Aaron: Beach Day

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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#5 of Aaron

_Sorry, took me very long. And it's not much sex, I know. But the next part will be a lotta yiffing, I promise.

All spelling and grammar mistakes are all yours!_

The car hooted in front of Aaron's house.

"Kids! Your friend is here!"

Wonderful, Mum... had never guessed, really... Of course Aaron didn't say that. He was a smart lad and preferred to live in peace - until he was able to get an own flat. Until then the old cat could believe in her good boy.

"I see you're intending to say something."

"Robert..." Aaron rubbed his neck. "Can't you go for shorts or anything like that? Speedos are..."

"Say, why are you always after the way how I dress?"

"'Cos it's..."

"Gay, and that's what I am. I could stay here, if that's what you want."

The car hooted again. "Geez, do what you want."

"Thank you, oh great kitty," Robert snapped back.

"Well, that is it," Aaron said and pointed. The car shook hard as it left the street and moved over to the grass. "Behind the hill."

All the way over Sydney had driven pretty carefully. Robert had been staring out of window all the time and hoped, Sid would please, please drive a bit faster. Just to meet the speed limit. As cute as Sid was, and as lovely he could swish with his tail, but driving was definitely not of the fox's strengths. But at least they had arrived now.

They all got out of the car and climbed up the hill. Now they could see a small part of the beach, surrounded by cliffs on both sides. Although the word 'cliff' wasn't really right here, they were just a bunch of high rocks, with caves and gabs. Robert rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah, kitty boy, nice place." With a quick movement Mike pulled his shirt over his head, opened his pants, grabbed the tomcat's paw and dragged him with him.

Aaron gasped, could only run with the kangaroo until he was feeling the sand under his feet and tried to brake.

"What? Scared of water, kitty boy?"

"Stop calling me kitty boy."

"Are you scared of water or not?"


"Wonderful," Mike said, put one arm around the cat's shoulders, the other around the hips and lifted the rather light tomcat up.

Aaron screamed as the kangaroo just threw him into the water, with all his clothes. He struggled a moment until he had remembered he was able to swim. "Not fair," he yelled as he broke through the water surface. A strong paw pressed him down again.

"Try to catch me!" Mike shouted as Aaron emerged again.

Fast Aaron got rid of his clothes. His swimming clothes were on the beach, but he didn't care. Naked he swam behind the kangaroo.

"He planned that," Robert remarked and took the bags out of the car.

"You bet."

"He's a nice 'roo."

"Hm-hm..." Sydney smiled and they went over to the beach. On the warm sand, he slowly undressed. "Hey, what are you doing there?"

"Spreading my towel. Important." Robert sat down on the just spread towel and removed his t-shirt and trousers.


"You think?"

"Oh, if I hadn't seen it yet, I'd stare on it now."

"You do, though."

"Hm-hm..." Slowly Sydney made his way up Robert's body, to the face, and looked into the eyes. For a while they looked into each others eyes. Sydney had to admit that the dog's brown were not only very beautiful, but also deep... very deep...

Slowly their heads moved together. Both didn't really know what to do but a kiss seemed to be a solution... Their lips touched. Sydney embraced the dog, Robert returned that favour and leaned back into the sand. Sydney lay on him, their tongues touched and played.

The fox's paw stroked over Robert's body, down, while Robert ruffled the orange fur on Sydney's back. Slowly Sydney's paw moved down, until found what he was looking for. "Hmm..."

They lips disconnected and Robert looked questioning. "We... we should go between the rocks for that..."

"Hm-hm..." Sydney slipped off Robert's body and stood up. He threw his shorts away and went to the rock.

Soon they had found a nice spot, and they started making out again.


"You wish, kitty boy," Mike said and dived under Aaron. The tomcat reacted quickly and forced the kangaroo to get up.

"Let my tail go!"

"No way!"

"Then I'm sorry," Mike said, dived and dragged Aaron with him easily. The catboy wasn't aware of that and swallowed a lot of water. He had to let the tail go to get over the surface and spit out the salty water. Some moments later he swam behind the kangaroo, to the beach.

"Wait a moment," Aaron said and stopped. "I must fish my clothes outta the water and get my shorts on."

Mike turned around quickly. "Oh, that necessary?" He swam closer. "Carn, doesn't matter if you're naked." He smiled and swam further.

"My mother will kill me if my pants are ruined, really." With those words, Aaron made some quick movements to the beach. He picked up his completely soaked clothes. Fortunately they were still floating on the surface. And fortunately there hadn't been anything in the pockets.

Finally Aaron had managed to get onto the beach. Gosh, he was completely soaked, and his fur was now flat and dark. Must look bad, he thought. The resisted the urge to lick himself dry and went over to the spread towel. Spread towel? Who does such things? He took the towel, shook the sand out of it and started to rub his fur dry.

His ears perked. "Hehehe... Robert..."

Mike ran out of the water. "Hey, Aaron!" If he just shouted loud enough, the lovers should be warned.

