An Accidental Stopover In Minotaur Country

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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A dragon bites off a little more than he can chew when he's caught in a minotaur tribes' territory, and things escalate quickly as the tribe grows used to him. Before he knows it, his closest companion suggests that perhaps he could help the tribe take a load off... Arnak may have bitten off more than he can chew, but he'll enjoy himself all the same!

(I've a patreon now, with a few bonuses too. Take a look if you'd like, but no one likes ads, so I'll keep this bit short.

It was hot. Really, really hot. Scaldingly hot, even. But, no amount of leagues he put between himself and the place he'd just left would change the weather. So, he pressed onwards, gliding on the currents the heatwave amplified. Every bit of muscle underneath his scale hide felt overworked, overheated, and overexhausted. It had been quite some time since the scenery had changed. But, in contrast to the awful, sand-yellow wasteland below him, a lush, flowing sea of green slowly filled his view.

With plants came water. With water would come at least some relief from his journey. Not that he had any idea where he was going. It didn't matter though. After being chased out of one place at spear-point, he wasn't eager to make a prolonged stay anywhere. But, the cool, green sea of plants and trees had its' lure. It was one he simply couldn't resist. And, neither could his weary body. Despite his minds' protests, his body had enough of traveling for the day. Perhaps even the week. If he were unlucky, it would take a month to recuperate.

"If there's anyone here..." His voice sounded alien even to him, and it devolved into a rumbling growl.

People were the last things he wanted to interact with. Especially when he was worn-down, tired, and emotionally raw. Since when had his sire become so disdainful towards him? And his mother so... complacent. It was an odd switch of personality. And it stank of foul play. He bared his teeth and grimaced as the ground met his paws. Pawpads were sensitive, and more than likely a bit dried out from the weather. The dragon limped into the green land.

Shade offered a little respite from the heat, at least. But, something hit his nose that had far more lure. Water. A myriad of other scents clogged his nose, but that one stood out. Plants and fallen branches crumbled underfoot as he padded gingerly towards the feeling of moisture. Animals barreled out of his way. Lucky for them, he wasn't hungry. He hadn't eaten in a while, but the pangs of hunger were long-gone. But, he had no doubts that they'd rev back up once he found something to quench his thirst. The moisture-rich air lead him like a dog on a leash.

Not that he looked any better. Had no time to fetch his scale polishing gear, or really any other of his belongings. No doubt they'd still be there if he ever returned. It was... a bit of a taboo to move anyones' things. At least in his family's cave-turned-home. They were just things anyways. Easily replaced, and he could get better-quality ones himself anyways. He shook his muzzle. Even his thoughts were slowed thanks to this gods-awful heat. Errant thoughts pushed through his head anyways.

"Pfft. That's ridiculous. I distinctly remember never dying, so..." He mumbled to himself.

As if. He was too strong, and too stubborn to have died yet. And in his prime, too! The feeling of water on his muzzle was palpable now. And, no sooner than the thought struck him, his goal was seemingly at his paws. The water shined in the light that the trees let through. It sparkled, and looked all the more appetizing. Seemingly on cue, his stomach grumbled as well. Even the area felt that much cooler. And, since it was midday, it would only get better. Though, with this heat... Perhaps it would be best if he moved at night.

Nah. He'd be rather blind on any moonless night. No amount of rare game would help that, either. Still, the water felt good to be around. And it felt even better on his tongue, and washing down his throat. It hurt at first, but the relief from finally cooling off, and getting some enjoyment from quenching his thirst was relaxing, too. He let his eyes slide closed as he enjoyed the water. And eons before they opened again. It felt like ages before his body had its' fill. It took a while, but eventually the sickness from drinking so much at once died down.

Just in time for him to realize that a nap would be just as lovely as the spring. Sleeping through the mid-day heat would be his best option. A bit of rest wouldn't hurt, either... Some dirt clung to his paws as he padded a few steps away from the water. The soft, short grass here felt cool against his overheated scales. It was no wonder he saw no other animals save for the few he disturbed. They, unlike him, knew better than to run around when the sun was at its' zenith. Exhaustion from the heat had set in long ago. And, just like his body refusing to go a league further, his mind was weary too. When the two were both in agreement, the answer was simple. The dragon put his worries aside for the moment, and enjoyed a bit of rest. Rest that quickly turned into a heavy, hard-to-disturb nap.

Something brushed against his hide. It felt like shaggy, short fur. Another something brushed against the side of his muzzle. It wasn't right. No animal would dare disturb a dragon at rest. His eyes slowly opened, hesitant to end their hours-long rest. The sun had set a little, easing the heat. But, what he saw quickened his blood with anxiety anyways. There were... people.

"_Dammit."_Even with his still-sleepy mind, it knew that this meant trouble.

Earthy scents danced on the air, only adding to the adrenaline flowing through his veins. Another brush of that same fur made him bristle. It must have shown on his face, as something harder poked at him. He moved slowly, feigning sleepniess. It only took moments to see that there wasn't just one. There were plenty of... them. Bull-men. Minotaurs in common parlance. And one of them was poking him with the haft of his spear.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" He growled.

"Waking up our... visitor." The bull-mans voice sounded every bit as gravelly as his own.

The dragons' tail flicked with fake annoyance.

"Be glad I'm not hungry. Nor irritable. Otherwise you'd be a tasty morsel." He snapped.

"Enough of that."

His gaze quickly snapped towards the voice. Were they calling his bluff? Not that the dull scales were a giveaway or anything...

"And just who might you be?" His horns were capped with small bronze caps. Shiny metal studs below that pierced his ears. The minotaur was a sight to behold.

But, he looked old and frail. The dragon humored him.

"If you were nearly as wise as you haughtily appear to be, you'd know that this is our land. And I... am the chieftain of this tribe." He spoke calmly, despite the dragon baring his teeth.

The charade was up. He deflated, and let his muzzle fall back onto the dirt. It was too exhausting, and too much effort to keep it up. At best, he'd be shooed off. At worst, he'd be dead in moments. Even if he did fight them. There were too many of them. But, they were cautious around the dragon, despite their muscled bulk. Even the one that had been poking at him flanked the chieftain, not eager to get any closer.

"Look. I've been traveling for weeks, and I only paused here to stop and recuperate for a while. I'll gladly move on and-"

"No, you won't." He tapped his own spear on a rock embedded in the soil. "You look too sickly to go much of anywhere."

"So? It's not your, or your peoples' problem." He didn't growl at the interruption, but his claws dug into the ground all the same.

"You are too exhausted to fight, too sickly to leave, and have already violated our land. If I let you leave, there would be blood on my paws. If I killed you, there'd be more of it." One of the others pulled his attention away from the dragon.

He had enough of these folk. The water was too appetizing, and he'd be damned if he died thirsty. The few that were closer to the water shirked away as he moved his bulk. Whispers circulated in the small group. The dragons' tail flicked, but let them stay there, undisturbed. At least, until he heard heavy, thudding footsteps beside him. Eardrums itched as he also heard the sound of a bowl being filled with the same water.

"Here. Drink out of this. It'll no doubt be more convenient." It was the chieftain, minus his cohort. And, notably, his spear as well.

The whispers only intensified as he stopped drinking the water. It could have been a trap, or worse, but... He sat down, and took the bowl in his forepaws. It was moments before it was empty. The minotaur chieftain was more than willing to refill it, too. Bowl after bowl, until his thirst was quenched. Then he drank out of the same bowl himself.

"So what do you propose then?"

"Well..." One of his knees popped loudly. "I'm sure we can find a way to help each other. You have strength, even if not at this moment. Also still have the stain of other dragons' scent on you. But, you are not with them, so-"

"It's none of your business. I am alone."

"Even so, a dragon traveling alone, weary, tired, and sickly, only invites danger. Stay with us a while until you recover. We can work out how you'll repay your debt over time. For now, though..." He waved over another minotaur.

This one also had some ornamentation. The dragon recognized him as his right-hand man. Or, bull-man in this case. He boldly stood next to his chieftain, using his spear as a walking stick. The point jabbed the ground, and he crossed his arms.

"What is it?"

"He's your charge. Delegate as you need to, but we're bringing him back. And-" He tugged the minotaur down a bit, and whispered into his ear. Despite their closeness, the dragon couldn't hear a word.


"Yes." He cut the younger one off.

"Very well."

"It doesn't look like I have much of a choice, now do I?"

"Of course you have a choice. You always have a choice. But, I suspect taking my offer would be in your best interests." Remarkably clean teeth showed themselves off in a smile.

"Grr..." He growled. It was an unfortunate truth. But, since they hadn't run him through yet... it was likely the best option.

The chieftain left, seemingly with a direction in mind. The younger bull stayed by his side, with the bowl. And a grimace on his short muzzle, too.

"What is it? Something staining my nose? Hmm?" He stared at the bowl.

"Nothing. They're leaving. Aren't you going to go with them?"

"No. In case you didn't hear, I'm taking care of you now. Tch. We needn't another, dragon or no. Strained enough as it is..." He trailed off into a dejected mutter.

"I won't press the issue. But, I will at least offer you my name. Dragon hardly seems appropriate, after all."

"Yeah? Well, let me preempt you a bit. I'm Einshelm, son of Einsall, the chieftain."

"Arnak, son of... Well. It doesn't matter now. He'd hardly let me use his name now..." Arnak stared at the water. Off-green scales and tired eyes stared back.

"I could tell as much. C'mon. I don't know what he wants or sees in you, but I'm not the chief yet. So, what he says goes. For now." He yanked the spear out of the ground.

"Very well. I'll cooperate. Pray tell, though, how do you deal with all this heat?"

"Carefully. And by only going out at night, or evening. As it is right now." He pointed at the sky with his spear and a finger. The sun was slowly starting to set.

"Must have been a long nap..."

For the first while, it was amusing watching him weave through the almost-jungle. A while after that, it got old. Fast. Arnak followed him easily. Even when he broke into a quick jog, he had no problems keeping up. And it only left Einshelm exhausted, panting, and leaning against a tree. Even with his exhaustion, he was quick to snap his spear towards Arnak when he got too close.

"Were you trying to show off? And after that talk about being careful of overheating, too..."

"Shut up. I couldn't care less if you left. It would be easy, just flap your wings and you'd be gone."

"No. You shut up, and come here."

"Huh? What exactly are you getting at, dragon?" The spear stayed pointed at him as he nudged the minotaur.

"Climb up. You're going to be sick by the time you get back if you keep up this charade. You're already hot to the touch, and soaked in sweat." He sneezed at the scent stuck in his nose.

"Hmm... Wait...hrm..." Einshelm took a moment to think. But, after the idea clicked, he lit up. "Fine."

"Point the way with your spear. Just be sure to not poke me with it."

