mind. She felt a shiver course through her body as the shadow creatures tongue lapped out to slide across her inner thigh as it strained forward, its soft oral organ scraping softly across her sensitive skin. With a mental sigh Valerie closed her eyes and slowly widened her clenching legs.

The beast wasted no time and pushed forward, its large tongue sliding wetly across her vaginal lips. A small gasp slipped from her lips as she scooted in her chair until she was back under the desk and gave the professor a forced grin. He regarded her briefly before sneering and turning back around to continue his lecture. It took all Valerie had to keep a straight face while the shadow wolf continued his oral assault. Its probing tongue doing its best to pry apart her soft lips and delve into her inner depths.

A small hiss of pleasure escaped her lips as her back slid lower in the seat and her legs splayed slightly wider. The wolfs insistent tongue continued to push deeper and deeper as its curled and tickled at her soft inner walls. Soon the beasts cool nose was pressing against her stomach as the tongue continued to worm its way in.

Valerie lowered her hands and placed them on the back of the wolfs head, her fingers sliding through its soft midnight fur. Her fingers tightened reflexively as one of the wolfs laps slid roughly across her clit, her fingers pulling gently on the shadow creatures ears. She pulled his muzzle forward and slightly raised her hips.

She wanted him to, to help... her. He was helping her, feel better... so she could make others feel better. Him feel better. She felt a soft moan escape her lips as she imagined the beast helping her in other ways. Make everything fine. So, she could... what the hell was she doing!

Valerie shot up like a lightning bolt in her seat as she glanced around. Nearly everyone was staring at her with open wide eyes at the display they had just witnessed. She slapped a hand over her mouth as she stood up quickly and adjusted her pants. The creature was gone, it had vanished just as suddenly as it appeared and left her awkwardly in the middle of the class.

"I, uh I have to go to the bathroom!" she shouted and quickly made a beeline for the class exit.

It didn't take long for her to find herself staring at her own reflection in the mirror of the locked single-entry bathroom. Her breath was coming quickly as her heart pounded in her chest. She tried to remember exactly what had happened, but her memory of the event was hazy, as if she hadn't truly been there. She bent down cupped her hands in some running water before slashing the cool liquid on her face to try and slow her racing mind. After wiping the water off she looked once again at the mirror and gasped. Her once green eyes were completely red, the scarlet orbs staring her with the same intensity of the wolf from earlier. She scrambled back and tripped in surprise, her body bracing to contact the hard linoleum of the restroom floor. Instead of falling, however, she felt herself fall back against something warm and fuzzy. Looking around she was that the wolf was back, her body nestling into its plush furred side.

"AHHHH!" she screamed and rushed to the other side of the room before gazing at the panting wolf beast. It gave her another curious look before taking a tentative step towards her.

"Shhhhhhhhh." The wolf whispered in her head, its voice echoing and surrounding her thoughts. "let me heeeeelp youuuuuu."

"no, please just, leave me alone!" Valerie pleaded, tears welling in her eyes. She was so afraid. She could feel the creature probing at her mind, its presence always there, always clouding her thoughts.

"shhhhhhhh," it whispered again as it walked closer to where Valerie stood. "you want thissssss, wanted to be helpfulllll. Let me help youuuuu."

"No Stop! Stay away!" Valerie yelled in despair as it approached. She looked around but there was nowhere she could run to, the wolfs size dominating the small restroom. Panicking Valerie raised her hand.

"Solaruis Varectus!" she screamed as she felt a bolt of light explode from her finger and began to expand until it pushed against the shadow wolf. She heard a wail in her mind before the light passed through the beast and the wolf fizzled out and vanished.

Valerie stood there for a moment before she slumped down to her knees. She flinched as she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket before she quickly fished it out.

"Hello?" She answered weakly.

"OH MY GOD! VALERIE!" she heard her grandmother yell on the other line. "Valerie where are you! I've been trying to call you all day! I checked your apartment but I, you weren't there. I thought it.... I thought it already got you."

"What do you mean," Valerie replied with confusion. "this is the first time you've called me?"

"no, it's not," Her grandmother replied quickly. "listen honey, that spell is meant to bind a shadow demon and you released it. It, it will manipulate you Valerie, confuse and try to control you. It must have clouded your mind making you miss my calls. It will only get stronger with time Valerie, please tell me where you are!"

"I'm at college grandma," Valerie whispered out, the spell she was casting taking a lot of her energy. "I think I'm ok though, I cast sphere of light and it seemed to push the creature away."

"Oh no!" her grandmother exclaimed in shock. "the creature will feed off magical energy Valerie, you need to cancel the spell right away before it becomes stronger!"

