
Story by AdamantZoroark on SoFurry

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Hot date? Check. Traffic? Check. An ever-so-growing urge to take a leak? Check check check. All of these added up to a really bad situation. My urge just kept growing and growing, all the while a damn sexy Nidoking sat next to me in my car's passenger seat. I tried my hardest to focus entirely on driving as opposed to my bladder, but no matter what, I couldn't stop thinking about the potential of wetting myself, a result that was starting to look increasingly likely every second. I was about to totally ruin any shot of getting into that Nidoking's pants.

"Are you okay, Perry?", asked the Nidoking.

"Yeah, I'm alright, Mick," I said. "I just have to pee pretty badly."

"That's not good... I'd say to find a place to stop, but that's not happening right now, is it?"

"Not a chance. Not if we keep moving at five inches per hour."

"Guess we just wait for traffic to clear up, then..."

The two of us just sat in silence for a bit, inching forward in traffic. I turned on the radio, seeking to find answers as to why traffic was so shitty. And, as usual, the news was not good.

"An accident on the 405 between a Ferrari and a rare Japanese sports car turned into a multi-car pileup this evening," said a female voice on the radio. "The Ferrari driver is in critical condition, and the driver of the Japanese car was killed. Nobody else was seriously injured."

"Rare Japanese sports car," I said. "Wait, fuck! Sorry, I gotta call someone right now."

"Go ahead."

I immediately dialed a number for the first guy I knew owned a car that matched that admittedly vague description. I knew I was really compounding the level of danger given that my bladder was already taking some attention away from my driving, but I had to be sure it wasn't anyone I knew.

"Hey Perry," said a voice. "What's up?"

"Oh thank goodness, Pat... You're alive."

"Yeah, of course I am," said Pat. "You guys got any idea what's up with him? I sure don't."

"Are you seriously breaking the fourth wall through a phone conversation? God damn, dude."

"Anyway, what's with the sudden anxiety?"

"Well, I'm in traffic and gotta piss, so there's that. Also, traffic coverage on the radio said the driver of a rare Japanese sports car was killed in a crash, and I do believe you still have the Skyline."

"Oh... Yeah, I'm good, it wasn't me. Sophie's here with me right now, so it wasn't her either."

"Thank goodness..."

"Also, may I give you some advice on your current predicament?"

"Uhh... What?"

"Pee your pants."

"Wrong number, dude! First, the sexiest guy I've ever met is right next to me, and also these seats I put in are expensive!"

"Not as expensive as BMW repairs, I hope. Anyway, I gotta go. See ya."

Pat hung up. God damn, I can't believe he actually suggested that, but yet at the same time, I totally can believe he actually suggested that simply given the fact that he's into that shit.

"He's right, you know," said Mick. "It must be distracting you quite a bit."

"It is... But I'd rather get home dry if I can. Also, wouldn't you be totally disgusted and definitely not go on that second date?"

"Nope. Safety's more important." "I can let you drive."

"I don't know how to drive manual."

"Oh. Well... Shit."

I was really running out of options. Maybe Mick and Pat had a point. I could feel my bladder bulging, as well as the pressure from all of that piss telling me to let it out. There was no way in hell I was going to be able to drive safely while this desperate for a piss; the latter was all that was on my mind, but I needed to have the former on my mind, and since Mick can't drive stick, letting him drive was a nonstarter.

"Wish I didn't leave my bone at the house," I said. "Just an Alolan Marowak's first world problems, right?"

"What do you mean? You've got a bone."

"Huh, what are you talk -"

I looked down and noticed that my penis was completely erect. I mean, shit, first I'm desperate to pee, and now I have a boner. If I'm wrong and there really is a God, he really doesn't want me scoring with this Nidoking.

"... You're really getting an early start on this dad joke thing, aren't you?", I asked.

"Guilty as charged. But seriously dude, it's alright. Just piss yourself."

"... Well, I guess I don't really have another option."

I tried to relax and let my piss flow all out. However, it just wouldn't happen. No matter how hard I tried, it would not come out. This was the one time I actually wanted to piss myself, and it wouldn't happen.

Traffic came to a complete stop, but I knew even that wouldn't be an opportunity to focus every last bit of attention into pissing myself, as opposed to working three pedals, a gear shift, and steering, all while trying to piss myself. Finally, I managed to get a little bit out, making a quarter-sized wet spot on my jeans.

"There you go," said Mick. "You're doing great."

Finally, I managed to get the rest of it to start coming out. From there, my body just did the rest on its own, completely flooding my jeans. Finally, I was able to focus entirely on driving since I just had to use minimal brain power to continue wetting myself.

"There we go," said Mick. "Your driving's gotten smoother too. Much better, isn't it?"


"You seem a lot more relaxed... Maybe more than that, because you've been erect this whole time."