Even with Arnak crouched down, it was awkward for the minotaur to climb up his side. He wasn't gentle, grabbing the dragons' wingjoint like a handle. Arnak hissed, and shook his muzzle. Einshelm took a few moments to get settled in, just in time for the dragon to hiss at him.

"We'll you get a stool. Those are too sensitive. Never do that again."

"Hmph. Onwards steed!"

Arnak craned his head backwards, and stared down the minotaur.

"Do you really want to fly without a saddle? Because that's how I end up dumping you in a tall tree and leaving."

Even with his spear still firmly in his grasp, Einshelm shrunk a bit.


"Don't tempt me to then. Now, where are we going?" A smirk was on his muzzle as he returned his gaze forwards.

"Right about that way. There's a clearing on the way, and we cleared out the area around. Can't miss it. Wait, no, STOP!"

The spear tapped against his side as he barreled through the vines and shrubbery. Clearing? Well. Perhaps it was time to teach Einshelm a lesson in respect. And get there more quickly, too... Mostly to scare him though.

The minotaur was too busy hanging on to do much more than that. All kinds of swears and curses fell out of his muzzle. But, they fell on deaf ears. Arnak burst into the clearing, already going at a decent pace. It was little more effort to start flapping his wings. He skipped paces, already running at a fast clip. Einshelm clamped onto the dragons neck as the left the ground. A few trees scraped his belly scales, but he did it. They were flying, as admittedly tiring as it was. Lungs burned, the heat was awful, but it was lovely payback.

It sure shut the minotaur up, too. The scent of smoke hit his nose as soon as he climbed a bit. It was faint, but more than enough to point him in the right direction. He rolled a bit, searching for the source. Moments later, he found it. Faint, wispy columns of smoke coming up from a rather simple-looking village. Of course it would be simple. They were minotaurs. It was no bustling city with carts and town criers. But, it would do for now. Einshelm made noises that concerned him for a moment.

"If you must throw up, let me know so I can bank a bit. Don't dare stain my scales. Vomit is awful to remove."

"N-No. Just go. Wherever. Just put me down."

"You're free to hop off whenever you'd like! But, it wouldn't be in your best interests." Arnak had a huge smirk on his muzzle.

"Stop it. Please." Einshelm smacked the back of his neck.

"Only because you said please. We'll be there in minutes. Just hang on a while longer. I think we'll even beat Einsall there."

"Maybe. Just don't throw me off."

"Then you'd better hang on then." Arnak suggested.

It was a quiet, if short flight. But, Einsall had a point. Even this short bit of exertion had him panting. He wasn't even very high up, either! Scarcely a few dozen feet above the treetops. At altitude, he'd be out of breath even more than he already was. Perhaps the trip took a bit more out of him than he expected. It probably did, considering how easy his earlier nap came to him.

"Think they'll mind me landing in the square there?"

"Between the two largest huts? If Einall isn't cleaning our last kills, I suppose. I can't look down."

"Is he the one with the dyed fur?" Arnak focused on a minotaur that looked like he got dumped into a vat of dyes. Dark purples, splotches of red, with white patterns.


"He's elsewhere. But... the food is not." On cue, his stomach started to grumble.

"I don't know that he won't mind, Arnak."

It sounded strange coming out of his muzzle. But, he could get used to it. A slow, lazy spiral kept the complaints from Einshelm to a minimum. The landing was much gentler than the take-off. Even with the limited space, it was easy to pad to a stop. And to an empty, almost barren village. It felt strange. Where were all the people? A few came out of the huts, but not as many as expected of a village this size.

"Einshelm, where is everyone?"

"Complicated. Einsall will explain."

He shook his neck. A few bones popped and cracked, bringing with them a few twinges of pain. They were there, though. Einshelm dropped off of the dragon without a jot of prompting, dropping to his kness and kissing the ground. Arnak let him enjoy being back on the ground as he looked around a bit. There were fires going, and a few freshly-killed deer being prepared for cooking, but everyone was gone. Einshelm tapped his side with his handpaw.

"Einsall will explain. Here though, I'll get Einall."

"What, you're going to leave me alone around food? Surely you jest?"

"Well. The only one you'll upset is Einall, so..." He shrugged, and walked off.

Scents were on the air, and gave him enough to do trying to sort through them. Try as he might, though, only the earthy scents of those he'd encountered before were on the air. There was a distinct lack of females, dragon or otherwise. Only thick, masculine scents remained on the air. Where were they? And surely he hadn't brought his entire tribe out just to poke at their new visitor? Footfalls turned his thoughts and gaze elsewhere.

"Another trader? I have nothing to trade. Shoo him away." Another gravelly voice.

"He's not a trader. Father wants to keep him around for some reason. But, where are my manners! Arnak. This is Einall. Einall, Arnak." Einhelm introduced the two.

"Hmph. You brought chief-boy with you? Einsall isn't back yet. Stay where I can see you. It's not like your huge bulk is hard to spot or hear, though."

Arnak bristled as the strangely-colored minotaur pushed past him, and towards his work. Moments later, messy noises of a knife being jabbed into flesh reached his ears. More splotches of red stained his hide as he looked back at him. The dragon shot a look at Einshelm, but he could only shrug. He carefully measured his footfalls as he turned around to watch for a moment.



"If Einsall wants to keep you around, you'll be useful, yes?"

"I suppose that's what he wants me around for, yes."

"Then do me a favor and help me rid myself of these... unusables in the bowl there." He pointed with his spare handpaw for a moment. A moment later, another bit of flesh landed in it.

"Buried, eaten, what?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Bury it elsewhere."

Arnak sighed. But, he did as he was asked. It was awkward walking with three legs, but he made do. Einshelm followed him.

"You don't eat those?" They'd walked a while, leaving Einall behind with the corpses.

"No. Of course not. While some of these things might be edible, others..." He grimaced, sticking his tongue out.

"Hmm. Waste pit is over this way. It's a heavy bowl, are you sure it isn't too heavy for you?"

"Of course not. I'm a dragon."

He didn't press the issue. Arnak smelled the pit far before he saw it. It was definitely.. a waste pit. It took moments to shake the remains off of the bowl, and wipe it off on the grass. The thing still smelled awful, but at least it was empty. But, even over the awful scents hitting his nose, he could tell that the others had returned. They both padded back lazily. The dragon dropped the bowl next to Einall once more.

"It's empty. Einsall is back as well."

"Good. I'll be done with these before nightfall. Go, and talk to him."

They both remained silent. Arnak could only do his best approximation of a shrug, and wander towards the scent. Einshelms' ear flicked, and he tapped the dragons' flank.


"He was muttering something about feeding a dragon."

"Well. Would it matter? Einsall would tell him to, and he would, yes?"

"Only if he gave the go-ahead. And, well. It looks like you have that now."

It didn't take too long to find the chietain, entourage and all, filtering back into the village. Arnak and Einshelm waited until he was done ordering the others around before speaking to him. But, he spoke towards them first.

"See you made it back first. Hope you didn't exert yourself too much in this midday sun. Regardless, there is no work that can be done now."


"None. Later this evening there will be, though. And you will help, dragon." Einsall didn't leave much choice in the matter.

"If you say so. What should I do until then?"

"Eat. Sleep if you can. Get used to my son, Einshelm."

The minotaur visibly bristled at the suggestion.

"But Einsall! I-"

"That is my order, and you will follow it. You may not see it yet, but it is best."

For an old bull, Einsall managed to make his son back down in record time. Surprising even Arnak. He stood there, stunned as the chieftain retired to his own hut. It was like he froze his son in place. The dragon almost wanted to nudge the minotaur and see if he'd fall over.

"Very well then..." He huffed.

"As if it weren't obvious enough. Looks like you're my handle for certain now. And as such... would you mind showing me to my quarters?" Arnak suggested.

"No. Because you don't have an abode yet. If you'll be staying, you'll be building the damn thing too."

"That's fine enough then. I guess..." Arnak idly pawed at the ground. The lack of females and children was still bothering him.

"Of course it is. But, you smell of the stuff Einall had you take away. C'mon, and let's get cleaned. Should take the edge off of this heat too."

The minotaur was walking off without waiting for the dragon to answer. He followed. For better or for worse, he was the one contact he had with this... tribe of minotaurs. Arnak could raise trouble later. A bath was too nice to pass up right now, though. It wasn't a long walk before they came to a lake. The area felt cooler on his scales, much like the oasis in the jungle he rested at earlier. It was a welcome reprieve from the heat. Wordlessly, the minotaur stripped what few clothes he had on, and waded in.

"Clean yourself. Don't expect me to help. Might be a few brushes you could use scattered about." Einshelm dismissed the dragon.

For now, Arnak ignored him as much as he was ignoring the dragon. The water felt nicer on his scales than it did in the air. It was deep enough to cover him at points, too. He waded towards the middle of the lake, leaving the minotaur to himself. The sun felt hot, even here in the water, but his body was cool at least. A parched tongue was easily fixed by a few gulps of the crystal-clear water. What little foulness he had on him easily dispersed into the water, too. Few scales felt loose, but that might have been his mind playing tricks on him. There was only so long he could idly bathe, though.


The minotaur barely registered the dragons' voice. So, he yelled again. And, just as before, he had no response. There was no way he didn't hear the dragon, either. His ear flicked both times. A smirk crept onto his muzzle. If the minotaur was going to be hard-headed... then he could distract him a bit. Perhaps it would make him hurry up, too.

"Hey, stop that!"

Arnak pushed water at Einshelm, making little waves. Soon, it graduated to splashing the minotaur with huge pawfulls of water. It wasn't long before his cold exterior was lost, if only for a moment. He splashed the dragon right back. A bit splashed onto his eyes, but that was the price to pay for a bit of fun. The dragon sure didn't mind.

"Damn dragon distracting me." Einshelm sulked.

"Not my fault. I thought you went deaf!"

"Ugh." Einshelm rolled his eyes. "Go on, I'll be a bit longer."

"Hmm? If you do say so. I'll leave you be." The dragon already had something in mind to kill time. And it would certainly be inappropriate to have the bull-man watch. But... his rod stirred a little at the idea regardless.

It'd take his mind off of this damned heat, too. Hopefully Einshelm wouldn't catch on, though. Bah. What would Arnak care, anyways? A bit of cleanup would be quick, at least... He dragged himself out of the water, and away from the minotaur. Einsall would not be pleased if the dragon wandered off, so he didn't go far. Just far enough away that he was out of sight. And, presumably, out of hearing range too.

"Well. I could roar. I guess." Arnak talked to himself.

He wasn't crazy. Just a little bold, that's all. Still, the lake was too open. But the jungle just a few feet away would do nicely. A few feet in, there was even a lovely dragon-sized clearing. No bushes, no vines, just a soft glade of grass. Perfect for his needs. Of course, it would be perfect for a nap too, but he didn't want to worry Einshelm too much. Stubborn, pig-headed minotaur that he was. Arnak shook the thought right out of his head. The minotaur was just doing a job, and one he didn't particularly like either.