"But, are you sure?" Valerie replied as fear began to creep back into her. "It's gone. The light made it go away! Wont it, wont it come back?"

"It is gone temporarily, but it is feeding off your magic and if it continues to do so it will become unstoppable. I'll be there for you as soon as you let down the barrier keeping me out. Just, trust me Valerie, let me help you. Everything will be fine."

Valerie blinked a few times as she tried to process this, to make sense of it, but everything was so distant. She could barely focus on the words and the spell was quickly draining her energy. With a gulp Valerie mentally agreed to trust her grandmother and let the spell fizzle. She watched as the magic sphere of light surrounding her slowly withdrew before vanishing, leaving her alone in the bathroom.

Almost immediately her phone started ringing. Looking over she saw that the device was sitting in the middle of the room. She felt a twinge of fear seep back into her mind as she tried to remember how the phone got there. She had just been talking on it, haven't she? She didn't remember dropping it. It was so hard to focus.

Slowly she crawled over to the phone and picked it up and answered it.

"Valerie! Where are you!" She heard her grandmother call out on the other side of the line.

"What are you talking about? I was just talking to you. "Valerie replied in shock.

"What, no? This is the first time I've called since last night." Her grandmother replied, worry present in her voice." Oh gosh, it's working much faster than I thought. I'm at your house! Valerie, I need you to come home, I need to dispel that demon as quick as possible. Valerie? Are you there?" Her grandmothers voice droned on as Valerie looked up to see the angrily growling shadow form of the wolf looming over her.

"Oh god grandma hel..." she started before she felt the wolf rush forward, the wolfs body passing harmlessly through her but her phone catching in its jaws. Valerie collapsed to the floor, a shiver shaking through her body, before slowly rising to her hands and feet to watch the beast behind her with wide eyes. It glared angrily at Valerie before it crunched down on her phone, pieces of glass and plastic shooting in various directions as the device shattered.

"I jussst want to heeeelp youuuu." The creatures whispered into Valerie's mind, it's voice fading from her grandmothers back to its own hissing tone. She tried to fight it, to push the creature back, but it was starting to overpower her thoughts.

"No please! Just leave me alone!" Valerie pleaded as she began to move backwards.

"NO!" The beast yelled in her mind making Valerie cringe in pain. "LET ME HELP YOU."

Valerie slumped to the ground and began to writhe in pain as she clenched at her head. It was in her mind, it was... it wanted to help her... help her become...

Valerie felt the creatures nose proud on her back before it lowered and began to nudge under her arm. It slowly rolled Valerie until she was on her back before walking around towards her legs. She couldn't fight any longer as the creature lowered its head and licked the fabric of her pants at her crotch. She watched as the tip of the creature's muzzle passed through the cloth of her jeans and she once again felt the warm, broad tip of the wolfs tongue on her cunt.

She flinched as the moist organ slid forcefully across her lips again and again, the pressure prying them further and further apart before delving inside. She moved her hand to try and futilely push the wolf away but her hand just made trials of smoke through its body.

The wolf gave a small growl before pushing forward and shoving its tongue deep into Valerie's torpid depths, eliciting a moan from the poor girl.

"Ssstop please." Valerie whispered softly between deep gasping breaths. The wolf only replied by flicking its long gong across her clit, the rough surface dragging across he sensitive nub and sending bolts of electric pleasure through her body. She could feel her hips buck subconsciously as the wolf continued his prodded, her traitorous body trying to give the demon better access to her folds.

She reached her hands down once again, however this time she felt as her hands collided with the wolfs head. She pushed her fingers through his fur once again as he continued to noisily lap at her cunt.

"Let. Me. Help. You." Valerie herd in her head. The wolf accentuating each word with a thrust of its tongue. She could feel her mental walls crumble as the demon continued to assault her.

H-help her. Help her so she could... be like him... be better so she could help, others. She looked at her hands as they sifted through the wolfs plush fur and noted how long her fingernails were getting, how claw like.

"Yesssss we can helllpppp othersssss." The wolf whispered. "Trusssst me, it willlll be ffffineeee."

"Trusssst, You?" Valerie replied dreamily, her mind addled with pleasure.

"Yessssss! Trust meeeee" the wolf whispered as it slowly pulled its mouth away from Valerie's lips. She watched as the beast straddled her body, its form moving forward until it was looming directly over her. It's deep red eyes bore directly into hers as she felt the wolf take hold of her mind.

"I, I trust... you." Valerie said as the beasts muzzle lowered towards her face, it's form fading in and out as the shadowy smoke was blown away by her breath.

