Along with the Snow

Story by Calico64 on SoFurry

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#42 of Writings

A commission for Lunar_Nobis

Winter Solstice is signing up for college! Little does he know that a simple slip of his hand will change the way his day is going, completely. This sudden change put priorities on hold! See what it's all about!

Chapter 2:

If there was one time in Ranchtown that truly hyped up the air quite a bit, it was College Registration day. Pledgers were doing the stupid crap they always did to get into the Sorority or Fraternity of their choice. Cheerleaders and sports players were out there getting the pulses up in the crowd with their cheers and shouts. While there was a good number of kids getting into the excitement, most of them just wanted to get their classes registered before they were all full up. The crowd was huge that day, and Winter Solstice probably picked one of the worst times to arrive.

The very bright blue unicorn with flowing, spiky icy blue hair sighed as he held his phone in his hand, and hoped to the powers that be that it wasn't too late. He had on a thick jacket, and an expensive pair of pants that held his legs tight. The air wasn't gusting, but the breeze in itself was rather freezing. A fresh layer of snow had laid itself down over night, but that was rather normal for the time of year. He didn't mind the cold too much, it was, after all, his name sake. While others were shivering every time there was a good wind blowing by, he simply side stepped into the pack.

He ambled through the crowd, looking for the main classes he needed to take. Thankfully, though, it wasn't the English or Math classes that people were crowding around, those were the big electives. The ponies in the stands were scrambling to get them signed up, and using his phone for the reference, he started his way around the registration site. He signed his name on many forms, and took copies of his own from the pink papers below them. He swished his backpack off of one shoulder and stuffed the papers down into it, not too worried about wrinkling them. He wasn't too selective when it came to the condition of his own files, he just wanted to have them as proof.

It was a struggle to get around people. There were young mares coming up to him to sign petitions to heighten the quality of life around the dorms, and there were stallions coming up to him to join their frats. He nodded to them and waved them away, making up some excuse that he was late for something, when he more or less just wasn't interested. Winter finally got all of his main classes signed up, and he still had room for one more elective.

Well, there was the problem. He had no idea what he wanted to do, and he wanted to be careful. He didn't want to sign up and pay for a class only to find out it wasn't what he thought it was, or that it was entirely too hard to concentrate on and end up dropping out of it. He had some scholarships he could muscle in with, but even those were dreadfully sketchy when it came to spending their money. Wasting scholarship money did not look good on his record, and he didn't want to end up losing one all together.

Winter was sensible enough when it came to school. He wasn't the greatest student ever, but he was also no slouch. Even when times got hard, he tried his best to stick with it. Having been raised by a single mother, he knew how hard life could get, and he swore to her up and down that he would not let it all go to waste. Frozen Pop was a lovely mare, and she loved her son very, very much, but that was a story for another time.

He walked around for a bit, asked some questions, got some catalogs and brochures for whatever looked interesting. Art came up more than once, but then he thought about the work involved in such a field, and wondered if painting a picture at the last minute was worth missing a full essay in English Comp. He thought about it for a moment, and decided to think while he walked around, assuring the Art Class Sign-up stand that he would be back with an answer.

Only he was doing a little too much thinking, and not enough of paying attention to where he was going, and he started to get into a huge crowd of jocks and sports ponies that were continuing their hooping and hollering as they pranced around with enough school spirit that could be measured by the miles. He decided he could think better elsewhere, and turned around. Only as he turned around, his hand didn't so much brush up, but more slid across a soft orb of some kind. He moved his hand, and looked down to see that there was a mare's butt that was clad in a pair of red sweat pants.

It took him a moment to put together that he had accidentally just groped her butt. He looked up to see that this bright tan furred unicorn was glaring directly at him with piercing green eyes. She brushed her brown and white mane out of her face, and before he could say any sort of apology, her hand came back fast, swatting full palmed into his right cheek. His face went numb on one side as it turned all the way to the right. After just a few seconds, the numbing turned into a burning of which he held his cold hand against.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" She hollered at him. Thankfully her protests were drowned out from the crowd as the cheerleaders and jocks continued to make a ruckus around them. "Just because I'm bent over, signing up for a scholarship does not invite you to cop a feel on my ass!"

"But I--" He started, but she interrupted him as she pulled her red jacket around her ample breasts to hide them as well. Although they were clad in a sports bra and black t-shirt, thoroughly left to the imagination.

