Potty-Pants Sara

Story by AdamantZoroark on SoFurry

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I'd say I've had better dates. Then again, it's not every day that you're on a date with a cute woman and you pee your pants. Well, I'm used to the pants wetting thing. My bladder is so tiny that it inevitably happens every other week or so, if not more often, but I'd rather have it happen in any other social situation. Still, I don't think I was as embarrassed as she was.

"Sara," said the anthropoid Furfrou. "I'm really sorry about today. I should have made sure the restaurant had a bathroom."

"It's fine, Sophie. Really, I mean that. I'm used to it."

As we sat in Sophie's car, it was clear to me that she felt a need to comfort me before we got moving. I pulled a Polaroid picture out of my purse. It was a picture of a midday Lycanroc and a shiny midnight Lycanroc - my mother and myself, respectively.

"I really like your car, by the way," I said. "Usually, you see third-generation Supras with the 7M engine."

"Yeah, the 1JZ is rare and right-hand drive only," said Sophie. "Also, way to change the topic. Are you really that unfazed by what just happened?"

I showed Sophie the picture I carried around.

"Why do you carry that around?"

"That's my mother with me in the photo," I said. "I carry it around to remember to always be thankful for the help she gave me growing up. I don't know what I'd do without it."

"You're being really cryptic. Can you just cut to the chase?"

"Fine," I said. "Point being, my bladder is tiny. To be precise, its capacity is about 250 milliliters."

"I have... No context for any of that."

"At normal rates of urine production, it would be completely full and I'd be wetting myself in about five hours."

"That's... Really unfortunate. Things like this must happen a lot, then."

"Yeah... Three weeks is my record for going accident free."

"So your mother must have been there to provide moral support."

"Yeah, that was part of it."

Sophie went silent for a couple of minutes. Seeing as a normal person would try to maintain the conversation, it got really awkward, but I knew that Sophie has a form of high-functioning autism, so I had to give her some leeway in this regard.

"What do you mean?", asked Sophie.

"It's a really long story. If you insist on hearing it, though, then we should start heading on our way."

"I really don't wanna talk and drive, though," said Sophie. "Not in this car, at least. Dealing with compromised visibility is hard enough."

"You don't have to talk until I'm done, and I probably still won't be done by the time we get to your house."

"Okay... Start from the beginning, then."

My mother also had an abnormally small bladder. Pretty consistently, she would wet herself about once a week. She knew very well how embarrassing it was, and, knowing that I had a high chance of also not being able to hold in very much pee, she didn't want me to go through that.

"Okay, Sara," said mom. "This is really important, so listen well. On the last Saturday of every month, I'm gonna have you hold it until you have an accident."

"What? Why?"

Of course I was confused. I was five years old and had finally finished potty training a year before. And now my mom wanted _me to wet myself?

"I know it sounds weird," said mom. "But with how we are, it's not a matter of if we wet ourselves, it's a matter of when. I just want you to be prepared for when it happens."_

As Sophie and I reached a red light, she decided it would be fine to talk. The car wasn't moving, after all.

"I don't really get it," she said. "What was the point? To desensitize you to it happening?"

"Well, I'm sure that happened a little, but it's still embarrassing no matter how often it happens."

"Yeah, that's what I would think. What was her idea, then?"

"I didn't understand when I was five. By the time I turned eight, though, I figured out it was damage control."

"Damage control?"

Again, I didn't figure it out at first. She started off by training me to show absolutely no signs of desperation. I never got punished for failing to do so. We'd just try again until I succeeded, which eventually I did succeed on what happened to be the day before my eighth birthday. On the next day, my mom gave me a PlayStation 2 as a present, but my family had never really given out any birthday presents. I didn't really confront her, but I did tell her that I finally figured out what her goal was.

"Yes, that's absolutely right, Sara," said mom. "We still have a lot more to cover, but you've learned a lot since we first started this."

"So it was all about avoiding drawing attention?", asked Sophie.

"Yes. There were some minor issues we also covered, like controlling anxiety and wearing skirts."

"Is that why you only wear skirts?"

"Exactly. It's also why all of my skirts are either black, dark blue, or dark red."

"That makes sense. An accident will always be very obvious if you're wearing pants, but with a skirt, you might end up having no visible damage at all."

"Well, others can still look up-skirt."

"And that's exactly why I _don't_wear them."

