
Story by Slendercat on SoFurry

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Authors note: constructive criticism is appreciated.

_Authors note part 2: Im sorry if the story is a bit choppy or bland Im still new to this. Also future chapters coming soon.Yay _

_Authors note part 3: The 'pointless' beginning intro will be important later. _

_Authors note part 4: oh yeah look at the tags adult stuff ahead. _

Authors note part 5: tags might change per chapter. I might change that later.

Authors note part 6: wow thats a lot of authors notes.

The Dead Zone. An inhospitable place only meant for the most seasoned of scavengers. A place full to the brim with irradiation, mutants, and loot. Lots and lots of loot. You see the dead zone used to be a city. One that radiated warmth and happiness. A place one could go to forget the horrors of the world around them. Provided you had money that is. Now it stands as a testament to remind all who see it that the world is a cruel and unforgiving place. But it wasn't the world that did this. No. It was the ones who lived in it.

You see the city was a shining bastion of glory and hope amidst a wasteland of sorrow and death. But only people with money and power could get in. And as history has taught us the poor always outnumber the rich.

I'm poor. I mean jack shit poor. Like I have nothing, no one, niet. My parents died when I was young, my mother at birth and father a few months later. As for money it was all squandered away on alcohol and drugs. Courtesy of my dad. I never really left the flat broke level no matter what I did. Until now that is.

"You want a job?" I smiled and nodded at the sleek black wolf before me. He looked imposing but there was a soft look in his eyes, like a fur who still cares for others. A rare sighting in the wasteland.

"Well..." the wolf scratched the back of his neck. "You're a fox so I guess we could offer you a job as know..." I fought back a sigh. I knew this was gonna happen it always did. I would finally find a fur offering a job but I was either too weak to fill the position or they used the species card, I was a fox so obviously I was a gay and obviously I only wanted to suck dick and get fucked up the ass. Which I mean they weren't wrong.

"I know what?" I decided to humor him. This wolf was obviously uncomfortable talking about this so I wanted to watch him squirm.

" could be uh....prostitute." The wolf barely whispered the last word and clearly was regretting this meeting.

"I could be a prostitute huh? That seems a little weird considering I'm a guy." I made sure to emphasize the last sentence and the wolf squirmed at this. Serves him right I thought.

The wolf scratched at his neck, "well there are clients willing to pay for" I fought back a snort. Of course, there where this is the wasteland were talking about. People are willing to do anything to take their mind off the depressing world around them and what better way to do that then through pleasure. I gotta admit though they had their bases covered. There weren't

many furs who were up for male on male but I'm sure the ones who are come back again and again.

"Look mister..."


"Ok. Look Mister Morrison I'm flattered that you think I'd make a know. But I came here because I'm desperate but not that desperate. And I can tell you're uncomfortable about this but there must be other jobs that I can do." Mr. Morrison looked at me his amber eyes staring into mine.

"Please, I'll do anything. Any odd jobs you got. Anything just please I need a job." My ears were against my skull and I was pleading with him. I felt ashamed but I needed a job or I would starve.

The wolf must have taken pity on me, "Look. I really shouldn't be doing this but I have one job that is available. It's a dangerous one though but the payoff is high."

"Really!" my ears perked up. And I couldn't help but lean forward in my seat.

"Yes but...look this is really dangerous are you sure you want to do this." I nodded vigorously anything was better than nothing right?

The wolf sighed his ears twitching, "ok look there's a bandit up in mountains south of here who's been terrorizing traders and travelers alike. They call him buck shot bill and for good reason. He wields a custom made shotgun that can literally shred anything apart. His lackeys are also prone to excessive drug use so be ready for a tough fight."

The wolf continued talking about how buckshot bill and his bandits had robbed and killed a huge amount of furs. "Are you sure you want to do this? I wouldn't be surprised if you don't want to."

I gulped my ears splayed on the back of my head. "D-depends on how much I get paid."

"$1000 up front for supplies and another $1000 when you bring back his head." My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped. $2000 that's more money than I'd ever seen in my entire life! I would be rich!.

"You got yourself a deal!" I sprung up outta the chair my tail swishing from side to side at a frenzied pace. I stuck my paw out to seal the deal. The wolf looked at my paw apprehensively before shaking it.

The rest of the meeting was pretty boring. Morrison gave me the bounty sheet thing and tried to talk me out of it which of course I didn't listen.

"Look..." said the wolf as I made my way to the door, "how old are you"

I looked at the wolf questioningly before answering, "I'm 19 why?"

The wolf just sighed and shook his head. "Good luck kid."

The journey to the mountains was uneventful. I had bought a revolver and some .357 ammo from the general store in town as well as some armor, and had set off with a skip in my step, my tail swishing from side to side. I thought this was gonna be easy. How wrong I was. It wasn't until I had approached the foothills that I started to worry. I had never killed anyone before. How was I going to do that now?

