Beautiful Twilight: Bible Break Down III

Story by Sparkle on SoFurry

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#8 of Beautiful Twilight

(Adults only Please)

Beautiful Twilight: Bible Break Down III

Sharon groaned quietly, tossing herself left then right in her bed. Sleep. She wanted SLEEP. She had a ton of things to do tomorrow. She had to help with the bake sale at the church, catch up on her scripture, protest the new homosexuals moving in three floors down, and attend the brownie meeting as troop leader. Not to mention planning the downfall of the Beautiful Twilight Club, kill the witch next door, and burn the apartment to the ground. So much to do, so little time, -and she'd never get ANYTHING done, if she couldn't get to sleep.

The mouse couldn't understand the problem. She was twenty three years old, healthy, happy, and normally, was out light a light when her head hit the pillow. She tried praying, she tried reading the bible, back to front. She watched a few late night infomercials, but everything lead back to the same old thing- being wide awake. At three in the morning, she was beginning to grow frustrated.

Quietly, she meandered into the bathroom, the little mouse flipping on the switch next to her, and peered at herself in the mirror. She was an attractive specimen of the rodent family. Bright white, perfect fur all over her body, a small, cute, pink nose, a perfect set of soft blue eyes, and a winning smile- perfect teeth. Her ears were rounded, no chips or gashes- her hair was perfect, even after laying on it for hours, trying to fall asleep. Blonde, which drove itself midway down her back which she usually wore in a pony tail.

The pajama's she wore where silky, cool, and a lovely shade of pink. Most everything in her room was pink- her favorite color. She sighed quietly, looking at herself in the mirror, and tilted her head at the curious sensation that was raising inside of her. Her nipples? They were erect? She peered closer ar the mirror, leaning in close to get a better view- and sure enough, her smallish breasts (no more then an A cup, really) Were sporting a pair of stiff nipples, that pressed at against the silk fabric of her shirt in an almost exciting way. The mouse frowned, and took a deep breath. Already thoughts were beginning to form, but she forced them off. She was not going to defile her own body. No way...never. That same feeling was beginning to raise up from between her legs and she hissed. Slowly, carefully, she reached down and undid the multiple ties that kept her silky jammy bottoms in place. She pried them down, and glanced at the bright, white, panties she wore underneath. The sensation of the cool air of the bathroom hitting her thighs forced her to shudder slightly, but she ignored it.

Turning around, the mouse carefully peeled the back of her panties down, and examined the rounded swells of her bare, mouse behind. The cheeks were smallish, almost no more then pawfuls, a jutted out from her hips in a bubbly sort of manner. Generally she was rather fond of her body, and secretly quite liked her ass- but not anymore- not with the twin blemishes that resided on each swell.

She wasn't sure, if it had been a dream, or if it'd been some sort of bizarre witchcraft, but somehow- the witch next door had marked her. Had placed a curse on her body, and now...Now there were two, bright purple hearts on her bottom. One heart on each cheek, and permanent as if tattooed. She has washed, scrubbed until she was raw, and still couldn't rid herself of the marks. She was positive it was the marks, that were forcing her to have the thoughts and feelings she did, and she shuddered in humiliation as the idea of shaving. Not only would she have to shave her own backside, but she doubted she could do it alone. She'd have to get someone to that hot raccoon from three doors down. She'd bend over his lap, wiggling her small, cute, naked bottom, bare to his sigh, and moan when the sensation of the buzzing razor hit her flesh...NONONONO!

Sharon yanked her clothing up, gasping quietly- but it was to late, she was already panting quietly, and the sensations of need were seriously beginning to burn inside of her. Like an inextinguishable, torturous fire that raged inside of her. No..This was wrong. Have to get to sleep. Go back to bed, and sleep. The mouse closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and padded towards her bedroom. Her pajama bottoms crumpled to her ankles as she walked- she forgot to tie them back, but she let them. She enjoyed the sensation of the cool night air on her bare thighs and legs. And slowly, slid into bed with a quiet squeak.

It was just a dream. She mumbled to herself, rolling onto her back, groaning quietly. It was just a stupid dream with that wolf. None of it was real. She probably just knocked her out with a drud or something, crept in, and took a maker to her ass while she was asleep. Just to prove her "powers" Poppycock. Absolute nonsense. The mouse moaned softly, as her paws wandered, stroking gently down her tummy, and slowly over the slim hips, towards the panty clad privates.

She wasn't in control of herself. She watched in curious horror, as her fingers moved on their own, pressing past the barrier of her panties, and stroked softly, across the dampening, furless slit they found underneath. No, no, she wasn't in control. It was the devil, forcing her fingers to move like this! Slowly, her index finger circled around the plump nub of her juicy clit, electing a sharp, pleasurable squeal from the mouse, her hips giving a slow, needy raise.

"I, I won't..."The mouse panted, but she was the only one in the room, trying to kid herself. She dipped her fingers into herself now, slowly pressing the slim digits into the sweet tunnel, rubbing along the delicate insides, while electric bursts of pleasure raced though her body. Her toes curled and she gave a shy little squeak, her knees sliding up to meet her tummy. She lie there for a few minutes, openly masturbating, driving her fingers into her opening with a little squeak of pleasure each time, her eyes closed tightly.

More and more she worked herself, her fingers soaked to the bone, her index and middle the most active. Both of them were knuckle deep inside of her, thrusting firmly into her wet treasure, and finally, the mouse groaned loudly. She was so, so impossibly, painfully horny. She was almost to the point where she was considering calling Jacob to see if he wanted to come over, but she pushed that thought away into the haze of lust that surrounded her. No. No, she wouldn't be doing anything of that sort. Her fingers would work just fine.

She worked her fingers around the button of her clit-far to sensitive to touch it directly, she stroked around it, squealing with pleasure, but finding her orgasm, just as far away as when she started. She circled harder, panting and gasping for breath as she manipulated herself, feeling more and more dirty with each stroke of her fingers- and suddenly, she squealed- and fell off the bed.

"W, what the hell? What the hell is wrong with me...I, I..."The mouse whimpered, squeezing her knees together shyly, the need coming back just as strong as before. She wanted a penis!! She wanted a cock, a pecker, a woody- something, ANYTHING!! She didn't care WHAT it was, as long as it was pounding between her legs and filling her horrible, sinful desires!! Most of all- SHE WANTED TO ORGASM!!! She looked around a moment, and jumped up, racing over to grab her pajama bottoms, she hurriedly threw them on, and tossed herself out the door of her room. The apartment was next, hurling herself out, and she'd managed to make it all the way down the hall before she stopped, and a clear, lust-less thought managed to pierce the fog of arousal that engulfed her. Here she was, a decent, sensitive, intelligent, respectful mouse about to travel outside, in the dead of night, and throw her legs open to the first person she saw. She blinked. That wasn't her. That wasn't like her at all. That was much more like a certain witch she knew.

She stomped back towards her apartment, and glared at the door across from her- Sparkle's door.

The mouse sighed deeply, and nodded her head. There wasn't any doubt about it- the wolf had cursed her.

And tomorrow.

She was going to break that curse.