"Understandable, but I'd rather deal with the occasional creep than be on the spotlight whenever I wet myself."

The light turned green, and Sophie attempted to get the vehicle moving, but stalling it in the process.

"Sorry," she said. "Just dealing with a lot of thoughts right now, as you can imagine."


After Sophie started the car back up and got it rolling again, I continued my story-telling.

The really hard part of this had only just started. See, not showing everyone how desperate you are for a piss is the easy part. What isn't easy is noticing that you've just started to involuntarily piss yourself, all while not even reacting to it like nothing has happened. When I was thirteen, I went full thirteen-year-old mode and got rebellious.

"Why do you keep making me do this, mom?", I asked. "How can someone wet themselves and not react at all?"

"I know it's hard," she said. __1"I just don't want all eyes to be on you when it does happen."

"How would you know if you've never even tried it yourself?"

Immediately after I said that, things suddenly grew silent. I knew I had just crossed the line. My mother was unable to keep jobs for very long; first she had to find jobs that would allow her to wear skirts, but even then, she'd still eventually get fired for being seen having an accident, or for using the toilet too frequently. My dad had to work 70 hours per week just to provide for the family. Things were tough, and I managed to cross the line. I fucked up.

"You're right," she said, crying. "My parents never helped me deal with my condition... But now I have too many things to do to focus on getting myself to deal with it."

I started to feel sorry for her. This wasn't some routine family tradition or whatever. My mom knew I wouldn't be able to go very long without having an accident, even if I trained myself to have the strongest pelvic floor on the fucking planet. At the same time, neither one of us would be seen dead wearing diapers, because having to wear a diaper is more humiliating than wetting yourself. There was a good reason she had the idea that if I wouldn't be able to go without having accidents, that I should at least be able to have an accident without anyone knowing about it. She didn't want me to be dependent on someone else's financial support. She wanted me to be a strong, independent woman who need no man... Well, I should also say I don't need no woman, since I'm a lesbian, but you get my point.

"Oh, sorry to change the topic, but I have to ask," said Sophie. "Do your parents know you're gay?"

"Yeah, they know. I wouldn't describe it as coming out, though. They walked in on me scissoring with one of my friends. We were both of age, so they just asked what I wanted for dinner and then told us to have fun."

"Wish I could say the same about my parents. We stopped talking after they found out, and after my father died, I found out that he disinherited me in his will."


"Anyway, carry on with what you were saying."

I stopped rebelling against the damage control training after that, but still didn't succeed until I was fourteen. First day of high school. I was running late and really had to piss, but I'd be damned if I was gonna be late on the first day. I got there in time, but my teacher made it clear that he wouldn't let anyone use the restroom. All of a sudden, I was sitting in a one-and-a-half hour class, all but guaranteed to have an accident

"Okay, Sara," I thought to myself. "This time, it's for real. It's definitely not a matter of if it happens. It will definitely happen. Your entire social life is at stake here. If you react even in the slightest to wetting yourself, you will never live that shit down. Do. Not. Even. Flinch."

An added benefit was that I was attending was a private school, which clearly had way too much money to spend on chairs. So instead of that plastic garbage that you got in public schools, these chairs were actually comfy, which meant some cushioning to keep the liquid from pooling over. It would also muffle the sound. With the back of my skirt out of the way, I just had to wait.

About halfway into the class, it happened. Funny how when everything is at stake, you get even more dedicated, but I didn't react at all. I just kept taking my notes, as if nothing had happened. Once class was over, I made it a point to take a while to get all of my stuff together. I was the last to get up and leave. Nobody found out what happened that day. Even the teacher didn't know it was me. Strangely, it felt satisfying.

Sophie and I arrived at her house. She parked her car in the garage, then, as we got out of the car, she went over to the passenger's seat to check it.

"Huh," said Sophie. "Maybe I won't have to replace the seat."

The two of us went inside the house, and Sophie turned on the living room light. Upon this simple action, she found an Incineroar and a Lucario, both male, passed out on the furniture, with red solo cups and an empty bottle of vodka littering the ground.

"Shit, I forgot that it was party week," said Sophie.

"This happens a lot?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about it, they'll be okay. They have to drink a lot in order to get drunk."

"Yeah, I can see that. They're pretty buff, so they must have a lot more body mass."

"Anyway... Let's head up to my bedroom. Got a bottle of vodka in there that I wanna finish up before those two find it."