"I oughtta report you to the school board! Sexual harassment has a serious zero tolerance on school grounds! I could get you expelled! But I feel like I should probably just kick your ass right here right now!" She held up both of her fists as she invaded his personal bubble directly up into his face. Her unicorn horn crossing with his.

"Whoa whoa whoa! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to touch you!" Winter shouted as she was just about to rear back for a punch. "I was just turning around and my hand brushed up against you, I didn't mean to!" He held his hands up defensively, moving their position to try and catch her fist, wherever it came from.

She stood there for a moment, and at first, she figured he was just lying, but she looked him over, and he didn't quite have the gropey type of aura. In fact, he kind of reminded her of one those kids from the movies, the ones who have a good heart, but end up getting killed by the monster, and their character is built in that sort of way to make us feel sorry for them. The expression of terror on his face told her that he was more or less wasn't fibbing. That it had, indeed, been an accident. Some predatory stallions would have just kept smiling, even after she slapped them, and still try to get her phone number. She had dealt with more than a few of those pervs, and straightened them out but good.

She wasn't getting a scholarship for hockey, she LIVED, BREATHED, and ATE hockey! Her body was built as solid as a feminine brick, and her reflexes were agile, and sharp so she could catch hockey pucks with her stick. She was also built that tough so she could slap asshole stallions who thought she was a plaything to grope on.

After just a moment, she calmed down a bit, and saw that his breathing was relaxing, but his hands were still up in that defensive stance, as if he didn't trust her not to lash out at him once again.

"I'm sorry." She said, and that finally got him to put his hands down and stand up straight. "I've been around too many corners with touchy feely jerks." She looked off toward the jockeys dancing around some freshman who was trying to sign up for football. Then she looked back at Winter. "I'm Golden Goal."

She extended her hand to him, and he took it in his in a shake.

"Winter Solstice, nice to meet you." He looked around, and was still caught up in that awkward moment of 'I just touched your ass, but nice to meet you. Nice slap by the way.'

"Likewise." She smiled now. "Were you signing up for sports?"

"Me? Oh, no, I was just deciding on an elective to take. It looks like it's gonna be art." He said, rubbing the right side of his cheek, still feeling that uncomfortable tingling.

"Oh, crap, I feel terrible for slapping you now." She blushed and looked off to the side, and giggled a little bit. "I got you pretty good too, I can still feel your cheek in my hand."

"It's fine, I've had worse." He smiled, but that made his cheek tingle even harder, so it didn't last long.

"Well, either way, here." She turned around, and picked up a business from a container on the tent's table, and a pen. She turned back to him. "Turn around." Golden said, and he complied with a curious look. The mare put the card up against his back and wrote on it. As she pulled it off, Winter turned back around to her, and she handed it over.

It was her phone number. She even drew a tiny smiley face beside it. Winter's eyes widened as he saw this, and looked at her to see she was smiling now. To her, he had an adorable look on his face, and this made him blush even harder.

"There, call me sometime. I gotta get going, my ride is going to be here in a bout five." She walked away, and his eyes followed her. She turned and waved at him with another smile. "Seeya around!"

He stood there, staring off into space now, and then looked back at the card. It was literally the first phone number he'd ever gotten from a girl, and wasn't entirely sure how to handle such a thing. It was like some ancient, foreign object that if he moved in just the wrong way, it could shatter into dust and float away on the wind. That reminded him, though, he needed to put it in his phone immediately.

That was when he felt a hand come up and touch his shoulder. "Hey bro, were you interest-"

"GAH!!-" He jumped out of his skin, and his horn activated its magical glow, zapping the newcomer immediately! He looked to see that he had partially frozen a pony in a cube of ice, and the pamphlets in his hand scattered everywhere. They were advertisements for buckball, and it stated in bright red letters on the front "Ranch U Nightmares, Buck All of YOU!"

"Oh, God! Uuuhh, sorry!" He said, saw that the guy he had frozen was still alive, and still conscious, but his face was frozen in a horrified expression. "Ummm, you'll thaw here in a bit. Sorry!" He said and started running. He did the Art Class elective fill out form as fast as he could, and he ran off toward the town library, which wasn't far from campus.

"Sloooooooooooow down, Winter. Catch your breath." Fable whispered to him.

