Chapter 7- A Father's Hate and a Mate's Love

Story by KJwulf on SoFurry

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#7 of His Own Path

Finally! Sorry for the long wait everybody, but the site change kinda screwed me up. Testing the uploady thingy with this, so please give me some time to perfect it. I may have to come back and fix some things...if I can...


Kellan leaned on the door when he shut it behind him. He smiled slightly and sighed, then walked forward to the stairs. "You're late." His father's voice came, making him jump. He spun around to find his dad sitting on the couch.

"I uh- The movie lasted longer than I thought it would, and Dante was having car trouble." His dad stood up and walked toward him. He grabbed the lower part of his muzzle. "Ow! What are you-"

"Have you been drinking?"

"W-what?" That must be what he was checking for. "No. I'd never drink dad, you know that."

"Why are your eyes red? They look like you've been crying."

"I-I'm just really tired." His heart was beating fast. "Why are you interrogating me like this?" He asked, slightly irritated.


"Do you not trust me or something?" He was hurt now.

"No...I trust you Kellan, I'm just being a parent." He let go of his son's muzzle.

"That'd be a first..." Kellan said under his breath, but Kenneth heard it.

"Kellan I-" His ears dropped. "I'm sorry. You're right, I'm a horrible father." He went and sat down on the couch. Now Kellan's ears dropped.

"Daddy," He coughed once. "Dad, that's not true." His heart rate began to increase again. "Can I tell you something?" He was going to do it; he was going to tell him.

"What is it?" He turned around.

"Dad I-" He stopped. "I...I think you're a great father." He couldn't do it. Kenneth got up and again walked over to his son and hugged him.

"Thank you Kellan." He squeezed him, and then pushed away. "You should get to bed, it's late." Kellan looked down and nodded.

"Goodnight dad." He walked up the stairs when his dad let go of him and went into his room. He took off his clothes and put on a light shirt and a pair of basketball shorts, and then crawled under the covers of his bed. He rested his head on his pillow and closed his eyes.

The sound of his alarm clock woke him up. He reached over and turned it off and lay there for another five minutes before actually getting up out of the bed. He picked out some clothes from his dresser and walked out of his room and down the hallway into the bathroom. He started the water, stripped naked, then stepped inside into the warm stream of water. He lathered himself up and scrubbed himself down completely. When his fur was nice and clean he stepped out and dried himself off.

After getting dressed he walked downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed something quick to eat. His phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and checked the message.

It read: Kellan, I'm leaving for my uncles right now. I won't be back until next Tuesday. I love you baby, have a great Friday and weekend, Dante.

He smiled after reading the message. He put his phone back in his pocket and grabbed his backpack. Then he was out the door and off to the bus stop.

As soon as he sat down in his first period class he rested his head down on the table and dozed off. "Wulf." He heard. "Kellan Wulf." Someone nudged him, waking him up. He shot up.

"Here." He raised his hand. The teacher growled.

"No sleeping in my class Kellan." She crossed her arms.

"I know ma'am, I'm sorry." There were a couple of giggles through-out the classroom. He looked down at his desk, embarrassed. He looked over at Alastair, who hastily looked away from him. The teacher passed out a test and gave her class the entire period to complete it. Kellan had studied for the test but he couldn't recognize anything on it, that or he just couldn't think straight. When the bell rang he put his hands on his head. One of his friends asked him what was wrong. "I bombed that damn test."

"How could you bomb it? It was so easy dude."

"I just couldn't think straight." He picked up his backpack and walked with his buddy out the door to their next class. The day went by normally until he had PE, when he had to change next to Alastair, which was a little awkward, but other than that it was fine. During the actual period, Alastair approached him shyly.

"Hey Kellan." He rubbed his arm.

"Hi Alastair." Kellan gave him a small smile. "What's up?" The fox blushed.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about last night. And I also wanted to know if we could still be friends?" He sounded hopeful.

"Sure Al, we can still be friends." He smiled, then turned around to walk away.

"W-wait!" He turned around and saw Alastair looking away and still blushing. "Why did you kiss me back?" Kellan looked around.

"I...wasn't thinking straight. I'm sorry if I got your hopes up." Alastair's ears dropped.