The dragon wasn't going to let that stop him though. Not in the slightest. Swaying his head to the side, he checked for others. Left. No one. Right. No one. He wasn't hearing anyone, either. Perrrrfect. Rumbling a bit to himself, he rolled onto his back. A week of travel left him little time to tend to himself. And, it had hardly mattered, either. The stress kept him from relieving it, as paradoxical as it was. But here, and now was safe enough. He relaxed.

"Wonder... how is that dragoness?" He muttered.

It had been purely platonic of course. She was a lovely guest, and he enjoyed hunting with her. She was good at it, and it made larger kills easier. So what if he used her for a bit of fantasy. She'd never know. And those fine, fine haunches made for ample material to fantasize with. Seeing her swell with eggs, or perhaps just seed...


That was plenty to get his rod stirring from its' home. His slit parted with the crimson, tapered tip. He curled forward. It was no warm vent around his rod, but it would definitely get him off. Muzzles were such lovely, enjoyable things for a lonely male in need of some release. Moments later, that familiar, warm, wet maw was around his rod. Doing its' best to please him.

It didn't take long for the first thick batch of pre to ooze onto his tongue. The taste was fine enough. He neither cared for it, nor hated it. It just was. The rod thickened, pushing into his maw, fully escaping his genital slit. A pair of forepaws stroked at his base. The heady pleasure blanked out the rest of the world for a while. No one would dare disturb a dragon having a bit of fun. Well, unless they wanted to join in. Hmm... a minotaur female would be just the thing right now.

It had been a while, yet the sheer force that hit his throat surprised him. Warm dragonseed splashed into his muzzle, and he savored it until his cheeks bulged. While he didn't approve nor disapprove of the taste, it was a curiosity to see how what he ate effected his taste. And this batch, well. It was good enough to savor and examine a while. Still, a bit began to leak out of his maw. So, he swallowed, enjoying the heady afterglow that a good orgasm provided. Even if he was still curled up, plugging his maw with his own rod.

"Hrmm." Einshelm wondered aloud to himself.

The water was nice. But, with the dragon out of his sight, it worried him. What if he wandered off? What if he just ran away? Sure, Einsall would complain at him incessantly for a week, maybe two. Then he'd forget about it. So what if he left? The only thing it would reflect on was that Einshelm wasn't a good jailer. Bah.

"That wouldn't do. N'Where is that damned dragon?" It was an annoyance, but it was his task to do.

It wasn't too hard to put his clothes back on, as minimal as they were. Granted, it was a simple belt and loincloth, but still. The immense heat made it too hot to wear much of anything else. Fur did a good enough job of concealing indecent things, and so what if it didn't? It was nothing the other tribesmen hadn't seen before. He grunted as he pulled himself out of the water. Oh, what he would give to laze about forever in such a cool reprieve. But, it was not to be.

A trail of wet pawprints made it insultingly easy to track the dragon. When they faded into the bush, his nose lead him the rest of the way. Even if his nose wasn't nearly as sensitive as the oversized reptiles own, or any other creatures', it wasn't hard. But, his footsteps stopped for a moment as he caught a whiff of something. Surely the dragon hadn't bedded a female while he was away? He couldn't have been that oblivious as to have yet another dragon arrive without his notice. Instincts proved useful as he sneaked closer towards the scent.

"Mmm. Wasn't bad, but..." Arnaks' voice rumbled, almost a whisper. It was a bit deeper than before.

It was pretty plain to see why, though. Einshelm peeked, and felt he was interrupting a private bit of relaxation. Or rather, the end of it. The minotaur shook his head, but couldn't tear his gaze away no matter how hard he tried. The dragons' maleness was... Well, it was enticing in a way. The scents on the air, and the sight flooding into his eyes was intensely alluring. Watching the dragon clean his rod as it retreated back into his slit was captivating. There was no mistaking what had happened. It was just Einshelm's luck, too. And-

" 'Bout time. I was getting ready to come look for you. Hope you didn't get worried." The dragon stared at him.

There was no point in hiding. The dragons' piercing gaze followed him as he walked boldly out of the foliage.

"No. Just thought you'd done me the favor of leaving early. Looks like I'm not that lucky." Einshelm folded his arms.

"And piss off Einsall? Not a chance. I'm not that dumb. Let me clean up a bit more, and then we'll check with him again."

"Hmph. If I were the chieftain, I would have you building your stable first. Then perhaps a bit of hunting."

"As much as I've been forced into this deal... It can't be much worse than having my sire chase after me. I doubt he'll intentionally mistreat me. And if he does..." Arnak descended into a growl.

"Blow out some of that steam, dragon. He's no idiot. I don't see how, but he must think you're an asset to keep you around." Einshelm shrugged.

As nice as the post-orgasm bliss was, eventually it did come to an end. Harried along a little by the annoying minotaur, though. Still, the bull didn't seem that bad. A lot of rough edges, and gruff behavior, but Arnak suspected there was something more. The dragon knew better than to push it though. Still, he must have grown on the minotaur a little, as his spear was nowhere to be found. Well, that, or he finally realized how useless it'd be. Either or.

"Let's go."

It took a while, several days even. But, eventually Einsall found something for the dragon to do. And, just as Einshelm predicted, one of the first tasks was to build a mid-sized hut for him to live in. It was a homely thing, and bare. But, it was cool, and dark, save for the light flooding in through the entrance. For the few days it took to build it, it was good enough. Even better when pouring rains broke through the merciless heat wave. It gave Einsall plenty of time to explain, though. He even did the dragon the favor of coming to his hut and talking a while.

"So, what you're saying is, that your females and children are elsewhere, because... there are too many of you?" Arnaks' tail flicked, tapping against the wall of the simple abode.

"Yes. It's why the place seems to be so barren. I can't say I like it, but the land only supports so many."

Einshelm watched, and listened. It hadn't been the first time Einsall had explained their situation, and wouldn't be the last. But, it had been the first time he'd told an outsider. And for that point alone, he listened carefully with eager interest. The dragon had a keen mind as well, and it didn't take long for him to figure it out.

"So you're keeping me here to help stockpile until winter, and then will likely send me off?" A toothy grin was leveled right at Einsall. He wasn't threatened in the slightest.

"Yes. Exactly that. When is a mystery, but I will know when it is appropriate." The wind blew a bit of the downpour into the hut.

"Smart. And, since I've nowhere else to be..." Arnak laid his muzzle on his paws, complacent with his situation.

"Your journey needs a pause. Hard work, and a distraction will let your mind process what has happened to your family. And-"

"It's none of your business, but I at least appreciate the opportunity. I can't help but feel like I'm wasting time, though." Large lungs huffed as the downpour only intensified.

"Gods only know what it'll take to get them back from whatever has befallen them." Einshelm noted.

"The gods will guide your steps dragon, even if you don't think they will. You are a piece in a grand play. We all are." He turned to leave. The old bull-man made quite the silhouette in the rain. "Tomorrow you'll be hunting with Einall. Rest."

He didn't say more than that. There simply wasn't a need to. Einshelm readjusted his sleeping cot. While the straw they'd procured for the dragon was somewhat comfortable, it simply didn't compare to the feeling of a proper bed. And, what better place was there to keep an eye on his charge? It was a lucky thing the dragon didn't snore, too. Einsall may have had no problem running about in the rain, but to him, there was nothing better than sleeping the day away. Or rather, he would have had the dragon not spoken.

"You're next in line, no?"

"What does it matter?"

"Tell me." Arnak shifted about.

"Yes... now tell me about your parents."

A low growl rumbled out of the dragons throat. Why did all these minotaurs suddenly think they had a need to know his story? It was like they suddenly had an absolute need to know everything about him. A torch flashed into flame above his head. Surely they weren't... getting used to him? It couldn't hurt to humor him.

"It was like a sudden storm. But, instead of rain, and thunder, and lightning, it was a change of mood. My sire went from being supportive, friendly, and approachable, to downright oppressive and hostile."

"And of your mother?"

"Lively, vivacious, and every part my sire's equal to... less than that. Deceiving, conniving, and every bit as aggressive. They both chased me away, hounding me over weeks. I lost track of how long they'd chased me."

"You're mentioning it because it clearly isn't normal. But, what do you think caused this? Surely, it isn't typical for dragons to oust one of their own, and so harshly at that."

"It's the exception, not the rule. But... I think I know what happened." The dragon pawed at the hay. More appropriate for a horse, but it worked, at least.

"Well? Did they burn the wrong town? Steal the wrong farmers' sheep? Come now."

Arnak growled. Einshelm was pushing all the wrong buttons. Admittedly, some of the stereotypes were based in fact. But, none of them even remotely applied here. And, of course, anything he told the bull would be relayed to his father at some point, too...

"Keep yapping like that and you won't get the rest of it. Hardly the case."

"Yeah, bu-"

"Alright then. So, how's Einall? Does he prefer the spears like the rest of you? Since you clearly don't give a damn." The dragon snapped.

Einshelm felt bad for a moment. And then worse, as his mind demanded to know the rest. The cot wasn't comfortable a moment longer, either.

"... yes. It is our tradition."

"Is it also your tradition to be so small-minded that you won't let a vagrant dragon finish his tale, whether true or not?" He snorted.

Einshelm shrank at the dragons' voice. Einsall wouldn't have gotten this information, or even a jot of it. And here he was, being denied the juiciest bits because he had to open his muzzle! But wait... perhaps there was something he could bargain with.

"No. It's not. Please go on."

"And waste my time further? I think not." Arnak stuffed his muzzle into the straw. As much as the stuff irritated his lungs, it would at least block out the evening light.

"Fine then. You finish your story, and I'll tell you something about me."

"And why should I care about you? Jailers don't bother sharing a bond with their charges."

"It's something no one else in the tribe knows."

The straw fell away from his muzzle. Now his own curiosity was piqued. Maybe this conversation would be worthwhile after all.


"I'll swear it if I have to. But, it's a secret that you must keep." Einshelm stared at the dragon. His envy was palpable, and as green as his hide. He wanted to know. He NEEDED to know.

"Fine. But, I suspect a wizard, or a mage to be the cause. My parents were powerful, and the guardians of a local township. That township had a few unpopular, unsavory folk that needed to disappear. Neither of them had any problems fulfilling that request."

"And the wizard, you think he might have been related to these people that you... rather, your parents made disappear?"

"Yes. And I think he cast a spell. The rest is history. I'm not sure what I can do about it, save for hope and pray it'll wear off eventually. Chances of that aren't good, though..." Arnak deflated. Recalling the past was painful, and it showed on his muzzle.


"And what of you? And your secret?"

Einshelm squirmed. The dragon had bounced right back to focusing on him. And of course, he offered it, too... but it didn't make it any easier to make the words come out of his muzzle.

