Night Menace

Story by Istapi on SoFurry

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Night Menace

just a note: It's a little slow at the beginning but picks up by the end

contains adult material (18+) which is a really stupid warning to put, because

if your viewing this you already know it contains adult material, anyway, enjoy!

copyright- Istapi 2010

note: it's also been brought to my attention that the bolding thing is confuzing lemme clear that up,

The bolded is the Teen whilst the non bolded is the Werewolf..

Thoughts had rushed through my head, hard to believe that was already a week ago, yet they still look for me. After all I'm a "menace to the public" so they say. But i guess i should tell you the story, before I lose my head again.

I walked through the door after a long tired uneventful day of work and quickly stopped by the answering machine on the counter. So much had been happening so fast lately, yet somehow i was still able to keep my wits. I pressed the play button on the machine "You have one new message.---" Mr jones it is time for your medication refill, you have 24 hours to comply if you do not, you will be shipped to a facility where we can easier moniter you"

I growed under my breath "bastards... why the hell can't they just leave me be?" The "medication" they gave me was to stop me being able to transform. after a series of unfortunate events i'd figured out what i was capable of, I was able to change into a form of a black wolf, in other words a werewolf.

So I had packed my bag as quickly as possible and decided I wanted to be as far the hell away from this whole damned mess.


It's getting dark again, soon my insticts will take place of my thoughts. The sky darkened as the sun's light faded from the heavens above, and the remaining people slowly made their way to their houses. As soon as the last light would fade from the sky I'd begin to look for tonight's victim, although I had a feeling tonight was going to be something special. Sure enough, the stars began to twinkle and the moon began it's nightly reign, illuminating the scattered clouds that hung in the night sky. This particular neighborhood was darkened, with only a few dim streetlights lining the streets of houses. I walked along the edge of the forest,I didn't want to be seen yet, for I still had to transform. As if almost on cue i felt the familiar power begin to bubble up deep inside, the muscles inside me bulged and grew, reforming my body as they grew. The moonlight shone off my sleek black fur

My mind grew cloudy, filling with feral instincs. On this particular night, my head filled with untamable lust. As the transformations trickled to an end, my stature had changed, my fur was pitch black and eyes, yellow as gold, and underneath, my bulging muscles rippled just begging to be used. My senses hightened; I picked up an all too pleasing smell in the air, the smell of a mate. I sped down the road at break-neck speeds, the possiblility of a mate, exciting me in oh so many ways. As I ran darkened houses, dogs barked from the backyards, leery of my presence.

I rounded a corner, the smell filling my nose as it became stronger with every step. And then I saw him. A teen, not more than 17 was shuffling down the street casually, I could hear his music from where i stood, my ears twitched.. he had no clue yet to my presence.

The boy walked casually down the street, his favorite song coming through the earphones, just out for a late night stroll. The night always held a certain fascination for him, the way everything seemed different even though the only difference was the lack of light. He decided not to dwell on things for too long and decided to walk a bit faster, something in the air was making him uncomfortable. He mummbled out some words to the song just trying to keep myself calm "..been dazed and confuzed, for so long it's not true.."

There'd been alot going on in the teen's life and he just needed to forget for a little while. The uncertain emotions were starting to over take me something in my head yelled "run!, run dammit run!"

And he did just that, the neighborhood park was up ahead, he sprinted and dove into a bush. his heart beat in his chest like that of a scared rabbit, music still pounded into his ears. He just laughed, scared of little nothings in the night "what a dumbshit i am" He thought, trying to reasure himself that it was nothing. He took the earphones out and stuffed them into my pocket and promptly brushed myself off. I sighed and got up, taking one last quick look behind himself .. seeing nothing but black and two yellow eyes.. WAIT!, two yellow eyes!? Before he had another chance to think, the creature pounced and pinned him beneath it, He couldn't even bring himself to scream.

His smell filled my lungs, fear, confuzion and the tiniest hint of excitement. Yes, he would make a fine mate

"boy" I spoke up "you'll make an excellent mate"

He barely even realized what The wolf was saying as the only thought going through his head was

"Holy shit, a real live werewolf!!!" he finally caught on to what werewolf was saying.. "a mate? what the hell's he talking about.." He thought. "but I'm a male.." The teen spoke cautiously, the last thing he wanted to do was piss this thing off!