"It's fine. I'm glad we're still friends Kellan." He smiled weakly.

"Me too." This time he walked away, but he did look back over his shoulder at the fox, which was walking away as well. When they changed back into their normal clothes there wasn't as much awkwardness between the two. They walked with each other to get their lunches, and sat down together.

"Where's your...boyfriend?" He felt odd asking a guy that.

"He went on a trip and won't be back until Tuesday."

"Oh. What's his name?"

"Dante Wilkins. He's a black wolf."

"Oh, I don't know him. Hey uh." He looked around embarrassed. "Are you a virgin?" The question caught Kellan off-guard.

"N-no." He blushed.

"Have uh, have you let know."

"Bang me?" Alastair blushed bright red now, and looked away.


"Yes, I have, why?" He titled his head.

"This is a weird question, but, does it hurt? Having something like that up your ass?" Kellan blushed and smiled.

"Well, at first yes. But you get used to the feeling, then it feels amazing." He giggled. He never got to talk like this to anyone. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh I was just curious."

The two got into a conversation on who they thought was hot, which really seemed to relax and relieve Alastair. He was actually disappointed when the bell rang. "See you on Monday Kellan." Alastair waved as he and the wolf parted ways.

"Yeah, see yah later." Kellan waved back. His last two periods went by very slowly, probably because he didn't do anything in either of them, except text Dante.

He went home that day feeling weighed down. He wanted to tell his father, but then again he didn't. When he got to his front door he stopped and looked down at the handle, he didn't want to go inside. Eventually after like ten minutes he grabbed the knob and turned it, then stepped inside. His dad was sitting on the couch watching TV. He turned around to face the door. "Hey Kellan."

"Hi dad." He dropped his things and walked to the reclining chair that was next to the couch and sat down in it.

"How was school?" He asked.

"It was...good."

"That's good." Kellan sat tense in the chair. He kept looking at his dad out of the corner of his eye, trying to find the right time to tell him. He waited until dinner, then until it was late. It started to drizzle. As his father was headed up for bed he stopped him.

"D-dad? I need tell you something." His tail froze and his ears folded back.

"Sure son, what is it?"

He was going to tell him for sure this time. "You know you said you'd love me no matter what, right?"

Kenneth nodded confused. "Yeah, why?" He remembered the night five years ago, when his son came into his room and slept with him.

"Dad I...I, um." Kellan felt a lump form in his throat and he almost didn't say it, but he sucked it all up. "Dad, I'm gay."

Kenneth said nothing, he just stared at him. After a moment, he burst out laughing. "Hahaha, oh Kellan. You sure know how to make me laugh."

Kellan's ears flattened and the lump in his throat got bigger. "Dad," He said quietly. "I'm not joking."

Kenneth stopped laughing and looked at his son seriously now. "You're kidding me right?"

"Dad I-"

"You're fucking kidding me! Right!?"

Kellan flinched and started crying now. "Dad, please don't be mad, I'm sorry."

"Sorry?! You're fucking sorry?!" He stepped back and rubbed his forehead. "What is wrong with you? What did I do wrong?"

"Dad," Kellan sobbed, "Nothing is wrong with me, I-"

"Nothing wrong?! You're a fucking queer! My own goddamn son!"

Kellan cried harder. "Daddy please..."

Kenneth waved his hand. "I want you to get your shit, and get the fuck out of my house."

The wolf teen's heart jumped. "W-what?"

"Get your shit and get the fuck out!" He barked. He turned around and started to walk away.

Kellan ran up behind his dad. "Dad wait jus-"

Enraged, and not quite thinking straight, Kenneth spun around and hit his son on the side of his muzzle, knocking him to the ground.

Kellan couldn't believe his own father just hit him. He touched the spot on his muzzle where he got hit, then looked up at his dad, tears in his blue eyes. The expression Kenneth wore was that of surprise and fear. He scrambled up on all fours then to his feet, and out the door. It was pouring rain now as he ran, not caring where to. The rain drenched though his clothes and fur, and coupled with the cold of the night, he was freezing. He didn't have his cell phone, so he was

completely alone now. There was a stone bench in front of a house; he crawled under it to escape the rain. He shivered violently; curling in as tight he could. "M-m-mommy..." He cried. "Mommy...why did you have to die?! I miss you so much!" He clenched his chest, heartbroken. "I miss you...mommy." He closed his eyes. "Dante..."


