True Love: part 2 Goodbye for now

Story by kai wolfheart on SoFurry

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#2 of True Love

Ok my 2nd story here now and like I said in the first part, comments are appreciated and critiquing so I can learn to write better. Made some improvements to this next part as it started at from 5 pages to 10 all of a sudden. So yeah hope you enjoy ^~^

True Love: Part 2 Goodbye for now

(8 years later)


"Ok class that concludes today's lesson and I expect all of you to turn in your homework by Monday, enjoy your weekends now," the teacher said as all the students began walking out of the class.

I'm almost done with another aggravating week here at this damn middle school and was going to enjoy my weekend fairly well soon, but first the bathroom was calling my name. I quickly finished my business and was washing my hands until I began looking at myself in the mirror, I was a grey wolf who recently turned 13 years old, standing at 5'6 and liked how my body turned out from playing many sports. I had developed a strong upper body and muscular legs from all that running I do in my P.E. class and...

"SHIT!!!! I need to hurry up before the coach yells at me for being tardy again."

I quickly ran into the locker room to get dressed, when I see my best friend Neo waiting for me by my locker.

"Hey man you need to hurry and get dressed quickly before the coach yells at you," he said.

Well why aren't you out there? You'll get in trouble to if you just wait around for me." I said while I was trying to quickly open up my damn locker.

"I know that, I just thought it would be nice if I waited for my best friend who struggles to get ready everyday cause he has a weak bladder problem," he said with a smirk while I quickly changed.

"Shut up. My bladder is programmed to go off when ever my class is done, which happens to be at the most inconvenient time," I said after I'm fully dressed and running out on the P.E. field with Neo.

"Yeah...which is why it's fun watching you struggle like that...come on remember back in 2nd grade when you wet yourself in class." He said laughing at the old memories.

"Don't remind me ok it was bad enough I got sent to the nurses office crying with everybody teasing me about it for a whole month." I said as I blushed.

As we quickly reached the field our grouchy Doberman of a coach, quickly scolded us for being tardy and had us run for the whole entire period in the hot blazing weather we were having today. When the class bell rung, we were able to head back to the locker rooms and quickly went in the showers getting that nice cold feeling against our fur that was clinging with sweat. Of course anybody else who had done that run would have collapsed half way through desperate for water. For me it felt like one of the exercises that I would do on the weekends but for Neo it just seemed like a warm up for him since he has gone through strict and cruel training for his martial arts. Whether it was Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing, Jujitsu, Kung Fu...(he did so many that I can't even keep track of all his fighting style's)....regardless the training he told me he did made me cringe. It was impressive for a fox like him, as he displayed both speed and strength in that lithe body of his. Looking at him now he was the same age as me standing at the same height with his average red fur with black on his paws, feet and ear tips, including the white fur on his chest and tail tip. Below his soaked fur you could see he had a 4-pack abs and his arms and legs looking really muscular to boot too. Every time I looked at his body it just made me wish I had that body, and I wasn't the only one who thought that, the guy's had envy in their eyes at how muscular he was and how they wanted to be him. You can already guess that the girls would see him as the hottest I candy that you could find in this school compared to the guys, Neo was in a different league. When everyone looked at me, they just see a harmless wolf. After playing so many sports it would seem like I had the typical obnoxious jock behavior, but deep down I was just a nerd who wanted to get good grades and watch his anime shows and playing video games. After our relaxation of a cold shower, we walked back to our lockers with a towel wrapped around our waist until we heard a shout from behind us.

"Look out for the fags everyone before they try to spread their gayness to you!" The yell was heard throughout the locker room as everyone became silent at how we would respond to that.

I was just irritated at how stupid some furs try to stand out and act cool about something as silly as this. Back a couple months ago Neo came out to the school saying he was gay with everyone teasing and making fun of him. He was really scared of me at how I would react to this, but I told him that he is my best friend and that regardless of whom you like isn't going to break our friendship. As we hung out together people thought we were a couple and was making fun of us for it. I never really saw myself gay; I just wanted to date somebody that I know would be truly somebody I love, when I see Neo I just see him as my best friend. I quickly turned around glaring at the fur I knew shouted and it was of course Brendan a tiger who was always trying to act cool.

"Really now Brendan...I find it really pathetic as you try to get yourself to be cool when you know 3 things as a fact."

  1. I'm not gay.

  2. Neo here has mastered several martial arts and can kick your ass easily.

  3. I don't care what you say about me, but when you're doing something as insulting my best friend, I will not hesitate to kick your ass as well.

He was really intimidated by my glare as he sheepishly moved away from us, as everyone quickly went back to changing. When everyone would make fun of Neo and I they quickly would run away knowing that Neo would easily be able to send you to the hospital, and me just beat you to a bloody pulp (my muscles aren't just for show you know).