"Well... I picked up some things from a trader that comes by occasionally. And-"

"Oh come now. Surely you don't think your shopping list is an equal exchange for the info I just divulged?" His claws tapped on the dirt.

"Alright. Fine. Something more juicy then." Einshelm sat up, tossing off what few covers he had on. "This is the real secret."

Arnak watched the bull-man. It was normal for him to sleep without clothes, and it hadn't been a rare sight, either. He had a habit of bathing every day after the work was done, too. Left little to the imagination. Hefty balls and sheath, and a little bit of muscle. Not too bad looking, bu-

"Up here dragon. But, anyways. Ack. It's hard to say."

"Perhaps try writing it out? Or better yet, using your handpaws to move your tongue instead?"

The jokes were terrible. But, Einshelm couldn't suppress a chuckle. It loosened his tongue a bit, too.

"Amusing. But, ever since you arrived here, my brain has been wandering. Remember when I stumbled upon you in the bush? Cleaning yourself after... well. A bit of pleasure?"

"Go on."

"I've been having thoughts. They feel a little strange. But, they don't disgust me. Far from it actually. And, the females haven't ever held any real sway for me, either. Alright." He took a moment to clear his throat. "I think I like males."

"... Alright?" The dragon cocked his head. "What harm is there?"

"It's not normal. I'll not father any children. I even bought-"

"Doesn't matter. Pleasure is natural. Sharing it with males, females, or anything in between is hardly a crime against the gods. You are uniquely yourself, and no one else. So what if you don't pass on your lineage?"

"The tribe will need another chieftain, and my family has always been the leaders."

"If needed, I'm sure you can appoint someone else before your death. By then, your judgment will be clear enough to pick the right person. Age helps with wisdom as well."

Einshelm felt as if he were talking to his own family. Like a long-lost brother, or perhaps a father. Another one, that was. As different as Arnak looked, it was like he was digging straight into his thoughts and beliefs. In moments, it felt like he were talking to a long-lost tribesmate, rather than a being they'd forced into staying a while.

"... wise words."

"I'm sure they are. Their wisdom is yet to be proven, though. Now, let's sleep a while. Apparently there'll be more work tomorrow."

Sleep came easily for the dragon. But, Einshelm lagged behind a bit. Listening to the dragons' deep, steady breaths was calming. But, with the newfound bond he'd formed with the dragon, thoughts kept him awake. Thoughts he'd only entertained about other minotaur tribesmen. So what if he were a dragon? And with his rod... He growled to himself, and willed himself to sleep. Einall was already seeing the dragons' usefulness, but Einshelm felt he could be useful in perhaps a few more ways, too. It would be something to bring up. It wouldn't be hard. And surely, wouldn't the tribe be in need of release as well?

"Surely you jest." Arnak had just finished one of his many hunts with Einall, and was bringing back his own kill. Blood stained his muzzle, and he glanced sideways at Einshelm.

"I'm not. You can tell they're pent up. And, since you're that much larger, it'd be that much easier for you to... let them take a load off. I'm bringing it up to you first, before Einsall. There's no need for him to even know if you don't want to."

"An orgy. You're saying I should willfully be the main attraction in an orgy, Einshelm." The minotaur must have been crazy. As much as they'd bonded over the last few weeks... the boldness of the idea struck him harshly on the nose.

"And why not? You yourself said pleasure was natural. Perhaps there's something you'd like to try as well? Maaaybe it involves being the centerpiece attraction?" Einshelm was carrying his own back as well. Luckily, they were alone.

Arnak picked the animal back up in his jaws and let the idea pickle a bit. Alright, sure. There'd been no females, and he had barely any opportunity since that first week to let some steam off. But males, and the entire male part of the tribe at that? Dumping their essences all over him, and into him, and into his stomach? He shook his head, making even more of a mess. A stirring told him more than he wanted to know. The idea alone... The very idea would be seen as degrading by any dragon with a mate.

But, he wasn't a dragon with a mate, now was he? Hell, he hadn't even any females to give him the chance to take a mate. Even if they would let him. The only people that would know would be the tribe, as well. His own words echoed in his mind, but with Einshelms' voice instead. He chewed the thought all the way until he was about to fall asleep that night. All the way through his bath, through his meal, and through Einsall commenting on his hunting prowess. It took a while to finish thinking about it. But, his rod gave him a quick conclusion.


"What is it, Arnak?"

"Be a good bull and whisper the idea into his ear soon. I'll do it." Arnak let Einshelm curl up next to him. The soft hides and fur was nice on his scales.

"... Knew you'd be up for it."

It didn't take long, either. Einshelm split off from the dragon, leaving him to finish his work for that next day. The ground was a harsh mistress, and the recent rain softened it only slightly. Looking away, it was seemingly an endless field of various crops. But, looking back to his own contribution, it seemed even more endless. Perhaps it was. A lazy flight would only confirm it, but he didn't want to worry Einshelm too much. Still, he toiled the earth as the other tribesmen trailed behind him, planting seeds.

Sweat poured off of him, but a pat on his side broke his minds musings.

"Too hot out. Let's take a break."

Arnak wasn't one to argue. His hide felt like it was melting, and the sun had hardly begun to rise at all. He'd never get used to this heat. It'd have been worse with fur. The villager was familiar with the straps connecting him to his simple plow, undoing them quickly. Even his balance was off. The dragon gladly took the offered water pouch. They watched as he gulped it down greedily. It only did so much to sate his thirst, but even that small amount felt heavenly.

"Many thanks."

Cooperation was the order of the day. When the water barrel was empty, he refilled it. And every bit as quickly as the small group gulped it down, too. Still, it was coming along nicely, and it didn't take that long for Einshelm to return. Even he seemed impressed at the work that happened while he was away for the short while.

"Seemed a little shocked, but that's to be expected. Liked the idea though."

"And, what else?" Arnak panted underneath a tall tree. The shade was keeping him and the rest out of the midday heat, but it only did so much.

"He's conferring with a few others. Tonight should be good." Einshelm kept it vague. No need to spoil the surprise for the others. Then again, they were far too occupied with cooling themselves off.

"Good. Little bit anxious with it, but that's to be expected. We'll get back to things after the sun starts downwards. Or perhaps a good breeze..."

There was no mistaking both the quantity, and the harshness of the work. But, it was worth it. Whatever plants the minotaurs could eat, meant more meats for him, if he so chose. They were a lovely supplemental meal, but hardly edible for the dragon. What few times he tried the stuff, he'd been ill as early as the same night. It was a shame too, because it was very, very different compared to his normal fare. Tasty, too. The work felt both endless, and yet, fleeting. By the time he'd begun to resent it, it was over and done with.

Another bath. Then lounging around the village, and his hut. There were others doing work still, but he'd completed his part, and they said as much, too. Even Einsall turned him away when he asked for more to do. Watching them work was as good entertainment as any. Einall butchered one of his more recent catches, and Arnak looked on. He didn't expect the minotaur to speak to him, though.

"Arnak?" His eyes focused on his work.

"Yeah, Einall?" The dragon perked up a bit, watching the two bowls of edibles, and inedibles grow.

"There's talk of an event you'll be hosting. I think it's grand."

"Glad you think so. But, I'd reserve judgment until you see what it is."

"I already know. You'll be a mess afterwards, too."

Arnak rumbled, and Einsall didn't comment more on the subject. Well. That was two people that would be attending at least. He could handle two, perhaps three. Five? Alright, doable. After asking Einsall if he could help, and being turned away, he padded off. Getting turned down for work was such a strange feeling. He lazed about, taking a quick bath while he waited. The sun set quickly, and Einshelm found him easily as well.


"That's my name, yes..." The lake was as cool a place as any, and he sunbathed lazily.

"Arnak, I uh, err... Well. You'll have quite the attendance." The minotaur scratched at the scruff of his neck.

"How many? Ten, twenty maybe?"

"All of them. Literally all of the tribesmen jumped at the chance."

Arnak was taken aback for a moment. All of them? Every one of them? Einall, Einshelm, Einsall, and... names eluded him, and his count. But, there were a lot of them. A whole lot of them.

"But... how many?"

"Every male that is of age. Every one. Perhaps a few dozen? We haven't counted since last winter."

Arnak pursed his lips and blew. A small, blue flame roiled out until his lungs were empty. Neck popped as he cocked his head, stretching a bit. Sunbathing was good, and he'd managed to clear his mind for a while, but every jot of the anxiety came back. Muscles felt immensely tight underneath his hide. It was no threat, but his body was reacting as if it were. Mind be damned, it was happening regardless.

"Little tense?"

"You have no idea. Little awkward. Every one of the tribesmen I know will be there, too."

"C'mon. It won't be nearly as bad as you think it will.

"Or so you say."

It was a short enough walk back. Felt like ages, though. It was definitely a path that was starting to have imprints of his paws, too. As usual, the village felt like a ghost town. Einshelm lead the dragon towards the place. He smelled the crowd before he saw them. There were many minotaurs here, and all of them had their own variation on the scent. And, well, there was another scent on the air, too. One that would belong more in the bedroom than anywhere else.

"And there's the star!" One of them noticed him.

The crowd parted easily, letting the two through. Einsall was a bit more decorated than usual, too. A purple robe adorned his form, which was a lot more clothing than the rest of them had on. Torches illuminated the area. Tension stuck to his form like glue, but Arnak padded forward regardless.


"There are a few more than I expected." Arnak stated plainly.

"Of course there are. You're a bit more popular than you'd expect, huh?" Einsall let a smile creep onto his muzzle.

"Maybe." The dragon awkwardly pawed at the ground.

"Don't be nervous. It'd be best to get started, so long as you're still willing."

"And back out after I sent Einshelm to put the idea in your ear? Hardly."

Einsall raised his arms, gesturing to the crowd.

"So our dragon has some honor in his blood! And yet, he's offering his body for our pleasure... What do you say to that?"

The crowd cheered, loudly enough to spook a few birds. The sunset made for just enough illumination. The torches added to it, and would be more than necessary soon. The older minotaur motioned for him to pad up onto the makeshift stage they'd rigged up. This most certainly wasn't here last time. Or was it? It had been a while...

"Well, as my right, I elect to have him first. And, Einshelm to enjoy him whenever he pleases. So long as he doesn't abandon his duties while doing so, at least. Heh." He chuckled a bit.

"But -how-" Einshelm shook his head. "Never mind. I'll go in a bit."

Arnak glanced down at the minotaur, smirking.

"I'm pretty sure that means you should get some water. We'll definitely be thirsty after. Roll a few barrels over or something."

"Fine." Einshelm rolled his eyes. But, he did it anyways.

Arnak was a bit surprised that the stage would hold his weight. But, it did. A pile of hides covered the stage, making the floor soft underneath his paws. The wood creaked as he rolled over. His wings would ache tomorrow. But, at the very least, he wanted to... try this. And what better place to indulge, than here, out in the middle of nowhere?