"Just...dont worry, James. These are bandits, they've done horrible things. They deserve to be killed." It was an excuse that worked to calm my beating heart, but in the back of my mind, I still knew that when the time came I couldn't do it.

I had been told that Buckshot Bill was exactly like his choice of ammo, a buck. I couldn't help but laugh at the irony. An old world ammo designed for hunting used by the one being hunted.

Distracted, I failed to hear a fur sneaking up behind me.


I fell to the ground with a yelp. Disoriented, I tried to grab for my gun, only to have it kicked away.

"Looks like we have a live one here boys." the voice came from somewhere on my right, but I couldn't tell. The world wouldn't stop spinning.

"Should we kill him, boss?" another voice, from my left this time.

"Nah, don't. Just knock him out." I tried to get up, only to get bashed again.

My eyes blurred, and tendrils of darkness invaded my vision.

The last thing I heard before I was swept away by a wave of darkness was loud maniacal laughter.

I woke with a start. My body shot forward, only to be stopped by a length of rope tying my paws to a wooden stake driven into the ground.

"What the..." I tried to struggle against the rope, but nothing happened. I started to panic. I was captured. "Oh god I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die." I started to struggle harder, trying desperately to remove the wooden stake, but it wouldn't budge. I cursed under my breath.

Sighing, I looked around me, hoping there was something that I could use to help me. I was in some kind of valley hidden from view. I considered trying to call for help, but then my captors would know I'm awake. There were tents a few yards away. My eyes settled on a knife which lay on the ground a couple feet away from me. If I could get the knife, I might be able to escape! I started trying to wiggle towards it. My paws were tied above my head, so I had to use my feet.

I managed to drag the knife towards me, but then hit a roadblock. How was I going to grab it?

After a bit of grumbling, I had an idea. It was a bad one. Like a really bad one. But it was the only one I had.

"Here goes nothing." I grabbed the knife with both my feet, and jerked upwards. The knife flew through the air towards my face, but by some miracle landed it my open paws. I let out a sigh of relief. Everything was gonna be ok

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" I heard a voice from behind me. It was deep and raspy. A chill ran down my spine, and I dared to look up.

"Looks like foxy's awake. And he's been busy too." It was a buck. A big one.

"Tell me foxy, what made you think you could leave?" I gulped. His antlers were sharpened into points, and I'm sure he could gut someone if he tried.

"L-let let me go!" I tried to sound brave, but the shake in my voice gave away my fear.

"Awww... look at the scared foxy." his condescending tone made the situation worse.

"W-what what are you going to do to me?" It was a question which I was dreading the answer to.

The deer chuckled. "Now that would ruin the fun, wouldn't it?" I could smell his breath. It was putrid. The kind that has the power to scare away anyone. Maybe that's why he was so feared.

"Gah." I pretended to cough. "Has anyone told you you have the basic hygiene of a rock?!?"

The deer's ears twitched and he glared at me. I tried my best to look scary. In all honesty, I was terrified. I didn't want to die.

The deer was quick to recover. "Well. That's not how you talk to your host."

"Really? I thought hosts invited you to their dwelling."

"My, you're a smart one."

"I try."

"I'm sure you do, but both of us know that deep down you're terrified." My heart sank into my chest. "I can see it in your eyes. The way you look at me, it's quite obvious."

I softly gulped, trying my best not to let my ears give me away.

"Just...let me go! You can take all my stuff, just let me go!" The buck laughed at this, His deep raspy voice echoing across the mountains.

"Now why would I want to do that?" The buck grinned. "No, no. I have a better deal. How about I take your stuff, and you don't get to leave." The buck's grin turned into a toothy smile, revealing two rows of rotted old teeth.

I whimpered.

"You see, I don't get many visitors, and due to my...reputation, I don't really have much of a chance to go to settlements should I say this...relieve myself." My eyes went wide, and I started to struggle against the rope. He didn't seem to notice. "Now this wouldn't be much of a problem if my boys weren't so hopped up on drugs. I could just capture myself a pretty lady, or in your case a pretty fox, and have my way with them. But that's the problem. They're so hopped up, they go and kill everyone!" He said the last sentence with a maniacal laugh.

"P-Please let me go. Please." I tried to plead with him, but nothing worked. He just laughed at me. That deep maniacal laugh resonating across the mountain tops.

"Such a cute fox. It's a rarity we see someone like you in the wasteland. Usually, they're off in the city's pleasuring anyone willing." He was eye to eye with me now, grinning like a child who just woke up on Christmas day. My ears were laid against my skull and I was shaking violently.

"Please no." the words came out as barely a whimper.

"Such nice fur. I don't think I've ever seen black fur on a fox." He started to gently pet my fur. "Oh, you're a keeper."

"Plea-" my mouth was covered before I could finish.

"Shhh, you're ruining the moment."


I felt him grope me.

NO! NO! NO! I started thrashing violently against my restraints but the rope held firm.

"Don't worry foxy you'll learn to enjoy this." The buck leaned forward forcefully kissing me, his foul breath making me gag.

"Now hold still."