"I'm sorry that happened, I hate how idiots behave like that thinking they are so much better." I said looking back to Neo.

"It's okay it's impossible for everyone to be so accepting of me being gay, it's just for now I hope," he said while looking down looking really sad.


After that small escapade we quickly got dressed and left the school soon after. We made our way to the park to where we first met as it became our favorite place to hangout and it was in walking distance from our school. We quickly sat under a tree to escape the hot weather for some nice cool shady breeze and began relaxing and just talk to each other.

"Are the insults still hurting you," I said out of concern.

"Ya a bit but still, it leaves a sting of pain as so many people including my parents who see us 'Fag's' as monsters," he said as he began to tear up. I quickly embrace him in a hug and try to comfort him,

"It's alright your parents don't know yet about you cause you've 'dated' so many girls who were happy enough to help you out, and it seem that your on good footing with your dad now," I said while I rub his back trying to help soothe him.

"I know but I'm sure they suspect something (sniff) is up even if I'm good with my father I still hate him (sob), all the abuse he's putting me through both physically and mentally no matter what I do," he tells me as he begins to relax in the embracing hug were in.

"Yeah I kinda know what that's like. My dad may not physically abuse me but he's put me through so much mental abuse it feels like he's going to hit me every time he begins to yell at me, regardless of our surroundings, " I said reminiscing the rough times my dad put me through.

"Yup your dad definitely does that, he yells at you whether in the car or at your house whenever any of your friends and I are over, he goes crazy over the most stupidest things too, because your not doing things that he wants it to be talk about control freak." He says as he let's go and sits back the way he was before. "At least your parents are finally getting a divorce and that should help ease things up for you, " he said with a smile.

"Mhm my mom was finally able to end it with my dead beat of a father, and I had never felt so alive now. Also I finally decided to stick to the sport I really want to stick to...swimming!!!!" I said with glee in my voice.

He looks at me questionably that says "seriously now? "

"What? I like being in the water, it's not my fault that I take up more of my mom's family roots, I'm part otter and it feels natural for me to be in the water." I said.

"But you have your father's genes since you are a 'WOLF!!!' and you seem to be amazing at all the other sports that you do on land." he says while looking at me.

"Mmmm nope I don't think so, my minds made up, I'm going to stick to doing swimming now." I said with a smile on my face.

"You realize your dad's going to kill you for this." He says with a concern look on his face.

"Blah blah blah he can't do much to us anyway since he was having me do all those sports because he was a failure at it, besides we re graduating next school year."

"Ya thank goodness to that," *should I tell him now* Neo thought as he looked away for a moment.

"Everything alright with you?" as I looked at him questionably.

"Oh yeah everything's fine, hey about going over to your house for a bit so we can play some video games, it is Friday after all." He say's as he quickly gets up and heads to the bus stop.

"Alright let's go, your going to get pwned this time," I said as I was catching up to him and soon got a ride back to my place.


When we got back to my place we made a dash to my room were all my video games were and began playing for several hours trying to kill each other to win. We ordered pizza soon after and headed down to the pizza parlor a block away and paid using the money my mom left me while she was away for the night. When we returned to my house we made haste and finished the entire pizza box and went back to playing video games. After awhile I quickly felt a bulge appearing in my shorts and was having trouble ignoring the pain I was feeling from the constriction, and that's when I felt I had to discuss this problem with Neo.

"Hey Neo, there's something I'm having trouble with right now."

"What is it Kai something wrong?"

"Well it's kinda embarrassing you know, my...dick is really hurting me right now cause it feels really hard and I don't know why it does that." I said as I began blushing from even talking about this kinda thing.

"You mean your dick feels hard which is forming a bulge in your pants but hurts from the constriction?" he asked me in a calm manner.

"Yeah, I don't know what to do to make it go away and I highly doubt I'll receive the talk from my dad anytime soon since he's out of the house, and it would be awkward to talk about this to my mom. So you're the only one I can turn to for help on this." I said, as my whole head fur was showing red from my blush.

"Well it's nothing to be embarrassed about for one, cause my parents already told me what it is I should do in case I have this problem and that's to masturbate." He told me while eying my bulge.

"What's that exactly...(owww)...whatever as long as it can get rid of this pain it's causing me." I said while making a cringing face from trying to push my dick back into it's sheath.

"Well it's an awkward phase were going through with puberty, my dad called it the battle of the bulge and I can teach you how to turn that pain into something really pleasurable if you'll allow me to." He says as he began leaning towards me.

"Ok ok, anything, just teach me how to do It." with anxiousness in my voice.

"Ok first you need to take off your shorts as well as underwear to begin, here I'll do it to so you can copy me." He said as he took off his shorts and underwear and sat right next to me.

