Not just about feelings 2

Story by Ukrbear on SoFurry

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Part Two

This is my first work of this sort and is complete fiction. The characters in this story are the property of Fox Studios, not me and are subject to international copyright laws.

This story contains sexually explicit material of a homosexual nature. If you're under 18 or are offended by such material you shouldn't be reading this.

The characters in this story are fictitous and so are the situations. Practice safe sex as reality is quite different.

It had been a few weeks since Soto and Diego's encounter. Life continued on much the way it always did and neither had really given much thought to the other. As far as Soto was concerned though, that was to change soon.

Soto's desires were stirring again and he was making a little less effort to restrain them this time. His time with Diego had shown him that there were other avenues for relief. Opportunities were scarce, however, and he had to bide his time. There were also the logistical needs of the pack to be concerned about: namely food and regular territory. The tigers were going out hunting and scrounging for whatever they could get, yet effort was still needed every few days.

Everyone was getting hungry again and so patrols were sent out to hunt for food.

"Diego, you're with me," said Soto.

The two of them together could pretty much take on anything and Soto knew he could trust Diego with important tasks in hunting tracking and stalking. They ventured off leaving the other three to find other things to eat.

They had been hunting for an hour or so when they reached the border of their existing territory.

"Go on ahead," said Soto, "I'll mark our way."

Diego plodded on ahead and Soto caught up quickly. Soto looked up and noticed Diego's physique: his sleek legs and back; powerful shoulders; his whole body well filled with muscle. Not scrawny like some of the others. Diego could well be a challenge if he ever decided to take leadership himself. That wasn't going to happen in the near future though. Soto trusted him that much at least.

His mind began to wander though as he watched Diego from behind. He began to consider another 'encounter' with his second and being out hunting provided opportunity.

Diego stopped and smelled the air, looking for any hint of a scent. He looked around both in the snow for prints and in the distance for any signs of life.

Soto moved closer as Diego stopped and began to do some sniffing of his own. He could smell the scent of musk exuding from the other tiger and extended his tongue to caress the sabre's sack. Diego was a little startled with the contact but didn't flinch. The tongue was warm on his balls but they quickly cooled only to be warmed again by a flick of the warm tendril. He was enjoying this and moved his tail aside a bit to allow better access.

Soto lapped at the tiger's sack and up to the soft flesh of his arse. His own cock had begun to swell in anticipation of the approaching attention. He extended his tongue under Diego's heavy sack to his furry sheath which was starting to show some signs of arousal. Soto lapped around the tip a little before returning to Diego's nether region.

Diego was enjoying this so much he began to drift in and out of concentration. He didn't pick up that the attention stopped after a few minutes when he was completely relaxed and that Soto had begun to mount him. As he felt his leader's body advance up his back, he felt himself almost anticipating the entrance of the hard flesh into his hole.

Soto was at least gentle. He found the opening and proceeded carefully. The head slipped in and Diego responded with a short growl of discomfort. Soto continued slowly, feeling the heat of the tight, soft flesh envelope his hardness. He was soon in as far as he could go and waited for a moment. He gloried in the sensations that flooded to his brain and began to move inside the warm gripping hole.

Diego felt stuffed full as the 8" of tiger meat embedded itself in his arse. The initial discomfort had dissipated mostly and he took the low throaty growl from his leader as a sign of approval. As Soto began to move in and out of his passage, Diego occasionally contracted the muscles in his rump and arse, squeezing the shaft in his passage tenderly. The feeling of fullness was something he could tolerate but he wondered what it was like for Soto and what he was feeling. Perhaps he would get the chance some other time.

Soto began to thrust into his second with more energy. This was like nothing he had enjoyed before: so tight and warm. And what Diego was doing with his arse! He settled into a rhythm and plowed long and hard, driving his prick in as far as he could. He felt a familiar tingle rise in his balls and slowed down to make it last a little longer. He knew, though, that it would end soon but tried to enjoy the feeling as long as possible. He tightened his grip around Diego's midsection as his thrusting became more urgent. He leaned forward and whispered in his seconds ear,"I've never had it this hot. You are amazing." Diego smiled. He pulsed his rump and arse muscles a few more times as Soto thrust into him, each time eliciting a growl of appreciation from the other tiger.

Soto began to buck and thrust faster and faster. His balls contracted in their sack and sent their contents up through his cock and blasting into Diego's firm, pulsing rectum as Soto let out a mighty roar. Diego felt Soto's cock swell and flex as he emptied his load into his passage. Soto relaxed onto Diego's back and Diego supported the heaving mass of his leader's body letting him recover his breath. Soto's cocked stayed lodged in his arse for a moment before deflating and receding which still took a while.