"Just a little distracted." He surveyed the crowd.

"Well, don't be distracted long. The show is going to be long enough as-is." Einsall was already undoing the bits of cloth keeping his robe shut.

He was no slacker downstairs, either. A hefty set of balls, and a just-as-thick rod. He swept the robe back and off, leaving it to the side. His tail flicked, watching the dragon, seemingly sizing him up. Just as he did when the dragon first arrived. Still, Arnak watched the chieftain, and all of his bravado. It was moments before he decided where he'd want to put his rod to use.

"Haven't ever had a dragon muzzle before... perhaps you'll oblige a bull of many summers?" It was the least confident he'd ever heard Einsall.

"Of course I would. I'll try, at least..." Arnak trailed off.

It was only a few steps, but the muffled steps on the wooden stage sounded like thunder in his ears. Even with his wings folded out of the way, he felt like a tendon waiting to snap. His claws kneaded at the soft bundle of furs. Just.... Breathe. His mind focused on the scents on the air. Eyes perked up as he recognized Einshelm rolling another barrel of many next to the stage. A friendly smile before he was back at it, too.

"Alright Arnak. You know how to do this. It's not that different..." He was still a male, and so...

Letting his muzzle fall open, he breathed. Long, deep breaths. Scents were so heavy on the air, he swore he could taste them. Perhaps he could, but there were other things to focus on. Like Einsall waiting patiently inches away, and seemingly standing leagues above him. It was just perspective, but it felt so... real.

A guiding paw nudged his muzzle closer, tugging on one of his horns. It was on, and he'd be damned if anyone left dissatisfied. Well, unless they were dissatisfied at being satiated. That, he couldn't do that much about.

Einsall let the dragon proceed as slowly as he wanted to. He was relatively young and inexperienced, but it was no secret dragons could enjoy themselves in private. It showed, too, with the dragon dragging his tongue along the bull-mans rod. It was only moments later that the dragon took his rod into his muzzle. A bolt of unease rocketed through Einsall, but he let it pass. Arnak was trustworthy, there was no need to fear the dragon. Other feelings pulsed through him as well, making his heart hammer against his chest. The dragon knew exactly what he was doing.

Arnak gently sucked on Einsalls' rod. It filled his muzzle with tastes, and his nose with smells. The whole situation was intoxicating, really. He had no doubts the others watching were enjoying themselves, too. Perhaps others, as well. It was a show, after all. His tongue slithered out of his muzzle, slathering attention on the hefty sac hanging inches below. Manly grunts rumbled out of the minotaurs throat. Slowly, he added his own efforts, pushing his rod into the dragons' muzzle, as deeply as his throat would allow. Arnak swallowed, letting him do as he wished.

Einshelm watched. Surely they wouldn't go through all of these barrels, and whatever wasn't used would just have to be put back anyways. He stepped back onto the stage, padding up behind the dragons' wings. Einsall glanced at him for a moment, but ignored him otherwise. As was expected. After all, he was balls-deep in a dragons muzzle. He crouched down behind the dragons neck. The furs were soft on his hooves, and no doubt much more comfortable than the wood underneath. For something put together in a few hours, it was working rather well. A paw reached forwards, patting at the dragons neck.

Einshelms' reassuring scent and paw calmed his nerves a bit. Einsall wouldn't last much longer, either. The chieftains' pre was already staining his chin. No doubt the first bit of mess, out of plenty more that would mark his scales. Arnak didn't mind. Not in the slightest. His own rod stirred, too, creeping out of his slit slowly. His attentions were better focused elsewhere, but it added a notable texture to the experience. Glancing out of the side of his eye, it seemed the crowd was closer. Perhaps they were. They'd be having their own fun soon enough, too.

"Hfff... Down your throat, dragon." Einsall grunted.

Arnak would have shrugged, but it was impossible at the moment. One last thrust, and it was like a dam had burst. Jet after pressurized jet flew into his muzzle, landing on his tongue. The taste didn't have long to leave a mark, he swallowed as quickly as it came. And there was plenty, too. Seed spilled out of his maw despite his best efforts. It stained the furs below them, and flooded his senses. Einsall slowed down, his thick cockmeat still plugging the dragons' muzzle. It finally tapered to a stop, and Arnak panted as he yanked it out of his muzzle.

"D-damn." He swore.

"I may be old, but I can at least try to keep up with a dragon... raise your tail."

"If you'd like. Just be gentle." Arnak pleaded.

"He'll not be that rough, Arnak. Lookit him. He's already panting more than you are." Einshelm rubbed at his throat.

Arnak rumbled as he looked back. Already, he was at full mast. And yet, he hadn't touched himself for even a moment! His body must have been enjoying this... somehow. He didn't have time to question it, though. Einsall hadn't gotten a jot softer, either. He straddled the dragons tail, holding it down with his own weight. He pressed forward, pushing at the dragons then-virgin hole. It wasn't virgin for long, the tight ring parting around the thick bull-meat getting stuffed into him. The green hissed, pleasure and pain mixing for a moment.

"You feel like a volcano, dragon. Perhaps your earlier sunbathing warmed you up a bit? Or is it just your arousal? Regardless..." Einsall trailed off, not even finishing his thought. "Some of you get up here. Have a paw, a muzzle, or whatever else the dragon would like to spare."

It took moments for the others to comply. Einshelm was worried for a moment, but it vanished quickly. Arnak had a smile on his muzzle. Seemingly, the dragon would relish the challenge. Regardless though, the air felt way more heated with the sheer amount of people on the stage. The torches crackled, and added to the wet, messy sounds coming from Arnak. Einsall was slowly pistoning himself into the dragon, and the rest were finding their preferred holes... or in some cases, limbs.

Arnaks' muzzle was full, and so were his paws. His forepaws could at least grip the rods in them, but others rubbed their breeding tools against his rear paws. Still others opted to take turns trading his muzzle around. But, not one dared touch his rod. Einsall didn't take that much longer to finish, painting his insides white with another hefty load. Seed filled him up, and then leaked out around the chieftains' rod. He savored the feeling for a few moments, and then made room for someone else. The dragon was content, pleased even that so many would enjoy his body.

Load after load coated his form. Whether on his paws, his chest, some on his rod, mixing with his own pre... into his muzzle and stomach. Some dared to pull out and stain the outside of his muzzle. It was fine enough. There were always more. It felt like an eternity. Einshelm kept him grounded, patting his back, reminding him how many he was pleasing in a moment. It was a real celebration alright. His neck eventually became too sore to move, but still others helped with that. They used him like a fucktoy, and he was more than satisfied with that.

Each and every orgasm he provided nudged him closer to his own. It must have been hours, and the sun had set a while ago. The torches flickered, and the messy sounds of yet another minotaur depositing his load resounded. Most of the tribesmen had filtered off after having their share. Some stuck around and watched. Einshelm waited patiently for him to finish up. The dragon was a mess, but he could handle a few more. Certainly at least his own.

"Einshelm? You haven't gone yet. Even Einall had a go already." Arnaks' throat rasped.

"After he finishes up." He nodded towards the bull.

Almost on cue, he grunted, and drove home a few last messy thrusts. The stage was a mess. But, it had been worth it. Every one of them left with a smile of satisfaction on their muzzles. Some walked a little funny, but that was their own faults. Seed squelched around his rod as he added his own to the pool. The dragon groaned, insides filling seemingly a bit more. He'd be walking funny, too. His rod was so sensitive, if the air moved, he'd explode. Handpaws left their grip on his haunches, pulling his rod out of the mess that was the dragons' tailhole. Arnak panted, exhausted from everything.

"Thanks. I needed that, and so did the others, seemingly. Good night, Arnak." He wiped himself off with a spare bit of fur, and left.

Arnak rolled onto his back. Several bones creaked and popped. It felt good to move, and the air tasted sweeter than ever. But, Einshelm had yet to go, too. What would one more be at this point? Hell, what would another dozen be? The dragons' internal balls felt overfull. Despite every one of them plowing him relentlessly, it hadn't ever been quite enough. Got him close several times, and more than enough of his own pre stained the stage, too. Einshelm moved lower, stepping around his wings.

"Sure you'd mind?"

"Come now, you think I'd mind after so many others have had their turn? What's one more." It was a rhetorical question, and the dragon spoke as such.

"Well. Glad to see you enjoyed yourself. But..." Arnaks' eye twitched as Einshelm moved his paw as if to stroke the dragon.

"You damn well better use a bit of that mess if you want to do that. It feels like I could pop at any moment."

Einshelm was more than eager to comply. There was no lack of the stuff, either. The dragon would definitely need a bath afterwards. But, at the end of a busy day, when didn't he? Or any of the others? His own thick rod reminded the minotaur that it existed. The minotaur straddled the dragon, holding his tail down with his weight. It still moved a bit regardless, and Arnak nudged him forward with it. He'd get at least one more good load. And... it simply wouldn't be fair for the dragon to go without an orgasm of his own, either.


"Hurry up. After watching all that, you're no doubt as close as I am. Going to be sore tomorrow..." Arnak trailed off.

The dragon breathed, and relaxed. Just one more. One more, and maybe he could have a lovely nights rest. Perhaps a bath beforehand, too. Food, or... anything else really. Einshelm grunted as the dragons' ass parted easily around him. He'd been well-used, and it showed. After Einsall took him, there was a surprising lack of pain. It wasn't quite something the dragon would do regularly, but it was nice enough as its' own side-thing. Was certainly nice to remind him to... relax in specific ways.

Einshelm felt, and saw the dragon relax. It had become almost routine for him. Just taking cock like it wasn't a big deal. The size difference helped a bit, no doubt, but... it irked him a little bit. A smirk came onto his muzzle. His balls were already tightening as if an orgasm were close. Why not make a finale of it? His handpaws rubbed at the dragon, collecting a bit of the seed that stained his scales. The dragon would get his own orgasm. Einshelm made it his goal.

"Godssss above..." Arnak hissed.

Even the light, slick contact felt like lightning hitting him. The minotaur stroked, more gently than a summers' breeze. That light stroke nudged him just far enough that his orgasm got closer, and closer, and closer... His mind felt blank, and the rest of the world just fell away. Einshelm, Einsall, the village itself. Even the furs stuck to his scales just weren't there any more. Just white, blinding pleasure, and a vague feeling of his rod pulsing, hard and heavy, driving thick spurts of seed into the air. It came back down, of course, onto his chest scales, Einshelm, and the stage. His tongue lolled out, and his head rolled to the side. At some point, he'd emptied out his own balls into the dragon, but Arnak hardly noticed.

"Arnak? Arnak. Arnak." Einshelms' voice broke through the cloud.