Winter was sweating, Fable figured if anyone could sweat in this kind of weather, it was him. The young, red furred pegasus was shelving books at the Ranchtown library. It was a dull, and uninteresting job, though the perks were alright. It was quiet, and you got to read books when there was nothing else to do. Fable liked it, but he knew why others did not last long in such an environment.

"Now, what's this about someone slapping a number on your face?" He said, as he shelved a book under the F column in the fiction section, for Feather Light.

"No... no... She slapped me, and then she gave me her number. I accidentally touched her ass when I passed her by." Winter said as he followed his pegasus friend from one aisle to the next.

"Was it a nice ass?" The black maned pegasus snickered as he shelved another one.

"What?... Well, yeah it was, but that's not the point. I have her number, and it looked like she actually wanted me to call her. Isn't that insane? There was a lot of stuff I was expecting to happen at the college registration. I could have gotten pulverized by jocks, spray painted by pledgers, even got snowballed by some pranksters. Getting a hockey girl's number was not on that list, by any means." Winter said, his head still reeling from what had happened. It all seemed to happen so fast now that he tried to think about it.

"Well, that's good. When are you planning to call her?" Fable jumped a little bit, flapped his wings to get a little higher up the shelf, and poked it through the space between two other hardbacks.

"That's just it, Fable, I don't know. I have no idea what to do! I was lost in those beautiful green eyes of hers, I couldn't think! Now all I can do is think about how I'm gonna screw this up." Winter's eyes began darting back and forth, trying to think of something in the library that might be able to help him. He could get a dating guide, but those always gave such crappy advice, and quite honestly he didn't feel like reading an entire dumb book before calling Golden.

"Well, that's the spirit, dear boy." Fable put on his aristocratic voice with the high class drawl in his speaking. "Relax, Winter, anyone can tell you that being high strung is not going to help you in the least." That was when the pegasus looked up with a confused expression. "Wait, are you coming to ME for advice?"

"Well... kinda?" Winter gave a nervous smile at him.

"What in Celestia's Equestria do you think I can do to help? It's not like I'm swimming in mares at the moment."

"But you tapped a girl's ass right he--" That was when Fable brought a hand to Winter's muzzle and stopped him from talking. Fable gave him a look as if he was absolutely nutso! Then he looked around to make sure no one had even heard him utter that phrase, especially Miss Hardcover. If she even heard anything about kids having sex in her library (which happened more than he'd like to admit) he would be fired so damn fast his wings would fall off.

"Ooohhh, Winter, how about we not talk about the sort of thing that could get my pony ass canned." He hissed at Winter, and the bright blue unicorn nodded. Fable removed his hand from Winter's mouth and kept shelving more books. "Now, look, yeah, I may have... some experience with the fairer sex, but I am definitely not the guru on the subject. You just gotta play it smooth. Call her tonight, ask her out to a movie, that's always a good start. Then, if the movie goes well, walk with her through town. It's like, what, Thursday today?"

"Yeah, but a movie sounds pretty bland, doesn't it?" Winter asked, and picked up a book with his magic horn, and placed it in the place it was supposed to go.

"Yeah, maybe a little bit, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot of things to do in a college town. You can think of something." Fable looked over at him again, seeing that Winter now had his hand over head forehead, rubbing his fingers on his horn, obviously in deep thought.

That was when Fable's eyes lit up a bit, and he got out his phone. This drew a look from Winter, and he observed his pegasus friend searching through his contacts. Then he began to text.

"What are you doing?" Winter asked, trying to get a good look at his screen.

"I'm getting you someone who might actually be able to help." He grinned as he was messaged back. Fable's blue eyes looked back at Winter, who was still in a state of dumbfounded curiosity, but also a look of slight optimism.

"Alright, bro. Before you call this girl..."

"Oh, Golden Goal." Winter said, checking the little card she gave him to make sure he got her name right.

"Right, before you call Golden, go to this address." He held up the screen in front of Winter, and he squinted to read the small text on his messenger.

"Uh huh, and who exactly is..."

"Home Stretch?" Winter asked as he stood outside of a bright red house in the suburbs. The house seemed nice enough, and he saw that there were no cars in the driveway.

"That's me!" Home Stretch stood outside of her door, and to Winter's great surprise and amazement, she was wearing a Cheerleading outfit. She was a college student, obviously. The gigantic red R stood out on her black cheerleader suit with a red border and trim. She was the epitome of both cute and hot all rolled into one. The freckles on her face made her look young, but her height and developed buxoms gave evidence that she was a little older than Winter, probably around twenty. Her fur was a very dark, luscious blue, and her hair was a very deep teal. "Fable said you needed some dating advice. I kind of owe him a favor." She gave him a wink and took a step back. "Come on in!"

