Venom, Episode 5

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#5 of Venom

"The Vipers are a faction of 'baby' Gorgons, there isn't a one of them who has been in the Sisterhood for more then a decade. I think they might have the same Sister-Mother, but I'm not sure of that. There could be two or three mixing their broods. But from what I can tell, whoever is in charge of the group is smart. Incredibly smart. The Vipers aren't making the mistakes that almost all rapid change Sisters make. But though their methods are more professional, they still have the goal of domination, achieved in the short term of a few years."

"So to further their goals, they produce and distribute Venom, a refined version of the transformation essence given off by all Gorgons. Unlike the pure substance, Venom is only able to induce transformation in 10 percent of the female population. But by distributing it, the Vipers hope to create an army of superpowered Sisters."

"A Venom transformation is slow, it takes months of use to induce it, but it brings out stronger powers within the new Sisters then most of us are able to bring about with our traditional bonding methods. Venom transformees are unbound, but given strong social instincts, wanting to be around others of their kind, wanting to fit in, wanting to help other Sisters any way they can."

"In distributing Venom, the Vipers hope to gain a powerful and loyal army of what are essentially pets. While most will be normal girls without any villainous ambition, they can't help themselves. They have to obey their elder sisters. They're addicted to Venom as well, the only creatures that can be, requiring either a sample of Venom every few days, or getting it straight from the source."

Skye smiles at me, cupping her breasts. "Venom is our milk, our seed, our sexual essence. All are suspensions of Venom in slightly different forms. I can only guess as to how it's processed, but however they do it, they make it more powerful, a more concentrated form. The euphoria you felt, the enhancing of the senses, that is the normal effect. Venom strengthens more then the senses. In fact..."

I don't hear what Skye has to say, the sound of my beloved's melodious voices is absent as my body spasms. My vision blurs, the edges fading, and I black out. But I'm not unconscious, I still feel the world around me. It feels cool, slick, smooth, and wet in places. Wet and tight. Mmm... I'm aroused, very around. Somebody is stroking my breasts, there's a tongue in my mouth, my own tongue in my lover's, whoever they may be. My cock is gripped tightly by the wet walls of their sex.

My cock? I don't have a cock! I realize it's not part of the past that I'm remembering, but that means it can only be the present. I moan and open my eyes, peering into the beautiful purple irises of Hiss, her mental projection anyway. I try to speak, but it comes out only as a soft moan. She smiles for a moment before pressing her lips against mine once more. I feel more in control of myself, lifting up my arms to hug her against me.

I know what's happening to me, the Ascension, the transformation from human form, into the true form of a Sister. It must be taking place in the cocoon that surrounds me in the real world, my mind mirroring it. I wrap my legs around Hiss' waist, delighting in the feel of her cools scales on my thighs as I thrust into her.

I ought to be embarrassed, ashamed at what I'm doing. I don't know if this is something that Hiss initiated, or something I started while mentally overcome with visions of the past. But I'm not. I recognize it as nothing more then a coupling for mutual pleasure, my scale-sister enjoying herself while helping to ease my conversion into my new, scaled body.

I can think, I can analyze, but I cannot speak. My muscles don't seem to want to work properly. While a part of my mind is detached from the wonderful feelings of pleasure rocketing through my body, another part remains detached from the pleasures of the flesh, giving me clarity in moments of deepest passion.

Hiss breaks the kiss, much to my disappointment. I moan and lean forward, trying to recapture her tongue, to pull it back into my mouth. But she just smiles and shakes her head. "Sssssh, Little Sister," she says happily, "The transformation can be overwhelming at times. Just relax, let me take care of you for once. You've tended to my physical self for so long, allow me to return the favor."

A hot shiver flows through my body as I climax, the feeling of a wet explosion rocketing through my loans as I feel what it's like to cum as a male. I feel Hiss tense against me. The blue serpent gasps softly, eyes half lidded in pleasure from her own climax. "The change is a wonderfully sexual experience, most often felt in the flesh. But I can sense you're a special case. I've never heard of a Sister changing within a cocoon before. But it gives us a delightful opportunity, to fulfill desires and fantasies that would be difficult to act upon in the real world."

As the theater fades around me, I grin, wondering what sorts of pleasures that my elder Sister has in store for me.