I just ignored his questioning "mmmm.. so innocent" I said while burying my muzzle into his neck, biting playfully while not yet breaking the flesh

"I'm going to give you the gift of my seed to you" I said while grinding my now fully hardened cock into his jeans, smearing it with pre

The wolf began to tear away at his clothing grinning the whole time It did. The teen's own arousal was becoming painfully clear, His own cock restrained in my still intact jeans. Any will of resistance He had before was being worn away, the wolf's intoxicating scent had filled the teen's head with crazed lust. "no, NO! what the fuck I can't do this!" he said freaking out.

I just chuckled, The crazed look of lust in his eyes told me my horomones were working yet he was fighting it with the last of his will, I decided I had to break the last of his will. I still made no move to hide my excitement, once his shirt was off I moved down to his jeans ripping them off swiftly and exposing his hard cock to the night air.

"Mind if I have a taste?" I asked, moving my head down to his cock. I swiftly plunged my open maw down on to his cock, wrapping my tounge around the head, enjoying his flavor. I began to bob up and down his cock faster "If this doesn't break his will, nothing can" I thought. After teasing his cock a little longer i pulled off and slid down and began to rub our cocks together, loving the way he moaned like a bitch..

The boy couldn't help but moan at the wolf's soft fur and warm wet cock rubbing all over his member, the wolf's cock began to soak my whole groin with pre. It was obvious that both were enjoying this,even though the boy was scared, he was begining to relax and let it happen. He began wanting more, the boy pulled the werewolf's body down on to his and began to grind harder into into the creature. The soft black fur was just too much for his cock to handle as he spewed his hot seed in between both of them. He moaned out loudly as he rode his orgasm as the wolf lustfully continued to grind his rock hard cock into him.

I grinned as the kid shot his seed between us, soaking my cock even more than it already was. "That was fast" I thought, "must be a virgin or something" The even stronger scent of his seed filled my lungs, I knew right then that i had to take him.. "I know you'll enjoy this, just relax" I said as I rolled him over, his rump in the air.I chuckled again as I spread his ass, exposing his virgin pucker to my merciless tounge.

**The now relaxing teen moaned even louder as the wolf's long tongue invaded his asshole, rimming and pushing it open slowly, teasingly.

"OH FUCK!...deeper.." The boy said moaning loudly, In just ten minutes he'd changed from a normal 17 year old teen to a cock hungry whore.. and was loving every second of it! He couldn't deny it, he was begining to enjoy this.**

I pushed deeper, my tongue penetrating and sloppily lubbing him. "I hope you're ready to get mated" I said grinning widely. I lined up my cock with his tight hole and rubbed up against it, teasing him just a little bit more. He looked back and shot me a dirty look "just do it!" he half yelled and shut his eyes tight, ready for the intrusion. I just chuckled and let the tapered tip slide in, I could still smell his hesitance in the air. I moaned loudly as he unexpectidly shoved himself further back on my cock, coming to rest at my already forming knot, i guess I'd broken his will after all. His ass rubbing and squeezing against my cock was feeling amazing, I began to grind in and out feeling his tight ring around my sensitive cock. Releasing myself to my lust, I began to thrust in and out of him.

IT was in the most pleasure He'd ever felt, the boy was pushing back as hard as he could, trying to get the wolf's cock just a little bit deeper, moaning loudly as the werewolf penetrated him. The wolf's knot was slapping against his ass each time now, begging for entry. He thrust back hard once more and the knot entered him stretching him to his max. The boy's already tight ass clamped down even harder making it even tighter for the werewolf as the ass milked the wolf's sensitive cock. This proved to be too much for the wolf as the were came inside him and bit down hard on his shoulder, making him cum hard once agian into the ground.

Blind with pleasure and lust I thrust harder and faster cumming hard into him, and bit down hard on his shoulder, binding him and I for life.

"now you and I are mated I said as I spooned into him, waiting for my cock to slip back into it's sheath as I rode the rest of my orgasm

**The boy could already feel himself changing.. something about that bite had done something to him. His muscles began to fill out, his face began to push out into a muzzle and sleek brown fur rapidly began to cover his skin

"It's really happening!!" the excited teen though to himself, bubbling over with excitement as his body continued to change. A tail emerged from above his ass pushing it's way out in between the two, soon enough he was fully transformed and one with the werewolf, mated together in a bond.**