He walked in, taken in by a fairly spacious living room area, there were two reclining chairs close to the wall to the fair left, and a couch beside them. One thing he noticed was there was a very large amount of books mounted on three separate bookshelves throughout the entire room, two on the far wall, and one to the right of him. They were enormous shelves, and all of them were packed full of books. He suddenly knew how Fable got to know her.

"This waaayy~" She sang a little as she walked back to a hallway on the right far end of the living room, and they both walked across the pink carpet. "So, tell me about this girl. How pretty is she?"

"She's majestic." He said, his thoughts suddenly turning to Golden Goal, and the heat on his cheek flaring up slightly as he did.

"Ooooo, majestic, that's a good word." She said as she walked to the farthest room in on the right side of the hallway, and opening the door to her room. It was a cluttered mess. Beauty products, an assortment of pompoms, sports paraphernalia, and magazines were strewn everywhere. Then, of course, there were the books. She had a collection of romance novels, horror tales, adventure stories, and other assorted genres, but all of these were neatly stood across her dresser, with bookends on either side of the long row. "Now, come in, sit wherever you'd like." She said as she sat on her full sized bed, and patted the space next to her after she shoved a pile of magazines off of it.

Winter smiled at this, and sat beside her on her bed. It was obvious that he was not very comfortable, though, his nervousness was written across his face. Home Stretch was good at reading people, and just by the way he crossed his arms across his belly, it showed that he was blocking a little.

"Hey, relax, woosa, get comfortable. You don't need to be so straight laced around me. It takes a lot to offend me, I promise." She winked at him, and then touched both of his arms, pulling them apart. "Now, go on about this whole sticky situation you're in."

"Well, I dunno, I don't have that much experience with girls, and I don't know what to do, even if I do call her. I keep thinking I'll say the wrong thing, or kill the mood by saying something wrong." Winter said, and then tapered off into his own train of thought.

Home Stretch clapped her hands together, snapping him out of it immediately, and he looked at her with wide eyes.

"You are thinking, like, waaayyyy too much. You need to relax, and I can help a little." She sat up straight and put her hands on her hips as she smiled at him. "Just act like I'm this girl, what's her name?"

"Golden Goal." He said, and looked at her, all the sudden, he noticed how tight that cheerleader outfit was very tight on her.

"Alright, I'm Golden Goal, just take it easy, and ask me anything at all." She smiled, but then put on her serious face as she nodded toward him.

"Oh." He looked from side to side, then looked at her in a slightly serious expression. "Ummm, so I was wondering if you..." He kept looking at her, and she couldn't help but smile. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to see a movie this weekend?" He asked, but then he looked left to right. "But if you're busy, I understand."

"Ah ah, there you are, right there. No, do not second guess your question. Look at me, and ask that question with no other questions on your mind. Your first line was almost perfect, just ask once, and do not second guess it with a lot of drivel." She said, and positioned his chin up a bit more with a hand on it, and she took both of his hands, putting them on his hips. "Oh! I know what can help!"

She got up from the bed, and went to her dresser, pulling open some drawers, sorting through a few things. She looked in her tank top drawer, her underwear drawer, then got into her bra drawer. Winter blinked as she sorted through her unmentionables, and wondered if she was wanting him to look away. He gave a mental shrug, figuring she'd tell him to look away if she wanted him to.

That was when she got on her knees and bent over to look in the lower slots of her dresser. The ones without drawers for one reason or another. His jaw dropped open completely. Her skirt hiked up over her butt and she had no panties on at all. Her dark blue furred butt cheeks were shown in all of their everloving glory. Underneath, there was her partially opened labia, giving a small peak into the pink part of her very tight slit.

Winter's cock grew to its fullest extent, and dear Celestia was it getting hot all of the sudden.

"Ah ha!" She shouted, and came up with a hitachi wand, a white one with a blue, bulbous head on top of it. She turned it on to check the batteries, and it purred like a cat. "Yes, this should work quite well. She turned back to him, and saw that he looked even more nervous than before. His smile had sporadic wreck all over it. "Oh, dear me, what in Equestria could be wrong? Do I really make you that jittery?"