"Oh my god!" Someone nudged him. "Are you alright?!" He didn't respond. "Nathan! Come here!" Other words between two other furs were exchanged, but he couldn't hear them. The next thing he knew, he was picked up and carried by someone into a house.

"W-w-what's g-g-going o-on?" Kellan asked though chattering teeth.

Someone put their hand on his shoulder. "It'll be alright son, can you move anything?"

Kellan tried to move his fingers and arms, but his joints were close to frozen. "N-n-no." He also tried moving his tail, but be couldn't even feel it.

"Ok." He was laid down on his back on a table. A male brown wolf and a female white wolf were hovering over him with concern in their eyes. "We have to take your clothes off so you don't freeze in them, ok?"

Kellan nodded as best he could. He felt his shirt get cut off, then his pants be unbuttoned and unzipped, but they also had to be cut off. Next came his briefs, they were also cut off, then he was carried and laid down in front of a large fireplace. They wrapped a towel around him.

"Just rest, you have to thaw out." He couldn't see it, but he could feel it, some of his fur was frozen.

So much was running through his mind, but all he could do was cry and sob about it. He lay naked on the floor of a stranger's house in front of a warm fire, at least he had shelter. He started coughing. His two hosts returned with a steaming mug of hot chocolate. They lifted his stiff body up and leaned him against something, then covered him with a blanket.

"Why were you out in the cold son? You could have died if you were out there any longer. Why aren't you with your family? A young pup like you shouldn't even be out at this time of night." The old looking male asked.

The female put the mug to his lips. "Sip this." She tilted it up, letting Kellan sip the warm liquid. She looked to her mate. "Give the boy some time to rest Nathan." She patted Kellan's head. "Don't you worry dear; you'll be fine in the morning." She quietly said to him. "Just try and get some rest."

Kellan nodded and leaned his head back. These furs wanted to help him, so he closed his eyes, and with a final whimper and chough, fell asleep.

Kellan's nose twitched as the smell of eggs reached it. He opened his eyes and shivered. He started to cry hard. He hoped this was all just a bad dream, but it was real. He made so much noise that his rescuers came to him.

"What's the matter, dear?" A female voice asked him. He felt a gentle hand grasp his shoulder. When he didn't respond she just let him be and walked back into the kitchen she came from, but came back seconds later with a tray. She sat it across Kellan's lap. "Here, have some food. It'll make you feel better."

Kellan wiped his eyes and looked down at the tray of food, then looked up at the white wolf with his reddened eyes. He picked up a piece of food and stuck it into his mouth, and weakly chewed and swallowed it down his tightened throat. It really did make him feel slightly better. He looked back at the white wolf. "Thank you." He sniffled.

"Don't mention it dear." She smiled and patted his shoulder.

The male wolf walked up in front of him. "Just what do you think you were doing out there last night? You could have frozen to death."

It just hit Kellan that he really could have died last night because of his own stupidity. He looked down at the tray again.

"Nathan." The female said softly. "Let the boy eat." The male went silent and watched the boy eat his meal. When he was done the white wolf looked up at him. "Honey, will you take him and see if any of your old clothes fit him?"

The wolf grumbled. He helped Kellan up off the ground. "Follow me." He said to Kellan. They walked down a hall, Kellan a little clumsily, into a bedroom. "Lets see..." He examined Kellan's slender body. "I might have something, but it'll be a little big." He rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a pair of pants and a shirt, then opened another drawer and got out a pair of boxer shorts. "Here take these." He handed them all to Kellan.

Kellan succeeded in wagging his tail and accepted the clothes. "Thank you sir." He turned around and dressed himself. The blue denim jeans hung loosely off his waist and the long, loose, white t-shirt flowed far below his waist. Even the boxers seemed to slip off his rump.

"How old are you son?"

"Sixteen, sir." He turned to face the old wolf.

"You have a very small body for your age; those things would have fit me in my teen years."

Kellan examined the new clothes. He realized he hadn't needed to go clothes shopping for at least a year, and the last time he went he had to get the smallest things so that they would fit him.