But Aaron didn't listen and went over to the rocks. Curiosity made him following the noises. He already knew what was going on there, he wasn't that stupid, but he needed to see. Was Robert cheating on him? Was the dog really cheating on him with his best friend?

He froze. There, leaned against one of the white, smooth rocks, was the fox, head tilted upwards, smiling and groaning, ruffling the dog's head fur in passion. Squatted in front of him was Robert, pleasing Sydney's erect cock with his tongue.

Aaron's muzzle opened and closed several times. He didn't know what to do. They didn't even notice him, they were too busy with each other. He lifted his paw, let it falling down again. As Sydney let out a load groan and Robert got his load into his face, he just did what he felt like: Screaming.

"You stupid idiot! I hate you!" And then he spun around and ran away.

"God!" Sydney shouted out, startled.

"Shit," Robert mumbled. "Verdammte Scheiße." They both went behind the feline boy and met Mike.

"Ermm... sorry, mates..." the kangaroo apologised.

"Not your fault." They all looked up to the rocks on the other side. Aaron had climbed up there, with a remarkable speed, and was now sitting there, pouting. Strange boy, Robert thought.

"I'm gonna talk to him," Sydney said.

"No," Mike replied. "Not you. He'd explode on you. I'll go." He sighed. "And you try to clean yourselves up."

Aaron found a small stone and threw it at the horizon. He was pouting. He felt insulted. Although he couldn't really figure out why he was insulted, he was. He didn't feel hurt, even though, that's what he was telling himself, he should. And he noticed he hadn't put on his swimming pants. But that didn't matter at all. He was angry. Very angry.

"Umm... listen, mate," Mike started.

"Leave me alone, I'm pouting." He weighted a stone in his paw to show that he wouldn't mind to throw it even at persons. And things he formerly thought of as persons.

"Carn..." Mike tried again and watched the stone disappearing in the water. "Y'see... gayness is... just normal... it's just liking guys, you know."

Aaron frowned. "What are you on about?"

Mike opened his mouth and closed it again. Bad situation. Handle with care. "You first."

But Aaron didn't feel like talking. He kept throwing stones. Mike inched closer and glanced down at the other boys. They seemed to argue, but not very harshly. Mike guessed they were trying to tell each other how stupid they had been. Hey, it had been a good idea. Yiffing on the beach, maybe while the sun goes down... yes, very romantic. But Aaron blew it.

Mike glanced at the cat's tail, it was flinging around nervously. The tomcat was irate. But somehow... well, if he was really offended by anything, he would've grabbed his clothes and started to walk home.

"He stole my guy," Aaron finally transformed his anger into words.


"He just seduced Robert, although he knew he was mine." Another stone fell into the sea. "And I thought he was my friend."

"Now, now... as far as I know you've known each other for three years now. And you just want to throw that away because of Robert?" That was a story for a soap opera, not reality.

Aaron didn't answer, he just grunted and collected new stones from all around.

"And... don't you think Robert can decide who he wants?" The kangaroo shook his head. "Sorry, mate, but if Robert prefers Sid to you, it's his decision. Although I can't understand it."


"Well, that he could prefer anybody to you."

"Very funny," Aaron grunted and almost hurt himself with the next, rather big stone.

"Wanna know what I think? I think you're just angry because he ain't gonna root you anymore."

"How could you know I even want him?"

"Oh, come on, we wouldn't sit here if you didn't want the German boy."

"Argh," Aaron breathed out and sucked on his finger. He'd cut it on a sharp stone. "Okay! I admit it, I wanna yiff him. And now Sydney stole him."

"You forget that Robert is not a yiffing toy. He's a person, just like you."

A pause of almost two minutes. "Why are you so fucking right?"

"Experience." He moved closer. "Listen, mate... you shouldn't be angry with them. Sid is a very good friend of yours, he doesn't deserve your wrath." Slowly he put his arm around the cat's shoulders. Aaron didn't struggle. "And... whatever it is you want from Robert..." He took the risk and kissed. "You can get it from me..."

Bewildered Aaron stared back. Something kept him from saying yes. He just stared. Geez, why was he always keeping himself from being happy? He looked down. "O-Okay..."

"Hi, Mum, just wanted to tell you Robert and me are gonna sleep at Sydney's. Thank you, Mum, bye!" He handed the mobile phone back to Sydney.

"Wasn't much swimming," Robert remarked. He was lying on his towel and staring into the sky.

"Nobody says we need to leave right now," Sydney said.

"Guys, I am..."

"Stop that already, Aaron. You said it often enough. Geez..."

"As for me," Mike said and stretched. "I'm not intending to leave before sunset." He rummaged in his bag and pulled a radio out of it. "You can do what'cha want, I'm just relaxing now." He lay down into the sand and switched the radio on. "Oh, nice song."

[Author recommends: Men At Work - Down Under]

[Gosh, that's a sexy voice...]