"Um, no! Not at all, I'm just a little hot." He chortled a little, and she walked over to him with a grin on her face.

"Well, I can't help you there, it is winter time, and the mother person doesn't really like a freezing cold house." She said and got behind him on the bed, walking on her knees to his back, and began to work the vibrating wand over him.

His skin broke out into gooseflesh, and he had to admit, it was quite nice. She worked the head all over his back very slowly.

"There, feeling better? More soothed, and cooled off." She looked over his shoulder to see the very large bulge in his pants was about as subtle as a jackhammer, and her eyes lit up a bit. Her grin widened across her face and Home Stretch got close to his ear and whispered. "How about you sooth me a little now?"

"Oh, ummm, okay." He turned to her, standing up to the edge of the bed. As he reached for the wand, she turned it off and sent it across the bed. It hit the bottom of the mattress and rolled off onto the floor.

"Noooo, that thing's old news." She bent over and got on all fours. Her hand went up to the crotch of his pants, and she used her fingers to trace both sides of his very large erection. "You need to sooth me with this monster."

In a flash, his pants were opened, and fell to his feet, along with his boxer briefs. "Oh, wha-what do--" She interrupted his stutters by shoving the entire length of his hard on down her throat, and it slid in with very little effort. She moaned as she felt his massive dick fill her mouth, and her tongue began to work the bottom as her head bobbed back and forth on it. "Ooohhh, Home Stretch, that's..." He attempted to talk, but her skill was palpable, and her technique was gorgeous in its execution.

Home Stretch considered fellatio an art, one that you needed to hone with every fiber of your being. It was by far her favorite part of sex. She gorged herself on cock, and worked as hard as she could to get that wonderful cream filling as her sweet reward. She pulled it from her mouth and looked up toward him.

"Mmmmm, it's such a beautiful piece of meat. I didn't know they came in such a beautiful blue." Home stretch jerked his cock, which was indeed a sky blue with dark blue spots all over it. "It's so beautifully thick."

"Home Stretch!" A female voice called from the living room, and the door shut.

Every muscle in Winter's body tensed up at that point, even his penis muscle that made it go straight up and point diagonally toward the ceiling.

"In here, Mom! Come here!" His jaw dropped as she called back to her mother, he looked at her with an almost betrayed expression, and she merely winked.

"Oooohhhh Dear Celestia, what do we have here?" In came a taller, purple mare with wider hips, and a bit of a thicker form to her body. Her breasts, however, were not slightly bigger, they were far bigger than Home Stretch's, who was no slouch to begin with. He was no expert at bra sizes, but she easily beat DD's.

The older mare came to Winter's side, and he eyed her, frozen in place by this very strange, but suddenly interesting situation. She wore a long, pink and white flowered skirt, and her top matched. Her name tag on her blouse was for the mall just up the street, and told him her name was "Bow."

"Dearest me! He is a specimen, isn't he?" Her eyes brightened as Winter's stiff sex organ, and she took its slobbery length in her hand, as Home Stretch handed it off to her. He turned toward her as she got to her knees and dropped her purse beside her. "Hi, I'm Bow and Arrow." She winked at him, and looked down at his blue rod like a starving predator.

"I'm Winter Solst-- NNN!!" If Home Stretch's blowjob was a double bacon cheeseburger, then Bow and Arrow's blow job was a full steak dinner! Her tongue touched every single sensitive area on his dick, and whatever she didn't reach, her hand massaged it with a slick easiness that got his whole length pulsing, and twitching.

"Wait, Mom!" Home Stretch pulled off her cheerleader top, and allowed her purple nippled tits to bounce out as she got onto the ground next to her mother, who only let up on stroking his cock momentarily. She was just in time to catch the first two spurts of jizz as he cringed and groaned in the back of his throat. Both of them caught every drop of semen into their mouths, their chins, and Stretch made sure that her ample breasts were spattered. Seven shots in all, and his stiffness only lost a fraction of its solidity.

With almost, no effort what so ever, Bow and Arrow, who flicked her pink, long hair with bottom curls over her shoulder, began to tickle his ballsack with her fingernails, and rubbed just under the head of his schlong to bring it back to full vitality. He shuddered at the sensation, making the mother pony giggle.

