Tied and Taken

Story by ColtonBunny on SoFurry

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A bit different- I'm trying to branch out a little. This story contains bondage, M/M sex, and a consensual gang bang. Hope you all enjoy it, and as always let me know if you have any feedback.

I could hear them talking behind me, but I couldn't turn around. Even if I could, I was blindfolded. And gagged. And naked.

"Think he can move at all?" one voice said.

"Not much." Another replied, the crocodile, his voice deep and rumbling. "You did good. Thanks man."

A pause. "You said four right? Think I could go before anyone else gets here?"

"I won't stop ya." Squeaking, I think the croc sat down. "Well?"

"With you watching?"

"Uh huh."

Another pause, then finally "Nah, I think I'm good then. Never been a big fan of showing off."

"You're just worried I'll find out yer dick's smaller then his." He laughed. "Doubt he'd even feel it."

"Whatever asshole." A door opened with a click then closed with a thud, and through the cloth stuffed in my mouth I took a breath. I could taste it, I'm pretty sure it was a used cum rag. Definitely tasted like dried semen. I couldn't spit it out though, it was tied around the back of my head. I gnawed it a bit, trying to move my jaws into a more comfortable position. After a while I gave up and focused on breathing. In, out. In. Try not to panic or think about whats going to happen. Out. Release the tension and try not to squirm too much.

I had glanced the clock in this hotel room before my blindfold was put on. It had said three something. Were people supposed to get here by four? Or were four people expected? Maybe both, it's not like he was gonna tell me. I heard something rustling like a page turning, I think he was reading a book, maybe the newspaper. So it was going to be a wait. Wonderful. In. Out.

Time is hard to keep track of when you're blindfolded and immobile. I could have been there for hours before I heard a knock at the door. Or maybe it was only ten minutes. I heard a little more rustling, then the door clicked open again and I heard voices.


"Hey." The croc replied.

"Wow. Guess this is the right room then."

"Yep. Come on in, make yourself comfortable." I gulped around the rank cloth in my mouth, and tried to focus on my breathing again.

"Should I wait or?"

"Go right ahead." the crocodile sat down again. "I'll let them in as they come."

Rustling again. Was he going to read while this happened? I couldn't tell whether that should piss me off. The muffled sound of cloth hitting the floor, shoes being kicked off. I heard whistling. "Very nice." the croc said. I felt hands on my bare ass, legs kept apart by a metal rod that also kept my arms pinned. "Hold up." The croc stopped the newcomer. "On the nightstand. Don't want to damage the goods after all."

"Right yeah. Sure.". His rough smokers voice was quavering, he sounded nervous. I wondered if that was good while I heard a soft tearing, then a bottle popping open and wet squeezing. "Should I, um?"

"Just squirt some on his ass and fuck him already. The little bitch is practically begging for it."

I suppressed a yelp as an icy cold gel spilled onto my exposed asshole. In. Out. In. Out. I was breathing too fast and I tried to slow down. In. He was reaching around my waist, I could feel him above me. Out... In.

I held my breath as I felt the newcomer pushing his cock into me. I tried not to yelp or grunt as he penetrated me and just kept going. And going. Jesus did this guy have a foot long cock? I bit down on the cum rag and tried to relax so it would hurt less. Fortunately his girth didn't match his length, so I wasn't being ripped open from head to toe. Finally I felt his hips press against mine and heard him moaning. He pulled back once, slowly, then thrust in again and heard gasping. I felt his cock twitching inside me, and heard him whispering "fuck fuck," again and again. Then with a gasp he exploded, body bucking into me again as he came.

"Shit man already?" The croc said.