"You sure it wasn't the one that's on the ground?"

"Oh, that's the cheap shit. I have a bottle of Grey Goose. Only finished about a quarter of it, though."

"Well... I tend to avoid drinking too much. I piss all over the place if I do. It's been a while, though, so I could go for it."

"I think we can figure something out."

As we walked upstairs towards her bedroom, I couldn't help but think about today's events. She had only known Sophie for a few weeks now, and yet here I was giving her some back-story that not even my closest friends knew about.

Once we were up the stairs, Sophie didn't immediately head to her bedroom. Instead, she went towards another room, knocking on the door.

"Come in," a male voice said.

Sophie grabbed the doorknob, but first, turned to me and whispered, "You don't have to tell him anything if you don't want to."

"Oh, hey Sophie," said a Typhlosion. "Back so soon?"

Unlike Sophie's other roommates, this Typhlosion wasn't muscular at all. In fact, quite the opposite. He was also nearsighted, which I figured out from the fact that he was wearing glasses. He had a bunch of toolboxes in his room as well, and I was wondering why those weren't in the garage.

"I was gone a good while, Kev," said Sophie. "Anyway, first things first, got a favor to ask of you."


Sophie walked over to Kev's desk, setting the keys to her car on them.

"Sara and I will be drinking tonight, so I want to make sure you don't let me get in the car."

"Sure thing. They'll be safe with me until you sober up in the morning."

"Also, while you've got the keys, mind checking the tires and suspension? The car doesn't seem to handle like it should."

"Well, my bet is that it's because the tires are just about due for replacement, but I'll check the suspension while I'm at it."

"Thanks, dude."

"No problem. Anyway, I didn't get a chance to meet your date."

"Oh, right. Sara, meet Kev. Kev, this is Sara."

I walked over towards Kev, who reached out to shake my hand. I returned the favor, but was mainly concerned about him picking up a certain scent from earlier.

"It's nice to meet you," he said.

"You too."

I noticed Kev sniffing around. That was when I thought he might be picking up on the smell from my accident.

"Sophie, do you smell that?"

"Uhh... No, I don't smell anything."

"No, I definitely smell pee or something."

Shit. This guy's got a damn good nose. No way I'd be able to weasel my way out of this one. As my mother always tells me, honesty is the best policy.

"Well, I'm a bit accident-prone," I said.

"Oh, you poor thing! Come here, you..."

Kev moved towards me to hug me, but I held up my hands as if to tell him not to.

"It's fine, really. That won't be necessary."

"You're sure you're okay? You must have been so embarrassed."

"Really, I'm alright. You get used to it when it typically happens every other week."

"Wow, that's a lot... Well, you can always talk to me if you need help."

"Actually, that's the second thing I wanted to talk to you about. Sara's a bit concerned about her ability to hold it when she's been drinking."

"I've got the thing. I use some disposable mats to keep fluid spills contained when I'm working on the cars, and they'll work perfectly for this as well."

Kev handed Sophie a box of disposable mats.

"Awesome. Thanks."

"Use as many as you need. They're not that expensive."

"Oh, also, I've been meaning to ask. Ever figure out what was wrong with that fennec's Skyline?"

"Pat's? Yeah, the oil pump failed. Really common issue in these cars. It's a good thing that he caught the issue early and stopped the engine before that failed too. I'm just gonna put in the oil pump from an R33 Skyline GT-R and it should be all well and good."

"Well, it's good to hear that it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Anyway, Sara and I will be on our way now."

Sophie shut Kev's door, then we headed to her bedroom. Once there, Sophie covered every square inch of her bed with the mats that Kev gave her. She wanted to be absolutely sure that I wouldn't ruin her mattress. Smart idea.

"Alright, you shouldn't have to worry about ruining my bed anymore."

Sophie then grabbed the bottle of Grey Goose, which was stashed beneath her bed.

"I usually only get a few shots out of it before Michael and Sora find it and drink it all."

"They're bad roommates, aren't they?"

"Well, they pay me back at full cost of the bottle. They're really nice, but they make awful decisions while drunk."

Sophie opened the bottle and took a swig right from it. Afterwards, she handed me the bottle, after which I took a swig from it.

"Before we get too drunk, we should probably clear something up," said Sophie.


Sophie and I got up on the bed, being careful not to push off any of the mats. I had a feeling where this was going.