The minotaur waved at him, still embedded inside him, idly stroking the dragon with his other paw. He hissed, and it took brief moments for Einshelm to stop teasing him. The dragon folded his paws across his chest, and rested a moment. The minotaur took the hint, and made use of the dragons' soft hide underneath his scales. He'd make a good enough bed for a quick nap anyways.

The others filtered off, and Einshelm eventually softened up enough to pull himself out of the mess. There'd be quite the mess to clean later. But, he suspected the dragon wouldn't be around to clean it up. A frown crossed his muzzle. But, he spoke anyways, nudging the dragon to get up.

"Well. That should help them take the edge off for a week or two, at least."

"I am literally covered in seed." Arnak flicked a bit off of his forepaw.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Einshelm waved him off the stage, and towards the nearby lake.

It was still night, but bright enough out that it wasn't hard to navigate. Still didn't stop Arnak from almost falling into the lake. It wouldn't have been the first time in his stay. The cool water felt good against his scales. Felt even better washing the days' sweat from labor away. And, well, the seed too. The last of the minotaurs may have ambled off back to their abodes after the celebration, but the dragon stank of them. Surprisingly, he didn't mind it much. Or rather, as much as he would have thought he should have. He waded through the water, feeling the sticky mess gradually remove itself.

"You did good. It's been a while, though."

"And? What of it? I personally think that Einsall rather appreciated my work."

"Well. The land isn't exactly going to be able to support a dragon much longer, and..."

"So you're saying that you think he'll be sending me on my way soon?" Arnak paddled a little further into the water. Einshelm finally slipped into the water as well.

"Not think. I heard him discussing it with the others. Einall was not fond of it." Soon, the minotaur was scrubbing away at his scales.

"Of course not. Means he'd actually have to be bothered with hunting again. And farming."

"Yeah, well..."

"Well, what? That was the agreement. And I didn't expect to stay here forever, anyways."

The lake was serene, and peaceful. Only the two bathing made any noise at all. It was kinda romantic, in a way. But, the bull was disappointed. Arnak could hear as much. Whether disappointed in himself, his tribe, his father... or Arnak himself. He couldn't tell. The dragon didn't shy away from the minotaur leaning on his side. As tired as he was, the companionship felt good.

"Neither did I. But I've gotten used to your hard head being around."

"I'm sure you did." A heavy sigh escaped his lungs. "Not even sure where I'll go. I know I had something in mind when I set out, but now?"

He splashed the water. Struggling to recall his original plan was the order of the moment. No matter how hard he tried, it escaped him. It wasn't even the minutiae. It was everything. He remembered distinctly fleeing, and stopping here for a rest in his travels, and everything that happened before that, and up until now... But he couldn't remember what he'd intended to do afterwards. Did he even have a plan?

"You look distant."

"Can't remember my plan."

"Your plan was to travel until you'd escaped, no? I think you overshot your goal, and hadn't realized it." A scale came off, and Einshelm tossed it onto the lakeshore. Another for his dreamcatcher. Or perhaps for the collection.

"No, something else... Damn."

"All the effort from earlier no doubt wiped it from your mind." A chuckle rumbled out of his throat.

"Well. To be fair, they did most of the work. I just, err..." A blush would have come to his scales if it were possible.

"Provided the warm fuckholes? I mean, that's a valuable commodity regardless of the connotations."

"Not exactly how I would have put it. But, the shoe fits."

Despite his bulky size, the bull had gotten good at getting the dragon cleaned up, and quickly too. It wasn't long before he passed the brush to the dragon. His paws fumbled a bit, but he made do. Parting the short, shaggy fur oddly reminded him of writing on parchment. He shook his muzzle. Perhaps it'd be a useful skill in a city. Wait.

"You stopped."

"Remembered a bit." His momentary distraction gone, he continued scrubbing the minotaur. A bit of soap added a lustrous sheen to his fur.


"A city came to mind. Again, the name eludes me, but it was somewhere past here."

"You planned on going to a city? Such a large, bustling place, and for what?" Einshelm shifted a bit as the dragon scrubbed at him roughly.

"I think the thought at the time was justice. Though now..." A sniffle rolled out of his snout.

The minotaur grabbed at his large forepaw, holding it for a moment.

"Never too late for a bit of justice. There are arbitrators and police of the law in most cities. Upstanding citizens of the world that even the gods would approve of. They will at least hear your case. And, if not..."

"Don't suggest the thought." Arnak growled.

"Mages and mercenaries make a lovely pair. And they're both motivated by the same thing."


"Money. But still."

He almost continued the conversation, but a guttural growl rolled out of his throat. It betrayed his feelings better than words could. Einshelm squeezed his paw, but let go as well. The dragons' tail thrashed through the water. His claws tore through the soft, muddy earth between his paws. They even threatened to prick Einshelms' skin, but he held back. It took several deep breaths before he was calm again.

"I have two gifts for you. One for your journey, and the other... to distract you from yourself."


"What? Don't think I didn't notice when you finally blew."

"I'm a dragon. It only makes sense for there to be a lot."

Einshelm pulled at his foreleg, nudging him out of the water. Arnak snorted, clearing his nose a bit. After all this time staring at him, it was no wonder he'd want a piece of the dragon. Or rather, another. He had his go earlier, too.

"Out of the water, lizard."

"Even at night it's hot, though."

"You complain a lot about the heat for a green. It's hardly a desert." Einshelm chuckled.

Arnak batted at the minotaur, giving him a playful push. The water cascaded off of the two, soaking the grass. Though, with the water out of the way, another scent was on the air. It clogged his nose as easily as the surrounding scents. But, it was more overpowering than those. And, it was one Arnak recognized very well after earlier.

"I complain because it's hot. But, I smell that you won't be letting me do any complaining here shortly."

Einshelm smirked, and turned over a small rock. A few bugs and other critters skittered away, but even in the soft night light, a shine caught his eye. The minotaur bull pulled the bottle out, shaking off the dirt, and then a bit more to stir the contents. Arnak watched with eager interest. He'd been here dozens of times, and yet the bull hadn't mentioned this even once. His bulk blocked the stars for a moment as Einhelm held it up.

"Put this here years ago. Figured I'd come back for it when the time was ripe. Let's hope it's still good."

"What are you saying?" Arnak rolled onto his side, and flicked his tail.

"I'm saying that I want you to rut me good and proper. "

His tail flicked again. And again. And before long, a smirk crept onto his muzzle. Sharp teeth poked into a toothy grin. Oh yes. This would be much better than the other way around. Even if he enjoyed it more than he thought he would before arriving here. The earth felt soft underneath his paws as he got to a standing position.

"Are you sure you want that? I mean, you saw how big I am in comparison." He growled in the minotaurs ear.

"Yeah. I am sure. You're an honorable dragon, and I'd be glad to give you some pleasure. Before you..."



Another smirk. Then Einshelm spoke again.

"We have a while yet. No sooner than tomorrows' eve. Perhaps you'll head out in the eve. Maybe he'll let you stay until morn, but-"

"Let's enjoy what time we have, then. There'll be time for mourning later." Arnak nuzzled the minotaur, breathing in his earthy scent.

He leaned into it, enjoying the dragons' warmth. His fur was still soaked, and the bottle was still rather dirty, but the contents inside were safe, and unfouled. Bit chilly too. A discarded bowl came to hand quickly. Someone must have forgotten their dish, but that didn't matter. The cork came off easily, and he carefully measured out the stuff. It flowed, but only just barely. Another bit of dishware served to gather water to dilute it.


"No. There'd be more lights and sound if it were. I'm just mixing this together." Einhelm swished the mixture around.

Arnak watched, and waited. If the minotaur was unhappy at his leaving, then he'd have to give him something to remember. Something that would leave the underside of his tail rather sore for a while. But, a memory that would last for quite a time. Besides. He'd have companionship in his tribesmates, but none quite like this. Even if that very same tribe had pounded their seed underneath his tail for hours, his rod stirred easily. A little bit of turnabout would be fun. Perhaps they'd both remember it a while.

"I could use my tongue..." The dragon peered over his shoulder, unfurling his tongue across the minotaurs shoulder, and down his chest.

"S-stop... you're distracting me."

"As opposed to...?"

He didn't wait for an answer, teasing the minotaur through his fur. A bit got stuck on his tongue, but that didn't much matter. An errant horn poked at his scales as he continued teasing Einshelm. That poke got a little more forceful as his muzzle trailed ever lower. More and more of that same, almost intoxicating, earthly, masculine scent flowed into his nose. It made him want to sneeze, but at the same time...

"Ah!" A bit of the lube in the bowl spilled onto his muzzle. "Don't make me waste it!"

The dragons' smirk only grew wider.

"Then set it down, friend. It's as mixed as it'll get."

Einshelm froze for a moment, before following the suggestion. Friend? Friend of a dragon, and Arnak no less? It was a great honor, and made his heart swell with pride. It was the first time he'd come out and said it, too. In all their time together, never once had he considered the dragon a friend, or companion. Fellow tribesmate perhaps, but nothing more. Still, the green had grown on him. Well. Soon the dragon would be in him, too.

"Don't act so shocked. Despite our rocky start, you've been good to me. And, while you intend to be providing me pleasure, there's no reason we can't share that pleasure..."

Words caught in his throat. The bowl barely made it to the ground before the dragon ramped up his erotic teasing.

Arnak rumbled his pleasure as he nosed through the minotaurs chestfur. It was short, and shaggy, but it caught scents so very well... With a particularly forceful nudge, he pushed the bull-man towards the ground. Einshelm didn't resist a jot. A quick look down confirmed what the dragon already knew, too. His rod was more than ready for a bit of action. One orgasm wouldn't do it, of course. And, chances are, the minotaur knew that. It had been perhaps an hour since the orgy. Probably less. Yet, here he was, ready to spear this minotaur on his rod, and listen to him squeal. The thought only served to arouse him further.

"Last chance to back out, you know. No dishonor, no regrets, no hrrrffff-" The minotaur interrupted him with a bit of attention below his midsection.

Rough handpaws roamed over his rod, squeezing his flesh a bit. Arnak panted, tongue hanging out of his muzzle already. Blood quickened, and he could feel every iota of movement on his sensitive flesh. Even underneath his scales, he could feel every ounce of lust rushing through his form. Einshelm may have been gentle, and inexperienced, but he knew what a male would like. Even if that male happened to be a dragon. A bit of sound rumbled across his eardrums as the minotaur dipped his digits into the bowl.

"It'll be a little cold. But, chances are you'll have never experienced this before..." The stuff felt slick against his hand, even with it running into his fur.

The dragon growled in appreciation as he slathered it on. Every drop added a bit of a chill to the experience, but it only made his movements smoother. And, with the telltale tail flicking behind him, added more pleasure too. Einshelm worked the lube onto, and into his rod until it shined. Even with the small amount of light available to them, it nearly gleamed after a few handfuls. And yet, there was plenty more. But, lube and a hand could only do so much. And, despite his own scent being on the air plain as day, there was another that begged his attention.