God damn it, my penis betrayed me once again. Though, boners that last that long aren't exactly random ones. Damn it, was I actually enjoying that? It just gave me even more thoughts to think about!

"I could say the same about you," I said.

Great. Not only was I starting to question if I liked desperation and wetting, I was pretty sure Mick was definitely enjoying the show I gave him. Stopping at my house was gonna be a real blast.

Once we got to my house, I sprayed some cleaner on the driver's seat of my car, hoping to be able to keep that seat. Granted, it would have been a bigger nightmare if I had the car's factory leather seats, because those would definitely have to be thrown out and would be more expensive to replace.

"You okay?", asked Mick.

"Yeah. Gotta get out of these pants, though. Didn't think they'd start feeling that cold."

"Yeah, and you'll probably wanna take a shower."

"You can join me if you'd like."

Wait, what was I saying? I'd only just gotten to know the guy, and here I was already inviting him into the shower with me.

"Sounds great."

With that, the two of us headed up towards the shower. All of this was going faster than I anticipated; wouldn't have expected this until at least the third or fourth date, but the first one?

"You seem really anxious without your bone, by the way."

"Yeah. I can't carry it around because the ends are literally on fire if I touch it, but it's a part of me nonetheless."

"I imagine the thing got inconvenient once you evolved, seeing as it got bigger and on fire."

"I dunno. I just feel like it should be with me, with me being born with it and all."

We got up to the shower, after which I turned on the water and started to undress.

"Jesus, guys, we're weak to Water-type attacks, we're not weak to water. We kinda need that shit to survive."

"... Did you just break the fourth wall?"

"Yeah I did... Pat must have rubbed off on me."

Once the two of us were nude, we hopped in the shower. Immediately, Mick had to hop right back out.

"Ow! Hot, hot, hot!"

"Oh, right. You're not a Fire-type. Sorry, turned it that high out of habit.

I turned the water down to something that was lukewarm for me, which should be a temperature that Mick can handle.

"Alright. Turned the water down."

Mick stuck his hand into the shower to see if it was going to be too hot for him again.

"Yeah, much better. It's not threatening to burn me this time."

Mick walked into the shower again, after which I finally got a full view of his dick. I mean, I knew it was big just from seeing his erection through his clothes, but damn, the thing was massive even when flaccid. I was pretty sure that his flaccid dick was bigger than most guys' erect dicks. He even had a nice foreskin to play with, too. I've scored myself a guy who's both toned and has a huge dick. I had done well.

"I have to be honest," said Mick. "I was really getting off on your desperation."

"I figured, from the fact that you were hard the whole time. Probably would have kept holding, too, if it weren't for needing to drive."

"You must have felt some enjoyment, too. You were hard for way too long for it to be a random boner."

"I'm really not sure... I don't know, man. That got me so confused."

Suddenly, Mick turned off the shower.

"We can give it a test run if you'd like."

"... Well, it should give me some answers. Yeah, let's do that."


The two of us got out of the shower and quickly dried off.

"I'll put on some fresh underwear," I said. "What do you think I should pick out?"

"If any of it is white, I'd like that."

"Yeah, I can get that."

I went to my room to put on my white boxer briefs. As for Mick, I figured he'd also just stay in his underwear since he had nothing to change into. After that, I walked out of my room, and Mick just happened to be right by my door wearing nothing but a pair of boxers.

"Oh, yes," said Mick. "That'll look real nice when wet."

"S-Shut up... You're making me nervous."

"Think grabbing your bone would help?"

"Probably... I just don't wanna risk setting anything on fire."

"Just be careful with it and everything will be alright."


I grabbed my bone, making sure to be quick to take it off of the ground before the ends completely caught fire. As expected, I felt better right away. Even if it wasn't physically attached, that bone is basically a part of my body. Carrying it made me feel complete. It made me feel like everything would be okay.

"Okay," I said. "So should we head to the kitchen now?"


The two of us headed downstairs to get to the kitchen. Once there, I went to my fridge to grab as many water bottles I could carry. I set them on the table, handing one to Mick. I sat down, using one hand to drink one of the water bottles and the other to keep my bone held on my thighs.

"So," I said. "Do you do this often?"

"Once a month, maybe. Don't wanna do it any more than that, though."

"Yeah, I can see that. You must already have to go. Been a few hours since you peed."

"Oh, absolutely. I'm desperate."

"It sure doesn't seem like it, though."

"I try to avoid moving too much. One wrong move and your bladder empties."

"I guess..."

"I'll show some desperation, though, just to make it more entertaining for you."

Mick started squirming slightly to make his predicament more obvious. I got up to grab a bottle of vodka, hoping to speed it up.

"That's smart," said Mick. "Alcohol really speeds it up. Don't overdo it, though."

"I know."