"So," Nathan sat on the edge of the bed. "Are you going to tell me what happened?"

Kellan's tail stopped wagging. "M-my dad kicked me out." He was choking up, but the fought back the tears. "I didn't know what to do or where to go...I panicked, and didn't think."

The old wolf did not press the issue of why he was kicked out. "Do you need a place to stay? Or do you have relatives?"

"I might. Do you have a phone I can use, please?" He asked, still choking up and now sitting on a stool that was in the room.

The brown wolf patted him on his back. "Sure thing." He said quietly, then walked out of the room. He came back with a black phone in hand and handed it to Kellan.

He dialed Brianna's cell number, but realized he should call someone else first. He hung up and re-dialed. Holding it up to his drooping ear, he waited for an answer.


"'s me, Kellan." He began to lose control, hearing his lover's voice, and cried softly. "Dante I need you, please come home." He sniffed. "I need you."

"Why what's wrong? Are you ok?" Sensing this was the time to leave, the old wolf left him alone in the room.

"My dad kicked me out, please Dante I don't know what to do." He wiped the tears away, only for them to be replaced by more streams. "I told him and he-he hit me."

He didn't speak directly to him, but he heard him say though the phone, "Mom, dad, I need to go home." They seemed to argue but then Dante came back on. "I'm leaving now Kellan; I'll be there as fast as I can, get to Bry's. I love you."

"I love you too." He sobbed, and then hung up the phone. After a brief moment of crying, he picked the phone back up and sailed Brianna's number.

"Hello? Hehe hey, stop that!" She giggled. "Sorry, hello?"

"Brianna, it's Kellan, I need your help."

"What phone are you calling from? I don't recognize the number."

" kicked me out and I need a place to stay."

"Oh my god. Ok where are you Kellan?" Kellan relayed where he was and what happened after he came out to their father, but left out the part of almost freezing to death. "I'll be right there Kellan." She hung up.

Kellan smoothed out the fur on his tail and head, then got up and walked down the hallway. "Do you have a place to stay?" Both his hosts asked at once.

Kellan smiled faintly. "Yes I do, thank you both so much; if there's anything I can do to repay you..."

"Oh, there is no reason to; we only wanted to help you. Just don't try to kill yourself."

"Yes sir." He walked over and shook his paw.

"Would you like some more breakfast dear?" The female showed him a plate of eggs; which looked delicious.

Nervously, Kellan accepted her offer. She placed the food down on the small table, and then he sat in front of it. He picked up the fork that was next to the plate and picked up some of the egg. The couple sat down themselves and enjoyed their meals. Kellan learned a lot about them, their names, ages, and many other things. The white wolf, Heather, was fifty two and Nathan was fifty six. He didn't go into the exact details of the previous night.

The doorbell rang. "That must be my sister." He stood and placed his dish in the sink. "Again, thank you so much, for everything."

"Good luck, I hope things turn for the best." Both of them shook his hand.

"I do too..." He opened the door and was immediately embraced by Brianna.

"I'm sorry Kellan." She pulled him out of the house and shut the door. "He shouldn't have hit you, or kicked you out, I'm so sorry."

Kellan tried so hard not to cry, but he couldn't help it. He burst into tears and hugged his sister tightly. "I'm so scared Bry!" He hugged her as tightly as he could. "I just want to be with Dante right now...I love him Bry." He swallowed hard. "I love him so much!"

She stroked his head. "'ll be alright Kelly." She wiped his tears off his fur. "It'll be alright." She led him to her car and opened the passenger door for him.

"T-thank you." He sniffled, getting in.

They drove off to Brianna's house in silence, other then Kellan's coughing and whining. Brianna would take quick glances at her brother, who was usually resting his head on his arm, looking out the window. "I miss her so much." He said, barely loud enough for her to hear.

"Miss who?"


'Mommy.' She repeated in her mind. Kellan always referred to her as that, never mom, or mother. Brianna thought it was cubbish, but realized he only got to spend six years with her, and also, on the inside, Kellan was still just a cub; who desperately needed his mommy.

She stopped at a red light and reached over and took his hand and held it tightly. "Kellan, no matter what, I'll always be here for you."

He closed his eyes. 'I'll always love you, no matter what.' His father's voice rang through his mind. The rest of the ride to the house was silent.