"We won't be making the best of decisions while wasted," said Sophie. "So while we're still capable of rational thought, I'd just like to know... If you're willing to have sex with me tonight."

Holy shit, that must have taken a lot of courage, especially given that her mental condition also comes with a full serving of social anxiety. I really wasn't expecting to have sex after the first date; I mean, I wasn't opposed to it, but I especially wasn't expecting to get anywhere close to having sex when I pissed my pants on that first date. Plus, she did have a point that we wouldn't be able to make an informed decision while drunk, so I had to make up my mind on the spot.

"Absolutely," I said. "I'd love that."

"Alright. Anyway, we'll probably be naked pretty soon anyway, so wanna just go ahead and get that over with?"

"Yeah. Been wanting to take my panties off for a while now. They're still damp."

"Fair point. You probably would have wanted to be nude even if you didn't want sex."


With that, the two of us started to undress. I had no bra on, so my process was pretty straightforward: I just had to take off my panties, take off my shirt, and then unbutton my skirt and just let that slide right down, and then bam, I was in my birthday suit. On the other hand, Sophie had a button-up shirt on, as well as khakis with a belt, and she did have a bra on. Yeah, aside from the bra, she wore men's formal attire to our date, but honestly, she looked hot in it.

"Honestly," said Sophie, who had only just gotten down to her bra. "Before now, If I had heard of someone whose parents made their kid hold it to the point of wetting themselves every month, I'd have seen it as child abuse."

"Yeah, at times, I almost considered it abusive. I knew she meant it to help, and it was never used as a form of punishment."

"But I think in your case," said Sophie, as she finally undid her bra to join me in being naked, "It's really good that your mom did what she did. Can't avoid accidents, won't wear diapers... So at least learn to cope with the accidents."

"Yeah... It ended up going a bit further than just coping with the accidents, though."

"What do you mean?"

We each took another swig out of the bottle, out of which I entered reminiscence mode again.

We went through a few more monthly holds just to make sure what happened at the high school wasn't a fluke. Simply by telling myself my social life was on the line every time, I managed to go through each one without having the slightest reaction to having an accident, and not even so much as pressing into my crotch if I really had to pee.

"Well, you're definitely not gonna get much attention if you wet yourself now," said mom.

"Yeah. I'm really grateful that you had me do this. If it weren't for your lessons, I'd have gone through high school with the same nickname I had in middle school - Potty-pants Sara."

"I bet you're relieved that you don't have to do these anymore."

"Actually... I think I should keep going."

"But you don't need to. You couldn't possibly bring less attention to yourself."

"Well... I know I don't need to. But there was something I found satisfying about the incident at school... Like having an undetected accident was a reward. So the truth is... I want to find new ways to wet myself and go undetected."

Oh shit. It was a thought that sounded a lot better in my head, but sounded extremely fucked up when said out loud. Well, of course the thought had been bouncing around that I was actually starting to like holding it in until I wet myself, but that definitely confirmed that what my mom had me go through turned me into some kind of degenerate."

"I see... It's a better result than what I expected."

"Huh? Isn't it weird?"

"Well, of course it is. I was just aiming to get you to cope with having accidents frequently. But the fact that you've actually turned such an embarrassing condition into a way to entertain yourself... Even if it's weird, good on you! I'm so proud of you."

The two of us hugged. I really didn't think it would go down like that. She actually saw it as a better result than what she was aiming to achieve.

"Maybe I can learn a lot from you," she said. "I could never shake the anxiety because my parents would always yell at me for wetting myself."

"Didn't that only make you more anxious and make you wet more?"

"Yeah, it did... But maybe you can help me regain confidence."

From that point on, my mother was learning from me, instead of me learning from her. Eventually, she got so good at going undetected with it that she actually managed to get a job without her bladder capacity affecting it. Neither of us take bathroom breaks on our road trips bringing me to and from college. Saves a lot of time, since we'd be stopping a lot if we did. Then, eventual... Eventually...

"Wait... Did we... did we... Finish the bottle?", I asked.

"Wow... I just wuzzn't keep'n track," said Sophie.

"Damn, we're some funk druckers," I said. "Can't even talk white. Wide. Ugh, can't even talk right."

"Y'know, you makin' such an embarrass'n thing some'n good for ya... That's fuck as sexy."

"I zink we should stop talking..."

I started licking Sophie's left nipple... Rather poorly, since I was wasted, but I didn't care. Sophie started moving her right arm in my general direction, as if trying to reach for something..