I took a couple of shots of vodka, after which I chugged down another bottle of water. Alcohol is a decently powerful diuretic, and vodka is typically around 80 proof, so it was certain to speed things up quite a bit. Then again, I also knew it would numb the feeling quite a bit. But was that a good thing? Was it a bad thing? I had no context for any of this. I'm sure that if I was crossing the line that anyone who liked desperation had, Mick would let me know.

"Really wanna just get to the chase, don't you?", asked Mick.

"I mean," I said. "Don't wanna suffer too much if it's my first time."

"Okay, fair enough. It'll happen faster and feel less like torture if you're drunk."

"Yeah. Figure I should start drunk and slowly be brought into sober desperation."

"Good idea. I started at fourteen, when drunk desperation wasn't really an option."

"How did you manage to get into it, then?"

"I guess I'd just turn it into a game. Like, I'd challenge myself to hold it in longer."

"Huh. Interesting."

I took another two shots of vodka, after which Mick took the bottle from me and handed me another bottle of water.

"Hey, don't get too drunk now," said Mick. "Save some for me. Also, can't get too drunk now."

That was a good point. I'd already be pretty tipsy on four shots. I chugged down the water bottle and then sat and waited for the inevitable accident. I heard a sound that sounded sort of like splashing; I almost thought I had already started to wet, but quickly came to my senses and realized I would have noticed if that were the case.

"Oh dear," said Mick. "Looks like I couldn't hold it anymore."

I couldn't figure out why, but him saying it like that was hot. I guess it was just how he could be in a situation where he was involuntarily peeing, and yet be so nonchalant about it.

"Well, that's it for me," said Mick. "Maybe you can give me a bit of a show, though."

I stood up, the sudden motion of which revealed to me just how badly I had to piss. I could feel a sharp pain in my pelvis due to the additional pressure. My bladder didn't spill anything, but still, it fucking hurt. Keeping my bone pressed against my thighs, I slowly tiptoed my way over towards Mick to give him a better view.

"Oh boy, you've really gotta go, haven't you?"

I could tell he could tell how badly I had to go. I couldn't completely straighten my legs and I was shaking really badly. Mick took his dick out of his soaking wet boxers and started stroking it, moving his foreskin up and down the glans.

"Oh yes, give me a show, boy..."

I pressed my bone harder into my thighs as my shaking grew stronger and stronger. As I grew more desperate, Mick's masturbation got more passionate. Suddenly, I started getting a flashback.

I knew I should have gone before the band took the stage. But now, the crowd in the pit was just totally unmanageable. I barely managed to navigate my way through the crowd, but that was the least of my worries. I got to the bathroom, only to be greeted by a line that must have been a mile long.

"Shit," I thought. "This isn't worth it."

It wasn't worth it, but at the same time, I had to go bad.If I tried to stick in this line, I wasn't sure if I'd make it, but if I went back with my buddies, I definitely wouldn't. I tried to stick it out in the line, but it wasn't happening. As I completely accidentally flooded my pants, I couldn't help but feel like I was being punished for waiting too long to empty my bladder. Embarrassed, I rushed out of the line, out of the venue, and caught a bus home, telling my friends via text that a family emergency came up and I had to leave.

Suddenly, I returned to reality-land to realize I was totally pissing myself and couldn't stop it at all.

"Oh yes," said Mick. "There we go, boy..."

Mick's masturbating got more vigorous, but he stopped entirely before he'd end up making this encounter way too short. I was getting hard myself, so it would be nice to have my arousal tended to. Shit, maybe that time at the concert really was some kind of fetish trigger.

"Hey," Mick said, as my peeing started to die down. "Let me help you with that."

Mick grabbed my arms, removing my bone from my hands and setting it aside, safely leaning it against the table. He then slid off my underwear, allowing my penis to be completely free. He proceeded to put my entire penis in his mouth, giving it some nice attention with his tongue before he would take it out and repeat the whole process again.

"... Are you sure you're okay with that?", I asked. "I did just pee myself."

"I can barely taste anything."

"If you say so..."

He continued to give me head for a little bit, until he stopped and guided me towards the couch.

"I think we can do something a little more exciting, though."


He pressed his dick against mine, showing he wanted to try frotting. I hadn't tried it myself, but it seemed exciting to try.

"I can try to make this work, but..."

"You do have a couple of inches and quite a bit of girth on me." "Yeah. I can still make this work, though."

Mick lightly held both of our dicks in his hand to keep them against each other and started rubbing his against mine.

"Oh," I said. "That feels nice."

"Yeah. Gets better from here."

He used his hand and started to rub our penises against each other a little bit side-to-side, all while continuing to rub his entire penis lengthwise against mine. All of this was blissful. I had never been touched like that before. It was nice to be able to get intimate with a man without someone's butt getting hurt. Ten out of ten; would do again.

Eventually, the two of us reached our orgasms, our collective loads landing on my chest. Thanks, gravity. You're a real bro.

"Wow... That was a big load from you," I said.

"You also had quite a bit. But I guess we should take that shower now."
