Tales of Redstreak Chapter 1
"i'll need help about chakat culture and rituals which i am relying on you and coaldust to help now go back to that job you love." following impulse dallie hugs red who after a minor shock accepts the hug. gi'm so proud of you red.
On the Job
She had to if she wanted to keep her job. and survive. while this was going on, a few of the servants came out to see what the ruckus was, such as it was.
The Job
You're doing such a good job bein the workin' man and all." he loosens his grip on me and goes to sit down. i've got the biggest smile on my face and i'm sure that it won't be leaving me anytime soon.
The Job
I'll get the job done. can i leave now?" the combined silence from the big three gave me my answer and i left with anne trailing behind me.
On the Job
What's happened to young mark, isn't this his usual job?" "yeah, but he is out for the day. something to do with his family, or so i gathered." lucas responded with a light-hearted shrug.
The Job
Donald walked down the halls excited about his new job, just wondering what this job would surprise him with. as he walked down the halls he noticed the same female reptile exiting a door holding something in her left hand.
The Job
Just a guy doing a job that pays well, so well that i really only have to work twice a year if at all. i wait another hour before moving on to stage three. just to give her father a little more time to pay up. i'm not comfortable with this job.
The Job
"oh no, you have been promoted, they had a spot in onucom, one of our contractors, and i thought you were up for the job, you have a choice of course, but i think you'll like it, it's a more of a hands on job, tossing around chemicals".
The Job
She had spent two nights in the hospital, some of the time with friends or doctors, but always with the knowledge of her "job" in her mind. now, she was completely in the care of wondergirls, inc.
The Job interview
Notice the ending cutting off before the employer decides on the job candidate. in place of a classic resolution, the audience has to decide for themselves if mr. kumin got the job or not. the stories resolution becomes the moment mr.
The Best Job in the World
I have the best job in the world because i am an entertainer. my job is to make people _happy._" "wow. i never thought of it like that." bernard said, surprised. his tone became sad as he continued: "it certainly sounds more enjoyable than my job.
A great wonderful day in the Seirra Nevada,the sun is shining the air is crisp and clear quite possible the best day ever.I wanted a simple hike up in the mountains.Just to clear my mind of all the world is,was and will be;I truly felt at peace...