"Hrrrr." Arnaks' growl only got louder as Einshelm opened his short muzzle, and took his rod into it.

The feeling of one hand stroking the base of his rod, and of the muzzle working its' way down was electric. Another hand trailed lower, massaging the flesh around the base of his rod. Pressing firmly, and nudging hidden, sensitive organs right through his scales. It was a lot, and he fought to not clamp his back legs together. His forelegs dug into the ground, and he debated pulling Einshelm even further onto his rod. But, he threw away the thought. If he wanted to give pleasure, the dragon would let him. And, damn if he wasn't already doing an amazing job of it.

"Einssshelm, I can only take so much, iff you want it in your stomach now is the time to deciiide." It took longer than it needed for him to inform Einshelm. But, that was because every time he opened his muzzle, the minotaur only tripled his efforts.

The bull felt the telltale pulses even before the dragon started speaking. One go in his muzzle wouldn't drain the dragon too much more. And, he'd heard tales of drunken, raucous dragons mating for days in celebrations. What was one orgasm when they had all night? His throat stretched a bit as he gulped down as much as he could of the dragons rod. Every last thick, throbbing inch he could manage. His lungs burned for air, and he pulled off only long enough to gasp for air. Not moments later, it was right back in his throat. Einshelm could tell it was a massive effort to not muzzlefuck him right into the dirt. So, he encouraged the dragon to spill his seed with every effort he could muster.

"Nnnghh-" Arnak bit back a roar as the first spurt of many pulsed through his form.

One of his forepaws gripped Einshelms' shoulder firmly. He wanted to push. He wanted to pull him further onto his rod, and rut his throat. He froze, leaving the minotaur to decide his own fate. But, feeling him swallow around his rod made it too much effort to think with electric pleasure rocketing through him. Bursts of thick, heady dragonseed flowed out of his rod like a waterfall, and right into the bulls' stomach. He swallowed every pulse, every spurt, and every drop of the stuff, eagerly milking the dragon. The dragon growled until his lungs hurt, and it made his eyes rattle in his skull. It was a deep, reverberating sound that flowed through his form.

Einshelm drank deeply of all the dragon had to offer, and then some. The paw on his shoulder only egged him on further. His eyes may have been closed, but there was a world of sensation on his tongue, and nose. Despite the majority going into his throat, the smell of thick dragonseed landed on his nose. His lungs burned, but he swallowed until he couldn't any more. It felt like hours before the flow tapered off, and he almost felt like he was going to faint. But, Arnak took charge, and pushed the bull off of his rod. It popped out of his short muzzle, and he sputtered for a moment. Still more came out of the idol to maleness, but it was only a few token spurts. His lungs burned, and he panted for air.

"You may have been providing pleasure, but don't think for a moment I could let you hurt yourself."

"I was fine." Einshelm coughed.

"Sure you were." Arnak rolled his eyes.

Still, though. As inexperienced as he had been, Einshelm left him on cloud nine. Even after his burst of worry for the minotaur. Even after a several minutes' break, his mind was still white with pleasure. The dragons' legs burned, and he rolled to his side to rest. Arnak would have been content with letting the minotaur blow him all night. But, he wanted more. And more he would give him... after a few minutes rest.

"That was amazing Einshelm. A moment or two, and if you'd like..."

The break was more for Einshelms' benefit than his. But, seeing the bulls' own rod thickening, it didn't take long. It definitely wasn't long until the bull-man was nuzzling up against the dragon. His hand-paw idly stroking the length that not moments ago, had been buried in his throat. Deep, rumbling purrs of contentment vibrated out of his lungs with the sensation.

"Last chance to back out." Arnak looked down at the smaller mammal.

"What, and lose the chance? Not on every star in the night sky."

The dragon let him lead easily, rolling onto his back. His green scales were a little dirty moving around in the wet earthen muck. But, to Einshelm, they looked all the more attractive. Especially with that smirk on his muzzle. It was a bit awkward climbing atop his scales with hooves, but, he made do. Arnak certainly didn't complain, either. As if communicating by telepathy, his paws dragged the bowl of lube closer. Einshelms' tail flicked. More lube? Or less... Hmm.

"Use as much as you need. I suspect what you rubbed in won't be nearly enough."

Einshelm snorted. Even with him vacuuming down the dragons' cock, there were still a few thick globs on it. But, more wouldn't hurt. At worst, it would only make it too easy for the dragon to rail his guts. He certainly wouldn't mind. The decision made, he rubbed a bit more onto the dragons' rod, until it almost shined again. And then, a few exploratory digits into himself. He hissed, feeling his insides clench around his fingers. Arnak waited, and watched, paws roaming on his legs. Encouraging him, and letting him take as long as he needed.

"Hrrrrm. I figured I'd get another minotaur, or perhaps a horse-man for my first. Dragon might be a bit much."

"Tongue, perhaps?" Arnak let his tongue hang out of his muzzle.

"Perhaps after. There'll be plenty to clean up."

Arnak rumbled. Dirty bull. But, the thought was hot. Pounding him full, and then sampling himself right afterwards. Another growl. The low, deep moans from Einshelm told him all he needed to know. A tilt of his head showed him as much as he needed to know, too. Already, he was working his fingers into, and out of himself rather quickly. His rod bobbed with every beat of his heart. The minotaur even felt toasty against his scales. The night air soothed his heat a bit, but with two large, heated bodies... it would only do so much. Still, the grass and the soft, breezing wind felt lovely.

"Ready." Einshelm wiped his fingers against the dragons scales.

"I'd mind that, if we weren't going to have another wash anyways." Arnak snorted.

"What if it were a wash with a dragons' tongue, hmm?"

The green had a smirk on his muzzle again, and Einshelm could tell what was going on behind those eyes before it even happened. The oversized lizard curled forward, that same tongue that had teased him so many times, wrapped around his rod. And from there, drew it into his muzzle. As relaxed as he had been after servicing the dragon, the electric feeling of pleasure rocketed through him. Warmth, pressure, and gentle suckling... the dragon knew what he was doing. He may have been young, but Einshelm wouldn't have guessed it.

"D-damn dragon. Keep trying to- hrrr" The further he tried to talk, the more Arnak ramped up the pressure.

The minotaur was too talkative, and so was he. That was the conclusion the dragon came to. Talk was exceedingly cheap. And, they only had so many hours in the night after all. Thick, earthy, and all-too-pleasing scents wafted into his nose. The more of the minotaurs rod he drew into his muzzle, the closer he got to the source of that scent. It'd be burned into his brain before long. Not that he'd mind. It made other parts stir all the more. A few token spurts of pre splattered futilely against the back of his tongue. Was only a sample of what was to come, but he swallowed it eagerly.

Einshelm could only hang on, using the dragons' horns for handles. Low grunts of pleasure fell out of his muzzle with every calculated movement the dragon made. His rod poked into his back with slick wetness. No doubt he was enjoying this every bit as much as Einshelm was. A paw nudged him forwards, encouraging him to move himself. The dragons' muzzle let him loose, if only just enough for the bull to pump his rod into the tongue-based fuckhole. And oh, what a fuckhole it was! The earlier orgy was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to pleasure this dragon could produce. It was a shame of the highest magnitude that he would be gone soon... Which made Einshelm all the more eager to enjoy the dragon while he was here.

Arnak let the bull do the work. His paws roamed, feeling up his companions' muscles. Built from constant labor, and a firmly sculpted figure that would make even gods jealous. It didn't show with the fur coating his form. But, it was there, and Arnaks' mind made note of every inch. A single massive paw squeezed his behind, feeling the muscles there work to push his rod deep into his muzzle. The sight of the minotaur above him, screwing his muzzle with eager abandon was erotic. His own rod made a mess of the fur on his back with a thick dollop of pre. He was getting some length now, and every thrust was met with the bull grinding back up against his rod.

"Grh, hope you don't mind returning the favorrrrrr." Einshelms' words devolved into a guttural growl as he got ever closer.

Of course, the dragon was more than fine with that arrangement. It was only fair, and well. His own lust demanded it, too. The bull bucked his hips into his muzzle. His tongue felt tired, and the feeling of the thick rod shoving against it only made it more so. But, it was worth it as the first spurt of many pulsed through the minotaur. He shook, unloading his balls with every thrust. Arnak swallowed, and swallowed, and gulped down the seed. It added a warmth even on top of his already heated body. He relaxed, and let Einshelm fuck his muzzle with seed dribbling down his chin.

Everything was white. The only thing Einshelm could feel were his paws, his rod, and his lungs burning for air. Before long, his arms and paws were protesting their death-grip on the dragons' horns. Wet, messy sounds echoed off of the dragons' muzzle as he drove his seed deep. Much unlike the dragons torrential output, it wasn't long until he was done. The aftermath was sucked away quickly, too. The dragon made sure of that, and almost pouted as he withdrew his rod. Still he chased it with his tongue, dutifully cleaning every drop of thick seed off.

"Sstop, it's too sensitive." Einshelm pleaded.

"Only if you insist. But, there's something else that needs seeing to, now." He tilted his head a bit.

"A moment, then sure. But until then..."

Einshelm knew exactly what to do to keep the dragon occupied. No sooner than the idea come to mind, did he begin executing on it. He rolled his hips back, pushing against the dragons' rod. His own half-mast rod swayed a bit as he teased the dragon. A few minutes of this, and the dragon seemed almost ready to pull him down and impale the minotaur himself. Of course, that's exactly what he wanted.

"Don't tease a dragon unless you're willing to take ressssponsibility for what comes afterwards." Arnak hissed.

"That's the goal." Einshelm stated plainly.

The lube made a mess of the fur on his back, and asscheeks. But, that was the price to pay for this sort of activity. Still, it made the coming task much easier. Yet, he reached back, and scooped even more out of the bowl. He made a game of it, stroking the dragon with his lube-covered paw, and then hotdogging the rod between his firm asscheeks. It wasn't until Arnak put both paws on his hips did he stop.

"I am really, really pent-up feeling right now. Keep going, and I'll either bust, or become very, very aggressive." Another hiss, almost directly into Einshelms' ears.

"Then why don't you show me just what a dragon can do, hmm?" Einshelm egged him on.

Arnak growled. He couldn't do much on his back, and Einshelm knew it. But, his paws could give a nudge toward what he wanted the bull-man to do. A hefty, pulling nudge. A paw on his member guided it, pointing the tapered tip right at his pucker. Only just in time for the dragon to pull him downwards. Pressure prevented him from going far, but he kept up the push into the minotaur. Tight muscle parted after a few agonizing moments. The look on Einshelms' muzzle was priceless. It looked as if his own gods had come down and greeted him. Or were watching. In either case, Arnak didn't let it distract him.

"Now, do tell if it hurts, and I can pause a moment, but... from that look..." The dragon trailed off.