"Can't... Can't seemta find your pussy..."

"I've gotcha."

I grabbed Sophie's arm, guiding it towards my vagina. After locating it thanks to my assistance, she started to finger me.

"Mmm... Yes, dat's good, baby..."

I would have just enjoyed the attention Sophie was giving to my pussy, but I felt a very familiar feeling - a sharp ping in my abdomen. It was substantially duller than usual, but nonetheless, my body was telling me to take a piss.

"I hafta piss, babe..."

"That's alright... Jus' go. We mat the gots."

If I weren't drunk, I'd have had second thoughts, but drunk me didn't give a damn. With that, as Sophie continued to play with me, I peed right there, completely soaking her hand, her legs, and the bed beneath us.

"So warm... Feels nice," said Sophie.

While still focusing down Sophie's left nipple with my tongue, I located her vagina with my left hand and returned the favor.

"Oh yeah... There we babe, go..."

We kept fingering each other for a good while, while I would switch between doing tongue work on Sophie's left and right nipples. Suddenly, I felt Sophie's pussy get wetter and start spasming, signaling that she was orgasming - something I noticed I was approaching as well.

"Ooohh... Ahh...."

I glanced at the clock. 9:20 PM. I caught a glance at the clock right before we started fucking and knew we started right at 9:00 PM. It had been twenty minutes, but it only felt like two. All the alcohol was really affecting my perception of time.

Once I looked away from the clock again, I had my own orgasm, my vagina secreting even more of its juice and tightening itself around Sophie's fingers.


Shortly, our orgasms concluded, and the two of us no longer had the energy to continue.

"Yes," I said. "That was babe, lovely."


Right after that, I fell asleep, using Sophie's large, furry breasts as a pillow.

I woke up at around 10:00 AM the following morning and still felt groggy.

"Ugh. Hangover," I thought.

I looked at the bed. Almost every mat we had set down was soaked, as were both of our entire bodies. I felt underneath the mats, and luckily, they managed to keep her bed completely dry.

"Sophie," I said while nudging Sophie. "Wake up. Wake up!"

Sophie started to wake up, although she too was still groggy. Likewise, she also had a bad hangover.

"We're soaked," I said. "Gotta get in the shower." "Yeah... Good idea."

We got out of the bed, threw out all of the mats, then headed straight to the shower, hopping in together. I set the water to a fairly hot temperature, although not hot enough to burn, so that the two of us would be able to have a nice shower.

"Sorry," I said. "I didn't think I'd wet that much."

"It wasn't all you, Sara. I woke up to notice that I was wetting the bed. That probably explains most of it. My bladder capacity is about a liter."

"Damn, that's a lot. Of course that would make a huge puddle."

Rather than actually cleaning myself, I spent a good few minutes doing nothing but ogling Sophie's breasts. Not only were they large in terms of physical size - I caught a glimpse of her bra's tag, which said the size was 32K - her areola were gigantic. It's not every day you get to see tits this amazing.

"Really like the pups, don't you?"

"I like big tits and I cannot lie..."

"Nice meme, but you have some pretty large puppies yourself. Couldn't be any smaller than F-cups."

"Thanks, but... Holy shit..."

"I tell you what."

Sophie pointed at a bottle of shampoo in the shower.

"Grab that and you can play with 'em. Just make sure to cover the rest of my body, too."

I couldn't believe this. Yesterday, I thought I had just blown any chance of a second date, and yet here I was shampooing her. I happily grabbed the bottle of shampoo, putting a healthy amount in my hands and shampooing all of her fur. I didn't want to focus all of my efforts on her breasts, so I did everything else first, taking care of her head, arms, legs, back, and then butt, all before I indulged in shampooing her breasts. Once I finally got there, I didn't let that moment go. I milked it for all it was worth. I squished those titties together, rubbing them up and down against each other. I used my thumbs to passionately rub her nipples. I gave them nice squeezes at every opportunity. Okay, it was obvious I was just using shampoo as an excuse to play with Sophie's breasts, but come on, you've gotta give it to me. It's a damn good excuse.

"You really love 'em, huh?", asked Sophie. "I need a turn to shampoo you, though."

"Oh, right," I said.

"Plus, I've been waiting for a chance to play with those puppies."