"Everything will be fine." She said out loud and heard being said in her mind at the same time before the wolfs maw opened slightly and slid against her lips.

Valerie muffled a moan and the wolfs tongue slowly pushed its way into her mouth. She could taste herself as the beast fleshy tongue explored her oral cavity. She tried to push back, but the most she could do was softly scrape her tongue against the wolfs.

She gasped when the shadow wolf broke the kiss before it gave Valerie's neck a long lick. She shuddered as the wolf shifted its hips a bit before lowering then and she felt something hot and wet slide across her stomach. Looking down, Valerie saw as the wolfs red cock poked free of its sheath as he trailed it towards her cunt. She wanted to feel disgust at watching the monsters bestial cock move towards her vaginal lips, to feel hatred as it's pointed tip slowly pushed forward and prying her folds apart.

She wanted to cry and tell the beast to stop when that smooth length pushed slowly into her passage, but all she could do was moan and push her hips forward. It felt so good, the way his quivering length caressed her rippling flesh or the heated gushes of pre that escaped his invading tip. She gasped as she felt him pull back out before shoving his hips forward again, this time even more of his turgid length burying into her sweltering depths. It felt so good to let go, to let him help her.

She reached her hands out and slipped them through the fur on his chest, marveling in how warm and soft it was. She griped tightly as the wolf started to pick up speed, his thrusts going deeper and deeper. She watched as dark hares began to push from the skin of her hands as her bones started to shift, the silken hairs quickly growing thick. This... this should be wrong. Is wrong... right? She didn't, couldn't...

Another powerful thrust brought her mind screaming back as a moan of pleasure escaped her lips, her voice sounding more like a howl then anything a human could muster. She cringed as she felt a pain shoot through her entire body. Each thrust of the wolf made the growing ache increase as she felt her body begin to contort. She felt her legs push out, her feet growing longer as her toes started to fuse together into paws. Her chest slowly flattened as it became slightly broader as fur began to sprout in patches before thickening sporadically. She could see as her face elongated, the bones pushing out into a short proto muzzle as her ears lengthened and tracked up her face. She could hear the tearing of fabric as her body grew in size, her clothes ripping in strain due to her fur and newfound bulk.

She heard the wolf above her begin to pant as his thrusts started to become less deep. Valerie looked down in confusion as she watched more and more of the wolfs cock be pushed out with each thrust before she noticed how swollen her clit was becoming. The tiny nub was slowly elongating as it pushed further and further from her body, the tiny spire of flesh taking an angry red hue. After a few more thrusts, the shadow wolf pulled away from Valerie before stepping back a bit. The wolf turned around until it's still pulsing cock hung needfuly above her face before she watched the wolf slowly it lowers it head down towards Valerie's crotch before it's tongue unfurled and slowly slid across her elongated clit.

Valerie let out a moan of pleasure as she felt the wolfs tongue caress her new sensitive spire, the feeling unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She began to huff as she watched the wolf take her sensitive clit into its mouth before it suckled gently on it.

Valerie was trying to process what was happening but then sensations were too much. A new scent began to cloud her mind as her face and nose continued to change. She looked up and watched as the wolfs cock tip dripped a strand of pungent pre onto her chest fur before she lifted her head up and licked her tongue out. Her much longer tongue slid across the fur of the wolfs low hanging balls as she got a taste of him for the first time. The wolf jumped a bit at the contact before it widened its stance and lowered its hips a bit to give her better access. Valerie continued to lap hungrily at the wolfs plump testicles before she pushed forward and slathered her tongue across the wolfs veiny cock. Her tongue slid across the smooth surface before pulling on the top and angling it down into her waiting maw. She pushed forward until the turgid salty length was housed in her warm mouth before closing her lips and wrapping her tongue around it.

She moaned as the taste of the wolf exploded on her tongue. She could taste his virility just as easily as she could smell his rich male musk. A musk that was growing much more prevalent as the wolf continued to suckle on Valerie's growing cock. She... he knew that's what it was now as he felt sparks of pure pleasure course through him every time the wolf dragged his tongue across Valerie's tip. Valerie groaned as he felt a pressure directly under his cock as two orbs began to push out into a sack to hang heavily across Valerie's thigh, his new testicles quickly working to produce virile sperm. He felt as his cock soon filled out the wolfs muzzle, his hardened tip shooting out soft gushes of pre-down the wolfs throat. Valerie let his tongue snake out to lap at the wolfs growing knot, that mound of flesh pulsing angrily at the lack of recent attention.