Soto dismounted and took a moment to find his feet.

"Was it ok for you?" asked Soto, still panting, "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"Nah, you did fine. You obviously enjoyed it," Diego grinned.

"Best I've had, I think," said Soto, still caught up in the ecstacy of climax.

"Come on, I think we should head back," said Diego, noting that darkness was starting to creep into the sky. The tigers made their way back to the shelter where the pack would spend the night. The other tigers had only just arrived back themselves, also empty pawed. They would have to wait another day for food.

Another sojourn.

Several days later the sabres were out again on the prowl. They journeyed further than in past times, as food was getting scarce and they would have to consider finding another place to shelter too as it was simply too far to keep searching. Diego and Soto were hunting together again. Diego noticed the place where but a few days ago, Soto had bred him and his mind wandered back to the event. He wondered if he would get the opportunity to experience what Soto had so enjoyed.

Soto had not noticed. He was intent on finding something to eat. He stopped suddenly and listened. There it was again: a squawk. He sniffed the air and knew there was something edible further ahead. He turned to Diego and grinned and motioned him to move over to the right as they crept toward the edge of a small drop.

Down below an entertaining sight met them. A large-billed bird was playing tug-o-war with a squirrel over an acorn. Things must be getting desperate, Diego thought to himself. He saw Soto surveying the scene and acknowledged the signal to be ready.

The dodo and the squirrel continued to fight over this acorn oblivious to what was happening above them. At once, the dodo lost his grip on the nut and both animals tumbled backward. The squirrel recovered first, saw that he had the nut and hurriedly scampered away with his spoils. The dodo was in a complete mess, head over tail and had no time to recover before being pounced upon by Soto

Diego joined Soto as he began to tuck in to the carcass. There was really only enought for the two of them and even that was hardly filling. It would do for the nonce though.

After half an hour, the two tigers started back. As they reached the top of the rise, they noticed the wind had picked up little. They braced against the cold breeze and ruffled their fur to keep them warm. Once again they passed the place where they had mated. Soto definitely noticed this time with the breeze carrying the scent of them with it. He felt himself becoming aroused at the memory of it and the thought rose in his mind that he wouldn't mind another round.

A gleam filled his eye and when Diego saw his face he said,"What?"

"You remember this place?" asked Soto.

"Of course," said Diego, grinning at the memory.

Soto moved closer. "I can still feel how hot and tight you were. How you worked your arse to milk my load. It's making me hard"

Diego looked down and saw Soto's cock starting to emerge from its sheath. Soto moved a bit behind Diego and began to lick at his tight hole. Diego moved his tail aside and let Soto get further in, his own hardness starting to show.

After a few minutes of munching on his second's arse, Soto raised his head and said in a husky voice, "You ready?" Diego nodded and soon felt Soto mount him and manouver his throbbing erection to his opening. Soto found his target and again gently pressed in, enjoying the sensations once again. Diego grimaced under the discomfort of the invasion but relaxed his opening to allow entry to the rigid intruder. Soto sank in to the root, his furry sheath rubbing the out folds of Diego's stretched hole.

Soto took his time this time, reveling in the feelings flowing into his brain. He pumped in and out steadily, sometime thrusting long and deep, sometimes making shallow stabs. He placed his front paws on either side of Diego's midsection and let some of his weight fall on his second. Diego was still hard but his passage was starting to get a little sore and he hoped that Soto wouldn't be too much longer. He contracted his muscles around his leader's thrusting member bringing a low growl from its owner. "Keep doing that, it feels great" sighed the sabre above him.

Soto kept pounding for a few more minutes before he felt a building jolt in his balls. He slowed down to let the sensation build and then picked up speed. "You've done it again, Diego, milked my load right out of me." He thrust deep and hard and as his climax hit, he roared loudly. Diego felt the rigid pole pulse and shoot as it filled his tunnel with the tiger's essence. He was glad that Soto had shot his load as he was getting quite sore.

Soto began to withdraw his softening erection from his second and dismounted. He noticed a slight dribble from Diegos dark hole and extended his tongue to clean it up. The taste wasn't much different to what Diego had tasted like when they first 'attended to each other'. He approached Diego with a contented smile and rubbed against his shoulder. "That felt great, Diego. You are so tight and hot, I could handle that all day," he said. Diego smiled. Maybe Soto would like it but he didn't think he could handle it all day. He didn't let on what he thought and they both headed back to the pack.

More than just feelings

More Than Just Feeling Good. This is my first work of this sort and is complete fiction. The characters in this story are the property of Fox Studios, not me and are subject to international copyright laws. This story contains sexually...