The hot pressure around his rod was even better than the feeling of the tribe taking turns at him. He did a service for them, and seemingly, this was the payoff. It was worth it. Oh, it was so, so worth it. Every inch he stuffed into the minotaur felt like a dip into heaven. The lube helped things along, and was an alien feeling. But this, this was putting his rod to use where it belonged. Already, his internal balls were working overtime. And yet, heady pleasure made him draw it out as long as he could. Einshelm huffed above him, putting his own paws above the dragons'.

"Now, don't hold back. I want you emptied before you leave."

"Rest assured, two won't do. Nor will three. You'll be lucky if you can waddle."

How much of that was his lust-addled mind was up for debate. But, Einshelm would have been glad even if it were true. Arnak snarled as he dipped lower of his own accord. This sliding down inch by inch was enjoyable... but he wanted a real rut, from a dragon no less. His paws slipped, but readjusted quickly. Those same paws urged him ever lower, as thick dragonmeat filled his insides. It took moments to feel blood rushing back into his member. Not even when he had procured erotic imagery from the traveling merchant did he harden this fast after an orgasm. It may have been the dragon cock. It was definitely the dragon, though.

"Ssso closse." Arnak hissed.

"Then release yourself. We have all night. Cum. Inside, or out, it doesn't matter." He pulled the dragons muzzle up, to stare at him.

"If you say you can handle it...." It was almost a staring contest. But, Arnaks' slit pupils dilated as Einshelm felt the first jet of seed rocket out of the dragon.

And right into his guts. It didn't stop with one, either, nor did the dragon stop pulling him lower. Thick, liquid jets of heat, and seed pushed into him. Again and again, and again until time lost its' meaning. Filling him, more and more. It felt as if he were about to burst, until it began to flow right back out around his rod, staining the dragons' scales. Still more pumped into him, a few weak thrusts from the dragon. A long-drawn out hiss lasted almost as long as his orgasm. Even with his own rod untouched, quick spasms of pleasure gave him pause. This moment could last forever.

When he finally let go of the minotaurs' hips, it was only after he realized his horns were buried in the dirt, and his tongue hanging out of his muzzle. Lungs burned, and it took a moment to remember how to breathe. Still, the feeling of Einshelm rhythmically tightening around his rod was divine. Two wouldn't do. Hell no, it wouldn't.

"Alright bull-boy. That's one down, and gods only know how many more. Let's see just how much you can take." Arnak growled.

"Make me yours for the night. Perhaps even the morning. Until then, though..." Einshelm focused on the dragons' pleasure.

Not just for the next hour. No. That would have been too easy. It was early morning before they even considered cleaning up. Save for a few curious tribesmates, no one was the wiser, either. They parted ways, heading to their respective abodes. Both had the other on the mind. And, well. One was hobbling a little bit.

That evening...


"Einsall." He bowed in deference to his fellow tribesmate. Or so it felt after all this time.

The village had gathered around. There was an announcement to be made. The dragons paws, legs, and heart felt like stone. He knew already what it was going to be. But, formalities needed to happen. And then it'd be settled. His thoughts devolved into an inaudible growl as he let Einsall ponder for a few moments.

"You've been good to us." The decorated chieftain nodded. "But, we knew you couldn't stay forever."

"I'd like to stay a little while longer. Surely there's something or another I can do to help the tribe prep-"

"No. You have done what you can. And yet, the land is as fruitless as ever." The dragon let the minotaur talk over him, for the moment.

"Nothing I can do, then?"

"Nothing." He confirmed. "It is with great heaviness that I encourage you to continue on your journey."

The words stabbed more than the chieftains' spear ever could have. He'd been here the entire summer. Laughed. Played. Hunted with these minotaurs. Some of them had even begun to respect him. One, at least, considered him a good friend, if not a lover. Helped them build a storage house for their preserved foods. Leveled hundreds of feet of plains with his fire in a controlled burning. Tilled the land afterwards. And yet...

"Your journey demands your attention now more than ever. May your paws find rest, and your soul, solace. I do believe some have some gifts to bestow upon you." Einsall may have been old, but he wasn't blind. Not yet anyways. He ushered them forth.

There were curious onlookers watching. But, they may as well not have been there. He no more considered them strangers than Einshelm an enemy. It was no bother, no matter how many of them were there. Einall was first, despite Einshelm mentioning his gift the last night.

"Dragon. You've hunted with me, and the others. Made our harvests bountiful. I have two things. First-" He pulled a small knife from his waist. "Is a token of our fourth hunt. You may have claws, but this will serve as a functional memento of your stay."

"Thank you. May it augment my claws." He crouched down a bit for the minotaur to hang it around his neck. If nothing else, it would be a lovely decoration.

"And, if you'll visit the storehouse, you'll notice a pot with your name inscribed on it. I think you'll like the meats contained in it. They're fresh, and the cuts you prefer."

"Thank you, again."

"No. Thank you. May your wings find easy flight." In an uncharacteristic show of emotion, he butted his head against the dragons chest, and gave him a hug. As impossible a task as that was with the dragons' size.

Einshelm waited patiently, with a shrug. It was unlike his brother, but he let him have his moment with the dragon. It didn't take long until he was walking towards the dragon. A pouch at his hip looked overfull. Much like Einalls' gift, the minotaur had wound a bit of cord around it, to make it easier for the dragon to carry.

"I've little more to give than what I've already given, but I suspect that these would help as well. If nothing else, it will give you a place to stay in a city for a night or two." He opened the pouch and let the dragon peer in.

Flawless gold coins stared back. There wasn't a spot of dust or dirt on them. They were remarkably well preserved. How did th-

"I sold some spare things the last time the trader came through. I had no need of them. But, you will likely need these. Take them." While hanging the pouch around the dragons' neck, he whispered. "And my ass is still sore, dammit."

Arnak could barely contain his mirth. A telltale smile crept onto his muzzle despite his best efforts. Luckily, nothing else was uncontainable. It would have been a somewhat awkward scene.

"Thank you as well. Perhaps I'll use these for a stay at an inn. Or, perhaps to help me find out what happened to my family. In either case, they'll be wisely invested."

Another hug. Einshelm squeezed him tight. It was tough saying goodbyes, but the minotaurs made it look easy. Not a tear in sight. But, after seeing them mourn their lost... there'd be tears later. In private, at least. It would be a tragedy he wouldn't be here to witness, nor help comfort with.

"It's been an honor. Our stocks have grown aplenty this year. Maybe we'll have you back eventually?" He glanced back at Einsall. His unchanging demeanor spoke volumes.

"Likewise. I hope you lead the tribe as well as your father has."

Einshelm bowed, and struck his chest in a traditional salute.

"I have large hooves to fill."

There were others. Plenty of others offering their blessings, their food, even offering to try to convince Einsall to let him stay longer. But, it was not to be, their pleading fell on deaf ears. Arnak could see that it bothered him though. Their stoic leader had to play his part though, and that was the way life went. The dragon had no doubt that, if he could, he'd have the dragon stay forever. And meet the children, and the females too. But, it was not to be. At least not right now.

"It is with heavy and leaden heart I beckon you onwards, Arnak. I trust you to leave once everyone here is done."

There were murmurs through the crowd. But, he paused for a moment before walking off.

"It doesn't mean you can't come back and visit, however. Come see us sometime." His stoic mask of an unchanging face had a different emotion on it for once. A smile plastered onto his muzzle. But, it disappeared quickly as he walked off.

There were more hugs. A few tears, too. A few decent acquaintances saying their goodbyes, and disagreeing with Einsalls' decision. But, the dragon knew better than to incite unrest by disagreeing. He could take the old man, but it would be unwise to force him into that position. And, well. It's not like memories of last evening would make it any easier on the dragon. The crowd dissipated, but a smirk slithered onto his face. Not a full day ago, they'd all pumped him full of seed. And he'd liked it, too. Every bit of it.


"Einshelm. You know I gotta go before it gets too dark." It had been all day of gift-giving, well-wishing, and other such things.

"I know he meant it half-jokingly... but do come back some time. Perhaps next summer?"

"Hmm..." Arnak rumbled, pawing at the ground. As if he could make plans out that far... "I can't guarantee I'll even remember where here is a year from now."

"Try to. But, we're making this harder. Go. You've got your journey, and I have to watch carefully every single thing he does."

"Be a good chieftain."

"Be a good dragon, then."

"Now that I can't guarantee. Sometimes, you have to bend the rules a bit. Still, I've gotta go." He could talk forever with these people. And stay here, too.

They walked a little while, collecting all the little trinkets and gifts the tribe had bestowed. His ex-handler helped the dragon load them up onto his back, or around his neck. It wasn't much, but it meant the world to him. And no doubt, to the gift-givers, too. He padded back to the center of the small village. It had grown since he arrived. His mind reminded him of all the memories he'd made. All the work he did to help it grow. And yet, he'd not be here to savor it this winter and fall. Damn.

"As much as I'd like you to take me with you, it's not in the omens." Einshelm kicked the dirt.

"It's not. Stay safe."

They could have looped their goodbyes forever, too. But, the dragon cut out of that loop before it began. He paced for a few moments, back and forth. It would be a long flight, possibly as long as his previous one. But, he could do it. These folk would always revere him as a fellow tribesmate, no matter his lack of fur, and hooves. They'd remember him, even though he only stayed for a few months. It made an impact, and would leave a dragon-shaped hole in day-to-day activity. His legs were already moving quicker by the time his thoughts caught up.

Thump. Thump. Thump thump thump thump. He listened to his thunderous running paces, ignoring everything else. Ignoring the scents, sounds, and sight of everyone watching him leave. North was as good a direction as any. Wings unfurled, and began to beat against the air. It was effort, and his lungs protested. It wasn't his first flight since arriving, but it was the first with as much intensity as his initial flight away from his home. Still, he left the ground with ease. The things he'd received rattled against his scales, but remained secure.

Tomorrow would be a new day. So would the day after that. And the one after that. But, one goal was etched into his mind. A city. He'd find a city. Then he'd find some arbitrators, and failing that, some mage skilled in mind manipulation. After finding some trustworthy mercenaries, of course. Once all of that was complete, he'd get his closure. He'd find out exactly what happened to his family. And perhaps even undo it. His father would be proud. So would his mother. That was what drove him onwards. He'd be the knight in shining, green armor for them. His stay with the minotaurs had been a pause, a break of sorts as he recuperated. But, it was not his end goal. Rescuing his family would be.

... but that didn't mean there wouldn't be time for a short stopover after all was said and done, though.


(Authors' notes. Yeah, yeah, I know it's late, and super late at that. Heat kills my productivity something awful. But, excuses, excuses. Anyway, fav, comment, and vote, and watch if you'd like more content like this! Also got a patreon now, which I'll drop below. Consider supporting me, perhaps?