Sophie filled up her right hand with shampoo, applying it briefly, but sufficiently to my arms, head, legs, and back. Once she got to my butt, she started giving it squeezes with her hands as she shampooed my fur.

"Alright... Now for the final prize..."

Sophie started shampooing my breasts, during which she rubbed them together up and down against each other, just like I did, albeit starting on different sides since I'm left-handed and she's right-handed. She also gave my nipples some passionate rubs, during which she was squishing her own breasts together with her arms and squishing my breasts with her hands in order to get the fur on them nice and clean.

"Alright, I think we're both nice and clean," said Sophie.

The two of us rinsed off all the shampoo and then got out of the shower. We grabbed a couple of towels to get some of the water out, although by the nature of having fur, we were still pretty damp.

"Usually, the four of us just walk around naked for an hour or two to completely dry off," said Sophie. "Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah," I said. "We do that at my place too. No other way to get completely dry, really."

"Okay. I'm sure they've showered, so all of them are probably naked too."

"That's okay. I've seen my fair share of dicks."

"Just letting you know, so you won't be surprised."

With that, the two of us got out of the bathroom and headed downstairs to get something to eat. As expected, the two of us were greeted by the earlier Lucario and Incineroar, both of whom were completely naked this time. I'm not gonna describe their dicks to you. I didn't look.

"Oh, hey Sophie," said the Lucario from earlier. "Glad you could join us."

"Hey, Sora. Yeah, I got shitfaced at a slightly different hour than you did."

"Successfully managed to hide some vodka from our drunk asses, huh?", asked the Incineroar from earlier. By process of elimination, I figured out he was the Michael that Sophie was referring to.

"You know," I said. "I'm beginning to think she should just keep it in a safe."

"That's a good idea! Why didn't I think of that?"

Kev came in from the garage - he was wearing overalls and an old, worn-out long-sleeved shirt, and was covered in oil and grease. He was probably doing some work on Sophie's car... And the oil would probably be explained by the Skyline that was in the driveway, seeing as it needed an entirely new oil pump.

"Okay," said Kev, who handed Sophie the keys to her car. "I did find something wrong with the suspension on your car. Camber wasn't right on compression or rebound. Fixed that."

"Alright. And the tires?"

"You aren't at minimum tread depth yet, but you're getting dangerously close. I wouldn't drive it until you get new tires on it."

"Okay. Sara will need a way to get home, though."

"I know. Unfortunately, Sora's car broke down and Michael doesn't even have one. I called Pat over to pick up his car, but it'll be night by the time he can get here."

"I'm fine with staying until then."

"Alright. I put your clothes in the wash, by the way, so you'll get to go home in clean clothes."

"Wow, that's nice of you. Thanks so much!"

"Not a problem."

It was 10:00 PM, and no sign of this fennec that Sophie says owns the gray Skyline parked outside. I was getting sleepy, and sleepy plus hung over is not a fun combo; you basically have two different feelings telling you to get some rest, and the headache from the hangover doesn't help either. But finally, at a couple of minutes past ten, someone rung the doorbell.

Sophie opened the door and was greeted by a black-and-gray fennec fox. Given that he's a fennec, I expected him to be much shorter, but he looked to be around six feet tall.

"You must be Pat," said Sophie.

"Yeah," he said. "Kevin tells me I have to give free taxi service to a visitor?"

"Yeah... Sorry, my tires have very little tread, and Sora's car broke down."

"Well, Sora does drive a Ford... An old one. Doesn't the thing have a carburetor?"

"Yeah... It's pretty old."

"Anyway," I said. "I'm the one that Kev's saddled you with. Sorry."

"It's fine. I hope it's not too far out of my way, though."

"Five minute drive."

"Alright. Let's get going."

Pat took me out, walking me towards his car. After making the mistake of nearly getting in on the wrong side on Sophie's right-hand drive car twice, I learned my lesson this time and got in on the left-hand side. And with that, I was finally heading back home. Thank goodness, because mom won't stop texting me wondering what's taking me so long.

Kelly Gets Desperate Again

Kelly stood there looking out the window. She was remembering something that happened a while back - she was remembering the time she was walking home and wet herself out of desperation. She couldn't stop thinking about that day; she couldn't forget...

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Pee Party

Marie the Lopunny's parents had once again left on Saturday morning. However, unlike an earlier encounter in which her father walked in on her while she was wetting her pants, a few things were different. This time, her parents were gone until Tuesday...

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Presidential Affairs

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