Kellan stepped out of the car and looked up. The sky turned gray and filled with clouds. Wind blew through his fur as he opened his arms, as if to embrace it.

The trees still had their leaves and the grass was still green, but with the weather being like it has been, they won't stay that way much longer. He looked behind him, as if looking for someone, then turned and walked up the stairs into Brianna's house.

"Hey Kellan!" Randy walked up to him. "What's up pooch?"

"Nothing." He said quietly. He sat down on the couch and starred out the window, waiting for Dante to pull up into the driveway. He knew it was a two hour ride to get to his uncles place, but he sat motionless waiting for his mate to come to him.


The two hours went by agonizingly slow for Kellan. His sister tried to get him to eat something, but as hungry as he was, he refused to eat until he was in Dante's strong arms. He looked at the clock every five minutes. He was about to nod off into sleep, then he heard someone pull into the driveway. His ears flicked up and his eyes shot open. The old red truck and its driver he'd been waiting for finally arrived. He jumped to his feet and ran out the door, straight into the arms of his lover. He hugged him fiercely and cried onto his chest. "Dante!" He exclaimed. He pulled his head away from Dante's chest and brought his muzzle to the black wolf's. They kissed for the longest time, not caring about anything else.

Dante lifted the smaller wolf up off his feet and hugged him. "I'm so sorry Kellan." He kissed him on his nose. "I wish I was here last night, I'm so sorry; you must have been so scared."

As his feet touched the ground, Kellan looked back up into Dante's beautiful brown eyes. "He-he hit me Dante, my own dad," He started to break down again. "Hit me."

Dante put his hand behind Kellan's head and pulled the crying pup back into his embrace. "He doesn't know what he lost. And if he would do such a thing to his own son, he doesn't deserve you." He said, stroking the back of his head.

Kellan didn't mention anything about almost dying; he didn't want to give Dante anything else to worry about. He just hugged and kissed him as much he could. It started to rain lightly so they both went inside. As he stepped in the door, Randy gave Kellan an odd look, but he ignored it and walked into the bedroom that was now his. He sat on the bed while Dante got his some tissues.

"I'm here now baby, everything's alright." Dante assured Kellan, who had just stopped crying.

The gray wolf nodded. He looked behind Dante and saw a black plastic bag.

"What's in the bag?" He asked in a raspy voice.

Dante smiled. "Some things I bought, but most are for later." As he was talking, he reached into the bag and pulled out a small case, and handed it to Kellan.

He looked up at Dante, then back down at the case. He opened it. "Aww, Dante..."

He lifted a sliver necklace from the box, with the letter K hanging down from it. "It's beautiful." He lifted it up so it glimmered in the light.

"Here." Dante held out his hand. "Let me put it on you."

Kellan wagged his tail and handed Dante the necklace. He turned around, which allowed Dante to clip the necklace around Kellan's neck. He reached down and touched it. "Dante...I love it." He stood up and hugged him. "Thank you so much."

Dante licked him on his muzzle. "You're welcome. I bought some other things, but they are for when you're feeling better."

"Hehe." His tail swayed happy down by the ground now. He rested his hand on Dante's rump and gave it a light squeeze. "Thank you."

Dante hugged back. "I think you'll like them."

Kellan smiled and nuzzled against Dante's chest. "I can't wait."

They both walked out of the bedroom and were approached by Brianna. "Kellan, I'll have to go pick up your stuff, so while I'm out what do you want me to get for dinner?" She titled her head at the sight of the necklace. "Where did you get that?"

He took Dante's hand and leaned into him. "This handsome wolf."

The black wolf blushed. "Yeah." He lightly squeezed the hand in his. He nibbled on Kellan's pointy ear.

'Aw, they're so cute.' She smiled. "I'll just get a pizza." She grabbed Randy's bushy tail. "You're coming with me fox."

"Ouch. Ok." He chuckled. He grabbed his wallet and keys. The wolf and fox walked out the door and shut it as they did.

Dante wrapped his arms around Kellan's waist and rested his head over his shoulder. "I love you puppy."

Kellan's heart warmed a bit more each time he said he loved him. "Will you call me that more often?" His tail brushed against Dante's legs as it wagged.