"He is so damn young and spry. I feel like I'm playing with my favorite toy all over again." She grinned at Winter, who gave a meek smile back at her. Then Bow looked back at Home Stretch, and nodded toward the bed. "Up on the bed, honey, show him your naughty bits."

Stretch squealed with delight, and hopped up onto the bed. She upped her skirt to show off her ass to him once again, only this time, her womanhood was far more wet, and open. The pink skin between her pussylips glistened with gathered juice, and he could even notice a slight twitching.

Winter didn't really need any prompting, he simply stepped up to her, watching as she lowered her ass down toward his hips to give him a good angle. His cock's head slid inside of her, and she cried out, giving a long moan as he began to fuck her. As he pulled his dick out, only to thrust it back in, he noticed that her juices glazed his shaft with a beautiful coat. She was more than ready for him, backing her ass into his pelvis to double the impact he had on her. He sent delicious tremors through her body, and her tits bounced with joy as he tongue hung out of her mouth.

"Fuck! Mom! Damn! He's--- Oooohh!"

"What? Are you--" Bow asked, but didn't even need to finish her question. Stretch was already twitching all over, and her pussy grabbed and squeezed his dick, strangling it with a tight grip. "Ooooohhh, good girl."

Bow and Arrow grabbed her daughter's tit and massaged it a little, getting up on top of the bed to remove her own panties from underneath her long skirt. Then, looked at his high standing dong, and said to hell with it. She went ahead and removed everything, giving sight on all of her plump, stout figure. Her gigantic tits did two full bounces as she pulled her bra up and over her head. She urged him toward her as she sat on the edge of the bed. She suddenly spit on his dick and locked it between both of her buxoms and began to slide them up and down his shaft. The head of his dick disappeared and reappeared between those two monsters over and over.

Bow moaned at the sensation of a nice, hot prick between her melons, and stopped moving them, only to start working her mouth and tongue over the head of his dick. His legs began to weaken as the sensation began to render him powerless. Her tongue was that of a goddess, or a succubus, and it was beyond the work of an expert, it was the work of the master. She looked up at him as she noticed the look on his face, and she stopped suddenly.

He was on the very edge of climax, but as she stopped, she removed her breasts from his length, and let him stand on its own. His sex visibly pulsed with life, and virility. Winter almost cursed out loud, but then noticed that she was on her back now, and her big, purple ass was visible with her legs straight up in the air, bearing all of her nether region to him.

Without skipping a beat, her was on top of her, his hands on either side of her body, and his massive rod penetrated her vaginal hole like a spear. She called out his name on the first act of entrance, it was hard and jarring, and sent a wondrous shockwave through her system. She relished the feeling of pleasure and slight pain mixed together. This young stud pumped her full of cock a mile a minute and she herself felt young again for a moment. Bow bit her bottom lip, and smile at him. Her green eyes locked with his blue eyes, and they gazed in each other's eyes for a long while. That was, until he was forced to close his eyes. The warmth of her tube was so very wonderful around his piping hot cock.

It took no time at all for him to cum, and he came a great deal inside of her. Her head jerked upward at the sensation of him spurting like a firehose deep into her. Hot sperm filled her cunt and she came herself, leaning her head back onto the bed.

"Fuck! That was... Oooohhh Home Stretch... I don't care about you cleaning your room anymore." She licked her lips and looked up at the gasping young stallion on top of her, whose still twitching member was still sheathed inside of her. "I think this is a fair ultimatum."

"Wow, Mom, you mean it?" Home Stretch said from beside her, enjoying the show with her hand propping up her head. Her fingers were deep inside of her own vaginal hole as she enjoyed the show.

"For a while, anyway." She grinned at her daughter. Home Stretch smiled big at this, and then she looked over at Winter, who was now pulling out of her Mom. Warm spunk drooled from her cunny hole, and she sighed a little.

"Now, as for you, Winter!" She pointed two wet fingers at him, and he looked at her with a quizzical expression. "You get a shower in my bathroom, you take some cologne from my Mom's bathroom, and you give that girl a call."

"Wait, what?" Winter tilted his head to the side a little bit.

"Yes, if she denies you, you tell her she is missing out on some serious horse sausage, and you come back over to me for a pity fuck. Maybe two pity fucks. Either way, you now have someone to fall back--"

She was interrupted by her mother clearing her throat and frowning at her.

"Two mares to fall back on. You got that?" She continued to point at him with those juice covered digits. He nodded, and she grinned at him. "Good, now go!"