"Fine ok." I do as instructed and sit right next to him and began blushing that I saw his dick was hard as well and was out of it's shaft measuring at 5 inches compared to mine being 4 ½ . I was able to see that his white fur trailed down to his sheath as well as his balls, if I was blushing back when I first asked him about this, I was overheated and sweating now cause my mind was screaming all kinds of things now that I didn't understand. "What's wrong with me why am I acting like this, sure I've seen Neo naked before in the gym showers but it feels different now." I thought as I began smelling his musk and heard him continue his instructions.

"Take your paw and grab your dick and stroke it up and down." He said using his left hand as he began to murr at the feeling.

I tried doing this same thing with my left paw but it felt kinda weird, so I decided to use my right paw and as I began stroking it I immediately felt bolts of pleasure flowing throughout my body. It was the most amazing feeling I ever experienced before and I didn't want it to end anytime soon.

When Neo quickly looked back at me he saw me mouth open with my tongue hanging, panting with my paw moving faster stroking my wolf meat. He giggled a little bit and quickly stopped my stroking.

"Why did you do that?" I asked as I was panting.

"Cause if you go any faster you'll make yourself climax quicker, it's better to savor the feeling for awhile." He said as he slowly stroked his dick.

"Ok fine but what do you mean exactly by climax?" I asked while slowly stroking my meat.

"Well how about I demonstrate instead then explain, and in a fun way too." He said as he winked at me and had me pull my paw away from my dick, as he quickly grabbed my dick in his paw. My eyes went wide-eyed as I see my friend grabbing onto my wolf meat and didn't bother pushing him away as he began stroking me, leaving me moaning in pleasure. Seeing my face amused, he didn't stop there, as he pulled my paw to his dick and had me begin stroking it too. At that moment we were just two friends stroking each other's dicks, and getting off from this pleasure. Of course we didn't last that much longer as we were moaning and began stroking faster until we both howled as white stuff spurted out of both our dicks and painted our chest as we were quickly breathing heavily from that amazing experience ever.

That my friend (pant) is a climax, and (pant) the white stuff on you is your sperm...we learned this back in sex-ed class remember? He said while he was exhausted.

"Yeah I remember just didn't think (pant) I would learn it like this." as I quickly take my right paw covered with some of the white stuff bring it to my face sniffing it (with curiosity getting the better of me) then taking a lick from it. "It taste a bit salty."

"Yeah I know I've tasted myself before." He said as he quickly licks the white goo from his left paw. "Mmmmm you actually taste kind of sweet." At that point it felt like I was going to pass out from blush really hard from my friend's remark. We quickly clean ourselves up and put our shorts back on and relax for a bit on my bed just talking about random things for awhile.

"Hey Kai there's something I need to tell you and it's really important." He said with a serious look on his face.

"If your telling me you like me, I'm sorry again but I don't feel that way towards you, I just see you as my best friend." I said with disinterest.

"No it's not that...I was able to get over that. I'm moving away." He says with sadness on his face.

"What!!....what do you mean moving away what's going on why is this happening now, where are u going?" I said standing up looking at him with a confused expression. This all seemed so sudden, so confusing and it felt really upsetting to hear all in one. I wanted to ask him a million questions, interrogating him on the truth.

"Both my parents jobs are having them relocate to Arizona for awhile to start a new branch there and help make sure it grows and be successful. In other words I moving to Arizona for a few years." As he began crying and it didn't take me long to feel tears rolling down my eyes as well.

"I don't want you to're my best friend, what will I do without you hear, we done so many things together and helped each other out of situations that I just don't know what I do without you." I said, as I couldn't stop my tears.

"I know that and that this really sucks, I'm separated from my best friend not knowing anybody at this new place hiding m sexuality again, I don't want to go!!!" He said, as both of our tears began soaking each other's shirts. The whole night we spent crying feeling that lonesome feeling that we'll experience when Neo moves away and decided to make sure the time we had left spent together we'll be memorable ones.


(3 months later)

We decided to meet each other at the park as our final goodbye since it seems to work out as the best memorable way to saying farewell to each other, and quickly going over what the agreement is.

"So I guess I'll try to move forward with my life here and try to make new friends while doing well in school." I said as I try to keep a straight face on not crying again.

"Right and I will try to move on with my new life in Arizona, while staying in the closet from my family and hopefully find a boyfriend while I'm at it." He said as he was trying to be calm. "That also goes for both of us to keep in touch with each other by writing emails, on how are daily lives are going."

"Right." I said, as we closed the gap between us with a goodbye hug, a tear streaming down both our eyes. "Like you said, it may take several years, but who knows maybe you can make it back before finishing high school so we can graduate together." I said with a little smile on my face.

"I can't wait." He told me as we broke our embrace and quickly departed our separate ways saying a distant goodbye to each other.....for now at least.