"What? Puppy?"

Kellan giggled. "Yeah, I like it."

Dante smiled. "Sure thing, pup." He felt around Kellan's pants. "Where did you get these baggy things?" He stuck his hand down the front of them. "Boxers?

You're not turning into a gang-banger are you?" He laughed and continued to explore the inside of Kellan's boxers, rubbing his sheath and cupping his balls in his hand.

"Hehe." He looked down at the arm that led into his pants. "I'm sorry I cut your stay at your uncle's short."

Dante removed his hand from Kellan's pants and lifted him off his feet into his arms. "You didn't cut it short. I don't really like it there anyway. He doesn' gays."

"Were your parents mad? I heard you guys arguing." Dante sat down on the couch, still holding Kellan in his arms.

"They were, a little." He touched Kellan's nose. "I still have to tell them..." His ears dropped.

Kellan lifted his head up and kissed him. "It'll be ok Dante." He touched the side of his muzzle. "I'm here."

The big wolf rubbed his muzzle against Kellan's hand. "I know." They both nodded in the comfort of each other's arms.

The doorbell rang, but they didn't answer at first. After another ten rings they woke up. "Already?" Kellan moaned. He got up and opened the door.

Randy and Brianna walked in the door, his sister had a suitcase in-tow and the fox had a flat box in his hands.

"That was fast." He noted.

"Yeah, we took separate cars." Brianna smiled and rolled him the suitcase. "That's all your clothes, hygiene stuff, music things and you're...magazines."

Kellan blushed hotly. "You looked under my bed?" He avoided looking at Dante.

"Yeah, I figured I should before dad decided to."

Kellan's ears dropped now. "Oh, right." Dante got up and licked the back of his ear, cheering him up. "Did he say anything?" His ears perked up slightly.

"He wasn't there." Kellan's ears dropped again.

"Ok yeah save the sad shit for later, pizza time." Randy blurted out.

"Randy." Brianna said sternly.

Kellan smiled and grabbed two plates from a cupboard, handed one to Dante and got a slice. He bit into it. "Mmm. That is so good."

Dante agreed with him as he took a bite of his own.

The four furs ate their dinner and had a good time doing so; talking and sharing memories. "Where are you going to sleep, Dante? Randy asked.

"I was going to sleep with Kellan." He looked at Brianna. "That's not a problem is it?" She shook her head. She wasn't too enthused with Kellan sleeping with another guy at his age, but it was with Dante. If it were anyone else then she'd be concerned.

"As long as you two behave." She grinned. They went back to eating, not wanting to continue on the sleeping together subject.

Kellan's heart rate picked up in anticipation as Brianna and Randy excused themselves and went into their room for the night. He looked at Dante, who had a mischievous look on his face. He jumped up and took Kellan's arm and pulled him to his feet.

Without cleaning up their dishes, Dante led Kellan into the bedroom. "I just can't wait to give you these." Dante smiled and reached into the black plastic bag and pulled out a blue collar with a heart shaped tag hanging from it.

Kellan giggled. "Aw, that's cute." He took off his necklace and placed it on the bed stand. He walked up to Dante, got down on his knees and looked up at him with his puppy-dog eyes.

"Aww." He thought he was so adorable. He clipped the collar around Kellan's neck.

Kellan leaned his head on Dante's leg and nuzzled against it, while petted him between and behind his ears. He was just so happy to have his mate back. He opened his eyes and saw Dante was holding a pair of underwear.

"Are those for me too?" He asked.

"Yup." He held them up. It was a jock-strap, but not like ones used in sports.

Kellan stood back up and pulled the baggy pants and boxers down. He took the underwear from Dante and slipped into them. It covered his front comfortably and somewhat tightly, but left his cute furry rump exposed. He actually liked the feeling.

Dante murred as Kellan took off his shirt and laid on his stomach on the bed. He always liked the white fur that covered his groin and back to the base of his tail, now he got to look at it. "You are way to cute Kelly." He smiled as he took off his clothes. "Let's get to bed, ok?"

"Hehe ok." He waited for Dante to climb into bed next to him to lay down. When he got in he cuddled up with him. "Thank you." He whispered. Dante didn't say anything back, he just kissed him on his head and fell asleep.