"Least I didn't have to wait." Another new voice, this one chocolaty. I hadn't even heard the door open again. The man inside me was pulled out and quickly replaced. I couldn't suppress a whine of pain as this new cock pushed into me. This guy was thick- it felt like his freaking arm was getting shoved inside me. I teared up behind my blindfold, trying to relax again as I felt his start a steady rhythm. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me in closer. He was thrusting fast and rough, cock punching into my bowels with each bucking of his hips. But he was also thrusting right into my prostate, or maybe he was just hitting it with the side of his massive cock. The pain and pleasure mixed as he kept his rhythm. I moaned as I came, the man fucking me didn't seem to notice as my cock spurted onto the sheets below me.

Time is hard to keep track of when you're blindfolded and immobile and getting fucked from behind by what had to be a stallion. I bunched my hands up into a fist, my fingers being one of the only parts of me I could freely move. Finally I heard him grunt and bury his cock deep into me. I heard clapping from behind, apparently some people had enjoyed the show. The stallion pulled out of me and after a moment wiped his cock on my back. I heard his footsteps as he walked away and the door opened and shut again.

Someone walked up to me and grabbed my throat. "That took a while so we're gonna speed things along a bit. Which one of you wants to fuck this boys face?" It was the croc, he pulled the rank cloth out of my mouth and I coughed. I was lifted up and spun 90 degrees on the bed. My toes and fingers were right at the edges now. "Show em how good your mouth is."

I opened my mouth and waited. It didn't take long for a cock to get shoved into the newly available hole. I focused on not gagging, this guy at least had a normal sized cock. So did the guy pressing into me from behind- that or anything felt reasonable after that last guy stretched me open. I squeezed my ass, hoping this wouldn't take as long. My ears were grabbed and used to force my head to bob up and down on the cock in my jaws. I pressed my tongue against his tip before it rammed into my throat. I could hear him moaning already, but he wasn't close, just vocal as he forced me to deep throat him.

The guy behind me was going slowly, a single smooth thrust at a time and then he re-positioned. I wondered why until I felt him bump into my prostate. Then he stopped his exploratory pokes and began pistoning into my sweet spot like a machine. _How considerate of him,_I thought.

A burst of pre settled on my tongue and I slurped it up as quickly as I could. It wasn't long until I got another, then another, and finally bitter cum flooded my taste buds. I tried not to cough as it dripped down my throat, and as soon as the cock was pulled out of my mouth I swallowed it all.

I expected a new cock in my mouth at any second. But it never came. I did after a little longer with my ass still being pounded. The dick inside me pulsed and flexed in time with my flesh and was pulled out not long after. I was panting, my belly was dripping with my own cum and it felt like a fleck of cum was on my check, just out of reach of my probing tongue.

"Fuck yeah man." I heard. "If you do this again call me up."

"Will do." The croc said.

"You got that horses number?"

"Yeah, but you don't. Should have asked him yourself."

"Maybe he'll come back next time. Wouldn't mind him taking me for a ride, that was intense just to watch."

"I'm sure the bitch enjoyed it too. Now get out."

"Sure, sure jeez man there's no need to push."

The door opened and closed again. The croc came over and started fiddling with the locks around my wrists and ankles. "So." He asked. "Was that everything you hoped for?"

"Fuck. Yes." I answered, still panting. The last lock fell and I collapsed onto the bed, reveling in my newfound freedom of movement. My muscles ached, my ass would sting for days, and I felt wonderful. He tugged my blindfold off and his big brown eyes looked into mine.

"Good." He was smiling kindly. I smiled back, and struggling, managed to give him a quick kiss. He gently pushed me aside and pulled the restraints out from under me, letting me lay on the comfortable mattress. He lay down next to me and his strong arms wrapped gently around me. "I love you." He whispered gently into my ear.

"And I love you." I responded, snuggling into him. His dick prodded my backside. "Was that not you in me last?"

"It was. What can I say, there's a sexy naked guy in front of me who put on one hell of a show."

"So the bitch did good?" I asked, laughing.

"I thought you'd like that!"

"I did."

"Then yes. The bitch did good." He squeezed me. "But now the bitch needs to rest, ok."

"Ok." I leaned my head back into him, safe and warm in my lovers arms.