Suddenly the shadow demon pulled his mouth off of Valerie's cock before taking a step back, the action eliciting a whine of disappointment from Valerie. Valerie looked down his body at the wolf who watched him expectantly before Valerie quickly rolled over onto his hands and feet... his, paws. He stood on all fours, his body nearly a spitting image of the wolf in front of him.

This is.... wrong... Valerie thought as he shook his head and glanced over to a mirror. He watched as a wolf with deep red eyes and slowly growing horns glared back at him. He marveled in how his body seemed to be comprised by smoke just like the demon wolfs, any movement causing a ripple to pulse through him as wisps of smoke trailed off sporadically.

"No, I heeeeeelped youuuuu." The wolf demon corrected as it walked over to Valerie and licked him on his cheek. Valerie watched as the wolf walked past him, the demons tail slowly dragging along Valerie's body before flicking across his chin.

"Now hellllp meeeeeee." It whispered needfuly before it flashed its tail to the side exposing its quivering tail hole.

Valerie felt his shaft jump in anticipation at the sight of the wolf presenting, but his mind still tried to fight, to hold on and rebel. He... she, she shouldn't... should go and hhhhhelp the demon... her...his mate. His mate needed help. He was needy and Valerie could help him.

Valerie took a few steps forward and gave his mates tail hole tentative sniff. Leaning forward the Exhuman let his tongue trail slowly across the demons quivering pucker. He slid his tongue across the hole in a small circle before pushing in, the act eliciting a moan from the shadow wolf. He probed deeply at the wolfs silken anal walls as he explored his mate, like he'd done hundreds of times before. He pulled his tongue out before letting it tickle playfully at the wolfs taint just like he knew he loved. With a grunt Valerie jumped and pulled himself up onto his mates back, his arms wrapping tightly around the wolfs waist as he lined up his cock with the waiting hole.

"Yessss, lettt me helllp you." Valerie said in the wolfs mind as he pushed forward.

The demon wolf wined out as it felt is anus slowly spread around Valerie's tapered length. The cock pushed forcefully into his depths as he tried to hold himself steady on the ground. Valerie paused for a moment before quickly pulling his cock back out and then slowly pushing into his mate. This time his cock reached even further into the molten depths of his lover. Valerie Continued to pull out quickly before slowly inserting himself into his mate until he felt his knot kiss the clenching tail hole.

Valerie was in heaven. The demon wolfs walls clenched around his cock snugly, the silken walls constantly pulsing with his mate's heart beat to massage his needy dick. He huffed loudly as he started to thrust faster into the demon. Valerie yelped in pleasure each time he felt his knot slam and pry at the wolfs anus.

Before long he started to push his hips harder and grind against the shadow wolf below him, his knot straining to gain entry into the moist and humid anus. As he pushed forward he felt his mate yelp and begin to push back and wiggle his hips in an effort to help lodge Valerie's knot. Pulling back Valerie shifted his stance on the ground before pushing forcefully forward. He felt his knot pry at the tail hole before the sphincter yielded and his entire length was hugged by the warm inner walls of his mate. Both canines yelped in pleasure as the knot swelled and locked them together.

Valerie began to thrust in short forcefully pumps as his cock pulled both their hips back and forth. Valerie moved his paws backwards until he felt his padded digits slide across his mates pulsing cock. He wrapped his paws around the cock so that every time he trust into his mate, his mates cock was forced to thrust through his paws. The shadow wolf could only take a few more thrusts before he howled out in pleasure and his cock began to shoot its load across the ground of the bathroom.

The clenching of his mate's orgasm proved to be too much for Valerie as he felt his own orgasm quickly approach and then completely over take him. His cock pulsed angrily inside of the torpid tomb of the shadow wolfs anus as it released it virile load directly into the wolfs clenching bowels. Each thrust pushed Valerie's pleasure higher and higher until he could no longer focus. His hips became a blur as he relentlessly pushed into the demon's anus and gave him everything he had.

Slowly the two wolfs orgasms died down and they slumped down on top of each other, Valerie's hard and squirting dick still lodged firmly within the demon wolfs hole. Valerie began to lick the back of his mate's neck affectionately as their forms slowly began to flicker. The bathroom door lock clicked and a light turned on in the restroom as the two demons vanished into the dark shadows of the room.

"What the hell happened here?" The janitor asked in shock as he looked at then mysterious fluids on the ground and smelled the musky air.

"Dooooont Worrrrry." A quiet voice whispered in his mind as the janitor scanned the area. "Yesssssss everything is fiiiiinnnneeee." Came another voice. The janitor scratched his head softly before turning around.

"Eh I'm sure it's fine." He said before walking down the hall, his shadow flickering briefly before trailing behind him.