The others had watched. Aaron was sitting a bit aside. He was feeling somehow bad, now as he had seen his mistakes. Of course, Robert wasn't his personal sex toy. He had just been so happy that he finally had someone who would do all this with him, and then the dog just went over to someone else and didn't look at him anymore. And then just seeing them together... well, made him explode. But not for long. Now he was just feeling bad.

Aaron lay down into the warm sand. Yeah, just relaxing. And, most important: Not disturbing the lovers. Probably he was also envious of them. Oh, yes he'll just lie here and analyse his mind and feelings. A lot of work.

"And what about us?" Robert asked.

"I've got an idea..." Sydney said, pushed the dog into the sand and came over him.

"Sid... Sid... Not in front of Aaron, didn't you learn anything?" He kissed shortly. "Let's keep it PG 'til we're at yours..."

Sydney pushed himself up from the canine body. "So swimming then?"

"Yeah, why not," Robert said and stood up. He took the vulpine paw and together they went into the water.

For some moments, Aaron heard only the water and the music.

"Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder... you better run, you better take cover..." Mike mumbled. "A penny for your thoughts."


"A penny for your thoughts," Mike repeated, and then something landed on Aaron's chest.

Aaron picked the coin up and took a look. "What is that?"

"A lyrebird."

"A what?"

"Lyrebird. Doesn't matter. Ten cents for your thoughts."

"Do you think I'm that cheap?"

"I dunno," the kangaroo said, rolled several times and now lay right next to the cat. He made his head rest on his paws and looked at Aaron rather mischievously, in Aaron's opinion. "Tell me."

"I already told you."

"You told me about jealousy and false pride. But that's not you. Tell me about you."

Aaron kept staring into the sky as the kangaroo's paw started stroking over his chest. "What is here to tell?"

"About you... Sydney used to have a crush on you."

That surprised Aaron, he turned his head to the kangaroo. "He did?"

"Well, of course. Oh, may remark how incredibly cute you are when you're pouting naked on a rock?"

"He really did?"

"Hm-hm... just a pity that he always thought you were straight and stuff. Oh, well, too late now." Mike ruffled the fur gently. "About you... I'd really like to know what you want. What you like..." Aaron snapped for air as he felt the paw slip into his swimming pants. "Do you like that?" His paw touched Aaron's cock.

Aaron could only nod quickly. The paw started to stroked over his maleness, he moaned a bit. With the other paw, Mike pulled the pants down the feline legs. The kangaroo moved his head closer to Aaron's crotch. The tomcat dug his paws into the warm sand in anticipation.

Tender licks made his penis fill with blood and grow. Mike had moved his muzzle so the feline penis grew right into his hungry mouth. He made his lips embrace the glans, craving for milking the boy. He listened to Aaron already moan louder and started his pleasing rhythm. With paw, tongue and lips he stimulated the cat, made him moan, groan and express the pleasure. Aaron felt the climax approaching fast due to the new kind of stimulation he hadn't felt before. The wet pleasing of his cock sent hot waves up his body, made him tremble and breathe heavier. Now he was moving his legs rather uncontrolled. Almost... just a bit more... he grunted and grabbed more sand. Only... yes!

Mike smiled as the cat's cum filled his mouth. He quickly swallowed it up and licked a bit more. Then he rolled off Aaron's body, into the sand, and looked into the sky, still smiling. Oh, he had gotten another one.

Aaron lay in the sand, panting, naked with the pants pulled down, his penis slowly softening and shrinking. He was wondering what was going to happen now. But he was also too afraid to screw it up to just say what he wanted: More.

Mike tipped the top of his penis. His very big and very prominent erection in his pants made Aaron's eyes go wide. Even bigger than Robert... "Say, will you be returning the favour?"

Aaron smiled weakly and rolled over. Foreplay? No need. Quickly, impatiently, he removed the kangaroo's pants. The huge cock was now right in front of his face, he stared at it in awe. Then he made on of his paws embrace the cock. Aaron stuck out his tongue and let it run up the penis, down again and up another time.

With his paw he stroked, with his cat-tongue he stimulated by lick. He tried his best, there was too much of male flesh to put it onto his mouth, but he licked over the glans and rubbed with his paw. He just realised how inexperienced he was, but he tried his best. He felt mike ruffling through his head fur, and he listened to the kangaroo's pleased moans.

He continued that work for a while. Slowly we was afraid that he was doing it too bad for the kangaroo to cum. Aaron tried to intensify, got louder moans from the other boy. Then suddenly, he felt the fingers seize his hair, the penis bulged slightly under his paw and then he got a huge load right into his face.

Aaron looked up to Mike and grinned out of his cum-covered muzzle. "Good?"

"Very nice... still room for improvement..."

"Teach me," Aaron said and crawled up.

Mike put his arm around Aaron's body and started to stroke the cat's back. Oh, he'd been hoping for Aaron saying that. Hmm... He licked some of his own semen out of Aaron's face. "Will do."

"Look who already started the party," Robert said. They both looked up. The couple was back out of the water.

Sydney grabbed a towel. "Let's go home, there we can do the really good stuff..."